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Sunday 16th September 2012 Amy’s Gran Fondo

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Sunday 16th September 2012

Amy’s Gran Fondo

Amy’s Gran Fondo

Message from the Minister for Sport and RecreationI am delighted to welcome cycling enthusiasts and competitors who are participating in the second annual Amy’s Gran Fondo.

Following the success of the inaugural Gran Fondo in 2011, this year will see the introduction of the Medio Fondo. Over 4500 participants

will be taking part in the event and completing one of the three circuits along the iconic Great Ocean Road, the Surf Coast and Colac Otway regions.

Amy’s Gran Fondo is in honour of Australian cyclist and former Olympic Rower Amy Gillett; tragically killed in a training collision in Germany in 2005.

The Victorian Government is delighted to provide $40,000 from its Significant Sporting Events Program towards this race, as it encourages people of all ages and abilities to be involved.

Most importantly, funds raised for the event will go towards promoting the message of safe cycling and driver awareness of cyclists throughout Australia.

Congratulations to the Amy Gillett Foundation for the running of such a great event and good luck to everyone participating.

Hugh Delahunty MPMinister for Sport and Recreation

Rehydration and Electrolyte Replacement

Event Partners

Message from the Amy Gillett Foundation CEOOn behalf of our event delivery partners Cycling Australia and Big Fish Your Pond along with all our event sponsors and providers, I am delighted to welcome all participants to the 2nd Amy’s Gran Fondo, Great Ocean Road.

In 2011, the inaugural Amy’s Gran Fondo delivered the ultimate cycling experience for beginner, recreational and competitive riders. In 2012 we will proudly confirm Amy’s Gran Fondo as Australia’s premier competitive mass participation event:

• AustraliaONLYcompetitivemassparticipationeventonafullyclosedroadcircuit,inoneoftheworld’s most breathtaking destinations;

• CompetitiveridershavetheopportunitytoqualifyfortheUCIWorldCyclingTourChampionshipsinthe2013final.Australian’swerewellrepresentedinthe2012UWCTfinal in South Africa, with top 5 placings!

• Wewillaimtomeetour‘nobandaid’safetybenchmarksetin2011,withyourhelpofcourse;

• GreatercontributiontotheColacOtwayandSurfCoastshires,withAustCycleandRemembering Amy for a Reason programs being delivered into schools throughout the region this week, and free entry to the Piccolo Fondo for residents of the host shires;

• ThelaunchofournewridersafetycampaignRideRulesdesignedtohelpallriders–novicethroughtoexperienced–maximisetheirsafetywhenriding;

• ThesecondphaseoftheFoundation’sjointcyclingsafetycampaignwithBikeSafewhichcontributed to zero bike rider fatalities in the Bellarine region for the first time in recent years last summer.

Todeliveramemorableexperienceforeveryparticipantinaneventofthisscalerequiresimmensebelief, collaboration and goodwill and for this there are many partners to thank; the communities of the SurfCoast and Colac Otway shires for the privilege of closing 120km of their iconic roads forover4500riderstoenjoy,theVictorianGovernmentanditsagenciesanddepartments,Stateemergency services organisations, and all our event partners for their financial and in-kind support. Itgoeswithoutsaying–butIwillsayitanyhow–wethankyou,theriders,foryourparticipationand every person who has worked tirelessly to bring Amy’s Gran Fondo to life, including staff of every supporting organisation, volunteers, councillors and community members.


Tracey GaudryChief Executive Officer

Amy’s Gran Fondo

Safety First – Ride Right (To be launched officially during Amy’s Gran Fondo 2012)


Whenyourideabiketherearesomethingsthat you cannot completely control. Things like the weather, the condition of the road and the volume of traffic.

But there are many things that you can do to improve your safety and improve other road users’ perception and behaviour towards bike riders.

Amy’s Gran Fondo provides you with a worldclassuniqueridingexperienceandthe opportunity to challenge yourself in the safest way on a fully closed road. In return we want you to play a part in helping us create a safer environment for bike riding by becoming a bike safety champion!

RideRight–youractionsdomakeadifference. Keep yourself safe and help the Amy Gillett Foundation reduce bike rider seriousinjuriesandfatalities.

The Amy Gillett Foundation is focussed on promoting cycling safety in our community –acommunitythatincludesallofyou.It’sthe paths we all cycle on, the road with share with other road users and the community that we all live in. Our ambitious goal is to eliminate bike related fatalities. It is only with the help of you and others supporting us by way of donation or fundraising that this important work can be done.

Wearepleasedtoannouncethatourfundraising target for Amy’s Gran Fondo of$75,000hasbeenexceeded.Welldoneto all!



From5.30pmjoinstaffandsomeof the Amy Gillett Foundation Ambassadors at the Mantra for a drink and chat about all things cycling.


Amy’s Gran Fondo and Medio Fondo participants will attend the safety briefing starting your event commitments which commence on the hour, sharp! Once you have completed your briefing, make your way downtotheAfricanWildlifeSafarisVillageand check out the many exhibitors and local producers. There are food vendors, Brunetti’s coffee, a children’s entertainment area and live music creating a great atmosphere for everyonetoenjoy.


It’s time for your Amy’s Gran Fondo, Medio Fondo and Piccolo Fondo events to begin! The Village is open at 7am if you want to grab aquickcoffeebeforeyourride.Makesurewhen you do line up that you enter the area that is signed with your rider number.

Piccolo Fondo safety briefing will commence immediately prior to the start of your ride.

Whilstyouareenjoyingtheride,ifyouhavefriends and family staying around, either get them registered for the community ride, or they should head to the African WildlifeSafarisVillageandenjoytheliveentertainment, kids activities or a coffee and bacon and egg roll.

After your ride, make sure to come back totheAfricanWildlifeSafarisVillageforacoffee and also to collect your Pasta Box. All of the results will be available from the Bike ExchangeMarqueeandmedalpresentationswill commence at 3pm.

Amy’s Gran Fondo Weekend – Highlights

Amy’s Gran Fondo


The official Merchandise producedbyBodyTorqueand Apres Velo has arrived and it looks great! Make your way down to the Village to check out a host of products on offer at the official merchandise marquee.

PhotographyEpsom Rd Studios will have 4 photographers oncourseatdesignatedlocations.Lookoutforthelargeclocksondisplayjustafteryoupassour photographers and take note of the time when you pass. The photos will be displayed on after the event for you to purchase with $2 from each sale being donated back to the Foundation.

Amy’s Gran Fondo Course InformationAid Stations

There are 5 aid stations providing a Carman’s nutrition bar and Hydralyte Sports fluid replacements for each rider in addition to what yousupplyforyourownnutritionalrequirements.See your pocket ride guide for these locations. (Subaru KOM finish; Forrest; Barwon Downs; Deans Marsh; Benwerrin (timing finish).

Mechanical Support

Come prepared with spare tubes and tyres; roaming mechanical support will be available on course with two fixed mechanical support crews located at the Forrest and Deans Marsh Aid Stations.


The event has set target and cut off times in relation to the event permit and for your safety; we ask that you are familiar with those times and targets and pace yourself during the event to meet those times. YourtimingwillcommenceinLorneandfinish at Benwerrin. Your timing results will be available at at the conclusion of your ride.

SAG Wagon

The event will also offer 4 SAG wagon support vehicles. It is imperative to understand that the SAG wagon support vehicles are a mandatory requirementtofulfilltheroadclosureregulations.If you find yourself in a position where you do not reach the cut off times advised at the safety briefing, you will be asked by officials to cease ridingandtaketheSAGwagonbacktoLorne.


Amy’s Gran Fondo official timing concludes 110.1km into the ride at Benwerrin. You will needtocontinuealongthecoursetoLornetocomplete the ride. Event timing concludes at 2.36pm.TheDeansMarsh-Lorneroadopens to normal traffic conditions at 3.00pm.

Amy’s Gran Fondo

The Event

Gran Fondo meaning great endurance is the title given to Amy’s Gran Fondo; a world-class event on fully closed roads in one of the world’s most idyllic destinations with safety the priority.

Safety Briefing

All Amy’s Gran Fondo distance riders are requiredtocompleteamandatorysafetybriefing prior to the commencement of your event at the Mantra Erskine Beach Resort in Lorne.Thebriefingscommenceonthehour,forthe hour. If you fail to complete the briefing, you will not receive your rider number and be ineligible to commence the event.

Do Not Finish

If for any reason you stop along the course or pull out of the event, you must advise the nearest course marshal or official vehicle driver. If you are able to complete course, the event SAG wagon willbeavailabletotakeyoubacktoLorne.

Award Ceremony

The award ceremony will commence at 3.00pm intheAfricanWildlifeSafarisVillageforAmy’sGran Fondo distance riders only. If you win either the HED Overall, Hydralyte Team or Subaru KOM categories, you will be sent a message via SMS at 2.45pm asking you to report immediately the podium stage. If you finish in the top 25% of your age category you have qualifiedforaUCImedalandentryintothe2013UCIWorldCyclingTourChampionships.You will be notified of your top 25% placing by SMS.Allchequesforwinnerswillbepostedoutwithin a week after the event.

The Course

Amy’s Gran Fondo course is 120km long. The coursecommencesinLorneandcontinuesalongthe route as shown on the map to Benwerrin where timing will cease; you will then continue backintoLorne.

Event Start Time

Lornedepartureat8.00am.Riderswilldepartin groups of 200. Riders must line up at the start line according to their registration number (within the signed sections), which is allocated based on date of entry and average rider speed submitted at the time of registration.

Amy’s Medio Fondo

Amy’s Medio Fondo Course Information Amy’s Piccolo Fondo Course Information

The Event

Medio Fondo is a new 40km middle distance ride that has been created for this year’s event.

Safety Briefing

MedioFondodistanceridersarerequiredtocomplete a mandatory safety briefing prior to the commencement of your event. The briefings commence on the hour, for the hour. If you fail to complete the briefing, you will not receive your rider number and will be unable to take part in the event.

The Course

Amy’s Medio Fondo course is 40km long. The coursecommencesinLorneandcontinuesuntilyou reach the Subaru Arch. Continue along the road to Apollo Bay where the Amy’s Medio Fondo team will be there to meet you.

Event Start Time


The Event

The Piccolo Fondo ride has been created for thelocalcommunitytoenjoyridingalongafully closed Great Ocean Road and for younger members or families of the community.

Safety Briefing

Safety is at the heart of the Amy Gillett Foundation and its important for all riders to be reminded of their responsibilities on the road. A safety briefing will be given at the start line to all riders.

The Course

Amy’s Piccolo Fondo course is 14km long.

Event Start Time

Riders will be asked to assemble at 8.30amforan8.45amstart.

Amy’s Piccolo Fondo

Aid Stations

Prepare your own water and nutrition requirementstotakewithyouontheride;water and Hydralyte will be available at the finishmarqueeinApolloBay.

Mechanical Support

Come prepared with spare tubes; roaming mechanical support will be available on course.


YourtimingwillcommenceinLorneand cease at the Subaru Arch. Your timing results will be available at at the conclusion of your ride.


Finish timing is at the Subaru arch; you will continue another 5kms to Apollo Bay under normal road conditions.

Return Bus

Bus departs at 12noon sharp only for pre-purchased ticket holders. You must arrive at 11.45am to load your bike and enter the bus.

Do Not Finish

If for any reason you have to stop along the course or pull out of the event, you will be pickedupbytheSAGWagon.Youwillthenhave the option to be transported to Apollo BayorremainintheSAGWagonuntilitreturnstoLorne.

Award Ceremony

The award ceremony will commence at 3.00pmintheAfricanWildlifeSafarisVillageforAmy’s Gran Fondo distance riders only. Get inspired by their achievements and perhaps set your goal to participate and complete this distance next year.

Aid Stations

Prepare your own water and nutrition requirementstotakewithyouontheride.


The road closure is based on calculated timings, which also apply to the Piccolo Fondo. All riders must finish their ride by 10.50am. The road reopens to normal traffic conditions at 11.00am.


Registrations can be made at the African WildlifeSafarisVillageexpositethedaybeforethe event between 12noon and 5pm. See staff attheinformationmarqueetocompleteyourregistration.Noregistrationsforthiseventcanbe made on the day of the event.

Rider Kit

For all pre-registered riders, you must collect your rider bib number from the information marqueebetween12noonand5pmonSaturday15thSeptemberattheAfricanWildlifeSafaris Village expo site.