amplified definition

Amplified Definition It is used to give definition to a certain word or phrase in order to satisfy questions in the reader’s mind. It used to develop more fully of the words or phrases to fully understand the writer. Ways to Amplify words or phrases Further definition – if you think that some of the words in a definition you written may not be familiar to your reader, you should go on to explain them. Concrete Examples and Instances – sentence definitions are likely to be abstract statements, they do not contain concrete examples of the thing being defined. It helps, therefore, to give the reader some specific examples. Comparison and Contrast – means to relate new things and experiences to those we already know. Remember that the relationship must be one of the unfamiliar to the familiar. Word derivation – taking the origin of the word in which words gets interesting and be easily understands. Negative Statement – a possible means of developing a definition. It is also called “obverse iteration,” sometimes “negation,” and sometimes “elimination.” Physical Description – it is just giving the physical characteristic of an object. Analysis – telling what steps compromise a process, or what functional parts make up a device, or what constituents make up a substance obviously helps a reader. It is like giving the reader to think of it a little at a time, and is easier to do than trying to grasp the whole at once.

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Page 1: Amplified Definition

Amplified Definition

It is used to give definition to a certain word or phrase in order to satisfy questions in the reader’s mind. It used to develop more fully of the words or phrases to fully understand the writer.

Ways to Amplify words or phrases

Further definition – if you think that some of the words in a definition you written may not be familiar to your reader, you should go on to explain them.

Concrete Examples and Instances – sentence definitions are likely to be abstract statements, they do not contain concrete examples of the thing being defined. It helps, therefore, to give the reader some specific examples.

Comparison and Contrast – means to relate new things and experiences to those we already know. Remember that the relationship must be one of the unfamiliar to the familiar.

Word derivation – taking the origin of the word in which words gets interesting and be easily understands.

Negative Statement – a possible means of developing a definition. It is also called “obverse iteration,” sometimes “negation,” and sometimes “elimination.”

Physical Description – it is just giving the physical characteristic of an object.

Analysis – telling what steps compromise a process, or what functional parts make up a device, or what constituents make up a substance obviously helps a reader. It is like giving the reader to think of it a little at a time, and is easier to do than trying to grasp the whole at once.

Basic Principle – is applicable to processes and mechanisms. Distillation process, for instance, make use of the principle that one liquid will vaporize at a different temperature than another.

Cause and Effect – giving the reasons and results.

Location – it is sometimes helpful to tell where the thing is because it gives them a hint.

Placing Definitions in Reports • In the Text• In Footnotes• In glossary at the end of the report or in a special section in the introduction