what is the history of palestine? the region from the mediterranean sea to the jordan river. it is...

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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Ahmed Jibril current-palestinian-leader Who are the current Palestinian leaders ?


What is the history of Palestine?

The region from the Mediterranean sea to the Jordan river. It is located between Egypt, Syria,

and Arabia, and it is the birthplace of the Abrahamic religions. This region has a long history as a crossroads for religion, culture,

commerce, and politics. The human history in this region goes back 500,000 years or more,

with civilization reaching the region shortly after the first city- states in Mesopotamia.


How do Palestinians feel about Israel?

• The Palestinians are very mad at the Israelis because they believe that the Israelis came and took over their territory. The Israelis claimed that the land was there and wanted to take it back over. The Palestinians did not want to give up the land without a war. In 1948 the U.N. had a plan to give the Israelis 52% of land and the Palestinians 48%. In 1967 the land was divided very poorly

• the Israelis got 88% of the land and the Palestinians got 22%. And now the Palestinians only own about 12% of the land.

• http://www.palestinemonitor.org/spip/spip.php?article7

• Ahmed Jibril


Who are the current Palestinian leaders?

Do Palestinians present a practical argument for political independence?

• Hammas is the ruling party and they want to destroy Israel and all the Israelis witch is not practical to do because there is no way you could a whole group of people.

What legal rights to Palestinians have in Israel today?

• The Palestinian do not have the right to fly there flag in Israel because they are not a recognized country to the Israelis.

What Palestinian obstacles are standing in the way of a peace settlement?

• A big barrier is that Hammas wants to destroy Israel.

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