analysis of iczm practice in abruzzo region

ABRUZZO REGION Service Maritime Works and Marine Water Quality WP 3/Action 3.1 Facilitating the implementation of ICZM Protocol Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region

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Service Maritime Works and Marine Water Quality

WP 3/Action 3.1 Facilitating the implementation of ICZM Protocol

Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region



INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 3

1. Geographical and environmental framework of the Abruzzo marine-coastal system ....................... 3

2. Main uses and pressures of the Abruzzo marine-coastal system (urbanization, tourism, industries

and others) ............................................................................................................................................. 4

SECTION I: SECTORAL POLICIES IN COASTAL ZONES ....................................................................... 10

1.1. Protection, rehabilitation and maintenance of the Abruzzo coast ................................................. 10

1.2. Managing coastal Activities ..................................................................................................... 16

1.3. Implementation level of MSP and ICZM .................................................................................... 25

SECTION II: GOVERNANCE METHODS FOR COASTAL ZONE .............................................................. 30

2.1. Consolidating integration mechanisms ..................................................................................... 30

2.2. Information and participation ................................................................................................... 32

SECTION III: STRATEGIC PLANNING IN COASTAL ZONE ..................................................................... 34

3.1 National ICZM strategy ........................................................................................................... 34

3.2 Coastal plans and programmes as tools for implementing national strategies .............................. 34

SECTION IV: REGIONAL COOPERATION ............................................................................................. 35

4.1. Principle of cooperation .......................................................................................................... 35

4.2. Fields of regional cooperation .................................................................................................. 35

SECTION V: CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................. 36

5.1. Summary of the findings from the legal compliance analysis and the current practice ................... 36

5.2. Proposals of solutions for the Protocol implementation .............................................................. 36

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region




The Abruzzo coast (around 127 km of which 91 km low and mostly sandy) have been characterized, in the

last 70 years, by a continued reduction of the solid debris river to the coast and a consequent loss of stability

in the coastline, which depends on the amount of sand transported by rivers.

The reduction of the sand transported by rivers is due to a number of not reversible factors which have

occurred over time: the construction of the first dams, which can completely block the transport of the solid

debris rivers; the extraction of inert materials from river beds; and the displacement of the anthropic system

from the hills and mountains to rivers and coasts in the last fifty years. The significant presence of dams is

justified – among other reasons - by the fact that they contribute greatly to cover regional electricity needs:

hydroelectric power plants account for more than 70% of the energy generated in the Abruzzo Region.

The coast of Abruzzo is suffering from increasing coast erosion. Coastline retreat has already caused the

disappearance of the sea dunes everywhere. Evidently, dunes are very important in preventing erosion of

beaches and deterioration of waters: their disappearance represents an issue that can not be separated from

the state of the coasts.

The presence of erosion is highlighted by the fact that nowadays more than 30% of the coastline is protected

by parallel cliffs. However, these structures for coastal protection can cause unwanted effects, such as

changes on the natural movement of sand, which often result in increasing erosion.

The lack of coordinated policies and tools to guide human interventions on the coast has gradually led to the

adoption of a local-based, not comprehensive approach on the coast which has only given temporary

solutions for coastal erosion: buildings or infrastructures directly threatened by erosion had been secured,

and severely eroded beaches had been reconstructed. In many cases, even if some measures have solved

the problem of coastal erosion at local level, they have often exacerbated coastal erosion problems at other

locations - up to tens of kilometers away - or have generated other problems, especially in the zones located

north and south of the protected areas. As a result, continuous extension of the works along the coast is


From a morphological point of view, the Abruzzo coast can be divided into three distinct parts corresponding

to morphological, petrographic and sedimentological characteristics.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


In the North, the first portion comprises the northern half of the coast extending from the mouth of the Tronto

River, which forms the border with the Marches, to the Port of Ortona. This coastline is almost entirely low,

except for a few kilometers north of Ortona that are high coast. From the point of view of the solid

contributions of fluvial origin, the stretch of coastline is essentially fed by the rivers Tronto, Tordino Vomano,

Saline, Pescara and Foro. The background is hilly, sloping gently towards the beaches that do not have a

uniform width, but is generally larger near the mouths of rivers.

In the South, the second section is between the Port of Ortona and the promontory of Punta Penna. The

northern part (from the port of Ortona to Fossacesia, which is the beginning of the alluvial plain of the

Sangro) and the southern part (from the mouth of the river Sinello to Punta Penna) on this stretch of coast

are made of a high coast. The central area between the mouth of the Sangro and Sinello rivers consists of a

low coast. Along this second stretch of coastline almost no solid longitudinal inputs come from the north and

from the south (the port of Ortona and the promontory of Punta Penna limit the exchange of material with the

adjacent areas). The main source of supply of solid low-lying coastal rivers is provided by the Sangro and


Finally, the third section runs from the promontory of Punta Penna to the River Trigno and is composed of

high coast from Punta Penna to Fossacesia and low coast from Fossacesia to Trigno. The Trigno River is the

main source of supply of solid material in this area.


Two main factors contributed to the determination of the current coastal state:

o the reduction of river sediment transport;

o the typologies of human activities on the coast.

The increase of human pressure has largely affected the status of the Abruzzo coast. The current population

density of the Abruzzo region shows a clear division between the coastal areas of the Adriatic, with a density

above 100 inhabitants per square kilometer, and the inland areas, except for some urban islands on the coast

with a density below 100 inhabitants per square kilometer. The higher density of the coastal strip has different

depths inward: maximum of 30 km as the crow flies between Pescara-Popoli and Giulianova-Teramo,

compared with a thinning coastline in the south of the Chieti province.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


Around 30% of the population (1991) and the major urban concentrations (nineteen municipalities) are

located in the coastal area.

The transfer of the population to the sea has led to a doubling of the population living in 19 coastal

municipalities and the development of an intense tourism activity.

Until the early Nineteenth century the coastline remained a land of little relevance in terms of settlement and

production. Local development in this area was largely dependent on income from inland settlements, which

were served by the existing communication system across the valleys.

Settlements in the region and the activities were located in the complex network of valleys and hills,

especially along the "Via degli Abruzzi", between the Apennines and the Gran Sasso and Maiella: this was

the main axis of communications between the major political and economic centres, Florence and Naples,

respectively in the Centre and South of Italy.

In the second part of the Nineteenth century, one of the longitudinal communication systems emerged as

important along the coast, consisting of the ordinary roads (especially, the S.S. Adriatica), the railway and, in

recent years, the A14 highway, which is a road of national importance.

The Adriatic route has become the main way for national (between the north and the south-east) and

international (through the Adriatic ports, including Pescara, Ortona and Vasto, towards Eastern

Mediterranean countries) freight and passenger flows.

The "Adriatic corridor", which is currently involved in development programs and projects of European

interest, is of strategic importance at the national and international levels.

Although infrastructure services have been recently improved, the ancient “Via degli Abruzzi” has gradually

lost its importance, while the Adriatic Route and the road Rome-Pescara emerged as the main road axis

connecting Naples with Florence and Milan.

The development of new infrastructures and communication systems is responsible for the growth of

settlements in the coastal strip, notably those settlements located at the intersection nodes between the

coastal strip and the direct transversal road ways.

In particular, Pescara represents the connection point between the Adriatic coast and the wider territorial

system of Abruzzo: nowadays, Pescara-Aterno basin is the basic element of the main settlement system in

the region.

Consequently, conditions for high conflicts emerged in recent years on the coastal strip, which were caused


o the contrast between settlement patterns and the needs of environmental protection of the coast;

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


o the interference between the longitudinal transportation infrastructure (which is of national

importance, consisting of rail, road and highway systems) and settlement systems.

In particular, the railway and the Adriatic highway constitute a rigid and impermeable barrier that creates

strong transverse discontinuity.

The different characteristics of the territory have favoured the urban settlement along the coasts and valleys.

In the stretch along Pescara and Teramo provinces, the process of human settlement created a continuous

longitudinal infrastructure system connected, through the nodes made by the terminal valley fields, to the

transverse settlement and infrastructure systems. So, continuity is ensured between the valley and the

coastal settlement systems. The saturation of the coast and the spatial continuity between the coast and the

valleys generated an increasingly process of diffusion that extends its effects on the valleys.

Although the causes of coastal erosion in Abruzzo seem to be the same reported in other Mediterranean

regions, some peculiarities linked to the coastal use (e.g.: a higher anthropisation level) contribute to make

the case of the Abruzzo Region quite different from that of other Italian Regions. The higher anthropization

level on the coasts - which is very important for the Abruzzo Region from a socio-economic point of view –

makes it very hard to address coastal erosion and requires a comprehensive and integrated approach aimed


o reduce – or, at least, to contain - the negative effects of human pressure on the coasts;

o restore part of the river sediment transport; and

o encourage interventions for coastal protection aimed to artificially return to the coast (for example,

by nourishment) part of sediments no longer transported by waterways.

From the point of view of social and economic development, the coastal strip can be divided into

homogeneous territorial units1. The territorial units referring to a homogeneous base have been identified by

an analysis which comprises of the following steps:

o characterization of the coastline of Abruzzo as a whole;

o specific characterizations resulting from physical and socio-economic analysis.

1 Report on the state of the coast in Abruzzo – Abruzzo Region.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


Finally, five levels have been identified:

Characteristics Number Average surface Characterization

00 Regional Coast 1 127 km Social and economic

01 Macro-areas 4 20/40 km Phisic-Social and economic

02 Municipalities 19 3/10 km Social and economic

03 Type of coastal protection 25 5/10 km Phisic

04 Micro-areas 50 2/4 km Social and economic

05 Micro-areas 56 1/4 km Phisic-Social and economic

The four homogeneous social and economic macro-areas do not correspond to provincial boundaries. They

correspond to a mixed aggregation between the physical characteristics of the coast and specific socio-

economic characteristics of the coastal strip.

The first social and economic macro-area includes the seven coastal municipalities that are part of the

province of Teramo, and notably, from north to south: Martinsicuro, Alba Adriatica, Tortoreto, Giulianova,

Roseto, Pineto and Silvi. All of these municipalities have a predominantly sandy coastline. Touristic and

economic activities, residences and service infrastructures are located on this coast. Some less populated

areas with a high environmental value are also part of the coastline.

The second of the four socio-economic areas occupies the central part of the coast of Abruzzo. The central

Abruzzo conurbation, which involves the two capital cities of Pescara and Chieti, is of great importance for

regional development. This area plays an important role as central urban area both for Abruzzo region and

the central part of the interior space of the Adriatic coast. Five municipalities are located in this area: they

belong to the province of Pescara (Città Sant'Angelo, Pescara and Montesilvano) and to the province of

Chieti (Francavilla and the largest part – the northern part - of Ortona). The south boundary of this area lies

immediately south of the port of Ortona. This municipality is included in the second homogeneous area

mainly because the port facility - which is currently interested by a process of requalification and expansion -

will be the outlet for the productive activities of the entire central Abruzzo conurbation.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


The southern part of the coastline of Ortona is instead included in the Third homogeneous area because of

the peculiarity of its characterization, which is different from that of the north and central coastline of the

same municipality.

The third of the four socio-economic homogeneous areas is located in the central part of the province of

Chieti. The coastline in this area is essentially not sandy and characterized by: the prevalence of high coasts;

poor residential development and tourism activities; agricultural activities immediately upstream of the coast;

production activities much more distanced from the coastline. This area also presents a high environmental

value: a specific proposal for the creation of the "Marine National Park of Costa Teatina" has been submitted.

This area includes five municipalities, other than the southern part of the coast of Ortona: Rocca San

Giovanni, San Vito, Fossacesia, Torino di Sangro and the northern part of Casalbordino.

Because of the different shape of the coast – which is mostly clay, as usual in the extreme southern part of

the coastline of Abruzzo - the two municipalities of Vasto and San Salvo, together with the Southern part of

the municipality of Casalbordino, constitute a further homogeneous macro-area, the Fourth, which is

characterized by the presence, on the line of the coast and in the hilly hinterland, of well developed tourist

and production activities.

Five levels of zoning of the coastline of Abruzzo have been finally identified:

o General level: is defined in a convergent analysis, both through physical and socio-economic data.

Result: four macro-areas;

o First level of detail, as defined by municipal coastal borders (19): it is designed on socio-economic

data and based on the planning ability of the regional development model. This ability is expressed -

explicitly or implicitly, consciously or unconsciously - by the actions taken by each municipality

continued over a long period of time;

o Further level of detail: defined on the basis of the absence / presence and characteristics of

protective structures of the coastline;

o Fourth level: it emerges from the analysis of socio-economic data for each census section (and

sometimes from sections with a higher degree of precision). Result: 50 micro-areas based on the

four macro-areas, each with different socio-economic characteristics;

o Fifth level: it is determined by the final convergence between physical and socio-economic data.

Result: 56 areas that can be considered homogeneous both from a physical and socio-economic

point of view. Detailed analysis of coastal risk can be carried out on these areas.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region



1.1. Protection, rehabilitation and maintenance of the Abruzzo coast

General Principles

Following the creation of new administrative divisions in the last decade of the Twentieth century,

competencies and responsibilities on coastal protection were assigned to Italian Regions. By understanding

the social and economic importance of its coast, the Abruzzo region was among the first Italian Regions to

adhere to EU guidelines concerning the integrated management of the coast.

Any effective coastal management should be based on the ability to exercise continuous control over its

"state". The Abruzzo Region has provided not only for planning and set up of specific monitoring systems, but

also the systematic elaboration and publication of the results. Programming interventions on coastal

protection and management in large areas enabled Abruzzo Region to realize an important and wide-ranging

program of measures for the protection and nourishment of beaches, which produced undoubted positive

effects on public goods.

Since the Fifties, a drastic reduction of the solid debris river to the coast emerged as result of the use of land

and its protection: it paved the way to the onset of erosive processes. The only method of "protection" against

coastal erosion adopted in Abruzzo at that time was the use of works against erosion: mainly, grazing

protection, and emerged or detached breakwaters. This approach, which was partly justified by the need to

respond urgently and at low cost to the occurrence of erosion, has led to a massive anthropogenic settlement

in the coastal area: as a result, infrastructures and buildings often occupied the coastal dunes. Moreover, by

considering the modest inflow of solid materials, the interventions of coastal protection have caused the

triggering of a sort of chain reaction: in thirty years, dozens of miles of coastline were in need of protection

through works of the rigid type. Today, on a coastal region of about 120 km, some 42 km (about 36% with

reference to the development of the coast and 45% with reference to the sun beaches) are protected by rigid

breakwaters. Currently, these structures help protect homes built along the coast and tourism activities

(around 80% of the accommodation in Abruzzo is concentrated in the nineteen coastal municipalities).

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


Pescara, Coast north to the river mouth.

In the Nineties legal, technical and economic frameworks on "coastal system” have changed. An important

element of change was of an administrative nature: the transfer of powers from the central Government to the

Regions, including budget and any duties and competencies on territorial and coastal management. A further

element of change was of a technical nature: a new technology for seabed dredging at great depths, which

was gradually introduced following successful experiences made in a number of major dredging work carried

out in the Middle East and Asian countries. The introduction of this new technology made it possible to grow

marine sand pits for the purpose of beach nourishment on coastal waters above 100 m in the presence of

layers of mud (pelite) covering the sands for a thickness up to several meters. As a result, the interventions of

artificial nourishment of beaches can be implemented on a large scale for associated costs which are often

competitive with conventional methods (cultivation of land quarries), especially in cases where, for the needs

of rehabilitation and protection of the coasts, there is the need to move high volumes of material (more than

hundreds of thousands / millions of cubic meters). This technology is advantageous also in terms of

generated environmental impacts compared to land techniques.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


In addition, the radical transformation of the coastal landscape, which accompanied the socio-economic

development of the Abruzzo Region, the strengthening of both the Adriatic and the transverse

Adriatic/Tyrrhenian axis of communication, together with expectations of economic growth, have exacerbated

human pressures on the environment. In this context, the Abruzzo Region has taken steps to cope with the

new management responsibilities through preparation of a series of measures aimed at promoting and

implementing the integrated management of the coastal zones.

Coast of San Salvo. The human occupation of the coastal strip, the destruction of the dunes and the reduction of river sediment transport trigger the "war of position" between man and the sea.

Gestione dei sedimenti nella fascia litoranea Abbruzzese

The Abruzzo region has addressed the problem of coastal erosion in a sustainable way during recent

decades, by developing a regional plan for the integrated coastal management.

To this purpose, at the end of the 90s, the Abruzzo Region has promoted the development of the “Rationale

for the Integrated Coastal Area Management” co-financed by the European Commission (LIFE-Environment

97/IT/72/PAZ), which laid to the Feasibility Study (financing by the Italian CIPE Funds 106/99) within the

Regional Plan of Interventions for the Protection and Management of coastal areas (approved by Regional

Decree (DGR) 964/2002).

In the above mentioned feasibility study, based on modern principles and risk analysis tools of the coastal

areas, the 135 km of the coastline of the Abruzzo Region were divided into 50 "coastal areas" classified

according to the hydraulic-maritime vulnerability aspects of the socio-economic status.

For coastal areas classified as "higher risk areas", the Abruzzo Region has developed a technical and

economic feasibility for the implementation of coastal engineering interventions (such as: redevelopment and

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


construction of natural rocks, submerged barriers and panels) to be implemented based on the availability of

funding, together with interventions of beach nourishment (for a quantity equals to 10x10m) able to ensure

the effective availability of the “sand resources2”.

Between 2004 and 2007, based on the results of technical and economic feasibility studies, the Abruzzo

Region has promoted the financing (CIPE funds 36/2002 and 17/2003) of engineering interventions related to

regeneration and protection of the most "vulnerable" coasts (Martinsicuro, Pineto - Silvi, Montesilvano, South

of Pescara - Francavilla al Mare, Fossacesia, Casalbordino and Vasto) for a total amount of 14.4 million euro,

of which 7.6 million euro for submerged barriers and panels and 8.2 million euro for interventions of beach


The submarine area used for the supplying of materials for beach nourishment was the off-shore area of the

Marche Region (subject to mining rights for the extraction of sandstone), through the use of the dredger

TSHD-JUMBO "Pearl River" (able to grow also on depth higher than 120 m) whose characteristics have

allowed operators to inflow approximately 600,000 m of material (for a total of 45 cycles of nourishment

between years 2006 and 2007).

In order to preserve the colour of the beaches, a technique of "supply and installation" has been adopted.

This technique required the utilization of sediment tanks during the preparation phase and the removal of the

native sand, used in the formation of embankments, from the surface. Then, the sand was relocated and

spread on the surface after completion of the backflow of material for beach nourishment. In this way the

original material is able to restore the surface layer of the beach at the end of the nourishment, thereby

reducing the visual impact otherwise induced by different chromatic aspect of the sands used. Even after the

first storm surges, which led to an inevitable mixing of sand nourishment with native ones, the chromatic

difference and the consequent possible visual impact was still tolerable. Over the years, any chromatic

differences have gradually attenuated thanks to the effects of the mixing and dispersion of the nourishment

material from areas of backflow and the loss of colour induced by the combined action of natural salt and


With funding from CIPE 20/2004, 35/2005 and 3/2006 in 2007, the Abruzzo Region then started the design of

the second phase of coastal engineering interventions in Martinsicuro, Roseto degli Abruzzi, Pineto, Silvi,

Montesilvano, Ortona and Vasto Casalbordino.

2 Based on the RICAMA Project results, the Abruzzo Region has promoted, between 1999 to 2003, geophysics-marine surveys aimed at finding and characterization of underwater deposits of sand for the nourishment of the Abruzzo coastline.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


The executive project is split into two main components: re-development works; realization of works in natural

rocks. The projects amount is 4.5 million euro, combined with interventions of beach nourishment for an

amount of about 16.0 million euro (including any transaction costs for: research, selection and authorization

of new underwater caves; "royalties" as deriving from the mining rights, etc.), corresponding to a total amount

of approximately 1,000,000 m3 of sands.

Field surveys and laboratory tests were also planned in order to favour the recruitment and selection of new

underwater caves located along the Abruzzo coast, even at depths less than -20.0 m above sea level. The

identification of these "potential" fields, if compatible with the native sands, constitutes a valid "resource" for

subsequent maintenance operations of the Abruzzo coast.

Project activities were articulated into two phases:

o First phase. Search and selection on a large scale in four infralittoral areas:

� February 2009. Bathymetric and geophysical coastal investigations;

� March 2009. Extractions in the four sites; completing the calibration phase and interpretation

of geophysical data.

For the purposes of nourishment interventions, the submarine areas of Martinsicuro and Giulianova were

objectively incompatible, while for the two sites of Ortona and Vasto the presence of "deposits" of sand which

were potentially compatible, for quantity and quality, rotative coreborings to investigate further stratigraphic

thickness of the seabed were performed.

o Second phase. Selection and characterization of the new underwater caves of Ortona and Vasto.

New geophysical surveys were conducted: indirect surveys were conducted on July 2009 by using

sub-bottom and side scan sonar); direct survey were conducted on August 2009, by utilizing rotative

coreboring, on wider areas (about 281 ha for Ortono and 220 ha for Vasto). Waters less than -10.0 m

above sea level were also investigated, while areas falling at depths greater than -15.0 m above sea

level were not considered since they are characterized by layers of silt and clay sediments that make

it very difficult any utilization and could generate negative impacts on the environment.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


Location of possible new underwater caves covered by new investigations

The field investigations, laboratory testing and studies (February-October 2009) allowed the Abruzzo Region

to verify the compatibility of the Ortona and Vasto sites for the removal of a total quantity of at least 2,000,000

cubic meters of sediments to be allocated to the nourishment of the Abruzzo coast.

Started on 20 February 2010 and ended on 10 May 2010, for a total duration of 69 days, the nourishment

interventions were conducted using the dredger BRABO, for a quantity of 966,196 m3.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


1.2. Managing coastal Activities

The environmental policies pursued by the Abruzzo region have led the municipalities of Martinsicuro, Silvi

and Pineto to obtaining the "EMAS certification standards" (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme - http:// in compliance with the EU environmental legislation.

It is expected Alba Adriatica, Tortoreto and Roseto degli Abruzzi, will obtain the same certification. The "Blue

Flags" conferred by the FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education) to 13 coastal areas of Abruzzo not only

for the quality of waters, but also for the services offered (, are a good example of this

success story.

Public and Private institutions of the Abruzzo Region have been involved in many projects carried out in the

whole Region, particularly with reference to maritime transport, management of shipping routes, marine

environment protection and control, ICZM, and fishery. A selection of these projects is presented below.

R.I.C.A.MA. project - Rationale for Integrated Coastal Area Management – developed between 1999 and


The SICORA project :

Feasibility study: “Integrated management of the coastal area. Comprehensive plan for risk management in

vulnerable areas. Feasibility of interventions for the protection and management of the coastal area at regional

level”. - CIPE act n.106/99;

CIPE funds act 36/2002 and act 17/2003. A preliminary planning of interventions, aimed at the full

requalification of seven sites of the Abruzzo coastal area, has been developed between March and September



Rationale for Integrated Coastal Area Management

Promoted by Abruzzo Region and funded by the European Union within the LIFE Programme.

The RICAMA Project was inspired by the need to set up and introduce new methodological and organisational

tools to solve the erosional problems of coastal zone of Abruzzo Region. Such erosion is in many situations

further exacerbated by inadequate human infrastructures (including those specifically built in the past for

“coastal defence purposes”) and by an urban and land use development extremely close to the beach areas.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


The R.I.C.A.MA. project is one of the 35 “case-studies” foreseen by the European Demonstration Programme

on the Integrated Coastal Zone Management and it has developed an innovative approach to solve the

problems linked to the integrated management of the coastal zone.

R.I.C.A.MA. project has defined Plans, Procedures and Methodologies to set up a legislation and carry out an

efficient management of the coastal zone in the Abruzzo Region.


• Instructions on the methodologies for the acquisition, management and organization of useful

information in order to support the integrated management;

• Geo-referenced database about protection interventions and works along the Abruzzo coast;

• Guidelines on works and interventions in the coastal zone, for the setting up of Beach Plans and of the

State marine Plan;

• Directions for the environmental evaluation of works, interventions, plans and programmes in the

coastal zone;

• Directions for Planning and Regulation Tools supporting the Integrated Coastal Zone Management;

• Definition and analysis of Intervention strategies;

• Directions for the implementation of Environmental management systems;

• Guidelines for the morphological monitoring;

• Setting up of interventions priorities;

• Elements for risk management in the coastal areas;

• Information activities and awareness campaigns addressed to stakeholders and to the general public

• Awareness campaigns addressed to local authorities;

• Dissemination activities;

• Pilot project SIT.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


S.I.Co.R.A. Project: Information Support for the Management of the Regione

Abruzzo coast

Together with the R.I.C.A.MA. Project, the Abruzzo Region has approved the regional

law n. 108/2000 in order to promote “applied research to support regional planning on coastal defense from

erosion”. This project was called SICORA.

The SICORA project aims at starting government processes on the coastal area of the Abruzzo region. The

main goal is setting up a constantly working Decision Support System (DSS). The DSS will allow the

development of government processes in the coastal zone, in order to make Public Administration capable of

solving, in an effective and sustainable way, all the problems linked to the management of the coastal zone.

The project also foresee the improvement of the Territorial Informative System (SIT) and the development of

scientific and socio-territorial specialist studies, such as the study on the rebuilding of dune systems through

autochthonous vegetation. The results of all the scientific and socio-territorial analysis, in the form of technical

or software report, will be transmitted to the Public Administration, included in the SIT of the Abruzzo Region

or in the guidelines of the DSS or in the report about the state of Abruzzo’s coasts.

From RICAMA and SICORA projects, the following products were produced:

• Feasibility Study: "Integrated management of the coastal area. Comprehensive plan for the vulnerable

areas risk. Feasibility of defense and coastal zone management interventions on a regional scale

"(CIPE n.106/99)

• Implementation of coasts’ defense and rehabilitation interventions according to an integrated plan at

"regional scale" - Integrated Management of the coastal area.

• Sharing strategies and dissemination of information.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


Feasibility Study. Risk analysis on a regional scale
















EAlba A

driatica A

Alba A

driatica B


to A


to B


to C

Giulianova A

Giulianova B

Giulianova C

Roseto A




DRoseto E






Silvi A

Silvi B

Silvi C

Montesilvano A

Montesilvano B

Montesilvano C





ncavilla A


ncavilla B


ncavilla C

Ortona A

Ortona B

Ortona C

Ortona D

San V

ito A

San V

ito B

San V

ito C

Rocca S

an G

iovanni A

Rocca S

an G

iovanni B

Fossacesia A

Fossacesia B

Torino di Sangro

ATorino di Sangro

BTorino di Sangro


ino A


ino B





DSan S

alvo A

Sustainable defense Strategies

The results of the risk analysis allowed to:

• objectively select the more "critical" stretches of coastline

• develop strategies and guidelines for setting up and optimize coasts’ requalification and defense


WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


• Retrain existing works in order to improve the current hydraulic-structural "performances";

• Restore a proper width of the beach in order to ensure adequate mitigation and defense from waves

due to the rise of the sea level;

• Artificial nourishment of beaches.

Sand resources for nourishment were searched in the sea.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


E.T.I.C.A. Project (EMAS for Tourism in Internal and Coastal Areas: integrated


The project aimed to assess the environmental situation in the seven participating municipalities of the Teramo

district – Alba Adriatrica, Giulianova, Martinsicuro, Pineto, Roseto degli Abruzzi, Silvi, and Tortoreto.

This enabled the establishment of environmental targets and the

implementation of a specific planning programme. A further goal was the introduction of personnel training to

underpin the adoption of the EMAS environmental management system.

Started in November 2004 and now concluded, it has connected the ICZM with sustainable tourism,

encouraging the implementation of SGA (Environmental Management System) among the coastal

Municipalities. During the project, 7 municipalities have been supported by experts during the registration

process. 2 Municipalities got the EMAS Registration (Martinsicuro and Silvi), achieving the project final

goal, 5 Municipalities got the ISO 14001 Certification (Martinsicuro, Pineto, Roseto, Silvi, Tortoreto). After

the end of the project the Municipality of Pineto got the EMAS Registration.

All the 7 Municipalities have been supported in the implementation of their SGA for the EMAS Registration, in

order to accomplish with the final objective of the Abruzzo Region, that is registering 7 Municipalities with the

EMAS. The project, in line with the principles of the ICZM – To involve all the stakeholders and all the levels of

Administration – has achieved integration among all the different levels of government of the territory.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


In order to reach this result:

• An environmental data collection and analysis has been carried out on 26 different issues, in order

to obtain the exact and updated description of the environmental situation for each municipality;

• In order to plan and build an Environment System Management, each Municipality has been

supported by one or more experts, so that all the 7 Municipalities have had equal opportunities and

access to the registration. The registration concerned the whole Administration and not only the single

sector; the EMAS registration process has been adapted to the already existing quality systems, if


• Dissemination activities on all the territory has been promoted, specifically: 7 meetings aimed at

presenting the results of the ETICA project, 6 videos dedicated to the project and broadcasted on TV

and on the web, participation to fairs, best practice exchange with Greece.

• 9 training modules about environmental issues and EMAS procedures have been carried out. They

were addressed to the Local Bodies Staff and to the partners.

• The website has been created.

• the innovative method of dynamic analysis of systems has been used in order to elaborate a

simulation model, aimed at identifying future scenarios analyzing the relations between occupation,

tourism development and environment policies.

REQUISITE project INTERREG III A Adriatic Cross border


The project concerned the creation of a network for the collection and integration of data about the

eutrophication and mucilage phenomena in the marine waters of the Northern-Central Adriatic basin. These

data were registered by the Regional Environment Agencies and by the Research Institute from Croatia and


The newsletters edited can become a strategic information tool for local administrations, because they can

have information and even forecasts about the development of the monitored phenomena.

Both the phenomena considered, in fact, are widespread and interest the whole Northern-Central Adriatic


There has been an active integration with the ADRICOSM project, funded by the Ministry of Environment and

Territory, aimed at implementing the Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Adriatic Sea, through a

module on currents. Integration of the information collected in the sea and of the forecasts of the dynamics of

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


currents has concerned the elaboration of indexes to calculate the probability of mucilage on the beaches,

through remote sensing images.

Main results:

� Integration of the monitoring of marine waters concerning the eutrophic and mucilage phenomena;

� Creation of a network among all the project partners, in order to gather all the information collected

through the observation systems;

� Editing of newsletters on the state of health of the sea and on its evolution;

� Setting up of methodologies to quantitatively estimate the eutrophication and/or mucilage processes;

� Integration of information collected on the job with all the other data derived from prevision models and

remote sensing;

� Informing the European Union about the environmental problem of the mucilage phenomena, in order to

persuade the European Institutions to reconsider this issue when formulating new policies;

� Qualitative improvement of the network (RAI and Croatia) thanks to an exchange of information,

experiences and knowledge.

Powered Project of Offshore Wind Energy: Research, Experimentation, Development

Programme: IPA Adriatic CBC 2007-2013

Priority: 2. Natural and Cultural Resources and Risk Prevention

Measure: 2.3- Energy Saving and Renewable Energy Resources

Duration: 36 months (March 2011- February 2014)

Total Budget: € 4.453.000,00

POWERED aims to define a set of strategies and shared methods for the development of the off-shore wind

energy in all the Countries overlooking the Adriatic Sea. Such energetic choice could allow a rapid increase of

installations, thanks to the reduction of the problems related to landscape topic that are frequently the main

obstacles to the creation of wind parks in high density population territories or in areas with high historical or

landscape value. Also the problems related to the transport of the wind turbines of big size should be reduced,

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


especially in Countries like Italy in which the problem of connection between the main and the suburban roads

is important, because of the small dimension of the roadway. Industrial ports that overlooking the Adriatic Sea

could be assume a decisive role in the development process, becoming a marshalling but also productive

areas of the technological components. The main objective of the project is drafting guide lines for the

realization of off-shore wind parks in the Adriatic Sea compatible with the planning and conservation policy

shared among the project partners. In parallel will be identified development Sea basins for the energetic

technology above mentioned. It will allow the defining of the characteristics for a project of electric submarine

connection network that will enormously facilitate the exchange of energy power between Countries. The

achievement of the project’s objectives will be possible thanks to the study concerning the wind resources on

the Adriatic Basin, the study will be developed through numerical process and will be validated through testing

method. Such validation will be possible thanks to the installation of a network of coastal weather stations and

of, at least, ones marine. Such network, at he end of the project, will be functioning and will support weather

forecast services.

Main Project objectives

The “POWERED” project aims to define a set of strategies and methods common to the countries overlooking

the Adriatic Sea valuable for the development of off-shore wind farms. The quest for a common action

amongst the Adriatic countries would lead to a fast growth of the number of installations. On one hand the off-

shore installations would not sense the restrictions imposed on on-shore plants from both landscape

requirements and the unavailability of large installation areas in the surroundings of populated regions which

are to be served, on the other hand, economy scale transports would be eased by exploiting the naval

freighter lines connecting the arbors across the Adriatic Sea. At this purpose it is worthwhile mentioning the

potential economic growth of the cities hosting the arbors. New richness would stem from their “hub” role in the

“production-delivering” chain of the new large wind turbines.

Lead Partner (LB): ABRUZZO REGION – Directorate for Bureau Affairs, Legislative and EC Policies, External


Partners: – Department for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Sector, Ministry of

Economy of Montenegro – Veneto Agricoltura, regional agency for agriculture, forestry and agri-food sectors –

Province of Ravenna – Marche Region – Environment and Landscape Department – Molise Region –

Programming Department – Apulia Region Mediterranean Department – Marche Polytechnic University –

CETMA Consortium – Engineering, Design and Materials Center - Micoperi marine contractors srl – Italian

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


Ministry for Environment and Land and Sea – Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, Republic of Albania –

Municipality of Komiza.

1.3. Implementation level of MSP and ICZM

In Italy the legislation and the governance in MSP is not very advanced: there isn’t an integrated and

comprehensive framework for sectorial policies and the current legislation concerns different marine sectors

and activities (fishing, energy, production, port, marine parks, marine bioenvironmental, etc.).

Marine Affairs are managed at both national and regional level. National responsibilities include energy

policies and national port, while regional responsibilities include fishing, tourism and coastal defence.

Therefore, the policies of ICZM are shared between the national and regional level.

There isn’t a national ICZM strategy in Italy.

In the Abruzzo Region, the IMP-MSP process has not been implemented yet. There are only some regional

laws on related issues, as well as some networks and management plans.

The Natura 2000 network and management plan is well developed in the Abruzzo Region; in fact, the regional

implementation of the Directive 92/43/EEC has allowed the identification of n.53 Sites of Community

Importance (SCI) and 134 ZPS sites.

Moreover, in Abruzzo, there are three national parks and a mountain regional park: Parco Nazionale

d’Abruzzo, Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso, Parco Nazionale della Maiella e Parco Regionale Velino-Sirente.

There are also some areas, such as the Area Marina Protetta Torre del Cerrano and Parco Nazionale della

Costa chietina, that concern the marine and marine-terrestrial areas.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


The figure shows the network of nature reserves in Abruzzo: in green the regional nature reserves, in yellow

the territorial parks. Some of these nature reserves are also SCI (SCI and all other ZPs are located within

National or Regional Parks).

Six SCI regard the marine areas of Abruzzo: Marina di Vasto, Punta Aderci, Lecceta di Torino di Sangro,

Grotta delle Farfalle, Punta Acquabella, Ripari di Giobbe. Moreover, there are 27 regional reserves, of which

seven terrestrial and marine surfaces.

The full list of SCI is reported in the Italian Ministry of Environment law dated 3 July 2008.

The National Ministerial Law “Establishment of biological protection zones in the marine waters (ZTBs)” has

identified one area for the protection of fishery resources in the offshore marine waters of the Abruzzo Region:

Fossa di Pomo. Another law on this topic was later adopted (MIPAF, June 1998), according to the EC

Regulation n.1967/2006, for the prohibition/management of the fishery activities in the ZTBs

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


Fossa di Pomo in Adriatic sea (ZPB)

The ZTB and, more generally, all the Pomo pit is positioned within the GSA 17 of the Upper and Middle

Adriatic. The central sector of the Adriatic is occupied by a depression, which is called the pit Pomo / Jabuka,

which reaches a depth of about 250 m geographically situated about more than 40 nautical miles (nm) far from

the coast of Abruzzo. Through a big channel, it communicates with the largest southern depression, whose

seabeds are more than 1200 m deep, which marks the border with the Ionian Sea.

The pit Pomo / Jabuka is recognized as one of the most important and critical habitat of the Adriatic Sea. The

area is popular due to the high presence of species with a high commercial value, such as M. merluccius and

N. norvegicus.

The area of biological protection

The ZTB covers a sea area of about 2,000 Km2 and it is located both in international and territorial Croatian

waters. The Croatian surface is equal to about 2/3 of the total area (Jabuka Pit about 1400 Km2) while the

international one is equal to 1/3 (Fossa di Pomo, about 700 Km2). With reference to the attached maps, the

Biological Protection Zone extends itself over 40 nautical miles from the national coasts and it is delimited by a

line joining the following points: the Croatian island of Pomo (Jabuka), near the pit, determines the presence

of the Croatian territorial waters (12 nm from the coast) within the ZTB. In the picture, the boundaries of the

ZTB are defined and the Croatian territorial component is highlighted3.

3Complete report in

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


Other legislative and planning tools

Concerning the offshore marine area, a bill was proposed to the Senate of the Italian Republic in order to ban

the prospecting, research and cultivation of liquid hydrocarbons in the offshore Adriatic marine waters in front

of the Abruzzo Region.

Hydrocarbon production concessions

There are also 4 requests for applications for further drilling for oil exploration in the central part of Abruzzo

and for permissions for the cultivation of oil in the marine environment, all located off the coast.

Other planning tools with possible interactions with the IMP-MSP policies have been developed Also in the

Abruzzo Region. The Regional Operational Programmes (ROP Abruzzo, 2000-2006, and 2007-2013) included

Measures targeted to the marine environment protection / control and maritime activity (ROP-ERDF, European

Regional Development Fund), as well as to the fishery and aquaculture sustainable development (ROP-FIFG

Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance).

Among the main actions of the ROP-FIFG in Abruzzo, there have been some innovative actions:

• Doc.U.P. Fishing – Abruzzo Region -2002/2003 - Measure 4.6 - "Innovative actions" "Exploratory

fishing with modified trawls in order to reduce the fishing pressure on juvenile stages”

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


• Doc.U.P. Fishing – Abruzzo Region - 2005/2006 - Measure 4.6 - Iinnovative actions" "Project aimed at

creating memorandums of understanding on fisheries and aquaculture among the Abruzzo region,

Croatia, and Serbia and Montenegro"4

And for the protection and development of marine areas, we can highlight the following intervention:

• Doc.U.P. Fishing – Abruzzo Region 2000-2006 - Measure 3.1 - ARTA - Project Code 02/BA/04/AB -


an area for the development and protection of aquatic resources in the Province of Chieti (Rocca San

Giovanni, Vasto, Ortona) Teramo (Pineto Martinsicuro) Pescara (Pescara).5

Moreover, some topics related to the IMP-MSP policies were also developed within the INTERREG, LIFE or

other EC programmes. Abruzzo regional Institutions (Public and Private) were involved in many projects on

maritime transport, management of shipping routes, marine environment protection and control, ICZM, fishery,

carried out in the whole Region.

4 5

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region



2.1. Consolidating integration mechanisms

Academic literature and document of international organizations always emphasise the importance of

institutional and organizational arrangements and procedures in the implementation of ICZM. The Protocol

therefore contains a number of provisions concerning the methods of coastal zone governance aiming at

(1) the consolidation of integration mechanisms,

(2) provision of information and participation of the public and stakeholders, and

(3) re-thinking the foundations of public decision-making. T

The compatibility of regional legislation with the provisions of the Protocol, must consequently be examined.

2.1.1 Spatial integration

The ICZM Spatial integration has not been fully developed by the Abruzzo Region. The Abruzzo Region has

activated individual initiatives involving more terrestrial and marine areas.

Nevertheless significant intersectoral interventions in some coastal area have been activated, such as:

1. Characterization of beaches, sands and sampling sites in the sea for the nourishment for the entire

Abruzzo Region, developed in three phases:

a) Preparatory scientific studies for the identification of suitable underwater quarry:

Client: Province of Teramo

Implemented by: University of Rome "La Sapienza" - Department of Earth Sciences.

b) Identification and characteristics of sand deposits present on the continental shelf of Abruzzo,

Evaluation of their use for the beach nourishment and characterization of the beaches of the Abruzzo

Region. I and Phase II (2002). Characterization of three sites (Tremiti Islands, Vasto and Martinsicuro.

Identification of volumes and the advantages/disadvantages of each site

c) Characterization of the sands of the Abruzzo beaches to establish compatibility with the native sand

with the quarry underwater.

2. Comprehensive plan for the risk of vulnerable areas. Feasibility of interventions of protection and

management of the coastal area on a regional scale.

a) Identification of vulnerable coastal areas and levels of expected risk on a regional scale;

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


b) Feasibility studies of protection works, upgrading and maintenance of the most critical and risk

coastlines sites.

In this context, seven feasibility studies for many coastal sandy sites have been prepared. The seven

sites were selected as priorities, based on an in-depth study on a regional scale and on distinct factors

and parameters related to different themes and areas of investigation (physical - hydraulic, geo-

morphological, engineering, socio-economic, and environmental).

3. S.I.Co.R.A. Project: Information Support for the Management of the Abruzzo Region coast.

Together with the R.I.C.A.MA. project, the Abruzzo Region has approved the regional law n. 108/2000 in order

to promote “applied research to support regional planning on coastal defense from erosion”.

4. National Park of the Chieti coast, that concerns the marine and marine-terrestrial areas.

2.1.2 Intersectoral integration

The intersectoral integration has not been fully developed by the Abruzzo Region.

There are many public and private efforts, but the activities are not in connection. Between the various

activities implemented the Abruzzo Region has implemented the ETICA project in the Province of Teramo.

The project aimed to assess the environmental situation in the sevenparticipating municipalities of the Teramo

district – Alba Adriatrica, Giulianova, Martinsicuro, Pineto, Roseto degli Abruzzi, Silvi, and Tortoreto.

This would enable the establishment of environmental targets and the implementation of a specific planning

programme. A further goal would be the introduction of personnel training to underpin the adoption of the

EMAS environmental management system.

2.1.3 Institutional integration and governance structures

The institutional integration has not been fully developed by the Abruzzo Region.

Many local governments (Provinces, Municipalities, River Basin Authorities) have direct competence in the

practice of ICZM with an excessive fragmentation of tasks and an inefficiency and ineffectiveness in the

management of the coastal marine environment. Even for this section is relevant the ETICA project, aiming at

develop the institutional integration between the seven municipalities of the Province of Teramo grouped under

the name of “Silver Coast”.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


2.1.4 Science-management integration

Many scientific studies and researches have been carried out along the marine coasts of the Abruzzo with a

direct impact on the ICZM governance.

The most important ones, in addition to those already reported (RICAMA Project, SICORA Project, ETICA

Project, REQUISITE Project) the Abruzzo Region has developed specific studies and research on the sands to

be used for nourishment, and scientific studies on the vulnerability of the coastal zone) such as:

(1) "Feasibility study for the assessment of vulnerability and impacts of climate change on the Abruzzo

Region and hypotheses of adaptation”. Abruzzo Region - Civil Protection Directorate, Environment

Policy Department for Sustainable Development-National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and

sustainable Economic Development - ENEA, 2010;

(2) "Evaluation of the possible scenarios of sea level rise on coastal and tools to support the management

of the territory of the Abruzzo Region”. Abruzzo Region - Directorate for Civil Protection, Environment

Service Policies for Sustainable Development- National Agency for New Technologies, 'Energy and

Sustainable Economic Development - ENEA, 2010.

2.1.5 International integration

The International integration is considered as national competence.

The lack of integration mechanisms is highlighted for the Abruzzo Region. Most of the competencies are

fragmented, and no coordination rules have been provided until now. Some efforts have been carried out

exploiting international projects but the integration between research results and management of the coastal

zone seems too far.

2.2. Information and participation

2.2.1 Information

Beneficiaries of information

The spreading of the environmental information to anyone who asks is a legal obligation for the Public

Institutions in the Abruzzo Region, according to the Ministry Legislative Decree No. 195 dated August 19,


Moreover, the institution of the “Conference of Services” (National Law 1990/241 with subsequent

amendments) allows the convening of collegial meetings open to all the stakeholders, to discuss about private

and public projects to be realized. Most of the projects to be realized in the coastal area are under discussion.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


At regional level, as well as at national level, all projects submitted to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

or Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), foreseen a phase of public participation.

At the EIA or screening procedure activation it shall be given public notice by:

• Publication in the BUR (the Regional Official Bulletin);

• Communication on the website of the competent Authority;

• Information to the citizens close to the Project area;

• Communication in local newspapers (only in case of EIA).

These procedures facilitate the participation of stakeholders and citizens that can express themselves and

their opinion on the contents of the project.

Scope of information

Many information on specific topics related to the knowledge and assessment of the Abruzzo marine-coastal

area are just available on the regional website. Basic information and studies on coastal geomorphology and

other studies are available on the official web site of the Abruzzo Region: there is Geographic Information

System including many thematic layers. Bathing waters and toxic algae blooms monitoring data are available

in the web site of the Regional Agency for the Environmental Prevention and Protection (ARTA Abruzzo).

Unfortunately the information available is very sparse, and there isn’t a centralized structure for its collection

and distribution.

The initiatives for the dissemination of the ICZM concepts in the Abruzzo region are scarce until now, but an

increase can be appreciated in the last times.

2.2.1 Participation

Principle of participation

The principle of participation for the ICZM implementation is not developed yet in the Abruzzo Region,

although all the stakeholders can participate at the Conferences of Services for specific projects.

Beneficiaries of participation

All the stakeholders can participate at the Conferences of Services for specific projects.

The right to legal recourse

No specific rules on this subject.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region



3.1 National ICZM strategy

Despite the commitments made at the international level by Italy in the field of ICZM6, the implementation of

the Recommendation 2002/413/EC has not yet led to the development of a national strategy. Contrary to what

expected, Italy has not communicated or developed policies or actions equivalent to a national ICZM strategy,

despite the importance of this issue, the centrality of the Italian in the Mediterranean, the importance at

European level, and the importance and the extent of the our coastline.

The decentralization of administrative responsibilities related to the planning and management of coastal

areas, with increased responsibilities at local and regional level are causing the detriment of central level

actions. Currently, at central level, the Italian Ministry of the Environment is elaborating a work program to be

agreed with Regions and local authorities to achieve the preparation of a scheme for an "Integrated

Management of Coastal zones National Strategy" and setting up a technical round-table7.

3.2 Coastal plans and programmes as tools for implementing national strategies

Although a national ICZM policy does not yet exist, the Abruzzo region has implemented several experiences

at the end of the 90s in Europe and internationally in the frame of the EU demonstration programs for the

integrated management of coastal areas.

6 Italy ratified the International Convention on the Sea Law (UNCLOS) of 1982, by Law no. 689/1994. The Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean and its Protocols, including the ICZM Protocol of 2008 entered into force in Italy in March 2011. 7 MATTM-General Directorate for the Protection of Nature and Sea - Progress National Report on the integrated management of coastal areas 2006-2010 - February 2011.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region



4.1. Principle of cooperation

The main principles of the Community action included in the Proposal for a Recommendation of the European

Parliament and of the Council concerning the implementation of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management in

Europe "(COM/00/545 8 September 2000) require to implement the integrated management through an

horizontal approach, in the frame of a national system.

The concept of regional sea as base of the analysis of horizontal policies in the Adriatic region suggests a

long-term strategic approach with a global perspective (thematic and geographic) - recognizing the

interdependence and disparity of natural systems and of human activities, highlighting the need for new

approaches for the management and development of marine and coastal areas at national, sub-regional,

regional and global levels.

The international/regional cooperation is as a rule under the umbrella of the central Italian Government that

highlights the priorities and the fields of cooperation. In some circumstances the Italian government may

delegate the actions directly to the Regions.

4.2. Fields of regional cooperation

Abruzzo Region is involved in many regional cooperation programs, such as:

• REQUISITE project INTERREG III A Adriatic Cross border :The project concerned the creation of a

network for the collection and integration of data about the eutrophication and mucilage phenomena in

the marine waters of the Northern-Central Adriatic basin.

• Powered Project of Offshore Wind Energy: Research, Experimentation, Development: the

project aims to define a set of strategies and shared methods for the development of the off-shore

wind energy in all the Countries overlooking the Adriatic Sea.

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region



5.1. Summary of the findings from the legal compliance analysis and the current practice

Planning and programming actions implemented by the Abruzzo Region in the last decade for the

management of the coastal area have been realized based on the implementation of the first two phases

(2004-2006 and 2009-2010) of coastal engineering interventions, which have covered 10 of the 19 coastal

municipalities. The chronic reduction of solid "terrigenous" materials has led to a deficit that must be balanced

periodically with nourishment interventions, to be combined with contextual upgrading and strengthening of

traditional interventions for coastal defence (i.e: artificial rock cliffs) (art. 22 of the Protocol).

It is expected that these areas will soon expand to those of Alba Adriatica, Tortoreto and Roseto degli Abruzzi.

The "Blue Flags" conferred by the FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education) to 13 coastal areas of

Abruzzo not only for the quality of waters, but also for the services offered ( are a good

example of this success story.

All implemented actions are in line with the objectives set out by the Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Protocol of the Mediterranean (Article 5) and with its general principles (Article 6).

In addition, the constant monitoring of progresses achieved in coastal protection and management is fully

compliant with art. 11 of the above mentioned Protocol.

In addition, the Abruzzo Region has always been active in regional cooperation projects for the ICZM

implementation (art. 28 of the ICZM Protocol).

However, at present the main gaps can be identified as follows:

• the lack of a national strategy on ICZM protocol, which prevents the fully public participation for the

implementation of the same ICZM principles;

• the unclear repartition of responsibilities among public institutions in charged of the ICZM

implementation, which led to a high fragmentation in marine-coastal governance.

5.2. Proposals of solutions for the Protocol implementation

The proper implementation of the ICZM Protocol requires a national strategy, supported by plans and

investment programs, in order to obtain a greater commitment and a higher interest on cross border

WP3.1 Analyses of ICZM practice in the Abruzzo Region


cooperation. The concertation between central government departments responsible for sectoral policies

(tourism, fisheries, infrastructure, transport, etc.), Regions and local authorities is of primary importance in

setting up policies and tools at regional and local level for an efficient implementation of the ICZM Strategy and

the sustainable development of the coastal zone.

The coordinated approach can also help the spreading of the ICZM principles and encourage the involvement

of all stakeholders in the implementation processes.