your voice of healing january 2011

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Your Voice of Healing a publication of Rory Synoground Mnistries International



Your Voice of Healing January 2011

“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniq-uities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes

we are healed” (Isa. 53:5).

The blood of Jesus Christ has purchased our free-dom. Yes, He purchased

our freedom—spirit, soul, and body. When we read chapter 53 of Isaiah, we can clearly see this truth exposed. In verse 4 we read: “Surely He (Jesus) has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted.”

The Hebrew word for “grief” here is “choliy.” This word actually means anxiety, calamity, disease, or sickness. It is derived from a root word “chalah” which means to be weak, sick or afflicted.

When we see this word translated “grief” in the King James Ver-sion of the Bible, we can see that it includes a whole lot more than just grieving.

Now take a look at the word “sorrows.” The Hebrew word for “sorrows” is “makob.” This word has in it the definitions of anguish, poverty, affliction, and pain. It is derived from a root word “kaab” which means to feel pain, to have pain, to make sad.

As we begin to dig into the Word of God, we begin to uncover priceless treasures and life giving truth that only His Word has to offer.

A more accurate translation then of Isaiah 53:4 would be: “Surely

He has borne our anxieties and sick-nesses, and carried our anguish, and pain.”

Praise God! Do you know what this means? Jesus bore our anxiet-ies and sicknesses, so we wouldn’t have to bare them. He also carried our mental anguish and pain away so we wouldn’t have to endure them as well.

To fully understand this, we need to look at two other words in this pas-sage of scripture.

The first is the word “borne.” The Hebrew word for “borne” is “nasa” which means to bear in a sense of suffering punishment for something.

In Leviticus 5:1 we see it written: “And if a soul sin...then he shall bear [nasa] the punishment for his iniquity.” This means Jesus became our substitute. He bore the punish-ment of sickness in our stead.

This same Hebrew word, “nasa” is used in Isaiah 53:12, “and He was numbered with the transgressors; and He bare [nasa] the sin of many, and made intercession for the trans-gressors.”

How did Jesus bare our sins? He did it vicariously, as our substitute. No one argues with that fact that we needed a divine intercessor for our sins. But I want you to realize that Jesus also came and vicariously bore our sicknesses, poverty, and pain the exact same way!

Yes, it is true: Jesus Christ not only suffered emotionally, by being re-jected, but He shed His blood for our sin nature and for our physical bodies as well.

First Corinthians 6:19-20 makes it clear: “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”

The word “bought” here means “I buy or redeem.” Christ has bought us wholly, making us His property at the price of His shed blood. The work of the cross was complete. Nothing was left undone. He has purchased our freedom, from spiritual death, physical sickness, mental illness, and material lack.

Galatians 3:13 says, Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written “Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree.”

The word “redeemed” here is actu-ally a stronger word than bought, and it actually means to purchase out or redeem away from.

You Are Free In Deuteronomy 28, you will see everything that the curse of the law has to offer. Sickness, poverty, and lack are all included in the curse. And we have been purchased out and away from it all.

by Rory Synoground



HEALINGIn a Full Gospel church in one

of our western states there was a man who had been born with

a deformed foot and a leg that was about four inches shorter than the oth-er. He couldn’t walk without crutches due to his crippled condition.

His deformed leg was not as big as the other one; it had not grown right. But in one of my healing meetings in the church, he got healed.

His crippled leg grew out to the same length as the other, and his deformed foot straightened out. At 37 years of age, this man was able to wear the first matching pair of shoes he had ever worn in his life.

Six weeks after my meeting was over, the pastor was taking prayer requests on a Wednesday night.

A woman got up and said, “Pastor, I was healed during Brother Hagin’s meeting, and for six weeks I’ve been all right. But all my symptoms have come back on my, and I’m worse than ever. I want you all to pray for me.”

Without thinking, the pastor agreed.

Then this fellow who had been healed of the crippled foot and short leg stood up and said, “Pastor, may I say a word? I think it will help this sister.

“You all know me. I was born crippled, and I’ve been saved and filled with the

Holy Spirit for several years now. I, too, was healed in Brother Hagin’s meeting. You know I’m perfectly healed.

“Just this past week I was walking on Main Street when suddenly a pain hit me in the ankle, and that foot that had been healed turned in. I almost fell. In fact, I would have fallen if I hadn’t reached my hand out and leaned against a store building. That foot turned in with such pain I could hardly stand it.

“I just slid down the wall and sat on the sidewalk. I don’t know what people thought, because I picked up my ankle and foot in my hands and yelled out loud, ‘No, you don’t, Mr. Devil! You don’t put that back on me! God’s healed me.’ And every symptom left. I’ve been

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by Kenneth E. Hagin

Your Voice of Healing January 2011

I want to boldly proclaim something to you today: that Christ has pur-chased you out of, and away from, the curse of sickness in all its forms. Glory to God! You have been set free; your healing is paid for.

Now when the devil tries to imprison you with sickness, poverty, pain, or any other curse that is in the law, just remind him, and yourself, that Jesus

Rev. Rory Synoground, Founder & President of Rory Synogruond Ministries International, CEO &

President of Freedom Business Group Inc

Austin MN

has already paid for your freedom! You don’t have to get entangled again into that bondage,


4 Your Voice of Healingall right ever since.”

He maintained his healing. Although the church prayed, the woman lost hers. Why? Under those conditions prayer won’t work, because she al-ready had denied what God had done.

Many times you lose by praying! You lose by turning in prayer requests! That may startle you, but what you’re doing is confessing, “I don’t have it.”

Some years ago we were down in Greensboro, North Carolina. A woman said to me, “Brother Hagin, when you were here two years ago, I was healed of asthma and related respiratory conditions. I had been under the care of specialists for years and had spent thousands of dollars.

“For 18 solid months I never had a symptom. Then, about six months ago, every symptom of the asthma and respiratory condition came back. I al-most played into the hand of the devil by accepting it, but I kept endeavoring

to stand against it. I said, ‘No, you can’t put it back on me!’ Thank God I had heard your teaching. I came every day and every night when you were here.

“My husband finally insisted that I go in for an examination. I went and the doctor said, ‘I don’t understand it. You’ve got the symptoms, but you don’t have the asthma. Every test we run is negative.’”

She said, “I just spoke up and told him, “That’s that lying devil, bringing lying symptoms, trying to put it back on me!’ “

“Well,” the doctor said, “whatever it is, you don’t have it”

She said, “I stood against it, and it disappeared. I wouldn’t have known to do that if I hadn’t heard your teach-ing.” (If she had accepted it, she’d have had it back.)

I don’t know why Christians don’t stand against the devil and everything

that is of the devil. Sickness is not of God. Sickness does not come from heaven. Sickness is not a blessing.

I’m not going to accept anything that doesn’t come from heaven. I know sick-ness doesn’t come from heaven, because there’s none up there.

Someone said of their sickness, “God put it on me.” Well, He stole it if He did. There’s no sickness in heaven. God would have to steal it from the devil to put sick-ness on you. Do you see how ridiculous that is?

No, God didn’t put that sickness on you - the devil did! Then he lied to you and told you God did it, and you were gullible enough to accept it.

Repeating the following confession - get-ting it into your spirit - will help you get and keep your healing:

Confession: In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I exercise authority over this body of mine. Sickness and disease, I refuse to allow you to stay. This body, this house, belongs to God. It is a temple of God.

Satan, you have no right to trespass on God’s property. Now you get out. You leave my body. I’ve got authority over you. I know it, You know it, And God knows it. I hold fast to what I have. I’m keeping my healing!

Source: How to Keep Your Healing by Kenneth E. Hagin.

Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications

Publication: Your Voice of Healing Editor: Rory Synoground

© 2011 Rory Synoground Ministries International All rights reserved.You may print/photocopy and send unmodified copies to a reasonable number of friends for the purpose of spreading the gospel. All other uses are prohibited without the prior written permission of Rory Synoground Ministries International.

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