why crm doesn't work for real estate lead conversion

Post on 22-Apr-2015






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Free 14 day trial at www.followupboss.com There is a growing divide in real estate those that understand internet lead conversion and the systems needed to convert leads and...those that are still trying to use old school manual data based entry CRM's. You see CRM's are great for industries where there isn't a high volume of leads and you need to generate invoices and all that fancy accounting stuff, e.g. CUSTOMER relationship management. Where they aren't so great is in a sales environment, when your getting lots of leads from the internet and sign calls etc and you just need a simple system that organizes it all for you automatically. e.g. a LEAD management system. Here's the crazy way some people try to fight it, they hire an assistant and spend all their time struggling to keep their CRM up to date, the second they stop working or their assistant is sick the CRM stops doing anything! It's a system based on human input (and we humans sure are unreliable). In fact most agents just give up trying to use a CRM all together because all the work it entails is far too time consuming. And the crazy thing is they just keep looking for another "CRM solution".... in fact one of our customers looked at 50 different CRM's before she found our simple automated system. In this webinar: We'll show you why the top teams are exploding their businesses with internet leads and what you can do to join them. We'll show you the 5 things you absolutely must have in place if you want to make internet leads a profit center in your business (for people without these 5 things they are just an expensive waste of money and time). We also show the 5 mistakes that brokers and agents make that cost them BIG TIME.


Why CRM doesn't work for real estate sales


“ If you are not making a professional level of profit, there is something wrong in your business. Period. -Darin Persinger Productivity Junkies

Think BIG Small businesses are small for a reason, they

aren't action takers, they don't invest in themselves and they don't implement systems.

All wealth comes from systems

If you don't have a system, you are the system. Don't be a cog in the wheel

Today The critical parts of online lead conversion,

without which you may as well stop generating internet leads.

Why CRM can't keep up The 5 mistakes brokers and agents make in

growing their business Follow Up Boss System Q + A + giveaway

The critical parts of online lead conversionWithout which you may as well stop wasting money on online leads

Speed of Response Critical You are 100 times more likely to contact a

client within 5 minutes versus calling within 30 minutes. (MIT Study).

74% of all buyers and 76% of all sellers will work with the first agent they talk to. (NAR)

Zillow, Trulia, Realtor.com If your not first you are last.

Speed of Response Goodlife team, 5 minute guarantee to sellers.

15 minutes is good, 5 is better.

Lead Coordinator

If your not first you are last.

Phone Calls Call each lead 3 times minimum.

5 is better.

ABS (Always be serving), listen deeply to their needs.

Non responsive leads Can't get them on the phone and they don't

respond to email.

Short automated drip campaign to generate a response.

10% response rate

Accountability Do you have a system in place to make sure

every single lead gets looked after?

Are you tracking your marketing and only investing in profitable lead sources?

Is the system human dependent? How does it work on weekends? Holidays? When your sick?


What gets measured gets managed.


Past Performance Analysis Gym Membership

How were your last 10 leads treated.

Past performance is the best indicator. If you didn't treat your last 10 leads well, the next 10 isn't looking so great either.

Score yourself on your last 10 leads

Did every lead receive a phone call in the first hour?

Did every lead receive follow up phone calls? Did you send non responsive leads a short drip

email? Did all the leads go into a system? Do you have accountability in place? Score out of 10 for each question.

CRM as a lead system CRM stands for customer relationship management

which makes it great for that. But as a lead management system it's missing some critical components.

It's not automated it's reliant on busy agents and assistants to operate it.

The moment you stop working, your CRM stops working. When was the last time you logged into your CRM? How does it work when you are on holidays or spending time with your family?

Some examples Real estate CRM's Top Producer, Wiseagent, Ixact

Contact there are a lot of other ones to.

Some slightly more automated solutions are market leader, tigerleads, boomtownROI. These are all bundled with a website and automatically accept leads from that website.

You need a system that works with all your lead sources as automatically as possible otherwise you are inefficient, you end up juggling six different leads sources in your email and a few website backends…


Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.


The 5 mistakes of poor agents and brokers

Build a fortress not a sand castle


Externally focused. Address the problems your business actually

has. You are the one who has to pay attention to your

numbers. Opinions from other people are well intentioned but often useless.

Should I buy Zillow or Trulia leads?? Focus on serving your customers. If you call a website provider they will sell you a

website, if you call Zillow they will sell you their marketing package.

Distraction chasers Social Media Too much automation Shiny things A good way to test is will this product make

something I am currently doing easier, how much money will it make me, will it save me time?

Distraction chasers Email filters Prioritize like your life depended on it (because

it does)

No accountability systems Not measuring marketing.

Make business decisions based on emotions not on performance data.

If your generating a lot of internet leads and don't have a rock solid system in place for follow up...It's like driving a car with one foot on the gas and one foot on the brakes.

Don't value their own time Do data entry into CRM's instead of outsource

or automate. Typically get overrun with work hire a VA and then don’t value their VA’s time either.

Spend hours in email every day

Constantly worried about what to work on next instead of following a proven system

Bonus mistake: Ego Not ready to admit what they don't know, not

looking to address weaknesses in their business

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to solving the problem

Thinking solutions and systems won't work for them because they are special or different.

About me

Dan Corkill


Co-founder of Follow Up Boss

Connect on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/digitalbuzz

For a free trial of Follow Up Boss visit www.followupboss.com

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