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Relius Government Forms

1099/W-2 for New Users

Tom Hunsinger



Tom Hunsinger Who? 9+ years at Relius/Peak 1 Started in Tech Support Tech Support Manager RGF online presenter


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What we will cover today: RGF 1099/W-2 Desktop Creating a Filer Opening Forms Adding & Deleting Records Validation Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records Printing Carry Forward



• Each filer, payer, lender, or trustee is saved as a file.• In this presentation I will refer to this data file and

entity as the filer.• The file has the extension “w” plus the last 2 digits of

the tax year, e.g., filename.w09



Each form in the file is a separate table in the Filer’s database.

1099R 945 W-2



There are two kinds of forms: Single record forms

Only one form is saved in the file Includes Forms 945, 1042, and 4419

Multi-record forms Each form will have a copy for each recipient Each recipient is referred to as a record Includes Forms1099MISC, 1099R, and W-2


1099R 945




1099/W-2 Desktop

RGF 1099/W-2 Desktop

There are four main areas of the RGF 1099/W-2 desktop Task pane Tool bar Menu bar Status bar

RGF 1099/W-2 Desktop

Menu Bar Tool Bar

Task Pane

Status Bar

RGF 1099/W-2 Desktop

The Task Pane is used to easily access frequently used features or guide you through multistep procedures

There are four different task panes Getting Started Carry Forward Import Electronic Filing

RGF 1099/W-2 Desktop

You can choose between four different task panes by clicking on the dropdown box

RGF 1099/W-2 Desktop

You close the task pane by clicking on the “X” to make it easier to view the forms when open

RGF 1099/W-2 Desktop

You open the task pane by right-clicking on the tool bar and

selecting tasks

RGF 1099/W-2 Desktop

There are other items and options that will be available on the 1099/W-2 Desktop depending on what tasks are performed in the application. I will point out and discuss many of these items as we go through the presentation.

You will find there are many ways to perform a task in RGF 1099/W-2. In this presentation I will generally show only one of the methods to perform a task. Additional methods are covered in Help. Please review these other procedures and use the one that works best for you.

Creating a New Filer

Creating a New Filer

Click on File in the Menu Bar, select New and finally select Create Filer (or use Ctrl+N keyboard shortcut)

Creating a New Filer

This opens a blank Filer Information Worksheet (FIW). Before we cover the FIW, let’s look at a couple of things that have appeared on the 1099/W-2 desktop

Tool tip

Notes/Edit check dropdown


Creating a New Filer

The tabs that appeared on the right side of the form window allow you access form features.

You can enter data into the open form when the Form tab is selected.

You can view the errors and warnings for the open form by selecting the Errors/Warnings tab.

You can add notes to a field or to the open form by selecting the Notes tab.

I will cover these form features in detail shortly.

Creating a New Filer

Another item that appeared when the FIW was opened was the Notes/Validation dropdown box.

This dropdown box appears in the active field of all forms. It disappears after 3 seconds if you do not click on it. If you move to another field another dropdown will appear. You can change this delay using the Tools\Options\Tool Tips Delay adjustment.

If you click on this dropdown you can add or view notes or validation issues for that field.

Creating a New Filer

The last item that appeared when the FIW was opened was the Field Tips text box.

Field Tips give you information about the data that needs to be entered in a field. It disappears like the Notes\Validation dropdown after 3 seconds. If you move to another field another Field Tip will appear. You can change this delay using the Tools\Options\Tool Tips Delay adjustment.

Creating a New Filer

Now let’s get back to the Filer Information Worksheet. The FIW contains information that appears on the filer,

payer, lender, etc. section of the IRS forms. The FIW is not a form that is filed with the IRS. Instead

it is a way to enter data once and not have to retype that information on every form you create.

Enter as much information as you feel you need or have available. You can always reopen the FIW to edit or add information.

Creating a New Filer

We’ll start filling in the FIW by working on the top section shown below:

Creating a New Filer

Simply select a field and start typing! When the active field is selected it will change color.

Creating a New Filer

I entered an invalid entry in the field below. The Notes/Validation dropdown box changed and now a caution symbol is displayed. Let’s click on the dropdown and see what happens.


Creating a New Filer

You can see it shows that there is an error or warning that there is an invalid Tax ID entered.

Creating a New Filer

At the same time, the Error/Warning tab indicates that there is an issue on the form as well.

Creating a New Filer

If we click on the tab we can see all of the errors and warnings on the form.

Creating a New Filer

Let’s suppose that in this example we only have the incorrect Tax Payer ID that was entered and will have to come back later after doing some research to find out what the number really was. We may want to add a note to this field explaining what the issue is and why an invalid number is entered.

All we need to do is click on Notes/Error Warning dropdown, and type in the Notes tab whatever we think would be helpful when we come back to the form.

Creating a New Filer

Creating a New Filer

Using these tools, fill in as much information as you can on the FIW. In this example I will only fill in a couple of the fields. When you are finished click on the Save icon on the Task Bar.

Creating a New Filer

A dialog box appears letting us know that we have validation errors or warnings on our form. We will cover Validation later, so for now we will click on “No” to save the form rather than go into to validation.

Creating a New Filer

The Save dialog appears so you can save the file.

Current File Extension

Unique File Name

Default Data Directory

Creating a New Filer

The default Data Directory is set when you open the 1099/W-2 application for the first time. You can change the default directory using the Tools menu and select Options. The General tab allows you to change the default directory.

The Unique File Name is created by the application by combining the Filer’s name, Plan number, and EIN. You can change the file name to anything they want and the extension will be added when the file is saved.

The Current Year File Extension is determined by the version of the 1099/W-2 application. You should not change the extension because the file will not be found by the application. The correct extension is automatically added to the file name.

Creating a New Filer

I have selected the File Name box and changed the file name to Sample Filer. The application will automatically save it with the W09 extension.

Creating a New Filer

To close the saved form just click on the File menu and select Close.

Opening Forms

Opening Forms

Let’s see what we have when we bring up the Open dialog. Just click on the File Open icon on the Task Bar.

On the left side of the box is the Side Bar Explorer. The Explorer allows you to get to other frequently used folders quickly. The Folder dropdown will also allow you to navigate to other resources quickly.

Opening Forms

Folder dropdown

Side Bar Explorer

Opening Forms

If we click on one of the files in our data folder you will see the forms and the number of records in each form will appear in the right window.

Opening Forms

Select the form you wish to open by clicking on it. You can either double-click on it to open it of select it and click the Open button.

Opening Forms

The selected form will open and be ready to work on.

Adding & Deleting Records

Adding & Deleting Records

We are looking at the 1099-R that we opened in the last section. Remember that the right window showed there was only one record in this form. We can verify this by looking at the status bar at the bottom of the screen.

Adding & Deleting Records

The two easiest ways to add a record is to either click on the add record icon on the tool bar or hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and tap the letter “A”.

Adding & Deleting Records

Now you see we have a new 1099-R for this filer ready for us to fill with data.

Adding & Deleting Records

After entering the data for the recipient and saving the form, notice how that the number of records in the bottom left corner of the window now indicates that we have two records for the filer in this form.

Adding & Deleting Records

Deleting a record is just as easy as adding one. You can either click on the menu icon or hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and tap the “D” key.

Adding & Deleting Records

The application’s default settings remove the deleted form from view but it is not removed from the filer’s form database. If you wish to be able to view deleted forms that are in the database click on the Tools menu and select Options.

Adding & Deleting Records

Select the View tab in the Options dialog. Check the Show Deleted Records checkbox and click the OK button.

Adding & Deleting Records

Now when we look at our Forms we see that we have two records in our view and one of them has a DEL label indicating that it is a deleted record.

Adding & Deleting Records

Note: Deleted records are not included in filings, do not print, and will not be validated even when you have the view option enabled.

Deleted records in the database can be undeleted by clicking on the Records menu and selecting Undelete record while viewing the deleted record.

Adding & Deleting Records

So, if deleting a record doesn’t delete it from the database, how do you delete it from the database? Close any open file by clicking on the File menu and selecting Close.

Adding & Deleting Records

Next click on the Tools menu and select Compact Database.

Adding & Deleting Records

Select the Filer that you wish to compact.

Adding & Deleting Records

You will receive the following confirmation message. Click the Yes button to proceed.

Adding & Deleting Records

This dialog completes the process.


The validation feature in RGF 1099/W-2 checks the entries in fields against the IRS regulations and will notify you if an entry may violate the regulations. There are two kinds of validation issues: A validation “error” occurs when the entry in a field does

not comply with the IRS guidelines. You should check the entry and review the instructions for the field so you can correct the issue.

A validation “warning” occurs when the entry in a field is not typical or the 1099/W-2 application does not have enough information to determine if there is an error. If a warning is displayed you should review the instructions for the field and verify that the entry complies with the instructions.



You saw the audit checks portion of Validation earlier in the presentation. You can also have Validation check the entire record at once or all of the records in a form. By default, a form is validated when you save the form. Let’s take a look at how to use this part of validation. We’ll start with a 1099-R form that we have just finished editing and let’s click on the Save button and see what happens.

Clicking the Yes button will take us back to the form to view the errors/warnings and allow us to edit it. (If there were no issues a dialog box would not have appeared; the form would have been saved.)


To view the errors we click on the Errors/Warnings tab.


We can see the two errors. Let’s look at the first one.


The first four columns allow us to locate where the error/warning is on the form. When you are in the form view tab you can use the Go To feature (Edit, Go To or CTRL+G) to get to the field.

The last column describes the issue.


TIP: The fields in the form that have errors/warnings display a red triangle in the top left corner.


Using the information on the Errors/Warnings tab you can investigate and resolve any issues that Validation found in the form.

Now let’s validate all of the records in a filer’s form.



Here is a filer’s 1099-R records. There are 3 records in the database. To validate all 3 at once click on the Edit menu and select Validate All or press CTRL+I on your keyboard.


A validation report is generated in Internet Explorer so you can view the errors and warnings for all three records.

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

Remember earlier we saw how you can choose to view deleted records or to hide them when viewing the records? There are other ways to filter what records are displayed when looking at the records in a form. Show Unique Records Tag Records/View Records Tag Group

In addition we can change the sort order that the records are displayed. Let’s look at these features in order.

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

Show Unique Records

By default, RGF 1099/W-2 only shows unique records. What does that mean? It means that if two records are duplicates, only the first record will show and the other one will be hidden from view, just like deleted records are by default. Two records are duplicates if there are certain fields that are filled in identically; not all fields need to match. The fields that need to match vary based on the form but we will use the 1099-R form as an example.

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

If we click on the Tools menu and select Options…

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

…and then select the View tab, we see that Unique Records is checked. If we uncheck this box we can view duplicate records when viewing the records.

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

We still need to find out what makes two records duplicates. Simply click on the question mark button in the top, right-hand corner of the Option window.

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

That brings up the View Tab section of the User’s Guide. Now just click on the Unique Records link.

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

The topic displays a list of all of the forms and what fields need to match in order for records to be considered duplicates. Let’s look at the 1099-R.

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

You can see that in order for 1099-R records to be duplicates they need to have matching entries in the SSN, Distribution Code, Void, Corrected, and Account Number fields. Remember, by default, duplicate records are hidden from view.

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

Tagging Records

You can tag records so you can make it easy to find them later. The process is simple. Go to the record you want to tag and click on the Tag button on the tool bar.

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

Now when you view that record you will see the word “tagged” displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the window.

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

Now that we know how to tag records, what can we do with tagging? Below is a form with 16 records in it. I have tagged four of them.

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

Now we could scroll through the list to view the four tagged records or we can filter the view so we can see just the four tagged records. Just click on the Change View Order button on the toolbar and select Tagged.

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

Now in the status bar you can see that there are only four records visible. Now we can scroll through just the records we have selected. When finished, click on the Change View Order icon again and click Tagged and you will see all of the records again.

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

We should look at other ways to tag records. If we click on the Records menu and select Tag Group we can tags records meeting certain criteria.

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

All you need to do is select which criteria you want to use, click OK and the records matching the criteria will be tagged.

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

The application will prompt you if you would like to switch to tagged view. Select Yes if you would like to view only the tagged records or No if you would like to keep working with all of the records for now. You can always switch into tagged view from the Change View Order icon.

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

Now in the status bar you can see that there are only four records visible. Now we can scroll through just the records we have selected. When finished, click on the Change View Order icon again and click Tagged and you will see all of the records again.

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

Now in the status bar you can see that there are only four records visible. Now we can scroll through just the records we have selected. When finished, click on the Change View Order icon again and click Tagged and you will see all of the records again.

Viewing, Sorting & Tagging Records

When you are finished with the tagged records you can remove all of the tags at once by clicking on the Records menu and selecting Clear All Tags.

Notice that in the Records menu you have the option to delete the tagged records as well. This handy feature will flag the records as deleted and they can be removed from the database by using the Compact Database feature.



There are a lot of options and features in printing. We will go through the steps you will follow to print the forms or reports you need.


By default the forms that print are in the same sort order as the forms you view on the screen. You have the option to change the print order independently of the view order. Click on the File menu and select Print Options to display this dialog box.


You can now select the copy of the form and then select its print order. Each copy can be set independently of the others.


Now it is time to print. You can get to the printing dialog by either clicking on the Print icon on the tool bar, clicking on the File menu and selecting the Print option or press CTRL+P on your keyboard.


Here is the print dialog. Let’s look at a couple of the sections and see how to print what you need.


The top section of the dialog allows you to select and configure the printer you are using. Your options will depend on your network and available printers.


The middle of the dialog allows you to option what records will print and how many copies of each will print. While we are familiar with how the number of copies works maybe we should look at the options available in the Record Range section.


If we select All records every record that is visible, other than deleted records, at the time Print was started will print.


If we select Current record, the record that was visible at the time printing was started will print by itself, as long as it is not a deleted record.


By selecting the third option we can print a range of records. Simply enter the first page number you want printed, a dash and the last page number in the range.


We can also print the records in a specific date range. The date used is from the date paid/recorded field on the form. Select a starting and an ending date and all records that have dates paid/recorded in the specified range will print.


A very nice feature is the ability to print to PDF. By selecting this check box you can create a PDF file that can be e-mailed and printed on virtually any printer made.


After selecting the check box and then clicking on the Print button you will see a confirmation dialog letting you know where the PDF file was saved and what its name is.



Carry-Forward is a process that allows users to get information from the previous year’s data and create files for the new year. There are many options that will allow you to carry-forward only the information you need.


To start the carry-forward process select Carry-Forward Data from the Task Pane or select Carry-Forward from the Tools menu


We will just look at the Task Pane for the next few steps. A Carry-Forward Assistant will guide us through the whole process. In this first step we select the year that contains the data we wish to carry- forward. Next we locate where the new data files will be carried-forward. Click on the Browse link and navigate to where we want to put the files.


We will just look at the Task Pane for the next few steps. A Carry-Forward Assistant will guide us through the whole process. In this first step we select the year that contains the data we wish to carry- forward. Next we locate where the new data files will be carried-forward. This is called the Target folder. Click on the Browse link and navigate to where we want to put the files. In this example we will use the C:\1099data folder. Click on the OK button to return to the assistant.


Now that we have the folder selected, we click on the Next link at the bottom of the pane.


Now we need to select the filers that we want to carry-forward. We will click on the Browse link and select the filers.


We can now select our filers by navigating to where the data files are located. This dialog box works exactly like the Open dialog box does.


In this example we will select the three PD8 files at the bottom of the list.


Select the first filer by clicking once on it. The filer will be highlighted.


Now using standard Windows selection techniques, we can select the other filers. In this case we can hold the Shift key down on the keyboard and then click on the last filer.


All of the filers are now highlighted and we can click on the Open button on the bottom right corner of the dialog box to get back to the assistant.


The selected filers are shown in the pane. Click on the Next link at the bottom of the pane to select the forms we wish to carry-forward.


If we only want to carry-forward filer information simply select the Filer info check box. When the new filers are created no recipient data will carry-forward. Generally, this is the way most carry-forwards are performed. However, if we wanted recipient information and dollar amounts on the forms carried-forward then we would just select the forms we need in addition to the Filer info. Select the Next link go to the following step.


We now have the option to carry-forward dollar amounts on any forms we have selected. Below that option. Since we selected to carry-forward 1099-R data we have the option to carry-forward all of the 1099-R records or only the one with partial distributions. Finally we can click on the Next link to select some recipient options.


If we want to carry-forward all recipient we can choose the Yes radio button. If we select No, we can choose records that match the criteria available including specific recipients. After we select the options we desire we click on the Next link for the last options to select before the data is carried-forward.


In the first section of this step we select what will happen to any data file in the target folder that has the same Filer Name and Filer EIN as one of the data files we are carrying-forward. If we choose Overwrite the existing data in the matching file will be deleted and replaced with the carry-forwarded data. If we choose Skip the matching filer data will not be carried-forward.


If we choose Merge we have additional options to select. Any records that duplicates can be replaced with the carry-forward data, only fill in blank fields (overlay) in matching records, skip duplicate records or append duplicate records.

A log file will be created detailing what occurs during the carry-forward process and we can choose the name and location for the file.

Finally, click on the Finish link.


A dialog box will appear showing the progress of the process.


When the process is complete a dialog box will appear prompting us to review the log file. Always review the file!


A Notepad log file will open showing what occurred during the carry-forward process. Review the log carefully and close it when finished.


The data files created during the carry-forward process are now located in the target directory and ready for editing or whatever we want to do with them.

RGF 1099 For New Users

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