welcome to holy rosary cathedral...oración para pedir el espíritu santo 2. o lux beatissima...

Post on 15-Aug-2021






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Sunday Masses Saturday 5:10 pm anticipated Mass Sunday 8 am, 9:30 am, 11 am, 12:30 pm, 5 pm, 6:30 pm in Spanish, 8 pm

Weekday Masses Monday to Friday 7:15 am, 8 am, 12:10 pm, 5:10 pm Saturday 7:15 am, 8 am, 12:10 pm

Confessions Monday to Friday 7:45 am, 11:45 am, 4:45 pm Saturday 7:45 am, 11:45 am, 4 to 5 pm

Devotions Sunday Vespers and Benediction at 4 pm Morning Prayer Monday to Saturday at 8:30 am Rosary Monday to Saturday at 11:40 am & 4:40 pm (Except Thursday evenings when the Rosary is at 4:15 pm) Chaplet of the Divine Mercy Fridays 3 pm Prayers to God the Father Tuesdays at 4 pm Adoration Thursdays from 4 pm to 5 pm and First Friday from 12:45 pm to 5 pm

Sunday Mass Readings Pentecost

First Reading Acts 2, 1 - 11 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages

Responsorial Psalm 104 R. Lord , send forth your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.

Second Reading 1 Corinthians 12.3b-7, 12-13 God seated Jesus at his right hand in heaven.

Gospel John 20, 19 - 23 As the Father has sent me, so I send you. Receive the Holy Spirit.

Picture on the Cover: Holy Rosary Cathedral Window. ©

Cathedral Office

Office Email office@vancouvercathedral.org

Office Address 646 Richards Street,

Vancouver BC V6B 3A3

Phone (604) 682 6774

Fax (604) 331 8406

Web holyrosarycathedral.org

Cathedral Office Staff

Cathedral Secretary Krystyna Kasprzak

(604) 682 6774 ext. 0

Assistant Secretary Delta Vazquez

Assistant Secretary Marina Ubalde

Pastoral Associate Bertilla Watanabe

(604) 682 6774 ext. 5


Groundskeeper Peter Dziuk

Groundskeeper James Faulkner

Cathedral Clergy Contact Very Rev. Stanley Galvon sgalvon@rcav.org Rev. Pablo Santa Maria Marriages and Baptisms psantamaria@rcav.org (604) 682 6774 ext. 228 Rev. Alessandro Lovato (604) 682 6774 ext. 230 Rev. Federico Buttner Hispanic Ministry (604) 682 6774 ext. 227 Rev. Anicet Pinto RCIA (604) 682 6774 ext. 236 Rev. Dennis Flores Bowen Island (604) 682 6774 ext. 231 Deacon Alvin Rint Ministry Coordinator (604) 682 6774 ext. 5

Cathedral Registration If you have recently moved into the downtown area, we welcome you to pick up a parish registration form from the Cathedral Office. Please contact our office for Donation Envelopes.

W e l c o m e t o H o l y R o s a r y C a t h e d r a l !



G eorge Weigel is a Catholic theologian and one of

the world’s foremost authorities on the Catholic

church. He has recently written a book called City of

Saints. It describes the city of Krakow in Poland and

the life of its favorite saint, Pope John Paul II. Krakow

is the city in which, as Weigel describes, “a boy grew

into a man, a bishop – and an apostle to the world”

In June, 1979 Pope John Paul II visited Poland

for the first time after being elected Pope in 1978.

Poland was governed by a communist government,

which was greatly under the influence of the Soviet

government. This visit was allowed by the communist

government only if Pope John Paul II agreed not to

mention communism or talk against the government.

The Pope kept his word about this. Instead of

talking about politics

he spoke of more basic things. . things about human

freedom, faith, hope and love. He brought these

together by speaking of the Holy Spirit given at first

Pentecost and conveyed to later generations in the

Sacrament of Confirmation.

“The sacrament of Confirmation is received by us only

once in our lifetime (just as Baptism is received only once). All of

life which opens up in view of this sacrament assumes the aspect

of a great and fundamental test: a test of faith and of character. “

Pope John Paul then described how the Polish

people were given the heroic example of St. Stanislaw,

who was martyred for his Catholic faith in the 11th

Century. He is the patron saint of the faith and

character of the Polish people. The Pope continued by

saying how each of us is involved with the moral order

of our society.

“In the final analysis the moral order is built up by

means of human beings. This order consists of a large number of

tests, each one a test of faith and of character. From every

victorious test the moral order is built up. From every failed test

moral disorder grows.”

Pope John Paul called the Polish people to

remain true to the gift of faith they have been given in

Baptism and Confirmation. They needed that faith in

Pentecost Sunday

Christ as the next decade would put them under

martial law and the great oppression by the

communist governments.

We know that the Holy Spirit indeed was

working on renewal and conversion. The Solidarity

movement was started in 1980 and within ten years

the communist government was gone from Poland.

History had changed for the better.

The need continues, however, for reverence

for God, respect for every person and responsibility for

our families and the community. This reverence,

respect and responsibility are vital for Poland and for

every country.

Pope John Paul II said, “Confirmation is the

sacrament which brings to birth within us a sharp sense of

responsibility for the church, for the gospel, for the cause of

Christ in the souls of human beings and for the salvation of the


In the Archdiocese of Vancouver,

Confirmation for adults will be conferred by

Archbishop Michael on Sunday, July 9 at 9:30 am at

Holy Rosary Cathedral. Please call the parish office or

check out the bulletin for more information.

Fr. Galvon

June 4, 2017



Adult Confirmation

Preparation classes will be held over four Wednesdays

on 7, 14, 21 & 28 of June 2017 from 7 pm - 8:30 pm in

Holy Rosary Hall. Attendance at all four sessions is

mandatory. Confirmation Mass is on Sunday July 2,

2017 at the 11 am Mass. To register for classes, please

send an email to office@vancouvercathedral.org.

Handmaids of the Lord

Handmaids of the Lord, a ministry under Couples for

Christ, would like to invite women who want to

deepen their faith to a free integrated course starting

June 4 at 2 pm at Rosary Hall music room. For more

information please contact Rosemary Gaylon: (778)

869 1862. Help us bring the Light of Christ to others!!

Seniors Ministry

The 50+ Senior Adults Ministry of Holy Rosary Cathedral

offers individuals over 50 years the chance to become

actively involved in sharing God's love and the Gospel

with the Cathedral community and beyond. This Ministry

is designed to reach senior adults in a spirit of prayer,

fellowship and caring in order to cater to the spiritual,

mental and physical well-being of elder Catholic

parishioners. For more information on the 50+ Adult

Ministry, contact Shirley Wang; (604) 879 8295.

Birthright Fundraiser

Join us on Saturday, June 17 from 10 am to 1 pm for the

6th Annual Walk/Run Fundraiser around Queen

Elizabeth Park. Meeting point will be Holy Name of Jesus

Parish, Vancouver. To learn more, please contact

Birthright: (604) 687 7223.

Corpus Christi Procession

The Cathedral will host a traditional Corpus Christi

procession on June 18th after the 12:30 pm Mass.

Please join us for this event in which we bring

Christ out in the midst of the city.


Novena at St. Anthony of Padua, Vancouver

The annual Novena at St. Anthony of Padua Parish,

Vancouver will take place June 5 - 13. Daily Mass

and the Novena start at 7:30 pm. from June 5 - 12.

Feast day Procession and Mass will start at 6:30 pm

on Tuesday, June 13, followed by a Fiesta

celebration. Fr. Emmerich Vogt (as seen on EWTN)

will be the celebrant from June 10 - 12, and visiting

priests from the diocese will celebrate all other

Masses. For more info., please call St. Anthony of

Padua’s Parish Office: (604) 266 6131.

Jesus the Teacher Retreat

Grow in your relationship with Christ. The Jesus the

Teacher Retreat is a path of discoveries and

reflections, each building on the other. Join us for a

weekend of enriching faith and personal discovery,

guided by the Ministries and Outreach retreat team

and a special Saturday session with Archbishop

Miller, CSB. Friday, June 9, at 7 pm. to Sunday, June

12, at 1 pm, at Westminster Abbey, Mission. Cost:

$195. For more information and to register please

visit: rcav.org/jesus-the-teacher-retreat.

St. Jude’s Parish Fundraiser

Saturday, June 10, 7 pm at Glad Tidings Church,

3456 Fraser St., Vancouver. A musical presentation

by a group of young adults: Right Here, Write Now .

A story of hope, a triumph over adversity, that

inspires us to write our own story. Proceeds from

the night will go towards improving the church

flooring at St. Jude’s Parish. For more info, please

call (604)434 6700. We hope to see you there!

ADVERTISE!! If you or your company would like to

advertise on the back of the Holy Rosary Cathedral

Bulletin, please contact Max Madrussan for more

information at (778) 899 6388 or send and e-mail

to mmadrussan@cancommedia.

June 4, 2017 Pentecost Sunday



Misa en Español: Domingos a las 6:30 pm

Confesiones en Español: Mier, Jue y Vier 11:45 am

y 4:45 pm.

Rosario en Español: Domingos a las 6:05 pm.

Escrí benos a nuestro email:


Fiesta de Fiestas El Sen or antes de ascender al Padre, prometio enviar al Espí ritu Santo a sus apo stoles y discí pulos. Sin la ayuda del Espí ritu Santo nos vemos limitados en nuestro potencial de Hijos de Dios. Serí amos como velas sin fuego; no podrí amos dar luz ni calor al mundo. Serí amos como agua estancada; sin movimiento. Para ser agua viva necesitamos de la inspiracio n del Espí ritu Santo ya que necesitamos de sus Siete Dones. Oración para pedir el Espíritu Santo Cristo-Jesu s, conce denos el Espí ritu de perfeccio n en nuestras vidas; el trabajo de Tu gracia y Tu amor. Conce denos el Espí ritu de Temor de Dios que nos permita llenarnos de reverencia hací a Tí . Conce denos el Espí ritu de Piedad para que encontremos paz y plenitud en el servicio a Dios mientras servimos a nuestros semejantes; el Espí ritu de Fortaleza para que nos aliente a soportar la cruz Contigo y tengamos la fuerza para sobreponernos en lo que interfiere a nuestra salvacio n; el Espí ritu de Conocimiento para conocernos nosotros mismos en el crecimiento hací a la santidad; El Espí ritu de Comprensio n para que ilumine nuestras mentes con la luz de Tu verdad; El Espí ritu de Consejo para que elijamos el camino ma s seguro para hacer Tu voluntad, buscando primero el Reino; conce denos el Espí ritu de Sabidurí a para que aspiremos a las cosas que perduran por siempre. Ense n anos a ser verdaderos discí pulos Tuyos animados en todo momento por Tu Espí ritu. Ame n. Grupo de estudio bíblico Génesis Este grupo de laicos cumple siete an os de servicio a quienes quieren familiarizarse mejor con las Sagradas Escrituras. Te recomendamos leas el libro Hechos de los Apo stoles, dicho libro lo encontraras en el Nuevo Testamento en seguida del Evangelio de San Juan. A este libro se le considera el Quinto Evangelio, tambie n se le llama el Evangelio del Espí ritu Santo. Nos platica que es lo que paso despue s del Domingo de Ascensio n y como trasciende hasta nuestros dí as, ya que la Iglesia es el Cuerpo de Cristo despue s de Su Ascensio n. ¡Le elo, no te arrepentira s!


Cathedral Organist & Music Director Denis Be dard (604) 322 5995 Assistant Organist & Music Administrator Catherine Walsh (604) 222 8072

Music Programme for the 11 am Mass Sunday, June 4, 2017

Organ Prelude: 1. Chorale "Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott" - D. BUXTEHUDE 2. Veni Creator (Plein Jeu) - N. DE GRIGNY

Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus Dei: Missa L’Hora Passa - L. DA VIADANA

Sequence: Holy Spirit, Lord Divine

Offertory: Veni Creator (Choir) - Gregorian Chant

Communion: 1. Veni Creator - Re cit (Organ) - N. DE GRIGNY 2. O Lux Beatissima (Choir) - H. HELVEY

Organ Postlude: Veni Creator (Dialogue sur les Grands Jeux) - N. DE GRIGNY


Mass of Saint Teresa - H. WILLAN O Sacred Feast - H. WILLAN Rejoice in the Lord - H. WILLAN Organ music by H. WILLAN

June 4, 2017 Pentecost Sunday



Baptisms Sundays at 2:00 pm. Preparation classes are held on the second Saturday of each month. Please call the Cathedral office to find out more. Marriages Bookings should be made at least six months in advance. Couples please contact the Cathedral office for information. Altar Servers The Cathedral has a team of dedicated servers who are scheduled to help at specific Masses. Help is needed at weekday Masses too. Contact: Fr. Pablo Santa Maria (604) 682 6774 ext. 0 Cathedral Bell Ringers A skilled and dedicated team of bell ringers rings our eight bells by hand. New ringers, experienced or not, are welcome always. Practices are held on Tuesdays at 7:30 pm. Visit www.vscr.ca Cathedral Gift Shop The Gift Shop aims to be open before and after the noon, and evening weekday Masses, Sunday morning and evening Masses, & is staffed by a crew of dedicated ladies. Thank you for your support. Catholic Women’s League The Catholic Women's League of Canada is a national organization, rooted in Gospel values, which calls its members to holiness through service to the people of God. We organize a wide variety of spiritual and social events and good works. Please contact Sarah Parry: sarahisobelparry@gmail.com

Church Care & Cleaning The sanctuary is given a thorough cleaning every Tuesday morning, 9 - 11 am, and on the last Saturday of each month. More hands are needed. Contact the parish office at office@vancouvercathedral.com

Ushers & Greeters Help is needed to distribute bulletins, take up the collection, welcome all who come to Mass and generally be ready to serve with a smile! Contact: Gilda Penfold, Email: gilda9488@gmail.com

Choirs Three choirs offer a variety of music repertoires to enrich our prayer experience. Find out which of our choirs is right for you. Contact: Catherine Walsh at (604) 222 8072 .

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion If you are a regular at the parish and live by the principles of a faith-filled Catholic, this ministry may be your calling. Lay members help with the distribution of the Eucharist when additional help is required. Please contact Shirley Wang, (604) 879 8295. HRC Young Adults HRC Young Adults is the Cathedral’s young adult group. We welcome Catholics in their 20’s – 30’s to join us as we cultivate our faith and create friendships through fellowship as well as educational and service opportunities. Contact: hrcyoungadults@gmail.com http://facebook.com/hrcyoungadults

Lectors The sacramental celebration of the Word of God is a proclamation which must enlighten the minds of the listeners and inspire them in the journey towards God. New lectors welcome. For more information please contact David Cuan by e-mail: lector.hrc@gmail.com Handmaids of the Lord This is an all-women ministry of the Couples for Christ. It aims to provide Christian pastoral support for personal renewal. Contact: Grace Inonog, graceaka44@yahoo.com. Knights of Columbus The K of C a fraternal benefit society founded on the principles of charity, unity and fraternity. For more information please contact: Grand Knight James Faulkner, (778) 881 1937 or holyrosary.Council14652@gmail.com Legion of Mary The men & women of the Legion are a well-established organization in the parish. They serve in all areas of parish life as greeters, ushers and prayer leaders. They also make house visits to visit the sick, pray the rosary and evangelize. Rufina Amandiz, (604) 325 9921 . Hispanic Community The weekly Spanish Mass now caters to the Spanish-speaking community in our parish. If you would like to get involved please contact: comunidadhispanahrc@gmail.com

Communion and Liberation An ecclesial movement whose purpose is the education to Christian maturity of its adherents and collaboration in the mission of the Church in all the spheres of contemporary life. Learn more at clonline.org or contact us at communionliberationvancouver@gmail.com

June 4, 2017 Pentecost Sunday

Holy Rosary Cathedral—BC 1101 Cancom Media Inc

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