analysis of graphic elements

The masthead on the cover of the magazine is in a white font which doesn’t stand out or attract attention of potential buyers. How ever the font is in bold writing which does allow the words to stand out a tad more then usual. Having the masthead behind the main image makes the reader think that the image is more important then the magazine name The cover lines on this magazine are slightly more visible then he normal writing as they are in a smaller font but have a different bright yellow colour. The fonts use don the cover of the magazine are very bland and are mostly in the colour white. For this magazine it is obvious that the creators want the main attention to be focused on the Miley Cyrus as the main image. The main colour scheme on the cover is a mix of the colours purple white and gold. These colours tend to be of a lighter contrast that make the readers feel fresh. The colour gold gives the reader a feeling of royalty along with the colour purple. The white adds to atmosphere of The main header of the magazine is normally linked to the image yet again giving the audience a basic idea of what the main article will be about. This is perfectly shown through how the main header is the name of the women used in the main image. The main image is normally revolved around what the main article or story is about within the magazine, using an image is a quick and easy way to let the audience know what the magazine will mainly be about. For example in this magazine they use Miley Cyrus who is a children's television actress, with her image placed largely on the cover of the magazine will attract the attention of younger audiences. The main job of a barcode/issue number is just to allow the audience to know the date of when the magazine was published, and to know the issue number. Usually these are presented in smaller writing in a less noticeable font some where on the front.

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Post on 15-Apr-2017



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Page 1: Analysis of graphic elements

The masthead on the cover of the magazine is in a white font which doesn’t stand out or attract attention of potential buyers. How ever the font is in bold writing which does allow the words to stand out a tad more then usual. Having the masthead behind the main image makes the reader think that the image is more important then the magazine name

The cover lines on this magazine are slightly more visible then he normal writing as they are in a smaller font but have a different bright yellow colour.

The fonts use don the cover of the magazine are very bland and are mostly in the colour white. For this magazine it is obvious that the creators want the main attention to be focused on the Miley Cyrus as the main image.

The main colour scheme on the cover is a mix of the colours purple white and gold. These colours tend to be of a lighter contrast that make the readers feel fresh. The colour gold gives the reader a feeling of royalty along with the colour purple. The white adds to atmosphere of freshness.

The main header of the magazine is normally linked to the image yet again giving the audience a basic idea of what the main article will be about. This is perfectly shown through how the main header is the name of the women used in the main image.

The main image is normally revolved around what the main article or story is about within the magazine, using an image is a quick and easy way to let the audience know what the magazine will mainly be about. For example in this magazine they use Miley Cyrus who is a children's television actress, with her image placed largely on the cover of the magazine will attract the attention of younger audiences.

The main job of a barcode/issue number is just to allow the audience to know the date of when the magazine was published, and to know the issue number. Usually these are presented in smaller writing in a less noticeable font some where on the front.

Page 2: Analysis of graphic elements

Yet again the mast head is placed behind the main image, how ever this time it is in a vibrant bright blue colour which attracts the audience attention it also in a much larger font and is in bold. The masthead is also right behind the image where the audience interest is mostly focused on.

The cover lines on this magazine are slightly more visible then he normal writing as they are in a smaller font but have a different bright yellow colour.

All of the fonts presented on this magazine cover are all in bold. but also lets of a Which catches the audience attention atmosphere and aura of strength.

The most common colours used in this magazine cover are purple and blue, for starters the purple just pops out and attracts the audience attention how ever he bright blue is also used on the main image which will greatly catch the audience attention more then any other colour could.

The main header of the magazine is normally linked to the image yet again giving the audience a basic idea of what the main article will be about. This is perfectly shown through how the main header is the name of the women used in the main image.

The main image is normally revolved around what the main article or story is about within the magazine, using an image is a quick and easy way to let the audience know what the magazine will mainly be about for example. The man on the cover is a well known US R&B and Rap star. The main group of people who tend to listen this genre of music tend to be black Americans who are the between the ages of 16 – 30.

The main job of a barcode/issue number is just to allow the audience to know the date of when the magazine was published, and to know the issue number. Usually these are presented in smaller writing in a less noticeable font some where on the front. In this case the numbers are placed on the bottom left of the magazine cover.

Page 3: Analysis of graphic elements

Unlike the other magazines on this one the masthead is placed on the bottom half of the page. Although this may not pay attention it makes sure that the main image receives the attention the creatures desire it to receive. The font of the mast head varies. In the first word ‘Foo’ the font is large and bold and attracts the most attention of every thing on the page, and although the second word ‘fighters’ is in the same colour font the size is slightly smaller and this is because it is a longer word and ‘foo’ is easier and quicker to read.

The cover lines on this magazine are slightly more visible then he normal writing as they are in a smaller font but have a different range of different colours.

Like the other magazines the font is all in bold and all the colours used and used particularly used to let of the aura of a typical rock atmosphere or song.

The colour scheme of this magazine is very dark and the colour red and black is used a lot. These colours and these shades let off the tones and atmospheres associated with the stereotypical rock aura that the magazine is trying to portray.

The main header of the magazine is normally linked to the image yet again giving the audience a basic idea of what the main article will be about. This is perfectly shown by the Words foo fighters underneath the image.

The main image is normally revolved around what the main article or story is about within the magazine, using an image is a quick and easy way to let the audience know what the magazine will mainly be about. For example on this cover we have the front man of the band the foo fighters used to obviously show us that the main article of this news paper is either going to be about him or his band

The main job of a barcode/issue number is just to allow the audience to know the date of when the magazine was published, and to know the issue number. Usually these are presented in smaller writing in a less noticeable font some where on the page.