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What a Man May do & What a man Can do

Voice of the American Sovereign(VOAS)

The lawless Municipal Government operated by the "US CONGRESS"

Washington, D.C., The smoking gun; do you get it?

www-scannedretina.com What a Man May do & What a man Can do

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1. April 1, 2019 at 5:05:14 PM PDT - Consider:From: Magnus Regnant <mr.seaking@gmail.com>Subject: Re: What a Man May do & What a man Can do

Date: April 1, 2019 at 5:05:14 PM PDTTo: Arnie Rosner <arnie@arnierosner.com>Cc: thomas deegan <wvfreestategov@gmail.com>



Your commentary "establish a legitimate and lawful government;"  brings to mind

those willing to forego our Westerly society's unanimous declaratory name, in

General Congress Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the

rectitude of our intentions........, a foregone conclusion.

Dare I caste aspersions to the fact reserved by the Authority of the good People of

these united States of America are, and of Right ought to be free and independent

States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiances' to the British Crown or

otherwise, not withoutstanding American Nationals, from one and all political

connection between them and any former State thereof, as first continentally

declared is and of Right dissolved?

And, forthwith free presently pose, independent estates standing in law common,

they yet in sovereign tenancy without subjects have full power to levy war,

conclude peace, contract Alliances, establish Trade and Commerce, and to do all

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other acts and things which independent estates, may of right do. 

Holding in hand orderly wishes for all walks of life seeking variation by agreement in

good will honorably know, these united States of America yet stand. Thereby, the

impossibility of abandonment. Nor, the necessity to reclaim metes and bounds, other

than that which was claimed coordinately via the Great Land Ordinances of 1784,

1785 and 1787, to the furthest exterior limits of their interior limits respectively

thereto. But, few comprehend Article Four (IV) as the general court reserved

as accredited organic living ensealors (standard/standing for bearer/declaration -

organic) backing the full faith and credit, reserved by Article IX & X.

As you are aware, I do comprehend and what you speak of germane to the present

condition of the populace at large, is what found Office the Republic in

necessity of, by and for a Sovereign Witness as ensealor thereof, to proclaim the

fleeting 3rd Continental Congress's miraculous momentary reflections and delegation

of Office found in Sovereign Witness to preserve their Order in Organic Law. And,

go forth and seek ye first honor, and all else by unanimity of fellowship of good will

in General Assembly.

Our passing, hopefully, will not pass this life where honor yet remains hidden by lies

of idiocracy. But, upon ensealing this reality in passing, judgment is final. Either

honor is enthroned and idiocracy dethroned or what Record is heralded, brings the

restitution of all things honorably shifting naturally otherwise. 

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Be blessed 

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2. What a Man May do & What a man Can do

2.1. From: Magnus Regnant <mr.seaking@gmail.com>Subject: What a Man May do & What a man Can doDate: March 31, 2019 at 9:42:32 AM PDTTo: Arnie Rosner <arnie@arnierosner.com>

Good neighbors,

As sovereign witness exercising knowledge of good will at all times giving peace "wayleave" in accord with Nature's Law and Nature's (Creator/Creative) Science of Right Reason seeking honor above all else in unanimity similarly eternally posit, take "notice:"

As primal accord guides each in perfect condition to abide, may good will find you perfectly suited to stand in honor with knowledge that the confederacy of the Republic for which she stands, has never been abandoned as claimed by intelligence operatives posing as interlopers of foreign interests, seeking to Rule by Law, that which none can take by Rule of Law.




So, remember:

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OriginalAc,onscons,tu,onally,opera,ngunderdelegatedpowersanden,tled"Ar,cleIII"Courtsaresetstrictlyappertainingto"Article III, Section 2, Clause 2 "those in which a State shall be a Party" "the supreme Court

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shall have original Jurisdiction." See attached a feeble effort of an original action in Article III and why!!! Any honorable comments are welcome.

But, reserved residually via Article 9 & 10 of the people to give full faith and credit under Article IV to set any forum sitting in confederacy reserved for the Fourth estate, inferred reserved at specifically Article IV, Clause 1 "And the Congress "may" by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and proceedings "shall" be proved, and the effects thereof.

This term "may" is a term of reservation, restriction and limitation, proving certain reservations left to reserved to the States or the People per Article IX & X.:

For these reason reserved, American Nationals are the final arbiters' Therefore by the power invested in sanguinity begotten naturally upon my Estate as an American National, touching upon exercising sovereignty in equal footing and common tenancy continentally respecting soil locale to Virginia (as identified, reported, recorded upon note [#145-56-034887 rev. 769947] uttered on July 12th, in the year of our natural crowning nativity June 14th, 1956 C. E. [crowning estate], thereof) and, by common tenancy exercising sovereignty without subjects, except for the better ordering of our prerogatives as Conservator of Peace declare adjudge and decree a

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National Emergency on the 19th of December, 1995 C.E., ordain and declare, adjudge, decree and order as Sovereign Witness thereof, for all veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic (American Legions) and American Nationals Red Cross to take notice. As all know, this led to an eighty-one day standoff with the combined agencies forces of national guard working in concert with various bureaus and national media to control the take down and imprisonment of the freemen throughout the united States of America. Forthwith thereafter-ward those reservation, metes and bounds and fundamental Rights were again proclaimed and placed within the national records of the 3rd continental congress sitting in confederacy by the ancient precepts of the Organic Laws of these united states of America as delegates in the Congress of the United States assembled, as a national Court of First and Last resort. At which time, as appointed occupant presidency of the continental confederacy in unanimity with American Nationals present of necessity, brought forth the great seal of the people and did place before them for their better ordering in full faith and credit each might find prudent to square by the Golden Rule. Tocorrectdisorder,ensealorrosebySovereignLastRuleinTimeforbeBerOrderingourGoodfaithandCreditandcreatedanofficefounduponthenecessityoftheRepublicforwhichshestandstodelegateaSovereignWitness,toprovidena,onalorderforthecalamitycreatedbytheagencyjudiciarylongheldincontemptfortheirfailuretohonortheiraccord!All present and agreeable in found office by "Sovereign Witness" for both preserving these historical records and facts for the

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posterity (against all interlopers otherwise posit) and for restoring good order to our Westerly society's Republic for which she stands, serving honor above all else. I AM and will always eternally be that Sovereign Witness, pledged for blessings of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness seeking to be similarly situated in service of our Westerly society's Organic Laws of these united States of America in honor above all else.

And, remember, neither congress, either local, state, federal, national or otherwise can do and what a Man can not do, and that the confederacy of these united States of America is presever in the Fourth Estate of Government reserved to the states of the people directly as informed by Article IX & X.


-- Supreme Court Justice John Jay - instructions for the jury in Georgia v. Brailsford, 3 US 1, making it clear to the jury that average citizens within a jury have the Right, and the Power to decide when laws in question are unjust and unlawful.

"People have the unbridled right to empanel their own grand juries and present "True Bills" of indictment to a court which is then required to commence a criminal proceeding." ~ United States v. Williams - 112 S.Ct. 1735, 504 U.S. 36, 118 L.Ed.2d 352 (1992) ~

www-scannedretina.com What a Man May do & What a man Can do

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As the de facto dicta reveals in a stunning 6 to 3 decision by Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch (estate) of government “governed” and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights.

These Rights are found (Article of amendment IX & X) reserved, to the people in our Westerly society's Organic Law coordinately laid out in further an order to prevent misconstruction or abuses of its powers.

But, as has been stated, what did we know or learn above all, he who builds his house upon the will of the people, build on quicksand. And for all our efforts honorably after-ward, nothing but aspersions casting us amongst the old, infirm, and country buffoons unworthy to speak of honor or solutions to our good neighborly sovereigns in common tenancy. Forgive us our shortcomings and may our posterity kindly return all just due.

And for these reasons and these reasons alone, people wisely and prudently must seek self-determination both honorably and peacefully prudent. Both, to redress reality as honorably governed thereby. And, peacefully live in good will in the face of idiocracy demanding you to finance

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your own doom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chose wisely.




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