analisis masalah kelompok 6 blok 21 tahun 2014

SKENARIO A BLOK 21 TAHUN 2014 Mr Rudi, 54 year old, 70 kilograms body weight, 163 centimeters height, complaint of sudden onset of pain in his right knee that awakened him from sleep. He does not not report any trauma and essentially asymptomatic when he went to bed. His history of remarkable for two episodes of similar, severe pain 9 months and 2 years ago, especially when he consumed a lot of sea food such as shrimps and lobsters. He is pain – free between episodes. He is afebrile today. His knee is afebrile, tender to touch, erythematous and limited active and passive range of motion cause of pain. Laboratory feature : Ureum 34 mg/dl, Creatinin 1,0 mg/dl, Blood Uric Acid 11,1 mg/dl and Urine uric acid is 240 mg/24 hours. KLARFIKASI ISTILAH 1. Sudden onset of pain in his right knee 1, 2, 3 2. Trauma : luka atau cedera baik fisik atau psikis 3. Asymptomatic : tanpa gejala 4. Episodes of severe pain 4, 5, 6 5. Afebrile : bebas dari demam 6. Erythematous : kemerahan pada kulit yang dihasilkan oleh kongestif pembuluh darah kapiler 7. Limited active and passive range of motion cause of pain 7, 8, 9

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Page 1: Analisis Masalah Kelompok 6 Blok 21 Tahun 2014


Mr Rudi, 54 year old, 70 kilograms body weight, 163 centimeters height, complaint of sudden

onset of pain in his right knee that awakened him from sleep. He does not not report any trauma

and essentially asymptomatic when he went to bed. His history of remarkable for two episodes of

similar, severe pain 9 months and 2 years ago, especially when he consumed a lot of sea food

such as shrimps and lobsters. He is pain – free between episodes. He is afebrile today. His knee

is afebrile, tender to touch, erythematous and limited active and passive range of motion cause of


Laboratory feature : Ureum 34 mg/dl, Creatinin 1,0 mg/dl, Blood Uric Acid 11,1 mg/dl and

Urine uric acid is 240 mg/24 hours.


1. Sudden onset of pain in his right knee 1, 2, 3

2. Trauma : luka atau cedera baik fisik atau psikis

3. Asymptomatic : tanpa gejala

4. Episodes of severe pain 4, 5, 6

5. Afebrile : bebas dari demam

6. Erythematous : kemerahan pada kulit yang dihasilkan oleh kongestif pembuluh darah


7. Limited active and passive range of motion cause of pain 7, 8, 9

8. Tender : keadaan dimana suatu permukaan guna saat disentuh.

9. Ureum : hasil akhir metabolisme yang berasal dari asam amino yang telah dipindah

amonianya didalam hati dan mencapai ginjal dan diekskresikan rata rata 30 gram per hari.

10. Creatinin : suatu anhidrida kreatin yang merupakan hasil akhir metabolisme

phosphokreatin digunakan sebagai indicator diagnostic fungsi ginjal dan massa otot.

11. Blood uric acid 10, 11, 12

12. Urine uric acid : produk akhir katabolisme urin meningkatnya asam urat dikaitkan

dengan gout dan nephrolithiasis.

Page 2: Analisis Masalah Kelompok 6 Blok 21 Tahun 2014


1. Mr Rudi, 54 year old, 70 kilograms body weight, 163 centimeters height, complaint of

sudden onset of pain in his right knee that awakened him from sleep.

2. He does not not report any trauma and essentially asymptomatic when he went to bed.

3. His history of remarkable for two episodes of similar, severe pain 9 months and 2 years

ago, especially when he consumed a lot of sea food such as shrimps and lobsters. He is

pain – free between episodes.

4. He is afebrile today. His knee is afebrile, tender to touch, erythematous and limited active

and passive range of motion cause of pain.

5. Laboratory feature : Ureum 34 mg/dl, Creatinin 1,0 mg/dl, Blood Uric Acid 11,1 mg/dl

and Urine uric acid is 240 mg/24 hours.


Mr Rudi, 54 year old, 70 kilograms body weight, 163 centimeters height, complaint of sudden

onset of pain in his right knee that awakened him from sleep.

a) Apakah etiologi dari rasa nyeri di lutut kanan? 1, 2, 3

b) Bagaimanakah hubungan usia, jenis kelamin, berat badan, tinggi badan, dengan gejala

nyeri lutut yang membangunkan ia tidur ? 4, 5 ,6

c) Bagaimana anatomi dan fisiologi terkait kasus ini? 7, 8 ,9

d) Apakah pengaruh BMI pada Tn Rudi ini? 10, 11, 12

He does not not report any trauma and essentially asymptomatic when he went to bed.

a) Apakah faktor resiko dari gejala yang dialami? 13, 14, 1

b) Kenapa Tn Rudi merasa nyerinya terjadi pada malam hari? 2, 3 ,4

His history of remarkable for two episodes of similar, severe pain 9 months and 2 years ago,

especially when he consumed a lot of sea food such as shrimps and lobsters. He is pain – free

between episodes.

a) Apakah pengaruh konsumsi seafood terhadap keluhan yang dialami oleh Tn. Rudi? 5, 6,7

b) Apakah saja fase fase dari keluhan yang dialami oleh Tn. Rudi? 8, 9, 10

Page 3: Analisis Masalah Kelompok 6 Blok 21 Tahun 2014

c) Bagaimana metabolisme purin pada kasus ini? 11, 12, 13

d) Bagaimana klasifikasi nyeri pada kasus ini? 14, 1, 2

e) Bagaimana mekanisme nyeri pada kasus ini? 3, 4, 5

f) Mengapa diantara 2 episode ini Tn Rudi tidak merasa nyeri ( pain –free ) ? 6, 7, 8

He is afebrile today. His knee is afebrile, tender to touch, erythematous and limited active and

passive range of motion cause of pain.

a) Apakah makna klinis dari : 9, 10, 11

lutut afebrile,

lutut tender to touch,


gerakan terbatas karena nyeri

b) Bagaimana patofisiologi dari : 12, 13, 14 lutut afebrile, lutut tender to touch, erythematous, gerakan terbatas karena nyeri

c) Bagaimanakah gerakan normal dari active and passive range of motion? 1, 2, 3

Pemeriksaan Laboratorium

a) Apakah intepretasi dan mekanisme abnormal dari pemeriksaan laboratorium 4, 5, 6


Tn Rudi, 54 thn, mengeluh terjadi nyeri mendadak di lutut kanan yang menjadikannya bangun

dari tidur diduga menderita Gout Athritis.


Page 4: Analisis Masalah Kelompok 6 Blok 21 Tahun 2014

A. How to diagnose ( pemeriksaan penunjang ) 7, 8 ,9

B. DD 10, 11, 12

C. WD 13, 14, 1

D. Patofisiologi 2, 3 ,4

E. Etiologi 5, 6, 7

F. Epidemiogi 8, 9, 10

G. Penatalaksanaan 11, 12, 13

H. Komplikasi 14, 1, 2

I. Preventif dan Edukasi 3, 4, 5

J. Prognosis 6, 7, 8

K. KDU 9, 10, 11


1) Gout Arthritis 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

2) Anatomi dan fisiologi Muskoskeletal 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

3) Ureum 11, 12, 13, 14


Page 5: Analisis Masalah Kelompok 6 Blok 21 Tahun 2014

1. Avyandara 2. Dwi Andari3. Tia Oki4. Tiara Putri5. Dwi Cahyo6. Rifkia7. Elzan8. Indri9. Wawan10. Lisa11. Jethro12. Asyriva13. Adil14. Mandeep Tolong beri sumber jawabannya. Kirim tugas anda ke : [email protected] Start dan Deadline pengumpulan jawaban; Rabu, 19 November 2014, pukul 19.00 – 22.00 WIB. Bagi teman – teman yang kirim kedua lambat ( the last 2 who sends ), maka akan ditugaskan untuk ngeprint Laporan dan menjadi our honorable PRESENTAN. Atas kerja samanya terima kasih, selamat menjawab dan mempelajari ya kawan.