an overview of internet of things

An Overview of IoT by Ravindra Dastikop SDM CET

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Page 1: An Overview of Internet of Things

An Overview of IoT


Ravindra Dastikop


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• Concept of Internet of Things (IoT)

• IoT examples

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Connectivity is a basic human need and a desire


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Roads connected “places”

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Telephone connected people

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Further “Connectivity”

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Internet connected people and communities.

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We now have practically well connected and

communicated world in terms of PEOPLE

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Question Time

What more DO you want to connect?

Why ?

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The basic concept of IoT is make entire world

deeply and widely connected

● Addressable

● Accessible

● Actionable

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Remotes connects devices

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Limits of Our Connectivity

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Scope of Connectivity


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How much is not yet connected?

Item Addressable Accessible Actionable

House Yes Yes No

Mobile Yes Yes Yes

Computer Yes Yes Yes

TV No No Yes

TV Remote No No Yes

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Power of Internet of Things

● In the twentieth century, computers were brains without senses—

they only knew what we told them.

● That was a huge limitation: there is many billion times more

information in the world than people could possibly type in

through a keyboard or scan with a barcode.

● In the twenty-first century, because of the Internet of Things,

computers can sense things for themselves.

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The Limits of Internet (of People) ● Today computers—and, therefore, the Internet—

are almost wholly dependent on human beings

for information.

● Nearly all of the roughly 50 petabytes (a

petabyte is 1,024 terabytes) of data available on

the Internet were first captured and created by

human beings—by typing, pressing a record

button, taking a digital picture or scanning a bar


● Conventional diagrams of the Internet include

servers and routers and so on, but they leave out

the most numerous and important routers of all:


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The Limits of Internet ( of People) ● The problem is, people

have limited time, attention

and accuracy—all of which

means they are not very

good at capturing data

about things in the real


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The Desired- Connected World

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We are Physical

● The Internet is Cyberworld

● However We're physical, and so is our environment.

● Our economy, society and survival aren't based on ideas or

information—they're based on things.

● You can't eat bits, burn them to stay warm or put them in your gas tank.

Ideas and information are important, but things matter much more.

● Yet today's information technology is so dependent on data originated

by people that our computers know more about ideas than things.

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The Vision of IoT

IOT want to make whole PHYSICAL world- addressable, accessible and actionable

Industry Objectives

Light Visible

Phone Audible

Transport Reachable

Medical Healthy

education enlightened

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How to Create The Internet of Things

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Empowering Computer to Gather Information● We need to

○ empower computers

○ with their own means of gathering


○ so they can see, hear and smell the

world for themselves, in all its random


● RFID and sensor technology

○ enable computers to observe, identify

and understand the world—without the

limitations of human-entered data.

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Empowering Computer to Gather Information● It's not just a "bar code on

steroids" or a way to speed up

toll roads, and we must never

allow our vision to shrink to

that scale.

● The Internet of Things has the

potential to change the world,

just as the Internet did. Maybe

even more so.

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The new Brave World ● If we had computers that knew

everything there was to know about

things—using data they gathered without

any help from us—

● we would be able to track and count

everything, and greatly reduce waste, loss

and cost.

● We would know when things needed

replacing, repairing or recalling, and

whether they were fresh or past their


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Power of Internet of Things One example is GPS-based

location sensing.

Yet it’s already hard to imagine a

world without GPS: it helps us find our

way around. In the imminent future, it

will enable things like self-driving

cars, which will give us back the 20

days a year we spend doing nothing

but driving, will save thousands of

lives a year, will reduce traffic and

pollution, and will allow cities to grow

without devoting as much land to


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IoT can solve Mumbai's challenge

• IoT can provide an important benefit to

gain greater efficiencies and new

business models

• This can make significant difference in

closing the poverty gaps.

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Locality Rate for municipal water

Dharavi Rs. 65 per cubic meter.

Warden Road Rs. 1.77 for cubic meter

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The Background• Dharavi is the poorest neighborhood in mumbai

• Warden Road is better side of the city just blocks away

• The amount people from Dharavi pay for municipal grade water is Rs. 66

per cubic meter. This compares to Rs. 1.77 for residents of warden road

• The injustice is clear: the poor people of Mumbai pay 37 times more for

water - a basic human necessity

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The Cause• The main source of the disparity is the higher cost of

delivering utility services to poorer neighborhood because of infrastructure inefficiencies, problems such as leaks and theft

• More than 50% of power distributed by north Delhi power Ltd wasn’t paid by customers

• A key challenge for power companies is reducing theft by India’s poor

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The Cause•

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How IoT solves this? • IoT, because of its ubiquitous sensors and connected systems, will

provide authorities with more information and control in order to identify

and fix these problems

• This will allow utilities to operate more profitably, giving them extra

incentive to infrastructures in poorer neighbourhood.

• More efficiency will also allow for lower prices, which in turn, will

encourage those taking services for free to become paying customers”

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Question Time

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A gamified toothbrush

Brushing your teeth can feel

like a chore, especially if you’

re a child, so it’s important to

find ways of getting them

interested in their own

dental care.

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A gamified toothbrushBrushing your teeth can

feel like a chore,

especially if you’re a

child, so it’s important

to find ways of getting

them interested in their

own dental care.

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A Smart Toothbrush

A gamified toothbrushFrench company Kolibree

has developed a smart

toothbrush that interacts

with smartphone games in

order to make oral hygiene

more fun.

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By changing the orientation

of your toothbrush, you can

move a character in-game,

meaning that as children

learn to brush their teeth

better they’ll earn more


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The Kolibree toothbrush also has

features to appeal to older users,

including the ability to track and

monitor which parts of your

mouth you are brushing more

often than others.

• It can also provide oral health

tips from dental professionals

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Internet of Things is a new Solution In search of a challenge

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“Every time you close the door on LG’s new smart fridge, it takes a picture of what’s inside.”

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Reference That 'Internet of Things' Thing- Kevin Ashton