why is he scared of a long distance relationship?

Post on 27-May-2015



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Why is He Scared of a Long Distance Relationship?


Are you ready to commit to long distance love and your man has cold feet? This is a tough situation, but I think that my experience can provide the right kind of advice for your long distance relationship to flourish. There are some very basic questions you need to ask yourself if he is afraid to get into the relationship. I think my advice below will not only help you identify the issue, but also find a remedy for it.

How well do you know each other? My girlfriend and I have been together for 10 months and we couldn’t be happier. I think a lot of that has to do with the amount of work we do on building the actual bond between us. It began with a lot of old fashioned “getting to know each other”. 

We really went from A to B to C in a stereotypical relationship. What do you do? Where did you go to college? Where are you from? Simple things like that go a long way in learning about person. Not only that but they segue into other conversations and subjects that will build even more links between you. 

Perhaps  your  man  has  some  cold feet  because  he  has  reservations because  his  heart  isn’t  convinced that  he  knows  you  well  enough  to commit.   I  think  a  great  place  to start  if  your man  isn’t  interested  is asking  if  your  foundations  are  well built.

Physical  Connection – Another  place  to look  if  your man  is  afraid  to  commit  to  a long distance relationship is the strength of your  physical  connection,  and  more specifically, his needs. This can be a  tough one to “feel out” but men need a physical connection  with  their  mate  and  the  very definition  of  a  long  distance  relationship makes that difficult.

Try to find out his physical needs without asking directly. You can pick up on his signals by the amount of touching he does while you two are together. Is he constantly holding your hand or twirling your hair? How often does he kiss you? How frequent are sexual interactions? I think you can get a pretty good idea of his needs by just reading the clues he is leaving, but if not than perhaps it is best to just come out and ask.

Be cognizant of the fact that these types of things can be  difficult  to  talk  about  if  you  aren’t  used  to  it  so tread lightly. Frame the conversation with smaller talk and  then  just  come  out  with  it.  Say  something  like, “We both have needs from a physical standpoint and I just want to make sure you feel open to talk about yours.” That will ease any awkwardness and hopefully he’ll  be  able  to  express  what  is  going  on  from  that standpoint.  If  you  don’t  think  it  is  a  lack  of  physical connection, nor you two not knowing each other well enough  than  lets  look  to  his  other  options  for  some more reasons he is afraid to commit.

The  third  thing  would  be What  are  his other  options?  Think  about  this  one  long and  hard  because  he might  not  be  giving you the full story on why he isn’t interested in  jumping  into  a  long  distance relationship. My  honest  advice  is  that  he may  just be saying he  is  scared  to commit to a  LDR when  in  reality he  just has other options. His  other  options  might  include other love interests or wanting to be single.

I  think  the  hardest  to  spot  is  the latter:  wanting  to  be  single.  This would  be  basically  him  saying  to you,  “I’d  rather  go  it  alone  than commit  myself  to  a  long  distance relationship”. That is a very difficult thing to say  if he cares about you, though,  especially  if  he  cares about your feelings being hurt. You must  realize  that  the  prospects  of a  long  distance  relationship  are fairly  grim  so  the  long  term  gain must outweigh  the difficult  that  is inherent in a LDR.

He  might  also  have  another  love interest  in mind. This could be difficult to compete with especially if that other person  lives  in  the  same  area.  If  you suspect  this  is  the  case  than  you  had better  bring  it  up.  “Are  you  afraid  to enter  into  our  relationship  because there  is  someone  else  that  is  a  closer distance to you?”, is a great question to ask. 

If  you  don’t  ask  and  you  suspect  there  is something  like  this  than  you’ll  regret  it because you’ll always wonder what is going on.  You’ll  be  beating  yourself  up  checking his Facebook everyday to see whether he is in a relationship or  if  there are pictures of him with someone else. My advice is to just be honest with yourself and analyze his situation; he may have other options that he feels are better routes.


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