your reference material for important elements of tapping...

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Tap Away Weight e-book © 2011-2012, Lindsay Kenny Page 1

e-Book Supplement by Lindsay Kenny

Your reference material for important elements of Tapping Away Weight

Tap Away Weight e-book © 2011-2012, Lindsay Kenny Page 2

Tap Away Weight e-Workbook Supplement

Table of Contents

Pro EFT Basic Formula .................................................................. 3

Tapping Points Diagram................................................................. 4

Bs and Cs of Weight Release ........................................................ 5

The Importance of Breakfast .......................................................... 6

The Importance of Water ............................................................... 9

The Downside of Sugar.................................................................. 12

Definition of Consistent Exercise ................................................... 18

Tapping Tips for Emotional Weight Issues .................................... 22

25 Top Tips to Tap Away Weight ................................................... 25

Healthy Recipes from Lindsay ....................................................... 27

Healthy Snacks .............................................................................. 36

Healthy Eating Tips from Real Age................................................ 37

The Ultimate Truth Statement Prompt Sheet ................................ 39

Tap Away Weight e-book © 2011-2012, Lindsay Kenny Page 3

EFT Basic Formula by Lindsay Kenny

You have felt the way negative emotions, thoughts, words or untrue statements can adversely affect your body just by thinking or saying negative words, let‘s experiment with eliminating the energy disruptions that cause these emotions. Basic Pro EFT and tapping are very simple. But our purpose is to take you beyond the basics, so you can learn how to do Pro EFT on your own. Let‘s take it step by step.

There are five components to basic EFT

1. The Set-up Statement

Tap or rub the Set-up Point (Karate Chop Point or Sore Spots on the chest) while repeating the Set-Up Statement

2. The Sequence and Reminder Phrase

Tap on the meridian points while using a reminder phrase (a shortened version of the Set-up phrase)

3. Reassessment

Check in with yourself to see where you are after a round or two of tapping

4. Fine Tuning

Repeat 1, 2 and 3 until the issue is resolved. If the issue gets stuck at a 2 or below, use the 9-point Gamut sequence (described below) to completely eliminate the blockage while balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

5. Testing

Make sure an issue is resolved by trying to get upset about it. When you try, if you still feel a charge on the issue, then you need to repeat the above steps until the issue is completely neutralized.

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Tapping Points Diagram

Tap Away Weight e-book © 2011-2012, Lindsay Kenny Page 5

Remember, it’s not about Doing … It’s about Being!

of Reaching Your Goals

• Be Clear (free) from all limiting beliefs & fears

• Be Clean of all emotional blocks in the way

• Be 100% Congruent with your weight goals

• Be 100% Confident of reaching your goals

• Be 100% Certain you are making a Life Choice

• “C” yourself already Being there

• Be Consistent …most of the time :-)

• Be 100% Committed to your weight goals

Make your goals easily reachable – break them into 10% segments. After celebrating each achieved goal, set a new 10% one.

Your current weight - 10%

= your first goali.e. current weight is 200 lbs

-10% = 20 pounds,

= 180 which is your first goal

Celebrate each 10% victory

Tap Away Weight e-book © 2011-2012, Lindsay Kenny Page 6

The Importance of Eating Breakfast from the Columbia University Health Center

Your brain and central nervous system run on glucose — that's the fuel you need to think, walk, talk, and carry on any and all activities. Now let's say that you eat something at 10 or 11pm. The following day, you don't eat breakfast but wait until about noon or so to eat. You've gone thirteen or fourteen hours with nothing in your system. Your brain is deprived of fuel — and your body has to work extra hard to break down any stored carbohydrate or turn fat or protein into a usable form for your brain to function. Tough if you're trying to concentrate or do any work. Your metabolic rate drops overnight because of fasting, so when you skip this morning meal and go for a hearty lunch, the majority of the calories taken in are stored as fat since your metabolism can‘t cope with the quantity of calories all at once. Likewise you tend to feel so hungry for lunch that your instinct for making proper food choices is impaired. So lunch servings are mainly high fat, less nutritious meals that can be harmful in the long run. In a recent American Heart Association Convention on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology, it was assessed that the risk of breakfast eaters was 35% to 40% LOWER to develop obesity and metabolic syndrome (diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol) than non-breakfast eaters. Eating breakfast has been proven many times to improve concentration, problem solving ability, mental performance, memory, and mood. You think faster, more clearly and have better recall. Breakfast skippers also have a harder time fitting important nutrients into their diet. Many foods eaten at breakfast contain significant amounts of vitamins C and D, calcium, iron, and fiber.

Some people believe that skipping breakfast may help them lose weight. Not so!

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Skipping meals often leads to overeating later in the day. Becoming over-hungry often leads to a lack of control and distorted satiety signals (meaning it's hard to determine when you're full). This can result in taking in more calories than if you had a good breakfast. Actually, it's easier to control your weight by eating smaller meals and snacks more frequently. Being in a hurry or too little time are not excuses for skipping breakfast. You may have heard people say… ―I‘m not sure why am gaining weight when I only eat twice a day…‖ or ―I just don‘t feel hungry early in the morning.‖ What if there's just no time in the morning? There are plenty of items you can bring along such as a zip lock bag of easy-to-eat whole grain cereal, yogurt, small box of skim milk, juice, or fruit. If you just can't stomach food in the morning, try to have a little something — such as some juice — and bring along a mid-morning snack. Other good portable items include: whole grain crackers, a hard boiled egg, cottage cheese, low-fat granola bars, or even a peanut butter sandwich. Single serving hot cereals, such as oatmeal, are handy — all you have to do is add hot water, available at most cafeterias or delis. Why eating healthy breakfast is beneficial It is scientifically proven that fat burning processes are most active in the morning, and fat storage in the evening. So if you eat a healthy breakfast, you‘ll boost your metabolism for burning fat and calories, and give your body a good energy start for the day. What is a healthy breakfast and what is not A healthy breakfast includes whole grain foods, fruits and vegetables or their juices, skim milk or yogurt, and tea or mineral water. Good examples of a healthy breakfast include a bowl of oatmeal with a fruit or a whole grain cereal, skim milk and a fruit or whole grain sandwich with peanut butter. Yogurt (sugar free) is also a great breakfast choice. Add granola, some berries and a few nuts and you‘ve got a great, high protein, tasty meal. Bad food choices – poor quality and quantity – contribute to obesity. This is compounded by any family history of diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. Bacon, ham, fried eggs and other fatty, zero-fiber foods should be avoided or eaten infrequently. Wholegrain foods Whole grains include whole wheat breads, wholegrain breakfast cereals, wheat germ, brown rice, puffed whole grains, bulgur wheat, couscous, popcorn and oatmeal. Wholegrain foods contain compound carbohydrates, such as starch and fiber. They are constant suppliers of glucose and fructose - the main sources of energy for body metabolism.

Tap Away Weight e-book © 2011-2012, Lindsay Kenny Page 8

Grain foods for breakfast are great sources of vitamins, such as B-1, B-3, B-6, and folic acid, as well as the fat-soluble vitamins – A, D, E. They are naturally low in saturated fat and contain beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids, also contain phosphorus, potassium, and calcium, which activate the metabolic processes that control the body energy balance. Discover Quinoa! It‘s a natural, non-wheat grain that‘s high in protein and fiber, and low in fat and calories. Substitute Lindsay‘s Oatmeal with Quinoa and it‘s delicious! In conclusion...

Note from Lindsay: Here is my observation, based on working with weight issues for over 30 years; over 90% of those with weight problems don‘t eat breakfast! I don‘t think that‘s a coincidence. Many of the reasons are listed above. The answer to the question "Do you need eating breakfast?" is "ABSOLUTELY!" It‘s even more important because you‘re working toward a weight goal. Make smart, healthy choices with your breakfast foods. And eat slowly!

Tap Away Weight e-book © 2011-2012, Lindsay Kenny Page 9

The Importance of Water & Detoxification Lindsay Kenny, EFT Master

Water is something that we take for granted; yet most people don’t really understand how essential water is to our health. Nor do most people know what happens to our body if it doesn't receive clean water every day.

Being sufficiently hydrated is important for many reasons. We are working with the body‘s electrical system while using EFT, and water is a conductor of electricity. Therefore it‘s even more important to keep yourself hydrated before, after and during a tapping session.


75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.

One glass of water shuts down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study.

Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page.

Drinking five glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

When born, our bodies are 95% water. Even in adulthood we are still 75% water. If we don't consume enough of it each day, millions of cells die from dehydration. We may not notice it on a daily basis, but millions of missing cells each week, month, and year make a difference in our performance and health.

Our bodies need water to flush toxins out of our system. Without "spare" water to do that, water is taken from organs, skin and tissue...water that is really needed there. Or, the toxins just stay in our system making us bloated, lethargic and toxic.

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Good water is essential to body cleansing. It's obvious. Your body goes down fast without water. Making up almost three-fourths of the body, every cell is regulated, monitored, and dependent on an efficient flow of water. Not one of the processes in our bodies could take place without water.

Your daily energy depends on water because your body's chemical reactions are water-dependent. Just like a hydroelectric system, the energy generated by your body's water is carried through your system via of your meridian (electric) system. Without adequate water your energy cannot flow properly and your body‘s ―batteries‖ are useless.

Water is the adhesive that bonds your cell architecture. When you get enough water fluid retention decreases, and gland and hormone functions improve.

Water regulates your body temperature, maintains your equilibrium and helps the liver break down and release more fat.

Water carries every nutrient, mineral, vitamin, protein, hormone and chemical messenger in your body to its destination.

Proteins and enzymes, the basis for your body's healing capacity, function efficiently only when you have enough water.

Your brain tissue is 85% water. Messages from your brain to everywhere else in your body are transported on "waterways."

Water cleanses the internal organs and helps eliminate toxins from the bloodstream

Drinking enough water is critical to keep your skin soft and supply, your brain sharp and your elimination systems regular.

How much is enough? Your body needs about three quarts of replacement water every day under normal conditions. Strenuous activity, summer temperatures, or a diet that's high in salt increase this requirement.

Your foods provide up to a quart of water per day. Fruits and vegetables are more than 90% water. Even dry foods like bread are about 35% water. Water for metabolism is produced as part of the food digestion process, yielding as much as a pint per day.

Water is critical to your detoxification program! For a healing program, several types of water are worth consideration:

Mineral water comes from natural springs with varying mineral content and widely varying taste. The naturally occurring minerals are beneficial to digestion and regularity. In Europe, this form of bottled water has become a fine art.

Distilled water can be from a spring or tap source; however, it is "de-mineralized" (only oxygen and hydrogen remain). Boiling water, then converting it to steam and re-condensing it, accomplishes distilling. It is the purest water available, ideal for healing, but not for long-term use because it can de-mineralize the body.

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Sparkling water can come from natural carbonation in underground springs, but most are artificially infused with CO2 to maintain a standard fizz. This water is an aid to digestion, and is excellent in cooking to tenderize and give lightness to a recipe.

Artesian well water is the Cadillac of natural waters. It always comes from a deep pure source, has a slight fizz from bubbling up under rock pressure, and is tapped by a drilled well. Artesian water never comes in contact with ground contaminants.

Bottom Line: Drink a lot of water, every day…at the minimum 72 oz. That’s only a little more than four 16oz. bottles of water. The more you drink, the healthier you’ll be and the faster you will reach your health goal!

Tap Away Weight e-book © 2011-2012, Lindsay Kenny Page 12

The Downside of Sugar Sensitivity, Depression, Alcoholism, Energy, Binge Eating and Weight Gain

Compiled by Lindsay Kenny and Tina Kay

The processing of almost all (98%) of white and brown sugar incorporates a horrifying step: Since raw can sugar is brown and sticky, most sugar refineries use slaughterhouse animal BONE ASH as a filtering agent to remove the molasses, thus creating free-flowing white sugar. As for brown sugar (which many people mistakenly believe is healthier), it’s white sugar with the molasses added back in. Only raw and turbinado sugar do not involve this process. However, they still cause sugar highs and lows, which can cause numerous health problems and weight gain.

Sugar Sensitivity Sugar sensitivity is biochemical and sets up sugar addiction, alcoholism, depression, obesity and other addictions. What and when you eat has a huge effect on your mood and craving.

If you inherited this special body chemistry called sugar sensitivity, you are driven by cravings and look for outside things to fix feeling bad.

Your brain is more susceptible to sugar, caffeine, alcohol and drugs, and low beta-endorphins plus low serotonin combine to create a physical vulnerability.

Sugar-sensitive people are often highly creative, very intuitive. They have great insight and the ability to come to the crux of complex situations. They may be top performers with high levels of achievement, however can be moody, impulsive, angry, fatigued, restless, overwhelmed and stressed out.

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Questions to determine sugar sensitivity:

____ I really like sweet foods

____ I eat a lot of sweets

____ I am very fond of bread, cereal, popcorn or pasta

____ I have problem with alcohol or drugs

____ I am in recovery from alcohol or drug addiction

____ One or both of my parents are alcoholic

____ One or both of my parents are/were especially fond of sugar

____ I am overweight and don't seem to be able to easily lose the extra pounds

____ I continue to be depressed no matter what I do

____ I often find myself overreacting to stress

____ I have a temper or short fuse

If you checked three or more, it is very likely that you are sugar sensitive. The easy solution? Avoid simple sugar.

Another sugar sensitivity test…

Sugar Sensitivity Test Rates Tolerance to Carbohydrates

provided by Dr. John Maher

Determining Your Sensitivity to Sugar and Eating Habits Directions: If the statement applies to you, put the number of points (in the parenthesis) on the line. When you are done, add the points and look at the key below for what the total means. (5) ____ I have a tendency toward higher blood pressure.

(5) ____ I gain weight easily, especially around my waist and have difficulty losing it.

(5) ____ I often experience mental confusion.

(5) ____ I often experience fatigue and generalized weakness.

(10) ____ I have diabetic tendencies.

(4) ____ I get tired and/or hungry in the mid-afternoon.

(5) ____ About an hour or two after eating a full meal that includes dessert, I want more of the dessert.

(3) ____ It is harder for me to control my eating for the rest of the day if I have a breakfast containing carbohydrates, than it would be if I had only coffee or nothing at all.

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(4) ____ When I want to lose weight, I find it easier not to eat for most of the day than to try to at several small diet meals.

(3) ____ Once I start eating sweets, starches, or snack foods, I often have a difficult time stopping.

(3) ____ I would rather have an ordinary meal that included dessert than a gourmet meal that did not include dessert.

(5) ____ After finishing a full meal, I sometimes feel as if I could go back and eat the whole meal again.

(3) ____ A meal of only meat and vegetables leaves me feeling unsatisfied.

(3) ____ If I'm feeling down, a snack of cake or cookies makes me feel better.

(3) ____ If potatoes, bread, pasta, or dessert are on the table, I will often skip eating vegetables or salad.

(4) ____ I get a sleepy, almost "drugged" feeling after eating a large meal containing bread or pasta or potatoes and dessert, whereas I feel more energetic after a meal of only meat or fish and salad.

(3) ____ I have a hard time going to sleep at times without a bedtime snack.

(3) ____ At times I wake in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep unless I eat something.

(5) ____ I get irritable if I miss a meal or mealtime is delayed.

(2) ____ At a restaurant, I almost always eat too much bread, even before the meal is served.

Total _____


A score of 20 or less indicates that you are a person who can do well on low fat / high complex carbohydrates diet, and might do well as a vegetarian, or on a Pritikin type or Ornish type diet. These diets are approximately 10% to 15% fat, 15% to 20% proteins, and 65% to 75% carbohydrates by calories.

Those of you with scores of greater than 25 need diets lower in simple sugars, like sweets, alcohol and starches, but higher in protein and fats.

The higher your score, the more fastidious you should be regarding your protein to carbohydrate ratios at each meal. The "Zone Diet" of 40% complex carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fat is a good example of the diet you might follow.

The higher your score, the more at risk you are for the all too common blood sugar regulation disorders or dysglycemia: hypo-glycemia, Syndrome X (metabolic syndrome or pre-diabetes), and adult onset diabetes, a major disease of aging. Having your blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides checked in a "cardiac risk profile" blood test is a good idea then, as high blood pressure and high blood lipids is a sign of Syndrome X. Having your doctor test your blood sugar and insulin level via a two hour post-prandial glucose challenge is indicated as well with the higher scores if middle aged or older.

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Middle aged and older apple shaped females who carry fat in their upper torso and arms and score higher on the above insulin response scale, particularly women who suffer adult acne and facial hair, are showing strong signs of blood sugar deregulation. Dysglycemics tend to shunt DHEA into testosterone over estrogen, resulting in a high testosterone to estrogen ratio, sometimes even leading to polycystic ovary syndrome.

Regular exercise is a vital component in any program to optimize blood sugar control.

Sugar and Depression

Sugar evokes beta-endorphin, which absolutely makes you feel better - until it wears off and then you feel depressed, but you don't make the connection of feeling down as an aftereffect of the sugar. The problem comes in wanting more sugar more often or in thinking that the down feelings are signs of clinical depression rather than the sugar low. It‘s easy to think you‘re stuck in depression, when it is the food that‘s actually making you feel so bad.

“Serotonin is our happy juice. Or more technically, it is a brain chemical that creates a feeling of emotional and physical satisfaction. Compulsive overeaters have been found to have Serotonin levels that are four times lower than normal. So if your happy juice isn't at the right level, you have a tendency to feel depressed, irritable, anxious, etc. Our bodies are pretty sophisticated and can sense this…it looks for other methods to increase this chemical such as food and alcohol. In fact, just two slices of bread with jelly can boost Serotonin by 450%. Imagine what an entire binge can do.” -- Dr. Matthew Keene, Psychiatrist and author of Chocolate is My Kryptonite

“People who are sugar sensitive HATE to have breakfast, because when you don't eat, your body releases beta endorphin and it makes you feel confident and strong, until it wears off!!! Then you feel horrible.” -- Nutrition expert, Dr. Kathleen DesMaisons

Sugar and Binge Eating

All processed carbs, including breads and pastas, will give a temporary boost in serotonin, but the key word is "temporary." The boost lasts an hour or so. Then comes the calories, the weight gain, the guilt, and shame, and worse still, serotonin levels plunge downward, even further than before you ate the carbs. So in the long run, if not treated, binge eating becomes progressively worse.

The solution is not to eat foods that boost serotonin through the roof, but instead eat foods that will create stable serotonin levels throughout the day. We do this by combining the right amount of lean protein with whole complex carbs. These foods will stabilize serotonin. Plus, since whole foods take longer to digest, you feel full longer, crave less and fill up on nutritional fuel instead of empty calories.

If you eat erratic meals or a diet that‘s very high in refined carbohydrates, your blood sugar will volley constantly. This is particularly a problem for people with sensitive blood sugar

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systems who experience sugar highs and crashes and often end up with Type II diabetes.

Sugar and Energy

Our blood sugar is one of the most powerful influences on our well-being, our ability to lose weight, and our appetite. From a chemical perspective, regulating bloods sugar levels is the most effective way to release our energy and fat-burning capacity. When our blood sugars are up and even, but not too high, we are brimming with energy and vitality and our appetite is in control. When the levels are bouncing widely and wildly, our energy, mood, memory, clarity of thought and overall performance is apt to rise and fall along with them.

Too much sugar and refined carbohydrates is a drain on anyone's energy metabolism, and a serious one for people with sensitive blood sugar responses. Your healthy goal is to learn the impact that food has on you -- and the dependency you may have on it.

Sugar and Alcoholism

The biochemistry of sugar sensitivity is so closely connected to the biochemistry of alcoholism that it can be a gate to alcoholism for some. Some stay with sugars and food, but for many it drifts over to alcohol. We inherit the biochemical predisposition and it manifests in different ways.

Where's the Sugar, and Who Eats the Most?

Americans are eating an average of between 20 and 34 teaspoons of sugar per day. We should be eating no more than 6 teaspoons per day.

As Americans have eaten much larger amounts of highly processed and convenience foods, so too have they become more depressed, anxious, overweight, diabetic, and moody.

About one-third of our added sugars come from non-diet soft drinks. The next biggest part comes from baked products, contributing 13 percent.

Since 1970, our consumption of high fructose corn syrup has increased by 4,000 percent per person and our consumption of refined carbohydrates has risen by 50 percent. One in four American adults eat fast food every single day — not including processed or convenience foods prepared at home. To top it all off, soft drink consumption has risen by 135 percent in the last 20 or 30 years. A growing body of evidence suggests that attention disorders, obesity, diabetes, depression, anxiety and certain addictions share neurochemical roots that are triggered by a diet high in refined carbohydrates like high fructose corn syrup. To understand the symptoms of low blood sugar, think about how you feel at 3:00 in the afternoon when you‘ve skipped breakfast or had a breakfast that was high in carbohydrates.

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The Sugar Project found that kids who are having a tantrum are not having behavioral problems; they‘re experiencing a blood sugar crash that they have no control over. It‘s related to what they‘re eating, or not eating.

Three, healthy sugar substitutes are SomerSweet Developed by Suzanne Somers, it tastes great and has none of the negative affects of sugar. (Order it online at by the case.) Stevia and Xylitol can be found at Whole Foods or other health food stores.


Workshop Presentation by Margaret Adamek, PhD, founder and Director of the Sugar Project, at the 2005 Bioneers Conference.

―Kicking the Habit: Sugar, Fat and Junk-Food Junkies‖ by Margaret Adamek, PhD.

Dr. Kathleen DesMaisons, Nutrition expert

―Sweet Victory: 10 Ways To Kick The Sugar Habit‖ by Kim Droze, Senior Writer

Dr. Matthew Keene, Psychiatrist and author of Chocolate is My Kryptonite

See to see the effects of caffeine, speed and sugar on spiders‘ webs.

Please search on the authors‘ names to find multiple articles and website submissions.

Tap Away Weight e-book © 2011-2012, Lindsay Kenny Page 18

Definition of Consistent Exercise

Consistent exercise can be defined as physical activity that is a planned exertion of the body to achieve fitness and health. This regimented structured exercise program includes 20-60 minutes of aerobic activity three to five days a week. Examples of this physical activity include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming or a step class.

There are two kinds of exercise categories: anaerobic and aerobic exercise.

Anaerobic exercises are high intensity and last only a few seconds to a couple of minutes.

Examples of anaerobic exercise are a tennis serve, weight lifting and the hundred-yard dash. Anaerobic exercise is not very helpful for weight loss. If it‘s hard to talk while doing an exercise then it‘s probably anaerobic.

Aerobic exercise requires oxygen for energy. This kind of sustained exercise uses some carbs and fat as fuel. It‘s less intense but of a longer duration. This brisk physical activity requires the heart and lungs to work harder to meet the body‘s increased energy demands and promotes circulation of oxygen though the blood system.

Some examples of aerobic exercise are jogging, stationary bike riding, fast-walking, cross-country skiing, hiking, skating, swimming and sustained cycling. Doing housework is not usually considered aerobic (unless done at a fast pace and for sustained periods of 20 minutes or more without stopping. Aerobic exercises over 40 minutes start burning fat for fuel, which is why aerobic exercise is good for weight and fat loss.

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The Benefits of Exercise

Weight-release benefits of regular exercise…

Burns calories faster

Increases strength and stamina

Helps manage weight

Increases lean muscle mass

Improves appetite for healthy foods

Improves muscle chemistry

Increases metabolic rate

Improves body shape

Tones and firms muscles

Provides muscular definition

Improves endurance

Improves flexibility

Improves posture

Improves circulation and helps reduce blood pressure

Enhances coordination and balance

Enables the body to utilize energy more efficiently

Increases enzymes in the body which burn fat

Increases energy

Burns stored fat

Allows the body use calories more efficiently

Increases muscle fibers

Decreases fat tissue

Increases endorphins (which make you feel good)

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Prevention Benefits…

Can reduce Alzheimer‘s by 33%

Can reduce risk of breast cancer by almost 50%

Can lower risk of colon cancer by over 60%

Can decrease depression as effectively as Prozac

Can reduce risk of diabetes and high blood pressure by almost 50%

Boosts HDL (good cholesterol) decreases LDL

Reduces risk of Heart Disease by 40%

Can decrease your risk of Osteoporosis Body Benefits…

Improves mental focus

Strengthens heart and lungs

Slows the aging process

Enhances your immune system

Improves digestion

Adds sparkle and radiance to complexion

Can ease and eliminate back pain

Improves body composition

Makes body more agile

Reduces joint discomfort

Improves athletic performance

Increases range of motion

Improves glycogen storage

Increases the number and size of mitochondria in muscle cells.

Increases concentration of myoglobin (carries oxygen in muscles)

Enhances oxygen transport throughout the body.

Improves liver functioning

Increases speed of muscle contraction and reaction time

Strengthens the heart

Improves blood flow

Helps to alleviate varicose veins

Increases maximum cardiac output

Increases contractility of the heart's ventricles

Increases the weight and size of the heart

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Improves contractile function of the whole heart More Health Benefits…

Promotes better sleep

Decreases stress levels

Increases longevity

Lowers resting heart rate

Enriches sexuality

Enhances feedback through the nervous system

Makes calcium transport in the heart and body more efficient

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Tapping Tips for Emotional Weight Issues Lindsay Kenny, EFT Master

Focus on your Ultimate Truth Statement and what you want to accomplish with

your new-found health and slim body. Tap on it daily in ―chunks‖, reading it out loud as you tap on the points.

Clean up any remaining baggage as it comes up. If you find there‘s still

―garbage‖ that you need to address, tap on them. Clear any remaining causes that contribute to negative feelings about food, weight, fat, being thin, or whatever. i.e. ―…because daddy always picked on me at dinner, or my brother always called me Porky.‖


Deprivation: Even though I’m feeling deprived…and I’m insatiable for _____ …

Abandonment: Even though I feel hurt about being abandoned…

Loss: Even though I feel indescribable losses inside because _______ …

Loneliness/ Emptiness: Even though I feel completely empty inside

because_______ …

Anxiety: Even though I’m still anxious about _______ …

Guilt: Even though I suffer from too much guilt from _______ …

Fear: Even though I’m profoundly afraid of _______ …

Anger: Even though still feel angry over _______ … Address Primary Psychological Reversals

Even if I never get over my weight problem, I deeply and completely accept


Even though I don’t deserve… / I’m not worthy of reaching my goal weight…

Even though it’s not safe for me to reach my goal weight…

Even though it’s not safe for others when I lose weight…

Even though I know I’ll feel deprived if I get over this problem, I deeply…

Even though I’m afraid to let go of this problem… Identify and Treat Limiting Beliefs the Block Success

Even though I don’t believe I can reach my goal…

Even though no one in my family is thin…

Even though I don’t trust myself to keep the weight off…

Even though I’m never successful/ haven’t been successful in the past…

Even though I’m overweight because of my metabolism…

Even though I believe it’s dangerous to be successful because_______ …

Even though I don’t believe I can change…

Even though no one will notice if I lose the weight…

Even though I’m afraid everyone will notice my weight loss, then ______…

Even though I’m afraid I will still be unhappy if I lose the weight…

Even though I can’t give up my security…

Tap Away Weight e-book © 2011-2012, Lindsay Kenny Page 23

Even though no one in my family has ever kept the weight off…

Even though I’m convinced I will regain the weight again…

Note: You can bundle your beliefs together (all of the ones pertaining to food or other similar themes,) rate how strong they are from 10 to 1, and tap them away en-masse.

Once any negative thoughts, feelings or experiences have been tapped away, stay focused on your goal and experience those feelings now.

Tap Daily for Cravings as Soon as You Feel One First give the craving an intensity rating.

Part 1 of 3: Set up the craving Sample Set-up Statements…

Even though I’m craving _____ (this chocolate, pretzel, beer, ice cream,

peanut- butter cookie, etc.) I love and accept myself anyway.

Even though I really want this _____ now, I deeply and completely accept


Even though have this craving for _____ I love and accept who I am.

First round: Reminder Phrase at each point: This craving for _____. If you‘re feeling some resistance about tapping for the craving, stop and do a Reversal

Neutralization: Even though I don’t want to get rid of this craving…. Second round: an example of ―stream of consciousness.‖ Tap on one phrase at each point.

I really want it…

No I don’t…

Yes I do!...

It tastes so good…

I need it…

No I don’t…

I’d rather be healthy…

OK, but I’ll start that tomorrow…

No, TODAY I want to honor the commitment to my health right now!

I want to easily let go of this craving…

Reassess the craving to get the new intensity.

Part 2 of 3: Set-up any remaining bits of the craving and vent a little Do a rendition of this setup three times:

Tap Away Weight e-book © 2011-2012, Lindsay Kenny Page 24

Even though a part of me wants this _____, another part of me wants to let it go…

and I love and accept myself.

First round: Reminder Phrase at each point: …remaining ________ craving…

Second round example:

I want to let it go…

I want to be healthy…

No I don’t…

Yes I DO!...

I want to feel better about myself…

I want to look good in my clothes…

I want better healthy…

So I want to eliminate this craving…

I want to honor my commitments to myself…

I want to let it go… Reassess the craving: Repeat #2 until the craving is at a 3 or less, then move to the Choice Statement below

Part 3 of 3: Set-up for using Choice Statements Do a rendition of this setup three times:

Even though a part of me wants this _____, a more powerful part of me is ready to

let it go… and I love and accept myself. First round – Use only the negative reminder …remaining craving… Second round- Use positive statements at each point such as:

I choose to let it go

I choose to overcome this craving

I choose to honor my commitment to health

I choose to eliminate this craving completely

etc. Third round – Alternate the negative with the positive:

remaining craving…

I choose to let it go…

remaining craving…

I choose to overcome it easily…

remaining craving…

I choose to honor my health…

Continue above until the craving is at a zero. Do this every time you even

THINK about having something that’s bad for you.

Tap Away Weight e-book © 2011-2012, Lindsay Kenny Page 25

25 Top Tips to Tap Away Weight

Lindsay Kenny

These are more than tips. Consider them ―strong suggestions‖ to help you reach your weight goals. If you have a negative response to any of these ―suggestions‖ then tap on them now. These are all healthy habits that will almost guarantee your success.

1. Follow the 10 Commandments of Weight Release daily

2. Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes, even a brisk walk. 3. Focus on what you want, not what you want to get rid of 4. Eliminate ALL junk food in your house. You can‘t eat it if you don‘t have it. 5. Forgive yourself for indiscretions by tapping. Get back on the program by going back to

your Personal Truth Statement

6. Stay focused on the benefits of reaching your goals. Experience those feelings now

7. Get a friend to join you in your quest. Utilize your buddy from class 8. Weigh yourself only once every one or two weeks 9. Choose to enjoy movement 10. Love yourself…unconditionally

11. Avoid or eliminate white foods; sugar, bread, pasta, potatoes, rice

12. Avoid fast-food like the plague – almost all are high in fat, sodium, calories, chemicals, preservatives and cholesterol

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13. Avoid soft drinks and sodas, even if sugar free. They support weight GAIN! 14. Limit alcohol – It‘s empty calories that lowers inhibitions and makes you hungry 15. Never allow yourself to get hungry (use the Hunger Scale)

16. Eat small, high-protein meals or snacks every 3-4 hours

17. Put up signs in your bathroom or bedroom or on your refrigerator saying ―I weigh 130 pounds,‖ or post your entire Ultimate Truth Statement, or simply 130 or Size 8

18. Focus on your weight goals rather than what you‘re trying to get rid of

19. Get a good night‘s sleep. The body needs sleep to produce leptons - the enzyme necessary to tell your body you are full

20. Be 100% committed to reaching your goals

21. Change all negative thoughts into positive ones, immediately 22. Experience the feelings of being at your goal as if you were already there 23. East nuts for snacks; high-fiber and high protein 24. Immediately tap away negative events or traumas 25. CHOOSE TO MAKE THIS EASY!!!!!

Did I mention to stay focused on your goal and the feelings?

Tap Away Weight e-book © 2011-2012, Lindsay Kenny Page 27

Great Weight Release Info by

Mehmet Oz, MD

Go ahead. Blame your hormones for your weight gain. Specifically, blame two appetite

hormones we've talked about before: ghrelin, which says, "Time to eat," and leptin, which says, "Enough. You're full."

Ghrelin's a chatterbox. It mentions food to your brain about every half hour. When

you're hungry or cutting calories, the messages get fast and furious. ("Feed me, feed

me!") Eventually your brain caves and a box of cookies disappears. (Try this simple

trick to control ghrelin.)

Leptin tries to counter ghrelin's pushiness with its own messages. ("Enough already.

Stop eating.") But like certain political candidates, leptin's not a great communicator and is easily outtalked by your pleasure center. ("Zip it. I want more Girl Scout cookies.")

Here's how to help your body release more leptin.

Unfortunately, cutting calories weakens leptin and strengthens ghrelin. Still, you'd think

your brain would sort out the diet thing, buck up leptin, and get ghrelin to chill. Nope.

New research has found that 10 weeks after you've started losing weight, leptin's still

tame and ghrelin's the bully-in-chief. Worse: That's true one year later! These hormones like things the way they were.

If you've got lots of pounds to lose, consider stomach surgery. It gets your hormones

behaving normally again. If you can't swing it or you're not a candidate, diet smart, not

hard. That's our mantra in YOU: On a Diet. Eat the right foods (e.g., nuts) and your

hormones feel satisfied. (Try this Almond-Honey Power Bar from EatingWell.) Eat

the wrong foods (e.g., sweets) and they just want more. (Try these healthy snack ideas to stay slim.) So, eat foods that make you feel satisfyingly full! You know . . .

fruit, veggies, 100 percent whole grains, fish, skinless poultry, eggs, beans, olives, dark

chocolate. Eat those, and your hormones won't think dieting is that hard.

something's high in calories when it isn't. But researchers think it might, because the

study strongly suggests that people's expectations, mindset, and perceptions can play a

bigger role in hunger-hormone production and feelings of satiety than the actual number

of calories being eaten. (Related: Find out how many calories you need with this personalized calorie calculator.)

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Healthy Recipes from Lindsay

Notice that there are no calorie counts or fat content in these recipes. It‘s about how much you eat, not what you eat. These are healthy, tasty dishes that only represent thousands of others like them. The more nutrition, fiber and protein in food, the more satisfied you will feel and be. Google ―quick healthy recipes‖ and see how many more you get. Follow the 10 Commandments and other weight loss tips, do the craving-busting techniques, tap on your UTS daily, eat 5 smaller, healthy meals a day, exercise 5 times a week, stay focused on your goals, and you‘ll be feeling great and looking good in no time!

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(Lindsay’s Cheeseburger Salad…)

Brown onions in olive oil, then add turkey and brown well. Reduce heat and add everything else in First Group. Simmer for 15 minutes while you prepare Second Group. Then turn off the burner and leave in the pan on the stove. Tear lettuce into a large bowl. Crush tortilla chips with hands and add to lettuce, then add avocados, dressing (salsa and jalapeno ranch). Mix it all up then spoon into 2-4 bowls for individual servings. (This is a whole meal for two or a side salad for four.) Make a ―slight ―hollow‖ in each pile of salad, to which you now add the meat mixture. Top with some shredded cheese and a few more squished chips. YUM!

Lindsay’s Cheeseburger Salad

First Group 1 pound ground turkey meat 1 avocado peeled and diced 1 white onion, chopped 2 Tbsp. red chili powder 5 cloves garlic s&p to taste ½ cup chicken stock ¼ cup olive oil 1 tbsp. cumin Mexican oregano (optional) ½ cup pumpkin seeds (seasoned if preferred) Second Group 4 cups or so of red romaine lettuce or butter lettuce 2 big handfuls of tortilla chips Jalapeno ranch dressing (or ranch dressing w/ chopped jalapenos) mixed with ½ cup salsa ¼ cup shredded cheese (cheddar, jack or whatever you want)

continued on next card…

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Yummy Chicken Pasta 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut in 1" thin strips 1 cup sun dried tomatoes, rehydrated and cut into strips 1 Tbs. dried basil or handful of chopped basil 1 cup chopped onion 16 oz. of chicken broth 1 Tbs. oregano salt and pepper to taste 1/2 tsp. dried red pepper (optional) 2 cups steamed broccoli heads 4-6 chopped mushrooms 1 can condensed SKIM milk 2 Tbs. Flour 1 lb. cooked corkscrew pasta Brown chicken and onions in 2 Tbs. chicken broth. When tender stir in sun dried tomatoes. Add seasonings, broccoli, mushrooms and chicken broth. Cover and simmer on low 5-8 minutes. Mix flour and 1/2 of condensed milk. Stir into cooked mixture. Cook until bubbly and yummy. Add to cooked, pasta and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

Savory Chicken Rice Soup

1 chopped white onion 1 cup frozen red/yellow/green peppers 1 lb. Cooked chicken pieces 1.5 cups brown or wild rice uncooked 1 Tbsp garlic S and P to taste 4-6 cups organic chicken broth 2 Tbsp of olive oil Cook chicken pieces in ―Pammed‖ skillet with olive oil, onions, and spices and cook about 10 minutes. Add frozen pepper pieces, garlic and any other spice you like, plus rice and chicken broth. Cook about 30 minutes. Eat one cup and freeze the rest in 1cup servings for other times.

Cinco de Mayo Holiday Salad

1 head of Red romaine or butter lettuce torn in pieces ½ (or more) cup crumbled blue cheese 1 ripe avocado cut in small pieces 2 handfuls of tortilla chips crumbled ½ cup of pistachios (Whole Foods spiced ones are best) 1 pint of mango-jalapeno-papaya salsa (that‘s the salad dressing) or ½ cup salsa and ½ cup jalapeno ranch dressing Mix all together and serve chilled. Es muy bueno!

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Halibut with Pepper Salsa 3 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 cup chopped red onion 1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme 3 large garlic cloves, chopped 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar Cayenne pepper 1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped red bell pepper 1/2 cup coarsely chopped pimiento-stuffed green olives 1 tablespoon tomato paste 4 8- to 10-ounce halibut fillets Preheat oven to 375°F. Brush large rimmed baking sheet with olive oil. Heat 3 tablespoons oil in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add bell pepper, onion, garlic, and thyme. Sauté until bell pepper is soft, about 6 minutes. Remove from heat. Mix in olives, vinegar, and tomato paste. Season relish to taste with cayenne, salt, and pepper.

Place fish on prepared baking sheet and brush with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Spoon enough relish over each fillet to cover. Reserve remaining relish. Bake fish until just opaque in center, about 10 minutes. Transfer fish to serving platter. Garnish with thyme sprigs; serve with reserved relish.

Lindsay’s Magic Meatloaf

1 Lb. (+/-) lean ground turkey 1 cup chopped celery 1/2 cup chopped onion 1/3 cup instant oatmeal 1/3 cup no fat plain yogurt 2 Tblsp. balsamic vinegar 1/4 cup fake eggs (Second Nature) 1/3 cup no fat Mayo 3 Tblsp. pinenuts (optional) 1 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. pepper 1/2 tsp. coriander 1 pkg. Lipton onion soup mix 1/2 tsp. tarragon 1 ea. chopped red and green bell pepper 1 grated carrot

Mix everything together and squish into ―Pammed‖ loaf pan. Bake at 350 for 60 to 70 minutes or until brown and crusty. Put a foil tent across top of loaf and remove during last 20 minutes. Serve with roasted veggies and mashed potatoes (made with no fat sour cream and chicken broth).

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Pistachio Chicken Enchiladas

6-8 corn tortillas torn in half 1 cup chicken broth 1 chopped white onion, 1 cup corn 1 lb. Cooked chicken pieces seasoned w/ chile powder, cumin, s & p, and spiced pistachios (from Whole Foods.) 1 can black beans w/ 1cup salsa added 1 cup grated cheese (cheddar and jack) Cook chicken pieces in skillet with onions and spices till done. Add pistachios. Spray a casserole dish with Pam, about 8x10.‖ Tear corn tortillas in half or quarters and cover the bottom of pan with them. Add chicken mixture, and sprinkle with half the cheese. Then another layer of corn tortillas, then black beans, then corn. If there‘s any corn tortillas left, add them to the top and the remaining cheese. Cook in 350 oven 45 minutes or until cheese on top is bubbling and slightly brown.


of July Non-Lettuce Salad

The quantities and exact ingredients are not crucial to the great taste of this recipe. Mix and match, add and delete as you wish. I do recommend that all veggies be in big chunks (about and inch) rather than diced.

2-3 tomatoes 1 red onion, sliced (with rings) 1 chopped yellow or green onion 2 cups sweet corn (cooked) 1 cup fresh peas 4-6 mushrooms sliced 2 each green and yellow zucchinis ½ cup pine nuts 1 each: red, yellow, green bell peppers ¼ cup olive oil 2 tblsp. Balsamic vinegar 3 stalks diced celery 2-3 tblsp. Mayo or jalapeno dressing 1 cup broken tortilla chips salt and pepper to taste any other veggie you like

Mix everything, except the tortilla chips, at least 4-5 hours ahead or over night, and refrigerate. Spoon onto broken tortilla chips (or sprinkle them on top. Optionally add two leaves of butter lettuce. You can also add some blue cheese or feta to the top. YUM!

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Shrimp - Pasta ala Jackie

1 small chopped sweet onion (about ¾ cup) 2 tblsps chopped garlic 8-10 jumbo shrimp ½ cup roasted red bell peppers ½ cup sun dried tomatoes 1 ½ cups chicken broth ½ cup NF sour cream ½ lb. rice pasta alt and pepper to taste 2 tblsps Lemon juice 1 cup chopped fresh basil 2 tblsps corn starch tblsp Parsley 1 Tblsp balsamic vinegar Brown onion in skillet. When tender, add garlic and shrimp and some chicken broth. When shrimp‘s brown add, tomatoes, red peppers and some of the chicken broth. Then add everything else including the basil. Add the corn starch to the remaining chicken broth and stir ‗til mixed, then add to sauce and cook another 8 minutes or so while pasta is cooking. Add more chicken broth if necessary to thin the sauce. When the pasta‘s done, add the sauce and chow down. Oh yeah, add some nonfat parmesan on the top of sauce before serving. Yummy!

Southwestern Veggie Chili

1 lg Onion peeled and chopped Salt and pepper to taste 1 ea Red and green pepper chopped 2 Tblsp Lemon juice 4 red potatoes cut in ½ ― cubes 1 cup cooked corn kernels ½ cup chicken broth 2 tsp Dried thyme 1 Tblsp Minced garlic 2 cans (15-16 oz.) black beans 2 ½ Tblsp Chili powder 1 large bunch chopped fresh 1 Tblsp ground cumin spinach (frozen will do) 1 can (28 oz) chopped tomatoes w/ juice ½ cup non-fat sour cream 1 oz Tequila (optional) 3-4 Tblsp of salsa 4-5 scallions thinly sliced (diagonally) w/ 3-4‖ of green left on stalk

Spray ―Pam‖ in large pot and cook onion, red and green peppers and potatoes w/ chicken broth for 12 minutes. Add garlic, chili powder, cumin, thyme and tomatoes. Simmer for 10 minutes. Stir in corn, black beans and spinach. Simmer a few more minutes or until potatoes are done. Add salt, pepper and lemon juice. Top each serving top w/ scallions and dollop of FF sour cream. Serve with corn tortilla chips. UNBELIEVABLY GOOD!

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Grilled Turkey Cheeseburgers

All ingredients are + or – a bit. Exactness is not necessary. 1 cup chopped red, yellow, orange, green peppers finely chopped 1 cup chopped onion ½ cup parmesan cheese 1 Tbsp Hickory smoke seasoning 1 Tbsp Balsamic vinegar 2 Tbsp Oats (uncooked) Salt & pepper to taste 1 Tbsp Mayo 1 Tbsp crushed garlic 1.5 lb Lean ground turkey Smoosh all ingredients together until thoroughly mixed. Grab a handful of concoction and make a tight round ball. Then flatten with your hands by passing back and forth. Separate patties on a plate with squares of waxed paper. Brush tops lightly with barbeque sauce of choice. Place on pre-heated, ―Pammed‖, medium temp, grill or skillet. Cook about 8 minutes per side and turn only once. Reapply sauce after turning. Add 1 Tbsp parmesan cheese 1 minutes before done. Yum! Browning buns on grille for a minute helps too.

Veggie Pasta

1 chopped onion 1 Tbsp crushed hot peppers 1 cup zucchini or yellow squash (opt.) 2-3 cloves garlic crushed 1 tsp salt and pepper 32 oz chicken broth 1 bunch chopped fresh basil 1 Tbsp oregano 1 each red and green bell peppers 1 cup chopped mushrooms, 1 cup re-hydrated chopped sun-dried tomatoes, 1/2 cup lentils (optional: gives meaty texture and taste) 1 large can chopped tomatoes or 6-7 diced Roma tomatoes 1 jar of Ragu or other spaghetti sauce (chicken pieces optional) In Pam sprayed saucepan, brown onions and peppers in 2 tablespoons chicken broth. Stir in the other items except basil. (Add it in last 5 minutes) Cooked covered, on low heat for 20-25 minutes until lentils are tender. Serve over brown rice pasta (cooked 5 minutes.)

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Sunday Oatmeal

1-cup water ½ rolled Quaker Oats (not instant ½ chopped apple with skin ½ tsp. cinnamon ½ tsp. vanilla ½ tsp SomerSweet or Stevia to taste ½ cup 2% milk ¼ cup chopped walnuts or almonds ½ tsp. butter flavoring 1 Tbsp cup cropped, rinsed, dried, cranberries Boil water then add sweetener, oats and chopped apple (mixture will appear thin but will thicken.) Cook about 2 minutes then lower heat and add everything else. Cook another 2-3 minutes until oats are done. If it‘s too thick add another Tbsp of milk. Serve hot and enjoy! Double recipe and eat ½ as an afternoon snack, cold or hot. Add a little water to thin a bit. Yum!

Summer Yogurt Snack

1 cup non-fat, unsweetened yogurt 1 Tbsp crush flax seeds ½ tsp. cinnamon ½ tsp. vanilla ½ tsp SomerSweet or Stevia to taste ½ cup 2% milk ¼ cup chopped walnuts or almonds 1 each plum, nectarine, and/or peach (best if cold) ½ cup frozen, washed blueberries or chopped fresh strawberries ½ chopped Granny Smith apple with skin Sweeten if necessary with Stevia, SomerSweet or Xylitol Mix well together and refrigerate ½ hour. This makes 3 yummy snacks or breakfast. Don‘t eat it all at once. Best if enjoyed 2-3 times over the next couple of days. It gets better with each serving. Eat slowly and really enjoy the taste of eat fruit

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Lindsay’s Hazelnut / Mustard Salad

Salad Dressing: 1 each Tbsp. Olive oil and Balsamic Vinegar 2 Tbsp of your favorite mustard 1 tsp. tarragon ½ tsp. chili powder or some red pepper flakes ½ tsp. SomerSweet or other sweetener S and P to taste

Salad: Big handful of cold, washed spinach (or red romaine will do) 1Tbsp crumbled blue cheese 1 Tbsp of washed, dried, cranberries ¼ cup of chopped hazelnuts (pine nuts optional) Mix together and eat slowly. YUMMY!

Raspberry Smoothie 1 cup water 1 cup frozen raspberries 1 TB Flaxseed Oil 2 TB Hemp Protein Powder or other protein powder 1 TB unsweetened cocoa powder 1 tsp Xylitol ¼ tsp Stevia Blend - Yum!

Lettuce Taco Wraps ―Taco meat‖ -- Minced Tofu or lean ground Turkey Onion Garlic Soy sauce or salt and pepper 1 bunch of cilantro Optional: cumin powder Spray a pan with olive oil, sauté onion and garlic until soft. Brown the turkey or warm the tofu. Add salt or soy sauce and pepper, and chopped cilantro. Wrap in large lettuce leaves- iceberg lettuce or red leaf lettuce.

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Healthy Snacks

WWiitthhoouutt rriiccee ccaakkeess oorr ccaarrddbbooaarrdd--

ttaassttiinngg ffoooodd

celery stuffed with olive tapenade

1-2 Turkey roll ups (lettuce and turkey)

mozzarella cheese sticks reduced fat

vegetable juice cocktail

10 cherry tomatoes with ½ cup low fat cottage cheese

cucumber rounds with salmon spread

½ cup low fat cottage cheese with cup chopped tomatoes and cucumber

hummus and raw veggies

15 almond, cashews or 30 pistachios

whey powder (29 grams of protein) Planet Earth has a great tasting one), a little flax seeds and nuts (blended with 8oz of water and ice

beef, turkey jerky ( no preservatives)

lean ham, ½ tsp low fat cream cheese and 2 cooked asparagus stalks

toasted seasoned pumpkin seeds

1 cup plain yogurt (with Stevia, Xylito or other non=sugar sweetener) with ½ cup blueberries and chopped walnuts

hard boiled eggs w/ parmesan

apples and peanut butter - with cinnamon and vanilla

precut veggies in apple cider vinegar/flaxseed oil marinade

jicama rounds sprinkled with fresh lime juice and a dash of cayenne

beef broth soup with sliced mushrooms and onions

dill pickles( reduced sodium)) rinsed under water

celery filled with1Tb almond butter

high protein - low carb smoothie - with flax seed, yogurt and berries

Tap Away Weight e-book © 2011-2012, Lindsay Kenny Page 38

Healthy Eating Tips from Katherine

Pumpkins and apples and pears, oh my! Fall is coming so walk on over to your local farmer's market. The stands should be teeming with seasonal delights that taste good and are good for you. Pumpkins are high-fiber and provide beta-carotene, potassium, vitamins C and E (and protein and iron if you toast the seeds.) Apples and pears are also relatively high in fiber, naturally sweet and great-tasting! Check the Internet for low-cal recipes and serving suggestions. Chick, chick, chick, CHICKEN! High in protein, low in fat -- no wonder it's a go-to staple for eating well. Just be creative in how you prepare it. Search out healthy recipes that avoid frying or heavy batters. Here's one for Cornmeal-Crusted Chicken Nuggets with Blackberry Mustard from A Sneaky Trick Did you know you can increase your weight-release success by adding one simple thing to your life? It's sleep. Sleep produces lipids which are necessary to burn fat and control hunger. Adequate (at least 7 hours), restful sleep will help your body operate properly. Just like water and exercise, regular sleep is vital for our natural systems. So get to bed! Must you have snacks? Yes, but make them healthy. Potato chips, sweets or sodas between meals only make you hungrier. They are empty calories that add inches to your waistline. Keep your body happy and satisfied by eating every few hours to keep your blood sugar and insulin in balance. A serving of yogurt mid-morning will keep you from being "starved" at lunch time. Likewise, don't wait for a late dinner and then "chow down" on steak and potatoes. Have a low-cal protein drink in the afternoon so your appetite won't be on overdrive when you get home. Never allow yourself to get hungry. Aw Nutz! Walnuts and almonds, as most of us have already read, are actually good for us (in moderation, of course.) Lately, however, we have discovered that pistachios are also beneficial. Some studies indicate they are good for your heart as they help lower cholesterol levels. Pistachios are high in the ―good fats‖ (unsaturated), antioxidants and even provide a decent amount of fiber. So check out pistachios as snacks or for crunch on top of salads or fish. If you‘d like to read more, here‘s a very comprehensive site: You say “Flavonoids,” I say “Pretty Colors” Sometimes when we read about healthy vs. unhealthy foods we come across terms for which we have only a vague idea of what they mean. You hear ―flavonoids‖ and ―antioxidant‖ all the time but what do they mean?

Tap Away Weight e-book © 2011-2012, Lindsay Kenny Page 39

A flavonoid is a naturally occurring plant pigment, giving some plants their lovely colors. Think of tomatoes, apricots, blueberries, raspberries, pears, apples, strawberries and even black beans. Many other foods contain flavonoids and the reason we want them is that they help protect our cells from damage (that‘s the antioxidant action), they help control inflammation and they boost the action of Vitamin C in our bodies. So, next time you have a delicious slice of tomato, an apple or blueberries, enjoy! And remember what good it is doing you. You can’t get too much of a good thing. Do you know what the best three foods are on the planet? Broccoli, salmon and blueberries, for sure. Salmon is perhaps the richest and healthiest of proteins. Rich in omega 3 fatty acids it gives your body the nutrition it needs most to thrive. Likewise blueberries and broccoli (not necessarily eaten together,) provide vitamin C, antioxidants and more. Eat up. They‘re all good for you.

Tap Away Weight e-book © 2011-2012, Lindsay Kenny Page 40

Personal Truth Statement Quick Prompt Sheet (aka Ultimate Truth Statement or UTS)

An essential tool for weight release

Lindsay Kenny, EFT Master

After reading or learning the more detailed version you might appreciate this

simple prompt sheet as a reminder.

1. Write out a simple sentence that represents the most positive outcome (or

goal) for one goal you have.

2. Identify WHY you want to achieve your goal – how will you’re life will be

when you achieve it.

3. Describe the emotions of how you will feel as you are achieving your goals.

4. Assign your statement a “believability quotient” from 1 to 10 with 10 representing the ultimate goal. The ideal Ultimate Truth Statement will

always be at a 10.

5. Do a REVERSAL on your goal to neutralize the subconscious part of you

that’s resistant to achieving it.

6. Determine the case of this disparity (the difference between where you are

and where you want to be, which is at a 10).

7. Identify the obstacles that are in the way (usually limiting beliefs or fears.)

Assign the strength or pull those obstacles have on you (with 10 being bad

and zero when it’s gone). Then tap away that resistance.

8. Now, go back to your UTS and see if the number went up on the scale to

more believability. If you are not at a 10 yet, just tap on any remaining

resistance to owning your UTS.

9. When you’re at a 10, use “Empowering EFT” to complete the process. Do two rounds of just positive affirmations using phrases from your UTS.

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