welcome to st. michael catholic church!

Post on 28-Dec-2021






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Welcome to St. Michael Catholic Church!

We’re glad to have you! If you’re new, welcome to the St. Michael’s Parish Family!

If you haven’t been here in awhile, welcome back!

St. Michael’s is a small, close-knit parish family, always open to new & returning

members. There’s no formal “registration” process; once you come here we consider

you part of the family!

If you’d like to get involved in parish life or receive communications from the parish, feel free to talk to Patti or visit our website

www.smsebree.org to find out more.

Need some Quiet in your Life? You are always welcome to come sit in

Jesus' presence any time at St. Michael’s. Our church remains open 24 hours a day,

365 days a year.

There are free reflection books with daily readings and brochures for you to take as

well as CDs with dynamic Catholic speakers available to take with you for a

small donation.

Mass Intentions Available: If you would like to have a mass said for a loved one (living or deceased) you can put

an envelope with the intention and date requested in the collection or in the mail (the suggested donation per mass is $5)

Parish Mission Statement St. Michael's Catholic Church, a people of diverse cultures and backgrounds, are brought together by God through the Gospel and the teachings of the Church. Our mission is to make disciples of Christ through:

-Prayer and frequent celebration of the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist -Sharing our faith and educating others about the Church -Living a life of continual conversion -Providing our children a strong Catholic upbringing -Giving comfort to those in need -Stewardship of our time, talent and treasure -Acting as the living presence of Christ in our world, building community and welcoming all -Empowering one another to share the Gospel through our words and by our actions

Shoot us a text, email or give us a call! Pastor: Fr. Carmelo Jiménez, (270) 881-7737, email: frcarmelo@smsebree.org

Pastoral Associate: Patti Gutiérrez, (270) 302-2782, patti@smsebree.org; fax: 855-631-0319 Deacon Chris Gutiérrez: (270) 880-8018, chris@smsebree.org

Or visit us online at: www.smsebree.org www.facebook.com/smsebree

Connect with Us!

Thanks to those who Shared their Time & Talents This Week

Thanks to Glenn, & Yancy Families for cleaning the church and parish hall this week!

Your Offering to St. Michael’s Parish Family:

As a small, rural parish we very much appreciate everyone’s generosity! Each of you play an integral role in helping our Parish Family fulfill our mission! If you would like St. Michael’s to keep track of your giving you may use a personal check or give securely and easily online at www.smsebree.org/online-giving/. Don’t forget to set up Online Giving before going on vacation! We also mail packets with personalized weekly & special collection envelopes to those that request them, simply text or email your name and mailing address to Patti.

Holy Name School Families: You may place your Holy Name envelope in any collection at St. Michael’s and we will forward it (unopened) to Holy Name for them to count your attendance and receive your offering.

For info on all ministry opportunities & to sign-up visit: www.smsebree.org/get-involved/

Upcoming Ministry Opportunities The youth of the parish are in need of more adults who are able to be part of the youth group meetings on Thursdays from 3:30-5pm to help keep the small groups on task. There are also opportunities to help transport & chaperone the youth at upcoming outings, retreats & service projects.

Ongoing Ministry Opportunities Children’s Religious Education: Approximately 45 K-6 grade students attend our Wednesday night program. Vision: We always need more Catechists, helpers and substitutes who teach children the basics of our faith and prepare them to receive sacraments. Time: 5:30pm to 7:15pm on Wednesdays. Gifts Needed for Volunteer: Desire to pass on faith to next generation, dynamic storytelling, ability to work with children, patience, reliability.

Ministry of Prayer Please pray for the sick members and friends of this parish, especially Tony Bess, Raye Ann Blakely, Larry Branson, Charles Buchanan; Julie Clouse, Scott Coffman, L.V & Lois Dant, Leo Dickens, Luke Dickens, Ernie Duncan, David Ferriell, Anna Filbert, Dan Hawkins, Jackie Hill, Anna Hobbs, Billy Howell, Patti Jenkins, Mac Lacer, Brea Meadows, Paul Nord, Carmen & Daryl Periard, Carter Powell, Al Prough, Kathy Prough, Steve Raley, Clayton Roberts, Veronica Spink, Burnetta Springfield, Luann Stiles, Vickie Tichenor, Lynda & Tracy Trogden, Richard Vowels, Doris Vow-els, Johnny Wahl, Louise Welch, Tony Whitledge, Dwayne Wilson, Terry Yancy.

To see all of the prayer requests, make a new one, give an update, take someone off the list or sign up to receive urgent prayer requests visit www.smsebree.org/get-involved/prayer/ or let Patti know.

Thanks for Your Financial Generosity!

Offering 12/24/17 $ 1,088.70 Offering 12/31/17 $ 1,577.25 December Online Donations $ 890.00

Weekly Goal $ 1,442.31 Total Offering as of 12/31/17 $42,834.19

Ministry Schedule - THIS Weekend Jan. 6th 5pm Sacristan: Devin Gibson Jan. 7th 10:30am Sacristan Jenny Glenn Eucharistic Min. Brenda Badertscher Eucharistic Min. Bobby Blanford Hospitality Donna Kenney Lector Donna Dacy Altar Server Jenny Glenn Week of Jan. 7-13 Money Counters Jeanie Davis/Patti Church Cleaners Team 4: Baltazar Rafael & Fam-ily (church), Volunteer (Hall)

Ministry Schedule - NEXT Weekend Jan. 13th 5pm Sacristan: Jenny Glenn Jan. 14th 10:30am Sacristan Donna Dacy Eucharistic Min. Cathy Blanford Eucharistic Min. Linda Frederick Hospitality Jimmy Frederick Lector Bobby Blanford Altar Server Volunteer Week of Jan. 14-20 Money Counters Janice Sellers/April Church Cleaners Team 5 Maria Francisco, Juana Francisco, Lucrecia Perez, Sandra Mendez

Go Deeper This Week! Consider this:

CHECK OUT THE READINGS FOR THE WEEK: www.usccb.org/readings

Monday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7 Ps 29:1-10 Mk 1:7-11 Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:9-20 Ps 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: 1 Sm 3:1-20; Ps 40:2-10; Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: 1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44:10-25; Mk 1:40-45 Friday: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19; Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: 1 Sm 9:1-19; 10:1; Ps 21:2-7; Mk 2:13-17 Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42

THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD By our Pastor, Fr. Carmelo Jiménez

Celebrating the Epiphany of the Lord is the same as saying that it is a Theophany, which we could translate as a self-revelation of the Lord. I could affirm that it is the strength of the mystery of the incarnation: the humanity of our God who

wants to communicate his divinity to all of us through his Son Jesus Christ. I love to remember the prayer that priests say secretly when they mix a little bit of water in the wine during the preparation of the gifts. “By the mystery of this water and wine may we come to share in the divinity of Christ who humbled himself to share in our humanity.” In our time we take our cell phones everywhere we go because we want to stay connected. On Facebook you can read all kinds of stories, many use it as a confessional, others post every single moment of their lives, losing all privacy. Well God the Father communicates to humanity through his Son who took on flesh, and he reveals himself to the entire world as the Savior. Out of love, God loses his privacy, in order to make himself known to us. This manifestation happens in two moments: the visit of the magi who represent the presence of humanity before Him and the moment of Jesus’ baptism when God the Father reveals the divine identity of his Son: “This is my beloved Son.” (Mt 3:17) “Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you.” (Is 60:1) The prophet Isaiah invites Jerusalem to rise up. Pope Francis is constantly repeating to us: to leave our enclosures, to get out of ourselves. He wants us to recog-nize the splendor of the light that illumines our lives and then go out and bring this light to many others – a church which goes forth. We need this light that comes from above to respond in a coherent way to the vocation we have received. To announce Christ’s Gospel is not one option among many possibilities, nor is it a profession, it is our vocation as a church. The world needs the light of Christ. "Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage." (Mt 2:2) Right now I am traveling in the Holy Land and I had the opportunity to preside the Holy Mass in the Basilica of the Nativity. The Holy Child that belongs to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem is still there and will be returned on January 6th. The magi from the east are searching and ask people over and over until they arrive where Jesus is. The star guided them and despite their wisdom they also knew how to let themselves be guided. Today we need the humility to look for Christ as our only salvation, no matter what knowledge or possessions we have. Like St. Gerome affirmed, we need the humility to draw near to the source of salvation: Jesus. “And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed for their country by another way.” (Mt 2:12) In the Church of the Visitation there are 3 paintings, one of them tells the story of how Saint John the Baptist was saved from the slaughter of the children. He was hidden in caves and protected by an angel. Otherwise, he would have died. The magi understand each sign that God gives them and they align their lives to God’s will. To adore the Christ child is to align all of our lives to his will. May we be grateful to God for taking on our human condition in order to honor it. May we adore Christ, fulfilling his will, acting according to how he would act. May our church be strengthened in love and service to Christ in the most vulnerable. Amen.

THE MYSTERY OF FAITH: A Study of the Structural Elements

of the Order of the Mass by Lawrence J. Johnson.

#18. PROFESSION OF FAITH. The Creed is a corporate profession of faith whereby the community responds, assents,

and adheres to the word of God proclaimed in the Scriptures and preached in the homily. It is a response not only to doctrinal propositions but also to the person of Christ present in the word. At the same time the profession links the Liturgies of the Word and Eucharist as the congregation recalls the mysteries of faith which will again be proclaimed in the Eucharistic Prayer. The people accept God’s word before they move on to the celebration of the Eucharist, which itself is a profession of faith. [reprinted with permission, FDLC]

VOCATION REFLECTION Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, January 7

“They offered Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.”

The magi offerd Jesus the best they had. The best we can give to our Lord is to love him with our heart, mind,

soul, and to follow him faithfully, glorifying him with our lives. If you think God might be calling you to the vocation of priesthood, contact the vocations office for resources to help you with your discernment: 270-683-

1545, jason.mcclure@pastoral.org, www.owensborovocations.com

WORD OF LIFE “If you know someone who has had an abortion, express your sympathy for her loss. Assure her of God’s uncondi-tional love, and encourage her to seek healing and forgiveness.”

USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities “Bridges of Mercy for Post-Abortion Healing,” www.goo.gl/MpC7RG

Entire Parish Calendar is Online at: www.smsebree.org/calendar/

Jan 6th & 7th: Fr. Julio Palarino from Argentina here

Jan 14th: First Reconciliation Prayer Day (families) Feb. 14th: Ash Wednesday

Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/smsebree


If you need to make an appointment, set up a pastoral visit for someone who is sick or hospitalized, get more infor-

mation about sacraments, religious education for children or just need someone to talk to, feel free to contact Fr. Carmelo,

Deacon Chris or Patti via text, call, email or our website!


1/10—Juan Lopez 1/11-Sandra Gibson 1/12—Maria Domingo, Yesenia Matias 1/13-Carol Tompkin, Micaela Pascual Esteban

Here’s What’s Happening: This Week at St. Michael’s:

Our Parish Family New Parish Picture Directory is here! Thanks to all those who have ordered a directory. They are on the table with your names. Please put your $15 payment in an envelope in the collection this weekend with your name and phone number. Fr. Carmelo out of town from January 2nd to the 9th. Fr. Julio Palarino is here from Argentina to stay at St. Michael’s and celebrate the masses next weekend. He will be traveling around the Diocese helping during the month of January. Parish Team Changes at St. Michael’s: We have offered the Pastoral Associate position to Alyssa Maty who will take the position June 1st after completing her Master’s degree. In the meantime Bayardo “Bayo” Solorza, Jr. from Henderson will be coming on board to help out. He will be here next weekend to introduce himself and begin training. He will be working part-time and starting Feb. 1st Patti will also be working part-time.

Our Faith Family Marriage Saving – the Weekend Phase – During the week-end phase of Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) a series of presentations are given by a team of three couples and a priest. The team presents a technique of communication that enables you to take a good look at most areas of your relationship. After each presentation you have time to discuss the presentation in the privacy of your room. For confidential information about or to register for the January program be-ginning with a weekend on Jan 12, 2018, call 270-852-8346 or email: felliott3232@yahoo.com or visit the web site at www.retrouvaille.org Registration deadline Jan 5, 2018. Catholic Men’s Conference of Western Kentucky will host their seventh annual conference at the RiverPark Center in downtown Owensboro onFebruary 17, 2018. Keynote speak-ers this year will be Christopher West and Doug Barry. Mr. West is a best-selling author, speaker, teacher, and expert in John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body.” Mr. Barry is the host for EWTN’s “Battle Ready,” a mission to help strengthen and encourage the soldier of Christ. Tickets are $15 for students and $30 for adults. Buy them online at kycatholic.com. Young Adults Invited to Cathedral Holy Hour On Monday, Jan. 8, from 6-7 p.m., St. Stephen Cathedral will once again host a dioc-esan Young Adult Holy Hour for ages 18-39. The holy hour in-cludes Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Scripture reading and reflection from Fr. Jason McClure, the opportunity to go to confes-sion, and alternating periods of silence and prayerful music. After-wards, we'll go and grab a bite to eat at a nearby restaurant. Please contact Charlie Hardesty at charlie.hardesty@pastoral.org or (270) 683-1545 for more information


Sunday, January 7th 9:30am Confessions available

Wednesday, January 10th 1pm Fr. Julio Spanish Bible study 5:30pm Religious Education (K-6th)

Thursday, January 11th 11am Eucharistic Adoration 1pm Fr. Julio Spanish Bible study 3:30pm Youth Group

Friday, January 12th 6pm Spanish choir practice

Saturday, January 13th 4pm Confessions available

Sunday, January 14th 9:30am Confessions available

Sat. Jan. 6 English 5pm Dorothy Calhoun

Sun. Jan. 7 English 10:30am Dorothy Calhoun

Spanish 12pm Dorothy Calhoun

Spanish 7:30pm People of the Parish

Mon. Jan. 8 English 9am Dorothy Calhoun

Tues. Jan. 9 English 9am Dorothy Calhoun

Wed. Jan. 10 Spanish 12pm Dorothy Calhoun

Thurs. Jan. 11 Spanish 12pm Dorothy Calhoun

Sat. Jan. 13 English 5pm People of the Parish

Sun. Jan. 14 English 10:30am Dorothy Calhoun

Spanish 12pm Tiffany Kirkham

Spanish 7:30pm Dorothy Calhoun

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