xped findings

Post on 09-Apr-2018






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  • 8/8/2019 Xped Findings



    Below are few commands which I have found out while working in Xpeditor

    1: You would be able to do a PF10 or PF11 only for those variables, which will have SAME->or MORE-> in number line.

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    2: Viewing the variable : Apart from Keeps(K) and Peeks(P) you have twso more commands

    View(V) and Hex(H) to view values in the variables.

    Keep(K) : Shows the value of the variable in data window of Xpeditor it remains in the windowunless and until you delete kept variable.

    Peek(P) : Shows the value of the variable at the place where it is defined either in source

    program or in copybook. This data view is temporary and once you execute any instruction all

    the peeks gets deleted.

    View(V) : View command shows the value of the variable in Hex format.

    Hex(H) : It shows the value of the variable in Packed HexaDecimal Format.

    You can give above mentioned commands either in number line or in command line if you are

    giving these commands in command line then you need to give variable name along with

    command. E.g. K/V/H/V Variable-1

    You can see values in Hexadecimal format by writing V in front of a variable in number line.

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    Data view of variable before giving V command in number line.

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    Data view of H00ENT after hitting enter.

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    If you will give V command in command line then it will show the value of the variable where

    ever it would be defined in source.

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    Data view after hitting enter H00FORM which is defined in a copybook is showed as below.

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    3: You can see values of variable in Packed HexaDecimal format by writing H in number line

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    Data view of H00ENT in Packed HexaDecimal format

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    4:Removing break points and keeps

    If you want to remove all the break point or keeps, view, counts etc in source program, then you

    can write following command in command line

    D B (for deleting all the break points)

    D K (For deleting all the Keeps), etc

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    All the break points are deleted.

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    You can give Delete command in number line for Keep: K, Peek: P, View: V, Hex: H or Break

    Point: B by writing DK, DP, DV, DH, DB or RK, RP, RV, RH, RB respectively.

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    Two break point in line 414 and 415 got deleted.

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    5: If you need check a label definition or data definition then you can search it by

    F 1 (variable name/label name)

    Because label definition and data definition starts at position 1.

    Example: F 1 PSFR9000 (PSFR900 is a label in source program PLPPSFH0)

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    Curser come to the place where PSFR9000 is defined.

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    6: If you want to know the line number of particular statement in source then you can do it by

    writing V in front of any line.

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    The highlighted part is address of the particular line. If you need to execute another line

    unconditionally then you can do a GOTO to that line number.

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    For Example currently line 0016D2 is being executed if you want to go to line 0016E0 without

    executing two lines in between then you can write

    GOTO 0016E0

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    And after pressing enter control will come to line 0016E0 without executing lines between

    0016D2 and 0016E0

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    7: Expanding A Macro:

    If you want to expand any macro then you can type V or G in number line. The only

    difference between V and G, in this case is V command expands the macro with displayingthen line number while G command expands the macro without displaying line number

    Any Expanded line would be preceded by a + sign.

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    Expanded Macro after hitting ENTER (V command)

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    Macro before giving G command

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    Expanded Macro after giving G command

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    8: Giving Group Command

    You can give group command for K,P,V,B etc.

    If you want to Keep, Peek or View multiple data variables then you can go to any DSECT ordata definition and can do KK.KK or PP.PP or VV..VV,

    DD..DD, etc.

    Variables before giving Group Peek Command.

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    Variable after giving group Peek Command.

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    Statements before giving group Break Command.

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    Statements after giving group Break Command.

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    Statements before giving group Delete Command.

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    Statements after giving group Delete Command.

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    9: If you want to know how many times a particular line has been executed then you can write C

    in number line a seven digit number would appear after that line. After every execution of thatline the number would increase by 1. So at any point of time you can get to know how many

    times a particular line has been executed. In case of multiple lines you can give group command


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    Counter is in Red colour after statements.

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    Below screen print shows that these lines have been executed for 20 times.

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    10: If there are more than one variable in a line and you want to keep any one of them then you

    can Keep then by giving a number according to their occurrences. By default it takes 1.


    If you would write K1 then VAR1 would be kept

    If you would write K2 then VAR2 would be kept

    If you would write K3 then VAR3 would be kept

    If you would write K4 then VAR4 would be kept

    This command would keep second variable i.e. ARG3

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    Value of variable ARG3 after hitting ENTER.

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    This command would keep first variable i.e. SAVEKEY2

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    Value of variable SAVEKEY1 after hitting ENTER.

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    11: If you want to see value of any variable in hex then you can type H in number line followed

    by any number and that variable in sequence would be Peek and value of the variable would beshown where ever variable would be defined. If you dont give any number by default it takes 1.


    If you will do a H in this stmt then Xpeditor would peek the value of VAR1 in hex where ever it

    would be defined. Same applies with View also.

    The highlighted command would PEEK the second variable ARG3

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    Value of the ARG3 after hitting ENTER.

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    12: You can skip execution of any line by writing S in front of that line.

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    The statement which are preceded by S will not be executed.

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    13: When you do a PF9 it says GO 1 which means execute one line. If you want multiple lines

    to be executed then you can give any number.

    For example. GO 130 : it will execute 130 lines.

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    Xpeditor executes 130 lines after hitting ENTER.

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    14: If you want to put any break Point on any label then you need not to go to that label. you can

    write following syntax in command line.

    B LABEL1

    This syntax would add break point on LABEL1.

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    A Break point would be added to Label PSFR4000 after hitting ENTER.

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    15: If you want to view the entire General purpose registers while execution of program then you

    can type the command GPREGS in command line. It will show value in all the registers whileexecution.

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    Highlighted part shows all the general purpose registers all these registers would be displaying their

    content unless and until we fire a D GPREGS command.

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    16: PF6 will take us to the line which is going to be executed next.

    17: If you want to pause the execution of programme based upon some conditions. Then you can

    add condition using WHEN command.

    For example I want to pause the execution of the program when value ofBRKLINE is 25 then I

    will write the command

    When BRKLINE = 28

    Now if youll do a PF12 the execution of the program will take a pause when value of BRKLINEwould be 28.

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    Execution of the program halts as value of BRKLINE is 28.

    For deleting any condition we need to fire a deleted command.


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    18: SYSUT2 #COMPXT# would show values of all the keeps after every GO command.

    After we finish execution of the program in Xpeditor, we can check SYSUT2 for checking value

    of any kept variable. This information is very much helpful if we want to check value of anyvariable at different stages of program execution all together.

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    It show value of all the keeps.

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