analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

UNIVERSITEIT GENT FACULTEIT ECONOMIE EN BEDRIJFSKUNDE ACADEMIEJAAR 2015 – 2016 ANALYSIS, REDESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A DIALYSIS PROCESS Masterproef voorgedragen tot het bekomen van de graad van Master of Science in de Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen: Handelsingenieur Gert De Baerdemaeker Nicolas Vanquickenborne onder leiding van Prof. dr. Frederik Gailly

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ACADEMIEJAAR 2015 – 2016



Masterproef voorgedragen tot het bekomen van de graad van

Master of Science in de Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen: Handelsingenieur

Gert De Baerdemaeker Nicolas Vanquickenborne

onder leiding van Prof. dr. Frederik Gailly

Page 2: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process
Page 3: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process



ACADEMIEJAAR 2015 – 2016



Masterproef voorgedragen tot het bekomen van de graad van

Master of Science in de Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen: Handelsingenieur

Gert De Baerdemaeker Nicolas Vanquickenborne

onder leiding van Prof. dr. Frederik Gailly

Page 4: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process
Page 5: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process



Ondergetekenden verklaren dat de inhoud van deze masterproef mag

geraadpleegd en/of gereproduceerd worden, mits bronvermelding.

Undersigned declares that the contents of this thesis may be consulted

and/or reproduced, provided acknowledgment.

Gert De Baerdemaeker

Nicolas Vanquickenborne

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Page 7: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


Nederlandse samenvatting

De kosten van de Belgische gezondheidszorg stijgen jaarlijks (Lapre,

Rutten, & Schut, 2001). Tegelijkertijd krimpt het budget (Federal department of

health, food chain safety and environment, 2015). Eenzelfde trend valt op te

merken bij de dialysecentra. Bovendien treden er ook nog andere problemen op in

dialysecentra: verpleegkundigen klagen over een ongebalanceerde werkdruk en

patiënten klagen over te lange wachttijden. Daarenboven, is er een te grote

tijdsoverlap tussen de vroege en de late werkshift van de verpleegkundigen. Dit

alles toont aan dat er binnen het dialyseproces een grote verbetering genoodzaakt


Deze masterproef behelst een casestudie, uitgevoerd op de dialyseafdeling van AZ

Sint-Jan te Brugge en heeft als doel het dialysecentrum te analyseren en

verbeteringsvoorstellen aan te brengen.

Dit onderzoek start met het uitleggen van de toegepaste methodologieën.

Deze zullen ook verder in de thesis aan bod komen.

In een tweede hoofdstuk wordt er ingegaan op de werking van de nieren en

chronische nierinsufficiëntie. Evenals wordt er kort ingegaan op de mogelijke

behandelingen bij nierfalen – waarvan hemodialyse slechts één van de opties is.

Een derde hoofdstuk geeft een literatuuroverzicht. Vooreerst wordt gezocht

naar oorzaken van stress, absenteïsme en burnout bij (dialyse)verpleegkundigen.

Een te hoge patiënt-verpleegkundige ratio, werkdruk en aantal

verantwoordelijkheden worden aangeduid als mogelijke oorzaken. Bovendien

wordt aangetoond dat burnout bij verpleegkundigen leidt tot een lagere

patiënttevredenheid. Een tweede sectie behandelt de verwachte evolutie in het

aantal dialysepatiënten. In Brugge wordt geen stijging verwacht, een uitbreiding

van de dialysedienst wordt dan ook niet verder onderzocht. Een laatste onderdeel

geeft een overzicht aan literatuur wat betreft patiëntplanning. Gezien de literatuur

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over de planning van dialysepatiënten beperkt is, wordt er vaak beroep gedaan op

literatuur over de planning van een operatiekwartier.

Hoofdstuk vier behandelt het eigenlijke modelleren van het proces. Voor

het modelleren wordt een beroep gedaan op de Business Process Modeling cyclus

(Kim, 2015). In een eerste stap worden de problemen geïdentificeerd. Op basis

daarvan worden de processen geïdentificeerd. Voor deze thesis bleken het

patiëntenvervoer van en naar het ziekenhuis en het dialyseproces relevant. Het

dialyseproces wordt in dit hoofdstuk behandelt, het patiëntenvervoer is materie

voor het vijfde hoofdstuk en valt buiten deze cyclus. Verder wordt ook een goal

model opgesteld.

De tweede stap, de process discovery, verklaart de methodes waarmee

gegevens verzameld werden. Een documentanalyse, observatie en interviews

bleken de meest geschikte methodes. Op basis daarvan werd het dialyseproces

gemodelleerd. Daarbij werd gebruik gemaakt van de Business Process Modeling

Notation (Müller & Rogge-Solti, 2011), met Signavio als ondersteunende

modelleertool. De BPMN-techniek bleek uitermate geschikt omwille van zijn hoge

graad van verstaanbaarheid en eenvoud om te modelleren.

Een derde stuk beschrijft de procesanalyse. Het kwalitatieve aspect van

deze analyse voert een toegevoegde-waarde analyse uit waaruit blijkt dat de meeste

activiteiten waarde toevoegend zijn. De overige taken kunnen bovendien maar

moeilijk aangepast of geëlimineerd worden omwille van wetgeving en hygiëne.

Een tweede techniek, de 5-Why analyse, legt het pijnpunt van het dialyseproces

bloot: patiënten van eenzelfde blok worden allen op hetzelfde tijdstip verwacht op

de dialyseafdeling. De kwantitatieve analyse berekent enkele ratio’s. Zo blijkt er

voor acht patiënten gemiddeld 7 uur en 41 minuten werk te zijn, terwijl er twee

verpleegsters elk acht uur voor voorzien zijn. De doorlooptijdefficiëntie voor

patiënten (cycle time efficiency) blijkt dan weer hoog te zijn. Dit kan verklaard

worden door de lange dialyseduur in vergelijking met de wachttijden. De efficiëntie

is ongeveer 95%. Ook de benuttingsgraad (utilization) werd berekend, zoals

gesuggereerd door Cardoen, Demeulemeester en Belin (Cardoen,

Demeulemeester, & Belin, 2010). De benuttingsgraad ligt tussen 57% en 65%,

afhankelijk van de berekeningsmethode.

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Een vierde sectie behandelt het eigenlijke herontwerp van het proces.

Hierbij wordt voornamelijk gefocust op de tijdsschema’s van de activiteiten om zo

de werkdruk beter te spreiden. Het eerste deel onderzoekt of er een relevante

onderverdeling van patiënten kan gemaakt worden. Er blijkt dat er een significant

verschil in tijdsduur is om een patiënt aan of af te sluiten naar gelang de patiënt

hulp nodig heeft om in of uit zijn bed te geraken. Dit tijdsverschil zal in verdere

modellen geïmplementeerd worden. De hypothese dat er een significant

tijdsverschil zou zijn tussen patiënten met een fistel en patiënten met een katheder,

kon niet weerhouden worden. Dit kan verklaard worden door een definiëring van

de aansluit- en afsluitactiviteiten. De aan- en afsluiting is immers inclusief de tijd

om een patiënt in of uit een bed te krijgen. Gezien er relatief gezien meer

kathederpatiënten hulp nodig hebben dan fistelpatiënten, wordt de tijdswinst van

een katheder – voor een katheder moet niet geprikt worden – tenietgedaan. Daarna

wordt een eerste optimalisatiemodel opgesteld. Hierbij worden drie activiteiten

voor elke patiënt gepland: de aansluiting, de afsluiting en het totaal aan activiteiten

tussen beide activiteiten. Twee technieken worden daarbij afgewogen ten opzichte

van elkaar. De eerste bestaat uit het minimaliseren van de som van de verschillen

tussen de werkdruk in een tijdsslot en de gemiddelde werkdruk over alle tijdssloten.

De tweede techniek focust op het minimaliseren van de hoogste werkdruk over alle

tijdssloten. Beide technieken resulteren in een gefaseerde aansluiting van patiënten.

Aangezien er gewerkt werd met tijdssloten van tien minuten, werd evenwel nog

geen onderscheid gemaakt tussen beide types van patiënten. De tweede techniek

had de meest toereikende resultaten en werd verder gebruikt voor het optimaliseren

van de aansluitingssessie. Hierbij werd wel een onderscheid gemaakt tussen

patiënten die zelfstandig in en uit bed geraken en zij die dat niet kunnen; er werden

tijdssloten van twee minuten gebruikt. Daarnaast werd er ook met buffers gewerkt.

Mocht een tijdsschema opgesteld worden op basis van gemiddelden, is de kans

groot dat patiënten alsnog moeten wachten, wat de werkdruk voor

verpleegkundigen verhoogt. Daarom werd de duurtijd van elke activiteit vergroot

met een tijdsbuffer gebaseerd op een servicelevel van 90%. Hieruit volgt dat

zelfstandige patiënten eerst gepland worden, met tijdsintervallen van 8 minuten.

Aansluitend volgen de patiënten die hulp nodig hebben, met tijdsintervallen van 14

minuten. Op basis van deze bevindingen werd een dagschema opgesteld waarbij

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bijgevolg de afsluitmomenten eveneens sequentieel gepland worden. Gezien de

werkdruk nu beter gespreid is, wordt de tijdsoverlap tussen de vroege werkshift en

de late werkshift als overbodig beschouwd. Het valt aan te raden om de tijdsoverlap

te beperken tot een minimum door het bestaande werkregime aan te passen.

In een vijfde hoofdstuk werd gekeken naar een optimalisatie binnen de

transportdiensten voor de patiënten. Momenteel is er geen duidelijke regelgeving

voor het organiseren van transport. Omwille van deze inefficiëntie is het verdelen

van patiënten per taxi dan ook moeilijk: ofwel rijdt een patiënt afzonderlijk in een

taxi, ofwel rijden patiënten samen zonder dat dit optimaal is. Concreet werd in dit

hoofdstuk eerst theoretisch gekeken naar het ‘Vehicle Routing Problem’, een

welgekend optimalisatieprobleem binnen de logistiek. Dit model laat toe de

goedkoopste route te vinden, waarbij iedere patiënt wordt getransporteerd naar het

ziekenhuis. Hier kunnen bepaalde restricties aan toegevoegd worden. De meest

markante restrictie voor dit transportprobleem, was het invoeren van

tijdsintervallen voor het ophalen van patiënten. Deze tijdsintervallen dienen een

menselijke component toe te voegen aan de optimalisatie. Indien ritten gedeeld

worden, dalen de kosten maar tegelijk stijgen voor sommige patiënten ook de

reistijden. Het invoeren van tijdsintervallen binnen het ‘Vehicle Routing Problem’

biedt hiervoor een oplossing door een limiet te zetten op deze extra reistijd. De

finale verbetering omtrent de verdeling van patiënten over verschillende

taxidiensten, werd getoetst op basis van vier criteria: het aantal voertuigen, de totale

reistijd, de totale extra reistijd voor patiënten en de totale gereden afstand. Wanneer

het nieuw model vergeleken werd met het oude schema, werd aangetoond dat drie

van deze vier criteria sterk verbeteren. Enkel de totale extra reistijd voor patiënten

stijgt, weliswaar binnen een gekozen limiet.

In een voorlaatste hoofdstuk werd gekeken naar mogelijk verder onderzoek

binnen deze unieke studie. Vooral een aanzet naar betere werkuren voor de

verpleegkundigen bleek interessant.

Hoofdstuk zeven is een algemene conclusie en sluit deze masterproef af.

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A master thesis is a piece of research which mostly requires lots of work, but often

it is only read by a minority of people. With the choice for an actual subject based

on a real case, we hope that several people will consider this thesis as fascinating

as we do. We are convinced this thesis could help several managers and doctors,

operative at dialysis centers, to critically analyze and eventually redesign their

dialysis center.

Before we report about this research, we would like to acknowledge some people

for their collaboration and advice. First, our promotor, Prof. dr. Frederik Gailly, has

to be acknowledged. He was always prepared to help and give advice, from the

choice of the subject until the writing of our thesis. After writing this dissertation,

we can look back on a satisfying collaboration.

We would also like to thank dr. An De Vriese. She gave us the opportunity to

analyze the hemodialysis department of AZ Sint-Jan in Bruges and offered useful

documents. Moreover, she also provided us with helpful advice. By extension, we

should also give credits to the personnel and patients of the dialysis center. They

were always open to our questions and were keen to help us during our many

observation sessions.

Moreover, we are thankful to everyone who provided us literature, advice and

answered our e-mails.

At last, we would also like to thank our family and friends. They always supported

us, even on the moments when it was difficult.

Gert De Baerdemaeker

Nicolas Vanquickenborne

Ghent, May, 2016

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Table of Content










2.1. Kidneyfunctioning.....................................................................................7

2.2. ChronicRenalFailure.................................................................................8

2.3. Treatmentpossibilities..............................................................................8

2.3.1. Peritonealdialysis................................................................................8

2.3.2. Hemodialysis.......................................................................................9

2.3.3. Transplantation...................................................................................9


3.1. Stress,absenteeismandburnoutatnurses...............................................11

3.2. Dialysispatients’evolutions.....................................................................12

3.3. Schedulingandoptimizationapproaches..................................................13

3.3.1. Schedulingwithoutuncertainty........................................................13

3.3.2. Schedulingwithuncertainty..............................................................14

3.4. VehicleRoutingProblem...........................................................................18

3.4.1. Differentclasses................................................................................18

3.4.2. Solutionmethods..............................................................................19

3.5. Conclusion................................................................................................21


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4.1. Processidentification................................................................................24

4.1.1. Valuechain........................................................................................25

4.1.2. Goalmodeling...................................................................................26

4.2. Processdiscovery......................................................................................27

4.2.1. Definitionofthesetting....................................................................27

4.2.2. Datacollection...................................................................................28 Evidence-baseddiscovery........................................................... Deductedinformation.................................................................29

4.2.3. Creationoftheprocessmodel..........................................................31 Mainprocess...............................................................................324.2.3.2. Subprocessconnection................................................................344.2.3.3. Subprocessdisinfectioncatheter................................................354.2.3.4. Subprocessdisconnection...........................................................354.2.3.5. EvaluationoftheBPMNtechnique.............................................36

4.2.4. Modelquality....................................................................................36

4.3. Processanalysis........................................................................................37

4.3.1. Qualitativeanalysis...........................................................................37 Valueaddedanalysis...................................................................374.3.1.2. Rootcauseanalysis......................................................................40

4.3.2. Quantitativeanalysis.........................................................................40 Performancedimensions.............................................................404.3.2.2. Utilization....................................................................................44

4.4. Processredesign.......................................................................................45

4.4.1. Durationofconnectionanddisconnectionactivity...........................46 Durationdifferencebetweencatheterandfistulapatients........474.4.1.2. Durationdifferencebetweendependentandindependent

patients …………………………………………………………………………………………………494.4.1.3. Conclusion...................................................................................514.4.1.4. Durationdifferencebetweenmorningandafternoonpatients..51

4.4.2. Optimizationmodel:optimizeworkloadlevelduringdialysis..........52 Assumptionsintheoptimizationmodel......................................524.4.2.2. Optimizationmodel.....................................................................554.4.2.3. Adaptedoptimizationmodel.......................................................614.4.2.4. Comparisonofbothtechniques..................................................63

4.4.3. Optimizationmodel:optimizeworkloadlevelduringconnection


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xi Experimentation..........................................................................654.4.3.2. Optimizationmodelincludingtimebuffers.................................67

4.4.4. Dayschedule.....................................................................................69 Composingdayschedule.............................................................694.4.4.2. Evaluationofdayschedule..........................................................71

4.4.5. Nursescheduling...............................................................................71

4.4.6. Redesignofindividualactivities........................................................72

4.5. Conclusion................................................................................................74


5.1. Motivation................................................................................................78

5.1.1. Transportationandlogistics..............................................................79

5.1.2. Passengertransportation..................................................................80

5.1.3. Externalcosts....................................................................................81

5.2. ClassesofVehicleRoutingProblems.........................................................81

5.2.1. TravelingSalesmanProblem.............................................................82 Problemformulation...................................................................825.2.1.2. Mathematicalformulation..........................................................83

5.2.2. MultipleTravelingSalesmanProblem...............................................865.2.2.1. Problemformulation...................................................................865.2.2.2. Mathematicalformulation..........................................................86

5.2.3. CapacitatedVehicleRoutingProblem...............................................88 Problemformulation...................................................................885.2.3.2. Mathematicalformulation..........................................................88

5.2.4. VariantsoftheVehicleRoutingProblem..........................................90

5.3. ComputationalComplexity.......................................................................93

5.4. Heuristicsolutionmethods.......................................................................94

5.4.1. Routeconstructionheuristics............................................................94

5.4.2. Routeimprovementheuristics..........................................................96

5.4.3. Metaheuristics...................................................................................97

5.5. PracticaltooltosolveVRPs.......................................................................98

5.5.1. VisualBasicforApplications..............................................................99

5.5.2. GeographicInformationSystem........................................................99

5.5.3. Heuristicalgorithm..........................................................................101 LargeNeighborhoodSearch......................................................1015.5.3.2. AdaptiveLargeNeighborhoodSearch.......................................102

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xii ImplementationoftheALNSheuristic......................................1035.6. VRPatthedialysiscenter........................................................................105

5.6.1. Currentstate...................................................................................105

5.6.2. Solutionapproach...........................................................................106 Timewindowsforpatients........................................................1075.6.2.2. VRPTool....................................................................................107

5.6.3. Results.............................................................................................108

5.7. Conclusion..............................................................................................110













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List of figures
























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List of tables










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We provide the reader with an overview of the abbreviations which will be

used throughout this thesis. Given in an alphabetical order:

ALNS Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search AV Arteriovenous Fistula BPM Business Process Management BPMN Business Process Management Notation BVA Business Value Adding CRF Chronic Renal Failure CVRP Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem CVRPS Commercial Vehicle Routing Problem System DFJ Dantzig-Fulkerson-Johnson formulation DMAIC Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and

Control FTL Full Truckload GPGP Generalized Partial Global Planning HD Hemodialysis HRQoL Health-Related Quality of Life LNS Large Neighborhood Search LTL Less than Truckload m-TSP multiple Traveling Salesman Problem MDVRP Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem MILP Mixed Integer Linear Programming MTZ Miller-Tucker-Zemlin formulation NBVN Nederlandstalige Belgische Vereniging voor

Nefrologie NVA Non-Value Adding OVRP Open Vehicle Routing Problem VA Value Adding

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VLSN Very Large Scale Neighborhood search VRP Vehicle Routing Problem VRPTW Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows PD Peritoneal Dialysis RTL Reformulation-Linearization Technique SEC Sub-tour Elimination Constraint SDVRP Site Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem TSP Traveling Salesman Problem VBA Visual Basic for Applications

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Background and problem: The health care faces big challenges in Belgium. Costs increase

while the budget is decreasing. This leads to the need to eliminate inefficiencies. The dialysis

center of AZ Sint-Jan in Bruges does not escape this trend. Nurses are complaining about an

unbalanced workload, patients about too long waiting times and inefficiencies are observed

concerning the personnel roster and transportation.

Design: A case study on the hemodialysis department of AZ Sint-Jan Bruges.

Methods: Two processes are studied: the dialysis process and the transportation of patients to

and from the hospital and back to their dwellings. The dialysis process will be analyzed based

on the principles of the BPM lifecycle. To redesign the process, a mixed integer linear

programming model will be built. The transportation services will be optimized using the

Vehicle Routing Problem with Time windows, a commonly used model in transportation and

logistics. The transportation issue is not included in the full BPM lifecycle.

Results and conclusion: The main problems of the dialysis process were observed at the

connection and the disconnection activity. Patients arrived at the same moment which led to a

summit in workload. Via the MILP model there was demonstrated that planning patients

sequentially balanced the workload. Therefore, waiting times could also be reduced. Because

nurses work according to a two-shift system and the dialysis center is only operative for 12

hours per day, there is a big time overlap in the shifts of nurses. There is recommended to

change the shift system in order to improve efficiency ratios. Additionally, for the

transportation services no clear methods existed to assign patients to share rides and reduce

costs. By finding a balance in the optimization approach between the cheapest route and the

extra driving duration imposed by sharing rides, clear business rules were set up. Implementing

these new business rules reduced the number of taxis, the total duration and the total distance.

The extra driving times imposed by the detour for picking up other patients only had a limited

increase, since a method was used that ensured a maximum on this extra time per patient.

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Chapter 0


Hemodialysis is an expensive treatment. Cleemput, Beguin, Gerkens,

Jadoul and Verpooten calculated the average yearly cost of hospital hemodialysis

and concluded that it amounts €48.000 (Cleemput, Beguin, Gerkens, Jadoul, &

Verpooten, 2010). This corresponds to a cost of €313 per dialysis session.

Moreover, the number of hemodialysis patients has increased over the last years.

In 1997, there were 1.987 patients. In 2013, this number grew up to 4.085. This

corresponds to a growth of 106%. It is needless to say that this comes with a large

cost (NBVN, 2012).

The Belgian government has to economize. In 2016, the federal department

of health, food chain safety and environment plans €408,3 millions of savings in

the health care domain (Federal department of health, food chain safety and

environment, 2015). In order to keep the Belgian health care system payable, it will

be necessary to allocate resources optimally and organize health care units

efficiently (Lapre, Rutten, & Schut, 2001).

Blindly increasing nurses’ workload will not be an option. As Karkar,

Dammang and Bouhaha state, an increased workload can lead to stress, burnout

and exhaustion (Karkar, Dammang, & Bouhaha, 2015). After observing the

dialysis center of AZ Sint-Jan in Bruges, there can be analyzed that there was a

level of absenteeism of 5.13% in 2013. Between 2011 and 2013, the absenteeism

increased by 25% (De Vriese, 2015). Hence, the research of Karkar, Dammang and

Bouhaha gets confirmed in the dialysis center at Bruges.

In addition, Horn, Buerhaus, Bergstrom and Smout have shown that

patients’ conditions improve when dialysis nurses spend more time on direct

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patient care (Horn, Buerhaus, Bergstrom, & Smout, 2005). Atkins, Marshall and

Rajshekhar describe that employee dissatisfaction can have a negative effect on

patient loyalty and thus, hospitals’ earnings (Atkins, Marshall, & Rajshekhar,

1996). Thus, increasing the workload for nurses without taking other actions,

surely is not an option.

This dissertation focuses on the dialysis center of AZ Sint-Jan in Bruges-

Ostend. Several issues in this dialysis center were observed. First, nurses were

complaining about the workload when patients have to be connected and

disconnected. Moreover, patients had complaints about long waiting times between

the arrival at the hospital and the actual connection, but also between the

disconnection and leaving the hospital. Moreover, inefficiencies concerning nurse

staffing are present. There is big time overlap between the working hours of the

nurses of the early shift and the nurses of the late shift. Therefore, two processes

will be analyzed and redesigned: the hemodialysis process and the transportation

of patients. During the redesign of the hemodialysis process, there will be tried to

offer an answer to the present issues. There will be focused on efficiency, patient

satisfaction and nurse satisfaction. For the optimization of the transportation of

patients, financial criteria are compared with total traveling times.

This study will be organized as follows. In chapter 1, the methodology will

be elaborated. There is tried to give an overview of the techniques used to analyze

and redesign the dialysis center. In chapter 2, background information is given

about kidneys, chronic renal failure and treatment alternatives. Chapter 3 gives an

overview of the existing literature. Literature about stress, absenteeism, burnout,

patient evolutions, patient scheduling and transportation optimization will be

described. Chapter 4 constitutes the modeling of the dialysis process. In this

chapter, the process will be analyzed and optimized. Continuously, the

optimization of the current transportation services is described in chapter 5.

Chapter 6 describes recommendations for future research. In chapter 7, general

conclusions are elaborated.

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Chapter 1


This chapter provides an overview of the methodology used to try to

construct an answer for the research question. The research question is stated as

following: “How can patients’ arrival times, transportation services, personnel

staffing and the process itself best be scheduled in a dialysis process in order to

reduce nurses’ stress and be more cost-efficient?”. Our methodology is based on

a case study at AZ Sint-Jan Bruges-Ostend.

In order to solve this problem and to comprehend it fully, it is essential to

pore over the dialysis process as a whole. First, several interviews with dr. An De

Vriese – head of the dialysis department of AZ Sint-Jan in Bruges – were

conducted. The aim of these interviews was to understand the expectations of the

dialysis center about this master dissertation, the main characteristics and the most

important constraints. After this, observation sessions were initialized at the

dialysis center. During the first two observations, the intention was to understand

the process and the different activities which make up the entire process. In later

observation sessions, the duration of the activities was timed. These observations

were combined with ad hoc questions for the nurses and patients and the

information found on the website of the dialysis center.

To ensure that this dissertation is general and not only specific to the

dialysis center in Bruges as well as to ensure that all relevant constraints are

included, an additional interview was conducted with nephrologist dr. Chris

Luyckx of the dialysis center of AZ Alma in Eeklo.

On top of the observations and interviews, several documents were

collected to get a better understanding of the details of the process.

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In order to understand the process and to discover its underlying problems,

a literature research was undertaken. To find appropriate articles, the widely-

known search engine ‘Google Scholar’ was used most of the time. Google Scholar

is an online and free-to-use search engine, which is recommended by Jascó as well

as Brophy and Bawden (Jacsó, 2005; Brophy & Bawden, 2005). To collect

information about the process, the search terms ‘dialysis process’, ‘dialysis process

issues’ and ‘dialysis process problems’ were used. The word ‘dialysis’ was

sometimes replaced by ‘renal’. In a succeeding stadium of the literature study, there

was also sought for ‘dialysis services’, ‘dialysis plan’ and ‘dialysis capacity’.

Again, ‘renal’ was used as an alternative for ‘dialysis’.

In a following stage, the expected patient evolution was investigated. A

change in the number of patients would have implications on the needed capacity

of the dialysis center. The evolution in the number of patients was estimated by

asking specifically for it during the interviews with the nephrologists and by

consulting the annual reports of the NBVN, which is a Dutch abbreviation and

stands for “Nederlandstalige Belgische Vereniging voor Nefrologie”.

Additionally, data was collected about patient scheduling. No specific

literature was found using search terms covering patient scheduling in dialysis

centers. For this reason, these search terms were slightly adapted. Alternatively,

there was searched for ‘scheduling in health care’, ‘patient scheduling’, ‘resource

allocation patient scheduling’ and ‘appointment scheduling health care’.

To get more information about uncertainty in patient scheduling, there was

also searched for ‘dynamic patient scheduling’ and ‘dynamic scheduling health


By reading more about these topics, there was found that intensive research

was performed about operation room planning. Although there are distinct

differences between operating room planning and dialysis unit planning, literature

about this topic was considered as value adding.

To learn more about the link between patient scheduling and the impact on

a patient’s quality of life, there was searched for academic literature about this topic

too. Moreover, there was searched for the impact of the duration of transportation.

The search terms ‘transportation quality of life hemodialysis patients’ and ‘patient

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scheduling impact quality of life’ were used to find the appropriate academic

articles. There was also looked for research about the impact of nurse schedules on

their quality of life with the search terms ‘nurse staffing impact life’, ‘stress nurses’

and ‘burnout nurses’.

To analyze and redesign the process, the Business Process Management

Lifecycle was applied. To be able to confirm that this method was appropriate for

the specific problems of the hemodialysis center, academic articles were examined

to ensure that the choice for the BPM lifecycle method was justified.

During the redesign phase of the BPM Lifecycle, a model was built to

reschedule patients. To be able to build this model, there was made use of the theory

about Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP).

To achieve a better understanding of the transportation problem, present at

the dialysis center, observations were performed on patients using transportation

services arriving at and leaving from the hospital. Afterwards, the literature was

reviewed using the search terms ‘optimizing transportation’, ‘shared rides’ and

‘patient transportation’. Several of these papers referred to a mathematical

optimization problem concerning transportation optimization: the Vehicle Routing

Problem (VRP). Hence, search terms related to various models of this problem

were used: ‘classes of VRP’, ‘CVRP’, ‘VRPTW’ etc. Also, search terms related to

methods for solving a Vehicle Routing Problem were used. These resulted in search

terms such as ‘exact solution methods for VRP’, ‘heuristics for VRP’ and ‘tools for

solving VRP’.

During the VRPs forthcoming optimization exercise, a heuristic method

was found in the literature that was best capable of solving the case-specific

problem. The method used was called the Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search.

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Chapter 2

Functioning of kidneys, chronic renal failure and treatment possibilities

This chapter gives a brief introduction on kidney functions and renal

diseases. It is present in this thesis to get a better understanding of the importance

of the discussed dialysis process in the next chapters. All of the information is taken

from the official site from AZ Sint-Jan concerning nephrology (AZ Sin-Jan, sd).

Hence, no further literature reference is put in this chapter.

While section 2.1 deals with the kidney’s functions, section 2.2 deals with

the kidney’s failures. Finally, treatment options are listed for these renal failures in

section 2.3.

2.1. Kidney functioning

Under normal circumstances, people are born with two kidneys. These are

located at the backside of the abdominal cavity. Well-functioning kidneys play an

important role in the metabolism of the human body. They are responsible for four

functions. First of all, they manage the amount of water in the body. Kidneys

balance the amount of water by dissipating excessive liquid via urine. Second,

kidneys remove wastes. They purify blood of by-products of the metabolism. These

wastes are removed together with the urine. The third function of the kidneys is

managing the composition of the blood. The amount of sodium and other

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electrolytes (i.e. potassium, phosphorus) plus the acidity degree are managed by

the kidneys. At last, kidneys are also responsible for the production of certain

hormones. The three main hormones produced are renine, erythropoëtine and

vitamin D. Renine manages the blood pressure. Erythropoëtine stimulates the

production of red blood cells in the bone marrow. The insertion of calcium is

arranged by vitamin D.

2.2. Chronic Renal Failure

Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) is classified as a disease where the kidneys

are not functioning as they should for a certain period of time. Renal failure can

evolve over time where the condition deteriorates slightly, but it can also pop up

immediately. The most frequent causes of CRF are diabetes, high blood pressure,

inflammation of the urinary tract and hereditary kidney diseases. When the kidneys

are functioning less than 15% compared to healthy kidneys, the renal failure is life-

threatening. Then, it is necessary to start a treatment. There are two groups of

treatment possibilities: peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis.

2.3. Treatment possibilities

2.3.1. Peritoneal dialysis Peritoneal dialysis (PD) makes use of a natural membrane, called the

peritoneum, and functions as a filter. The PD catheter, makes sure that the dialysis

liquid flows into the celiac. The dialysis fluid bags can be connected to the catheter.

The dialysis takes place when the liquid is flown in the celiac. Excessive and waste

liquids of the blood go through the peritoneum to the dialysis fluid. This liquid is

removed out of the celiac and new dialysate goes in. There are two different kinds

of PD: continual ambulant peritoneal dialysis and automatic peritoneal dialysis.

The first one is done manually during the day, while the second one is performed

by a machine during the night.

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2.3.2. Hemodialysis Hemodialysis (HD) implicates that an artificial kidney removes waste and

excessive fluids. Blood is pumped through a filter where there is contact with the

dialysate. At this way the waste fluids are filtered and removed from the blood.

Then, the purified blood is transferred to the body again. The blood transportation

through the body can take place via an arteriovenous fistula or a catheter.

A fistula is placed on the forearm and links the vein with the artery. During

dialysis two needles are placed in the fistula. One is used to transfer blood to the

artificial kidney, the other brings the purified blood into the bloodstream again.

If an AV fistula is not possible or not yet ready to use, a catheter is used. A

catheter is a hollow tube which is connected to a main vein in the neck and chest

area. During the dialysis, the blood streams are linked to the catheter. A catheter is

a direct connection with the blood streams. This means that this area is vulnerable

to infections. Therefore, a fistula is preferred over a catheter.

2.3.3. Transplantation Some patients are eligible for a kidney transplantation. Because a

transplantation is not without risks, not everyone will be accepted as a possible

acceptor. Once accepted, the patient is placed on a long waiting list. A feasible

kidney can come from a recently died or from a living person. As long as there is

no kidney to transplant, a patient will be treated by peritoneal- or hemodialysis.

The analysis of this thesis is about the hemodialysis department located at AZ Sint-

Jan in Bruges. In the remaining text the terms hemodialysis and dialysis will be


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Chapter 3 Literature review

Chapter three contains an overview of the literature used in formulating an

answer to our research question. The review was split into four main parts. First,

section 3.1 analyses the literature concerning nurses’ stress, absenteeism and

burnout. Following this, section 3.2 highlights the literature around the trend in the

number of dialysis patients. In section 3.3, the focus lays on literature around the

scheduling and optimization approaches. Finally, in section 3.4, distinct literature

about the Vehicle Routing Problem is searched. In addition, literature of solving

these problems is given.

3.1. Stress, absenteeism and burnout at nurses

As analyzed by Karkar, Dammang and Bouhaha a lot of nurses are subject

to moderate levels of stress (Karkar, Dammang, & Bouhaha, 2015). This stress is

mainly caused by work overload with extra responsibilities, excess number of

patients, sicker and older patients and the timing and duration of their working

hours. Nurses working at a hemodialysis department cope with additional types of

stress. The most important stressor is the intensity during initiation and termination,

but urgent interventions in case of life-threatening situations and verbally and

physically abusive patients can cause stress as well.

According to the research of Argentero, Dell’Olivo and Ferretti, burnouts

are characterized by three main feelings: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization

and reduced personal accomplishment (Argentero, Dell'Olivo, & Ferretti, 2008).

Because of the fact that patients have a strong emotional relationship with their

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nurses, the emotional condition of nurses has an impact on patient satisfaction.

Argentero, Dell’Olivo and Ferretti also found that burnouts with nurses lead to less

satisfied patients.

Absenteeism and burnouts are serious problems at hemodialysis centers.

Numerous articles have researched the reason behind this. A main finding was that

a higher patient-nurse ratio, led to a higher possibility of burnout (Wolfe, 2011).

Moreover, the risk of infections with hepatitis C would raise (Saxena & Panhotra,

2003). Also, nurses were less attentive towards hand hygiene and made more

medication errors. On the other hand, Flynn found that other factors, like workload,

a non-supporting environment and the number of care tasks which cannot be

finished, are more important factors than the patient-to-RN ratio (RN is an

abbreviation for Registered Nurse) (Flynn, Thomas-Hawkins, & Clarke, 2009).

Nevertheless, it seems unwise to increase the patient-nurse ratio.

Analysis of the absenteeism at AZ Sint-Jan shows that the total absenteeism

is higher than the average of the hospital (5,13% vs. 4,78%). Especially, the short

and medium term absenteeism is higher than average (De Vriese, 2015). This

reinforces the necessity to spread the workload.

3.2. Dialysis patients’ evolutions

There is expected that the number of dialysis patients will remain stable the

next years. The fact that the number of patients in Bruges will stabilize can be

concluded from interviews with dr. De Vriese of AZ Sint-Jan. Moreover, also on

Flanders’ level the number of high-care hemodialysis patients remains the same.

As can be seen out of the data of NBVN, the number of dialysis patients has

remarkably increased starting from 2000 (NBVN, 2012). The reason behind this

can be found in the fact that before 2000, physicians did not start a renal treatment

for patients older than 80 years. After 2000, this opinion changed and it led to an

increase in patients. This growth is now again flattened out (Luyckx, 2015).

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3.3. Scheduling and optimization approaches

3.3.1. Scheduling without uncertainty Holland describes the activities that must take place before the dialysis

session can start (Holland, 1994). He also stated that hemodialysis is unique

because the patients are repeaters who go to the hemodialysis center three times

per week and the length of the treatment is – in most cases – the same. These

characteristics have as a consequence that dialysis can be planned well. He

analyzed that in most centers, patients of the same batch arrive all at the same

moment. There are a couple of downsides of this system. It leads to an

underutilization of dialyzers, patients queuing and limited appointment choices for

new patients. Holland recommends to schedule patients to arrive at 15-minute

time-intervals. This leads to reduced waiting time for patients. If fewer patients

arrive at once, waiting automatically reduces. Moreover, dialysis machines have a

higher utilization degree and the operating hours have been reduced.

Vanholder, Veys, Van Biesen and Lameire link hemodialysis with

peritoneal dialysis (Vanholder, Veys, Van Biesen, & Lameire, 2002). They suggest

that hemodialysis sessions would perform better (i.e. better urea clearance, lower

mortality, lower blood pressure…) if hemodialysis would be scheduled daily or by

prolonging sessions to eight hours.

There is not much specific literature available about patient scheduling in

hemodialysis centers. Nevertheless, there is an extensive literature review about

patient scheduling in general. Cayirli and Veral state that the literature can be

classified into two categories (Cayirli & Veral, 2003). First, the appointment

system is considered static. Here, all decisions are made in advance because there

is no uncertainty. This model is most frequently used. On the other side, the system

can be seen dynamic. In this case, the schedule is revised continuously during the

day. The simplest case is when all patients arrive on time, only one doctor is present

and stochastic processing times are used. The model becomes more complicated

by increasing the number of services, doctors and appointments per clinic session.

It also becomes more complex by the uncertainty of the arrival processes, service

time distributions, queue disciplines and a lateness and interruption level of doctors

are taken into account. Cayirli and Veral also analyze several performance

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measures. They classify four measures: cost-based, time-based, congestion and

fairness measures. Furthermore, they also elaborate on the appointment rules,

patient classifications and adjustments made to reduce the negative consequences

of walk-ins, no-shows and emergency patients. Patient classifications are used for

two purposes. First, they can sequence patients at the time of booking. Second, they

adapt the intervals of appointment because every patient class has different service

time characteristics.

A literature review was given by Cardoen, Demeulemeester and Beliën

regarding operation room planning and scheduling (Cardoen, Demeulemeester, &

Belin, 2010). They classify patients in two main classes: elective and non-elective

patients. Appointments for elective patients can be planned well in advance. Non-

elective patients are unexpected and need to be helped urgently. Elective patients

can be further classified as inpatients and outpatients. They also specify several

performance criteria, i.e. waiting time, throughput, utilization, leveling…

Gupta and Denton stress that the appointment scheduling problems can be

modeled as cost or penalty minimization problems or profit maximization

problems (Gupta & Denton, 2008). Often, fixed time slots are used to schedule

patients. Every patient is assigned to one or more of these slots, based on his

complaints. Further, Gupta and Denton recommend that there should be a patient-

specific resource allocation: patient specific information should be used to improve

decisions concerning resource allocation. At last, they also propose to take patient

preferences into account.

3.3.2. Scheduling with uncertainty Zhang et al. as well as Lamiri et al. both describe uncertainty in operation

room planning (Lamiri, Xie, Dolgui, & Grimaud, 2008; Zhang, Murali, Dessouky,

Belson, & Epstein, 2009). Zhang et al. use a mixed integer programming model to

allocate operating room capacity to specialties. The model is optimized for

patients’ length of stay. Also some of the randomness of the processes (i.e. surgery

time, arrival time, demand and no-shows) is taken into account. They also make

the distinction between emergency and non-emergency patients. Lamiri et al. made

a stochastic mixed integer programming model where they also classify patients

into an emergency and non-emergency group. They used Monte Carlo simulations

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to optimize the model. The solutions generated by the Monte Carlo simulation were

compared with the results of a deterministic method. Their simulations performed


Scheduling problems were also analyzed in other sectors, such as

manufacturing. Li and Ierapetritou made a literature review of process scheduling

under uncertainty (Li & Ierapetritou, 2008). They group uncertainty in four

categories: model-inherent uncertainty, process-inherent uncertainty, external

uncertainty and discrete uncertainty. Concerning uncertainty, there are three

methods described: bounded form, probability description and fuzzy description.

In scheduling, Li and Ierapetritou make distinction between reactive scheduling,

stochastic scheduling and robust optimization scheduling. A robust optimization

method focuses on building a preventive schedule to minimize consequences of

disruption. It tries to ensure that the predictive and realized model do not differ

much, while maintaining a high level of performance. An optimization is called

solution robust if it remains close to the optimum in all scenarios. It is model robust

if it remains feasible for most scenarios. The most important advantage of robust

scheduling over stochastic programming is that there is no probability distribution

of the underlying data assumed.

Balasubramanian and Grossman present a non-probabilistic approach to

optimize under uncertainty (Balasubramanian & Grossman, 2002). Their model is

based on the fuzzy set theory and interval arithmetic. They applied their approach

to a flow shop scheduling problem and a new product development scheduling

problem. The approach of Balasubramanian and Grossman consisted of three steps.

They first evaluated the schedule under uncertainty. This is followed by a

generalization of expressions for calculating the start-and end-times for tasks of a

certain schedule. At last, they optimize. Using a fuzzy set allows one to model

uncertainty without historical data. Moreover, it also reduces computation time to

solve the optimization problem.

Simulation-based methods have been widely used in patient scheduling and

evaluating appointments policies and uncertainties. Olugata, Cetik, Koyuncu and

Koyuncu developed an approach to schedule patients in a radiation oncology

department to minimize delays in treatments and maintain efficient use of capacity

(Ogulata, Cetik, Koyuncu, & Koyuncu, 2009). They advise to use the slack

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capacity approach to schedule patients. According to this approach some patient

capacity is reserved as slack capacity. The dynamic discrete-event simulation was

analyzed as the most appropriate. Olugata, Cetik and Koyuncu found that treatment

delays are completely determined by the slack capacity, in case of high patient

frequency. In systems with low patient frequency, the main factor is the maximum

waiting time. Further, they analyzed that normal capacity usage ratio is highly

determined by the patient arriving frequency. At last, they stated that a slack

capacity higher than required causes inefficiency concerning total capacity.

An adaptive approach to automatic optimization of resource calendars was

made by Vermeulen et al. (Vermeulen, et al., 2009). They divide patients into

different groups based on departments, inpatients or outpatients, priority or

urgency and medical constraints. Their resource calendar consists of time slots of

varying sizes. Each patient group has its own reserved time slots. Nevertheless, if

a time slot is not used, it could be made available for other groups. Furthermore,

they stated that there are three different timeframes to be dynamic. First, there is

the long term view based on long-term expectations, which is a timeframe of

months. Second, medium term adjustments can be made weekly. These are made

for known future events. At last, day-to-day changes can be made. This is the short

term view. To evaluate the performance of their model, they calculated service

level as the percentage of patients who were scheduled on time. All patient groups

were given equal weights.

There exists extensive literature about agent-based scheduling. Mageshwari

and Kanaga elaborated on a review of this literature (Mageshwari & Kanaga,

2012). They briefly discuss wave scheduling. Three challenges are found between

inter-departmental coordination activities, which impacts patient workflow:

ineffectiveness of current information and communication technologies, lack of

common ground and breakdowns in information flow. They categorize patient

scheduling techniques as dynamic, distributed or coordinated scheduling. Dynamic

scheduling takes the dynamic changes of the hospital into account, i.e. patients may

come late, unavailable resources and equipment that needs repair. Patient

scheduling is called distributed when preferences on resources and patients are

inherently distributed and the model takes this into account. Third, a model is

coordinated to reduce the response time of the system in a distributed environment.

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The dynamic patient scheduling is described by Paulussen et al. (Paulussen,

et al., 2004). They suggest a multi-agent system MedPage in which autonomous

agents represent patients and hospital resources. Via the market coordination

system of MedPaCo, patient agents negotiate on hospital resources which are

scarce. These negotiations are based on patients’ individual heath dependent cost

functions to minimize the stay time of the patients, which is equivalent to an overall

minimization of suffering for the patients. Delays are seen as risk by patient agents.

Paulussen, Jennings, Decker and Heinzl. also describe the distributed

patient scheduling (Paulussen, Jennings, Decker, & Heinzl, 2003). This model

focuses on the distributed organization structure of hospitals, with several

autonomous wards and ancillary units. Each unit has its own local view. They

propose a multi-agent based approach where patients and resources are

autonomous agents with their own goals, reflecting the decentralized structure of

the hospital. Again, a market mechanism is elaborated, in which each agent tries to

optimize their own situation via negotiations. The preferences should be based on

medical preferences. Not only the current health state of the patient is important

but also his health state development.

Decker and Jinjiang proposed a multi-agent solution (Decker & Jinjiang,

1998). To solve the patient scheduling problem, they made use of the Generalized

Partial Global Planning (GPGP) which is a task environment centered approach

to coordination. With this approach each agent constructs its own local view of the

structure and relationships of its tasks. Then, this view is extended with information

from other agents. The GPGP uses certain coordination mechanisms to construct

these partial views and to recognize and respond to certain task structure

relationships by committing to other agents. These commitments result in a more

coherent behavior. Their patient scheduling is based on finding priority functions

for agents, so the finish time of the whole task can be minimized. Therefore, the

coordinated relationships with the task and the start time of that task need both to

be considered. At this way, a task that facilitates many other tasks will have a higher


In manufacturing settings, the earliness-tardiness problem which a

particular job could experience, has been considered through job flow-shop models.

Ronconi and Birgin examine the flow-shop scheduling problem with no storage

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constraints and with blocking in-process, which does not have any buffers between

consecutive machines (Ronconi & Birgin, 2012). They developed several mixed

integer programming models to minimize the sum of earliness and tardiness of the

jobs. CPLEX was used to solve the problem to optimality. Hooker combined mixed

integer linear programming and constraint programming in order to minimize

tardiness (Hooker, 2005). Tasks are assigned to facilities using MILP and

scheduled using constraint programming. These two are linked using Benders’

decomposition in a hybrid model. The hybrid model outperformed the individual

results of MILP and constraint programming, concerning speed. Hooker optimized

two objectives: minimize the total number of late tasks and minimize total


3.4. Vehicle Routing Problem

3.4.1. Different classes Dantzig and Ramser were the first who defined the Capacitated Vehicle

Routing Problem (CVRP) in an academic report and named it the “Truck

Dispatching Problem” (Dantzig & Ramser, 1959). The authors applied a primary

algorithmic approach to the petrol industry. In their research, they modeled how a

fleet of homogeneous trucks could serve the geographically spread demand for

petroleum from a central depot, while minimizing the driving distance. Stating that

the trucks were homogeneous is equal as saying that each vehicle on its own had

the same capacity as well as the same cost structure.

The original problem definition described by Dantzig and Ramser back in

1959 was as follows:

“A number of identical vehicles with a given capacity are located at a

central depot. They are available for servicing a set of customer orders. (…) Each

customer order has a specific location and size. Travel costs between all locations

are given. The goal is to design a least-cost set of routes for the vehicles in such a

way that all customers are visited once and vehicle capacities are adhered to.”

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Five years later, Clarke and Wright improved on Dantzig and Ramser's

Truck Dispatching Problem by using a more generalized linear optimization model

to solve the problem (Clarke & Wright, 1964; Wen, Clausen, & Larsen, 2010).

They have expanded the model with trucks that had diverse capacities and offered

an efficient savings algorithm to solve the problem.

After these two influential papers, numerous solution approaches have been

proposed and benchmarked against each other (Eksioglu, Vural, & Reisman,

2009). The study by Eksioglu, Vural and Reisman showed that between 1959 and

2008, more than 1.000 articles with VRP as the main topic, were published. The

authors learnt that academic literature concerning VRP has known a yearly

exponential growing rate of roughly 6%. Several motives for this thriving interest

were given by Eksioglu, Vural and Reisman. One of the most meaningful reasons

was the advancement of resources with an improved computational power, which

opened up big prospects for more complex routing problems and hence, making

routing problems more capable to reflect real-world situations and with less

computational burdens. Another interesting and more recent explanation lies in the

forthcoming e-commerce business – where there is still an exponential growing

number of people who shop online and want their orders to ship as fast as possible

and at the lowest price. Transportation and logistics is one of the most vital aspects

for today’s e-commerce companies.

To make this problem more adapted to case-specific problems, various

authors have made specific variants of the Vehicle Routing Problem. Overviews of

some well-known variants were given by Toth and Vigo (Toth & Vigo, 2002).

Moreover, providing overviews of these Vehicle Routing Problems was the main

topic in several PhDs such as Nguyen, Wen as well as Clausen and Larsen

(Nguyen, 2014; Wen, Clausen, & Larsen, 2010).

3.4.2. Solution methods As Mariño described, vehicle Routing Problems belong to a class of

optimization problems that are extremely hard to solve to optimality, namely the

class of 𝒩𝒫-hard problems (Mariño, 2016). Hence, methods to solve these

problems exactly is a hot topic in today’s literature. Although significant progress

has been made concerning medium-sized instances of some general types of

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routing problems, there is still an undisputable gap for larger instances or complex

VRPs, such as the VRPTW (Wen, Clausen, & Larsen, 2010).

Intensive research about the different solution algorithms and their

efficiencies has already been made by several writers, including Røpke and

Pisinger as well as Laporte and Semet (Røpke & Pisinger, 2006; Laporte & Semet,

2002). In their research papers, two groups of solution methods were distinct: exact

and approximate solution methods and heuristic solution methods. There is a vast

difference between the two.

An exact solution method tries to find the exact optimum for any instance

of the problem (Christofides, Mingozzi, & Toth, 1981). This solution method

requires a mathematical model that fits within the problem’s exact constraints. As

been studied by Fukasawa et al., widespread exact solution techniques for the

theoretical CVRP are the branch-and-bound, branch-and-cut and branch-and-price

techniques (Fukasawa, et al., 2004). A downside of these techniques are the

possibilities to only solve smaller-sized problems, the long processing times and

its inflexibility (Røpke, 2005). These methods also require sophisticated and costly

software, such as Gurobi or Matlab. While exact solution methods only terminate

when an exact solution is found, approximation methods do not. These solution

methods provide solutions of a certain quality. The gap between the current

solution and the exact optimal solution is known (Laporte, 1992).

A research by Røpke showed that state-of-the-art exact algorithms have

only solved limited-sized routing problems in a relative large computing time

(Røpke, 2005). Thus, for larger-sized routing problems or for problems that can

change in time and need to be computed several times, different solution strategies

need to be considered. Heuristic solution methods play an important role in solving

these complex problems. They are well-known in the area of operational research

and the literature provides various approaches in solving these problems. The aim

is at generating ‘reasonably good’ solutions within modest computing times by

performing only a reduced assessment of the entire search space. As stated by

Røpke, the term ‘relatively good’ is used because often there is no information

provided about the optimal solution (Røpke, 2005).

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3.5. Conclusion

Section 3.1 learns that stress and absenteeism have several causes. There

seems to be an undeniable link between stress and burnout and the workload. Out

of section 3.2 follows that the number of dialysis patients will stagnate. Therefore,

there is chosen not to change the capacity of the dialysis center at AZ Sint-Jan.

Section 3.3 gives an extensive overview about patient scheduling literature. Several

of these techniques will be used to build a new patient schedule. Last of all, section

3.4 provides a first theoretical description of the Vehicle Routing Problem and

already suggests a group of suitable solution methods. The literature concerning

the routing problems will be used to build a better schedule concerning the

transportation of dialysis patients.

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Chapter 4

Process Modeling

To model business processes, the Business Process Management lifecycle

can be applied. This lifecycle is described by Dumas, La Rosa, Mendling and

Reijers and is based on the research by Becker, Kugeler and Rosemann (Dumas,

La Rosa, Mendling, & Reijers, 2013; Becker, Kugeler, & Rosemann, 2011). There

are six stages in this lifecycle, as can be seen in Figure 1. This chapter is organized

according to this lifecycle. Section 4.1 handles process identification. The

following section, section 4.2, deals with the process discovery. The process

analysis is elaborated in section 4.3. In the last section, section 4.4, the process is


Figure 1: Business Process Management Lifecycle

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4.1. Process identification

The first step identifies the process identification and the business

problems. The involved processes and their interdependence can be identified

based on the found problem. This stage results in a general sight at the

organizations’ processes and their relationships. There has to be focused on the key

processes. To evaluate which processes are most interesting to analyze and

redesign, an evaluation has to be made. This evaluation can be based on three

factors: importance, dysfunction and feasibility (Dumas, La Rosa, Mendling, &

Reijers, 2013).

The process as it is today leads to several problems:

• Nurses are dissatisfied because of the fact that they are confronted with peaks

in workload. The patients of the same shift arrive around the same moment.

They all have to be connected to a machine at the same time. There is a

patient/nurse ratio of 1/4 which means that each nurse has to connect four

patients at the same time. This leads to stress and eventually absenteeism and

burnout. On the other hand, at some other moments of the shift, nurses have

too much free time because the workload is too low.

• Patients are dissatisfied because of long waiting times. Waiting is created

because of several reasons. First, because patients arrive too early in the

hospital. This is mainly a problem in the afternoon shift. The taxi companies

first pick-up the patients who are scheduled in the afternoon, put them in the

waiting room of the hospital and then pick-up the disconnected patients of the

morning shift. Thus, the patients of the afternoon arrive before the patients of

the morning are disconnected. Second, patients also have to wait because all

patients have to be connected at the same moment. Moreover, they sometimes

have to wait for other patients who need further investigations and travel with

the same taxi.

• The nurse schedule is not optimal. As will be explained in the section about

process discovery, there is a two shift system. A time overlap is present

between the early and late shift between 9h45 and 15h30. There was observed

that there is not enough work for the nurses of both shifts. Nevertheless, the

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overlap is advantageous for the disconnection of the patients of the morning

and the connection of the patients of the afternoon because those activities run

more smoothly.

4.1.1. Value chain In order to identify the involved processes Burns et al. as well as

Kawczynski and Taisch propose to make use of a value chain in healthcare (Burns,

et al., 2002; Kawczynski & Taisch, 2010). The value chain has the objective to

optimize the activities of cooperating firms to create a bundled service, manage the

chain end to end, develop highly competitive chains and create a portfolio approach

to work with suppliers and customer (Burns, et al., 2002).

This value chain is based on the chain as proposed by Michael Porter. Porter

makes the distinction between core processes and support processes. Core

processes are the processes that create value. Support processes facilitate the

processes’ execution.

The following model will focus on three core processes in order to avoid

complexity (Szelagowski, 2013). As a result of the evaluation follows that these

three core processes are the most important ones, since they directly have an impact

on the service perceived by the patients. Moreover, most complaints are about these

three processes. It is assumable that these processes will be feasible to change.

Figure 2 shows the value chain model of these three processes. First, the patients

have to be transported from their house to the hospital. Then, they get dialyzed for

four hours each. At last, they have to be transported back to their house.

As stated by Henkel, Johannesson and Perjons, a value chain model has to

be combined with a goal model and an action model (Henkel, Johannesson, &

Perjons, 2007). Value models are limited since they do not explicitly demonstrate

how a value relates to actions. Moreover, value chains cannot be used to discover

actions that can improve value creation.

Transportationtodialysiscenter Dialysis Transportationto


Figure 2: Three main processes for the dialysis process

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4.1.2. Goal modeling An essential part of process identification is goal modeling. An 𝑖∗ goal

model shows the different actors, their goals and softgoals and how these aims will

be achieved (Yu, 2001). The goals are attained by actors and their

interrelationships. There are two types of 𝑖∗ models. Strategic dependency

demonstrates how actors interrelate to achieve a goal. Strategic rationale shows

the reason why an actor uses the system and alternatives to attain goals (Yu, 2009).

The strategic rationale has five building blocks. First, actors are identified.

These can represent a role, an agent or a position. There are also goals, which are

situations a certain actor wants to achieve. Softgoals can be defined as well. These

highlight wishful conditions for the actor. However, the criteria for the condition

are not well defined. To model activities which can be completed by an actor, 𝑖∗

uses a task. At last, there are also resources. A resource, which can be physical as

well as informational, is required to perform a task. To connect these building

blocks, there are two types of links. First, there is a means-end link. This links a

mean, which is a task, with an end, which can be another task, resource, softgoal

or goal. Another link is the task decomposition link, which demonstrates the

softgoals, goals, other tasks and resources needed to perform a task (Yu, Social

Modelling and i*, 2009).

The strategic dependency is built around four types of dependencies. First,

the goal dependency shows how two actors interrelate to achieve a goal. The

depender depends on the dependee to perform the goal. The dependee can freely

decide between the alternatives to attain the goal. There is also a task dependency.

In this type of dependency, the depender relies on the dependee to perform an

activity. This relationship identifies the way to perform a task. A third link is the

resource dependency where the depender counts on the dependee for the

availability of a resource. Finally, the softgoal dependency shows the link between

the depender and the dependee to achieve a softgoal. There is no agreement

between the two actors beforehand on how this softgoal can be achieved (Yu,


To make up the goal model there is opt to make use of a combination of the

strategic rationale and the strategic dependency. This combination gives the best

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possibilities to make an accurate goal model. The patient is located central in the

goal model, which is provided in Appendix I. Patients expect efficient and effective

care and it is the task of the nurses to give them the right care, consisting of

connecting, disconnecting, distributing meals… Furthermore, patients expect the

right medical treatment from the doctors, while doctors have the task to monitor

patients’ condition. The social workers have to help the patients with problems

about health insurance, transportation… The patients have to work towards a target

weight. The dietitians help patients to attain the target weight by making up a diet

and giving advice about the right food pattern. The patients depend on the

transportation firms to get efficient and effective transportation. The last actor

interacting with the patients, is the planner. The planner proposes a schedule with

the arrival times for all patients, based on their preferences and other remarks. The

planner also sets up the work scheme for the nurses. The goal of this timetable is

to increase or at least sustain the work satisfaction of the nurses. Moreover, there

is a balanced workload expected. The planning is the responsibility of the head


4.2. Process discovery

During this phase, an as-is model is developed. This means that the existing

process is modeled. The model will be based on collected information about the

process. There are four subphases in the discovery step. First of all, the setting of

the process has to be defined. Second, the information has to be collected. Then,

the model has to be created. At last, the quality of the model has to be assured

(Dumas, La Rosa, Mendling, & Reijers, 2013).

4.2.1. Definition of the setting In the first phase, the team that will investigate the processes has to be

formed. It is clear that the team will consist of the authors of this master

dissertation. They can be called the process analysts since they have a thorough

knowledge of the business languages. As process analysts, they will have to

collaborate closely with the domain experts, which are the head of the dialysis

department, the head nurse and the other nurses.

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4.2.2. Data collection The second step consists of gathering information. There are three general

methods to collect data: evidence-based, interview-based and workshop-based

discovery. Evidence-based discovery

There is chosen for a document analysis and an observation as evidence-

based methods. Document analysis

In the document analysis, the documents related to the process are

investigated. The documents concern the departments’ memorandum, the patient

schedules, the labor schedule, the distribution of patients over the dialysis rooms,

the mode of transportation of the patients and the division of tasks for the

personnel. Although, many of these documents summarize only specific parts of

the process, there is the belief that these documents are useful to better understand

the existing process. Another limitation on document analysis, is the fact that

documents are not always completely trustworthy. Nevertheless, the documents,

except for the memorandum, are not open to interpretation. Observation

During the observation, the process from the viewpoint of the patients, is

observed to get a better insight at the process. The authors positioned themselves

as passive observers. A possible negative consequence of this method is the fact

that people behave differently when they are observed. To prevent this from

happening, there is chosen to observe at least four times. At this way, the

probability that the nurses act differently is smaller because there is more mutual

trust between the authors and the nurses.

The observation has shown that the duration of some activities was

dependent on the condition of the patients. It was mainly the connection and

disconnection activity which was subject to the situation of each patient. Based on

observations and interviews with nurses, there was concluded to statistically test

two factors on their impact on the duration of both the connection and


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29 Interview-based discovery

The interview-based discovery is a method where domain experts are

interviewed in order to gather information. The head of the dialysis department in

AZ Sint-Jan was interviewed as well as the head of the dialysis department of AZ

Alma in Eeklo. At this way, a better and more general insight is gained on the

dialysis process and the constraints of the process. Moreover, during the

observation, many questions arose about some of the observed activities.

Interviews allow one to acquire an in-depth knowledge of the process, which is not

possible through observations.

Based on the documents, observations and interviews the following

information about patient scheduling, dialysis rooms, patient classification and

nurse scheduling was deducted. Deducted information Patient schedule

For the moment, the clinic has a patient pool of approximately 150 patients.

These patients are divided over a four shift system. Each patient gets dialysis three

times per week. The first patient group is scheduled on Monday, Wednesday and

Friday morning. The second group is scheduled in the afternoon on Monday,

Wednesday and Friday. The third and fourth group get dialysis on Tuesday,

Thursday and Saturday morning or afternoon. The distribution of patients over the

different shifts is included in Table 1. As can be seen, most patients are scheduled

on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This is because nurses are not likely to work

on Saturday.

Shift 1

(M/W/F AM) Shift 2

(M/W/F PM) Shift 3

(T/T/S AM) Shift 4

(T/T/S PM) Number of patients 42 40 34 32 Dialysis rooms

In Bruges there are five dialysis rooms in total. Room 1 and 2 both have a

capacity of seven beds. Room 3 has 24 places. Four beds can be found at room 4.

Room 5 can receive nine patients. Room 2 houses the acute patients and the people

Table 1: Number of patients assigned to each shift

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who need to be isolated due to the risk of infection. Room 4 is never used. The least

sick and most mobile patients are located in room 5. Table 2 shows the number of

patients per shift and per room.

Shift 1

(M/W/F AM) Shift 2

(M/W/F PM) Shift 3

(T/T/S AM) Shift 4

(T/T/S PM) Room 1 7 7 0 0 Room 2 2 1 1 1 Room 3 24 23 24 22 Room 4 - - - - Room 5 9 9 9 9 Condition of patients

In Belgium, dialysis patients are classified as low- or high-care. Low-care

patients are more independent and can connect and disconnect themselves up to a

certain point. Mostly, low-care patients are younger people. They only require a

doctor to visit them once every two weeks. On the other hand, high-care patients

require more help. They cannot install machines or take their own blood pressure.

They need a nephrologist to visit more frequently. Lots of high-care patients need

accessories (wheelchairs, walking sticks) to move. Some need help to get in or out

of their beds. Unfortunately, there are no official criteria in Belgium to classify

patients as low- or high-care. The classification of patients relies on the common

sense of the nephrologists. Moreover, the classification is also influenced by the

difference in nomenclature (NBVN, 2012; Luyckx, 2015). However, this falls

beyond the scope of this master thesis.

The hemodialysis unit of AZ Sint-Jan is officially a high-care unit, which

means that most of the patients are classified as high-care. A nephrologist visits all

the patients every session.

Around 55% of the patients in Bruges have an AV fistula. So, the other

45% have a catheter. Approximately three out of four catheters are permanent. Shift system nurses

There are four different nurse shifts. The two most important shifts are the

early 8h shift and the late 8h shift. The early 8h shift starts at 6h45 and ends at

15h30. The late 8h shift starts at 9h45 and stops at 18h30. Moreover, there are also

Table 2: Number of patients per room assigned to each shift

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employees who do not work full time. They work six hours per day. The early 6h

shift starts at 6h45 and ends at 12h45. The late shift starts at 12u30 and ends at


4.2.3. Creation of the process model In the third phase, the collected information is processed into a model. The

model is created by making use of the Business Process Modeling Notation

(BPMN). This language is chosen because of several reasons. Rad, Benyoucef and

Kuziemsky state that it is important that a model can be understood by all model

users as well as by the people who do not have any process analysis skills (Rad,

Benyoucef, & Kuziemsky, 2009). Furthermore, the language has to be simple such

that it can bring clearness in complex processes. It also has to be easily adaptable

so it can be optimized for several purposes. BPMN has all these characteristics.

Jun, Ward, Morris and Clarkson listed the main modeling techniques and

their functionalities in the healthcare industry (Jun, Ward, Morris, & Clarkson,

2009). There was found that swim lane activity diagrams have the advantage of

giving a good understanding of roles in various tasks, while flowcharts are

favorable to get an initial understanding of the process. Since BPMN is a

combination of a swim lane activity diagram and a flowchart, it is a decent

language for the project at the hemodialysis department. Moreover, Jun, Ward,

Morris and Clarkson state that data flows are less important in modeling healthcare


Mendling, Recker and Reijer investigated that a business process modeling

language has to be auditory and visual (Mendling, Recker, & Reijers, 2010).

Auditory means that processes have to be documented with labels and text

annotations. Visual refers to the use of graphical constructs. Again, BPMN fulfils

these requirements.

Ruiz, Garcia, Calahorra and Lorente as well as Rojo et al. specifically

advocate the use of BPMN (Ruiz, Garcia, Calahorra, & Lorente, 2012; Rojo, et al.,

2008). Ruiz et al. refer to the fact that BPMN makes it possible to use subprocesses,

which make it possible to model different levels of detail. Ruiz et al. also see

advantages in the fact that BPMN is easy to re-use and that it is easy to understand.

This simplifies the communication between domain experts and process analysts.

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Rojo et al. also refer to the fact that BPMN has a high understandability so

improvements can be implemented more easily by personnel.

Nevertheless, there are also doubts about BPMN being the most optimal

language to perform the process discovery phase. Müller and Rogge-Solti are more

critical towards BPMN (Müller & Rogge-Solti, 2011). The authors moot that

BPMN is not clear when there are many roles and thus many swim lanes or pools.

Müller and Rogge-Solti propose a new method. Nevertheless, this method is not

utilized in this work for two reasons. First, the hemodialysis process does not

include many roles. Second, the method is not mature enough and is not supported

in other academic work.

To make up the BPMN model, there can be relied on the method of Bruce

Silver (Silver, 2009). This method consists of six steps. First, the scope of the

process has to be set. This includes determining the way the process starts, the

different ways the process can end and when the process is complete. Second, the

main map has to be created. This embraces the identification of major activities

and the end state of each activity. Furthermore, these main activities become

subprocesses. Gateways are also included in the main map. In the fourth step, the

subprocesses are elaborated. Each subprocess has to start with a start event and end

with one or more end events for each end state. At last, message and data flows can

be included but these are not obligatory in BPMN. The BPMN-models of the

current process are included in Appendix II. Main process

Around 6h45, the nurses arrive, install the machines and put the material

for the connection of the patients on the tables. At 7h15, the first patients arrive

and the nurses start connecting them to the machines. Because all patients are

scheduled at the same moment, this system can be classified as ‘single block’, as

described by Cayirli and Veral (Cayirli & Veral, 2003). Normally, each nurse is

assigned to four patients. In dialysis room 5, there are commonly nine patients

scheduled for two nurses because of the better condition of the patients. The

primary rule is that patients who need longer dialysis are connected first. Then,

patients are helped on a ‘first come, first served’ basis [implemented since February

2016]. Next, breakfast is distributed and the nurses help the patients who cannot

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make their own sandwiches. If there is a blood collection in the afternoon, the

vignettes for the afternoon patients have to be printed. These vignettes state which

components of the blood that need to be investigated. These labels are placed on

the tubes. After breakfast, the material for the disconnection task has to be

prepared. Additionally, the material for the connection of patients of the following

shift is prepared. For each patient, a specific box is prepared. These boxes are

prepared per eight patients. For example, if nurse A is responsible for the patients

who lay on bed 1, 2, 3 and 4 and nurse B for patients on 5, 6, 7 and 8, those two

nurses will prepare the material for the patients who will lay on these eight beds in

the following shift. Before the end of the dialysis, the disconnection material is

distributed and put on the tables. These tasks occur sequentially. During the dialysis

of the patients the values of the patients, including their weight, have to be

recorded. This is repeated every 30 minutes, until the end of the dialysis for the

patient. Another task that has to be performed is the preparation of the medical files

of the next shift. A smaller task is the disinfection of the clips. Because of the higher

risk of infection, extra care is given to the disinfection and cleaning of catheters. In

normal circumstances, the catheter is cleaned every week. If non-water-resistant

plasters were used for the catheter, these plasters are changed every dialysis

session. When the doctor and the head nurse consult the patients, the nurse which

is responsible for a certain patient has to assist them. The observation also revealed

that several uncertain activities could occur. These activities happen regularly but

cannot be known in advance. There is opt to bundle these activities in the activity

‘Provide extra care for the patient’. It concerns patients becoming sick, heavy

bleedings, needles which are loosening and patients who do not show up. When

none of these activities occur, the remaining time can be spent on patients as extra

care (e.g. talk with patients).

Normally, the dialysis takes four hours. Sometimes the dialysis duration

will take longer, for example because the patient has skipped a previous session. A

dialysis duration can also be shorter than four hours, for example because the

patient is sick or needs additional investigations. After the dialysis, the patient will

be disconnected. This activity is further elaborated in a subprocess. After the

disconnection, the nurses still have to perform several tasks before the process is

finished. First the bed is prepared for the next patient: the bedding is removed, the

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bed is disinfected and is made up. Each machine is also cleaned and new wires and

tubes are put in the machine for the following shift of patients. The medical files,

on which the values are recorded each 30 minutes, have to be inserted in the

computer system. Furthermore, the garbage bins have to be cleaned and there has

to be checked if the television screens are out.

The next shift is merely the same and will therefore not be discussed. Subprocess connection

The connection is further modeled as a subprocess because it is considered

as an important activity where problems occur. The process starts with a check-up

of the condition of the patient. If the patient needs help from a nurse to get in or

out of his bed, a nurse will assist the patient. If the patient does not need any

assistance, a next task is immediately started. During this task, which also has to

be performed for patients who got assistance, a next check-up is executed. There

will be checked if a blood collection is needed, if the patient has a catheter or a

fistula, what the target weight of the session is and if there are special remarks from

the doctor. Then, patients are divided into catheter patients and fistula patients.

Although, some of the activities are similar, there is chosen to model both processes

separately in order to improve the readiness of the model.

Connection fistula. First, the cotton pads are disinfected and the blood pressure

monitor is put on. After this, the nurse places a bandage around the wrist. Then, the

area around the AV fistula is disinfected. Hereafter, the nurse pricks two times in

the fistula. In the next step, the nurse tightens a bandage around the upper arm. At

this way, the two wires are connected to the two needles more easily. An adhesive

bandage is placed on both wires. Then, the wires are attached to the machine and

tied up as comfortable as possible for the patient. At last, the dialysis machine is

set up, blood pressure and other values are recorded, and the table is cleaned.

Connection catheter. First, the patient puts a mouth mask on because of the

higher risk of infection. Then, the nurse puts medical gloves on and the blood

pressure monitor is placed around the arm of the patient. After that, a sterile cloth

is put on the patient. The sock is put off the catheter and the anti-clotting fluid is

removed out of the catheter. Hereafter, cotton pads are disinfected and are used to

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disinfect the catheter and the area around it. Then some blood is removed to empty

out the catheter. Every two weeks or in case of additional investigations, there is a

blood collection needed. The rest of this subprocess looks more or less the same as

the subprocess of the fistula. The wires are connected to the catheter and the

machine. They are also tied up. The machine is installed, blood pressure and other

values are registered. At last, the table is cleaned and the sterile cloth is removed. Subprocess disinfection catheter

The process starts with the patient who has to put on a mouth mask. Then,

the nurse puts medical gloves on and puts a sterile cloth on the patient. After this,

the adhesive plaster is removed and the cotton pads are disinfected. With these

pads, the catheter is cleaned. At last, a new adhesive plaster is placed on the catheter

and the mask, sterile cloth, medical gloves and cotton pads are removed. Subprocess disconnection

The disconnection is considered as an important activity since there are

problems observed with this activity too. First there has to be figured out if the

patient has a fistula or a catheter. Again, both processes are merely modeled

separately to give a better overview and increase the understanding of the


Disconnection fistula. To start, there is a sterile cloth put under the

patients’ arm. Then, the bandage around the wrist is removed and the values, i.e.

weight, are recorded. Hereafter, the blood pressure monitor is removed. The wires

are removed one by one. In case of the fistulas, it can happen that there is an

uncontrolled bleeding. If there is such a bleeding a clip has to be put around the

arm of the patient. When the bleeding has stopped, an adhesive plaster can be put

on the fistula. When there was a heavy bleeding, a bandage will be used. Then, the

machine goes in setup mode for one hour and the table is cleaned. At last, the

condition of the patient is checked. The patient will need extra help if the patient

cannot get in and out of his bed independently or if the patient feels sick.

Disconnection catheter. First, the patient puts a mouth mask on and the

patient gets a sterile cloth around the catheter. The nurse puts medical gloves on.

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Then, the bandage around the wrist is removed. Furthermore, the wires are

disconnected. Next, the blood pressure and other values are recorded. The blood

meter can be removed now. With the disinfected cotton pads, the catheter can be

made sterile. To prevent the catheter from being clogged, the anti-clotting fluid has

to be put in the catheter and the sock has to be moved over it. Then, the wires can

be removed out of the machine and the patients’ mask can be put off. After this,

the nurse takes her medical gloves off and sets the dialysis machine in a setup

mode. The table also has to be cleaned. The last steps are identical to the steps of

the fistula disconnection. There is checked if there is assistance needed. If there is

help needed, the nurse assists the patient. Evaluation of the BPMN technique

As mentioned earlier, the BPMN technique is endorsed in several academic

papers to model health care processes. After modeling with this tool, there are some

clear advantages distinguished. BPMN is a simple language which implies that it

is rather easy to model but it also gives a clear overview of the process. At this

way, people without process modeling skills can easily understand the model.

Nevertheless, one disadvantage was experienced. It was found difficult to model

the uncertain activities.

4.2.4. Model quality The quality of the created model has to be evaluated based on three factors:

syntactic quality (verification), semantic quality (validation) and pragmatic quality

(certification). During the verification, where the syntactic quality is evaluated,

there is checked if the model is developed according to the syntactic BPMN rules

and guidelines. The validation is used to control if the statements in the model

match with the real situation and if all relevant statements are included in the

model. At last, the pragmatic quality of a model is assessed by evaluating the model

on three factors: understandability, maintainability and learning.

Understandability concerns the easiness of reading a model. Maintainability deals

with the changeability of a model. Learning relates to the degree of how good a

model demonstrates how a process works in reality.

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Since the processes are modeled in Signavio, there is automatically checked

for syntactic quality. The modeled processes did not return any errors. The

semantic quality will be checked together with the head of the department as well

as with several nurses. In addition, the pragmatic quality will be controlled by

presenting the model to nurses. However, no problems are expected concerning the

certification since BPMN is a language with a high understandability and

adaptability (Ruiz, Garcia, Calahorra, & Lorente, 2012; Rojo, et al., 2008).

4.3. Process analysis

The process analysis phase consists of a qualitative analysis and a

quantitative analysis. During the qualitative analysis, a value added analysis and a

root cause analysis will be conducted. The quantitative analysis will consist of a

measurement of the process performance dimensions, efficiency ratios and

utilization (Dumas, La Rosa, Mendling, & Reijers, 2013).

4.3.1. Qualitative analysis Value added analysis

The value added analysis consists of a value classification and a waste

elimination. During the value classification each step in the process is analyzed and

classified as value adding (VA), business value adding (BVA) or non-value adding

(NVA). A value adding activity delivers value to the customer. Business value

adding activities are necessary to support the business processes or is required due

to regulations. A non-value adding activity is not necessary for the business and

does not deliver any value. As can be seen in Appendix III, most of the activities

are classified as value adding. They can be distinguished in three categories of

tasks: contact moments with the patients, activities to prepare connection,

disconnection or other contact moments, and tasks to ensure hygiene. The tasks to

ensure hygiene are classified as value added because of the importance for the

patients. It is absolutely necessary to avoid transfers of infections.

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The following activities are labeled as business value adding. Per activity,

the reason to classify it as business activity is explained. An alternative or

improvement for the activity will be handled in the section about process redesign.

Prepare dialysis: put on machine and distribute material for connection. Starting up a machine is not seen as value adding, however, it cannot be eliminated.

It is a necessary task to make the dialysis possible. Distributing material is also not

value adding. Nevertheless, it cannot be eliminated.

Determine if blood samples have to be taken. Determining if an event has

to take place is not value adding but it is also not possible to eliminate or automate

this step.

Distribute disconnection material (on tables). This task does not add

value. Nevertheless, it cannot be eliminated. It is also not advisable to integrate this

task with the previous activity (prepare material for disconnection in next shift).

There is expected that the time spent on the integrated activity would be higher

than the time spent on the activities separately. This can be explained by the fact

that if the activities are organized separately, the disconnection material for

multiple patients can be distributed together. This decreases the movement of the

nurses compared to the integrated activity where the material for a certain patient

is distributed as soon as its material is prepared.

Record patient values. The values are recorded every 30 minutes. This is

executed manually by the nurses. The nursing personnel looks at the dialysis screen

and writes down the patient values. This is non-value adding because this task can

be organized more efficiently. Nevertheless, this task cannot be seen as non-value

adding since it is necessary to monitor the patients’ values.

Prepare patient folder for next shift. The folders of the patients have to be

prepared. This implies that the folders have to be taken out of the cabinet, new files

have to be printed and patient’s data and remarks have to be filled in. In order to

be able to record values, the folders have to be prepared. This is not of real value

for the patients but it has to be performed in order to be able to record patient’s


Evaluate if the catheter has to be cleaned. Normally, every week the catheter

has to be cleaned. If the catheter is not clean or if there is not made use of the

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standard plaster, there is the possibility that the catheter has to be cleaned more

frequently. The nurse has to determine the necessity of cleaning. This does not

deliver direct value to the patient, but cannot be eliminated either.

Check if TV-screens are out. This task does not deliver value to the

patient but is necessary to perform. The biggest problem with this task lies in the

fact that the TV-screens are attached to the ceiling, which is too high for most


Check if the patient can get in and out bed independently or needs help from

a nurse. This needs to be performed but does not deliver direct value to the patient.

Check-up patient data: blood collection needed, fistula/catheter, target

weight, doctor remarks. This check-up does not deliver direct value to the

patient but is necessary for the nurse to provide the most appropriate care.

Clean table. Removing waste is necessary, especially because of hygienic

reasons. Nevertheless, it does not deliver direct value to the patient.

Check-up patient data. At the end of the dialysis, the values of the patient

have to be evaluated. This is necessary, but does not deliver value to the patient.

Check if there is an uncontrolled bleeding. Again, this is a necessary step but

generates no direct value.

Put machine in setup mode. Putting a machine in setup mode is not value

adding, but needs to be performed in order to be able to dialyze the next shift of


Some activities were classified as non-value adding. Similar to the

business-value adding activities, there is elaborated on the reason why these tasks

were seen as non-value adding.

Assist doctor during consultation tour. This stage is seen as unnecessary. It

does not deliver value to the patient. All remarks and values observed by the nurse

are written down in the patient files. Communicating these remarks to the doctor is

not value adding.

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Insert medical files in database. During dialysis, the values are filled in

manually by the nurse. After the dialysis, the nurse has to insert the values and

remarks in the medical file of the patient. This does not deliver value. Root cause analysis

A second method which can be used in the qualitative process analysis, is

a root cause analysis. In this analysis the root causes of the problems are

investigated. There are several methods described in the literature. The 5-Why

analysis is preferred in making the root cause analysis. 5-Why is a technique which

is situated in the analysis phase of the Six Sigma DMAIC-cycle (DMAIC stands

for “Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control”). The idea behind 5-Why is

that by repeatedly questioning why a problem happens, the root causes of the

problem can be found (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, 2015).

The main problem at the hemodialysis center can be found at the moments

the connection takes place in each patient block. Nurses are stressed and patients

have to wait to get connected.

Problem: Stressed nurses and patients who are confronted with waiting times

Why? Nurses have to connect several patients at the same time Why? Patients arrive at the same moment in time Why? Patients are scheduled at the same moment time

The 5-Why analysis results in the root cause of the problem. The root cause

lies in the fact that all patients of the same patient block are expected at the same

moment in time.

4.3.2. Quantitative analysis Performance dimensions

During the quantitative analysis there are process performance measures

calculated. These measures can be determined for every process. Based on the data

of individual activities, process performance characteristics can be measured.

There are four process performance dimensions: time, cost, quality and flexibility.

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41 Time

The dimension of time is expressed by the cycle time. The cycle time of a

process is the time needed for a case to go from the start of the process to the end.

The cycle time consists of two components: processing time and waiting time. The

processing time is the time that the resources of the process spend on effectively

handling an element. Applied to the dialysis case, the processing time can be called

service time and represents the time that a patient is being connected, dialyzed and

disconnected. The waiting time is the time that an element is in an idle mode.

Queuing time is the part of the waiting time where the element has to wait because

there are no resources available. In the dialysis case, the queuing time can mainly

be identified at the connection activities. Cycle time

The cycle time was calculated based on the average duration of each

activity, which are represented in Appendix IV. The average duration of each

activity is expressed per patient. The average duration of the connection was based

on the fact that the average connection duration of patients who need help to get in

and out the bed is statistically different from the connection duration of patients

who can get in and out their bed independently. To get an average connection

duration, the two average durations were multiplied by the percentage of patients

they represent. 35% of the patients need help to get in and out their bed, the other

65% can do it independently. The printing and attaching of stickers for blood

samples only happens once every two weeks. This corresponds with one blood

collection out of six dialysis sessions. So, the probability of a blood collection

equals 17%. The duration of both tasks is multiplied by 17%. Recording patient

values happens every 30 minutes during the dialysis. A standard dialysis takes 4

hours. This means that the values will be recorded seven times. Disinfecting the

catheter is organized every week, which means once every three sessions. 45% of

the patients has a catheter, this implies that in 15% of the cases a catheter has to be


There is opt to foresee 10 minutes for each patient to provide extra care.

These 10 minutes are based on the uncertain activities which were observed during

the observation sessions, e.g. bleedings, patients who became nauseous, as

explained in the discovery section. There is a high probability that there does not

Page 64: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


happen any uncertain events with a patient. Nevertheless, there is decided to still

provide 10 minutes of extra care for each patient. If there do not happen uncertain

events, these 10 minutes can be used to provide extra care to the patient. Horn,

Buerhaus, Bergstrom and Smout state that if nurses spend more direct care time

per patient, the condition of the patient improves. There are fewer pressure ulcers

and hospitalizations (Horn, Buerhaus, Bergstrom, & Smout, 2005).

The average time spent by a nurse on one patient equals the sum of all the

activities. On average, a nurse spends 58 minutes per patient. If the activity

‘provide extra care for patient’ is not considered, there are 48 minutes spent per

patient by one nurse. If a nurse is assigned to four patients, this implies that a nurse

has 3 hours and 50 minutes of work. Considering eight patients on the same four

chairs, then four of them will be scheduled in the morning and the other four will

be scheduled in the afternoon. Normally, two nurses would be assigned to these

eight patients. One nurse would have an early shift, the other a late shift. These

nurses work eight hours each, or 16 hours is total. For eight patients, there is only

7 hours and 41 minutes of work. This results in a ratio of 48%. Cycle time efficiency

Cycle time efficiency is another metric that can be calculated. Cycle time

efficiency describes the ratio between the theoretical cycle time and the actual cycle

time. The theoretical cycle time is the sum of the processing times of all activities.

The actual cycle time is the sum of the cycle times of the activities, including

waiting time. Due to the fact that there is a dialysis time of four hours, there is

expected that the cycle time efficiency will be rather high. There are only three

relevant activities: connection, disconnection and the dialysis itself. The average

duration of the connection and disconnection activity can be calculated as

explained above. This leads to a theoretical cycle time of 4 hours and 16 minutes.

The actual cycle time of a patient, who is scheduled in the morning block, is based

on observations and is on average 4 hours and 32 minutes. There was an average

waiting time observed of 16 minutes between the arrival of the patient in the

dialysis room (at 7h15) and the connection of the patient. This leads to a cycle time

efficiency of 94.25%. The waiting time can be mostly found before the connection.

Normally, patients arrive at 7h15. A nurse is assigned to four patients but the nurse

can only connect one patient at the same time. In the afternoon, the cycle time lies

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even closer to the theoretical cycle time. The cycle time is 270 minutes, which

corresponds to a cycle time efficiency of 94.95%. The waiting time before the

connection is now smaller. This can be explained by the fact that both nurses from

the early and the late shift are operative at the moment of connection. So, there are

twice as much nurses compared to the connection in the morning. Nevertheless,

there is waiting time observed during the disconnection. During the disconnection

in the afternoon, only the nurses of the late shift are operative. For four patients,

there were two nurses available during the connection. So, two patients could be

connected simultaneously. During the disconnection, there is only one nurse

available. This implies that one of both patients, who were connected

simultaneously, has to wait. Financial measures

A second type of performance dimensions are the financial measures. Cost

and turnover are examples of financial measures. Because of the fact that a hospital

is a non-profit organization, yield and turnover are of less importance. Two types

of costs can be defined: fixed costs and variable costs. Fixed costs do not change

with the amount of goods or services produced, these are independent of any

business activity. Variable costs vary with the amount produced or serviced, these

increase or decrease with the production or service volume. Specifically, in dialysis

centers, fixed costs include the infrastructure costs such as the beds or chairs,

dialysis machines and the building. Variable costs are the direct labor of the nurses,

the wires for the dialysis machines and the food and drinks for the patients.

Nevertheless, the focus of this dissertation lies on leveling the workload for the

nurses. There will not be further elaborated on cost. Quality

A third dimension is the dimension of quality. Two types of quality can be

distinguished: external and internal quality. External quality is defined as the

satisfaction of the client with the product or service and the process. Applied to the

case, the satisfaction with the service can be seen as the satisfaction of the patient

with the service delivered by the personnel of the center. The satisfaction of the

patient with the process is determined by the information and communication a

patient gets. The satisfaction will rise as the quantity, quality, relevancy and

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timeliness improve. For example, a patient will appreciate when he gets the right

information about his condition or diet on time. The internal quality is about the

satisfaction of the other participants of the process. Internal quality is the level a

participant considers the process as in control. Flexibility

A last performance dimension is the dimension of flexibility. Flexibility is

the level to which the process can react to changes. Applied to the case, the

flexibility will increase if the nurses are trained to do each activity of the process

at all types of patients. There was observed that the flexibility of the nurses is

already high since each nurse is responsible for four patients and has to perform

every activity for these patients. In other dialysis centers, there is worked based on

the principle of the separation of work. Each nurse is then responsible for certain

tasks, instead of certain activities. This has a negative effect on the flexibility. Utilization

Additionally, the utilization of the chairs/beds was calculated, as suggested

by Cardoen, Demeulemeester and Belin (Cardoen, Demeulemeester, & Belin,

2010). In order to calculate the utilization, there has to be calculated how long the

chairs/beds are occupied. Based on the difference in the duration of connection and

disconnection between dependent and independent patients, the time each type of

patient occupies a chair/bed can be calculated. These durations are then multiplied

with the number of patients of each type in order to know the total time patients of

both types occupy chairs. These two numbers are then summed up. This results in

the total time chairs are taken in by patients on two days, namely 37.941 minutes.

Then, the time chairs/beds are available, is calculated. There are three ways

distinguished. The calculations are included in Appendix V. Method 1: all chairs included

This first calculation method assumes that all chairs in the five rooms are

available as soon as the nurses of the early shift start until the nurses of the late

shift stop working. This corresponds with 11 hours and 45 minutes, from 6h45 until

18h30. There are 51 chairs. Based on the shift system of two days, there are 71.910

minutes available. This corresponds with a utilization of 53%. This number has to

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be interpreted as the ratio between the time a chair is occupied on average and the

time nurses are present in the dialysis center. Method 2: chairs of room 4 excluded

The calculations are similar to method 1. The difference lies in the number

of chairs taken into account. Since room 4 is never used for patients, the four chairs

in this room are excluded of the calculation. This results in a utilization of 57%. Method 3: only chairs of open rooms included

To calculate the total available time only the rooms where there are nurses

assigned to, are included. This means that only room 3 and 5 are occupied during

the four blocks. Room 1 is occupied during the first two blocks, which implies that

there are nurses present during 705 minutes. Room 2 is only opened during block

1 and 3. Therefore, there are two early shifts needed to cover the dialysis of the

patients. This results in 525 minutes per day, from 6h45 until 15h30. Room 4 is

never operative. These calculations lead to a utilization of 65%.

4.4. Process redesign

Daily hemodialysis or prolonged hemodialysis, as proposed by Vanholder,

Veys, Van Biesen and Lameire is not optimal in our case (Vanholder, Veys, Van

Biesen, & Lameire, 2002). A first reason is that it would dramatically increase

costs, unless the hemodialysis is performed at home, as suggested by the authors.

Hemodialysis at home is not appropriate for the patients of AZ Sint-Jan Brugge

because of their high-care profile. A second reason is that daily hemodialysis would

also have a negative impact on the patients’ quality of life. The implications of

being away from home every day may not be underestimated. Besides that, a

prolonged dialysis can have a negative impact on patients’ mental state. It would

be hard to be away from home more than ten hours, three times a week. Therefore,

there will not be elaborated on prolonged or daily dialysis.

This chapter introduces an optimization method which aims to optimize the

patient scheduling. Actually, the optimization is focused around three concerns:

nurse satisfaction, patient satisfaction and cost control. The aim is to balance the

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workload of the nurses. Therefore, the difference between the workload in a certain

time slot and the average workload has to be minimized. Furthermore, the time

between the first and the last connection in one-time block has to be minimized.

This is because all the connections have to succeed as soon as possible. The main

goal of the optimization method is to determine at which moment a patient has to

be connected. A penalty system, as proposed by Gupta and Denton is implemented

to optimize the following factors (Gupta & Denton, 2008):

• Balance in workload for the nurses;

• Connection period per block.

4.4.1. Duration of connection and disconnection activity There is assumed that the duration of the connection as well as the

disconnection are patient dependent. The duration of the connection and the

disconnection activity will vary with patients’ characteristics (Mageshwari &

Kanaga, 2012). Patient specific information will be used to assign patients to time

slots (Gupta & Denton, 2008). There will be tested if patient classes could be

created. As Cayirli and Veral describe, a classification can be made to sequence

patients and to adapt appointment intervals to the characteristics of the patient

classes (Cayirli & Veral, 2003).

There is hypothesized that these durations are dependent on two factors.

First, there is assumed that the type of connector, catheter or fistula, has an impact

on the duration. Based on observations and interviews with nursing personnel, we

expect that the connection of the patients with a fistula will be different compared

with the patients who have a catheter. At the disconnection activities, the time

differences were less obvious. A second factor that can have an influence on the

duration of both activities is the mobility of the patients. The distinction is made

between patients who are able to get in and out their beds independently and those

who need help from a nurse. There is expected that the duration of the connection

as well as the disconnection will be different for patients who need help from

nurses. There are only two factors taken into account because Cayirli and Veral

suggest to create a controllable number of patient groups.

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47 Duration difference between catheter and fistula patients Connection activity

First, the difference in the duration of the connections between catheter and

fistula patients will be tested. There is assumed that both populations are

independently and normally distributed. Moreover, there is assumed that both

variances are equal but not known. Vyncke suggests a statistical test (Vyncke,

2012). The null and alternative hypothesis can be stated as follows:

𝐻( ∶ 𝜇, = 𝜇. (4.1) 𝐻, ∶ 𝜇, ≠ 𝜇. (4.2)

Because the populations are normally distributed, the test statistic can be

expressed as the following:

𝑋1 −𝑋2

𝜎12𝑛1 +


= 𝑋1 −𝑋2

𝜎 1𝑛1 +



With probability variables:

𝑋1~𝑁 𝜇1, 𝜎12 , 𝑋2~𝑁 𝜇2, 𝜎2

2 (4.4)

Where 𝜎12 = 𝜎22 = 𝜎².

𝜎² is unknown but can be estimated by the pooled sample variance:

𝑆𝑝2 =

𝑋1𝑖 −𝑋1 2 + (𝑋2𝑖 − 𝑋2)²𝑛2𝑖=1


𝑛1 +𝑛2 − 2


The denominator has to be decreased by two. Two degrees of freedom have

to be given up because there are two averages calculated. At this way, the test

statistic can be expressed as the following:

𝑇 =

𝑋, −𝑋.

𝑆?1𝑛,+ 1𝑛.

~𝑡ABCADE. (4.6)

The test statistic follows the students’ 𝑡 distribution with 𝑛1 + 𝑛2 − 2

degrees of freedom. The test statistic is not normally distributed because the

variance has been estimated. Based on the degrees of freedom the critical values

can be calculated. If the calculated 𝑇-value lies out of the boundaries, set by the

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critical values, the null hypothesis can be rejected. In that case, there can be

concluded that the averages are statistically different.

To test if the difference in duration of the connection activity between

catheter and fistula patients is statistically different, the null and alternative

hypothesis can be written as the following:

𝐻( ∶ 𝜇FF = 𝜇FG (4.7)

𝐻, ∶ 𝜇FF ≠ 𝜇FG (4.8)

Where 𝜇FF is the average duration of the connection activity for patients

with a catheter and 𝜇FG is the average duration of the connection activity for fistula

patients. There are 30 observations of durations. 14 were fistula observations, the

other 16 were durations of patients with a catheter. First, the averages of both

populations can be calculated:

𝑥𝑐𝑓 = 11.07, 𝑥𝑐𝑐 = 9.74

Then the difference between the two averages can be calculated:

𝑥𝑐𝑓 − 𝑥𝑐𝑐 = 1.33

To be able to calculate the test statistic, the pooled sample variance has to

be calculated:

𝑠𝑝,𝑐𝑐𝑓2 = 22.48

Based on the estimated variance, the test statistic can be calculated:

𝑡𝑐𝑐𝑓 = 0.7

As already mentioned, the degrees of freedom can be calculated as the

number of observations decreased by two. Since there are 30 observations, there

are 28 degrees of freedom. There is chosen for a level of significance of 5%, which

is a standard value. The critical value 𝑡28,0.95 can be read from the student’s 𝑡 table

and is 1.701. Because the calculated test statistic is smaller than the critical value,

the null hypothesis cannot be rejected. This implies that the duration of both groups

is not statistically different. At this way, the fact that a patient has a fistula or a

catheter will not be considered as a factor that has an impact on the duration of a


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49 Disconnection activity

The same test and reasoning can be performed for the disconnection

activity. Again, there is assumed that both populations are normally and

independently distributed and that the variances are unknown but equal. There are

33 observations: 13 of patients with a fistula and 20 of patients with a catheter. The

null and alternative hypothesis can be written as the following:

𝐻( ∶ 𝜇TF = 𝜇TG (4.9)

𝐻, ∶ 𝜇TF ≠ 𝜇TG (4.10)

The calculations follow the same structure.

𝑥𝑑𝑓 = 7.81, 𝑥𝑑𝑐 = 8.54

𝑥𝑑𝑐 − 𝑥𝑑𝑓 = 0.73

𝑠𝑝,𝑑𝑐𝑓2 = 8.33

𝑡𝑑𝑐𝑓 = 0.71

Since there are 33 observations, the degrees of freedom are reduced to 31.

This implies a critical value of 1.796. Again, the test statistic is smaller than the

critical value. Therefore, the null hypothesis that the average duration of the

disconnection activity for patients with a catheter is statistically the same as the

average duration for fistula patients, cannot be rejected. Consequently, the fact that

a patient has a catheter or a fistula will not be a determining factor on the duration

of the disconnection. Duration difference between dependent and independent patients

A second factor that will be statistically tested is the condition of the patient.

As already mentioned, the patients’ population will be separated in two groups:

patients who are able to get in and out their beds independently and patients who

need help from a nurse. About the connection and disconnection activity, there is

assumed that both populations are normally and independently distributed and that

the variances are unknown but equal.

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50 Connection activity

Concerning the connection activity, there are 30 observations. 15 patients

were classified as independent, the other 15 were observed as needing help to get

in and out the bed. The following hypothesis will be tested:

𝐻( ∶ 𝜇FV = 𝜇FW (4.11) 𝐻, ∶ 𝜇FV ≠ 𝜇FW (4.12)

Where 𝜇FV is the average connection duration for patients who need help to

get in and out the bed and 𝜇FW is the average connection duration for patients who

do not need any help to get in or out the beds.

The calculations are the following:

𝑥𝑐ℎ = 11.53, 𝑥𝑐𝑠 = 6.42

𝑥𝑐ℎ − 𝑥𝑐𝑠 = 5.12

𝑠𝑝,𝑐ℎ𝑠2 = 28.12

𝑡𝑐ℎ𝑠 = 2.64

There are 28 degrees of freedom which results in a critical value of 1.701.

Since 2.64 is bigger than 1.701, the connection duration for patients who can get

in and out their beds independently is statistically different from the connection

duration for patients who need help. Disconnection activity

Concerning the disconnection activity, there are 33 observations. 15

patients are classified as dependent of a nurse to get in or out their beds, the other

18 can get in or out their beds independently. The statistical test is the following:

𝐻( ∶ 𝜇TV = 𝜇TW (4.13) 𝐻, ∶ 𝜇TV ≠ 𝜇TW (4.14)

The averages, the pooled sample variances and the 𝑡 test statistic can be


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𝑥𝑑ℎ = 9.43, 𝑥𝑐𝑠 = 7.44

𝑥𝑑ℎ − 𝑥𝑑𝑠 = 1.99

𝑠𝑝,𝑑ℎ𝑠2 = 8.12

𝑡𝑑ℎ𝑠 = 2

The critical value 𝑡31,0.95, based on 31 degrees of freedom, is 1.796. The

test statistic is bigger than 𝑡31,0.95. This implies that the null hypothesis can be

rejected on a level of significance of 5%. The average disconnection duration of

both patient pools can be assumed as statistically different. Conclusion

To conclude, the fact that the patient can get independently or dependently

in and out the bed is a determining factor for the duration of the connection and

disconnection. This confirms the hypothesis, based on observations.

Nevertheless, it is remarkable that the first hypothesis was not confirmed.

Lots of nurses thought the type of connector would be a determining factor for the

duration of the connection and disconnection. The fact that both durations are

statistically not different can possibly be explained by the fact that most of the

patients with a catheter are in a bad condition (as seen in the observations). A lot

of the patients with a catheter cannot independently get in and out of their beds.

The actual connection of a catheter patient will on average be shorter than the

connection with a fistula patient because to connect with a fistula there are two

pricks needed. These pricks are often technically difficult. The actual

disconnection for catheter patients will probably be shorter as well. The reason

behind this lies in the fact that fistula patients are often confronted with heavy

bleedings when disconnected. This asks for extra care from the nurse. Although,

there are time savings in the actual connection and disconnection of catheter

patients, these time savings are undone by the extra care the catheter patients need. Duration difference between morning and afternoon patients

During the observation sessions, it seemed that the connections in the

afternoon would take longer than the connections in the morning. To test this

hypothesis, the same statistical test as before was used. Again, a normal and

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independent distribution was assumed with equal and unknown variances. This led

to the following hypotheses:

𝐻( ∶ 𝜇FZ = 𝜇FZ (4.15) 𝐻, ∶ 𝜇FZ ≠ 𝜇F[ (4.16)

Where 𝜇FZ is the average connection duration in the morning and 𝜇F[ is

the average connection duration in the afternoon. The average, pooled sample

variance and test statistic can again be calculated:

𝑥𝑐𝑚 = 9.77, 𝑥𝑐𝑎 = 11.98

𝑥𝑐𝑎 − 𝑥𝑐𝑚 = 2.22

𝑠𝑝,𝑐𝑚𝑎2 = 21.92

𝑡𝑐𝑚𝑎 = 1.15

There are 30 observations, this results in a critical value of 1.701. The test

statistic is smaller than the critical value. Although, the average in the afternoon is

higher than the average in the morning, both values are not statistically different.

The null hypothesis, stating that both averages are equal, cannot be rejected.

4.4.2. Optimization model: optimize workload level during

dialysis Assumptions in the optimization model

The hemodialysis scheduling problem can be categorized as an assignment

problem. In this assignment problem activities for patients will be assigned to time

slots, in order to balance the workload for the nurses.

In order to achieve an optimization, it is assumed that the following

information is known a priori:

• The set of dialysis patients.

• The set of activities and rules about a possible obligatory sequence between

certain activities.

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• Duration of all activities. A distinction can be made between activities which

duration is patient specific and other activities which have an equal duration

for all patients. To estimate the duration of each patient’s activity, each patient

will be assigned to a specific patient class.

• The duration of the dialysis itself and the setup time of each machine after a


• Each patient’s preference of to be scheduled on a specific moment of the week.

• The number of possible blocks patients can be assigned to.

• The number of time slots available per day. The time slots all have an equal

length. They represent the time the dialysis center is available for high-care

hemodialysis and nurses are available to work.

• The pool of available nurses.

• The number of dialysis beds/chairs.

Based on the information gathered out of observation and interviews, the

optimization model is built considering the following assumptions:

• The number of hours that the dialysis center can be operational is fixed. The

possible operating hours are dependent on three factors. First, the night dialysis

takes place between 21h30 and 5h30. This results in the fact that the chairs

allocated to the night shift are unavailable between 21h00 and 6h00. Moreover,

the profile of the patients and their needs have to be taken into account. The

dialysis unit of AZ Sint-Jan is high-care which implies that the patients’

condition is delicate. For this reason, it is unwise to schedule patients in the

evening. The night’s rest of the patients is important and scheduling patients

too late in the evening would have an undeniable impact. Also scheduling

patients too early in the morning is undesirable because of the same reason.

Furthermore, also the nurses’ overall satisfaction has to be taken into account.

Their stress level is already high. Start working too early or stop working too

late would probably have a negative impact on their level of work satisfaction.

For this reason, the number of available operating hours is restricted to 14

hours per day, from 7h00 until 21h00.

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• As already mentioned, the patient satisfaction is one of the main concerns of

this optimization approach. The dialysis patients have to eat according to a

strict diet. A warm meal every day is an essential element of their diet.

Nevertheless, a warm meal cannot be consumed during a dialysis session.

Moreover, most patients prefer to have a warm lunch at noon (Luyckx, 2015).

For this reason, a patient in the morning has to be connected between 7h00 and

9h00. Subsequently, these patients are disconnected at the latest around 13h00

and can have lunch afterwards. A patient in the afternoon can be connected as

from midday. At this way these patients can have lunch before midday,

possibly in the hospital’s restaurant.

• The assumption is made that are no differences between the chairs/beds. So,

every patient can be assigned to every chair.

• To reduce waiting time, the assumption is made that the dialysis has to start

immediately after the connection. The disconnection has to follow directly on

the dialysis as well as the setup, which has to be scheduled instantly after the


• The number of chairs is considered fixed. Based on the fact that there is no

increase expected in the number of patients, there is no increase in the number

of chairs planned.

• At the existing patient scheduling, patients are assigned to one of the four

blocks. Most patients are assigned to the block of their first preference.

Therefore, there is decided to let the patients in their block of preference. Thus,

each patient will remain assigned to the block in which he assigned. It is

important to include the patient preferences into the model and stick to them

as much as possible, as described by Gupta and Denton (Gupta & Denton,


The following restriction is present:

• There are four blocks which are very similar. Therefore, there is decided to

only consider one block. The results of this block will then be utilized to

schedule the other blocks.

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55 Optimization model

The optimization method can be described in terms of the objective

function and the constraints as the following (Ferguson & Sargent, 1958):

OptimizationMinimize Weighted Penalties

𝑓 𝑏𝑎𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 , 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑑𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

ConstraintsSubject to the following constraints for:

- Workload

- Sequence of activities

- Continuity of activities

- Duration of activities

- Latest start of activities

- End of activities

Sets𝐾 : set of activities, 𝑘𝜖𝐾

𝐼 : set of patients, 𝑖𝜖𝐼

𝑇 : set of time slots, 𝑡𝜖𝑇

Parameters𝑑jk : duration of activity 𝑘𝜖𝐾 for patient 𝑖𝜖𝐼

𝑐, / 𝑐. : cost factors in the objective function

𝑓 : latest moment a connection can start

𝑡j : time patient 𝑖𝜖𝐼 has to be dialyzed

𝑒 : latest time slot the connection activity can start

Page 78: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


Decisionvariables𝑌jmn : 1 if activity 𝑘𝜖𝐾 for patient 𝑖𝜖𝐼 is executed in time slot 𝑡𝜖𝑇;

0 otherwise

𝐴jmn : 1 if activity 𝑘𝜖𝐾 for patient 𝑖𝜖𝐼 is executed in time slot 𝑡𝜖𝑇 as well as

in time slot 𝑡 − 1 𝜖𝑇;

0 otherwise

𝑤n : workload, over all patients and activities, per time slot 𝑡𝜖𝑇

𝑤[p : average workload over all time slots

𝑎n : difference between 𝑤[p and 𝑤n

𝑠jm : end of activity 𝑘𝜖𝐾for patient 𝑖𝜖𝐼


𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑐, 𝑎n



+ 𝑐. 𝑠jm






subjected to

𝑤𝑡 = 𝑌𝑖𝑘𝑡𝐾



𝑖=1 , ∀𝑡 ∈ 𝑇 (4.18)

𝑤𝑎𝑣 =

( 𝑌𝑖𝑘𝑡)𝑇𝑡=1



𝑇 (4.19)

𝑎𝑡 ≥ 𝑤𝑡 −𝑤𝑎𝑣, ∀𝑡 ∈ 𝑇 (4.20)

𝑎𝑡 ≥ 𝑤𝑎𝑣 −𝑤𝑡, ∀𝑡 ∈ 𝑇 (4.21)

𝑒𝑖𝑘 ≥ 𝑌𝑖𝑘𝑡 ∙ 𝑡, ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝐼, ∀𝑘 ∈ 𝐾,∀𝑡 ∈ 𝑇 (4.22)

𝑌𝑖𝑘𝑡 = 𝑑𝑖𝑘, ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝐼, ∀𝑘 ∈ 𝐾




𝑌𝑖1𝑡 ∙ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑒, ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝐼 (4.24)

𝑌𝑖𝑘𝑡−1 +𝑌𝑖𝑘𝑡 ≥ 2 ∙ 𝐴𝑖𝑘𝑡, ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝐼, ∀𝑘 ∈ 𝐾,∀𝑡 ∈ 𝑇: 𝑡 ≥ 2 (4.25)

Page 79: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


𝐴𝑖𝑘𝑡 = 𝑑𝑖𝑘 − 1, ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝐼, ∀𝑘 ∈ 𝐾




𝐴𝑖𝑘1 = 0, ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝐼, ∀𝑘 ∈ 𝐾 (4.27)

𝑠𝑖𝑘−1 ≤ 𝑠𝑖𝑘 − 𝑑𝑖𝑘, ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝐼, ∀𝑘 ∈ 𝐾 (4.28)

𝑠𝑖2 +𝑡𝑖 ≤ 𝑠𝑖4 −𝑑𝑖4, ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝐼 (4.29)

𝑌𝑖𝑘𝑡 ≤ 1


𝑘=1 , ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝐼, ∀𝑡 ∈ 𝑇


𝑌jmn ∈ 0,1 , ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝐼, ∀𝑘 ∈ 𝐾,∀𝑡 ∈ 𝑇 (4.31) 𝐴jmn ∈ 0,1 , ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝐼, ∀𝑘 ∈ 𝐾,∀𝑡 ∈ 𝑇 (4.32) 𝑤n ≥ 0, ∀𝑡 ∈ 𝑇 (4.33)

The objective function minimizes the total penalty. This function consists

of two factors. The first factor levels the workload by minimizing the positive sum

of the differences between the workload in the different time slots and the average

workload over all time slots. The second factor makes sure that each task is

performed as early as possible. At this way, there is prevented that the total dialysis

would take longer than needed. Moreover, there is also ensured that the time

between different activities is minimized.

The objective function aims to give a schedule in which all activities for all

patients are assigned to time slots. The penalty system allows the decision maker

to control the tradeoff between the different factors in the objective function. The

decision maker can choose the penalties for all factors and thus, there can be chosen

on the importance of each factor.

In order to ensure an adequate scheduling and to meet the objectives, the

constraints have to be met. Constraint (4.18) defines the workload per time slot.

The workload is calculated as the sum of the binary variable 𝑌jmn over all patients

and activities. Constraint (4.19) defines the average workload over all time slots.

This average equals the sum of 𝑌jmn over all patients, activities and time slots,

divided by the number of time slots. The higher the deviation between the workload

per time slot and the average workload, the more the objective function has to

penalize. Thus, if the workload per time slot is bigger than the average workload

Page 80: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


as well as in case the workload per time slot is smaller than the average workload,

there has to be penalized. This can be expressed through the absolute value:

𝑎𝑡 = 𝑤𝑡 −𝑤𝑎𝑣 (4.34)

Nevertheless, this expression is not linear. Based on Vanhoucke this can be

rewritten into a linear form through composing two constraints, (4.20) and (4.21)

(Vanhoucke, 2013). In constraint (4.22) the end of each activity for each patient is

calculated. The end 𝑠jm has to be bigger than all the time slots in which activity 𝑘

for patient 𝑖 is performed. The time slots in which activity 𝑘 for patient 𝑖 is

performed have to be equal to the duration of that activity for that patient. This is

expressed by constraint (4.23). Constraint (4.24) plans that the connection of each

patient has to be performed before 𝑒. In the morning block 𝑒 equals 9h00. At this

way, each dialysis can be finished before 13h00. This ensures that every patient

can consume a warm lunch. Constraint (4.25), (4.26) and (4.27) ensure the

continuity of the activities. Each activity has to be performed interruptedly. So, an

activity for a certain patient first has to be finished before another activity can start.

If 𝑌jm nE, and 𝑌jmn are both equal to one, 𝐴jmn also has to be one. This is defined by

(4.25) and (4.26). (4.27) is an extra constraint to ensure that 𝐴jm, is always zero.

Constraint (4.28) assures the sequence between the activities. Moreover, the

disconnection of a certain patient can only take place after the dialysis is finished,

as expressed by constrain (4.29). Thus, between the connection and the

disconnection of a certain patient there has to be a time difference which equals the

dialysis time. Normally, this will be four hours. The last constraint (4.30) excludes

that there could be two activities planned for the same patient during one time slot. Experimentation

Restrictions• Only ten patients were involved.

• The activities were reduced to three activities: connection, disconnection and

the bundled activities between these two activities. Because the connection and

disconnection are the activities where the most problems are observed, the

activities before the connection and after the disconnection are excluded. The

Page 81: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


duration of the activities between the connection and the disconnection are

summed up.

• A time slot represents 10 minutes. At this way, it was not possible to make a

distinction between the two types of patients. This distinction will be made in

further models.

Inputvalues• Cost 1: 2

• Cost 2: 0.5

• The duration of the connection and disconnection are both set equal to one

time slot.

• The duration of the bundled activities is rounded down to two time slots.

The model is solved by making use of the academic version of the CPLEX

solver, as proposed by Ronconi and Birgin as well as Hooker (Ronconi & Birgin,

2012; Hooker, 2005). The code used in CPLEX is provided in the Appendix VI. Evaluation

The results will be evaluated based on the maximum of the differences

between the workload over all patients and the activities in a certain time slot 𝑡 and

the average workload over all time slots. The calculation of the average workload

is slightly adapted compared to the average workload calculated by the model.

Only the time slots which contain effectively executed activities are included in the


𝐷Z[} = 𝑤n,Z[} − 𝑤′[p = 10 − 1.61 = 8.39

Additionally, the difference between the highest workload over all time

slots and the lowest workload over all time slots will be calculated. The lowest

workload is the workload during the dialysis session. Once the dialysis is

terminated the workload is zero. The workloads during these time slots were not

taken into account.

𝐷𝑚𝑎𝑥,𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 𝑤𝑡,𝑚𝑎𝑥 − 𝑤𝑡,𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 10 − 1 = 9

It is also essential that the activities are finished as soon as possible. It

remains important to schedule the connection of the patients not too diffused. If the

Page 82: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


connection of the patients is scheduled close to each other, the nurses can focus on

the activities which have to be performed between the connection and the

disconnection. Moreover, disturbing patient transportation can be prevented. At

this way, it will be more calm and serene in the dialysis unit which is better for the

patients. An evaluation will be based on two factors: the end of the connection

activities and the end of the dialysis session. The last time slot a connection takes

place, will be indicated as 𝐸F. The last time slot a dialysis session takes place, will

be indicated by 𝐸. The last time slot a dialysis is terminated, is equal to the last

time slot a disconnection takes place, 𝐸T.

𝐸𝑐 = 1

𝐸 = 29 = 𝐸T

The values for the first two parameters are not satisfying. The workload is

high during the first time slot.

In order to search for better results, with a more balanced workload, the

first cost parameter 𝑐, will be increased stepwise. The original value will be raised

until 10.

𝑐, 2 4 5 6 7 8 10𝐷Z[} 8,39 7,75 5,82 1,95 0,97 0 0

𝐷Z[},ZjA 9 8 6 2 1 0 0𝐸F 1 2 4 8 9 10 10𝐸 29 32 34 38 39 40 40

Table 3 demonstrates the tradeoff between the factors of the objective

function. The weight of the first variable increases as the first cost factor goes up.

This results in a more balanced workload but also in a later end of the connection

and the whole dialysis session. Figure 3 provides an overview.

Table 3: Sensitivity of 𝑐,

Page 83: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

61 Adapted optimization model

The model will be changed. To balance the workload, there was minimized

for the absolute difference between the workload per time slot and the average

workload over all time slots. In this adapted model, there will be optimized for the

maximum workload per time slot. Thus, the workload per time slot will be

calculated and the maximum of these will be minimized (Ferguson & Sargent,


A new variable is introduced:

𝑚 : maximum of workloads per time slot 𝑤n

The objective function is rewritten below.

𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑐1 ∙ 𝑚 +𝑐2 𝑠𝑖𝑘𝐾



𝑖=1 (4.35)

Constraints (4.20) and (4.21) are redundant. A new constraint is introduced:

𝑚 ≥ 𝑤n, ∀𝑡𝜖𝑇 (4.36)








2 4 5 6 7 8 10


Dmax Dmax,min Ec

Figure 3: Graph showing sensitivity of 𝑐,

Page 84: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


This constraint is introduced to determine the maximum workload. Since

𝑚 has to be bigger or equal to the workload in each time slot, 𝑚 will be the

maximum workload over all w�. Appendix VI displays the code used in CPLEX. Experimentation

The restrictions and input values are almost all the same as in the original

model, except for the first cost factor 𝑐,. In the original model, the cost factor 𝑐,

was equal to 2 but it was multiplied by a bigger number because there was summed

over all 40 time slots. In this adapted model, there will be worked with a cost factor

𝑐, of 10. This cost factor gives the following results:

𝐷𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 4 − 1.38 = 2.62

𝐷𝑚𝑎𝑥,𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 4 − 0 = 9

𝐸𝑐 = 3

𝐸 = 29

In order to determine the optimal ratio between both cost factors, the first

cost factor will be changed. The cost factor will change between the range from 6

up to 18, stepwise by 2. This results in the following:

𝑐, 6 8 10 12 14 16 18𝐷Z[} 3,57 3,57 2,62 2,63 1,67 1,67 1,67

𝐷Z[},ZjA 5 5 4 4 3 3 3𝐸F 2 2 3 3 4 4 4𝐸 28 28 29 29 30 30 30

As in the first model, the same trend can be observed. If the first cost factor

increases, the workload will be more levelled but the dialysis will take longer.

Figure 4 gives a new overview.

Table 4: Sensitivity of 𝑐, (adapted)

Page 85: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

63 Comparison of both techniques

When comparing both techniques, there can be concluded that the second

technique generates more satisfying results. With the first method a 𝐷Z[} of 2 can

only be achieved if the last dialysis ends at the 38th time slot. The last connection

ends at the 8th time slot. With the second method, a 𝐷Z[} of 2 – even 1.67 – can be

achieved with an 𝐸-value of 30. Therefore, the second method will be preferred

over the first method. The cost ratio of 14/0.5 will be used where cost factor 1 is

14 and the second cost factor is 0.5.

4.4.3. Optimization model: optimize workload level during

connection activities The previous dealt with optimizing the workload during the dialysis

session. Nevertheless, the time slots were restricted to 10 minutes. In order to know

the exact moment patients can be connected, there is made use of smaller time slots.

The time slots will consist of 2 minutes. The duration of the connection for patients

who need help to get in the bed, is 11.53 minutes which will be rounded to 12

minutes. The connection duration of the patients who get independently in their

beds, is 6.42 minutes. This will be rounded to 6 minutes. Since there will be worked

with time slots of 2 minutes, the model can be solved exactly.








6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


Dmax Dmax,min Ec

Figure 4: Graph showing sensitivity of 𝑐, (adapted)

Page 86: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


The model is similar to the model used in the previous section. Since the

minimax optimization was preferred, this optimization method will again be


Sets𝐼 : set of patients, 𝑖𝜖𝐼

𝑇 : set of time slots, 𝑡𝜖𝑇

Parameters𝑑j : duration of the connection activity for patient 𝑖𝜖𝐼

𝑐, / 𝑐. : cost factors in the objective function

Decisionvariables𝑌jn : 1 if the connection activity for patient 𝑖𝜖𝐼 is executed in time slot 𝑡𝜖𝑇;

0 otherwise

𝐴jn : 1 if the connection activity for patient 𝑖𝜖𝐼 is executed in time slot 𝑡𝜖𝑇

as well as in time slot 𝑡 − 1 𝜖𝑇;

0 otherwise

𝑤n : workload, over all patients and activities, per time slot 𝑡𝜖𝑇

𝑤[p average workload over all time slots

𝑠j : end of the connection activity for patient 𝑡𝜖𝑇

𝑚 : maximum of workloads per time slot 𝑤n


𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑐, ∙ 𝑚 +𝑐. 𝑠j


jr, (4.37)

Page 87: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


subjected to

𝑤𝑡 = 𝑌𝑖𝑡𝐼

𝑖=1 , ∀𝑡 ∈ 𝑇 (4.38)

𝑤𝑎𝑣 =



𝑇 (4.39)

𝑒𝑖 ≥ 𝑌𝑖𝑡 ∙ 𝑡, ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝐼, ∀𝑡 ∈ 𝑇 (4.40)

𝑌𝑖𝑡 = 𝑑𝑖, ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝐼




𝑌𝑖 𝑡−1 +𝑌𝑖𝑡 ≥ 2 ∙ 𝐴𝑖𝑡, ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝐼, ∀𝑡 ∈ 𝑇: 𝑡 ≥ 2 (4.42)

𝐴𝑖𝑡 = 𝑑j − 1, ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝐼




𝐴𝑖1 = 0, ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝐼 (4.44)

𝑚 ≥ 𝑤n, ∀𝑡 ∈ 𝑇 (4.45)

𝑌𝑖𝑡 <

𝐼4, ∀𝑡 ∈ 𝑇




𝑌jn ∈ 0,1 , ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝐼, ∀𝑡 ∈ 𝑇 (4.47) 𝐴jn ∈ 0,1 , ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝐼, ∀𝑡 ∈ 𝑇 (4.48) 𝑤n ≥ 0, ∀𝑡 ∈ 𝑇 (4.49)

Constraint (4.46) is a new constraint. This constraint was added in order to

assign at most one patient to each nurse simultaneously. Therefore, the total

number of patients was divided by four, since there is a nurse-patient ratio of 1:4.

At this way, at most one patient can be assigned to each nurse in a certain time slot

t. Again, the codes are again added in Appendix VI. Experimentation

Restrictions• Twelve patients were involved.

• A time slot represents 2 minutes.

Page 88: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


Inputvalues• Cost 1: 2

• Cost 2: 0.5

• As already mentioned, 35% of the patients need help to get in their bed. The

remaining 65% can go independently in their bed. The connection duration of

four patients was set to three time slots, the remaining eight patients were

linked to a duration of 12 minutes. Four out of twelve patients corresponds to

a ratio of 33% which is considered close enough to the 35%.


𝐷𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 3 − 2.67 = 0.33

𝐷𝑚𝑎𝑥,𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 3 − 1 = 2

𝐸𝑐 = 18

As can be observed in Figure 5, the workload is well balanced. During the

first 15 time slots, the workload is kept constant at three workloads. In time slots

16, 17 and 18 there is a workload of one because all patients, except for one, are

already connected. The other two nurses can already start with the other activities

which has to be performed between the connection and disconnection activity.







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


Figure 5: Workload during connection activity, without time buffers

Page 89: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

67 Optimization model including time buffers

Although, these results are satisfying, there can be questioned if these

results are achievable. The assignment of patients to nurses was based on the

average duration of the connection activity. Since the standard deviation of the

connection duration for both patient groups is around 5, there would possibly be a

lot of waiting for patients. This would then again increase the stress and workload

for the nurses. There is imposed a service level of 90%. With a service level of

90%, the achieved duration of the connection will in 90% of the cases not exceed

the foreseen time for it (Vyncke, 2012). Moreover, if a certain nurse connects a

certain patient in less than the foreseen time, the nurse will have more time for the

following patient. At this way, it is highly probable in more than 90% of the cases

that the patients will be connected before the due moment1. The average duration

is multiplied by the product of a service level dependent factor and the standard

deviation of the activity duration. There was chosen for a service level of 90%,

hence, the duration is enlarged with a time buffer of 28%. The calculation of this

buffer was calculated based on the well-known invers normal probability

distribution. A service level higher than 90%, perhaps makes the time buffer too

large. Ogulata, Cetik, Koyuncu and Koyuncu discourage higher slack capacity than

needed (Ogulata, Cetik, Koyuncu, & Koyuncu, 2009). This leads to:

𝑥𝑐 1−𝛼 = 𝑥𝑐 + 𝑘 1−𝛼 ∙ 𝜎𝑐 (4.50)

With 𝑥𝑐 1−𝛼 is the new duration with the buffer, 𝑘 1−𝛼 is the service level

dependent factor and 𝜎𝑐is the standard deviation of the connection duration.

If there is chosen for a service level of 90% and the variance is estimated

by the pooled sample variance, this connection duration for both patient groups


𝑥𝑐𝑠,90% = 𝑥𝑐𝑠 + 𝑘90% ∙ 𝜎𝑐𝑠 = 8.23

𝑥𝑐ℎ,90% = 𝑥𝑐ℎ + 𝑘90% ∙ 𝜎𝑐ℎ = 14.78

1 The due moment for a certain patient can be defined as the end of the last time

slot a patient is scheduled for the connection

Page 90: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


These values are rounded to 8 and 14 which corresponds to 4 and 7 time

slots in the model. Again, twelve patients are involved: four of them need help, the

eight others can get in the bed independently.


The workload during the first 19 time slots is constant at three (Figure 6

and Figure 7). During time slot 20, 21 and 22 the workload is 1. For these 12

patients, there are three nurses. These patients are randomly assigned to a nurse.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 301 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 1 1 1 16 1 1 1 17 1 1 1 18 1 1 1 19 1 1 1 110 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 112 1 1 1 1TOTAL3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0













1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


Figure 6: Patient connection schedule

Figure 7: Workload during connection activity, with time buffers

Page 91: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


Evaluationoftheresults 𝐷𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 3 − 2.73 = 0.27

𝐷𝑚𝑎𝑥,𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 3 − 1 = 2

𝐸𝑐 = 22

These results are satisfying. During the connection the workload is


The as-is process was classified as a ‘single block’. (Cayirli & Veral, 2003).

The newly elaborated system can be classified as a ‘multiple block, variable

interval’. There are two types of interval now: one of 8 minutes and one of 14

minutes. The biggest time intervals, those of 7 time slots, are more scheduled

towards the end of the connection session. This corresponds with the findings of

Cayirli and Veral to enlarge intervals towards the end of the session.

4.4.4. Day schedule Composing day schedule

Based on the scheduling of the connection activities, the other activities can

be scheduled. This results in the schedule of one day. For the other activities there

will be buffered again, based on a service level of 90%. Since the activities between

the connection and disconnection and after the disconnection are executed in

parallel, these activities are again bundled. There are still some time slots in which

there is no work. These empty time slots can be found between the connection and

disconnection, because there has to be dialyzed for four fours. There is chosen to

let the connection of the afternoon begin at the same moment, even this creates six

time slots without workload for nurses 2 and 3. The patients are numbered.

Nevertheless, these numbers are not linked to real patients. The only distinction

taken into account is the difference in connection and disconnection duration.

Patient 1 to 4 are patients who need help to get in or out their beds, while patients

5-12 are not in need of any assistance.

As can be seen in Figure 8, the first connection is proposed to start at 7h05.

At this way, nurses can start working at 6h45 since there are 20 minutes of

preparation needed. The nurses can start working at the same moment as it is now.

Page 92: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


So, patient 5, 7 and 12 are connected at 7h05. Four time slots later, at 7h13 patient

7, 8 and 10 are connected. Patient 2, 9 and 11 are scheduled at 7h21. Patient 3 and

4 can be connected at 7h29. The last patient, patient 1, can be connected at 7h35.

The patients who need help to get in their beds, patient 1, 2, 3 and 4, are thus

connected at the end of the connection session. At 7h49, the connection for all

patients is finished. Between the connection and the disconnection, the nurses can

perform the needed activities. The unused time slots can be utilized to provide extra

care to patients. A lot of the patients do not have many social contact, it is

recommended to give patients extra attention by talking with these patients (Horn,

Buerhaus, Bergstrom, & Smout, 2005). Since the connection was scheduled

sequentially, the disconnection activity will have the same pattern. The

disconnection is started at 11h13. All patients are disconnected at 11h57. After the

disconnection, the activities to finish the first block can start. At 12h49, the

following block of patients can be connected. To indicate these patients, there is

made use of the same numbers as the patients in the first block, but with an accent.

The same numbers were used to indicate that these patients have to be scheduled

on the corresponding chairs/beds of the patients of the morning block. The

connection in the afternoon starts 19 minutes later compared to the situation now.

This is a consequence of the better balanced workload. The last connection is

finished at 13h33. The rest of the process is similar to the morning block. The

disconnection starts four hours after the connection of the first patients of the

afternoon block, at 16h57. The last disconnection is finished at 17h41. To end the

day, the activities after the disconnection need to be performed. At this way, the

day ends at 18h33. This is 3 minutes later than the schedule now.


6:45 7:05 7:49 11:13 11:572 15 7

12 10

5 7 2 16 8 9 3 6 8




12,10,11,4 12,10,11,49 3

12 10 11 4 11 4



12:49 13:33 16:57 17:415',7',2',1'


5' 7' 2' 1'6' 8'


12',10',11',4'11' 4'

2' 1'6' 8' 9' 3'

12' 10' 11' 4'

5' 7'

12' 10'9' 3'

Figure 8: Illustration of the day schedule

Page 93: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

71 Evaluation of day schedule

The schedule is advantageous compared to the existing schedule because

of several reasons. First, there is a better balance in workload. The maximum

workload for each nurse during a time slot is one. The connection, and as a

consequence the disconnection, was planned sequentially. Because of the time

buffers the waiting time for patients is minimized, even if the connection and

disconnection take longer than the average duration. This reduces the workload for

the nurses because patients do not have to queue anymore and do not have to wait

to be (dis)connected. The time buffers at the other activities have the same

advantage. If, for example, the activity before the connection in the morning takes

longer than planned, this can be neutralized by the time buffer.

This schedule also solves the problem of the relative absence of work

during the last time slots. In the new schedule there is work until the last time slots.

4.4.5. Nurse scheduling As already mentioned, the nurse schedule is not optimal because of the

overlap in time between the early and late shift of the nurses. In the proposed

schedule the work is balanced for one nurse per four patients. In the existing

schedule two nurses are assigned to four patients during the time overlap. The

overlap lays between 9h45 and 15h30. In the new schedule, the overlap has to be

minimized. It is recommended to elaborate on a new nurse schedule. There are

several possibilities which will be discussed:

Nurses work the whole day: from 6h45 until 18h30

• This results in a work day of 11 hours and 45 minutes. Literature states that

workdays longer than 8 hours have a negative impact on the quality of care,

because more errors are made (Scott, Rogers, Hwang, & Zhang, 2006;

Federale Overheidsdienst Werkgelegenheid, 2016). Moreover, this

proposition would also lead to legal issues because normal workdays consist

of eight hours at maximum. Work days longer than 8 hours are only possible

under specific circumstances (Federale Overheidsdienst Justitie, 2016).

Page 94: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


Day is split in two parts

• Several combinations are possible. A work shift has to be at least three hours

(Federale Overheidsdienst Werkgelegenheid, 2016). Two options will be


o Work shifts of 8 and 4 hours. In this system, half of the nurses could work

for eight hours, the other half could work for four hours. At this way, there

is almost no overlap. The few time that there is overlap between the shift,

is required to communicate about the situation of the patients who are

dialyzed between the shift switch. Nevertheless, there are some

disadvantages about this shift system. A certain degree of resistance can

be expected of the nurses to work only four hours on a day. Only 10% of

the nurses works half time (De Vriese, 2015). Moreover, nurses always

work at least 6 hours per day, also the nurses who work half time. Some

nurses would not be willing to shift to the new system because they would

have to work more days to accomplish the required number of hours per


o Work shifts of 6 hours. In this system, every nurse works 6 hours per day.

Overlap can be reduced to a minimum, depending on the length of the

breaks2. The longer the breaks, the longer the overlap. This system also

leads to an additional advantage. The nurses are only responsible for the

patients of their shift. In the existing schedule, the nurse is responsible of

eight patients: four of the morning block and four of the afternoon block.

As the nurses of the early shift stop before the connection of the afternoon

patients, they are only responsible for the four patients of the morning

block but they still have to prepare the connection material and medical

files for the afternoon block. Nevertheless, there is expected resistance of

the nurses. 50% of the nurses works fulltime (De Vriese, 2015).

4.4.6. Redesign of individual activities The redesign of activities is difficult. Many tasks and sequences between

them are obligatory. The redesign of the tasks is based on the value added analysis


Page 95: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


performed in the process analysis. For each, there will be analyzed if there is a

possible improvement or if the activity can be eliminated. The adapted BPMN-

models are in Appendix VII.

Prepare dialysis: put on machine and distribute material for connection.

As mentioned in the analysis section, this task cannot be eliminated.

Determine if blood samples have to be taken. Elimination of this task is

not possible.

Distribute disconnection material (on tables). As explained in the analysis

section, elimination or improvement is not desirable.

Record patient values. On the long term, when the dialysis machines are

depreciated, there could be invested in dialysis machines which automatically link

the recorded values with the patients’ medical files.

Prepare patient folder for next shift. Again, there could be invested in

automation. If patient values do not have to be recorded manually anymore, the

need to print files and update folders disappears.

Evaluate if the catheter has to be cleaned. Moving this activity more upstream

or downstream into the process would not make any difference. Hence, this activity

is not changed.

Check if TV-screens are out. The problems with this task could be solved

by installing a switch which could be used to turn off all the screens in once.

Nevertheless, the cost of this investment would have to be weighed against the

advantages it would provide.

Check if the patient can go in and out bed independently or needs help form

nurse. An improvement is not necessary because it does not take much time and

is a habit for nurses.

Check-up patient data: blood collection needed, fistula/catheter, target weight, doctor remarks. This is a necessary task. A nurse has to be informed

about the condition of the patient.

Clean table. There will always be waste. It is difficult to prevent waste because

of hygienic reasons.

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Check-up patient data. This task cannot be removed.

Check if there is an uncontrolled bleeding. This activity is necessary as well.

Put machine in setup mode. This task does not take much time; it is not

considered as a priority to change this task.

Assist doctor during consultation tour. There is advised to only assist the

doctor when the nurse has no other tasks to perform.

Insert medical files in database. Automation could help to eliminate this

step. As already mentioned, there could be invested in dialysis machines which link

the values automatically with the medical file of the patient. Alternatively, there

could be invested in laptops or tablets. These could be used to register the patient

values. One laptop/tablet could be used to register the values of several patients,

due to the mobility of the laptop/tablet. The values are automatically implemented

in the medical file of the patient.

4.5. Conclusion

Based on documents, interviews and observations, three main problems

were observed at the dialysis center. Patients were unsatisfied because of the long

waiting times. Nurses were unhappy because of the unbalance in workload.

Inefficiency raised because of the long time overlap between the early and late

shift. Based on the value added analysis, there could be concluded that not many

activities could be eliminated or reorganized. Out of the root cause analysis

followed that the cause of the issues lies in the fact that patients are scheduled


To redesign the process, there was first looked at the duration of each

activity. For the duration of the connection and disconnection activity, there was

observed a significant difference between patients who can go in or out their

independently and patients who need help to get in or out their beds. The difference

between fistula and catheter patients was not significant. This was explained by the

fact that, relatively spoken, there are more catheter patients who need help than

fistula patients who need help. This increases the duration for the catheter patients.

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Based on the durations, the patient schedule was reorganized. The schedule

was optimized in order to balance the workload. The technique where the

maximum workload per timeslot was minimized, was considered the most optimal.

An optimization of the connection session resulted in a patient schedule where

patients are planned sequentially. Patients who can go in and out their beds

independently, are planned with intervals of 8 minutes. Patients who need help, are

planned with intervals of 14 minutes. The independent patients are scheduled first,

the patients who need help at last. This corresponds with the findings of Cayitli and

Veral (Cayirli & Veral, 2003). Holland proposed to let dialysis patients arrive with

fixed 15-minute intervals (Holland, 1994). This dissertation also proposes to

schedule patients utilizing time intervals. However, contrary to Holland, there is

not made use of fixed time intervals. The time intervals are smaller and specific to

patient classes.

Relying on the adapted patient schedule, an overview was made of the

workload during the day. Between the connection and disconnection there were

time slots with less or no workload, caused by the obligatory dialysis duration of

four hours.

With a balanced workload, the time overlap between the early and late shift

becomes unnecessary. A new staff roster with less or no overlap is recommended,

but the success of a roster highly depends on the willingness of the nurses to

implement it.

At last the individual tasks were analyzed. Only minor improvements could

be booked since most tasks are obligatory due to hygienic reasons.

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Chapter 5


First, master the fundamentals. Larry Bird (1957–)

This chapter aims to propose a way to improve on the taxi services provided

to dialysis patients at AZ Sint-Jan Bruges-Ostend. Dialysis patients using private

transportation services need to go to and – after their treatment of on average four

hours – from the hospital back to their dwellings. Whilst some patients share rides,

no clear rules to determine the taxi routes are present and consequently sharing

rides is more of a standalone outcome instead of an integrated approach within

hospitals. In comparison with the current routes, finding a comprehensive approach

will lead to a more efficient use of these transportation services. To achieve this, a

variant of the Vehicle Routing Problem, which is the Open Vehicle Routing

Problem with Time Windows, will be applied.

A Vehicle Routing Problem, commonly abbreviated as the VRP, is a

generic name given to a whole class of problems that construct routes for a given

fleet of vehicles to service a set of customers, such that all customer’s requirements

and operational constraints are satisfied. The objective to evaluate the optimal

solution concerns minimizing cost, minimizing distance, minimizing total traveling

time and/or maximizing profit (Toth & Vigo, 2002). Slightly bluntly, we can say

that the Vehicle Routing Problem answers the question: “Given a set of customers

to service, what is the optimal set of routes for a fleet of vehicles to ride?”.

In the optimization literature, the Vehicle Routing Problem is one of the

most practically relevant and widely studied problems (Røpke, 2005). Since most

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of the generic formulations of Vehicle Routing Problems are extensions of the

Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem, this chapter will gradually introduce some

basic models which forgo the class of Vehicle Routing Problems itself.

Section 5.1 opens by dealing with the relevancy of Vehicle Routing

Problems in today’s economy. Next, section 5.2 presents a comprehensive

overview of three preliminary variants of the Vehicle Routing Problem, namely the

Traveling Salesman Problem, the Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem and the

Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. After introducing these three variants, this

section continues by discussing more complex classes of Vehicle Routing

Problems. One of them is the routing problem used in the case of AZ Sint-Jan. The

next section, section 5.3, deals with the complexity of these problems. The aim is

to introduce the basics of the complexity theory and to highlight why routing

problems are so hard to solve. The group of heuristic solution methods for solving

these complex problems are discussed in section 5.4. Section 5.5 of this chapter

uncovers a tool created to solve smaller instances of the VRP as well as several

specific variants of the VRP. It is used in section 5.6. Here a description of and a

proposal for the transportation services at AZ Sint-Jan are given. For this proposal,

the tool from section 5.5 was used, as well as the theory from section 5.2.

5.1. Motivation

In today’s economy, transportation of goods as well as passenger

transportation forms a vital part in the global supply chain. Since enormous costs

are assigned to transportation in terms of vehicles, maintenance, wages and fuel

(but also the internal and external costs of emissions, such as CO2 and NOx), many

benefit from these type of optimizations (Eksioglu, Vural, & Reisman, 2009; Hall,

2016). The importance of an effective and efficient transport is only increasing due

to intense competition, several budget restrictions and a stronger focus on the

protection of the environment (Toth & Vigo, 2002). This is why Vehicle Routing

Problems are so widely studied and applied in academic literature.

Section 5.1.1 discusses the impact which VRP has on companies’

transportation and logistics operations. Next, in section 5.1.2, transportation of

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passengers – more specifically transportation of dialysis patients – is discussed.

The impact an efficient transportation can have on external costs is discussed in the

last section, section 5.1.3.

5.1.1. Transportation and logistics Without any doubt, we can say that issues in transportation and logistics are

issues of all times and all places. They have a major economic and environmental

impact in most countries and regions over the world. Especially since governments

have put their focus on protecting the environment, these issues have gained

importance as well. Within the EU for example, the land transport policy is

promoting sustainable mobility that is efficient, safe and with a minimal of negative

effects on the environment (Steg & Gifford, 2005; Stantchev & Whiteing, 2006).

As transportation for most commodity products counts for a significant part

of the total costs (Notteboom & Rodrigue, 2013), there is a big incentive for

optimizing entire transportation processes and thus making the processes more

efficient. Moreover, Hasle and Kloster analyzed that using computer optimization

programs within routing problems, the use of it can save up to 5-20% of the

transportation cost (Toth & Vigo, 2002; Hasler & Kloster, 2007) and hence, a lot

of companies apply these programs to gain some competitive advantages in the

market. According to a survey conducted by Hall, several international

organizations have already developed a broad range of projects concerning

Commercial Vehicle Routing Problem Systems (CVRPSs) (Hall, 2016). As for

industries using this software, Drexl made a research about several software

providers and its customers. (Drexl, 2012). A quintessential finding was that the

following sectors made use of the software:

• Industry (raw materials and (semi-)finished goods transport);

• Wholesale and retail trade (consumer goods distribution);

• Full truckload (FTL) and less than truckload (LTL) forwarders;

• Parcel delivery and letter mail services;

• Reverse logistics and waste collection;

• Service technician, salesman, and other staff dispatching;

• Intra-plant logistics.

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One can conclude that tours have to be planned in very diverse sectors and

in a very broad context. Therefore, routing problems have a central task in virtually

every enterprise concerned with physical goods or passenger transportation.

5.1.2. Passenger transportation Within a scheduling assignment for transporting people, human

components need to be taken into account. Especially when it involves patients

who suffer from a disease. Applied to dialysis patients, the literature has already

provided several answers concerning the general impact of transportation.

Diamant et al. stated that shorter travel times and distances are associated

with improved patient outcomes and a higher Health-Related Quality of Life

(HRQoL) (Diamant, et al., 2009). They found that patients who underwent dialysis

in satellite units3, compared to patients who are dialyzed in a hospital, reported

significantly lower rates on the stress part of the HRQoL. Moreover, satellite

patients conveyed significantly lower transportation costs and travel times. A

considerable proportion of them drives themselves to clinics. This can be explained

by the fact that satellite patients are rather low-care, compared to the patients going

to hospitals, which typically have more of a high-care profile. In 2012, Bello et al.

concluded that patients living on a remote location were less likely to receive

quality care and faced more risk to experience adverse health outcomes, compared

to those who lived closer (Bello, et al., 2012).

As stated by Moist et al., longer travel times are associated with greater

adjusted relative risk of death (Moist, et al., 2008). Patients traveling longer than

60 minutes had 20% more risk to death compared with those who traveled 15

minutes or less. Moreover, patients with longer travel times were more relying on

public and private transportation. Even 17% of the nurses agreed that patients who

arrived late did not get a full dialysis treatment.

All these studies write about the severe impact transportation has on a

dialysis patient’s life. Eventually, costs and health-related issues need to be

compared and a precise balance needs to be found in order to reduce costs but also


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to reduce the negative impact on patients. Thus, VRP can help in finding the

optimal vehicle routes while keeping into account several time constraints. After

all, goods and passengers need to be approached in a different way.

5.1.3. External costs The impact on a macro-economic level should not be disregarded:

eliminating vehicles that could be prevented or vehicles with unnecessary long

routes lowers road utilization and congestions (Field & Field, 2012).

With regards to the environment, transportation counts for 22,2% of total

CO2 emission in Europe, as shown in Figure 9 (European Comission, 2016). Thus,

making transportation more efficient has a positive consequence on reducing

emissions and on the protection of the environment.

5.2. Classes of Vehicle Routing Problems

Coming back at the quote used at the beginning of this chapter “First,

master the fundamentals.” by Larry Bird, this section first enlightens the

fundamentals concerning the Vehicle Routing Problem. Afterwards, a better

understanding of more complex models and their corresponding solution

approaches is more achievable. A decent understanding of one of these variants,

Figure 9: Greenhouse gas emissions in Europe by source sector (2016)

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the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows, is necessary to solve the

transportation case study.

To categorize the specific routing problem for the dialysis patients, three

preliminary variants of the VRP are first presented. The basic variants give an idea

of the core problems present in more complex routing problems. The three basic

variants are the traveling salesman problem (section 5.2.1), the multiple traveling

salesman problem (section 5.2.2) and the capacitated vehicle routing problem

(section 5.2.3). Each of these sections first introduces the core problem in words,

afterwards their mathematical formulation is given. Succeeding this, a non-

exhaustive list of more complex routing problems is given in section 5.2.4.

5.2.1. Traveling Salesman Problem Problem formulation

The most basic routing problem, but also one of the most studied

combinatorial optimization problems, is called the Traveling Salesman Problem

(TSP) (Cook, 2012). It can be seen as the easiest and most basic routing problem.

Dantzig, Fulkerson and Johnson published the first seminal paper regarding this

subject in 1954 (Dantzig, Fulkerson, & Johnson, 1954). Whilst no algorithmic

approaches for solving the TSP were given in this paper, it formed an indispensable

source of information to frame exact solution approaches afterwards (Lawler,

Lenstra, Rinnooy Kan, & Shmoys, 1985; Cook, 2012).

Finding an optimal solution for the Traveling Salesman Problem concerns

discovering the shortest distance tour, starting and ending at the salesman’s base

city, that visits all cities in which the salesman’s customers are located (Dantzig,

Fulkerson, & Johnson, 1954; Cook, 2012; Hoffman, Padberg, & Rinaldi, 2013). It

sounds simple enough, yet the traveling salesman problem is one of the most

intensely studied problems in applied mathematics and has defied large-scale

solutions to this day (Cook, 2012). In Figure 10 an instance of the TSP is shown.

On the left, the data is shown without any routes assigned. The optimal TSP

solution is shown at the right. Connections between each node are shown in

Euclidean distances.

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83 Mathematical formulation

In the generic formulation for the TSP, we define nodes as points

representing the cities and arcs as the roads connecting these cities (Pataki, 2003).

If we let 𝒩 = 1, . . . , 𝑛 be the collection of cities (including the home city), then

we can identify a set 𝒜 which represents all possible arcs between all 𝑛 cities. To

each arc an arc-cost 𝑑jk gets assigned. These arc-costs represent the costs of moving

from node 𝑖 to node 𝑗. In the original TSP this cost showed the Euclidian distance

between the two cities 𝑖 and 𝑗 (Dantzig, Fulkerson, & Johnson, 1954). However,

other costs such as traveling distance or time can be used as well (Bektas, 2006).

The TSP is said to be symmetric when the arc-cost is the same in both directions,

meaning 𝑑jk = 𝑑kj (Hahsler & Hornik, 2007; Cruz, 2013; Hoffman, Padberg, &

Rinaldi, 2013). If and only if the arc 𝑖, 𝑗 ∈ 𝒜 is used in the optimal solution, the

vehicle flow binary decision variable 𝑥jk gets value one. Otherwise its value is zero.

The problem can be stated in an integer linear program instance. There are

a number of alternative formulations for the TSP (Bektas, 2006; University of

Wisconsin-Madison, 2016). The formulation used underneath is called the two-

index variable, assignment-based formulation and is an extension of the

formulation by Dantzig, Fulkerson and Johnson (Toth & Vigo, 2002).

Figure 10: Illustration of the TSP

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𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑑jk ∙ 𝑥jk�∈𝒩∖ �j∈𝒩


subjected to

𝑥jkj∈𝒩∖ k

= 1, ∀𝑗 ∈ 𝒩 (5.52)

𝑥jk�∈𝒩∖ �

= 1, ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝒩 (5.53)

𝑥jk ∈ 0,1 , ∀ 𝑖, 𝑗 ∈ 𝒜 (5.54)

The objective function in this integer program minimizes the distances

subjected to some constraints. Equations (5.52) and (5.53) are called degree

constraints and oblige that every city in 𝒩 will be visited exactly once by the

salesman (Bektas, 2006; Hasler & Kloster, 2007). Note that there is no need to

model a constraint that sets the salesman’s base city, which denotes his start and

end point. Since there is an implicit assumption that one salesman can visit all cities

without any capacity limits nor time window-constraints, only one directed cycle

that contains all 𝑛 cities will be determined. Hence, in this directed cycle the start

and end point can be any city – the tour will remain exactly the same.

In addition, sub-tours need to be eliminated by using so-called sub-tour

elimination constraints (SECs). It is a key part of a TSP to make sure no tours

between intermediate cities will be formed (Dantzig & Ramser, 1959; Miller,

Tucker, & Zemlin, 1960). This is done by making sure that every city visited

belongs to a route that is somehow connected with the home city of the salesman.

In order to truly comprehend the sub-tour elimination constraints, Figure 11 shows

a solution of a TSP (left) when these constraints are relaxed in the model. In the

solution network on the right side of the figure, the effect of implementing the

SECs is shown.

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The literature proposes a number of alternative formulations to exclude

these degenerated tours. In the original generic formulation presented by Dantzig,

Fulkerson and Johnson, the formulation of the SEC was as following (Dantzig,

Fulkerson, & Johnson, 1954):


≤ 𝒮 , ∀𝒮 ⊆ 𝒩 ∖ 1 (5.55)

However, adding this SEC implied adding an exponentially growing

number of constraints depending on the size of set 𝒩. Therefore, this formulation,

also denoted as the DFJ formulation, is impractical to use and alternative

formulations are at order (Miller, Tucker, & Zemlin, 1960; Pataki, 2003; Hahsler

& Hornik, 2007).

The most used formulation, as described in equations (5.56), (5.57) and

(5.58), is called the Miller-Tucker-Zemlin formulation, or in short the MTZ

formulation. Inserting these constraints implies only adding at maximum 𝑛 − 1 .

constraints (Hahsler & Hornik, 2007). However, a new set of variables 𝒰 =

𝑢j ∶ i ∈ 𝒩 ∖ 0 needs to be added. The variable 𝑢j is an integer variable and

denotes the position of node 𝑖 in a tour (Pataki, 2003).

𝑢( = 1 (5.56)

𝑢j − 𝑢k + 1 ≤ 𝑛 − 1 1 − 𝑥jk , ∀ 𝑖, 𝑗 ∈ 𝒜, ∀𝑖, 𝑗 ≠ 1 (5.57)

2 ≤ 𝑢j ≤ 𝑛, ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝒩 ∖ 0 (5.58)

As explained by Pataki, equation (5.56) sets 𝑢( equal to one – where index

zero indicates the base city. It is added to the MTZ formulation for limiting the

Figure 11: Traveling Salesman Problem, solution with two sub-tours (n=9)

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number of constraints and thus, helping software packages in solving the TSP more

efficient (Hall, 2016).

In the conclusion of the research paper by Pataki primarily used to describe

this section about sub-tour elimination, the strengths and weaknesses of both

formulations are compared. He concluded that neither were efficient at solving

larger instances of the TSP using exact solution methods (Pataki, 2003). Other

formulations were at the order, such as combining these two formulations.

However, even at the day of writing this master thesis, these constraints have defied

large-scale solutions. Hence, SECs can be seen as a bottleneck to efficiently solve

the TSP with exact solution methods.

5.2.2. Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem Problem formulation

Laporte and Norbert described the multiple Traveling Salesman Problem

(m-TSP) as an extension of the original TSP where more than one salesman is

allowed to start a directed cyclic route (Laporte & Nobert, 1980; University of

Wisconsin-Madison, 2016). This problem consists of finding the optimal tours for

all the salesmen such that all cities are visited exactly once, by only one salesman.

The standard m-TSP has 𝑚 salesmen which all start from and return to the same

single base city. In the original formulation, there were no costs involved other than

the costs related to the traveling distance (e.g. no fixed costs per salesman) (Bektas,

2006). Mathematical formulation

Once again, the two-index variable, assignment-based formulation is used

to give a more formal approach to the problem. In the m-TSP, exactly 𝑚 salesmen

are present at one depot city, ready to visit 𝑛 cities in total. In the original problem,

each route assigned to salesman 𝑚 should not be empty, meaning that all the

salesmen present need to be on the road (Bektas & Kara, 2006). Compared to the

TSP, the only difference is that now there are numerous routes starting from the

base city instead of one route.

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𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑑jk ∙ 𝑥jkk∈𝒩∖ jj∈𝒩


subjected to

𝑥,kk∈𝒩∖ ,

= 𝑚, ∀(1, 𝑗) ∈ 𝒜 (5.60)

𝑥j,j∈𝒩∖ ,

= 𝑚, ∀(𝑖, 1) ∈ 𝒜 (5.61)

𝑥jkj∈𝒩∖ k

= 1, ∀𝑗 ∈ 𝒩 (5.62)

𝑥jk�∈𝒩∖ j

= 1, ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝒩 (5.63)

𝑥jk ∈ 0,1 , ∀ 𝑖, 𝑗 ∈ 𝒜 (5.64)

In this formulation, the constraints in equation (5.60) and (5.61) ensure that

𝑚 salesmen depart from and return to their base city. Just like in the TSP, the degree

constraints (5.62) and (5.63) enforce that only one route will enter and exit a city.

The MTZ formulations of the sub-tour elimination constraints for the m-

TSP are not precisely the same as it was for the TSP. However, the idea – and so

does their big disadvantage – remains exactly the same.

𝑢( = 1 (5.65)

𝑢j − 𝑢k + 𝑛 −m ∙ 𝑥jk ≤ 𝑛 −m − 1, ∀ 𝑖, 𝑗 ∈ 𝒜, ∀𝑖, 𝑗 ≠ 1 (5.66)

2 ≤ 𝑢j ≤ 𝑛, ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝒩 ∖ 0 (5.67) An illustration of this problem is given in Figure 12.

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5.2.3. Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Problem formulation

The CVRP can be seen as a generalization of the m-Traveling Salesman

Problem by setting a limitation on the amount of customers a salesman can visit

(Laporte, 1992). Another difference merely lays in its more general vocabulary:

salesmen are changed into vehicles and the cities are more commonly referred to

as customers (Røpke, 2005). As stated by Laporte, the context of the CVRP is that

of a fleet of vehicles supplying customers using resources gathered from their

central depot. These vehicles can be homogeneous or heterogeneous. Stating that

the trucks are homogeneous is equal as saying that each vehicle on its own had the

same capacity as well as the same cost structure. On the other hand, stating that the

fleet is heterogeneous adds different vehicle parameters to the problem.

The CVRP already adds more detail to the problem, making it already

practical to use in some easygoing real-world problems. However, it does not take

into account the human component. As Diamant et al. as well as Bello et al. proved

within the transportation of dialysis patients, these human components are of major

importance (Diamant, et al., 2009; Bello, et al., 2012). Mathematical formulation

In this section, the three-index directed, vehicle-flow formulation of a

heterogeneous CVRP with fixed costs is presented. This is a general used version

Figure 12: Illustration of the m-TSP (n=12, m= 4)

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of the CVRP and already highlights the complexity present in VRPs. The

formulation was based on the original formulation of Golden, Magnanti and

Nguyen and was later adjusted by Gheysens, Golden and Assad (Golden,

Magnanti, & Nguyen, 1977; Gheysens, Golden, & Assad, 1984). The CVRP is

either a pure commodity pick-up problem or a pure commodity delivery problem

(Wen, Clausen, & Larsen, 2010). The model is as follows:

𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝐹m ∙ 𝑥(kmk∈𝒩∖ j



+ 𝑐jkm ∙ 𝑥jkmk∈𝒩∖ jj∈𝒩




subjected to




= 1, ∀𝑗 ∈ 𝒩 ∖ 0 (5.69)


− 𝑥?kmk∈𝒩

= 0, ∀𝑘 ∈ 1, . . . , 𝐾 , ∀𝑝 ∈ 𝒩 ∖ 0 (5.70)

𝑥(kmk∈𝒩∖ (

≤ 𝑛m, ∀𝑘 ∈ 1, . . . , (5.71)

𝑑k ∙ 𝑥jkm ≤ 𝑦jk ≤ 𝐶m − 𝑑j ∙ 𝑥jkm , ∀ 𝑖, 𝑗 ∈ 𝒜, ∀𝑘 ∈ 1, . . . , 𝐾 (5.72)


− 𝑦kjj∈𝒩

= 𝑑k, ∀𝑗 ∈ 𝒩 ∖ 0 (5.73)

𝑥jkm ∈ 0,1 , ∀ 𝑖, 𝑗 ∈ 𝒜, ∀𝑘 ∈ 1, . . . , 𝐾 (5.74)

𝑦jk ≥ 0, ∀ 𝑖, 𝑗 ∈ 𝒜 (5.75)

The binary decision variable 𝑥jkm gets the value one only when an arc 𝑖, 𝑗 ∈

𝒜 is used in the tour of vehicle 𝑘. Otherwise it is zero. In addition, a second flow

variable 𝑦jk is introduced. The value specifies the quantity of goods a vehicle

carries when it leaves from customer 𝑖 and travels to serve customer 𝑗.

Again, a set 𝒩 of 𝑛 + 1 nodes represents the total set of nodes for the

current CVRP. Each node is associated with an index number from 0 to 𝑛, with 0

being the central depot 0 and the remaining 𝑛 nodes being the delivery points

1,⋯ , 𝑛 . Non-negative orders 𝑑j of some commodity are assigned to each

delivery node and hence, each delivery point 𝑖 represents a customer order.

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Servicing these customers’ orders is done by a fleet of 𝐾 heterogeneous vehicles

with a load capacity 𝐶m. Every vehicle of type 𝑘, has a number 𝑛m vehicles

available. There is also a fixed cost 𝐹m included for a vehicle to departure. The set

𝒜 is composed of precisely 𝑛 ∙ 𝑛 + 1 2 arcs and represents all the arcs possible

to connect each 𝑛 + 1 nodes from set 𝒩. Each arc is associated with a cost 𝑐jkm and

represents the cost of a vehicle 𝑘 connecting node 𝑖 to node 𝑗.

Equations (5.69) and (5.70) oblige that customers are visited exactly once

and that arriving at a node also means departing from the same node. The inequality

(5.71) ensures that a given amount of vehicles of type 𝑘 is not violated. The

inequality at (5.72) deals with the vehicle capacity limitations for an assigned tour.

In order to ensure that the quantity of goods a vehicle carries is adjusted according

to the customer’s demand after visiting him, constraint (5.73) is used.

This general model is already much more complex than its predecessors.

Moreover, sub-tour elimination still needs to happen in this model, making it even

more complex. Kulkarni and Bhave propose the following extension of the MTZ-

formulation (Kulkarni & Bhave, 1985):

𝑢j − 𝑢k + 𝐶m ∙ 𝑥jkms


≤ 𝐶m − 𝑞k, ∀ 𝑖, 𝑗 ∈ 𝒜, ∀𝑖, 𝑗 ≠ 1 (5.76)

qj ≤ 𝑢j ≤ 𝐶m ∙ 𝑥jkmj∈𝒩



, ∀𝑗 ∈ 𝒩 ∖ 0 (5.77)

In the context of the heterogeneous CVRP with fixed costs, still a lot of

effort is going on in the literature to improve these SECs. A good example is the

Reformulation-Linearization Technique (RLT) studied by Sherali and Adams

(Sherali & Adams, 1990). However, dealing with these approaches is no goal of

this dissertation topic. These problems are only reviewed to motivate the use of

different solution techniques.

5.2.4. Variants of the Vehicle Routing Problem Applied to the real-world, VRPs are much more complex than the CVRP

model described above. There exists a vast amount of extensions for the VRP in

order to be as close to the reality as possible. By adding complexity to the models,

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more constraints are added and hence understanding and solving these models is

even more complex. While it is not the subset of this master dissertation to discuss

each variant of the VRP in detail, it still seems important to give an overview of

these problems in words. Based on a research paper by Toth and Vigo, Figure 13

shows the variants discussed as well as their relationship with each other (Toth &

Vigo, 2002).

CVRP – Capacitated VRP. First, the CVRP is extended. Extensions

concerning limitations on the vehicle or driver can be driving distance limitations

and time limitations (Nguyen, 2014). In addition, the CVRP can be closed or open.

A CVRP is closed when the vehicles need to return to their base locations. The

open CVRP implies that vehicles do not need to return to their base city (Wen,

Clausen, & Larsen, 2010).

TDVRP – Time-Dependent VRP. In this VRP, vehicles are only allowed to

ride within a certain time frame. If for any reason, a vehicle gets a route assigned

that cannot be driven within its time limits, the solution is infeasible.

Figure 13: Overview of several VRP classes

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DDVRP – Distance-Dependent VRP. Here vehicles have distance

constraints. The idea is the same as the TDVRP but instead of a limited timespan

given to the drivers, there is a limitation on the distance traveled.

VRPTW – VRP with Time Windows. One important extension of the

classical CVRP is to include time windows for each customer. This introduces the

opportunity to model time intervals in which the vehicle must arrive at the

customer. Time windows are said to be hard when the route is infeasible when it

is set to visit customers not within their time window. Hence, hard time window

constraints force the vehicle to wait until the time slot opens (Nguyen, 2014). On

the other hand, time window constraints can be soft as well, meaning that a

violation only implies a certain penalty cost and no waiting of the vehicles. The

VRPTW can be seen as a crucial variant within the general routing problem, as this

includes many problems in real-life. Consequently, VRPTW has been subjected to

various intensive research efforts both for modeling the problem more efficiently

as well as for focusing on more efficient solution approaches.

SDVRP – Split Delivery VRP. In the split delivery vehicle routing

problem – introduced in the literature by Dror and Trudeau – each customer can be

visited more than once, allowing to split deliveries into several phases (Dror &

Trudeau, 1990). The authors motivated their study by showing that splitting

deliveries can generate significant logistic savings.

VRPB – VRP with Backhauls . The VRPB includes both a set of customers

to whom products are to be delivered, and a set of vendors whose goods need to be

transported back to the distribution center. In addition, on each route all deliveries

have to be made before any goods can be picked up to avoid rearranging the loads

on the vehicle.

VRPPD – VRP with Pick-up and Delivery. A pick-up and delivery problem is

initiated when a customer puts in a request. The request covers a pick-up location

together with a different delivery location and an order quantity (Røpke & Pisinger,

2006). The problem is ought to find the best route given a fleet of vehicles, knowing

that there needs to be a pick-up before there can be a delivery of that specific good.

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5.3. Computational Complexity

The computational complexity theory is a field in theoretical computer

science and mathematics, which deals with the resources required during

computation to solve a given problem. Most of the complexity theory deals with

the decision problems that can be answered by either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, and divides

these problems into different classes according to the difficulty of solving the

problems in terms of computational resources (Mariño, 2016). Since every single

optimization problem can be altered into a decision problem where the question is

‘Is there a feasible solution which returns an objective value better than the

previous best known value?’, these problems fall within the assumptions of the

complexity theory. Hence, optimization problems like the vehicle routing problems

can be assessed by its computational complexity (Wen, Clausen, & Larsen, 2010).

In mathematical programming, tractable problems that have at least one

algorithm to solve are called polynomial-time problems or just 𝒫-problems. As

stated by Mariño, these problems can be solved by algorithms with a number of

steps that is a polynomial function of the problem size 𝑛 (Mariño, 2016). Since the

number of steps is dependent on the computer’s computational power, the exact

computing time depends on which computer that is used.

Mariño recognizes that the complexity theory also differentiates hard

problems. These problems need solution methods with an exponential number of

steps dependent on the problem size 𝑛 and hence, these problems are considered to

be inefficient. A big incentive arises to model problems as efficient as possible.

Constraints such as the Sub-tour Elimination Constraints should be modeled as

efficient as possible considering the exponential growth in computing times (Hall,

2016). Since there is no clear rule to determine the time needed to solve these type

of problems, they are called non-deterministic polynomial hard problems,

abbreviated as 𝒩𝒫-hard problems. In relationship to this inefficiency, methods

exist that achieve near-optimal results in a relatively small timespan. These

solution methods are discussed in section 5.4.

Adding complexity to a certain model means adding constraints, making it

harder and harder to solve. Therefore, most of the real-world problems are 𝒩𝒫-

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hard problems. Lenstra and Ronnooy Kan have studied that even the TSP belongs

to the class of 𝒩𝒫-hard problems, mainly due to the efforts to eliminate sub-tours

(Lenstra & Rinnooy Kan, 1981). Their conclusion was that many variants of the

VRP are 𝒩𝒫-hard to solve. Since the VRPTW – used in the case study for AZ

Sint-Jan – is but an extension of the VRP, Desrochers, Desrosiers and Solomon

determined that it is 𝒩𝒫-hard as well (Desrochers, Desrosiers, & Solomon, 1992).

In relationship to these 𝒩𝒫-hard problems, alternative solution methods

are proposed. Making a complex mathematical model and applying exact solution

methods – which need relatively costly software packages – in order to solve, is

inefficient or perhaps infeasible. Rather, heuristic methods are recommended to

solve these type of problems (Røpke, 2005). These methods focus on generating

solutions within modest computing times by performing only a reduced assessment

of the entire search space. Besides the shorter running times, other advantages can

be listed as well (Wen, Clausen, & Larsen, 2010):

• Relatively easy to implement;

• Flexible enough to fit in specific problems;

• Sometimes create more robust solutions.

In the following section, an overview of these heuristic solution methods

applied to VRP is given. The goal is to have a solution method ready for solving

the transportation case study at AZ Sint-Jan, discussed in section 5.6.

5.4. Heuristic solution methods

Broadly seen, heuristic solution methods for the VRP can be divided into

three types: route construction heuristics (section 5.4.1), route improvement

heuristics (section 5.4.2) and metaheuristics (section 5.4.3).

5.4.1. Route construction heuristics As stated by Laporte and Semet, construction algorithms build initial

feasible solutions taking into account the problem’s objective function. However,

improving these newly formed solutions are in general not present in a construction

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algorithm (Laporte & Semet, 2002). Construction heuristics can be divided into

three groups: insertion heuristics, savings heuristics and clustering heuristics. In

what follows, we summarize the findings from Laporte and Semet about

construction heuristics.

Insertion heuristics. These algorithms construct solutions by adding unrouted

customers iteratively and greedily into the routes. The construction can be done

either sequential or parallel. Which customers to select is based on some chosen

priority rules, e.g. insert the closest customer or insert the customer that increases

the costs the least.

Savings heuristics. The first savings heuristic was introduced by Clarke and

Wright in 1964 (Clarke & Wright, 1964). They are also called greedy algorithms.

Within these types of heuristics, multiple routes are first formed back and from the

customer. Next, routes are merged one by one depending on a set of criteria.

Clustering heuristics. Clustering heuristics consists of two phases. In the first

phase the heuristic groups customers into so-called subsets. The second phase then

assigns vehicles to service within each subset and tries to calculate the best possible

route for each vehicle. An optional third phase can be applied when the subsets

formed are infeasible to be served by only one vehicle. A well-known example of

this clustering heuristic is the sweep algorithm and is illustrated in Figure 14.

Figure 14: Illustration of the sweep algorithm

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5.4.2. Route improvement heuristics Given a solution, for example generated by a route construction heuristic,

local search heuristics modify these solutions to produce new and enhanced routes

(Wen, Clausen, & Larsen, 2010). For this purpose, a lot of operators – or in the

literature also called neighborhoods – have been presented. Depending on the

number of routes simultaneously modified, the operators can be fitted into two

groups. A first group, called the intra-route operators, works on one route at a

time, while the second group, denoted as the inter-route operators, modifies more

than one route at a time (Laporte & Semet, 2002).

A widespread intra-route operator is the 𝜆-opt operator, proposed by Lin in

1965 (Lin, 1965). The 𝜆 indicates the amount of arcs that will be randomly removed

within the route. Since at least two arcs are needed to be exchanged, 𝜆 cannot be

smaller than two. Figure 15 gives an example of a 2-opt operator.

Popular examples of the inter-route operator are the vertex swap and the

vertex relocation procedures. In the vertex swap procedure, customers from

different routes are mutually exchanged. An illustration is given in Figure 16.

Vertex relocation just removes one customer from a route and inserts it into another

route. This procedure is illustrated in Figure 17.

Figure 15: Illustration of the λ-opt operator (λ=2)

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5.4.3. Metaheuristics A metaheuristic is a high-level, problem-independent technique that is in

general not greedy. It provides an algorithmic framework with a set of guidelines

to develop heuristic optimization algorithms (Laporte, Gendreau, Potvin, & Semet,

2002; Blum & Roli, 2003). Metaheuristics let the problem deviate away from a

ground solution which better allows to explore the solution space and avoid the

problem of achieving local optima, as illustrated in Figure 18. In fact, it may even

accept a temporarily infeasible solution. This exploration of different solution

spaces is sometimes termed as diversification. This is in contrast to the term

intensification, which implies improving local solutions found (Laporte, 2009).

Hence, a suitable tradeoff between diversification and intensification is crucial for

their success, both in terms of accuracy and in terms of running times.

Figure 16: Illustration of the vertex swap operator, two vertices are swapped

Figure 17: Illustration of the vertex relocation operator, one vertex is relocated

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Many different kinds of metaheuristics were proposed in the past decades

(e.g. simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, ant colony optimization) (Blum &

Roli, 2003). Some of them are inspired on principles in nature. To get a better

overview of the different kinds of metaheuristics and their advantages and

disadvantages, Blum and Roli give a comprehensive overview.

5.5. Practical tool to solve VRPs

Many different heuristic solution algorithms can be found in the academic

literature. The disadvantage of these theoretical solutions is that they are very

specific and difficult to adapt to real-world problems. Often the solution approach

is just written in a high-level programming language like C++ and are not

companioned with a graphical user interface, making these solutions not for the

faint of heart. Moreover, real-world situations are often much more complex than

the idealized problems described in the literature.

Of course commercial software applications capable of solving these

complex, real-world issues exist (e.g. Routing, eRoute Logistics, ArcGIS Network

Analyst, SpeedyRoute) (INFORMS, 2016). However, these commercial software

packages are not always that attractive as they induce a relatively large cost.

Several projects that offer a free or limited free VRP solution tool can be found on

the Internet (e.g. Open Door Logistics, OptaPlanner, OpenVRP). The drawback is

that these free offerings are rather hard to understand and hard to adapt to case-

Figure 18: Local optimum vs Global optimum

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specific problems. Because of this drawback, there is a need of a free and easy-to-

understand standard tool capable of solving several medium-sized variants of the

Vehicle Routing Problem (VeRoLog, sd). This lack was already acknowledged by

a working group on vehicle routing and logistics optimization, called VeRoLog.

They have programmed a flexible heuristic algorithm capable of solving some

classes of the VRP. It is an open-source project and the code can be found on

Github. This promising algorithm was used as a basic in order to develop a tool

capable of solving the problem at AZ Sint-Jan.

The tool’s code is uploaded on For information

about Github, we refer to A user guide, adapted to the

hospital case, is added as an appendix at the very end of this master dissertation.

This part opens with section 5.5.1 and gives a motivation for the chosen

programming language, Visual Basic for Applications. Section 5.5.2 discusses a

core component of any commercial software for VRPs, namely the geographic

information component. Lastly, the solution method embedded in the tool is

discussed in section 5.5.3.

5.5.1. Visual Basic for Applications Microsoft Excel has been around for quite some time. This spreadsheet tool

is accessible in practically every business, independent of the companies’ size or

activities. Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a programming language

embedded in Excel, but also in other products of Microsoft Office. It allows to

integrate the spreadsheet tool with a VBA-written program, called a macro

(Weterings, 2010). Using VBA, certain functions such as for and while loops which

Excel lacks are possible. Some benefits of using excel are its wide user-base, its

flexibility and the user-interface which is rather easy-to-understand. While high-

level programming languages still outperform VBA on many aspects, the primary

intention was to create a flexible and easy-to-understand tool for solving smaller

instances of the VRP in function of the case study.

5.5.2. Geographic Information System Solving a Vehicle Routing Problem starts by computing the arc-costs 𝑐jk

for every pair of locations possible. In most real-life cases the traveling costs

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considered are either distance or time, or both of them. Basically, it is the same as

what a GPS calculates: one can either set the GPS to choose the shortest route or

one can choose to drive on the fastest route to reach a destination. GPS-systems are

confronted with the so-called shortest-path problem, which also uses heuristics to

solve the problem (Singla & Chhilar, 2014).

To set up the time and distances between each node, the location data needs

to be accessed by a Geographic Information System (GIS). The capabilities of these

systems have significantly increased in the past few years (Berry, sd). The two

biggest Geographic Information Systems at the time of writing this dissertation,

are Google Maps and Microsoft’s Bing Maps. In the tool, Google Maps is

conducted, mainly because of Google Maps’ user-friendliness combined with its

limited free service. Bing Maps also provides a limited free service but it requires

a registered account with a key that can only take up to 25.000 requests a year. The

limitations of Google Maps on the other hand are much less strict. Google gives up

to 2.500 free requests per day.

The following functionalities from Google’s GIS are used: geocoding,

directions and My Maps.

Geocoding. This function translates each address into its equivalent latitude

and longitude pairs. The accuracy of these pairs depends on the amount of numbers

used. In the case of Google Maps, translating the latitude and longitude pairs back

to its original address is possible.

Directions. Requesting directions returns the real-world driving distance and

the corresponding driving time. Google’s Directions API facilitates – just like in

the web-application of Google Maps – various types of requests: shortest route or

fastest route, mode of transportation, avoiding tollways, …

My Maps. Here is referred to the functionalities of Google’s My Maps. This

service offers the possibility to create a custom map, import geographically-

specific data and draw lines or pinpoints on this map. It is mainly used to visualize

the proposed solution.

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5.5.3. Heuristic algorithm In the tool an extension of the Large Neighborhood Search (LNS) heuristic,

introduced by Shaw, is used (Shaw, 1998). The LNS belongs to the class of

metaheuristics, as seen in section 5.4.3. Røpke and Pisinger extended the large

neighborhood search heuristic of Shaw by allowing the use of multiple destroy and

repair operators within the same search process (Røpke & Pisinger, 2006). This

general framework is denoted as the Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search

(ALNS) heuristic and classifies in the class of Very Large-Scale Neighborhood

search (VLSN) algorithms (Røpke & Pisinger, 2010).

In a research paper by Røpke and Pisinger, the authors first presented their

extension of the LNS heuristic and applied it to the Pick-up and Delivery Vehicle

Routing Problem with Time Windows (Røpke & Pisinger, 2006). They tested the

heuristic on more than 350 benchmark instances with up to 500 requests and

concluded that it improved the best known solutions within the academic literature

in more than 50% of the problems. These benchmarks clearly showed that using

several competing subheuristics is very profitable. Hence, this explains the usage

of this heuristic in the tool.

In what follows, the base version of the heuristic is explained. Thereafter,

the adaptation of Røpke and Pisinger is introduced. Lastly, a pseudocode of the

implementation in the tool of the heuristic is presented. Large Neighborhood Search

Local search heuristics are focused on making small changes to the current

solution in order to find better solutions. However, Shaw’s finding was that such

heuristics can have difficulties when it concerns moving away from one promising

solution area to another. Consequently, local search heuristics often get trapped in

local optima. Cordeau, Laporte and Mercier also recognized this problem

(Cordeau, Laporte, & Mercier, 2001). Their proposal consisted of relaxing several

constraints, allowing the algorithm to visit infeasible solutions. Shaw took another

approach in solving this problem. The initial heuristic described by Shaw is written

in pseudocode and is shown in Table 5.

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Framework: Large Neighborhood Search heuristic

1 Construct an incumbent solution s; s∗ ≔ s; 2 Repeat

3 Set s� = 𝑠; 4 Remove 𝑞 requests using NE from s�; 5 Reinsert 𝑞 request using NC into s�; 8 If 𝑓 𝑠� better than 𝑓 𝑠∗ then 9 Set s∗ ≔ s�; 6 If 𝑠� accepted then 7 Set s ≔ s�; 10 Until stop-criterion is met

11 Return s∗;

The pseudocode of the framework shows there is a main loop at the master

level between line 2 and line 10. The codes at line 4 and 5 are the most important

ones, as these allow to make bigger changes to the solution. Choosing good

removal and inserting neighborhoods is a vital part in achieving an efficient

algorithm. Parameter 𝑞 determines the size of these neighborhoods and establishes

the amount of intensification and diversification of the solution space to put into

the heuristic. The rest of the code considers whether the newly formed solution is

better than the current known solution and if it can be accepted. These steps are

repeated until a certain stop-criterion is met. These criteria can be several things,

such as the number of iterations performed or a time-limit (Shaw, 1998). Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search

The ALNS-algorithm, as proposed by Røpke and Pisinger, represents a

unified heuristic, in which a certain number of simple heuristics compete to modify

the current solution, making it different than the original LNS-algorithm (Røpke &

Pisinger, 2006). Instead of just one remove and reinsert method, the ALNS

heuristic proposes several smaller methods to compete against each other. The

pseudocode is given in Table 6.

In each iteration, an initial solution gets gradually improved by alternately

destroying and then reconstructing a part of the solution using sets of appropriately

defined destruction and repair operators. Both neighborhoods are set in line 4,

Table 5: Original LNS heuristic (Shaw, 1998)

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where the selection of the neighborhoods depend on their past performance score.

In a set with 𝑁 neighborhoods, where 𝜋j denotes the past performance of a

neighborhood 𝑖, the probability of a neighborhood 𝑗 getting selected is:

𝑝k =𝜋k𝜋j�

jr, (5.78)

Hence, the roulette wheel selection gives more probability to a

neighborhood being selected when their past performance scores are bigger. Note

that the destruction and repair operators are selected independently. This implies

the use of the roulette wheel selection to be used twice. The score 𝜋j itself can be

based on several criteria. In line 13 these scores get updated. The rest of the

algorithm remains the same when compared with the original LNS heuristic.

Framework: Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search heuristic

1 Construct an incumbent solution s; s∗ ≔ s; 2 Repeat

3 Set s� = 𝑠; 4

Choose a destroy neighborhood NE and a repair neighborhood NC using roulette wheel selection based on past performances (scores) π� ;

5 Remove 𝑞 requests using NE from s�; 6 Reinsert 𝑞 request using NC into s�; 7 If 𝑓 𝑠� better than 𝑓 𝑠∗ then 8 Set s∗ ≔ s�; 9 Update scores π� of NE and NC; 10 If 𝑠� accepted then 11 Set s ≔ s�; 12 Until stop-criterion is met 13 Return s∗; Implementation of the ALNS heuristic

A variant of the ALNS heuristic is used in the macro. The pseudocode is

given in Table 7. Lines 7 until 17 indicate the main loop at the master level of the

heuristic, which gets repeated until the stop-criterion is met. The criterion used in

Table 6: Adaptive LNS heuristic (Røpke & Pisinger, 2006)

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the algorithm is a timer that starts when the algorithm is initialized. The code at

line 9 introduces a certain noise into the solution, dependent on the parameters 𝛼,

and 𝛼. set at line 3 and 4. After this mutation, locations are randomly inserted from

a list of possible candidates. The three local search heuristics, described at line 11,

compete against each other. These heuristics are described in section 5.4.2. The

rest of the code again considers whether the newly formed solution is better than

the current known solution and determines if it can be accepted.

Framework: Variant of the Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search heuristic

1 Construct an incumbent solution s; s∗ ≔ s; 2 Set iteration counter 𝑘 = 0; 3 Set minimum removal rate 𝛼,; 4 Set maximal removal rate 𝛼.; 5 Set candidate list size 𝛽; 6 Start timer;

7 Repeat 8 Set s� = 𝑠; 9 Randomly remove α, + U 0,1 ∙ α. − α, percent from s�; 10 Randomly reinsert locations from 𝛽 into s�; 11

Apply best among 2-opt, vertex swap and vertex relocation;

12 If 𝑓 𝑠� better than 𝑓 𝑠∗ then 13 Set s∗ ≔ s�; 14 If 𝑠� accepted then 15 Set s ≔ s�; 16 𝑘 + +; 17 Until timer hits zero 18 Return s∗;

Table 7: Variant of the ALNS heuristic, implemented at the tool

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5.6. VRP at the dialysis center

This section opens with a map locating the patients’ addresses together with

the location of the hospital (Figure 19). The addresses were taken from a list of

168 dialysis patients, provided by dr. An De Vriese [this list is not embedded in

this thesis due to the privacy of the patients]. Besides patients’ addresses, the list

also offered the patients’ mode of transportation (including the taxi firms, if one is

used) and the patient’s assigned shift. Out of the 168 patients, more than 60% used

taxi services.

5.6.1. Current state The core problem concerning the transportation of patients to and from the

dialysis center is that no main method is known to determine how patients can share

rides in order to minimize costs. Hence, two inefficiencies occur:

• Too many patients using taxi services are transported alone;

• Even if patients share rides, it is not known if this is the cheapest solution.

Figure 20 illustrates a first conceptual transportation time scheme of the

current state. Two patients are picked up separately by a taxi and are driven to the

hospital. They arrive at the same time. This conceptual drawing will later be

adjusted to explain a new approach.

Figure 19: Map indicating location of hospital and 168 dialysis patients

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5.6.2. Solution approach The aim for studying the theory around the Vehicle Routing Problem was

to propose an improvement on the taxi services provided to dialysis patients at AZ

Sint-Jan Bruges-Ostend. The solution approach can be split into two components.

• A first component consists of finding patients that can share taxi rides so that

global costs are minimized. This problem was identified in section 5.2.3 as the

Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem.

• The second component deals with limiting the extra traveling times for

patients. These additional traveling times are imposed by the fact that sharing

rides will increase total traveling durations for certain patients. In section 5.1.2,

a recognition was made concerning the traveling duration and the impact on

the patient’s quality of life. To set limits on these extra traveling durations,

time windows for each patient are introduced. This extends the routing

problem to a Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

(section 5.2.4).

In addition, an assumption was made that there are no depots for the taxi

services to return to. This assumption was made because taxi riders continue their

working day after they released the patients at the dialysis center. Thus, the final

problem can be termed the ‘Open’ Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time


Figure 20: Current transportation time scheme

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107 Time windows for patients

Time windows indicate an interval in which transportation services can

pick-up or drop-off patients. In this context, it is used to set a limit on the extra

traveling duration imposed by sharing rides. This application of time windows is

new in the literature. It adds a human component to the otherwise, solely logistic

VRP. A conceptual figure illustrates the usage of these time windows (Figure 21).

When Figure 20 is compared with Figure 21, the extra driving time for

patient 1 becomes clear. Picking up patient 1 occurs within its time window. These

time windows for picking up patients and transport them to the hospital are

established using the following simple interval:

𝑡ZjA − 𝑡¡}n¢[, 𝑡ZjA (5.79)

The minimum time 𝑡ZjA indicates the shortest time possible for a patient to

go to the hospital. On the other hand, the extra traveling time 𝑡¡}n¢[ imposes a

maximum time added to the total traveling time. VRP Tool

The tool discussed in section 5.5, is used in order to optimize the Open

Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. A user manual on how to use this

tool is included in Appendix VIII. It is primarily based to help nurses use this tool.

Figure 22 shows a violation of these time windows. When these time

windows are violated, the tool indicates the solution as infeasible. However, if the

number of vehicles used in the schedule does not allow any better schedule, these

violations are minimized and the optimized, yet infeasible solution is given.

Figure 21: Illustration of time windows

Page 130: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


5.6.3. Results From the dataset provided by dr. An De Vriese, four routing problems can

be identified. These routing problems correspond with the four shifts patients can

get assigned to (section In Table 8 the number of patients per shift that

make use of transportation services are given.

Shift 1 (M/W/F


Shift 2 (M/W/F


Shift 3 (T/T/S AM)

Shift 4 (T/T/S PM)

Number of patients using transportation services

21 25 22 18

Figure 23 shows the outcome of the optimization of the first shift. Time

windows were set so that patients are assigned to a schedule with at most 15

minutes extra in driving time. In this context, each vehicle had the capacity of

transporting at most three patients.

The performance criteria to compare the new schedule with the old

schedule are the number of vehicles, total traveling duration, total extra duration

and total distance.

Figure 22: Illustration of a time windows violation

Table 8: Number of patients per shift, using transportation services

Page 131: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


In Table 9 the different performance criteria of the old and new

transportation schedule of shift 1 are listed. Only the impact of the scenario where

patients are picked up from their homes to the hospital is given. However, returning

patients back to their dwellings is practically the same. Since one patient is in need

of the taxi service six times per week (patients need to go to the hospital and from

the hospital back to their homes again, this occurs three times a week), the impact

of this improved schedule should not go unnoticed.

Old NewNumber of vehicles 14 9Total traveling duration (hours) 6:00 5:06Total extra duration (hours) 0:37 1:15Total distance (km) 245.49 185.19

It is hard to quantify the impact in monetary terms. However, it can be

easily seen that the reduction in the number of vehicles, as well as the reduction in

total traveling time and the reduction in total driving distance will surely have a

lasting impact on the long term.

Based on feedback during the observations, it is acknowledged that several

patients opt not to use taxi services because the transportation services are too

expensive. Hence, this case study could be used as a financial persuasion for

patients. After all, sharing rides implies sharing costs.

Figure 23: Taxi schedule for shift 1

Table 9: Performance criteria of old and new routing schedule (shift 1)

Page 132: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


5.7. Conclusion

The purpose of this chapter was to introduce a comprehensive approach for

the transportation problem at AZ Sint-Jan, together with a tool able to solve this

problem. Therefore, theoretical concepts concerning the Vehicle Routing Problem

were first introduced.

The transportation problem at AZ Sint-Jan was identified as the Open

Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. This problem belonged to the class

of 𝒩𝒫-hard problems. In order to solve this problem efficiently, a heuristic method

was embedded in an Excel macro.

The outcome of the optimized transportation schedule was twofold. To

start, the number of vehicles, the total traveling duration and the total distance were

reduced. Yet, the traveling durations experienced by several patients increased. It

is up to the policy makers to assess these performance criteria and to highlight

which ones are the most important.

By making smart use of time windows – which method of usage was not

found anywhere else in academic literature – a limit on the extra traveling duration

was imposed for each patient. Meaning if a patient gets picked up from his home,

the detour in time to pick-up another patient before going to the hospital was

limited. Hence, the optimization problem attempts to find the best optimal routes

for the taxi services while limiting the extra times for the customers.

Page 133: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


Chapter 6

Future Research

This dissertation aimed to analyze and redesign the hemodialysis process and the

according transportation process. Nevertheless, this thesis has its limitations.

Therefore, recommendations for future research will be elaborated.

In this dissertation topic, the workflow of nurses during the dialysis process

was analyzed. An optimal patient arrival schedule was conducted based on the

analysis of workflows and on the total waiting times for patients. Some new

staffing policies with a better fit with these new patient arrivals were already

formulated in this thesis. Nevertheless, this thesis lacks an operational nurse

scheduling roster. This problem is known in literature as the Nurse Scheduling

Problem (Maenhout, 2007). An in-depth research of this Nurse Scheduling

Problem, taking into account nurse preferences and working regulations is

recommended. The different staffing policies can be compared based on several

performance criteria. This problem was also one of the remarks that arose during

the feedback session with dr. De Vriese. This topic can be used to provide a best

known solution within the problem’s scheduling constraints. Additionally, this

future research can support decisions that lay outside the problem’s constraints,

such as different staffing policies.

A lot of surveys are conducted concerning the satisfaction of nurses

working at a dialysis unit. The implementation of a sequential connection of

dialysis patients is expected to have a positive outcome on nurses’ satisfaction. A

recommendation for future research is to study whether or not this is actual the

case. This study was not included in this thesis since such a research is only

Page 134: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process


meaningful on a longer term. If the outcome turns out to be positive, the sequential

connection planning can be exploited to other dialysis facilities.

Furthermore, there were also made assumptions. In this dissertation, there

was no distinction made between in- and outpatients. Though, there are some

differences between these two types of patients. Inpatients are hospitalized and are

transported through the internal transportation system. It was observed that the

internal transportation was often overwhelmed by patients who had to be carried to

another department. At this way, inpatients arrived late at the dialysis department.

Since these patients also need more investigations and their condition is less stable,

there is more uncertainty observed compared to outpatients. This introduces even

more stress for the nurses. In a more complex model, the distinction between these

types of patients could be incorporated.

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Chapter 7

General conclusion

This final chapter will give a general conclusion regarding this master

dissertation. In this thesis, the hemodialysis process and transportation services

were analyzed and redesigned. Two perspectives were formed regarding these


- In the nurse’s perspective there was desired to find a more balanced workload.

The dialysis nurse’s workload is known to have several peaks and valleys. The

peaks are created by the arrival and connection of patients and their subsequent

disconnection and departure. To have a deeper understanding of the process

the BPM cycle was used. Here the processes were analyzed and the problems

inherent to these processes were described. To solve the observed issues, a

MILP model was composed. This led to a schedule in which patients were

planned sequentially. At this way, the workload is more balanced.

Furthermore, there is expected that this will have a positive effect on the

nurses’ satisfaction.

- The patient’s perspective was seen within a transportation context. It was

analyzed that a lot of patients arranged their own transport due to the fact that

taxi services are expensive and inefficient in terms of waiting. Nonetheless,

nobody really knew how the transportation firms could be optimized. A first

proposal was done using the theory about the Vehicle Routing Problem. The

new proposal outperformed the old transportation scheme in terms of total

number of vehicles, total traveling duration and total distance.

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Journal of the Operational Research Society, 60, 663-673.

Page 149: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

Appendix I


APPENDIX I: Goal model

Page 150: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

Appendix II


Page 151: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

Appendix II

Subprocess connect to machine: AS IS

Page 152: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

Appendix II

Subprocess disnnect from machine: AS IS

Page 153: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

Appendix II

Subprocess disinfect catheter: AS IS

Page 154: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

Appendix III

APPENDIX III: Value added analysis

MAINPROCESS TypePreparedialysis:putonmachine,distributematerialforconnection BVAConnectionofpatienttodialysismachine sub.Distributemealsand/ordrinkstopatients VADetermineifbloodsampleshavetobetaken BVAPrintstickersforbloodtubesfornextbatchofpatients VAPutstickersontubefornextbatchofpatients VAPreparematerialtodisconnectpatientsofmachine VAPreparematerialforconnectioninnextshift VADistributedisconnectionmaterial(ontables) BVARecordpatientvalues BVAPreparemedicalfilesfornextshift BVADisinfectclips VACheckifcatheterhastobecleaned BVADisinfectcatheter/fistula sub.Provideextracareforpatient VAAssistdoctorduringconsultationtour NVADisconnectpatientsofdialysismachine sub.Removebedding VADisinfectbed VAMakeupbed VACleandialysismachine VAPutwiresandtubesinmachinefornextshift VAInsertmedicalfilesindatabase NVACleangarbagebin VACheckifTV-screensareout BVA

SUBPROCESSCONNECTION TypeCheckifpatientcangoinandoutbedindependentlyorneedshelpfromnurse BVAHelppatientinbed VACheckpatientdata:bloodcollectionneeded,fistula/catheter,targetweight,doctorremarks… BVAPutbloodpressuremeteron VADisinfectcottonpads VAPutbandagearoundwrist VADisinfectareaaroundfistula VAPricktwotimesinfistula VAPutbandagearoundupperarm VAFastenwirestofistula VACollectblood VA

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Appendix III

Connectwirestodialysismachineandtiewiresup VASetupmachine,registerbloodpressureandothervalues VACleantable BVAPutmaskonpatient VAPutgloveson VAPutbloodpressuremeteron VAPutsterileclothonpatient VARemovesockofcatheter VARemovefluidoutofcatheter VADisinfectcottonpads VARemovebloodtoemptyoutthecatheter VACollectblood VAConnectwirestodialysismachineandtiewiresup VASetupmachine,registerbloodpressureandothervalues VACleantable BVARemovesterilecloth,mouthmaskandputglovesoff VA

SUBPROCESSDISINFECTCATHETER TypePutmaskonpatient VAPutgloveson VAPutsterileclothonpatient VARemoveadhesiveplaster VADisinfectcottonpads VADisinfectcatheter VAPutnewadhesiveplasteron VARemovemask,sterilecloth,glovesandcottonpads VA

SUBPROCESSDISCONNECTION TypeCheck-uppatientdata BVAPutsterileclothunderpatients'arm VARemovebandageofwrist VARecordbloodpressureandothervalues VARemovebloodmeter VARemovewiresandbandagearoundwrist VACheckifthereisanuncontrolledbleeding BVAPutcliponarm VAPutplasterorbandageon/aroundfistula VAPutmachineinsetupmode BVACleantable BVAPutmaskonpatient VAPutsterileclotharoundcatheter VAPutgloveson VARemovebandagearoundwrist VA

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Appendix III

Disconnectwires VARecordbloodpressureandothervalues VARemovebloodmeter VADisinfectcottonpads VADisinfectcatheterwithcottonpads VAPutfluidincatheterandclosecatheter VAPutsockovercatheter VARemovewiresofmachineandpatients'mask VAPutglovesoff VAPutmachineinsetupmode BVACleantable BVACheckconditionofpatient:mobilityandnausea VAAssistpatienttogetoutofthebed VA

Page 157: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

Appendix IV

APPENDIX IV: Duration of activities and efficiency ratios





















4 4 4 5,12


11,53 35% 11,53 14,78


6,42 65% 8,22 8,22 6,42 8,23


1,46 1,45

25,36 32,50


0,4 17% 0,4


0,61 0,10


1,33 0,22


1,66 1,66


4,09 4,09


0,66 0,66

Recordpatientvalues 0,56 7% 3,92Preparemedicalfilesfornextshift

1 1

Disinfectclips 0,087 0,087Checkifcatheterhastobecleaned

0,4 15% 0,4

Disinfectcatheter 4,75 0,72Provideextracareforpatient



2,10 2,10


9,43 35% 9,43 12,09


7,44 65% 8,14 8,14 7,44 9,54

Removebedding 0,51 0,5110,49 13,44Disinfectbed 0,42 0,42

Makeupbed 2,55 2,55

Page 158: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

Appendix IV

Cleandialysismachine 0,40 0,40Putwiresandtubesinmachinefornextshift

2,36 2,36


3,72 3,72

Cleangarbagebin 0,13 0,13CheckifTV-screensareout

0,4 0,4

Timefor1patient 57,65 Timefor4patients 3,84 Timefor8patients 7,69 Operativehours2nurses


Efficiency 48,05% Dialysistime 240Theoreticalcycletime 256,3565Cycletimemorning 272Cycletimeefficiencymorning 94,25%Cycletimeafternoon 270Cycletimeefficiencyafternoon 94,95%

Page 159: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

Appendix V

APPENDIX V: Utilization Type



























Help 11,53 9,43 240 260,97 35% 148 52 13.559

Self 6,42 7,44 240 253,86 65% 96 24.381
































Help 37.941 51 705 2 1.410 71.910 66.270 58.815

Self 525 37.941 37.941 37.941




3Utilization 53% 57% 65%

Page 160: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

Appendix VI


Optimization model

Model //sets int i=...; int k=...; int t=...; //ranges range pats=1..i; range acts=1..k; range slots=1..t; //parameters float duration[pats][acts]=...; float cost1=...; float cost2=...; float time[pats]=...; float latest=...; float time_total=...; //variables dvar boolean Y[pats][acts][slots]; dvar boolean A[pats][acts][slots]; dvar float+ workload_per_t[slots]; dvar float+ workload_average; dvar float dev_av[slots]; dvar float+ stop[pats][acts]; //objective function minimize cost1 * sum(t in slots)dev_av[t] + cost2 * sum(i in pats, k in acts)stop[i][k]; //constraints subject to { forall(t in slots) workload_per_timeslot: workload_per_t[t] == sum(i in pats, k in acts)Y[i][k][t]; define_average: workload_average == (sum(i in pats, k in acts, t in slots)Y[i][k][t]) / time_total; forall(t in slots) deviation_of_average_1: dev_av[t] >= workload_per_t[t] - workload_average; forall(t in slots) deviation_of_average_2: dev_av[t] >= workload_average - workload_per_t[t]; forall(i in pats, k in acts, t in slots) define_stop: stop[i][k] >= Y[i][k][t] * t;

Page 161: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

Appendix VI

forall(i in pats, k in acts) activity_duration: sum(t in slots)Y[i][k][t] == duration[i][k]; forall(i in pats, t in slots) act_1: Y[i][1][t]*t <= latest; forall(i in pats, k in acts, t in slots: t>=2) continuity_1: Y[i][k][t-1] + Y[i][k][t] >= 2*A[i][k][t]; forall(i in pats, k in acts) continuity_2: sum(t in slots)A[i][k][t] == (duration[i][k]-1); forall(i in pats, k in acts) continuity_3: A[i][k][1] == 0; forall(i in pats) act_1_before_rest_1: stop[i][1] +1 <= stop[i][3] - duration[i][3]; forall(i in pats) act_2_after_rest_1: stop[i][2] - duration[i][2] >= stop[i][3] + 1; forall(i in pats) act_2_after_dialysis: stop[i][2] - duration[i][2] >= stop[i][1] + time[i] + 1; forall(i in pats, t in slots) max_workload_per_patient: sum(k in acts)Y[i][k][t] <= 1; } Data i=10; k=3; t=40 SheetConnection my_sheet("thesis 3 cplex.xlsx"); duration from SheetRead(my_sheet, "duration1"); cost1 from SheetRead(my_sheet, "cost1"); cost2 from SheetRead(my_sheet, "cost3"); time from SheetRead(my_sheet, "time1");

Page 162: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

Appendix VI

Adapted optimization model

Model //sets int i=...; int k=...; int t=...; //ranges range pats=1..i; range acts=1..k; range slots=1..t; //parameters float duration[pats][acts]=...; float cost1=...; float cost2=...; float time[pats]=...; //variables dvar boolean Y[pats][acts][slots]; dvar boolean A[pats][acts][slots]; dvar float+ highest; dvar float+ workload_per_t[slots]; dvar float+ stop[pats][acts]; float latest=...; //objective function minimize cost1 * highest + cost2 * sum(i in pats, k in acts)stop[i][k]; //constraints subject to { forall(t in slots) workload_per_timeslot: workload_per_t[t] == sum(i in pats, k in acts)Y[i][k][t]; forall(t in slots) define_highest: highest >= workload_per_t[t]; forall(i in pats, k in acts, t in slots) define_stop: stop[i][k] >= Y[i][k][t] * t; forall(i in pats, k in acts) activity_duration: sum(t in slots)Y[i][k][t] == duration[i][k]; forall(i in pats, t in slots) act_1: Y[i][1][t]*t <= latest; forall(i in pats, k in acts, t in slots: t>=2) continuity_1: Y[i][k][t-1] + Y[i][k][t] >= 2*A[i][k][t]; forall(i in pats, k in acts)

Page 163: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

Appendix VI

continuity_2: sum(t in slots)A[i][k][t] == (duration[i][k]-1); forall(i in pats, k in acts) continuity_3: A[i][k][1] == 0; forall(i in pats) act_1_before_rest_1: stop[i][1] +1 <= stop[i][3] - duration[i][3]; forall(i in pats) act_2_after_rest_1: stop[i][2] - duration[i][2] >= stop[i][3] + 1; forall(i in pats) act_2_after_dialysis: stop[i][2] - duration[i][2] >= stop[i][1] + time[i] + 1; forall(i in pats, t in slots) max_workload_per_patient: sum(k in acts)Y[i][k][t] <= 1; } Data i=10; k=3; t=40; SheetConnection my_sheet("thesis 3 cplex v2.xlsx"); duration from SheetRead(my_sheet, "duration1"); cost1 from SheetRead(my_sheet, "cost1"); cost2 from SheetRead(my_sheet, "cost3"); time from SheetRead(my_sheet, "time1");

Page 164: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

Appendix VI

Optimization model during connection

Model //sets int i=...; int t=...; //ranges range pats=1..i; range slots=1..t; //parameters float duration[pats]=...; float cost1=...; float cost2=...; float time_total=...; float nurses=...; //variables dvar boolean Y[pats][slots]; dvar boolean A[pats][slots]; dvar float+ highest; dvar float+ workload_per_t[slots]; dvar float+ workload_average; dvar float+ stop[pats]; //objective function minimize cost1 * highest + cost2 * sum(i in pats)stop[i]; //constraints subject to { forall(t in slots) workload_per_timeslot: workload_per_t[t] == sum(i in pats)Y[i][t]; forall(t in slots) define_highest: highest >= workload_per_t[t]; define_average: workload_average == (sum(i in pats, t in slots)Y[i][t]) / time_total; forall(i in pats, t in slots) define_stop: stop[i] >= Y[i][t] * t; forall(i in pats) activity_duration: sum(t in slots)Y[i][t] == duration[i]; forall(i in pats, t in slots: t>=2) continuity_1: Y[i][t-1] + Y[i][t] >= 2*A[i][t]; forall(i in pats) continuity_2: sum(t in slots)A[i][t] == (duration[i]-1);

Page 165: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

Appendix VI

forall(i in pats) continuity_3: A[i][1] == 0; forall(t in slots) max_workload: sum(i in pats)Y[i][t] <= nurses; } Data i=12; t=30; SheetConnection my_sheet("thesis 4 cplex.xlsx"); duration from SheetRead(my_sheet, "duration1"); cost1 from SheetRead(my_sheet, "cost1"); cost2 from SheetRead(my_sheet, "cost3");

Page 166: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

Appendix VII


Page 167: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

Appendix VIII

APPENDIX VIII: VRP user manual

This tool was mainly designed to solve the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time

Windows. It is seen in the context of transporting patients. The tool’s code can be

accesed by pressing ALT+F11 inside any Excel Window. The macro can be found

in the ribbon ‘ADD-INS’.

Please note that the macro will only work on Excel for Windows.

Overview of the file

Three main tabs are always present: Hospital list, Patient list and General

Information. These tabs are used as an input for the tool’s solver.

First of all, the tab ‘Hospital list’ should include the following information about

the hospital:

- Name; - Address; - Geocode.

The tab ‘Patient list’ lists all patients currently scheduled in the dialysis center.

Following information about the patients must be stored:

- Patient’s ID; - Name; - Address; - Geocode; - Distance and duration from the patient’s address to the hospital; - Service time; - Mode of transportation; - Dialysis shift.

In order to calculate the geocode as well as the distance and durations, two formulas

were added to the tool. The function for calculating the coordinates is

COORDINATES_google(). The two following functions, DISTANCE_google() and

DURATION_google() respectively calculate the distance and duration between two

locations. More information on how to use these funtions is provided in the tool.

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Appendix VIII

The screen below shows a screenshot of the tab ‘General Information’. Here, the

user can enter some basic parameters for the VRP. The most notable ones are

‘closed route’ and ‘maximum extra time’. The former indicates if the vehicle needs

to return to his base depot. When it is an open route problem, the optimal solution

does not consider the vehicle’s ending location. The latter sets the maximum extra

time possible, endured by each customer. This extra time is compared with driving

directly to the destination.

Figure 1: General Information

Overview of the macro

A snapshot of the first function, called Worksheets, is given below. Each of these

four functions will create a new tab.

Figure 2: Main button - Worksheets

Locations. By clicking on the ‘Locations’-button a tab will be created asking

for the data of all the nodes that must be present for the routing problem. The user

is required to paste the names of the hospital and the patients as well as their

Page 169: analysis, redesign and implementation of a dialysis process

Appendix VIII

addresses. These data must be retrieved from the tabs ‘Hospital list’ and ‘Patient

list’. Here the time windows are also set for each location. This is done

automatically, based on the maximum extra time value from the ‘General


Taxis. This tab asks for specific information about the taxi services. Mainly, it’s

about the costs (fixed and variable), the vehicle’s capacity and the number of


Distance and duration. Once the ‘locations’-tab is filled in, it is used as

input for calculating the distance and duration matrix. The distance and duration

between each node needs to be known. The user has the option to choose a

distance/duration calculation method. Either it is based on Google Maps’ API or it

is based on Euclidean distances. The tool will ask which one you want to apply.

Please be patient when these values are calculated, as this can take some time.

Route. Finally, a tab called ‘route’ serves as a file that collects the solution. A

manual solution can be filled in or an automatically solution generated by the tool

itself can be filled in. In addition, this tab gives some feedback about several

performance criteria of the current solution.

The second button in the macro is called Solver. As its name might suggest,

clicking this button will engage a solution method that tries to find an optimal

solution for the given network. The CPU time needed is read from the ‘General

Information’-tab. It is important to note that every tab listed in the main button

‘Worksheets’ must be present in order for the solver to start.

Figure 3: Main button - Solver

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Appendix VIII

When finished the macro will prompt a window giving feedback about the

feasibility of the solution. It also asks if the new solution must overwrite the current

solution present in the ‘Route’-tab.

Last but not least, a handy reset function is added under the main button Other.

This will clear all data present in the Excel file, except for the first two tabs:

Hospital List and Patient List.

Good luck!