west lake register of marriages 1829 – 1866 also removals...

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West Lake Register of Marriages 1829 – 1866

also Removals 1830 - 1892

Archives: H - 11 - 2

This transcription was done with the support of Canada Yearly Meeting and coordinated by Randy Saylor. The transcribers are named on each page. The pages have not been proof read.

Page 01 - Davey Selfridge 1 Whereas Henry B Cooper of the township of Hollowile county of Prince Edward & province of Upper Canada And son of John Cooper and Mahitable his wife & Elizabeth B Leavens Daughter of Peter Leavens and Delinda his wife of the township County and Province aforesaid having said their intentions of marriage with each other before two monthly meetings of the society of Friends held at West Lake in the province aforesaid they having consent of parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposals of marriage were allowed of by the meeting These are to certify that for the accomplishment of their intentions this twenty second day of first month in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine They the said Henry B. Cooper & Elizabeth B Leavens appear in a publick meeting of the said society held at West Lake and the said Henry, B, Cooper taking the said Elizabeth B Leavens by the hand did on this solemn occasion declare that he took her to be his wife promising through Divine Assistance to be to her a faithful & loving Husband until separated by Death or words to that effect when the said Elizabeth B Leavens did in like manner declare that she took the said Henry, B, Cooper to be her husband Promising by Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and Loving wife until separated by Death or words to that effect and they the said Henry B. Cooper & Elizabeth Page 02 - Davey Selfridge 2 B Leavens she according to the custom of marriage assuming the name of her husband as a farther confirmation there of did then and there to these presents set their hands Henry B. Cooper Elizabeth B Cooper And we being present have subscribed our names as witness thereof Obadiah Cooper Mehitable Christy William Jas. Thomas Samuel D Cronk Stephen White John Jones Calvin Pier

© The Trustees of the Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). All Rights Reserved.

David B Hill John Cooper Stewart Christy John Bendfield Peter Leavens Isaac Noxon B. Bristol Joseph Hazan Wm. G. Barker James Noxon Samuel Waters Caleb Williams Jonathan Noxon Valentine Mc Mullin Eliza Cronk Mary Barker Sarah Hill Elizabeth Cooper Fanny Cunningham & Phebe Cronk Page 03 - Davey Selfridge 3 Whereas Dorland Noxon of Sophiasburgh County of Prince Edward Midland District Upper Canada son of James Noxon and Elizabeth his wife & Susan Mary Stephenson of the township of Hallowell & County aforesaid, Daughter of Timothy Steveson and Phebe his wife (the former deceased), Having said their intentions of marriage with each other before two monthly meetings of the Society of friends held at West Lake in the County aforesaid & they having consent of parents and nothing seeming to obstruct their proposals of marriage were allowed by the meeting These are to certify that for the accomplishment of their intentions this twenty second day of first month in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty nine They the said Dorland Noxon and Susan Mary Steveson appeared in a publick meeting of said Society held at West Lake and the said Dorland taking the said Susan Mary Steveson by the hand did on this solemn occasion declare that he took her to be his wife promising through Divine Assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband until separated by death or words to that effect & then the said Susan Mary Steveson did in like manner declare that she took the said Dorland Noxon to be her husband promising by Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife until separated by death or words to that effect And the said Dorland Noxon & Susan Mary Steveson she according to the customs Page 04 - Davey Selfridge 4th. of marriage assuming the name of her husband as a further confirmation thereof did there and then to these presents set their hands And we being present have subscribed our names as witness therof Dorland Noxon Susan Mary Noxon Samuel D Cronk John Steveson

© The Trustees of the Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). All Rights Reserved.

William Jas. Thomas Stephen White John Cooper Peter Leavens Isaac Noxon Calvin Pier B. Bristol D.B. Hill Walter Stickney Samuel Walters Caleb Williams David D. Aldrich John Jones Stewart Christy Jonathan Noxon Joseph Hazan Eliza Cronk Lydia Jane Barker Sarah Hubbs Rebecca Darker? or Barker? Lydia Bowerman Sarah Hill Fanny Cunningham Abigail Hill Phebe Cronk Ruth Cooper James Noxon Lydia Fox Page 05 – Ruth Melander 5 Whereas Caleb .B. Stickney of the township of Sophiasburgh County of Prince Edward & Province of Upper Canada son of John Stickney & Rebeccas his wife the former deceased, and Sarah, R. Noxon Daughter of James Noxon and Elizabeth his wife, the latter deceased, of the township of Sophiasburgh County Prince Edward & Province of Upper Canada Having laid their intentions of marriage with each other before two monthly meeting of the religious society of friends held at west Lake in the county and province aforesaid & they having consent of Parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposals were allowed by the meeting These are to Certify that for the accomplishment of their intentions this this twenty fourth day of tenth month in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three they the said Caleb .B. Stickney & Sarah . R. Noxon appeared in a publick meeting of said Society held at Green Point and the said Caleb B Stickney taking the said Sarah R Noxon by the hand did on that solemn occasion delare? [declare] that he took her to be his wife Promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving ??of husband until separated by death And the said Sarah R Noxon did in like manner that she took the said Caleb B Stickney to be her husband promising through divine assistance to be to him a faithful and loving wife until separated by death or words to that effect and they the said Caleb B Stickney & Sarah R Noxon She according to the custom

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Page 06 – Ruth Melander 6 of marriage assuming the name of her husband as a farther confirmation thereof did then and there to these presents set their hands And we being present Have subscribed our names {Caleb, B. Stickney as witness there of, {Sarah R Stickney Wm. Cunningham Jun Jacob Cronk Dorand Noxon Peter C Brown Walter H Stickney Eliza Cronk Jonathan Noxon Lydia Somes Samuel Somes Rebecca Stickney Samuel D Cronk Lydia Fox Isaac D Noxon Susan M Noxon David L Demorest Eleanor Bowerman William H Fox Lanor Morden Peter H Fox Joseph Hazard Richard Somes Rebecca Cronk James Noxon Anna Cronk [A line is drawn through the page and more names are written sideways] And we being present have subscribed our names as witness thereof Jonathan Clark Palmer Andrews John R [or B ?] Clark Daniel Hare Wm. B. Vaughn Robert Rogers William Delong Freeman Clark Elizabeth Clark Deborah Clark Susan Clark Mary Hare Lydia Clark [The following is written in the correct direction on the page] These names belong to the certificate on Page 7th D.. Barker Recorder Page 07 – Ruth Melander 7 7 Charles Kenny of the township of Holdermand District of Newcastle & province of Upper Canada and Desire Towen? of the township district and province of aforesaid Having laid their proposals of marriage with each other before two monthly meetings of the religious society of friends held at West Lake in the midland District and Province oforesaid and nothing appearing to obstruct their said proposals of marriage were allowed by this meeting

© The Trustees of the Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). All Rights Reserved.

These are to certify that for the accomplishment of their intentions this twenty second day of seventh month in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty five they the said Charles Kenney & Desire Towen? Appear in a publick meeting of said society held at Holderman and the said Charles Kenney taking the said Desire Towen? by the hand did on this solemn occasion declare that he took her be his wife promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband until separated by death or words to that effect and then the said Desire Towes? taking the said Charles Kenny by the hand did declare that him to be her hus band promising by Divine Assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife until separated by death or words to that import and they the said Chas Chales Kenney & Desire Towes? She according to the custom of marriage assuming the name of her husband as a further confirmation thereof did then and there to these presents set their hands names carried back to page 6th {Charles Kenney {Desire Kenney [It appears the list of names on page 6 that is written sideways is of those present at the marriage on page 7 as per the note made by the recorder.] Page 08 – Ruth Melander 8 Whereas Thomas Poakes? Watson of the township of King County of York and Province of Upper Canada son John Watson and ?? his wife and Clarrissa White dughter of Stephen White and Katharine his wife of the Township of Hollowell County of Prince Edward and Province of aforesaid .. having laid their intentions of Marriage with each other before two Monthly Meetings of the religious Society of Friends held at Westlake in the Province aforesaid they having Consent of Parents and nothing appearing and nothing and nothing to obstruct = their proposals was allowed by the Meeting = There are to certify that for the accomplishment this? their Intentions this twentyfifth day of the fifth month in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty six they the said Thomas Poakes? Watson and Clarrissa White appeared in a Public Meeting of said society held at WestLake and the said Thomas Poakes? Watson taking the said Clarrissa White by the hand did on this Solemn occasion declare that he took her to be his wife promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband until separated by death or words to that effect = and then the said Clarrissa White did in like manner declare that she took the said Thomas Poakes? Watson to be her Husband promising through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife until separated by death or words to that import – and they the said Thomas Poakes? Watson and Clarrissa White she according to the custom of marriage & assuming the name of her Husband as a further confirmation there of did there and then to these presents set their hands Thomas P Watson Clarrissa Watson Page 09 – Carm Foster 9 And we being present have Subscribed our names as witnesses there of - - - - - - Reuben Eaves Richard S Morden Peter Leavens Joseph Leavens Samuel Noxen Elenor Bowerman Stewart Christy Elmira White Job Bennett Esther Cunningham Henry B Cooper Fanny An Cunningham Wm W Cunningham Amy Bowerman William Jąs Thomas Maturah Stinson

© The Trustees of the Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). All Rights Reserved.

Cornelius Cunningham Mary Bull Aron White Mary An White Cornelius White Elizabeth B Cooper and Mary Cooper [written vertically on the side] Whereas James Armitage of the Township of Whitchurch County of York Home District and Province of Upper Canada son of Seth Armitage and Anna his wife and Elmira White daughter of Stephen White and Catharine his wife of the Township of Hollowell District of Prince Edward and the Province of Upper Canada having laid their Intentions of Marriage with Each other before two Monthly Meetings of the religious Society of Friends held at West Lake in the District and Province aforesaid - - - they having consent of Parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposals was allowed by the meeting = These are to Certify that for the accomplishment of this their Intentions this Eighteenth day of the tenth Month in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty Eight they the said James Armitage and Elmira White appeared in a public Page 10 – Carm Foster 10 Meeting of said Society held at West Lake and the said James Armitage taking the said Elmira White by the hand did on this Solemn occasion declare that he took her to be his wife or words promising through Divine assistance to be to be unto her a faithful and loving husband untill separated by death or words to that effect = and the said Elmira White did in like manner declare that she took the said James Armitage to be her Husband promising through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife untill separated by death or words to that Import - - - - - And they the said James Armitage and Elmira White she according to the custom of marriage assuming the name of her Husband as a further confermation thereof did then and there to these presents set their hands - - - - - And we being present have subscrided our Names as witnesses there of James Armitage Elmira Armitage Alfred Stepluns Jane Armitage Samuel D Cronk Ruth Christy - William Jąs Thomas Martha Bull Dorland Noxon Eliza Cronk - Henry B Cooper Esther Cunningham Richard S Morden Fanny Ann Cunnignham Catharine H White Elenor Bowerman Cornelius H White Mary Ann White Cornelius Cunningham Elizabeth White Gideon H Bowerman Matura Aldrich Joseph Leavens Jemima Williams James Stinson Nancy Leavens Page 11 – Carm Foster 11 Whereas, Rensselaer Leavens of the Township of Hollowell County of Prince Edward and Province of Upper Canada Son of Peter Leavens and Delinda his wife and Fanny Ann Cunningham daughter of William Cunningham and Fanny his [ transcriber comment; it appears a line was omitted, “Fanny” in this case appears to be the wife of William Cunningham] of the Township

© The Trustees of the Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). All Rights Reserved.

aforesaid having laid there Intentions of Marriage with each other before a Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends held at West Lake in the Township aforesaid they having consent of Parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposals of marriage was allowed by the Meeting - - - - - These are to Certify that for the accomplishment of their Intentions this twenty second day of the first month in the year of our Lord one thousand and Eight hundred and forty they the said Rensselaer Leavens and Fanny Ann Cunningham appeared in a public Meeting of said society held at West Lake and the said Rensselaer Leavens taking the said Fanny Ann Cunningham by the hand did on this Solemn ocasion declare that he took her to be his wife promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband untill separated by death or words to that affect and then the said Fanny Ann Cunningham did in the like manner that she took the said Rensselaer Leavens to be her husband promising throug Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife untill separated by death or works to that Import - - -------- Page 12 – Carm Foster 12 And they said Rensselaer Leavens and Fanny Ann Cunningham she according to the custom of marriage assuming the name of her husband as a further confirmation thereof did then and there to these presents set their hands - - - - - - And we being present have Subscribed our names as witnesses there of Rensselaer Leavens Fanny Ann Leavens Gideon H Bowerman Henry B Cooper Esther Cunningham Samuel Noxon William Jąs Thomas Joseph Leavens Stephen Bowerman Wm W Cunningham Catharine White Cornelius Cunningham Abigail Hill Richard Morden Jane Leavens Thomas Stinson Elizabeth B Cooper John Stinson juņr Roxa Leavens David B Hill Eleanor Bowerman Stewart Christy Mary Blount Burton Leavens Jane Blount Cornelius White Nancy Leavens John Cathey Sarah Jane Barton Andrew D Garratt Samuel McFall Charles H Cunningham

Whereas, Cornelius White of the Township of Hallowell Prince Edward District and Province of Canada Son of Stephen White and Catharine his wife and Elizabeth Noxon daughter of Jonathan Noxon and Jemima his wife of the Township of Sophiasburgh in the district and Province aforesaid having laid their Intentions of Marriage with each other before two meetings of the Page 13 - Tom Pollard 13 religious society of Friends held at West Lake in the province aforesaid they having consent of Parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposals was allowed by the Meeting These are to testify there for the accomplishment of their Intentions this twenty first day of ninth Month in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and forty two they the said Cornielius White and Elizabeth Noxon

© The Trustees of the Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). All Rights Reserved.

appeared in a public Meeting of said Society held at West Lake and the said Cornelius White taking the said Elizabeth Noxon by the hand did on this solomn occasion declare that he took her to be his wife promising though Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and Loving husband until separated by death or words to that effect and then the said Elizabeth Noxon did in like manner declare that she took the said Cornelius White to be her husband promising through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife untill separated by death or words to that import And they the said Cornelius White and Elizabeth Noxon She according to the custom of marriage assuming the Name of her husband as a further confermation there of did then and there to these presents set their hands Signed Cornelius White Junior Elizabeth White And we being present have subscribed our names as witnesses there of Edward B Hassard Mary White Sarah Noxon Maria Noxon William Jas Thomas Sarah B Spencer Peter Leavens Rebeca B Hill Lydia Morden Eleanor Bowerman Page 14 - Tom Pollard 14th Angeline Noxon Johnathan Morden Matilda Brown Stephen White Alfred White D B Hill Elisha W Talcoot Samul Noxon ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wheeras Charles Wright of the Township of Sophiasburgh District of Prince Edward and Province of canada West, son of Thomas Wright and Agnes his wife and the former deceased and Hannah Van Voltenburgh daughter of George Van Voltenburgh and Rebecca his wife the latter deceased of the Midland District and Province aforesaid having laid their intentions of Marriage with each other before two meetings of the religious society of Frends held at West Lake in the Province aforesaid and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposals of marriage with each other was allowed by the meeting ___ these are to testify that for the accomplishment of their Intentions this twenty first day of twelfth month in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two they said Charles Wright and Hannah Van Voltenburgh appeared in a Public meeting of said Society held at West Lake and the said Charles Wright taking the said Hannah Van Voltinburgh by the hand did on this solemn occasion declare that he took her to be his wife promising through Devine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband untill separated by death or words to that effect and then the said Hannah Van Voltenburgh did in like manner declare that she took the said Charles Wright to be her husband promising through Devine assistance to be unto him a Page 15 - Tom Pollard 15 faithful and loving wife untill separated by death or words to that Import ~ ~ ~ `

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And they the said Charles Wright and Hannah Van Vaultenburgh She according to the custom of marriage assuming the name of her husband as a further confermation thereof did then and there to these presents set their hands Charles Wright Hannah Wright And we being present have subscribed our names as witnesses thereof Elisha W Talcott Joseph Leavens Mary White Reuben Cunningham William Thomas Stewart Christy Samuel Noxon James Stinson George Jas Thomas Stephen White Samulel Waters Eleanor Bowerman Henry Cooper Catharine White Abagail Hill Maria Noxon ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Whereas Elisha W. Talcott of the Township of Hallowell Prince Edward District and Province of Canada West son of Webster Talcott and Elisabeth his wife Deceased and Sarah Noxon daughter of Jonathan Noxon & Jemima his wife of the Township of Sophiasburgh in the District and Province aforesaid having laid their intentions of marriage with each other before two meetings of this religious society of friends held at West Lake in the Province aforesaid She having consent of Parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposal of marriage was allowed by the meeting These are to certify that for the accomplishment of their intentions this twenty second day of fifth Month in the year one thousand Eight hundred and fortyfour They the said Elisha W Talcott and Page 16 - Tom Pollard 16th

Sarah Noxen appeared in a publick meeting of the said Society held at West Lake and the said Elisha W. Talcott taking the said Sarah Noxen by the hand did on this solemn occasion declare that he took her to be his wife promising through divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband until separated by death or words to that effect – and then the said Sarah Noxen did in like manner declare that she took the said Elisha W. Talcott to be her husband promising through divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife until separated by deathe or words to that import And they the said Elisha W. Talcott and Sarah Noxen she according to the custom of marriage assuming the name of her husband as a further confirmation thereof and thereto these presents set their hands Elisha W. Talcott Sarah Talcott And as being present have subscribed our names as witnesses thereof Maria Noxen George Ja. Thomas Elizabeth White Samuel Walters Angeline Noxen Stewart Christy Susan Aldrich David B. Hill Mary White Stephen Garratt Eliza Richards Alfred White Eliza Cronk Gideon Bowerman Rulth Christy Calvin P Hazard Nancy Cooper Jacob S. Cronk

© The Trustees of the Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). All Rights Reserved.

Matilda Brone Joseph Brown Page 17 – Ruth Melander 17 Whereas Jacob S. Cronk of the Township of Sophiasburgh County and District of Prince Edward and District of Prince Edward and Province of Canada, son of Samuel D. Cronk and Eliza his wife (the former deceased) and Mary White daughter of Stephen White and Catherine his wife of the Township of Hallowell, County, District, and Province aforesaid. Having laid their intentions of marriage with each other before a monthly meeting of the Religious Society of Friends held at Green Point in the Province aforesaid. They having consent of Parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their said proposals of marriage were allowed by the meeting. These are to certify that for the accomplishment of their intentions this twenty seventh day of the Eleventh month in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four. They the said Jacob S. Cronk and Mary White appeared in Public meeting of said Ssociety held at West Lake in the Province aforesaid. And the said Jacob S. Cronk taking the said Mary White by the hand did in this solemn occasion declare that he took her to be his wife promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband until separated by death or words to that effect. And then, the said Mary White did in like manner declare that she took the said Jacob S. Cronk to be her husband promising through divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife until separated by death or words to that import. And they the said Jacob S. Cronk and Mary White, she according to the custom of marriage assuming the name of her husband is a farthur confirmation thereof, did then and there to these presents set their hands. Jacob S. Cronk And we being present have subscribed Mary Cronk our names as witnisses thereof John Saylor { Thomas Stinson Maria Noxon { Cornelius White Angeline Noxon { Samuel Noxon Remainder of names carried over Page 18 – Ruth Melander 18th Elisha W. Talcott? { Eliza Cronk { Matilda Brown R.C. Solmes { Catherine White { Sarah Talcott? Henry B. Cooper { Martha Striker { Catherine White Charles Wright { Lydia Stinson { Susan Aldrich John Baker { Sarah M. Clark { L. M. Solmes Stephen White { William C. Brown { Sarah E. Crandell George Jas Thomas { Elizabeth White John Saylor of the Township fo Hallowell District of Prince Edward, Province of Canada, son of Charles Saylor and Jemima his wife, And Maria Noxon daughter of Samuel Noxon and Rhoda his wife all of the Township, District and Province aforesaid, having laid their intentions of marriage with each other before a monthly meeting of the Religious Society of Friends held at West Lake in the Township of Hallowell, District of Prince Edward Province of Canada, They having consent of Parents and nothing appearing to obstruct; This proposal of marriage was allowed by the meeting; These are to certify that for the accomplishment of their intentions, this twenty second of the first Month in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty five, they the said John Saylor and Maria Noxon appeared in a Public Meeting of said Society held at West Lake, Township District and Province, and the said John

© The Trustees of the Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). All Rights Reserved.

Saylor taking the said Maria Noxon by the hand, did on this solemn occasion, declare that he took her to be his wife; promising through divine assistance, to be unto her a faithful and loving husband until separated by death, or words to that effect, and the said Page 19 - Ruth Melander 19 [the page is flipped back , number partially covered] Maria Noxon, did in like manner declare that she too? The said John Saylor to be her husband, promising through divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife until separated by death or words to that import. And they the said John Saylor and Maria Noxon, she according to the custom of marriage, assuming the name of her husband, as a farther confirmation thereof, did then & there to these presents set their hands. And we being present have} John Saylor subscribed our names as } Maria Saylor Witnesses thereof . Elizabeth B. Cooper } Wm H. Saylor, } Letty Barker Angelina Noxon } Susan Aldrich } Phebe Cooper Maria Noxon } Eliza Richards } Mary Cronk Eliza Cronk } Elizabeth White } Dorland Noxon Catherine White } Ruth Christy } Henry Hubb Sarah Talcott, } Lawrence G. Murphy } Sophia Striker Hannah S. Brown. } Stewart Christy . } Alex Hubb Whereas, William Burten Leavens of the Township of Hallowell County and District of Prince Edward and Province of Canada son of Peter Leavens and Delinda his wife the former deceased, and Susan Aldrich daughter of David Aldrich and Maturah his wife, the latter deceased of the Township of Haldimand District of Newcastle and Province of canada -----Having laid their intentions of marriage with Each other before a monthly meeting of the Religious Society of friends held at West Lake County and District of Prince Edward and Province of canada they Having consent of surviving Parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their said proposals of marriage were allowed by the meeting------------ These are to certify that for the Page 20 – Ruth Melander 20 accomplishment of their Intentions this twenty third day of fourth month in the year of our lord one thousand Eight Hundred and forty five they the said William B. Leavens and Susan Aldrich appeared in a public meeting of said society held at West Lake and the said William B Leavens taking the said Susan Aldrich by the hand did on this solemn occasion declare that he took he to be his wife promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving Husband until separated by death or words to that effect and the said Susan Aldrich did in like manner declare that she took the said William B Leaven to be her husband promising through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife untill separated by death or words to that Import And they the said William B Leavens and Susan Aldrich she according to the custom of marriage assuming the name of her Husband as a further confirmation thereof did then and there to these presents set their hands Signed } William B Leavens } Susan Leavens And we being present have subscribed our names as Mariah Noxon

© The Trustees of the Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). All Rights Reserved.

as witnesses thereof Lydia Cooper Samuel Noxon Angeline Noxon { Thomas N Converse Calvin P Hazard { Gideon H Bowerman Roya ? Baker { J S Cronk Nancy Leavens { Eleanor Bowerman Harriet Conolly { Mary Ann ?att Martha Aldrich { Joseph Leavens Mary Cronk Henry B Cooper Sarah Burlingham Smith B? Leavens Jane Leavens and Thomas Danolly? Page 21 – Carm Foster 21

Whereas Gideon Hughs Bowerman of the Township of Hallowell County and District of Prince Edward and Province of canada Son of Stephen Bowerman and Amy his wife and Mary Christy daughter of William Christy and Ruth his wife the former deceased of the Township: County District and province aforesaid having laid their Intentions of marriage with Each other before a monthly meeting of the Religious society of friends held at West Lake in the Province aforesaid they having Consent of Parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposals of marriage was allowed by the meeting These are to Certify that for the accomplishment of their Intentions this twenty fifth day of the sixth month in the year one thousand Eight Hundred and forty five they the said Gideon Hughs Bowerman and Mary Christy appeared in a public meeting of said society held at West Lake in the Province aforesaid and the said Gideon Hughs Bowerman taking the said Mary Christy by the hand did on this solemn occasion declare that he took her to be his wife promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving Husband untill separated by death or words to that effect and the said Mary Christy did in like manner declare that she took the said Gideon Hughs Bowerman to be her husband promising through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife untill separated by death or death or words to that Import And they the said Gideon Hughs Bowerman and Mary Christy she according to the custom of marriage assuming the name of her husband as a further confirmation thereof did then and there to these presents set their hands

Gideon H Bowerman Mary Bowerman

Page 22 – Carm Foster 22 And we being present having subscribed our names as witnesses thereof ~~~~~~~ Mens Names Womens Names Patience Christy Thomas Bowerman Benjamin Hazard John S Young Eleanor Bowerman Benjamin Hubbs Ruth Brown Cornelius White Patience Christy Charles G Bowerman Mary Stinson John Stinson Mary Bowerman Lewis T Leavens Ruth Striker George Jąs Thomas Elizabeth White

© The Trustees of the Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). All Rights Reserved.

John Saylor Rebecca Hill Stewart Christy Susan Leavens Henry B Cooper Angeline Noxon Caleb Williams Martha Aldrich Samuel Noxon Abigail B Hill

Whereas Henry Hubbs of the Township of Hallowell County and District of Prince Edward & Province of Canada West son of Heaviland Hubbs & Martha his wife and Angeline Noxon Daughter of Samuel Noxon & Rhoda his wife of the Township of Halloell County and District and Province aforesaid having laid their intentions of marriage with each other before a monthly meeting of the religious Society of Friends held at west lake in the Province of Canada West they having consent of Parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposels of marriage was allowed by the meeting These are to certify that for the accomplishment of intentions this twenty third day of the twelth month in the year 1846 they the said Henry Hubbs and Angeline Noxon appeared in a publick meeting of said society held at West Lake Page 23 – Carm Foster 23 and the Henry Hubbs taking the said Angeline Noxon by the hand did on this solomn occasion decare that he took her to be his wife promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband until separated by death or words to that affect and the said Angeline Noxon did in like maner declare that she took the said Henry Hubbs to be her husband promising through Divine assistance to be unto him a faitful and loving wife until separated by death or words to that import And they the said Henry Hubbs and Angeline Noxon she according to the custom of marriag assuming the name of her husband as a further confirmation thereof did then and there to these presents set their hands And we being present have Henry Hubbs subscribed our names as Angeline Hubbs witnesses thereof. Seward Christy Letty Barker George Js Thomas Lanor Morden Cornelius White Matilda Brown Alva Hubbs Maria Noxon Stephe White Jane Leavens William S. Hubbs Sarah Ann Vancleaf John Saylor Sarah Eastwood Benjamin Hubbs Patience Christy William G. Thomas Sarah Burlingham Cornelius Noxon Catherine White John D Morden Maria Saylor James Watson Elizabeth White William Js Thomas Sarah Talcott Wilson Morden Sarah Barker Spencer Henry B Cooper Susan Leavens

Page 24 – Carm Foster 24

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Whereas Wilson Morden of the Township of Hallowell Hillier County and District of Prince Edward and Province of Canada son of Richard Morden and Lanor his wife (the former deceased) and Phebe E Hill daughter of David B Hill and Abigail his wife (the latter deceased) of the Township of Hallowell County District and Province aforesaid - - - Having laid their Intentions of marriage with Each other before a monthly meeting of the Society of Friends held at West Lake in the Township aforesaid they having consent of Surviving Parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their said proposals of marriage was allowed by the meeting – These are to Certify that for the accomplishment of these their Intentions this twenty second day of the tenth month in the year one thousand Eight hundred and fifty one they the said Wilson Morden and Phebe E Hill appeared in a public meeting of said Society held at West Lake in the Province aforesaid and the said Wilson Morden taking the said Phebe E Hill by the hand did on this solemn occasion declare that he took her to be his wife promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband untill separated by death or words to that effect – And then she said Phebe E Hill did in like maner declare that she took the said Wilson Morden to be her husband Page 25 - Tom Pollard 25 promising through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife until separated by death or words to that import And they the said Wilson Morden and Phebe E. Hill she according to the custom of marriage assuming the name of her husband as a further confirmation thereof did then and there to these presents set thier hands Signed Wilson Morden Phebe E. Morden And we being present have subscribed our names as witnesses thereof G H Bowerman Lydia Noxon Mary Bowerman Elizabeth White Susan May Hill Mary White Maria Amy Wood Mary Gilbert Henry Wood Samuel Noxon William Thomas Henry B. Cooper John Saylor Joseph Spencer Elisha W. Talcott William E. Barker Stephen S. White R. B. Hill James Noxon Sarah Spencer James W. Noxon Lydia White ???? C. Noxon Catharine Morden James Morden Matilda Brown W C Brown Abigail B. Ward Caroline Barker Eleanor Bowerman Elizabeth Barker Emily Spencer Sarah Talcott Catharine E. White Page 26 - Tom Pollard 26

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Whereas Cornelius W. Noxon of the Township of Hallowell, County of Prince Edward and Province of Canada son of Samuel Noxon and Rhoda his wife and Phebe A Stinson daughter of Thomas Stinson and Lydia his wife of the Township, County and Province aforesaid, having laid their Intentions of marriage with each other befoe a Monthly meeting of the Religious Society of Friends held at West Lake in the Township, County and Province aforesaid they having consent of Parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposals was allowed by the ? These are to Certify that for the accomplishment of their Intentions, this twenty third day of the third month, eighteen hundred and fifty three They the said Cornelius W. Noxon and Phebe A Stinson appeared in a public meeting of said Society held at West Lake and the said Cornelius W Noxon taking the said Phebe A Stinson by the hand did on this Solemn occasion declare that he took the said Phebe A Stinson to be his wife promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband until separated by death or words to that effect, and their the said Phebe A Stinson did in like manner declare that she took the said Cornelius W Noxon to be her husband promising through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife until separated by death or words to that Import ___ And they the said Cornelius W Noxon and Phebe A Stinson she according to the custom of marriage assuming the name of her husband as a father confirmation thereof did the and there to these presents set their hands And we being present have subscribed our names as witnesses thereof Cornelius W Noxon Phebe A Noxon Continued Page 27 - Tom Pollard 27 Thomas Stinson Lydia Stinson Stephen Garrate ??? C. Noxon Geo Henry Hart Elisha W Tolcott Matura J Stinson Gideon H Bowerman A J Wright D A Clark Mary C Bowerman Stephen J White Diana Bowerman Stephen White William McFaul Elmira Clark Mary White W. D Eckert Prissilla Garratt Auth Brown Wm Henry Garratt Cynthia Webster Elmira Noxon Andrew J Stinson Martha B Cronk James Noxon Henry B Cooper Martha J Hubbs Walter R Young Obediah Cooper Mary A Stinson Stephen W White John Stinson Elizabeth Stinson Judah Cronkite W H McDonald Peter L Leavens Alva Baker Freeman Stinson Whereas Willet B Hazard the Township of Sophiasburgh, County of Prince Edward, and Province of Canada, son of Joseph Hazard and Martha his wife, the latter deceased, and Susan Eliza Noxon, daughter of Dorland Noxon and Susan his wife, of the Township of Hillier in the County and Province aforesaid the latter deceased, having laid their intention of marriage with each other before a monthly meeting of the religious Society of Friends held at Green Point in the Province aforesaid they having consent of Parents, and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposal of marriage was allowed by the Meeting These are to certify, that for the accomplishment of their intentions, this twenty fourth day of the eleventh month, in the year Page 28 - Tom Pollard

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28 one thousand eight hundred and fifty three, the said Willett B. Hazard, and Susan Eliza Noxon appeared in a publick meeting of said society, held at Green Point, and the said Willett B. Hazard taking the said Susan Eliza Noxon by the by the hand, did on this solemn occasion declare, that he took her to be his wife promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful & loving husband, until separated by death, or words to that effect, and they the said Willett B. Hazard and Susan Eliza Noxon she according to the custom of marriage assuming the name of her husband as a further confirmation thereof did then & there to these present set their hands. William B. Hazard Susan E. Hazard And we being present have subscribed our names as witnesses thereof John S. Noxon Caroline Barker D B. Stevenson Mary Cronk Dorland Noxon Letty Barker Joseph Hazard Sarah B???? S. S. Cronk Lydia E. Stickney Stephen S White Mary White D. B Solmes Sarah E. Barker Isaac Barker Phebe Stevenson R. C. Solmes Rebecca C. White E. B. Hazard Page 29 - Judy Andrus Toporcer 29 Joseph Hazard of the township of Sophiasburg, County of Prince Edward, and provence of Canada, and Lanor? Morden of the township of Hillier, and County and province aforesaid, having laid their intentions of marriage with each other before a monthly meeting of the religious society of Friends, held at West Lake, in the County and province aforesaid, and nothing appearing to obstruct, their proposal of marriage was allowed by the meeting. These are to certify that for the accomplishment of their intentions, this twenty sixth day of the seventh month in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty four, they the said Joseph Hazard, and Lanor Morden, appeared in a public meeting of said society, held at West Lake, and the said Joseph Hazard, taking the said Lanor Morden by the hand, did on this solemn occation declare, that he took her to be his wife promising through divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband until separated by death or words to that effect; and then the said Lanor Morden did in like manner, declare that she took the said Joseph Hazard to be her husband promising through divine assistance him a faithful and loving wife until separated by death, or words to that import, and they the said Joseph Hazard Page 30 - Judy Andrus Toporcer 30 and Lanor Morden, she according to the custom of marriage assuming the name of her husband, as a farther confirmation thereof, did then and there to these present, set their hands, And we being present have Joseph Hazard subscribed our names as Lanor Hazard witnesses thereof, David Barker John Hazard Lettitia Barker G. H. Bowerman Maria Saylor Elisha W. Tolcott

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Eleanor Bowerman John Saylor Lydia White Stewart Brown Phebe C.? Morden William C Brown Mary L.? Noxon William Thomas Keith Broon Cornelias H.? noxon Caroline Barker George I? Thomas May C. Bowerman Wilson Morden Elizabeth Stinson James Noxon Henry B. Cooper John Stinson Alfred White Stephen Reese? Brown of the township of Pickering & county of Ontario and Canada West, son of James Brown and Anna his wife, and Eliza Jane White daughter of Stephen White and Catherine his wife of the township of Hallowell, county of Prince Edward, a Province of Canada having laid their intentions of marriage with each other before a monthly meeting of the religious Society of Friends held at West Lake in the Province of Canada Page 31 - Judy Andrus Toporcer 31 they having consent of parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposals of marriage was allowed by the meeting; These are to certify, that for the accomplishment of their intentions, this eighteenth day of tenth month, in the year one thousand eight hundred & fifty five they, the said Stephen Reese? Brown and Eliza Jane White appeared in a public meeting of said Society held at West Lake and the said Stephen R? Brown taking the said Eliza J. White by the hand did on this solemn occasion declare, that he took her to be his wife, promissing through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband, until separated by death, or words to that effect; and then the said Eliza J. White did in in [sic] like manner declare that she took the said Stephen R. Brown to be her husband; promising through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife until separated by death, or words to that import. And they the said Stephen R.? Brown and Eliza J. White according to the custom of marriage assumming the name of her husband as a farther confirmation thereof did then & there to these presents set their hands. And we being present have Stephen H. Brown subscribed our names as Eliza J. Brown witnesses thereof -- Page 32 - Judy Andrus Toporcer 32 Rebecca C. White Charles W. Brown Mary T. Brown Samuel Noxon, Ju Eleanor Bowerman Walther H.? Stickney Elizabeth White D. A. Clarke Priscilla Cadwallader E. M. Hait [Hart?] Phebe A. Noxon Elisha W. Talcot Harriet Donely Johnathan Fralick Lydia Cooper Samuel Noxon Mariah Cooper John Saylor Mary A. Cooper Freeman C. Noxon Mary A. Barker Stuart? Brown

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Elmira Clarke Stewart Christy Gilbert Bull C. W? Noxon Merit Barker Shonie? [Thowe?] Barker Dorland D. Leavens William Noxon John Garratt Stephen T.? White S. B. McDonoh Anthony T. White David John Stickney of the Township of Sophiasburgh County of Prince Edward and Province of Canada West son of [illegible] Stickney and Phebe his wife and Rebecca C? White daughter of Stephen White and Catharene his wife of the Township of Hallollowell – County and Province aforesaid – having laid their Pretentions Page 33 - Davey Selfridge 33 marriage with each other before a monthly meeting of the Religious society of Friends held at West Lake in the Province of Canada they having consent of Parents and nothing appearing to obstruct, their proposals of marriage was allowed by the meeting. These are to certify that for the accomplishment of their intentions this fourteenth day of tenth month in the year one thousand Eight hundred and fifty seven they the said, David John Stickney and Rebecca C. White, appeared in a public meeting at the dwelling house of Stephen White in the township of Hallowell in the presence of a committee appointed for that purpose by the monthly meeting of said? society and the said David John Stickney taking the said Rebecca C. White by the hand, did on this solemn occasion declare that he took her to be his wife promising through Divine assistance, to be unto her a faithful and loving husband until separated by death or words to that effect and then the said Rebecca C. White did in like manner declare that she took the said David John Stickney to be her husband promising through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife until separated by death or words to that import? and they the said David John Stickney and Rebecca C. White she according to customs of marriage assuming the name of her husband as a further confirmation thereof did then and Page 34 - Davey Selfridge 34 there to these presents set their hands David J. Stickney Rebecca C. Stickney and we being present have subscribed our names as witness thereof John Richards David Barker Samuel Noxon J.? L. Cronk Hiram Brown Cornelius White Samuel C. Stickney William C. Stickney

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Walter H. Stickney Phebe Stickney Stephen White Catharine White Mary Youile Lydia E, Stickney Eleanor Bowerman Lydia Stinson Elizabeth White? Mary Cronk Ruth C. Stickney Letty Barker Mary White Clarissa White Elvira White Freeman W. Noxon Lydia Rebecca Cronk Stewart Brown of the Township of Hallowell County of Prince Edward and Province of Canada, son of Joseph Brown and Matilda his wife (the former deceased), and Lydia Noxon of the Township of Sophiasburgh County & Province aforesaid daughter of Jonathan Noxon and Jemima his wife, having said their intentions of Marriage with each other before a Monthly Meeting of the religious Society of Friends held at West Lake in the County and Province aforesaid, they having consent of surviving parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposals of Marriage was allowed by the meeting Page 35 - Davey Selfridge 35 These are to certify that for the accomplishment of these intentions this twentyeth day of fifth Month one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight, at the Dwelling house of Jonathan Noxon in the Township of Sophiasburgh in the presence of a committee as provided for that purpose by the Monthly Meeting of said Society, and the said Stewart Brown taking the said Lydia Noxon by the hand did on this Solemn occasion declare, that he took her to be his wife promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful husband until separated by death or words to that effect; and then the said Lydia Noxon did in like manner declare that she took the said Stewart Brown to be her husband promising, through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife until separated by death or words to that impart;? And they the said Stewart Brown and Lydia Noxon she according to the custom of Marriage, assuming the name of her husband as a further confirmation thereof did then and there to these present set their hands. Stewart Brown Lydia Brown And we being present have subscribed our names as witness there of Maria Noxon Jonathan Noxon William C. Noxon Gideon H. Bowerman Samuel Noxon James W. Noxon

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Matilda Brown John Stinson Philip Noxon Elizabeth M.? Noxon Elizabeth S. Bowman Elizabeth White Elizabeth Noxon Jemima Noxon Lydia Brown Clara Ann Noxon Jonathan D.? Noxon Clarissa White M.C. Bowerman Caleb Noxon Cornelius White Rhoda Noxon By C.B. Stickney? Registrar? Page 36 - Davey Selfridge 36 Whereas Asa Brown of the Township of Pickering County of Ontario Province of Canada son of Nicholas Brown and Esther his wife (the latter deceased) and Sarah Elizabeth Barker daughter of David Barker and Letty his wife, of the Township of Sophiasburgh County of Prince Edward and Province aforesaid having said their intentions of marriage with each other Before a monthly meeting of the religious Society of Friends held at West Lake in the Province aforesaid they having consent of surviving parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposals of marriage was allowed by the meeting. These are to certify that for the accomplishment of their intentions this seventeenth day of second month in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty nine at the dwelling house of David Barker in the township of Sophiasburgh in the presence of a committe appointed for that purpose by the monthly meeting of said Society and said Asa Brown taking the said Sarah Elizabeth Barker by the hand, did on this solemn occasion declare that he took her to be his wife promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband until separated by death or words to that effect. and the said Sarah Elizabeth Barker did in like manner declare that she took the said Asa Brown to be her husband promising through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife until separated by death or words to that impart And they the said Asa Brown and Sarah E. Barker she according to the custom Page 37 - Davey Selfridge 37 of marriage assuming the name of her husband as a justified confirmation thereof did then and there to these present set their hands And we being present, have subscribed our names as witness thereof Asa Brown Sarah Elizabeth Brown

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John Wilson David Barker J.S. Cronk Sherman Brown Joseph Hazard B. Hazard D. John Stickney Alvon? Bristol James B. Morden Sam G. Stickney Wm. E. Barker Caroline Wilson Letty Barker Sarah Brown Lannor? Hazard Catharine Morden Rebecca C. Stickney Ruth E. Stickney Emily M. Foster Lydia E. Stickney Mary Cronk Susan Morden Mary E. Bristol Helin N. Hufman Eliza Barker C.B. Stickney Recorder Page 38 – Carm Foster 38 Whereas Mathew Benson of the Township of Sophiasburgh County of Prince Edward and Province of Canada son or Garet R Benson and Elizabeth his wife and Lydia Barker daughter of David Barker and Letty his wife of the Township. County. Province aforesaid having laid their intentions of marriage with each other before a monthly meeting of the religious society of Friends. held at West Lake in the said province of Canada they having consent of Parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their. preposals of marriage was allowed by the. These are to certify that for accomplishing of their preposals this 24 of 1 mo in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty nine at the dwelling house of David Barker in the Township of Sophiasburgh in the presence of a comitee appointed for that purpose by the monthly meeting of said society and the said Mathew Benson. taking the said Lydia Barker by the hand did on this solemn occasion declare that he tooke her to be his wife promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband. until seperated by death or words to that effect. and the said Lydia Barker did in like manner declare that she took the said Mathew Benson to be her husband promising through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife. until seperated by death or words to that import. And they the said Mathew Benson and Lydia Barker she, according to the custom of marriage. assuming the name of her husband as a farther confirmation thereof did then and there to these present set their hands. Mathew Benson Lydia Benson

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Page 39 – Carm Foster 39 Caleb Benson David Barker J S. Cronk Letty Barker W H Stickney Ruth C Stickney C B Stickney Meriteth? A Demill Jacob R Benson Mary Cronk Lydia E Stickney Phoebe Stickney

And we being present have subscribed our names as witnesses thereof Whereas Dougall Dingman of the Town of Picton County of Prince Edward and Province of Canada son of John J Dingman and Milicent his wife (the former deceased) and Elmira Noxon daughter of Samuel Noxon and Rhoda his wife, of the Township of Hallowell County and Province aforesaid having laid their intentions of Marriage with each other before a Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends held at Green Point in the Province aforesaid, they having Consent of Surviving parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposals of Marriage were allowed by the Meeting These are to certify for the accomplishment of their intentions this twenty fifth day of Eleventh Month in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty two at the dwelling house of Samuel Noxon in the Township of Hallowell in the presence of a committtee appointed for that purpose by the Monthly Meeting of said Society and the said Dougall Dingman taking the said Elmira Noxon by the hand did on this solemn occasion declare that he took her to be his wife, promiseing through Devine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband, until separated by death or words to that effect; and the said Elmira Noxon Page 40 – Carm Foster 40 did in like manner declare that she took the Said Dougall Dingman to be her husband promiseing through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful a loveing wife, until separated by death or words to that import, and they the said Dougall Dingman and Elmira Noxon She according to the custom of Marriage assuming the name of her husband as a farther confirmation there of did then and there to these present set their hands And we being present have subsribed our names as witnesses thereof Dougall Dingman Elmira Dingman Sarah E Cornwall Clarissa Dingman Dorland Noxon

Allen Noxon Lanor Hazzard Lydia Stinson C. B. Stickney Millicent Dingman Clarissa White Emma Morgan Stephen Noxon Thomas H Morgan Calvin Noxon M. J. Conger Marcus B Roblin Jemima B Noxon Thomas H Noxon Freeman C Noxon Mary C Bowerman Emma Spencer Nancy A Stickney Maggie Weese Amelia Clark

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Stephen M Conger J. D. Noxon D. B. Dingman William Noxon

Elias Hughs of the Township of King in the County of York Canada West son of Joel Hughs and Sarah his Wife and Amelia Morden daughter of John Morden and Page 41 – Carm Foster 41 and Susan his Wife of the Township of Bentick County of Grey C. W. (the latter deceased) having laid their intentions of Marriage with each other before a Monthly Meeting of the religious Society of Friends held at West Lake in the County of Prince Edward C. W. they having consent of surviving parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposals of Marriage was allowed by the Meeting These are to Certify that for the accomplishment of their intentions this twenty first day of fifth Month in the Year One thousand eight hundred and sixty three, they the said Elis Hughes and Amelia Morden appeared at the dwelling house of Gideon H Bowerman in the Township of Hallowell in the County Prince Edward in the presence of a committee appointed for that purpose by the Monthly Meeting of said society, and the said Elis Hughs taking the said Amelia Morden by the hand did on this Solemn occasion declare that he took her to be his wife promiseing through divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband until separated by death or words to that effect and then the said Amelia Morden did in like manner declare that she took the said Elis Hughs to be her husband promiseing through divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving Wife until separated by death or words to that import And they the said Elis Hughs and Amelia Morden she accorden to the custom of Marriage assuming the name of her husband as a farther confirmation there off did then and there to these present set their hands Sarah Hughs Elis Hughs Josiah D Morden Gideon H Bowerman Amelia M Hughs Charity Morden Ruth C Stickney Joel Hughs Jane Leavens

Page 42 - Tom Pollard 42 Where as Isaac Willson of the Township of Whithurch County of York and Province of Canada son of Joseph Willson and Mary Ann his wife, and Ruth Christy Stickney daughter of Walter H Stickney and Phebe his wife of the Township of Sophiasburgh County of Prince Edward and Province aforesaid having laid their intention of Marriage with each other before a Monthly Meeting of the religious society of friends held at Bloomfield in the Township of Hallowell county of Prince Edward and Province aforesaid having consent of surviving Parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposals of marriage were allowed by the Meeting. These are to certify for the accomplishment of their intention this nineteenth day of Ninth Month in the year of our Lord on thousand eight hundred and sixty three they the said Isaac Willson and Ruth C Stickney appeared at the house of Walter H Stickney in the presence of a committee appointed for that purpose by said society And the said Isaac Willson taking the said Ruth C Christy by the hand did on this Solmn ocasion declare that he took her took her to be his wife, promising through divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband until separated by death or words to that effect, And then the said Ruth C Stickney did in like manner declare that she took the said Isaac Willson to be her husband promising through Divene assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving Wife until separated by death or words to that import,

© The Trustees of the Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). All Rights Reserved.

And they the said Isaac Willson and Ruth C Stickney she according to the custom of Marriage assuming the the name of her husband, as a farther confirmation there of did then Page 43 - Tom Pollard 43 then and there to these present set their hands. And we being present have subscribed our hands as witnesses therof Isaac Willson Ruth C Willson Walter Stickney Lydia E Stickney J. S Cronk Lydia Jane Peterson Hiram Brow Mary Cronk D. J. Stickney C E Brown William Christy L R Cronk James B Stickney Charlott Ann Peterson W. C. Stickney Sarah A Peterson L. P. Stickney Mary C Bowerman G. H. Boweman Mary S Christy Whereas Charles Willson of the Township of Whitchurch County of York and Province of Canada Son of Joseph B Willson and Maryann his Wife and Emily Spencer daughter of Joseph Spencer and Sarah his Wife of the Township of Hallowell County of Prince Edward and Province aforesaid having laid their intentions of Marriage with each other before a Monthly Meeting of the society of Friends held at West Lake in the County and Province aforesaid they having consent of Parents and nothing appears to obstruct their proposals of marriage were allowed by the Meeting: These are to certify that for the accomplishment of their intentions this sixteenth day of Second Month in the Year Eighteen hundred and sixty five, They the said Charles Willson and Emily Spencer appeared at a meeting of said Society held at the house of the said Joseph Spencer and the said Charles Willson taking the said Emily Spencer by the hand did Page 44 - Tom Pollard 44 on this solum occasion declare that he took her to be his Wife promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband until separated by death or words to that effect, and then the said Emily Spencer did in like manner declare that she took the said Charles Willson to be her husband promising through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife until Separated by death or words to that import. And they the said Charles Willson and Emily Spencer she according to the custom of Marriage assuming the name of her husband as a farther confirmation thereof did then and there to these present their set their hands Charles Willson Emly Willson And we being present have subscribed our names as witnesses thereof William Stickney John Jamison L. C. Stickney J. V. Pease Sarah P Spencer D A Pease

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S M Spencer W. C. Norman Joseph Spencer N. Curry Sarah B. Spencer C. A. Bristol Matilda Spencer Justis Yarwood D. B. Hill B. Bristol David H Spencer Ruth Bristol Cornelius Hill Morden Wm E barker Mary E Bristol Almon Bristol Cory Spencer Walter H Stickney John M White Page 45 - Tom Pollard 45 Nichols Wellington Lazire of the Township of Thurlow County of Hastings and Province of Canada Son of Richard Lazire and Anna his wife and Lydia Elizabeth Stickney daughter of Walter Stickney and Phebe his wife of the Township of Sophiasburgh County of Prince Edward and Province aforesaid having laid their intentions of Marriage with each other before a Monthly Meeting of the religious Society of Friends held at Bloomfield County of Prince Edward and Province aforesaid they having consent of Parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposals of marriage was allowed by the meeting. These are to certify that for the accomplishment of their intentions this Twenty first day of the Second Month in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty six they the said Nicholas W. Lazire and Lydia E Stickney appeared in a public meeting of said society at the dwelling house of Walter H Stickney in the Township of Sophiasburgh in the presence of a committee appointed for that purpose by the Monthly Meeting of said society and the said Nicholas W Lazire taking the said Lydia E Stickney by the hand did on this solum occasion declare that he took her to be his wife promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful husband until seperated by death, or words to that effect and then the said Lydia E Stickney did in like manner declare that she took the said Nicholas W Lazire to be her husband promising through divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and Loving wife until seperated by death Page 46 - Judy Andrus Toporcer 46 or words to that import and they the said Nicholas W Lazire and Lydia E Stickney, she according to the custom of Marriage assuming the name of her husband, as a further confirmation there of did then and there to these present set their hands N.W. Lazire Lydia E. Lazire And we being present have subscribed our names as Witnesses there of Samuel C? Stickney Letty Barker Jacob S Cronk Mary Cronk W. E. Barker Emmaline E Farley D J Stickney Lydia J Stickney Thom A Lazire Mason? W Lazire Reuben C Stickney D D Farley Walter H Stickney E E Stickney

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N L Lazire Ruth C Willson T D Farley E. B. Stickney Isaac Willson Jane Stickney W C Stickney Meribeth Elliott Joseph Taylor of the Township of Whitechurch County of York and Province of Canada, son of David Taylor and Elizabeth his wife both deceased and Jane Leavens of the Township of Hallowell daughter of Seth Armitage and Ann his wife (the latter deceased) of the Township of Whitchurch County of York and Province of Canada, having laid their intentions of Marriage before a Monthly Meeting of the religious society of friends held at West Lake in the Province of Canada, They having consent of surviving Parents Page 47 - Judy Andrus Toporcer 47 and nothing appearing to obstruct, their proposals of Marriage was allowed by the meeting These are to certify that for the accomplishment of their intentions this eighteenth day of tenth month in year eighteen Hundred and sixty six appeared at Friends Meeting house in the Township of Hallowell Prince Edward County in the presence of a committee appointed for that purpose by the monthly meeting of said Society. The said Joseph Taylor taking the said Jane Leavens by the hand, did on this Solomn occasion declare that he took her to be his Wife promissing through Divine assistance to be unto her a Faithful and lovening Husband until separated by death or words to that effect, and then the said Jane Leavens did in like manner that she took the said Joseph Taylor to be her husband promising through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithfull and loveing Wife until separated by death or words to that import; and they the said Joseph Taylor and Jane Leavens she according to the custom of marriage assuming the name of her husband as a farther confirmation there of, did then and there to these present set their hands And we being present have Joseph Taylor subsribed our names at Witnesses Jane Taylor there of Thomas Gerow Thomas Stinson Emera Gerow Catharine E Brown Lydia Stinson Eleanor Bowerman Phebe A Noxon J S Cronk Elizabeth B Cooper Hugh McDonald Seth A Leavens Stewart Brown Lydia McDonald Peter Leavens Sarah B Spencer Henry B Stinson Joseph L Taylor Samuel Noxon Mary Stinson Elisabeth A Taylor Hriam Brown C L Burlingham Page 48 - Judy Andrus Toporcer 48 Marriag Certificate John Christy of the Township of Hallowell and County of Prince Edward and Province of Ontario son of Stewart Christy and Elizabeth his wife and Hannah Creeper daughter of John Creeper and Hannah his wife of the Township of Sophiasburgh and County of Prince edward and Province aforesaid having laid their intentions of marriage with each other before a monthly meting of the religious society of Friends, held at Bloomfield in the Township of Hallowell and County of Prince Edward, and Province aforesaid, and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposals of mariage was allowed by the meting these are to certify that for the accomplishment of their intentions this This Twentieth day of the Fourth month in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and Sixty nine they the said John Christy and Hannah Creeper appeard at the House of Walter H Stickney in the

© The Trustees of the Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). All Rights Reserved.

presense of a committee appointed for that purpose by said Society And the said John Christy taking the said Hannah Creeper by the hand did on this solenm occasion declare that he took her to be his wife promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband until Seperated by death, or words to that effect and then the said Hannah Creeper did in like manner declare that she took the said John Christy to be her husband promising through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and Loving Wife until seperated by death or words to that import and they the said John Christy and Hannah Creeper she according to the custom of marriage assuming the name of her Husband as a further afermation there of did then and there to these presents set their hands John Christy Hannah Christy Page 49 - Judy Andrus Toporcer And we being present have subscribed 49 our names Rebecca S White Henry W Christy Asenath Wright Jacob S Cronk Sarah E Christy Edward Dewy Elisabeth Brown Isaac Wilson Mary Cronk N W Lazier Hester A Lazier Gilbert E Barker Lydia E Lazier Marriage Certificate Isaac Tool of the Township of East Guiliamsberry County of York and Province of Ontario son of Amos Tool and Elizabeth Tool The latter deceast and Elisabeth S Brown daughter of Joseph Brown and Matilda his wife The former deceased of the Township of Hallowell County of Prince Edward Province of Ontario having laid their intentions of Marriage with each other before a monthly meting of the religious society of Friends held at West Lake in The Province of Ontario they having consent of surviving Parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposals of marriage was allowed by the meting these are to certify that for accm accomplishment of their intentions this nineteenth day of first month in the year 1871 at the dweling house of Matilda Brown in the Township of Hallowell in the presence of a comnitty appointed by the monthly meting of said sosiety and the said Isaac Tool taking the said Elizabeth Brown by the hand did on this solumn occasion declare that he took her to be his wife, promising through divine assistance to be un to her a faithful and loving husband until seperated by death or words to that effect and then the said Elizabeth S Brown did inlike manner declare that she took the said Isaac Tool to be her husband promising to through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful husband and loving wife until seperated by death or words to that import, And they the said Isaac Tool Page 49a (second) - Janet Kellough 49 [Note – 2 pages in a row are numbered 49] and Elizabeth S. Brown she according to the custom of marriage assuming the name of her husband as a further confirmation thereof did then and their to thereto these presents set their hands. Isaac Tool Elizabeth Tool And we being present have subscribed our names as witnesses thereof Sarah B. Spencer John Stinson Joseph J. Brown Matilda Brown M.C. Bowerman Stewart Brown James W. Talcott Elizabeth Stinson

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Joseph Spencer Lydia A. Brown Sophia Christy Ida C. Brown Ronald Brown Ldia P. Brown James Widderfield Isaac nilson Susan Emeline Widderfield Ruth C. Wison J.S. Cronk Thomas Brown William S. Christy Edith Webster Mary Cronk S.M. Spencer Page 50 - Janet Kellough 50 Gilbert Barker of the Township of Sofiasburgh in the County of Prince Edward and Province of Ontario, son of David Barker and Letty his wife, and Clarissa White, daughter of Cornelius White and Elizabeth his Wife, of the Township of Hallowell County of and Province aforesaid, having laid their intentions of Marriage with each other before a Monthly Meeting of the religious society of Friends held at West Lake in the County of Prince Edward, they having consent of Surviving Parents and nothing appearing to obstruct their proposals of marriage was allowed by the meeting. These are to certify that for the accomplishment of their intentions this seventeenth day of twelfth month in the year one thousand eighteen hundred and seventy four, at the dweling house of Cornelius White in the of Hallowell, in the presence of a committe appointed for that purpose by the monthly meeting of said society and the said Gilbert Barker taking the said Clarisa White by the hand, did declare that he took her to be his wife, promising through divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband, until seperated by death or words to that effect, and then the said Clarisa White did in like manner declare that she took the said Gilbert Barker to be herhusband promising through divine assitance to be unto him a fiathful and loving Wife until Seperated by death or words to that effect impose And they the said Gilbert Barker and Clarisa White she according to the custom of marriage assuming the name ofher husband as a further confirmation thereof did then and there to these presents set their names Gilbert Barker Clarisa Barker and we being present have subscribed our names as witnesses thereof Joseph J. Brown Page 51 - Janet Kellough 51 Lydia M. Cronk William E. B(?)arker J.S. Cronk Elisabeth N. White Lydia Stinson James Armitage Caleb Noxon Freeman Talcott Maria Noxon Debora Spafford Mathew Benson Mary Cronk Jemima E. White Thomas Stinson Elmira Armitage Willet Benson Lydia Benson Samuel Cotter Martha Cotter Cornelius White Eliza D. Cronk Rebecca Barker Page 52 – Janet Kellough

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52 Joseph J. Brown of the Township of Hallowell County of Prince Edward and Province of Ontario, Dominion of Canada Son of Sewart Brown and Catharine his wife - the latter deceased - and Jemima E. White of the Township of Hallowell County Province and Dominion aforesaid daughter of Cornelius White and Elizabeth his wife having laid their intentions of marriage with each other be fore a monthly meeting of the religious society of Friends held at west lake in the Township County Province and Dominion aforesaid they having consent of surviving Parents and nothing appearing to obstruct, their proposal of marriage was allowed by the meeting These are to certify that for the acomplishment of their intentions of marriage this of 8th day of the fifth month one thousand eight hundred and seventy six at the dwelling house of Cornelius White in the Township of Hallowell the County Province and Dominion aforesaid in the presence of a committee appointed by the meeting of said society And the said Joseph J. Brown taking said Jemima E. White by the hand did on this solemn occasion declare that he took her to be his wife promising through divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving until seperated by death or words to that effect And then the said Jemima E. White did in like manner take the said Joseph J. Brown to be her husband Page 53 – Ruth Melander 53 Promising through divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving Wife until separated by death or words to that import, and that the said Joseph J Brown and Jemima E White – she according to the custom of marriage, assuming the name of her husband as a further confirmation thereof did there and then to these presents set their hands Joseph J. Brown Jemima E Brown And we being present Have subscribed our names As witnises thereof Sanger M. Brown { Ida C Brown Eliza D. Cronk { Hannah L Brown Lydia N. Brown { Emily Stone Mary Cronk { Willet S Brown J.S Cronk { Adelert? White Sewart? Brown { Elizabeth N White Cornelius White Freeman Talcott Caleb Noxon Gilbert C Barker Lydia R Cronk Clarrissa Barker Eleanor Baurman? Maria Noxon Jemima Noxon Page 54 – Ruth Melander 54

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Alfred White of the Township of Hallowell County of Prince Edward and Province of Canada son of John White and Annia? his wife (the latter deceased) and Lydia P. Brown daughter of Joseph Brown and Matilda his wife (the former deceased) of the Township County and Province aforesaid havind laid their intentions of Marriage with each other before a Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends held at Bloomfield in the Township of Hallowell County of Prince Edward and Province aforesaid having consent of surviving parents and nothing appearing to obstruct, their proposal of marriage was allowed by the meeting. These are to certify that for the accomplishment of their intentions this Twenty first day of Eleventh month in the of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and seventy eight, They the said Alfred White and Lydia P. Brown appeared at the house of Matilda Brown in the presence of a committee appointed for that purpose by said Society, And the said Alfred White taking the said Lydia P. Brown by the hand did on this solemn occasion declare that he took her to be his wife, promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving Husband until serarated by death or words to that effect. And then the said Lydia P. Brown did in like manner declare that she took Page 55 – Ruth Melander 55 The said Alfred White to be her husband promising through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife until separatid by death or words to that import. And they the said Alfred White and Lydia P. Brown, she according to the custom of Marriage, assuming the name of her husband as a farther confirmation thereof did there and then to these presents set their hands { Alfred White { Lydia P. White And we being present have subscribed our names as witnesses thereof Witnesses Stewart Brown Jemima C Brown E.W. Talcott James B. Stickney Isaac Wilson Mary C. Bowerman Eliphalet Walters Lydia Cunningham Mary C. Walters Jane Dorland Matilta ? Brown Sarah Talcott Lydia N. Brown David Morden Sarah B Spencer Thomas Brown Lydia Stinson Walter N Stickney Joseph J. Brown Rebecca Wilson Cora Lun ? Ida C Brown Ruth C. Wilson Gilbert J. White Albert Wilson Hannah Brown Page 56 – Ruth Melander 56 Charles A. Zavitz of Norwich of Norwich Monthly Meting Coldstream County of Middlesex province of Ontario son of Daniel Zavitz and Susan V. his wife, and Rebecca Wilson daughter of Isaac Wilson and Ruth his wife, of West Lake Monthly Meeting Bloomfield County of Prince Edward and province of Ontario, having laid their intentions of marriage with each other before a monthly meeting of the religious society of Friends, held at Bloomfield in the province of Ontario, they having consent of parents and nothing appearing to obstruct, their proposal of marriage was allowed by the meeting:

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These are that for for the accomplishment of their intentions, this third day of the sixth month, in the year One thousand eight hundred and ninety they the said Charles A. Zavitz and Rebecca E Wilson appeared at the dwelling house of Isaac Wilson Bloomfield in the presence of a number of guests and of a committee appointed for that purpose by the monthly meeting of said socielty, and the said Charles A. Zavitz taking the said Rebecca C Wilson by the hand, did on this solemn occasion declare that he took her to be his wife, promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and loving husband until separated by death or words to that affect, and the said Rebecca E Wilson did in like manner, that she took the said Carles A. Zavitz to be her husband; promising through Divine assistance to be unto a faithful and loving wife or words to that import until separated by death And the said Charles A. Zavitz and Rebecca E. Wilson, she according to the custom of Marriage, did assuming the name of her husband as a farther confirmation did then and there set their hands Charles A. Zavitz Rebecca E Zavitz Over -- Page 57 - Tom Pollard 57 And we being present have subscribed our name as witnesses thereof Bertie Wilson Mary E Saylor W. A. Cutler Charles H Saylor Isaac Wilson T. G. Raynor Ruth C. Wilson Ida Leavens Daniel Zavitz Lydia H. Brown Susan W Zavitz Mary C Bowerman Lydia E. Lazior Stewart Brown H. W. Lazier Daniel Underhill Caroline V. Butler Catherine Underhill C. B. Stickney Wm. B. Leavens Arletta Cutler Bertha Brown Edith Wilson Edward W. Stickney Chester Cutler Alida D. E. Stickney Bertha Rose Eliza D. Cronk Maude Noxon Willet S. Brown Page 58 - Tom Pollard 58 Whereas Arthur C. Jackson of Philadelphia in the County of Philadelphia State of Pennsylvania son of Milton Jackson of Philadelphia Pennsylvania and Caroline S. his wife and Edith M. Wilson of Bloomfield in the Province of Ontario Dominion of Canada, daughter of Isaac Wilson and Ruth C. his wife having declared their intentions of marriage with each other before a monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends held at Bloomfield, Ontario, Canada, According to the good order used among them, and having consent of parents, their said proposal of marriage was approved by the said Meeting and forwarded to Baltimore Monthly Meeting for its oversight that for the full accomplishment of their said intentions this Twenty-seventh day of the Fourth month, in the year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and seven They the said Arthur C Jackson and Edith M. Wilson appeared in the house of Edward C. Wilson in the city of Baltimore. Maryland – and the said Arthur C. Jackson taking the said Edith M. Wilson by the hand, did on this solemn occasion, openly declare that he took her the said Edith M. Wilson to be his wife promising with Divine Assistance to be unto her a loving and faithful Husband until death should separate them, and then, the said Edith M. Wilson did

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in like manner declare that she took him, the said Arthur C. Jackson to be her Husband promising with Divine Assistance to be unto him a Page 59 - Tom Pollard 59 loving and faithful Wife until death should separate them. And moreover they the said Arthur C. Jackson and Edith M. Wilson she according to the custom of Marriage assuming the name of her Husband did as a further affirmation thereof, then and there to these presents set their Hands And we whose names are also hereunto subscribed being present at the Solemnization of the said Marriage and Subscription, have, as Witnesses thereunto ~ set our Hands the day and year above written Arthur C Jackson Edith Wilson Jackson 1. Isaac Wilson 1. Milton Jackson 2. Ruth C Wilson 2. Caroline S. Jackson 3. Alberta Wilson 3. Edward S Jackson 4. Edward C Wilson 4. Maud R Jackson 5. Elizabeth Twining Wilson 5. E. Shuyler Jackson Jr. Letitia M Twining 6 Mary Jacson Shorneaker Sarah N. I. Cadwallader 7 W A. Shorneaker I. Sidney Cadwallader 8 Charles S. Shorneaker George Warner 9 Robert Q Lateneau Lydia Yardley Warner Chester Becket Chas T. Matthews Samuel R. C. Cooper Margaret W. Matthews Sara S. P. Cooper Marjary W. Matthews Mary Louise Bartlett C. Leigh Matthews Henrietta Re???? Brown Mary B. Sutton Page 60 - Tom Pollard Lacy B Mallott Marjery Pyde Wm C. Tyson Alice Vedder Farquehar T. Stockton Matthews 1. Bertha Brown 2 Emma Jan Wilson 3 Henry W. Jackson 4 Earl Eraus? 5 Janathan R. Taylor 6 Emma L Taylor 7 John J. Cornell 8 Eliza H. Cornell O Edwart Jancey Anne Webb Jancey Robt. Croasdale

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Miriam A. Croasdale Lucy Cooper Walker Elisha H. Walter Geo. M. Laueb Annie R. Laueb Record among the records of Baltimore Monthly Meeting of Friends held on Park Avenue, Fourth Mo. 29th 1907. Liker? B. folios 218,219,220 Jas. J. Janney Recorder. Page 61 – Carm Foster

Book A page 1 To yarmouth To Norwich Monthly Monthly held at Pine Street and yarmouth Dear Friends Mary Jermens? A Member of our meeting having removed within the limits of your meeting and requests our Certificate and she having Settled her outward affairs to satisfaction as such we recommend her to your Christian care and oversight --- Signed on behalf of West Lake Monthly Meeting Held the 18th of 8 Mo. 1830 Samuel D Cronk Eliza Cronk clks To the Monthly Meeting of Friends at West Lake Dear Friends { Upper Canada Job Bennett having Removed to Reside within the Limits of yours These are to Certify on his behalf that he is a member of our Society and an enquiry made nothing appears but that his temporal affairs are settled to satisfaction as such we recommend him to your Christian care and oversight - - - - Held 6th 12 M. 1832 Signed in and on bhalf of Leray Monthly Meeting By Edmund Tucker Clk West Lake Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held 14th 8 M. 1833 To Younstreet Monthly Meeting – Dear Friends It appears that Cemelia? Loser a member of this Meeting has removed with her husband within the Compass of your Meeting these are to Page 62 – Carm Foster 2) Certify that by enquiry made she has settled her outward affairs and as such we recommend her to your care and oversight - - - - - - - - Signed on behalf of West Lake Monthly Meeting by Eliza Cronk Clk To Friends of Brock Monthly Meeting Dear Friends

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William G Barker a member of this Meeting informed us of his intentions to remove to within the verge of your Monthly Meeting and requests our Certificate this Meeting is united in furnishing him there with being satisfied he has settled his outward affairs to satisfaction and Clear of Marriage engagements as such we reccommend him to your Christian care and oversight - - - - - - - - Signed in and by direction of West Lake Monthly Meeting of Friends held 18th 12 M 1833 William Jas Thomas Clk To young Street Monthly Meeting - - - - Dear Friends Caleb B Stickney and Sarah R Stickney his wife members of this Meeting having removed to within the compass of that and requests our Certificate and by Enquiry made it appears they have settled their affairs (outwardly) to satisfaction as such we recommend them to your Care and Remain your friends - - - - - - - - - Signed in and by direction of West Lake Monthly Meeting of Friends held 5 Month 20th 1835 William Jas Thomas Eliza Cronk Clks Page 63 – Carm Foster 3) To West Lake Monthly Meeting in Upper Canada – Dear Friends Daniel Bull havig removed with his family to reside within the limits of your meeting requests our Certificate directed there to for Himself and Mercy his wife and their six Children “viz” Ferdinand G Deborah Judith Elizabeth Berenthus and John = and the necessary Enquiry being made we find that their but that their affairs are settled to satisfaction – we therefore recommend them to your Christian care And Remain your friends Signed in and on behalf of Leray Monthly Meeting in the State of New York held 7 M 10th 1834 Edmund Tucker Mary Strickland Clks. West Lake M Meeting of Women Friends held 2 M 20th 1839 To Young street Monthly Meeting of Friends Clarrissa Watson having Removed with her husband within the verge of your Meeting requests our Certificate these may Certify she is a member and has settled her outward affairs to satisfaction as such we recommend her to your care - - - - - - - Signed by direction of the aforesaid Meeting William Thomas Eliza Cronk } Clks West Lake M Meeting of Women Friends held 2 M 20th 1839 Dear Friends To younstreet Monthly Meeting Elmira Armitage having removed with her husband within the verge of your Meeting requests our Certificate these may certify She is a member and has Settled her outward Page 64 – Carm Foster 4 affairs to satisfaction as such we recommend her to your care - - - - - - - - Signed by direction of the aforesaid Meeting William Thomas Eliza Cronk

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Clks To Norwich Monthly Meeting of Friends Dear Friends. Freeman Clark and Deborah his wife Informed this Meeting that they were about to remove within the verge of your meeting requesting our Certificate for themselved and their eight minor Children “viz” William T Clark – Nicholas B = Freeman Jun’r,, Sarah ann,, Martha Elizabeth Deborah and Mary Jane These may Certify that they are Members and that he is a Minister in unity with us and by enquiry made do not find but that his concerns are settled to satisfaction and as such we Recommend them to your Christian Care - - - - - - - - - Signed by direction of West Lake Monthly Meeting of Friends held at West Lake 4 M 15th. 1840 William Thomas Eliza Cronk Clks To West Lake Monthly Meeting Dear Friends Joseph Brown and Matilda his wife with their minor Children (viz) Ruth Page 65 – Ruth Melander 5 William Stewart Elizabeth Thomas and Lydia Brown having removed to reside withing the compass? of your Meeting requests our certificate these are to certify on their behalf that they are members of this Meeting and by Enquire it appears that their temporal affairs are settled to satisfaction as such we recommend them to your Care Signed by direction of Youngstreet Monthly Meeting of Friends held at Pickering 15th 7Mon..1841 Joel? Hughs Clerk Sally W Taylor Ck? for day To Pickering monthly meeting Dear Friend Mary Henney? A member of this meeting having removed within verge of yours requests a? certificate - These are to Certify that hou? Enquiry made it doth not appear but that his outward affairs are settled to satisfaction as such we recommend him to your Christian care and oversight And Remain your friends Signed on behalf and by direction of West Lake monthly meeting of friends as held 3 Mo 19th 1845 By David Barker Clerk To Young Street monthly meeting of Friends Dear Friends Elizabeth Cooper a member of this meeting having removed within the verge of your meeting requests our certificate - and she having settled her affairs Page 66 – Ruth Melander 6 to satisfaction we therefore recommend her to your Christian care and oversight Signed in and on behalf of thewest Lake monthly meeting of friends by Eliza Cronk

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Clerk To Battle Creek monthly meeting State of Michigan Dear Friends ? ? ? commit? That Lucinda? Bull has removed with her family within the compass of your monthly meeting she being a member of our society as such we therefore recommend her to your Christian care and oversight -signed on behalf of West Lake monthly meeting of friends held at W. Lake the 20th day of 5 M 1822? Januther? Noxon Eliza Cronk, Clks, To Friends of Youngstreet monthly meeting Dear Friends Thomas N Converse With his wife Mary and their miner children Theran Darwin and Thomas Mo?? gu???ary members of this monthly meeting having removed to within the compass of yours These are to certify that upon Inquiry nothing appears to obstruct but that their outward affairs are settled to satisfaction ----- We therefore as such recomment them to your Christian care and oversight And ? with Love your friends 11 M 10th Jonuthun? Noxon West Lake monthly meetg 1846 Eliza Cronk Clerks . Page 67 – Ruth Melander 7 To Young street Monthly meeting of Friends Dear friends William Burton Leavens with his wife Susan and miner son Merritt member of this monthly meeting having removed to within the compass of yours These are to certify that upon enquiry having been made it appears that their outward affairs are settled to satisfaction we therefore recommend therefore them to your Christian care and oversight and remain your friends ---- Signed on behalf and by direction of West Lake monthly meeting of Friends held 8 M 18th 1852 Gideon H Bowerman by Eleanor Bowerman Clerks, To Friends of Pickering monthly meeting Dear friends Mariah Christy with her three children Phebe, Lydia, and Henry members of this monthly meeting having removed to within the verge of yours, These are to Certify that enquiry having been made as to the settlement of their outward affairs nothing appears to be prevent our recommending them to your Christian care and oversight - We remain your friends Signed on behalf and by direction of West Lake monthly meeting held the 18th day of 8th month 1852 Gideon Bowerman by Eleanonr Bowerman

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Clerks Page 68 – Ruth Melander 8 To Yonge street monthly meeting Dear Friends Catharine W Philips formerly Clark removed to within the compass of your monthly meeting she being a member of this meeting and having accomplished her marriage contrary the order of society for which offence we wish you to take the necessary care Signed on behalf of West Lake monthly meeting held at West Lake the 19th day of 4 mo. 1854 Signed Eleanor Bowerman Clerk To Pickering monthly meeting Dear Friends Catharine E Brown having removed to within the compass of your monthly meeting requests our certificate These ar to Certify that she is a member in unity with, as such we recommend her to your Christian care and oversight Signed on behalf of West Lake monthly met? held at West Lake the 19th day of 4th 1854 Signed Eleanor Bowerman Clerk To Yonge street monthly meeting of Whence? Friends Dear Friends Catharine W Philips formerly Clark Having removed to within the verge of your meeting, this is to Certify that she is a member of this meeting and as such we recommend her to your Christian care and oversight Signed on behalf of West Lake monthly meeting held at Green Point 11M 14th 1854 Signed Eleanor Bowerman G H Bowerman Clks Page 69 – Ruth Melander and Tom Pollard 9 To Young Street Monthly Meeting of Men and Women Friends Dear friends Wilet B Hazard having Removed with his wife Susan Eliza and their minor daughter Mary M within the Verge of your monthly Meeting, and having requested our Certificated, These are to Cerify necessary enquiries were made, and nothing appeared but that their temporal affaires were settled to satisfaction, These are to Certify that they are members in unity with us and as such we recommend them to your christian care and over sight Signed on behalf of West Lake Monthly Meeting of men and Women friends held 7Mo. 18th 1855 Gideon H Bowerman by Eleanor Bowerman Clerks To West Lake Monthly Meeting

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Dear Friends Caleb B Stickney with his minor son David having removed to reside within the limits of your Monthly meeting requests our certificate and on enquiring his outward affairs are settled to satisfaction and they being members of this meeting as such we recommend them to you christian care and oversight Signed on behalf of Pickering monthly meeting of friends held 4th month 24th 1856 Hiram Brown (Clerk Page 70 – Tom Pollard 10 To West Lake monthly meeting Dear Friends Edward B Stickney having removed to reside with the limits of your monthly meeting requests our certificate and on enquiry his outward affairs are settled to satisfaction and he being a member of this meeting as such we recommend him to your christian care and oversight Signed on behalf of Pickering Monthly meeting of friends held 4th month 24th 1856 Hiram Brown (Clerk To Young Street monthly meeting Dear Friends Elizabeth Clark having removed to reside within the limits of your monthly meeting requests our certificate and upon enquiry her outward affairs appear to be settled to satisfaction and she being a member of this meeting as such we recommend her to your christian care and oversight Signed on behalf of West Lake monthly meeting of friends held 8th month 20th 1856 Jacob S Cronk Sarah B Spencer (Clerke Page 71 – Tom Pollard 11 To Norwich Monthly Meeting of friends Dear friends Whereas James Noxon a member of our religious Society having removed from among us and settled himself within the verge of your monthly meeting and by enquiry we do not find but that his outward affairs among us is settled to satisfaction. We therefore recommend him to you christian care and oversight Signed in and on behalf of WestLake monthly meeting of friends held at WestLake 17th of 2mo 1858 by - Jacob S. Cronk Sarah B Spencer (Clerks,

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To Norwich Monthly Meeting of friends Dear Friends Whereas Samuel Noxon Jun'r a member of our religious society having removed and settled within the verge of your monthly meeting and by enquiry made we do not find but that he has settled his outward affairs among us to satisfaction. We therefore recommend him to your christian care and over sight. We Remain your friends signed in and on behalf of West Lake monthly meeting of friends held at west Lake the seventeenth day of second month 1858 by Jacob S Cronk Sarah B Spencer (Clerks Page 72 – Tom Pollard 12 To West Lake monthly meeting Dear friends Jemima Noxon formerly Brown having removed to reside with her husband within the verge of Your monthly meeting requests our certificate these are to Certify that she is a member of our religious Society, and as such we recommend her to your tender care and oversight and Remain your friends Signed on behalf of Pickering monthly meeting of friends held the 24th of 12th 1857 by Sherman Brown Pamilia Brown (Clerks To West Lake Monthly Meeting Dear Friends Stephen H Brown with his minor son William G. Brown, having removed to reside within the limits of Your Monthly Meeting requests our certificate, by enquiry his outward affairs are Settled to satisfaction, They being members of this Meeting, as such we recommend them to your Christian care and oversight and remain your friends Pickering Monthly Meeting of Friends held th 16th of 2 mo 1860 Signed on be half of Pickering Monthly Monthly Meeting by John P. Hillborn Clerk for the day Page 73 - Davey Selfridge 13 To West Lake Monthly Meeting of friends Dear Friends Catharine W. Noxon having removed are within the limits of your meeting, nothing appearing to obstruct. She being a member with us such we recommend her to your Christian care and oversight By direction and on behalf of Yonge Street Monthly Meeting of Friends held at Whitechurch the 14th of 5 Mo. 1863 Thomas N. Watson} Clerk Elvira Armitage }

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To Yonge Street Monthly Meeting of Women Friends Dear Friends Amelia M. Hughs having removed within the limits of your Monthly Meeting, she being a member in unity with us, and having settled her outward affairs to satisfaction, as such we recommend her to your Christian care and oversight Signed by direction of West Lake Monthly Meeting held 17 of 12 mo. 1863 by Sarah B. Spencer clerk To Yonge Street Monthly Meeting of Women Friends Dear Friends Ruth C. Wilson having removed within the limits of your Monthly Meeting, she being a member in unity with us, and having settled her outward affairs to satisfaction, as such we recommend her to your Christian care and ?? oversight Signed by direction of West Lake Monthly Meeting held the 17 of 12th Mo. 1863 by Sarah B. Spencer (clerk Page 74 - Davey Selfridge 14 To Yonge Street Monthly Meeting of Woman Friends Dear Sisters Jane Richmond having removed within the limits of your monthly meeting, requests our certificate, She having settled her outward to satisfaction, and being a member in unity with us, as such we recommend her to your Christian care and oversight Signed on behalf of West Lake Monthly Meeting Sarah B. Spencer (clerks Jacob S. Cronk To Yonge Street Monthly Meeting of Woman Friends Dear Sisters Matura A. Converse, having removed within the limits of your Monthly Meeting requests our certificate she having settled her outward affairs to satisfaction and being a member in unity with us, as such we recommend her to your Christian care and oversight Signed on behalf of West Lake Monthly Meeting Sarah B. Spencer (clerks Jacob S. Cronk To Yonge Street Monthly Meeting of Women Friends Dear Sisters Emily Wilson having removed within the limits of your Monthly Meeting requests our certificate,. She having settled her outward affairs to satisfaction, and being a member in unity with us, as such we recommend her to your Christian care and oversight

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Signed on behalf of West Lake Monthly Meeting By Sarah B. Spencer (clerks J.S. Cronk Page 75 - Davey Selfridge 15 To Pickering Monthly Meeting of friends Dear Friends Stephen H. Brown and Eliza his wife with their minor children William G. and Ann M. Brown having removed to reside within the limits of your Monthly Meeting requests our certificate having settled their outward affairs to satisfaction, they being members of this meeting as such we recommend them to your Christian care and oversight Signed by direction of West Lake Monthly Meeting of Friends held 15th of 2nd Mo. 1866 J.S. Cronk {clerks Sarah B. Spencer To Rochester Monthly Meeting of Friends Dear Friends Jonathan D. Noxon having removed to reside within the limits of your Monthly Meeting requests our certificate his affairs being settled to satisfaction and he being a member of this Meeting as such we recommend him to your christian care and oversight Signed by direction of West Lake Monthly Meeting of friends held 19 of 7 Mo. 1866 Jacob S. Cronk clerk To Norwich Monthly Meeting of Friends Dear Friends William J. Thomas and Sabra his wife having removed to reside in Genesse Co. in the State of Michegan, requests a certificate of removal to be forwarded to your Monthly Meeting for their Page 76 - Davey Selfridge 16 selves and their minor son Richard M. Thomas, they having settled their outward affairs to satisfaction, and being members of this Meeting as such we recommend them to your Christian care and Oversight By direction of West Lake Monthly Meeting of friends held at Green Point the 16 of 8 Month 1866 Jacob S. Cronk clerk Elizabeth Cooper clerk for the day To Yonge Street Monthly Meeting of Women Friends Dear Friends Jane Taylor having removed to reside with the limits of your Meeting requests our certificate, she having settled her outward affairs to satisfaction, and being a member in unity with us, as such we recommend her to your Christian care and Oversight Signed by order of West Lake Monthly Meeting of Friends 20th of 6 Mo. 1867 Jacob S. Cronk } clerks Sarah B. Spencer }

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To Yonge Street Monthly Meeting of Women Friends Dear Friends Martha C. Saunders having removed to reside within the limits of your Meeting requests our certificate, she having settled her outward affairs to satisfaction and being a member in unity with us as such we recommend her to your Chrisitan care and oversight Page 77 – Ruth Melander 17 Signed by direction of West Lake Monthly Meeting of Friends held 20th of 6 Mo 1867 Jacob S Cronk } Sarah B Spencer}clerks To West Lake Monthly Meting Wilson With their Dear Friends Isaac and Ruth Wilson With their Minor Children Rebecca and Phebe Alberta having removed within the limits of Your Montly Meting upon inquiry their temporal affairs appear to have been arranged to satisfaction they being Member with us and as such we recommend them to wour Christian care and over sight Younngstreet Monthly Meting of Friends held at Whitchurch 14th day of 5 mo 1868 by direction and on behalf of the Meting John D Philips } Clarisa Watson} Clerks To West Lake Monthly Meting of Women Friends Dear Friends Edith Webster having moved within the limits of your Monthly Meting requests a certificat she being a member of this Meting, and on enquiry nothing appears but that her temporal affairs are settled to satisfaction, we hereby recommend her to your christian care and oversight Sighnd on behlf and by direction of Youngstreet Monthly Meting held 16th of 7 mo 1868 John D Philips } Clarisa Watson } clerks Page 78 – Ruth Melander To West Lake Monthly Meting of Friends Dear Friends James and Elmira Armitage having removed within the limits of your meting, and afa the necessary enquiry nothing appearing but their temporal affairs are settled to Satisfaction they being members with us, and as such we recommend them to your Christian care and over sight On behalf of Young Street Monthly Meting held at Whitchurch 18 of 2 month 1869 John D Philips } Clarisa Watson } Clerks To Pickering Monthly meting of Friends Dear Friends wife with Hiaram Brown and Catharine his with r wife with their minor son James Rowland and adopted daughter Rebecca Catharine Stickney having removed to reside within the limits of your monthly meting These are to certify that their outward affairs appear to have been settled to satisfaction and they being members of this meting as such we recommend them to your christian care and over sight

© The Trustees of the Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). All Rights Reserved.

Bloomfield 4th mo 15th 1869 Jacob S Cronk } Elizabeth Cooper}Clerks Page 79 – Ruth Melander To West Lake Monthly Meting of Friends Dear Friends John Webster having removed within the limits of your meting on enquiring we find he has settled his temporal affairs to satisfaction He being a member of Young Street Monthly Meting as such we recommend him to your chirstian care and oversight Signe on behalf of Woung? Street Monthly Meting Held at King 24th of 6th month 1869 John D Philips Clarisa Watson Clerks To Norwich Monthly Meting Dear Friends Elizabeth Bull having removed within the limits of your meting, this comes to certify that she is a member in unity with us, and as such we recomen her to your christan care, She having settled her outward affairs to satisfaction Sighed by direction of West Lake Monthly Meting held at Green Point the 17 of 11th month 1870? Elizabeth Cooper Jacob S Cronk Clerks To Youngstreet Monthly Meting of Friends Dear Sisters Elizabeth Tool having removed to reside within the limits of your meting this is to tie? inform you that she is a member in unity with us and having Setled her outward affairs to satisfaction we recommend her to your christian care and oversight Sighned on behalf of Westlake Monthly Jacob S Cronk held at 20th of 7 Month 1871 Elizabeth Cooper Clerks Page 80 – Tom Pollard To Rochester Monthly Meting of Friends Dear Friends Samuel Stickney Having removed with the Limits of your Meting, and his outward affairs her being Settled to satisfaction and he with his minor son Biron Stickney being members in unity with us as such we recommend them to your christian care and oversight On behalf of Westlake Monthly Meting of Friends Isaac Wilson Clerk To Youngstreet Monthly Meeting of Friends Dear Friends

© The Trustees of the Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). All Rights Reserved.

James and Elmira Armitage having removed within the verge of your meeting and their temporal affairs being settled to satisfaction and they being members with us, as such we recommend them to your christian care and oversight On behalf of West Lake Monthly Meeting Freeman Talcott Bloomfield 2mo 17th 1876 Ruth C. Wilson Clerk To new York Monthly Meeting of Friends Dear Friends Sanger M Brown having gone to reside within the verge of your meeting this is to certify that his outward affairs are settled to satisfaction and that he is a member of this meeting and as such we recommend him to your christian care and oversight Page 81 – Tom Pollard To Rochester Monthly Meting of Friends Dear Friends Samuel Stickney Having removed with the Limits of your Meting, and his outward affairs her being Settled to satisfaction and he with his minor son Biron Stickney being members in unity with us as such we recommend them to your christian care and oversight On behalf of Westlake Monthly Meting of Friends Isaac Wilson Clerk To Youngstreet Monthly Meeting of Friends Dear Friends James and Elmira Armitage having removed within the verge of your meeting and their temporal affairs being settled to satisfaction and they being members with us, as such we recommend them to your christian care and oversight On behalf of West Lake Monthly Meeting Freeman Talcott Bloomfield 2mo 17th 1876 Ruth C. Wilson Clerk To new York Monthly Meeting of Friends Dear Friends Sanger M Brown having gone to reside within the verge of your meeting this is to certify that his outward affairs are settled to satisfaction and that he is a member of this meeting and as such we recommend him to your christian care and oversight Page 82 - Tom Pollard A list of books Made the 18th of 7 mo 1832 George foxes volums ________8 Job Scott works volums______4 Barkleys work vollums ______3 Wm Baleys work volums - - 2 foxes journals______________2 wm Servel History__________2 one london Epistle__________1 Joneses annelesis___________1 Elias Hicks journals ________5

© The Trustees of the Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). All Rights Reserved.

Cockburns review__________1 life of mary Dudley_________1 Mary Peasley _____________5 David feris_________ _____ 3 pamphlets Sandy foundation 11 Job Scott on the knowledge of the Lord 4 Jonathan Clark Haldimand 7 vol of george fox works 1 barkley apoligy 1 R B work 3 Mary Peasly 1 big bible 1 foxes journal Page 83 - Tom Pollard Sewel – 1 foxes – 1 job Scott – 21 Hicks – 2 Jones annalses 1 london epistles 1 Mary Peasleys – 2 David Ferisis – 1 Job Scott on the nowledg of the Lord 2 Sandy foundation Shaken – 4 pamphlets __________________________________________________ Richard Morden X Sandy foundation Returned Mary Peasley work ____________________________________________________ X Samuel Noxon 1 vol george fox Returned ____________________________________________________ Stephen Bowerman X Mary Peasley work returned ____________________________________________________ X Peter Leavens wm Baley work, returned Page 84 – Carm Foster

X Peter Leavens pamphlet – Sandy foundation Of 8 mo Stephen White Job Scott 1 vol /19 X James Barker Sandy foundation 1

X George Thomas Scotts on the knowledge of the lord. Richard Morden Elias Hicks journal

Freeman Clark Scott on the nowledge of the lord X Thomas brown Do – Scott on the nowledge of the lord

© The Trustees of the Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). All Rights Reserved.

X Harriet Barker David feris book X John Burley Hickses journal 1 Sandy foundation 1 Job Scotts on the Nowledge of the lord 1 and John Coneley pamphlet 1 XX Peter Leavens george fox 1 vol Stephen Bowerman Job Scott journal first vollum XX Steward Christy 2 vol george fox John Cooper Hickses journal X Peter brown foxes 1 vol not returnd XX Phebe Blount Cockburns review Elizabeth Matchel Hickses book Page 85 – Carm Foster George Thomas the Christian quaker. Stephen Bowerman David feris book and Sandy foundation Shaken James Noxon Senor Sandy foundation pamphlet Sarah Barker Sandy foundation pamphlet Jonathan Clark Haldimand mary Dudley John Burley C whites book Job Scott 1 vol Stephen Bowerman James Cockburn Review X Philip Clark David Feris book Nimah Low Hicks journal Ruth Christy 2 vol of job Scott C: whites book John bull wife wm baby James Barker Sandy foundation pamphlet Amy Bowerman Serven History Philip Haight job Scott 1 vol Peter Brown – E Hicks vol John Cooper Job Scott 1 vol & Sandy foundation Jonathan Clark David feris – 1 2 Luvels history 1 – 6 Foxes works – 1 Hicks journal 1 Page 86 – Carm Foster [note: the following text is on side 1 of two separate loose pieces of paper] [Paper 1, side1] The second note appears to have been torn from the bottom of a larger sheet of paper due to ragged edges ] 1874 1805 1805 18 68 wn – 1111 Fourth Month 9th 1874 David Barker diesed first month 25th 1874 age 68 years 1 month & 26 days signed on behalf the committee

© The Trustees of the Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). All Rights Reserved.

© The Trustees of the Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). All Rights Reserved.

William S. Christy Philip. W. Noxon [Paper 2, side1, appears to have been torn from the bottom of a larger sheet of paper due to ragged edges.] To young st Monthly meeting of Friends Dear Friends James and Elmira Armitage having removed within the verge of your meeting and their temporal affairs here being settled to satisfaction and they being with us, as such we recommend them to your christian care and oversight Page 87 – Carm Foster [note: the following text is on side 2 of two separate loose pieces of paper mentioned above.] [Paper 1, side 2 is blank] [Paper 2, side 2] on behalf of west lake monthly quarterly meeting of Friends Freeman Talcott Ruth C Wilson Clerks Bloomfield 12 mo 17th 1876 Page 88 – Carm Foster [note: the following text is on side 1 of a separate loose piece of paper] To West Lake Monthly Meeting Dear friends Pamelia Loser having removed with her husband to reside within the Compass of your meeting requests our Certifficate These are to Certify on her behalf that she is a member of this meeting and by inquiry it appears her outward affairs are Settled to satisfaction as such we recommend her to your Christian Care and oversight Signed by direction and on behalf of Yonge Street Monthly Meeting of friends held at Pickering 16th of 3 Month 1837 Nicholas Austin } By Anna R Brown }Clerks Page 89 – Carm Foster [note: the following text is on side 2 of the separate loose piece of paper mentioned above.] Certifficate [written sideways] This meeting unites in receiveing her if you con cur Liaca? Stinson Clerk for the day

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