word of the day 3 19-12

Post on 13-Dec-2014






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Word of the DayWeek of 3/19/12

Equatee·quate  (-kwt)Definition: To regard, treat, or represent as

equivalent: reduce to an average.

He equates money with happiness.


Some equate Coke and Pepsi as being the same!

Pet owners actually equate or consider their pets their best friends.

Establishes·tab·lishDefinition – To found, institute, build, or bring

into being on a firm or stable basis. To show to be valid or true.

She established a reputation as a hard worker.

As a young doctor he worked hard to establish himself in the community.

The investigator was trying to establish if anyone knew what happened before the accident.

Estimatees·ti·mateDefinition: To form an approximate judgment

or opinion regarding the worth, amount, size, weight, etc.

It is difficult to estimate the cost of the project.

Let’s estimate how many gumballs are in the jar.

Exportex·portDefinition: To ship commodities (or ideas) to

other countries or places for sale, exchange, etc.

It is a local tourist center and an export point.

We can export your new car today.

The US exports items to other countries.

From here I can easily export the results to a file.

Factorfac·torDefinition: One of the elements contributing

to a particular result or situation.

There are many factors that contribute to one’s personality, attitude and lifestyle.

The first factor you should consider is what function you need.

Poverty is only one of the factors in the crime.

Functionfunc·tionDefinition: the purpose for which something

is designed.

As their needs change so does the function of the desk.

What is the function of this item?

The function of a teacher is to teach students.

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