“wralking and ristening” – developing key

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Moira Morrison &

Bettina Brockerhoff-Macdonald

Centre for Continuing Education

April 29, 2008

“Wralking and Ristening” – Developing Key Communication Skills for Online

Distance Education Learners

• DE is administered by the Centre for Continuing Education

• Over 360 courses (English and French) in DE inventory

• 89 courses are fully online within WebCT

• 36 have online components within WebCT (Blended)

• 2007FW total number of course registrations was 5650,

of which 1521 were in either fully online or blended courses

Institutional Overview

Some students were not participating fully

What’s missing?

- the progressive stages of forming an online identity

- the beginning discussions of issues and course content

- engagement in collaborative and constructivist learning

The Problem…

Students were given basic netiquette and course specific guidelines for discussion forum use


Even where there were committed faculty facilitating the discussion forums, not all students were using the forums effectively

What is happening?

Different groups with a very diverse level of experience in online communication:

• Young adult students

• Mature students

• Faculty

Who are the participants?

“The literature says we retain 10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see, 50% of what we hearand see, 70% of what we say, and 90% of what we sayand do.” (Pike, Creative Training Techniques Handbook,1994)

“When technology is used, communicating is in writing, requiring different skills than speaking.” (Wulff, Aligning for Learning Strategies for Teaching Effectiveness, 2005)

What the literature says…

“The way people communicate online is a unique and evolving mix of written and spoken communication.” (Salmon, E-tivities, 2002)

“There is strong evidence that communicating throughtext on screen is a new genre in its own right and mostpeople are just coming to grips with it.” (Salmon, E-tivities, 2002)

What the literature says…

Talking and Listening

Spoken language is social, immediate, spontaneous, and can be emotional, heated etc. There are lots of clues to help you find meaning - body language will tell you if people are in agreement, disagreement, wish to make their own point, are paying attention, etc. Tone, volume and rhythm of speech give you more clues.

Spot the Difference!

Reading and Writing

Writing and reading are more solitary skills allowing time for reflective thought and redrafting of ideas. You can communicate more complex concepts using more difficult terminology (e.g. chemical names, etc.). You can read and reread difficult and complex issues and ideas to fully understand them.

Spot the Difference!

Talking and


Wralking Reading and andRistening Writing

Online Communication Skills

Speech “Wralking and Ristening”


Time-bound Adapt Space-bound

Spontaneous Combine Contrived

Face-to-face Adapt Visually decontextualized

Socially interactive Combine Factually communicative

Loosely structured Choose Elaborately structured

Immediately revisable Choose Repeatedly revisable

Prosaically rich(tone, nuance, loudness,

rhythm, etc.)

Adapt and combine Graphically rich (figures, graphs, tables,

illustrations etc.)

Based on Language and the Internet (Crystal, 2006, p. 31)

Taking part in a discussion forum means using computer technology to communicate with a hybrid form of communication which lies somewhere between writing and talking (“wralking”) and reading and listening (“ristening”).

Spending a little time thinking about how these ways of expressing yourself differ from everyday conversational interactions and how you interpret written texts, can help you get the most from the discussion forum activities.

What are “wralking and ristening”?

• In fully online courses this is the primary method of communication

• Communicating in discussion forums may feel different from the ways you currently communicate online (e.g., email, instant messaging)

• Communicating effectively can enhance the learning process

• Avoiding misunderstandings can reduce stress

Why do “wralking and ristening” matter?

Wralking and Ristening

“Wralking and ristening” give you the opportunity to combine the range of language and writing skills you already have and adapt them for communicating online. Asynchronous technologies, such as the discussion forum, give you time to reflect on your thoughts and ideas before you share them. You have the time to read other students’ postings carefully and respond in a considered and thoughtful way.

Communicating Online

Development of a Student Guide to “Wralking and Ristening” to be given to students in upcoming Fall and Winter terms

Exit survey of students to determine helpfulness and efficacy of guide

Publication of model and survey results

Next Steps…

Thank you!!!Moira Morrison


Bettina Brockerhoff-Macdonaldbbrockerhoff@laurentian.ca


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