xxx · 1. no. 14 wssf committee members appeal to college...

Post on 10-Jul-2020






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_v _o_L_. xxx_·_1. _______ _____ _:_M.:.;c_P_H.::E.::RS.::'O=N__::_C-=O-=LL=EG::E, McPHEllSON, KANS., FRIDAY, JAN. 9, 1948

WSSF Committee Members Appeal To College Students

he '~::e~h~~1l~~~~';"r1~~~c:;~·:n":~· muro:i tblkn •nr uthcr peopl&-­hllTC the m'*tcrl11.I me•n• to r e­l le"e •ufferln~. t c.i hrlnr lite and hollt' t1, m!lllon!l of 11.opl e. w e· Al!POI dlr«:tl7 to 11udcob and h:::r.c.htn bt<au~ our orranlulloo' 1, ('(Jllf!'t'rned with helplnr; atudtnh a:id l~heni In t hr. w.,...a trld:tll 1trru.1. Studcnt11 o l American col • ICl:ti ,_nd unh•c•111hln. •hou l d t~·

anu, mure dl'.l•rl7 than m o11 11:;ruu1111 h o"'' lml)Orlant II I• to our ('om1111m l\'torld f u ture that the i r contc:m1111rZ1rl\:11 n"11rywh urc1 h•"'l' 1110 ch11:11eo to co1111llut«1 their cdu· Ctllh.lll .

St11d1ml• 1tni.l 1.,a c he r• In nine· teen n;a1lon& 11ro ral<1l n1t money h>t !heir colh1a~u.,a In .... ·ar-111trlck111) •t~:&$. :>:~turallr. tho 1rcacu1 :amount or htlp haa come rrom thos.e furtuoate cuuot rlt'lt. who •l're :l,.9l burl .a much by tho wa.r -Au1tralla. Canada , Great Brll• alo. Ponugal. South Africa. s ... ~

-d.on a.od-.Lhe .li~,.,-'J, t hcrci are 50me countrloe wbo ""''"C auHcreJ t r11111endou11ly from ttie .... ·11r. • ·bu arn i;lvlnc •nd mi·

1abll1ib111« S!Ulh'nt rollc t orsanlu 11on.--Cll l111'. J)nnm•rk, :O:.or w11.f. lleU:lum. Holllrnd 1rnd c~echoalo· ' "akl11. Couutrhia wl10 vc r) llule left nrt tir reno of op11rca· 11 lon a utJ tleprri~lun. yot who art 11:t..,crHlcl111: "'' hat lhtY ctan to Cbr commun i:ual, \J

Ir Ch!nCAc stutJeat•. patbt tlc11.l­ly t)()Ot *"' they are. can g\ve I l.· 0 00 I C> s tudent rellet. t'flnnot •t. lbe 1ltt1denta ot t bc U. s .. g h'c. ten lime. aa mucb !

"To make rc1uh1tlo1111 In our dur rnd age." •111• Dr. Mlllnr. 1.11u1wr it t hf: college church . ''M4lm• 1uh" nalvf!."

I t I• C~J lo loo•e one' • l>f!UPC!C· ·"""· l hen:lorf' Or M111,.r •l1•rH 111 lh' t resolution• with the •tu·


1tnt body. Ho•ard Wllaon. protU50r o r ··1 ..-111 re-.ol ,·e to think In a\"c· t-t<>nomlcs at l..orola l.lnlnnlt)'.

•Ul'6 o t aplrltua l pathll'.. Clilca co. hU ~nt o ut an appt-:al 10 .. I rt:Wln1 nut 10 1e1 t ho ,;uocl .-olh:gc ,;tudllnla 10 • "'ah1• le t heir

•t" the ~nllmy 01 1.hl'I lif!llL'. 1r~111 3.nd f()1•mer c:ollea:e 11rur1-.·

n vmemhor. 1110 b l J1;"1;e111 rov111 ,ora. •l!I the ruom Cor 1111pronm1e111. TuU S hwo tho onr1Jllmtmt u t 1110111 1fle11 •·e ju111 l'llH , ·nllogos le h1Javltr welchtod "·Ith

"I ruoh·o 111 1111 muru 41111r oc\11• .:x U. l."!1 a nd o ilie r lllutlonl fl thur,. h •c and crltlclie on·11 con•truc:I· ' iii it ncl'id for a ru·evllu1Ulon oi

Jvtl)•." l'ollego lcac hcire a1;curdln1t 10 tho

No m:&ll b:u :& rl(thl tu 1 .. 11r an)'· hln1 :i.pDrt unl@H he rAn lMHIU

I U · he Pllllf lt IOR;Olhttr.

.. l ruoln~ to hi.•rn w llkoi nlorc ft0pl1."

.. 1 r e110Ive to ' '"'e moro atten· loll to t bc C"ult ll"atlun o r a aplrltu·

l lr. \ \' llfl<>n belleYit• lh\111 the tc-achcr• and profttitllOr:a wl•b lu .-ondu;-c t heir cl:uan M> that 1bey mHt •·llh the •pproval or the 1tu· deau.. H e bo.lleY"'9 tb•t IUCb 8 11 .otmot11bcrci • ·Ill pruruo1e educ&·

1lon . • l~ natur e.·•

ha/~~~:1';1~:n:~;~1i~~~~:r~"~ d1:!1

~. 11

::~ ':::b:1

:11~~~t .~~·d=~~~ •tnd u 11 b<!tll'r th11.n tuda y . IUl 'O\"fl throughout the countfr wri te bl111

~~ :-::~.nd by round. 1111 tho tuddor :n~llt~~~tl!~:~:,~: !}~-,~:111 1~~~:~~= - ---- th111 they 11.dmlre moflt ht tho lr



.. ,

1•rt:M!11 t or lh1.&t proreMors.


NO. 14

tS-t-t .. ;,, .. M' MiEBIOt: COLLE.Gt: CA.._.PtJS Mtl'llf lUOol1 1J1>1 ..... t


.fi'~GE2 -1 ..... r en ......... . ... .. I m~ stpect~tot" 1 ontdal8ta-i·r.-lo._otM-Ooll<p,~ ........ hblJabed eYC'f'Y PrideJ dwri. .. De llChOOl ~ b(ibe 8tlt4illat ()ltiOIB. I: '

M*'-blac al Banta !hzdta. Ca.llfor­Jll,.. Dll ""' WU tae Or!Hr lbty Swope,

ft Ja lnlt ret1tlni: to not'} lha t 1ht'!N A/vmal. nl'l rlT •ll"of whom h•d r ural backic·round. b11"• •JI entered lt1• profeqlona l fll!ld.

.... HOME OP TH.Jo: ftlJL:LDO<t'I THR SOllOOL OP QUA.LlTr' ~ M __. U.U -\~ ,...._._ ~.Ult, a t U. .......,,.,. • t ~

r..__...r\loeact. -' )hrdoS. Ut1.


W• .. Jule our Crumpfte.kiltr AlumoLto r their s plend id r111ttern or comlnued antl t'ttlclent ' ""Ice 1lnt!e ysda1t1ni from Mc r hu-1on Colloto. ----Oalfynition of a Kiu ·

A Recruiting Sfir&HDt an4 a A Kla I• a Soun- Uoca•lle ll'• fil m about UDIYUM1 Nllllarr N>ramon and· 11roper. Tntabi&'. were tb• f e.ta,_ of A Kb.s t. a Pronoun- Ot"Cause

~~-. -=== ;!•~:;:,.r~~~~I~; ~::-:~~;~: .It·~~~,-~" Adverl>-lleun~ =:.,~::r1-1 ------ -- .. -n!~.t.:'..': ~98~u1:."n!:1! ~~~h;.~.~~: It ~~:::• 1:n.•c~OnJt1nct;nn-Oo-

~ _. s.«llJ \\'rtan · ded b y naanJ. t'aU.-e It I.Iring• l<lJ:eflifer . .A w. w. N.rn attt,.... a-Jta --- A Kt- Is an lnte rJf'Ctlon- ll l'--~~ R.,:::U =..!~ Not Mooday; WSSF' df1H Ottst It ahowa fedlni-.

Bctl.7 .n.-"'"F • Ill M1ln. !-!TU T stadt1nl wlll be A Kia I• a Vtorb-JJecau•o It 1'1rE nu·snress STAFF t-onLM:tf:d ror a don,atlo n. A tAlti:nt acta Upon .n obJoct.

~..!u.-.T~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~·~-~ !'.::!:t :~:•.;:~It~ '~!!:.~o •'u~~:u=:I~ It :x~:.:: !n~!1~~~~~:1~~~~ i...._ ~ = be btld. Rem~mber that by gh1ns ==:iE" ......, ~ ~:::_:,,w:s:;,·.:: ;';'. °;,!';:~ M~':. ~! .. ~:iv-:,. .. Enter l.948

llfe! brll;hl 'Proudly announce the nrrl v­

A nimlnd er: Tbe Church )!e­rnortal caapel b a1a ln o~ to

FR~~Y, J ANUARY 9, 1~4lf

. The President Speaks. · I recommend the tollowln&' ~luUoae for 1948: l. 'To read, to study, aitd to JIUlll< to the ead ot intel­

lectual. moral, 'And splritu•l·ST0"1,h. 2 . To become free of Cia&!, reJirjou,a, racial, and nation •

nl prejudice. i 3. To nld In the i>romotion of undM'8tandinJr and rood

will omong the 1:1ocial and economic clnsses, cultures. re. ligious, and racial voup• of the community In which I live.

4. To ·place more emphaais -upon likenesses and lelS upon differences among people. ~

6. To believe and t.o practice the [act to find fault is not A criter ion of inte11igence.

7. To get more and more satisfaction from Rcelng and reporting the i'OOd a nd consistent in the lh1es of folks rather than the bad and the inconsistent.

8.#To become increi.sin1ly constructive in criticism. 9. To wait until sufficient evidence ls In before passing

judvnent. 10. To take the lone view in solving human problems. 11. To belie\'e a nd to practice the f.act U~he true

mcnsure of worth are intellectual srowtfl, and moraJ• and ethicnl chnractCT.

12. To do all possible t.o see that In 1948 the United Nations is strenS"lhened, our democratic go\·e-mment is im­provlded, and steps are taken in the d.irectfo'li of a \Vorld Federntion of Nations with supporting laws a,nd federal court. ~

13. To become intelligontli• tamlll•r with tho United Nations, the United Nations Educationa.I, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, and the M~hall Plan.

Year of rejoicing or year of sorrows a nd fears? -It ~~=1~!0.:!~b.~::::::;i-:e~~!~r is said quite frequently by reporters and commentatons --- -

al or thd.r d au11:hler, Rlla Jo. "A' ho wa1 horn Janu!ar y 6 . MR. Arsa­brl&ht I• an al umna ot McPhl'rtOn and :Wr. Artabr1Jbt It a 1tudenl In the <Ollege now. !.---------------------~

that the next .J.iundred day• will mnr k the ending of one About Alumm• era nnd the beginning of another-whether this new era . ~ to be good or bad, nn era of peftce or war, depends on u.. ·~·• By IraN. ff. Brammell

How much do we wunt pence? Really now, how n. aJumo.I me contain• the much DO we want pcuce? On t.he cveninr of December name. or more than a dl)1en 31 1 suppoMt most or ·use did somelbinr or other to paa CrurQM:kon •IM> have v-adaated the time until midnight nt w·hich Ume we fuore or ]MS ap. rrom McPherua OOlkc•. propriateJy celebrated lhe enterinl' of a ne"' year. If we Earl C.-umpacker. ·u . llria.f lA can remember that far buck. perhaps we can i'et some in; Les Anc•I•. eauroruta. la~­dkation of tho inten~ity of our d efJire for peace by nealJ.. ed l• tbe Nllna.r•cturlnit or a.rdul ina- what we did thol night. \Vhnt seemed most importlbt' tooli . 111.a wife, Nin• Sbttt.r at the time ? \Vas pence important enoqh to us that we Crumpacker .• paduatect from °'" 1~nt. the e\·eninJ? doing something constructhe toward •~~:':: ~~u~~te-r •30 attard· buildiJlg peace on earth? 10 , to o ur 1a.1nt lafor~adoa ta

vDo we console oursol\·es by asking, "But what can one la tb• t.ewblag proteMlon at 0.1-youth do?" la. Colorado. -.Ji> •

the :::r.~~0Se1::::c~i~~e t~·~?h~ ~::r•W!l1~:Phb·::3o~ er:::C~:r;'~~hd ~~~·.~e·~~: working fen·ently and s ilent!)· like leaven in bread. a man •lonartes on rarlourh rrom 1b~ who has been ill nJI hi!t life., who a s a student UL the art of China. tleld whe re they hue ~n-· twenty wciirhOd only se\'ent.y-Mix pounds? That boy knew eel •loee ~'°8 · .• ~e haO only n l.ew )1ca~ to liv.e: The question- )•our quetJ.. en~o~::,;:1:~1~~c~:: ;t!~~"11~~r::; ion-my queslton-<:Am(" ~ b1!11: \Vhat can one peraon at OlJ'mpla, Wubln~ton.

Jr you l l'IM) f (IUr mon~y. tlon' t fecil too hll.dly- you do n'I lot<c nf'a r u tnurh u rou uiu:d l o.

A CRAND pbce to fill your m111ic needal

Better Light for ~Uer Sight


~~- ~·: The Spot to C.t THty l ~ ~ Snocka and Fine Mula

\I lnatrumenb .;, lHf (Ollf6£ INN I \ I Sheet Muaic \I lladioa Earl ...a Veda OW

01f MUSIC CO. ....___ . --11 ~----------~---------~ " K11ew y._, Muth:"

222 N. Main Pb one 962

do, and I am only a routh . Hts ans•·er came, and be d e- R•rry c. Cromp.acker •04 ta tided that if he got well. he would enter the slums of .ervtni; a11 superlatftndent a! lr------------.ll Slslnkawn in Kobe and give his life fO'r" the & of the poor tJoquam. Wat1hlP.gton. Thia t• hi• thtte.. ll W81'4 tbis thought brou,'1:1t .hi~ back t.o lift tWentr·• h :th feaT In thl11 paeltlon. aeaJn at n moment when the OOCtor Said he had tubercular · Hattie Crumiutcker. ·n. h• de­pneumonin with no hope of re<:O\'ery. Kagawa said he tta.Hd.


prayed !or one day continuous))• and suddenJy the after· Jay Crumi>•d;er · 10. 11 In the noon sunshine struck on the pol ished cross in the rOom. Ru.I E•tate buah1eu lo :llc.Ph<1r· and suddenly he fe lt convinced thnt God bad entrusted 8on. HI' •·ire. f;1thor White him with the' duty or renlizing tho spirit of J eaus by work Cru mp11ckflr, 11:raau111et1 ta ·1r. a mong the poor. and that therefore he could not d ie. But Laura Crutopiacker ' !! l hi dti· what could that one boy do? He who felt the c&ll of the ~Leo Crumpacker ·u. 11 lo­:tlums. the worst in ull t he world, perhapa--wbat could c•ted hl Wlchlt•. Kan, ... •Pf'tlat­he do? He did what n mnn taking I\ journey of a thousand bin< In (Jene rnt Sur; ery. miles tnuHt n l w ayN tlo. he took the fin1t Mlep! Can anyone l.A!Ouard u . Crumpttk•r '17. d it­count the livc1t he hnA changed or n.dd up the total of the <'e.11.&ed, tau,.ht hi the ~cPhen•on i'OOd he hft~ done! City Scb0<il11 for mo.ay 1•rs. 1111

What cnn one youth do? An"wer these questions and ~!:~r~~e~: tea'!~!;:: M;;::;: lhe only true a nswer i.'4 e\·idont• \\' h at diet Jane Addams 900 •

~~b1:~o~h·R~rd~1if~~~;~~dj~:;~~fn~~ ~~~ cp:u~d~tt t.he ~to1d w. Crumpar.u,. ·n hi de ·




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Such Barcalns l Such v.1 .... 1

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-Adequate Fac.iliti .. For Self .. Service

ODELL'S~~..;,.~ UI H. n.


319·519 North Main Phatte 234

THE HOME STATE BANK M. G. M1tftl1, C11hier C.H. H,lebut, Prnldent


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416 N. Cherry Phone 880

McPHERSON.· x Professional DirecJOry

DR: !). "'L: SMITH·


ll: ·-.

Dr. H. E. Unacheld Dr. O. 8, La,_ l).eatiot • DIM1'1IT -----i.oc.&ed ...., an .. Dns sc.or. -u.t.- .... -·- .._, .. , -..-m

Dr. L G. Re.J!f Dr.C.~.,..~ DENTIST QINTl)'1' ~ ~

·'1ff. ,._ 161 .... - 141!. 107\t M. -

-~- · -~ - . ·.·~ .

.Dr. A • .:V.:.JlOlllL OPTO.MEnlST

0,.. A. W. GraYea OPTOMETRIST -·- •,.. - ·-. ~\0..- ...,...War _,.,.. __ --

Dr, W. ";\,. Retneh _., ~cw,__

,.., 20.' ,.....,. ...... ,._ 110


111-•d Miss By Betty JkmMrry

Hu• and There .,.tuit.,-1um--tbat'a wha t It

•U-lurkey. \\'bal Hn I r cff'rrlnlf' tof We:ll. J'JI tell roa. ftf!mt11abflr the rDOG9f that wa11 ('0114'tt6d at th e SCA Obrlat.mH parlyT You do ? By Dale Ohman O.ood. Outlna nu11111;e,.. at th• Uaiftl'•

Tltial moftfi1, u )'1)tl know. ns .SLT of lb.M&Cbu•U• dlmt..d Mt. to 10 c.o tbe Darlow Oki Yolk"• (JN!f1ock ad ntot'ed a ... 1 ta Ho nM ror aiometblnr fo r thirlr a f&.t&.en:d a.pot trttli an ~t Cl1rt.tmu. ne monQ" wu a:tYen ri• w ol the aurroaodf.n& l.a~pe to tit• pulor of t he Dar1ow irbu(:b , ..t • M.f't,rouod.. Oa&ne R &DlM7'. and he uaed ..tbe ll•r4ed Ualttf'lttJ' ot KaD&U moaer t o boy a tartier fo r their revolter. a.galll.St w sew Loot O'brUtcnu dlontt. r eceh ·e4 na.Uonal reeocnlt&oli

Aren't rou glad rou b.iJ pa.rt wllea a pie.tare of four Mwtilali:e~ of their Chrl1tmu! You m._de It (fd members appeared IA tU Naw poutb1e for tbam to know that Yurk suadar MLNor. young pt<>ple a re remernberlos SIJOO wu eollect-4 by tbe s t•­thelr tide" . The RCA of McPller· dent Cllrl•U•n A~soclatloa a t aon Coll.ego tried to h tilp make u.,uiea CoUeg-e tor e1tatdl&b.lnr a 1omeooo • Chrlttmu. ha1111lor anti f und. ror ._. enra rallo• fOf' tbe

!~':;:':;:,.~hat It IU~l11t1d In ll• {}'l\' ll ~~\l~:~~:~y~(l UDIYeralty or M•lDI Ha11p7 New l 'ur- ll1• bttt ot

ere rJlhtnc to all !

The Veterans' Voice

Tl.. s,,..,.,._ , .

v Photo SuppU.. ..

\I Finiah.in1

~ 35c per roll

Whe!' you th~ · of ffow• n - Natur1lly

you _.iilkof · - ··- - .. ~ .... ·-

From The Editor's ' Scrap Book

~· . .

106'~ N.~

1 O..r Bisby • Lindoay


Arthur Kolander . Agency ·

' . ~~--•-••nee Co.'!.

. h11urM1Ce For Every Need

109 S. Main

... -.. .. _ _,.Bodle . .qj~- . For .Laughs un YOUR-~TrENTION, PLEASE! C • ...... ........... ... ., ..... P'IPfl'

a.. .. ._ _ · ·· Meet the 'P,,e -.-.---~-: ~ .- •• •. ~ • • toa Oorilo - -o-..1_ ........ ., ·' . ! ~

-WoM"W• II - 0 fta.ll...a•'1 ... -; AOO Cleaner& nllllVllltfll ,... _ _. ~ Beleler. Decorative Supplies Do JOU 1t·no• thal. pe,.... tn•t I I t :.-~ .. a..-- llS '-Alnltll s. ......... I ...... -

'ectiHUllT 1tubborn ~;,UN b9 .. _ (>pea.£ ....... ~~" ~ MIU

• oe.n't ah f7our .•CITicO? p--..,,= ...,....=,.....,,,.,...,,...,,,,,.1{1,_,..,...,.._ ..,._ ..,. _____________ -«I'--..,.....-----..:..----'---------..&.



The Sp«1111or

lnb·amural Coach Htrden met with the In·

t ra-niura l committee &n\1 Lii t eam cap1aln1 on Tur9Cl11 lo ntako flnlil arnn1Cemenl1 for lbe bukctb•ll tourflamenL

Th• coacll explain~ t he rule11 and a schedule for t be wee.Ir: •at made.

Ttle re are ten tuma: who hne u tered 1he tournament aDd a.II t iam1 a re reque&ted to rct lbe lf roater1 ID arid ..elttt a aamo for tbelr t eam tmmedlatelr.

Dr the following week. a deft· nlte .chedu.Je will be made out I.o r all 1eam1.

Followloc are tho ratlnrs of the t c•ma b1 a board or uperts and n flxt week'• u me schodule. Tho nunibur one team and f~vored to win the flr.l round: la Wlnaton Deam'• tea ut,

t. Dc•t11 2. Octorpch 3. J>etert'"lllo 4. K.llcbcr &. Horton ' · F"rant.z. 7. Q ulnttr 5. Watkins ' ·Woll. 10 I. P. T.


1948 Basketball

· w~~-Jb~~n;~ n . Hor ton.

Fri~y, Jau. 9 McPherson College

Vo. S p. m . ~am "'· Pctcr11'1llt.

Thurs. Januarr S. 7 p. m. Quinter vs. W9t ltlna. I p. m. I . P. T . n. Klleber,

)(onda1 J anuary 1!

! :·. ~·- ~~0:1~';..~'0!:1.r.

Be1hcl College


_ Wod. J anuar1 14.

Ne,.·ton, KarnsatS 8:00 P. M.


7 p. m. I . P. T. ve. Qulntor. II p. m. ocrorp·cb vs. Watltln11.

Thure. January 15. 7 p , m. Wolf""'· Klleber. g p, in. Pcters"lllc YI. Horton. The achodule of a;amu wlll be

pout!d wMkl1 011 the ·bulletin board In the am,. Wa tch tor rour team"• time and abo tr up to pla1.

ATHLETE of the week

I~rl~ u tall. dart . and ha adaome by hit leam•matt'I. the athle te ot • Hit b 11nlllng Har­old Wiebe. He was born at aa our· Ir au and hu now reached first acore of hi• Ute, lwenly.

PRELIMI!~ARY l\lcPber8011 " B"

vs. Bethel "B" 6:45 P. M.

Varsity Scoring

Parade by

1~ 1:,~~n::t. ~.:~s~r~:l~ D':::::. fo'or"''1u d llut\ 1-~111her 1Cad tho tloned pound• o n . IL 1111 fayorllo VGralty •cOrln~ t•urAde In t-.·o oort la fo1;1l ball. 10 b e s:;oea oul tor 11111011 t u dal n with D tu tal or 36 bu luitball. Ho baa .cored 11 point•. J-lo •Ill try lO :add more 11oln18 In , ... 0 gam(tl from bl• to nlr;M t111:Mln11 t Oot h til. rcuMrd 1101ltlon on tho baak otba ll Tho ni:xt hl 11:h t11•1 a re center team. Bur k ltelnecker and guard Bob

Wiebe'• basketball career bu Wrli;ht .,.Ith 14 point• a&ple<:<l. CODll81(.-d ur 4 years In hllh K h oo! G FG rT TP dur tnr: which b e played every potl· •"l• her 13 10 3' tlnn. and thl• la hi• flra:t 7car out W rhtbl 5 · 4 fo r thr: 111port h"re a t )lcPhc~n. RelnOC:kf'r" 6 !

If If If

For Expert. Competent,

and Hoaeat lruurance and

Real Eatate Service.


Duguid Agency tlS W. MARLIN

"A Better Senico Asency-"

11., I• 111tudyln; a pr e-la• coun• W rlcht and mlg:obt be In t he Supreme Court Wle!M{' d•Y- a l . C&lt'. Sqlll"•n

He la quite acU"e l n the bu.1lnu1 Bill world. holdln1t d own" prHlden· Smith 1:1 or a r•cto..rr wut or town. He Ooorlnc thlnb h1s fnorltc ~cupaUon P et urs • ou ld be as a man•~er or a olcht Urun11 r.lub. 11..., t r:n-cla around 10 hit s • .-,.,r b i:u1t.-..a ·3 1 black, two-dt}(lr Ar n old clle vrnh•t t1edan, The ntnr model

'i ~E. L. WOLF ; Plumbin1 ind He1tin1 6 GNl>W-

5 llectrkel ~"·'" ! 21!_ S. Mala Phoae 228

' ..----------.11 uni. ho ••1•. " aren ' t I.lad," but he Some .peopl t'l AOem quallflod to llkl)JI hi" h carH and ..... 111 11robab11 lh·o " "'"r1one'11 lllo c.xpe rll1 csce\lt r id" 11 to the J;ra,·e. the ir own, '

\\' lcht' doe• not have a.111 fa vor- -----------.! ll lJ teacher 11. lie tno .. ·11 bo w to k••c1) p e jjl'Ei lt1 thn Caml11. lie hu no ult:knr&me. but w Jll usuall1 •n· '"''e t hi "'Wiebe'". He rc.ds thl1 wlumn and s•rs he llltet It. fi e hop" tu .be In t.hC' m lddle ot the llr:h t lonh;ht at;alnat De t bt'I and want..- lo d o hlt1 part..

Scoot Over





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