zach pinter - caching and synchronization with flex

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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In this talk, I'll show how to combine weak references, hashes, binding and item renderers to produce an elegant solution to the problem of keeping objects synchronized and reducing calls to the server.Outline: * The WeakReference class o Allows cached objects to be garbage collected o Briefly explain difference between hard references and soft references * The EntityWrapper class o Gives item renderers an object that they can immediately bind to while potentially waiting for the server to respond * The EntityCache o Central location for all VO objects currently referenced by the application o Used to coordinate updates to client-side data + Recursively scan an incoming object for VO objects that can be used to fill/update the cache + Looks at all properties, properties of properties, etc o When querying for a specific object by its id, first check the cache + A cache hit returns the object + A cache miss queues a call to the server + All cache misses in a given frame are grouped together to reduce server load o Deals with duplicate objects + If an entity is already represented by an object in the cache, update the existing object's properties and discard the new object + Use the cache to make sure there's only ever one authoritative object instance # Everything binds to the authoritative instance # When that instance gets updated, so does the rest of the application * Taking advantage of the behavior of item renderers inside lists o Only the visible rows are fetched, makes the app more responsive o (Optional) Talk about server-side datagrid sorting to make sure the client doesn't have to have all the data fetched locally


Caching and Synchronization in Flex


Zachary PinterSenior DeveloperEffectiveUI360Flex

The ProblemCommon application data shown in multiple views, being manipulated by multiple users at roughly the same time.


GoalsFetch entities only once and only as needed.

One definitive instance of a server-side entity.

Update all relevant views when the server sends notice that an entity has changed.

Server-side agnostic.


What’s the strategy?Store all fetched entities in a single cache (Dictionary).

Bind the views to the cache.


What about memory use?


public class WeakReference{ private var dic:Dictionary; public function WeakReference(obj:*) { dic = new Dictionary(true); dic[obj] = 1; } public function getValue():* { for (var item:* in dic) { return item; } return null; }



Allows cache values to be garbage-collected if they’re not being referenced anywhere else.

The CacheHow do we add an entity to the cache?


public class EntityCache{ public function updateEntity(entity:BaseVO, ...):BaseVO { //... }}

Recurse through properties

UserVO id: 1 firstname: “Zachary” lastname: “Pinter” address: AddressVO id: 2 line1: “4444 W 44th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO”


EntityCache 1: UserVO 2: AddressVO

Adding a user to the cache also adds its address.

Recurse through properties

UserVO id: 1 firstname: “Zachary” lastname: “Pinter” addresses: [ AddressVO id: 2 label: “home” line1: “4444 W 44th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO” AddressVO id: 3 label: “work” line1: “5555 W 55th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO”]


EntityCache 1: UserVO 2: AddressVO 3: AddressVO

Arrays behave the same way

Finding an object’s propertiesSpring Actionscript (formally Prana)


var type:Type = Type.forName(classname); for each (var accessor:Accessor in type.accessors) { if (accessor.isStatic == false && == "readwrite") { result.push(; }}return result;

Finding an object’s propertiesSource generator


public class UserVO extends BaseVO { public var username : String; public var firstname : String; public var lastname : String; public var address : AddressVO;

override public function getProperties():Array { return super.getProperties().concat("username","firstname","lastname","address"); }}

Updating the cacheWhat if the entity is already in the cache?


EntityCache 1: UserVO(instance A) id: 1 firstname: “Robert” lastname: “Smith”

EntityCache.updateEntity( UserVO(instance B) id: 1 firstname: “Bob” lastname: “Smith” )

EntityCache 1: UserVO(instance A) id: 1 firstname: “Bob” lastname: “Smith”

Copy the properties from instance B into instance A

Leave instance A in the cache

Discard instance B

Updating the cacheWhat about arrays?


EntityCache UserVO id: 1 firstname: “Zachary” lastname: “Pinter” addresses: [ AddressVO(instance A) id: 2 label: “home” line1: “4444 W 44th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO” AddressVO id: 3 label: “work” line1: “5555 W 55th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO”]

EntityCache.updateEntity( AddressVO(instance B) id: 2 label: “home” line1: “3333 W 33rd Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO” )

Updating the cacheWhat about arrays?


UserVO id: 1 firstname: “Zachary” lastname: “Pinter” addresses: [ AddressVO(instance A) id: 2 label: “home” line1: “3333 W 33rd Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO” AddressVO id: 3 label: “work” line1: “5555 W 55th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO”]

Since we update the existing instance, all references to it will see the update.

Updating the CacheThe flip side


UserVO id: 5 firstname: “Zachary” lastname: “Pinter” addresses: [ AddressVO(instance B) id: 2 label: “home” line1: “6666 W 66th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO” AddressVO id: 3 label: “work” line1: “5555 W 55th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO”]

EntityCache AddressVO(instance A) id: 2 label: “home” line1: “5555 W 55th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO”

Your cache already has an AddressVO with id 2 in it, and you add a new UserVO to the cache that references an updated instance of the AddressVO

Updating the Cache


UserVO id: 5 firstname: “Zachary” lastname: “Pinter” addresses: [ AddressVO(instance A) id: 2 label: “home” line1: “6666 W 66th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO” AddressVO id: 3 label: “work” line1: “5555 W 55th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO”]

EntityCache AddressVO(instance A) id: 2 label: “home” line1: “6666 W 66th Ave” city: “Denver” state: “CO”

The AddressVO in the cache is updated and the AddressVO in UserVO.addresses is replaced with the instance from the cache.

Updating the Cache


if (obj is Array) { var arr:Array = obj as Array; for (var i:int=0;i<arr.length;i++) { if (arr[i] is BaseVO) { var res:BaseVO = updateEntity(arr[i] as BaseVO,...); if (res != null) arr[i] = res; } }}

Code looks something like this...

Updating the Cache


if (obj is ArrayCollection) { var ac:ArrayCollection = obj as ArrayCollection; ac.disableAutoUpdate(); for (i=0;i<ac.length;i++) { if (ac.getItemAt(i) is BaseVO) { var res:BaseVO = updateEntity(ac.getItemAt(i) as BaseVO,...); if (res != null) { ac.setItemAt(res,i); } } } ac.enableAutoUpdate();}

ArrayCollection’s are slightly trickier


Now that we’ve added an entity to the cache...

The CacheHow do we get an entity?

What happens if we ask for an entity that isn’t in the cache?


public class EntityCache{

public function getEntity(id:String):EntityWrapper { //... } }

EntityWrapperWhen requesting an entity, a wrapper object is returned.

If that object is in the cache, EntityWrapper.entity will have a value.

If the object is not in the cache, EntityWrapper.entity will be null and a call to fetch the entity will be queued.


[Bindable]public class EntityWrapper{ public var entityId:String; public var entity:BaseVO; public function EntityWrapper(id:String) { entityId = id; } }

Using the Cache


<mx:Label text="Username: {userWrapper.entity.username}"/>

userWrapper = cache.getEntity(userid.text);

Using the Cache - List RenderersBenefits‣ Faster initial query since you’re only grabbing the id’s‣ Rows are lazy-fetched as you scroll

Drawbacks‣ Sorting has to be handled by the server


Using the Cache - List RenderersWhat’s the code for the item renderer look like?


override public function set data(val:Object):void { if(val != data){ if (!val) { wrapper = null; } else { wrapper = cache.getEntity(val); } = val; }}

Serverside ConsiderationsWhat does this require of your backend infrastructure?‣ Globally unique keys (or a way to fake it)‣ Ability to get an entity by its key‣ Ability to query for entities and only return their keys (used by lazy lists)

Perks:‣ Versioned entities‣ Get multiple entities in a single call by passing multiple keys


Dictionary KeysOnly one cache, need to prevent collisions

Some Options:‣ Globally unique sequence across all tables (UserVO with id 1, AddressVO with id 2)‣ UUID’s (great for generating new id’s flex-side)‣ Combine type with id (“UserVO-1”, “AddressVO-1”)






Thanks!Zachary Pinter

Twitter: zpinter


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