yoga and stress - don't let fight or flight control your life

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Multiple studies suggest the impact of stress on decision making. This workshop will provide tools and techniques that busy professionals can incorporate into their lives to reduce stress and become more proactive and less reactive. Often, we carefully deliberate the pros and cons of our choices, taking into consideration past experiences in similar situations before making a final decision. Studies suggest that cognitive stress, such as distraction, can influence this balanced, logical approach to decision-making. According to data on stress in the workplace $2,000 per person is saved annually in health care costs by people with the lowest stress compared to those with the highest stress. Only one hour per week spent in a yoga class resulted in lower stress.


Yoga and Stress Don’t let Fight or Flight Control

Your Life

Margo Boster


• Introductions • The cost of stress • The value of yoga poses, breathing and meditation • Breathing techniques • Simple poses that aid in variety of functions

About ImpaQ


Concentrating on the people side of business, ImpaQ Solutions helps companies nationwide increase revenue and decrease turnover by making your people more effective and efficient. ImpaQ Solutions’ founders, Margo Boster and Dr. Mark Boster, combine more than 60 years of senior-level experience including both private sector and federal service to bring an unmatched record of success to their clients.

Founded in the Northern Virginia Technology Corridor in 2010, ImpaQ Solutions opened its Arizona office in the summer of 2011.



C-Level Advising

Executive / Leadership Coaching

Organizational / Team


Business Advising

Strategic Planning

Cost of Stress • Studies suggest that cognitive stress, such as distraction, can

influence the balanced, logical approach to decision-making.1

• Workplace stress costs U.S. employers an estimated $200 billion (1999 study) 2

• 40% of job turnover is due to stress.3

• $2,000 per person is saved annually in health care costs by people with the lowest stress compared to those with the highest stress. 4

1 Under Pressure: The Impact Of Stress On Decision Making, Association for Psychological Science, Medical News Today, 2 3 Hoel, H., Sparks, K., & Cooper, C. (2001). The cost of Violence/Stress at work and the benefits of a violence/stress-free working environment. Interntational Labour Organisation. 4 Yoga Journal, August 2012

Two Challenges

Awareness of self Being still


Cervical Vertebrae

Happy Face

Hip Bones

Thoracic Vertebrae

Collar Bones

Legs and Ankles


Lumbar Vertebrae

Respiratory Diaphragm

Thoracic Diaphragm

Pelvic Floor

Special thanks to Matthew Taylor for original drawing

Parasympathetic Nervous System (Relax or Renew)

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)

Sympathetic Nervous System (Fight or Flight)

Pelvic Floor

Respiratory Diaphragm

Thoracic Diaphragm

Sympathetic Parasympathetic

Increased Heart Rate / Blood Pressure Decreased

Fast, chest & shallow Breathing Slow, diaphragm & deep

Increased Pain Perception Decreased

Light, fatigued Sleep Deep, restful

Depleted Immune System Optimized

Irritable, depressed Mood Moderated

Hyper vigilant, distracted Mental Clarity Clear, focused

Elevated Blood sugar / Weight gain Controlled

Diminished Balance Enhanced

When you need help… Practice these poses…

Feeling Centered Seated / Lying Poses

Feeling Strong Standing / Warrior Poses

Speaking What You Need Chest Openers

Energizing Chest Openers

Release of Emotions Hip Opener

Cooling Hip Opener

Humility Forward Bends

Patience Forward Bend

Cleansing (emotional or physical) Twists

Relaxing / Letting Go Restorative Poses

To Feel Centered

To Feel Strong

Speaking What You Need, Energizing

Release of Emotions / Cooling

Humility / Patience

Cleansing (Emotional or Physical)

Relaxing / Letting Go

Find Your Balance

Thank You 480-359-6147 703-864-8334


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