welcome to key stage 2

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Welcome to Key Stage 2. P5 Team. P6 Team. P7 Team. Parent relationship. Current provision in Oakgrove IPS. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Welcome to Key Stage 2

P5 Team

P6 Team P7 Team

Parent relationship

Current provision in Oakgrove IPS

As your child enters Key Stage Two (Primary 5-7) in Oakgrove IPS they are set for both Literacy and Numeracy lessons each day. Your child was set at the beginning of Primary 5 based on their end of Key Stage One assessment results and their teachers’ observations.

This has allowed your child to continue to achieve their full individual potential and maintain their self –esteem by providing them with work which is challenging but also set for their ability level.

As part of our aim of promoting high achievement and learning for life for all children we feel this is the best way for catering for all of your children’s needs. The set which your child has been placed in has been monitored by teachers on an ongoing basis through class observations, the use of levels and end of year assessments.

How do we ensure children are challenged?

Each year the children do a variety of assessments. They are then analysed by the class teacher and School Management Team to track their progress e.g.

Name CAT Progress in English

Progress in Maths

Spelling quotient

Joe Bloggs P4

112 110 90 85

Joe Bloggs P5

112 115 98 95

Homework guidelines

Homework is set Monday to Thursday, the weekend being regarded as free. The amount of homework varies according to the age and/or the ability of the child.

The following is a general guide:

Year group Reading Spellings Numeracy / literacy Total time

P1 Reading book sent home. Learning plan includes home activities plus games on website

10 mins

P2 5-10 mins 5-10 mins Game / written/T&L activity

15 - 20 mins

P3 10 mins 10 mins 20 mins

P4 10 mins 15 mins 25 mins

P5 10 mins 10mins 20 mins 40 mins

P6 10 mins 10 mins 25 mins 45 mins

P7 10 mins 10 mins 30 mins 50 mins

This is only a rough guide.

Sometimes children may be asked to draw, colour or carry out


There may be times when homework is to be completed online.

Teachers will ensure that the task set has been explained so that children will understand what is expected and therefore should be able to be completed independently. However, parental interest and involvement in the work is encouraged.

Parental support is particularly important when it comes to reading and spelling homework.

Parents should sign Numeracy and Literacy homeworks each night.

Look Cover Write Check (LCWC)

Children learn to read by

• Being actively involved

• Understanding that reading has a purpose

• Combining new and existing knowledge

• Taking risks and problem solving

• Working individually, in small groups and whole class

• Are given time to practise skills

Reading ContinuumThere are 6 phases to the Reading Continuum

Phase 1- Role Play readingPhase 2- Experimental ReadingPhase 3- Early ReadingPhase 4- Transitional ReadingPhase 5- Independent ReadingPhase 6- Advanced Reading

Phase 3- Early ReadingReaders read slowly and

deliberately, focusing on each word.

As word recognition increases a wider range of text can be introduced.

Readers are beginning to reflect on their own strategies i.e. looking for unknown words

Phase 4- Transitional ReadingReaders are beginning to

integrate a range of strategies to make meaning.

They are becoming more

confident at tackling new words.

They can adapt their reading for different types of text.

They will challenge themselves to read ‘harder’ books independently.

They are beginning to comment

on books.

Stage 5- Independent ReadingReaders can now completely

integrate a range of strategies to make meaning.

Reading is purposeful and automatic.

They are aware of the need for strategies when having to read for a specific purpose.

They can make connections between what they are reading now and what they have read before.

They are beginning to question what they have read.

Website support for your child


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