analysing magazine adverts

Analysing Magazine Adverts By William Dinsdale

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Post on 13-Apr-2017



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Page 1: Analysing magazine adverts

Analysing Magazine Adverts

By William Dinsdale

Page 2: Analysing magazine adverts

Magazine title/logo – large bold white font to let audience know of it and fits the style of the rest of the magazine. This also ensures the band get more new fans as fans of the magazine might not of heard of the Foo Fighters before.

“Special foldout cover”- Large subheading and same exact style as title so you read it as well. This is informing the audience that this is a rare cover. This helps attract more people to the magazine.

“Foo Fighters Takeover !” In a written font to seem more authentic, thus engaging with the audience more. Dave Grohl is also holding a pen to suggest that its his writing and this breaks the forth wall and allows him to again engage with the fans.

The arrow hints for the reader to turn the page over for more from the Foo Fighters and helps give some flow to the magazine.

Photo features Dave Grohl (singer and guitarist) and Taylor Hawkins (Drummer). Dave, being the lead singer takes up most of the page as he is the most recognisable of the band and attracts more people to buy the magazine. The drummer is also quite well known so he is featured also.Dave Grohl’s name in the same style as the title

to make people read that before the sub text and attracts people who know the name.

Barcode is a small percentage of the page and is in the bottom of the corner. This presents the info on the front so people can find the barcode easily when scanning it.

The bottom right shows some other articles to inform any fans of the magazine of what's inside with out having to actually look inside

I understand that this is a magazine poster and not an advert, but I wanted to analyse different sorts of advertising in magazines.

Page 3: Analysing magazine adverts

Picture of Rihanna with hand over her face – this pose reflects what the character of Rihanna is feeling and what the album reflects. Its gives a more mature and serious feel to the album.

Rihanna logo on the wall in the background – this helps the fans know that it is in fact Rihanna on the poster, thus attracting more people to the ad.

Black and white – Gives a more mature feel to the cover and reflects to the audience that the album is on the darker and more serious side.

Her hair is short on one side and is long on the other. This makes her seem more edgy and interesting as a person.

Make up and jewellery is bold on the dark lipstick and massacre. There are also big black earrings. This makes her more unconventional and makes the audience more intrigued. The rings make her seem like this as well.

Title is in bold, skinny and white text over a black background as the text stands out more and makes it fits the style of the album.

Logos in the bottom rightTitles of the two main singles to catch the attention of any readers who knows them

Page 4: Analysing magazine adverts

Slipknot title in it’s recognisably red, bloody font. This is to instantly lure both fans and non – fans alike. The large size helps this.

The white font of the subtitle contrasts the rest of the pages dark colour scheme. The words and punctuation used “DEATH! DISASTER! AND DEFIANCE!” are language that the band are known for and the exclamation marks add emphasis to the words and fit the “loud” style of the music that they play.

In the text below we see the subheadings are in red to allows the reader to instantly know that it is a new paragraph. This is a short list of some of the songs in the album and the lead singer Corey Taylor speaks about the songs themselves.

This is the album cover in the bottom left corner with a quote from the lead singer “This is about Paul. He was our heart…” This will let dedicated and long term fans sympathise with the band as “Paul” is the band’s former bassist who died a couple of years prior. As the album is dedicated to the feelings of the band towards this situation, it lets the readers know that they truly care about the music in this album and reassures people that the quality of the music will be good.

The picture of the band in full costume allow fans to instantly recognise the page’s content and reinforces their style. The formation of the band allows them to spread out and fill most of the page without creating just a boring line. Some of the band members have certain poses to reflect their certain personalities. For example the member on the far right. He is comically popping out from behind other members. This automatically shows his personality. This range of characters make it interesting and make the audience want to know how they would act on stage or in a music video.

The large title “NEWS” is in white font with a dark grey background pops out at the reader and is positioned in the first place the reader will start reading as people read from left to right. This title allows the reader to know that this is new content.

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The title “Adele21” is in yellow and white (to contrast the dark background). This difference in colour is to put the two next to each other but makes it easy to differentiate the artist and the album title. They are next to each other because artist is going for a mature, tidy and minimalistic look. The subheading is telling the audience that the album includes a song that has won a Grammy. This gives a sense of the quality of music that is used in the album.

Her pose in this photo is very solemn and downbeat. This is because she has become more of a mature and sophisticated artist. The black and white also reinforces this effect. Her hair is tied back to get a more classy look. This attracts her fan base and also presents for much older audiences. This photo style also fits her style of music as well and give a clue as to what to expect from the album.

This is the album cover. It includes another photo in the same style as the advert has. The heading shows the reader that they can get the album anywhere.

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Title is in white, large, bold font (to contrast the background). This is accompanied with blue underscores the spread out the words. This all makes the subject of the advert instantly recognisable.

The photo is split up into four sections. Each section includes the same eagle cut up and merged with the four band members. This is to make the image more interesting and could represent many things to different people. The eagle is a symbol of the USA. This could be about the band’s American pride. The American theme reflects the style of music (American rock) and the audience know this. The facial expressions are blank facial expressions to show the mature style of the band and appeals to more sophisticated audiences.

The album title is the same font as the band name. It is in a yellowy green colour to show that it is not part of the band name. The sub heading presents the names of the main songs.

The bright red “OUT NOW” tells the audience that it is available for purchase.

The colour of the photo is a pale green. This gives a more serious tone to the cover and presents the style of the album to audiences.