webb, christopher prp equipment

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These statements are part of transcribed interviews from witnesses, coaches and players collected by Louisville Metro Police in their criminal investigation of the practice where 15-year-old Max Gilpin collapsed of heat stroke.


September 13, 2008

Today's date is September 13th, 2008. The time now is 10:45 am hours. My name is Detective Terry Jones. My code number is #6354. I'm with the Louisville Metro Police Department. This interview...this interview pertains to Case File #08-197. It's a death investigation involving victim Max Gilpin. this interview is being conducted at PRP High School. Uh, we are currently in my vehicle in, in front of the school, uh, in their parking lot, and the location is 5601 Greenwood Road. This interview is of Mr. Christopher Webb.

Jones Uh, at this time, Mr. Webb, can you identify yourself?

Webb My name is Chris...Christopher L. Webb.

Jones And your date of birth?

WebbJones And your address?

Webb 8411 Summer haven Court.

Jones And a phone number?

WebbJones And what is your title here?

Webb Uh, Equipment Manager.

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Jones For Pleasure Ridge Park High School football team?

Webb Yes, sir.

Jones Okay. And are you aware this interview is being taped?

Webb Yes, sir.

Jones Does it meet with your approval?

Webb Yes, sir.

Jones Okay. At this time, uh, if you would, refer back to August 20th, 2008, at which time the football team was having practice. And would you kinda give me a synopsis of the uh, of the overall duties that uh, that you did that day and what you observed up to the time the victim got ill?

Webb Yes, sir. Uh, I'm goin' through everything uh, from the get-go. Uh, uh...initially we got out uh, uh...we got the team together, we had team ma...uh, a team meeting, uh, roughly about 3:50, 4 o'clock, and uh, uh...we got the kids out to the field. Uh, then uh, before practice started uh, we had the kids uh, help out with uh, movin' some stones around the soccer field...baseball field...moved them uh, off the field to another area. Uh, got the field set up. Uh, got 'em goin' stretchin', uh, doin' the uh, team take-off's...uh, doin' individual drills, uh, kids uh, generally take, after team take-off, take a water break, come out together. Uh, do individual drills, then we break down, do uh, and they do another water break and come

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out...uh, then we do some uh, teamwork, uh, practice did get started a little bit later than usual. Uh, and as far as my duties, I help out, you know, just wherever needed, I assist the other coaches uh, gettin' the dummies set up...you know, uh, uh...gettin' kids, help movin' kids to, you know, their certain areas...team areas, and things like that. And uh, uh...we took uh, after uh, teamwork, uh, roughly around 5:25, 5:30, took 'em on a water break, uh, uh...got the kids prepared uh, do conditioning, uh, did conditioning, uh, uh...I guess uh, we were doin' gassers, roughly, you know, around eight or so...eight to ten, somethin' like that...and uh, uh...which, you know, they were on time, you know, that specific day. Uh, kids uh, after we got finished, you know, uh, coaches uh, sent the kids off to get water, and meet back underneath the tree...uh, had a team meeting before we leave...uh, then uh, that's when uh, uh...we had uh, Max, he'd uh, fell out, you know, uh, walkin' to uh, uh...get water, you know, underneath our tree area...uh, and then that's when uh, we assisted him, you know, got him on a gaiter, moved him over to a watering area, uh, immediately uh, uh...started gettin' water on his body to bring his temperature down, uh, then we had uh, Coach Steve Decan, he uh, come over, checked his pulse, uh, you know, see if he was responsive...uh, he was breathin', things like that. He was uh, his father was there with us, uh, the whole coaching staff were there...uh, you know, pullin' all the ice bags that we could, uh, off of kids that were injured and uh, you know, any ice, any towels that we had...we were doin' everything we could to help 'im. Uh, EMS was called by

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Steve Decan...Coach Decan...and uh, at that point, we did what we could to assist him to make him comfortable until the EMS got there and arrived.

Jones Okay. And uh, Max uh, was eventually transported uh, to the hospital. Correct?

Webb Yes, sir.

Jones Uh, during the time you said when you observed him, uh, he was on the field and had he been running gassers?

Webb Yes, sir.

Jones Okay. And you, you stated that he collapsed on the field or he kinda walked off and then was assisted, is that what you're saying?

Webb Yeah, he was off the field, he was already on his way, uh, you know...

Jones And right...

Webb ...Of course during the, you know, the course of the conditioning, you know, kids, you know, Coach had him uh, remove their helmet and shoulder pads and things like that.

Jones So Max had already uh, dressed down from uh, equipment. Correct?

Webb Yes, sir.

Jones Okay. And uh, you state the last water break was around 7...5:30?

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Webb Yes, sir.

Jones And then the conditioning drill started?

Webb Yes, sir.

Jones And you had...a team had three prior water breaks prior to that water break. Correct?

Webb Yes, sir.

Jones Uh...

Webb generally they have four uh, but, you know, time was, you know, where we got started later you know.

Jones Okay. And you said that was, uh, the practice was uh, a little later than usual?

Webb Yes.

Jones Because of, you said after...

Webb Yeah, we had some after-school, you know, activities goin' on...study skill, study hall, study skill for the kids, and things like that. And we had a team meeting in the locker room also.

Jones And at this particular time for, for the uh, practice, was there other events going on at the time of the practice?

Webb Uhm, yes, there was a soccer game next to uh, our practice field.

Jones Okay. That involved PRP's soccer, girls' soccer team or...

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Webb Yes. Yes, sir.

Jones And who were they playin'?

Webb Wagner High School.

Jones Okay. And the field uh, the practice field, as relationship to the soccer field, are they close, adjoining each other or close to each other?

Webb Yeah, it's pro'bly within 10 to 15 yards.

Jones Okay. So they're right next to each other?

Webb Yes, sir.

Jones Uh, so did anyone else get sick besides Max?

Webb Uh, the only other uh, uhm...individual we have as uhm, Calloway, and uh, he said he was short of breath.

Jones Okay.

Webb He said he was...you know...he couldn't uh, get his breath. Course he, (inaudible) you know, come off the field and, you know, we, we went ahead and brought him over and uh, checked him out just in case, you know, anything was wrong with him.

Jones Okay. Alright. And uh, Mr. Calloway uh, was eventually treated also for, for with water?

Webb Yes...

Jones And...

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Webb ...well, yeah, he was treated with water, I don't think it was much as uh, you know, needin' water, he was just needin' to catch his air.

Jones Okay. and uh, how long did they run gassers, if you can recall?

Webb Uh, well, the way we do it is, you know, the linemen go together, the backers go together, which the bigger kids and the, you know, smaller kids...I guess you could say...more special skilled kids...

Jones ...Okay...

Webb ...uh, roughly around uh, I guess about 40 minutes or so...

Jones Okay.

Webb It was around that area. About 40, 45 minutes.

Jones Okay. Uh, and you actually work...your, your...your brother is the athletic director?

Webb Yes, sir.

Jones And what is his name?

Webb Craig Webb.

Jones Craig Webb is your brother. Okay.

Webb Yes, sir.

Jones Alright. Uh, well, Mr. Webb, is there anything else I didn't ask you, anything else you wanna

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add? Anything else important we didn't cover?

Webb Uhm, no, sir.

Jones Okay. And this ba...basically covers your assignments that you did that day by uh, uh...preparing the soccer field, and uh, managing your team's equipment and per...and, and assisting as needed. Is that correct?

Webb The football field.

Jones Yes, sir. Uh, I'm sorry. Managing the football field?

Webb Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Jones And assist...assisting the team as needed.

Webb Yes.

Jones Okay.

Webb Yes, sir.

Jones Um-hmm. Okay. Okay, uh, no further questions. This will, interview will be concluded. Time now is 1054 hours.

END OF STATEMENTFile #08197jones-ks

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