who wants to be a science millionare by igor

Post on 20-Jul-2015






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Presenting the Who Wants to be a

Science Millionaire

By Igor Guruceaga

Where are minerals found?

H2O Nature

O2 Volcanoes

How thick is the mantle?

290km 2800m

2900km 2800km

How is the inner core?

Solid and hot Solid and cold

Liquid and hot Liquid and cold

Where is more than 2/3 of the earth’s mass in?

Crust Mantle

Outer core Inner core

How old do scientists think the earth is?

5 Thousand 4 Million

4 Billion 5 Billion

What is the lithosphere made up of?

Liquid Gas

Solid West

Where is salt water mostly found?

Bathtub Oceans

Hydrosphere Continents

Outer core Inner core


Which layer is made up of melted nickel and iron?


How many basic crystal forms are there?

4 5

6 7

Rocks are mixtures of how many minerals?

Two or more Three or more

Two Three

Rocks are mixtures of how many minerals?

Two or more Three or more

Two Three

What is the order of the earth’s layers? (outer to inner)

Crust, outer core, Mantle and inner core

Outer core, inner core, crust, mantle

Inner core, Outer core, Mantle and Crust

Crust, Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core

What is Magma?

Lava Underground rocks

Rocks in volcanoes Plants

How thick is the crust

5-70km 10-50km

30-120km 100-200km

How thick is the core?

3500km 2500km

4500km 1500km

Thank you for finishing my

game! You are a Millionaire!

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