week 6 : new media and thought - translating media & the word processing

Post on 12-Jun-2015






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Translating Media &

By Bing Li

Student ID: 310050243

Email: bing.sydney@gmail.com

Digital Research and Publishing Summer 2011


The Word Processing

New Media and Thought

is concerned with issues related to the transmission of text, information, or message from print into electronic media and is derived, in part, from the basic principles embodied in translation theory for both literary and nonverbal “texts” as well as notions relating to electronic textuality.

1 Term & 2 Key Words



New Media Translation Theory

3 Questions

1. What are differences between “text” and ”textuality”? How they are altered when the information is translated by new digital medium?

2. What will be changed and not changed when media translation emerges?

3. What does translating media bring us via the Internet in a electronic way?

What a “ ” is ?

The text is

“the actual order of words and punctuation as contained in any one physical form.

It is contained and

stabilized by the physical form but not the physical form itself.”

-- Shillinsburg

The text includes

“verbal,visual,oral and numeric data, in the form of maps, prints, and music, of archives of recorded sound, of films, videos, and any computer-stored information.”

-- Mckenzie

Textuality is a concept in linguistic and literary theory that refers to the attributes that distinguish the text as an object of study in those fields.

Textuality is that which constitutes a text as a text in a particular way.

What is Textuality ?

From Print to Electronic – Harry Potter

Information & Communication



Storage & cataloge




Byte & Connected network



The Word Processing

Hand writing to fingers moving

Rapid rhythm and easy modification

Intelligent systems

Easy storing and portable

Convenient sharing

The Word Processing

The Internet & Word Processing

When the users get used to writing by fingers moving instead of using a pen, the human’s manner of writing are changing

When the Internet makes it easy to communicate, the way to acknowledging and thinking is changing.

When the word processor helps users editing and creating, the print medium and produce are changing;

When print texts are translated to different new mediums, textualities and interaction are changing;

Social Media & Word Processing


The word processing and the Internet have improved human’s communication, in which way promoted social media’s bloom.

People share information immediately and easily through typing words in electronic mediums and clicking the “enter”.

Why they are banned?

In the ongoing Egypt protest, the Internet and cell phone services were shut down by Egyptian government.

In China, many social media forms are banned by the government, such as Facebook, Twitter.

Media translation bringsa new way, new angle and new level to experience the world.


Thinking Organising



New media translation is a significant shift how we experience the world, organise our thoughts, and understand ourselves in a new way.

New media translation is not only doing the same thing with different mediums, but also improving the means in which we communicate.


“Information Revolution” Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4CV05HyAbM&feature=related

“Social Media Marketing - The Change of the Media Landscape” Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J4Ynp9AvYk&feature=channel

Hayles, N. K. (2005). ‘Translating media’. In My mother was a computer: digital subjects and literary texts. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 90– 116. Jacques Derrida (2005) ‘The Word Processor' in Paper Machine, Standford University Press, 19-32.

Dean Grigar & John F. Barber ‘New media translation and the online brautigan bibliography’.

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