weyl--kondo semimetal in heavy-fermion systems · kondo semimetal. we identify weyl fermions in the...

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Weyl–Kondo semimetal in heavy-fermion systemsHsin-Hua Laia,b,1,2, Sarah E. Grefea,b,1, Silke Paschenc, and Qimiao Sia,b,2

aDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005; bRice Center for Quantum Materials, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005;and cInstitute of Solid State Physics, Vienna University of Technology, 1040 Vienna, Austria

Edited by Zachary Fisk, University of California, Irvine, CA, and approved November 15, 2017 (received for review September 8, 2017)

Insulating states can be topologically nontrivial, a well-estab-lished notion that is exemplified by the quantum Hall effect andtopological insulators. By contrast, topological metals have notbeen experimentally evidenced until recently. In systems withstrong correlations, they have yet to be identified. Heavy-fermionsemimetals are a prototype of strongly correlated systems and,given their strong spin-orbit coupling, present a natural settingto make progress. Here, we advance a Weyl–Kondo semimetalphase in a periodic Anderson model on a noncentrosymmetric lat-tice. The quasiparticles near the Weyl nodes develop out of theKondo effect, as do the surface states that feature Fermi arcs. Wedetermine the key signatures of this phase, which are realized inthe heavy-fermion semimetal Ce3Bi4Pd3. Our findings provide themuch-needed theoretical foundation for the experimental searchof topological metals with strong correlations and open up anavenue for systematic studies of such quantum phases that natu-rally entangle multiple degrees of freedom.

Weyl semimetal | Kondo effect | heavy-fermion systems

S trongly correlated electrons represent a vibrant field thatcontinues to expand its horizon. In heavy-fermion systems,

strong correlations make their ground states highly tunable andgive rise to a rich phase diagram that features antiferromag-netic order, Kondo-screened, and other paramagnetic phases,and beyond-Landau quantum-phase transitions (1, 2). In the sim-plest cases, these systems can be considered in terms of the localmoments originating from the f electrons that Kondo couple tothe spins of the conduction electrons. The interaction generatesthe Kondo spin-singlet ground state; the ensuing entanglementwith the conduction electrons converts the local moments intoquasiparticles that can hybridize with the conduction electrons.This leads to a metal with a large, strongly renormalized effec-tive carrier mass, which is the hallmark of the heavy-fermionsystem classification. The resulting state could be a heavy-fermion metal or a Kondo insulator, depending on whether thechemical potential lies within or falls between the hybridizedbands (3–5). Electronically intermediate between the two casesare heavy-fermion semimetals (6–13). Several of these havea broken inversion symmetry, including CeRu4Sn6 (6, 7) andCe3Bi4Pd3 (9).

Semimetal systems are being theoretically studied in the non-interacting limit with spin-orbit coupling, which plays an essentialrole in obtaining topological phases of electronic matter (14–17).The Weyl semimetal in three dimensions (3D) was recently evi-denced experimentally (18–20). It possesses bulk excitations inthe form of chiral fermions, with massless relativistic dispersionsnear pairs of nodal points in the momentum space, as well as sur-face states in the form of Fermi arcs (21–24). Because both thebulk and surface states are gapless, one can expect that the Weylsemimetals are particularly susceptible to the influence of elec-tron correlations. Moreover, strong correlations in nonperturba-tive regimes typically mix different degrees of freedom in gener-ating low-energy physics; thus, in any strongly correlated Weylsemimetal, the low-energy electronic excitations are expectedto involve degrees of freedom such as spin moments, whichmay be harnessed for such purposes as information storage andretrieval.

In this work, we report the discovery of a Weyl–Kondosemimetal (WKSM) phase in a concrete microscopic model on a3D noncentrosymmetric lattice. This model contains the stronglycorrelated 4f electrons and a band of conduction spd elec-trons, respectively. It is realistic in that it captures the inversion-symmetry breaking and spin-orbital coupling in a tunable way.In the regime where the electron–electron repulsion is muchlarger than the width of the conduction-electron band, theinteraction-induced renormalization factor can be very large. Inaddition, because the inversion-symmetry breaking term, spin-orbit coupling, and other electronic couplings are renormal-ized in very different ways, it is a priori unclear whether anyWeyl state can be realized in a robust way. Our work advancesan affirmative answer in this well-defined microscopic model.Moreover, we demonstrate the key signatures of the WKSMphase, which turn out to be realized in several heavy-fermioncompounds.

The Hamiltonian for the periodic Anderson model to bestudied is

H =Hd + Hcd + Hc . [1]

For a proof-of-concept demonstration, we consider a cubic sys-tem in which the breaking of inversion symmetry can be read-ily incorporated. This is a diamond lattice, which comprises twointerpenetrating face-centered cubic lattices A and B (Fig. 1A).We choose this lattice because it is nonsymmorphic, and, in thecase of noninteracting electrons, band touching is enforced byits space-group symmetry (25). The model contains d and c elec-trons, corresponding to the physical 4f and spd electrons, respec-tively. The first term, Hd , describes the d electrons with an energylevel Ed and a Coulomb repulsion U . The coupling between the


While electronic states with nontrivial topology have tradi-tionally been known in insulators, they have been evidencedin metals during the past 2 years. Such Weyl semimetals showtopological protection while conducting electricity both in thebulk and on the surface. An outstanding question is whethertopological protection can happen in metals with strong corre-lations. Here, we report theoretical work on a strongly corre-lated lattice model to demonstrate the emergence of a Weyl–Kondo semimetal. We identify Weyl fermions in the bulkand Fermi arcs on the surface, both of which are associatedwith the many-body phenomenon called the Kondo effect.We determine a key signature of this Weyl–Kondo semimetal,which is realized in a recently discovered heavy-fermioncompound.

Author contributions: H.-H.L., S.E.G., S.P., and Q.S. designed research, performedresearch, analyzed data, and wrote the paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.

This open access article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND).

1H.-H.L. and S.E.G. contributed equally to this work.2To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: qmsi@rice.edu or hl53@rice.edu.

This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1715851115/-/DCSupplemental.

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Fig. 1. The 3D noncentrosymmetric lattice and associated Brillouin zone(BZ). (A) Diamond lattice with hopping t and onsite energy ±m differenti-ating A, B sublattices. The solid lines connect nearest neighbors. (B) Inter-locking tetrahedral sublattice cells illustrating how the distinction betweenthe A and B sublattices (zincblende structure) invalidates the inversion cen-ter lying on the point marked “X.” (C) The BZ of the diamond lattice, withWeyl nodes shown in blue/red and high symmetry contour used for Fig. 2in green.

two species of electrons is described by a bare hybridization ofstrength V . The conduction-electron Hamiltonian Hc realizesa modified Fu–Kane–Mele model (26). Each unit cell has fourspecies of conduction electrons, denoted by sublattices A and Band physical spins ↑ and ↓: ΨT

k =(ck↑,A ck↑,B ck↓,A ck↓,B


There is a nearest-neighbor hopping t (chosen as our energyunit) and a Dresselhaus-type spin-orbit coupling of strength λ.The broken inversion symmetry, Fig. 1B, is captured by an onsitepotential m that staggers between the A and B sublattices (17,27). The band basis is arrived at by applying a canonical trans-formation on Hc written in the sublattice and spin basis. It cor-responds to a pseudospin basis (27), defined by the eigenstates| ± D〉. We fix the d -electron level to below the conduction-electron band and consider the case of a quarter filling, corre-sponding to one electron per site. Further details of the modelare given in Materials and Methods.

We consider the regime with the onsite interaction U beinglarge compared with the bare c-electron bandwidth (U /t →∞).We approach the prohibition of d fermion double occupancy byan auxiliary-particle method (28): d†iσ = f †iσbi . Here, the f †iσ (bi)are fermionic (bosonic) operators, which satisfy a constraint thatis enforced by a Lagrange multiplier `. This approach leads to aset of saddle-point equations, where bi condenses to a value r ,which yields an effective hybridization between the f quasipar-ticles and the conduction c electrons. The details of the methodare described in Materials and Methods.

The corresponding quasiparticle band structure is shown inFig. 2. Nodal points exist at the Fermi energy, in the bands forwhich the pseudospin (defined earlier) has an eigenvalue −D .They occur at the wave vectors kW , determined in terms of thehybridized bands,

E(+,+)−D (kW ) = E(−,+)

−D (kW ),

E(+,−)−D (kW ) = E(−,−)

−D (kW ), [2]

for the upper and lower branches, respectively. The Weyl nodesappear along the Z lines (lines connecting the X and W points) inthe three planes of the BZ, as illustrated in Fig. 1C. This is spe-cific to the zincblende lattice. For other types of lattices, the Weylnodes may occur away from the high-symmetry parts of the BZ.

We note that the bands near the Fermi energy have a widthmuch reduced from the noninteracting value. This width is givenby the Kondo energy. Compared with the bare width of theconduction-electron band, the reduction factor corresponds tor2 (which is ∼0.067 in the specific case shown in Fig. 2). Weremark that, in the absence of the hybridization between the fand conduction electrons, the ground state would be an insulatorinstead of a semimetal: The f electrons would be half-filled andform a Mott insulator, while the conduction electrons would be

empty, forming a band insulator. All these imply that the nodalexcitations develop out of the Kondo effect.

To demonstrate the monopole flux structure of the Weylnodes, we calculate the Berry curvature in the strong cou-pling regime. We show the results at the kz = 2π boundary ofthe 3D BZ, in the gray plane of Fig. 1C, whose dispersion isshown in Fig. 3B. In Fig. 3B, the arrows represent the field’sunit-length 2D projection onto the kxky -plane, Ω(kx , ky , 2π) =

|~Ω(kx , ky , 2π)|−1(Ωyz (kx , ky , 2π), Ωzx (kx , ky , 2π)

). The Weyl

node locations (blue/red circles) are clearly indicated by thearrows flowing in or out, representing negative or positivemonopole “charge.”

We next analyze the surface states. Focusing on the (001)surface, we find the following energy dispersion for the surfacestates:

E(kx , ky) = −2 sin





V 2s + (Es)



√(2 sin




)− V 2

s − (Es)2



+ V 2s ,


where we define the parameters (Vs ,Es , µs) = (rV ,Ed + `,

−(rV )2/(Ed + `)). (For the derivation, see Supporting Infor-mation.) In Fig. 4, we show the energy dispersion along a high-symmetry path in the k space. The solid lines represent thesurface states, and the dashed lines show where they merge withthe bulk states and can no longer be sharply distinguished. Thesurface electron spectrum has a width that is similarly narrow asthe bulk electron band (compare Fig. 4B with Fig. 3A), imply-ing that the surface states also come from the Kondo effect.The surface Fermi arcs (where E(kx , ky) = 0) connect the Weylnodes along kx = 0 and ky = 0, separating the positive and neg-ative energy surface patches, marked by the solid black lines inFig. 4A.

As is typical for strongly correlated systems, the most dom-inant interactions in heavy-fermion systems are onsite, makingit important to study them in lattice models (as opposed to thecontinuum limit). Our explicit calculations have been possibleusing a well-defined model on a diamond lattice that permitsinversion-symmetry breaking. Nonetheless, we expect our con-clusion to qualitatively apply to other noncentrosymmetric 3Dsystems. Finally, the WKSM is expected to survive the effect of atime-reversal symmetry breaking term, such as a magnetic field;this is illustrated in Supporting Information.

We now turn to the implications of our results for heavy-fermion semimetals. The entropy from the bulk Weyl nodeswill be dictated by the velocity v∗, and the corresponding

Fig. 2. Energy dispersion of the bulk electronic states. Shown here is theenergy vs. wave vector k along a high-symmetry path in the BZ, definedin Fig. 1C. The bottom four bands near EF show a strong reduction in thebandwidth. The bare parameters are (t, λ,m, Ed,V) = (1, 0.5, 1,−6, 6.6). Inthe self-consistent solution, r ' 0.259 and ` ' 6.334.

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Fig. 3. Characterization of the Weyl nodes. The plots are in the (kx, ky )plane of the four Weyl nodes at kz = 2π (gray plane in Fig. 1C). (A) Energydispersion, showing the band degeneracies at the Weyl node points and astrong reduction of the bandwidth. (B) The distribution of the Berry curva-ture field. The bare parameters are the same as in Fig. 2.

specific heat per unit volume has the following form (SupportingInformation):

cv ∼ (kBT/~v∗)3kB. [4]

We stress that this expression is robust against the residual inter-actions of the nodal excitations (Supporting Information). Theutility of thermodynamical quantities as a key signature reflectsan important distinction of the WKSM from weakly correlatedWeyl semimetals. The Kondo temperature of typical heavy-fermion systems is considerably smaller than the Debye temper-ature. This is to be contrasted with the weakly correlated sys-tems, in which the bandwidth of the conduction electrons is muchlarger than the Debye temperature. Therefore, in a WKSM, thenodal contributions to the entropy would dominate over thephonon component. The corresponding form of entropy alsoimplies that the nodal excitations will have large contributionsto the thermopower.

Eq. 4 can be readily tested, given that there is a considerablenumber of semimetallic heavy-fermion compounds (4). A non-centrosymmetric heavy-fermion system Ce3Bi4Pd3 has recentlybeen discovered to display semimetal behavior based on trans-port measurements, and its specific heat is well described interms of Eq. 4 (9). A fit in terms of our theoretical expressionEq. S29 (Supporting Information) reveals an effective velocity,v∗, that is three orders of magnitude smaller than that expectedfor weakly correlated systems, reflecting the reduction in theenergy scale—the Kondo temperature for Ce3Bi4Pd3—from thebandwidth of the latter by a similar order of magnitude (9).This analysis provides strong evidence that Ce3Bi4Pd3 is a can-didate WKSM system with strongly correlated Weyl nodes andprovides the motivation for further studies on such quantitiesas magnetotransport and high-resolution angle-resolved pho-toemission spectroscopy in this system. More recently, Eq. 4has been used to fit the specific heat of another heavy-fermionsystem, YbPtBi, suggesting it be another candidate WKSMsystem (29).

Our theoretical results provide guidance in the search for Weylsemimetals in other heavy-fermion systems. For instance, in the4f -based system CeSb, Weyl physics has been suggested basedon magnetotransport measurements (30, 31). Even though anynodes in this system are likely away from the Fermi energy,the fact that it is a Kondo system with low-energy scales leadsto the expectation that they can be tuned toward the Fermienergy by pressure or chemical doping, and we propose spe-cific heat measurements and our Eq. 4 as a means of ascer-taining the role of the 4f electrons in this system. In addi-tion, the noncentrosymmetric CeRu4Sn6 also displays semimetalproperties (6) and has been discussed as a potential topolog-

ical system (7). Its electronic structure has been studied byab initio calculations combined with dynamical mean field the-ory (6, 32) or the Gutzwiller projection method (33). Whilethe two types of calculations disagree on the low-energy dis-persion and the latter study does not appear to capture thestrong renormalizations expected in a Kondo system, the exis-tence of linearly dispersing nodes and their Weyl nature havebeen suggested in the latter study. The low-temperature spe-cific heat in single crystalline CeRu4Sn6 (34) implies the impor-tance of the 4f electrons to the low-energy physics but does notappear to have the form of Eq. 4. Our theoretical results sug-gest that further thermodynamic and thermoelectrical studieswill be instructive in ascertaining the potential WKSM nature ofCeRu4Sn6.

We close with several observations. First, we have focused on amodel defined on an nonsymmorphic diamond lattice, in which,for noninteracting electrons, the crystallographic space groupsymmetry allows for a filling-enforced semimetal state (21, 25).Our study here demonstrates that for Kondo systems defined onsuch a lattice and in the presence of inversion-symmetry break-ing, the WKSM phase arises in a robust way. On the other hand,for noninteracting systems in 3D, a Dirac semimetal can alsoarise at the phase transition between topologically distinct insu-lating states. It will therefore be instructive to search for theWKSM state at topological phase transitions in Kondo systems;we leave this matter for future studies.

Second, our work provides a proof-of-principle demonstrationfor the emergence of a WKSM phase in a Kondo lattice withinversion symmetry breaking. This makes it likely that such aphase arises in inversion-symmetry-breaking 3D Kondo latticeswith other crystallographic symmetries. The candidate WKSMmaterial Ce3Bi4Pd3 has a nonsymmorphic space group (220),and its Kondo-driven Weyl nodes may very well be enforced byits crystallographic symmetry and electron filling. Our findingshere motivate further studies that incorporate the realistic elec-tronic structure of Ce3Bi4Pd3.

Third, in the WKSM state advanced here, the electron cor-relations produce a zeroth-order effect given that the localizedmoments of the 4f electrons underlie the Weyl excitations. Cor-respondingly, the renormalization factors (for the nodal veloc-ity) are extremely large, typically on the order of 102 − 103.This distinguishes the WKSM from other types of interactingWeyl semimetals discussed previously. The large renormaliza-tion factor is responsible for the possibility of using thermody-namics to probe the Weyl nodes. Our work also sets the stagefor calculations of additional signature properties for the Weyl


Fig. 4. Energy dispersion of the surface electronic states. The spectrumshows the (anti-)Weyl nodes marked with blue (red). The solid black linesconnecting the nodes represent Fermi arcs, and black dashed lines representthe BZ around the X point. (A) High-symmetry k-space contour taken on theBZ boundary at kz = 2π. (B) Energy dispersion of the surface state along thepath specified in A; the gray dotted line denotes the decay of the surfacestates into the bulk states. The parameters are the same as in Fig. 2.

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physics, such as the optical conductivity and related dynamicalquantities.

Fourth, the context of heavy-fermion systems links the WKSMphase advanced here with the topological Kondo insulators (5)and the physics of their surface states (35). Nonetheless, theWKSM as a state of matter is distinct: In the bulk, it fea-tures strongly renormalized Weyl nodes instead of being fullygapped; on the surface, it hosts Fermi arcs from a band with awidth of the Kondo energy, which are to be contrasted with thesurface Dirac nodes of the topological Kondo insulators. Thisalso dictates that the WKSM will be realized in heavy-fermionmaterials that are quite different from those for the topolog-ical Kondo insulators, as exemplified by the aforementionedCe3Bi4Pd3.

Finally, the emergence of a WKSM makes it natural forquantum-phase transitions in heavy-fermion systems from sucha topological semimetal to magnetically ordered and other cor-related paramagnetic states. Moreover, the existence of Weylnodes also enhances the effect of long-range Coulomb inter-actions. While the density fluctuations of the f electrons arestrongly suppressed in the local-moment regime, it still will beinstructive to explore additional nearby phases such as charge-density-wave order (36); other types of long-range interactionscould produce topologically nontrivial Mott insulators (37). Assuch, the study of WKSM and related semimetals promises toshed new light on the global phase diagram of quantum criticalheavy-fermion systems (4) and other strongly correlated materi-als (38).

In summary, we have demonstrated an emergent WKSMphase in a model of heavy-fermion systems with broken inver-sion symmetry and have determined the surface electronic spec-tra which reveal Fermi arcs. The nodal excitations of the WKSMphase develop out of the Kondo effect. This leads to uniqueexperimental signatures for such a phase, which are realizedin a noncentrosymmetric heavy-fermion system. Our results areexpected to guide the experimental search for f -electron-basedWeyl semimetals. In general, they open the door for studyingtopological semimetals in the overall context of quantum phasesand their transitions in strongly correlated electron systems and,conversely, broaden the reach of strongly correlated gapless andquantum critical states of matter.

Materials and MethodsThe 3D Periodic Anderson Model. The three terms in the model of Eq. 1 arepresented here in more detail. The strongly correlated d electrons are spec-ified by

Hd = Ed


d†iσdiσ + U∑



i↓. [5]

The hybridization term is as follows:

Hcd = V∑i,σ

(d†iσciσ + H.c.

). [6]

In the above two equations, the site labeling i means i = (r, a), where r runsover the Bravais lattice of unit cells and a runs over the two sites, a = A, B,in the unit cell.

The conduction electron Hamiltonian Hc realizes a modified Fu–Kane–Mele model (26) and is expressed as Hc =

∑k Ψ†k hk Ψk, where

ΨTk =

(ck↑,A ck↑,B ck↓,A ck↓,B

), and

hk =σ0 (u1(k)τx + u2(k)τy + mτz) + λ (D(k) · σ) τz. [7]

Here, σ = (σx , σy , σz) and τ = (τx , τy , τz) are the Pauli matrices acting onthe spin and sublattice spaces, respectively, and σ0 is the identity matrix.In the first term, u1(k) and u2(k) are determined by the conduction elec-tron hopping, t〈ij〉 = t between nearest-neighbor sites (〈ij〉). The second

term specifies a Dresselhaus-type spin-orbit coupling between the second-nearest-neighbor sites (〈〈ij〉〉), which is of strength λ and involves vectorD(k) =

(Dx(k), Dy (k), Dz(k)

). Specifically,

u1(k) = t

(1 +


cos(k · an)

), [8]

u2(k) = t3∑


sin(k · an), [9]

Dx(k) = sin(k · a2)− sin(k · a3)− sin(k · (a2 − a1))

+ sin(k · (a3 − a1)), [10]

and Dy , Dz are obtained by permuting the fcc primitive lattice vectors an.The canonical (unitary) transformation, Ψk = S†σΨk, leads to

Hc =∑



(hk+ 0

0 hk−

)Ψk, [11]

hk± = u1(k)τx + u2(k)τy + (m± λD(k))τz. [12]

We have used a pseudospin basis (27), defined by the eigenstates |±D〉witheigenvalues

D · σD| ± D〉= ± | ± D〉 [13]

where D(k) ≡ |D(k)|. The eigen energies of the | ± D〉 sectors are simplyobtained to be

ετ±D = τ

√u1(k)2 + u2(k)2 + (m± λD(k))2 [14]

where τ = (+, −). We use this transformation on the full Anderson model inthe strong coupling limit, at the saddle-point level where the Lagrange mul-tiplier `i , which enforces the local constraint b†i bi +

∑σ f†iσfiσ = 1, takes a

uniform value, `. This corresponds to Ξk = S†σΞk. Anticipating the separabil-

ity of the | ±D〉 sectors by specifying ΨTk =


k+, ψTk−

), ΞT

k =(ξT

k+, ξTk−


where ψTk± =

(ψk±,A, ψk±,B

)and ξT

k± =(ξk±,A, ξk±,B

), we obtain the

strong coupling Hamiltonian



(ψ†ka ξ†ka

)(hka − µ12 rV12

rV12 (Ed + `)12



), [15]

which separates as Hs= Hs++Hs

−. We obtain the full spectra of the eighthybridized bands,

E (τ,α)±D (k) =



[Es + ε

τ±D + α

√(Es − ετ±D

)2+ 4V2


], [16]

where α= (+,−) indexes the upper/lower quartet of bands, ετ±D = ετ±D−µ,and (Es, Vs) = (Ed + `, rV). In Supporting Information, we prove that the| + D〉 sector is always gapped, whereas the | − D〉 sector allows Weylnodes when 0< m

4|λ| < 1, and determine µ=−V2s /Es, which fixes the Fermi

energy at the Weyl nodes.To determine r, `, Hs must be solved self-consistently from the saddle-

point equations





⟩+ r2

= 1,





⟩+ H.c.

]+ r`= 0, [17]

where Nu is the number of the unit cell. The equations are solved on a 64×64× 64 cell of the diamond lattice, with error ε ≤ O(10−5).

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We acknowledge useful discussions with J. Analytis,S. Dzsaber, M. Foster, D. Natelson, A. Prokofiev, B. Roy, F. Steglich, S. Wirth,and H. Q. Yuan. This work was supported in part by NSF Grants DMR-1611392 (to H.-H.L. and Q.S.) and DMR-1350237 (to H.-H.L.); Army ResearchOffice Grants W911NF-14-1-0525 (to S.E.G.) and W911NF-14-1-0496 (to S.P.);Robert A. Welch Foundation Grant C-1411 (to S.E.G. and Q.S.); a SmalleyPostdoctoral Fellowship of Rice Center for Quantum Materials (to H.-H.L.);and Austrian Science Funds Grant FWF I2535-N27 (to S.P.).

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Lai et al. PNAS | January 2, 2018 | vol. 115 | no. 1 | 97




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