yahuah and "casuitry"

Post on 05-Apr-2015






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Psalms/Tehillim 138: 1-2 “We give You thanks with all our heart; before the mighty ones we sing praises to You. We bow ourselves toward Your set-apart Hekal, And we give thanks to Your Name for Your kindness and for Your Truth; For Your have made great YOUR WORD, YOUR NAME, above all. The BESORAH Page 803For You have made great Your Word, Your Name, above all.”




People need to realize they are being tricked or “fooled” by other “smarter” people who promote guile in order to maintain their control over them.

Just recently, a fellow believing teacher was justifying how he spelled “YAHUWAH” with a “W”, but didn’t need to do the same with other words, such as “YAHUWDAH”. These sound the same as YAHUAH and YAHUDAH, but with the extra odd letter “W”, people down the line will be confused by it. He was justifying the extra letter “W” because in the word YAHUAH the “HEY” following the “UAU” was not a “consonant”, and so it required a “glottal stop”.

It may sound trivial, but when the Name is involved I have to pay attention. After a few nukes fly, and people are trying to understand all over again, we don’t need confusion about glottal stops, or whether a letter is used before consonants, but need the true Name transliterated without any new letters being thrown into the mix.

The letter “W” is a new letter to this planet, and people need to know this fact.

Technically, the English letter "W" is a doubling of the letter "U". The Hebrew letter UAU (shaped Y) became the Greek UPSILON (also shaped Y), then lost the lower stem going into Latin, to become the shape we see as "V", but still only a "U".

(Examples are GLADIVS, CALIBVR). The modern letters U, V, & W are all derived from the Hebrew letter UAU; so while the spelling YAHUWAH is fine as a transliteration, it is unnecessary to repeat the letter "U". For consistency, it would demand that we spell other words with the same approach, such as YAHUWDAH instead of YAHUDAH.

This is only to point it out because if Yahusha tarries there will be people confused about this for many years to come.

The Greek apostate Clement of Alexandria transliterated the Name IAOUE (YAHUAH). The letter "W" didn't yet exist in his day, but the "U" did. He only lacked the letter YOD.

The form “JEHOVAH” to the English-speaking world of 400+ years ago was no doubt identical to the transliteration we use now, YAHUAH. The “J” was uttered as a “Y” today, although coming through the Greek IOTA, having an added “tail” to its shape. The “V” was not our modern V, but rather the old Latin shape for “U”, and together the “OU” + “AH” Formed the diphthong UAH, “ooo-ah”.

Seeing these letters today, we perceive them quite differently. This is why we MUST stay grounded on the Hebrew letters, taking them straight into our language’s letter sounds, without diversions through other alphabets and their corruptions.

“Casuistry” (manipulation through case studies) applies to many other things, so we have to stay on guard against guile and corruption taking us off the straight way.

We are guardians of Yahuah’s (hwhy) NAME We are guardians of Yahuah’s (hwhy) WORD.

We are the Natsarim! LOVE ONE ANOTHER!

Yohanan 17:26 The BESORAH Page 1148 “And I have made Your NAME known to them

And shall make it known So that the love with which You loved Me

Might be in them and I in them.”

MattithYAHU 28:19 & 20 The BESORAH Page 1058 “Therefore, go and make taught ones of all the nations,

Immersing them in the NAME of the FATHER And of the SON

And of the SET-APART SPIRIT, (2 Cor. 3:16~18 The BESORAH Pg 1226)

Teaching them to guard all that I have commanded you. And SEE, I am with you

Always, until the end of the age.” D D D D 12/26/10 8:34 AM EST LW PWHS D D D D

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