an inside look: auburn daley


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My magazine for Style and Design class, which includes stories I wrote and posted on Auburn Family and The Corner News


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BLUE on Tour is bringing the ocean to Auburn. On March 3-5, the ocean conservation film festival will host its first official full blown BLUE on Tour event on Auburn’s campus.

Mary Helen Brown, this year’s Breeden Eminent Scholar in the College of Liberal Arts, has been working to bring the festival to Auburn as part of her awarded position. As Breeden Scholar, she is able to provide educational opportunities related to her interest in storytelling.

“This festival is about how films can be used for social conservation,” says Brown. “It is the story of BLUE and the telling of that powerful story in a variety of media, photos and films.”

The festival, which will address conservation, ocean and water issues, includes photo exhibits, films such as “Confessions of an Eco-Terrorist”, master classes for students, a community festival and K-12 photography and essay contests. All events are free and open to the public.

“These are films you’d want to watch anyway, and yet you’ll walk away with much more than an entertaining experience, ” says Ru Mahoney, an event producer working with BLUE on Tour.

Mahoney discovered the festival when she was volunteering at an exotic animal sanctuary in Florida. As an event planner that studied marine neuroscience in college, working with BLUE Ocean Film Festival “is a nice marriage between my academic interest and my event planning experience.”

One of the larger events on Saturday, the community festival will include informational booths from government and city

agencies, screenings of children’s films and photography displays. Fabien Cousteau, French aquatic filmmaker and oceanographic explorer, is expected to be the keynote speaker.

Brown’s interest in conservation began five years ago when she visited the Galapagos Islands. It really makes you think about what you are doing when you are in a place that is totally nature, she says.

“You are the one who’s entering their world,” says Brown. “You hear stories of bears coming into a community and reeking havoc? I don’t want to be the bear.”

The BLUE Ocean Film Festival began in 2009. In addition to the conservation summit held every two years and community-based festival in Monterey, Calif., BLUE has now expanded to include the international BLUE on Tour.

“We want people to walk in to be entertained, but leave inspired,” says Mahoney.

Auburn students, residents and families are encouraged to attend the weekend of events. The community can certainly benefit from the festival, according to Brown. Issues that seem far from landlocked Auburn really do impact the area, she says.

“It ought to be a good time and you’ll learn something as a bonus,” says Brown. “How can you beat that?”

To find out more about the BLUE Ocean Film Festival, visit

By: Maggie Daley

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A BLUE on Tourpenguin takes a tour of campus, stopping for acaffeine boost in the student center.

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The annual stepping showcase, Tiger Stomp, will be held in the Student Activities Center at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 4. Hosted by the Auburn University Black Student Union (BSU), the competition celebrates the old tradition of fraternity and sorority stepping.

Rod Reedy, a junior in building science, will be stepping with Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc., a fraternity on Auburn’s campus. Several other organizations will be competing in Tiger Stomp, including fraternities and sororities from other universities.

“Every fraternity and sorority has to come up with a theme, which is one of the main pieces of a performance in the step show,” says Reedy. “The challenge is coming up with a theme that is good enough and entertaining enough to win.”

With the first place prize of $2,000 awarded to the winning fraternity and sorority, Reedy says it’s a very big deal to everyone who will be stepping. Because of the amount of competitiveness, preparation for Tiger Stomp begins months in advance.

“We came up with the concept for our show last spring,” says Reedy.

Everyday practices last an hour and a half, with the addition of time spent on prop and costume design.

Jeremy Samuels, a junior who became a member of Alpha Phi Alpha with Reedy last semester, is looking forward to seeing his fellow Alpha men perform the routine they’ve worked so diligently on.

“It takes a lot of practice to give a good show,” says Samuels. “I’m so excited for them and will definitely be at Tiger Stomp supporting them.”

Members of Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc. will be performing at the Zap Out Hunger Laser Tag Tournament on Feb. 26 to help prepare them for the upcoming competition.

Don’t expect to get a sneak peek at the Alpha Phi Alpha routine, though.

BSU hosts annual tiger stomp

By: Maggie Daley

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“The Tiger Stomp performance is exclusive,” says Reedy. “No one’s ever seen it before.”

BSU hosts Tiger Stomp each year to help promote unity among the Greek organizations on campus while also creating a social event for Auburn University students and the Auburn community. BSU hosts several other events throughout the year, including the Homecoming Step Show, jazz & poetry nights and Black History Month events.

“Tiger Stomp really brings a different cultural experience to Auburn’s campus,” says Joe Dumas, BSU cabinet member. “It will showcase different types of stepping and dancing from our Greek organizations.”

“Every fraternity and sorority has a distinct way of stepping that is known by everyone,” says Reedy. “It’s a competition to see who performs their style the best.”

Intermission acts include AU Rhythm, Auburn University’s hip-hop dance troupe. Dumas, secretary of AU Rhythm, will be performing.

“It’s an urban theme with up-to-date music people will enjoy,” says Dumas.

Reedy encourages everyone to attend.

“If you haven’t heard about it, now you have,” says Reedy. “Bring a friend—it’s going to be so much fun.”

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Campaign managerAnna Lee Alford iswith Kirby Turnage at all times to make sure he stays on schedule.


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ON A TYPICAL DAY AT 5:45 A.M., KIRBY Turnage is sleeping. This week, however, he was up and working out with ROTC. Welcome to SGA Spring Elections.

Kirby Turnage, a senior in Finance, is running to become the next SGA president. Since last semester, Turnage has spent countless hours thinking about scheduling, t-shirts, billboards, gimmicks and most importantly, his platform. He wants to improve pricing of on-campus dining, secure long-term funding for the Toomer’s Ten and create a student ticket exchange, just to name a few.

“Being involved in SGA, I’ve noticed some things that we do OK, but could be done a lot better,” Turnage says.

Once Turnage wakes up during campaign week, he doesn’t stop until after 2 a.m. His day is spent dining, attending meetings and talking on the concourse—all with students who will potentially decide to vote for Turnage on Feb. 8.

“Meeting a bunch of people has been the best part of campaigning so far,” says Turnage.

Between classes, lunch at Moe’s and campaigning on the concourse, Turnage doesn’t have much time to relax.

“Certain parts of the day are more challenging, especially when we’re running around doing organization visits and we have to adjust our schedule because of a room change or traffic,” says Anna Lee Alford, campaign manager for Turnage. “For the most part, we do have a good time though. It’s fun to get out there and talk to people.”

Turnage’s campaign schedule has several dining locations built into each day for maximum exposure to voters, but that doesn’t mean he’s getting several meals. For the most part, time at a location is spent talking with students about why Turnage would make a great SGA president.

“I know he’s a great candidate, but we want as many people as possible to learn that firsthand by meeting him,” Alford says.

After a 6:30 p.m. dinner at one of the popular restaurants in Auburn, Turnage and members of his campaign staff attend an evening event, such as a men’s basketball game. Turnage and his staff work to meet and encourage as many people as they can to vote for him.

“When people meet him and hear his ideas, its apparentthat he loves Auburn, he’s done a lot within SGA already for the students and he’s not going to promise anything that he can’t deliver,” says Alford.

By 10 p.m., Turnage has arrived at Daylight Donuts to campaign to those studying or enjoying a late-night snack. At 10:30 p.m., Turnage is hitting the bars with five “Kirby Knows” t-shirt clad escorts. After mingling with the late crowd and telling more people about his platform, he makes a stop at Waffle House at 1 a.m. to encourage diners to vote on Tuesday. With less than four

hours of sleep a night, what makes a person want to, and able to, do this for a week?

“Knowing that you have a platform that serves students and knowing that you have a chance to bring fresh ideas and a big picture to Auburn is what

makes it worth it,” Turnage says.

With a smile, Turnage gives his secret for how he stays positive and excited. “I’m just running on the energy of the week,” Turnage says. “It’s been fun!”

“I’m just running on the energy of the

week,” Turnage says. “It’s been fun!”

By: Maggie Daley

LIFE OF Acandidate

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It’s more than your average major.

Welcome to Industrial Design, a major housed within the College of Architecture, Design and Construction. Auburn University offers the only baccalaureate and masters level

Industrial Design degrees in Alabama. Here’s what it’s like to be an Industrial Design (INDD) major, from the students who work (and sometimes sleep) inWallace Center.

Senior Pearson Cunningham describes Industrial Design as “an all-encompassing major,” with drawing, photography, graphic design and communication skills learned along the way.

“The best thing about industrial design is that you can become an expert in all kinds of fields because you work with so many different things,” says Cunningham, who designed the branding for a minor league baseball team last semester and is now designing a vacuum.

Students hoping to graduate with a degree in INDD begin as Pre-Industrial Design students. Eighty to 100 students begin the Summer Design program, referred to as “summer-op” or “boot camp” by students, and only 45 are selected to continue with the major curriculum.

“You are in class every day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and then you come back and work on your projects until close to four in the morning,” says Senior Kata Gregg. “You go home, get two hours of sleep and do it again. It’s tough.”

Students do everything they can to succeed in the program, including working in the studio late at night and on weekends.

“It’s really hard, but I like it,” says Senior Krista Kriz. “You have to like it—it’s too hard to do it if you don’t.”

Because of the many hours spent on projects, the INDD students and professors work together frequently.

“It’s really nice that we have such a close relationship with our professors,” says Gregg. “There are only nine professors in the department and we are on a first-name basis with all of them.”

Industrial design gets its name from the Industrial Revolution. Gregg says the origins are because “we design things to be mass produced.”

“Whether it’s a bottle of hand sanitizer or a computer mouse, we design it and think about how it will actually made,” she says.

INDD students also take a class on methods, which teaches students how to get a good design every time.

“Once you nail down your design process, you can apply it to anything,” says Cunningham. “It always starts with field research—going out and getting information from the people who will be using your product.”

Students in the INDD program have several opportunities available to them. They gain valuable real world experience in their classes though collaborative projects with companies. These “sponsored studios” allow students to generate fresh design solutions for the clients they work with.

Industrial design students also have the option to study abroad, where they gain insight into the design profession through international studio programs in both Ireland and Taiwan.

“You can always evolve your design,” says Cunningham. “It is good to diversify yourself in other cultures and immerse yourself in what other people are doing.”

Both Gregg and Cunningham studied in Ireland last spring, and they will be taking part in the Taiwan trip this summer. “We are learning Chinese right now,” says Gregg. “Ní hao!”

By: Maggie Daley

AN inside look

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at industrial design

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NOT your mom and pop salon A closer look at the

edgy side of RS1 SalonBy: Maggie Daley

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RS1 Salon offers the following services: haircuts, highlights, waxing, perms, facials, manicures and pedicures. But they also offer tattoos and body piercings.

“I think they all go hand in hand,” says Robb Todd, owner of RS1. “Everything we offer here is about the beauty industry and the outward appearance of yourself.”

RS1 was the first, and currently the only, tattoo parlor in Opelika. The salon was also the first of its kind, includingtattooing and body piercing within its list of salon services.

“We’re going to be the pioneers of this town,” says Todd.

Seventy-five percent of RS1’s tattoo customers have been women, according to Todd. The black light tattoos have been most popular. These

Body piercings at RS1 start at $30, which is the cheapest price in the area, according to Todd.

Todd, who has been styling hair for 21 years, received his education at Moler Beauty College. He learned from Robert Cromeans, one of the head stylists for Paul Mitchell.

“I have customers drive and fly here for me to do their hair,” says Todd, who served as a regional judge with Tyra Banks for “America’s Next Top Model”.

Haircuts by Todd are $20, and only take 10-15 minutes. “I’ve just been doing it for a long time,” he says.

Before owning RS1, Todd was a stylist at salons such as Nexxus, Aveda and Paul Mitchell. He started RS1 Salon ten years ago and says he works best when he is his own boss.

“I want to be able to come in, do my work, cut up with my customers and go home,” says Todd.

Todd and his wife have been booked to fly down to New Orleans to do hair and make-up for a wedding party. Their hotel and travel expenses are taken care of, and Todd says it will double as a vacation.

“It’s so much fun that it doesn’t feel like a real job,” says Todd. “I want everybody to come in here, relax, and not take anything too seriously, because we’re going to joke and have a good time.”

To make an appointment with at RS1, call 334-745-2014 or visit the salon, located at 1220 Fox Run Ave. in Opelika. Just don’t expect your typical salon experience.

“We are an edgy salon that adds the element of making things different,” says Todd. “I like different.”

“We’re going to be the pioneers of this town,” says Todd.tattoos are done with special

ink that can only be seen under a black light.

“It’s a non-committal tattoo that’s a tattoo,” says Todd.

The tattoo and piercing rooms are separate from the rest of the salon to create a more comfortable atmosphere for the clients. Todd strives to make RS1 as clean and professional as possible.

“Most tattoo parlors are sketchy, and I don’t like that,” says Todd.

With an overwhelming amount of elderly women coming to RS1 for tattoos, the salon does not carry the stigma that most tattoos parlors have.

“You wouldn’t believe the amount of 60-year-old women that come in here to get tattoos,” says Todd. “They say they’ve always wanted them and they love them!”

The shop minimum for tattoos at RS1 is $40 and black light tattoos start at $60. RS1 uses some of the best ink of the market.

“It’s thick pigment, natural and it gives you great color that’s going to last,” Todd says.

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IMPACT, Auburn’s student volunteer organization, is looking for the next group of project coordintors.

Project coordinators (PCs) work one-on-one with 13 agencies in the Auburn/Opelika area; they serve as a liaison between the site and volunteers to create volunteer opportunities for Auburn University students.

“The best part about being a PC is knowing that when I look back on my college experience, I’ll know that I made a difference in the community as a student,” says Justin Grider, past project coordinator and outgoing IMPACT administrative vice president.

PCs lead groups of volunteers to their prospective site weekly as well as participate in special projects through the year, such as the Joyland Easter Egg Hunt and the Azalea Retirement Home Prom.

“As an IMPACT project coordinator, you are able to work with other students and give back to the community that gives you so much,” says Elyse Albrecht, outgoing IMPACT president. “You are able to be selfless for at least two hours out of the week and benefit the Auburn/ Opelika area.”

Albrecht has worked with IMPACT for four years as a volunteer, project coordinator and president of the organization.

“The students’ love for the community and their project sites makes me want to keep coming back,” she says.

“It is incredible to see how much students love their project sites and grow from their experiences.”

How is IMPACT different than any other organization on campus?

“Working with a community service organization is different in the fact that the majority of the focus is on the surrounding community,” says Tim King, Office of Community Service

coordinator. “It gives college students the chance to work with populations that they normally would not have the chance to interact with.”

IMPACT is a student-operated organization out of the Office of Community Service and serves as Auburn

University’s central resource for volunteer opportunities and community service.

Albrecht says she cannot imagine what her college experience would have been like without IMPACT.

“It has given me the opportunity to surround myself and work with incredible students who have a desire to betterthe community,” says Albrecht.

Applications are available in Student Center Suite 3130 or online at

“This is the chance to not only serve others, but serve yourself,” says King. “Winston Churchill said it best when he said, ‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.’”

“It is incredible to see how much students love their

project sites and grow from their experiences.”

By: Maggie Daley

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Stephanie Clark,IMPACT projectcoordinator, helpsher new friend hunt for eggs at the Joyland EasterEgg Hunt.

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In 1993, Anna Gramberg became part of the Auburn family. Now she is becoming a part of the American family.

On Feb. 1, Gramberg, dean of the College of Liberal Arts, will be sworn in as an American citizen. Gramberg came to Auburn University from Germany to serve as the chair of foreign languages. "I did not make a grand decision to stay when I came here," says Gramberg. "It's a big step to move from one culture to another, and I just let it happen. I fell completely in love with the country."

Becoming a citizen takes several steps. Gramberg first went to the German government to ask permission to remain a German citizen while also becoming an American citizen. After completing the necessary paperwork, she applied for U.S. citizenship. After passing a background check in Birmingham, Gramberg had to travel to Atlanta to take two tests on English language and American history. "I learned all these things and would ask my friends, 'Did you know this?' or 'How did you feel about this?'" says Gramberg. Applying for citizenship has inspired Gramberg to reflect upon not only the history of the United States, but how it came

about. "Those of us who are first generation immigrants appear to be most passionate about the constitution and everything it stands for," says Gramberg. "America is the country of opportunity. There are still people who come here, and that includes me, for this very purpose. There is a large amount of freedom to succeed."

One of the many reasons Gramberg decided to become a citizen was so that she could engage more in the political process. "Since I grew up in Germany, I offer a unique perspective by living in the United States that others only have from reading books or talking to people," Gramberg says. "My perspective adds to philosophical discussion and that's important to me."

On Tuesday, Gramberg will become a citizen at the Montgomery courthouse. "I'm not exactly sure what the ceremony consists of, but I studied 'I pledge allegiance to the flag' so I've got that down," says Gramberg. "I'll go as a German citizen and leave as a dual citizen. I have double the opportunity because I can vote in two countries." Gramberg says she will now have two passports, one in red and one in blue, and that they "go together very beautifully."

Dean Gramberg took part in the swearing ceremony, which took place at the Montgomery coutthouse.

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Gramberg plans to celebrate her new patriotism Tuesday afternoon with fellow members of the Auburn family who are eager to join in honoring this great moment. "Auburn is a special place. The family atmosphere spills over into every aspect of living and working here," says Gramberg.

Although she had no initial intentions of staying when she first came over from Germany, Gramberg says that America is now her home. "There's no way I would want to not live here. I love the state of Alabama too. Our motto for the College of Liberal Arts is 'Find Your Place'. I found mine." Other plans for enjoying her new citizenship include adding more red, white and blue to her wardrobe and looking forward to her new favorite holiday: the Fourth of July.

"It's one of the hottest days; you really feel like you're in America. Last time I was in Germany in July, I was wearing gloves," says Gramberg. So what does it feel like to finally become a citizen of the United States of America?

"It feels amazingly special and celebratory. I didn't think it would get to me like it does; it's very sentimental. I've been thinking a lot about what it has meant for so many millions of immigrants who have come here and what a life-altering moment it was for them. That's still what it stands for," says Gramberg. “I’m proud to be an American!”

Dean Gramberg waves the American flag proudly

as she celebrates her new citizenship.

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