why is it important to back up your work/information? if you do not back up your work or information...

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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Why is it important to back up your

work/information?•If you do not back up your work or information then your data might be lost when your computer clashes.

What should you back up your work or information to?

• Backing up your work provides insurance that you will be able to restore your work from a backup copy if the original is lost due to theft, accident, hardware failure, software bugs, or a computer virus. Your only hope of protection is a good backup!

Where should you keep your backed up work or

information?• Make more than one copy.         •Delete old files or use

compression software •Get your information out of the

house or office. Protect your backup files with a


How can you keep your backups secure?

• The most prominent online backup service providers stake their reputations on keeping your data safe and secure during both file transfer and the online data storage facilities.  Before the files even leave your computer, they are secured using at least 128-bit SSL encryption technology.  That is one of the same security measures that banks use while you are performing transactions. 

• Of course, in this day and age, nothing can be guaranteed to be 100% secure but that is about as close as you can get.  The transfer and storage encryption techniques may vary depending on the online backup service you choose to use, but all of the reliable services will use one of the accepted security measures to keep your data safe and secure.  I am not claiming to be a security expert but I will try to simplify the process. 


STEP 2Click save as button on file.

STEP3Find the document you want to save on.


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