analysis of play, feb 3, 2014

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Page 1: Analysis of Play, Feb 3, 2014

Image by Ulric Weck

Page 2: Analysis of Play, Feb 3, 2014

TODAY:1)Icebreaker2)Checking in/how are we doing?3)Discussion: what’d you play?4)And why?5)Why do we play?6)Readings7)Homework

Page 3: Analysis of Play, Feb 3, 2014

Today’s Icebreaker:Who is your favorite

video game characterand why?

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Since we lost a day…

…I wanted to check in to see how everyone is doing. Are we clear onthe general flow of how classshould function?

Any questions?

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Discussion time!You should have played, and

blogged about, a game of yourchoice.

What did you play?Why?

How was it?

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So what does it mean…

…to play? I’m going to open a Word document and take notes as youdiscuss.

So… what’s it mean to play?

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Reading: on Psychology1.Play is about Motivation

2.Play can blend with other motives

3.Play is a confluence of severaldifferent characteristics.

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Reading: on Psychology1.Play is self-chosen and self-directed; players are always free to quit.2. Play is activity in which means are more valued than ends.3. Play is guided by mental rules.4. Play is non-literal, imaginative, marked off in some way from reality.5. Play involves an active, alert, but non-stressed frame of mind.

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Reading: on HuizingaA wealth of great stuff, but

what I want us to talk aboutis our first major concept:

The Magic Circle!

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According to Huizinga, the consciousness of play as a separate and self-contained sphere is often reinforced by the pervasive tendency to enclose the players within a spatiotemporal frame, the so-called "magic circle", which isolates their game from the more serious tasks of daily living. The separation often consists in a literal physical precinct: a chessboard, ring, arena, field, stadium, stage, altar, etc. There are also sharp temporal boundaries, a clear beginning and an end, which clearly mark the game off as a temporary interruption of ordinary life. The game unfolds within a temporarily closed world. Moreover, the existence of the magic circle is closely related to the existence of artificial rules or conventions that hold only within this enclosure.

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Sometime this week, spend atleast an hour playing any game from the Legend of Zelda series.We have some here in the room.

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Read for Wednesday McGonigal, Callois (both

on Niihka under “resources”) and Juul.