· web viewyear 5: home learning - week 6. 18.05.20. hello to you all from the year 5 teachers...

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Year 5: Home Learning - Week 6

18.05.20Hello to you all from the Year 5 teachers and welcome to week 6 of your Home Learning.

We have received some wonderful project work over the last few weeks. We continue to be impressed with the passion that the children have shown in their responses when discovering the impact of plastic waste on our

environment. We have also enjoyed seeing the creative ways in which you have presented your work: photos, songs, videos, collage, use of household objects and some wonderful IT skills on show!

We will continue to make contact by phone calls as well as regular messages on class Dojo. It has been lovely to speak to so many of you. Do still keep in touch and let us know if we can help in any way.

Purple Mash is still proving an invaluable way to make contact and is the best way to share your home learning with your teacher.


● Read for at least 20 minutes daily - independently or with an adult. Remember to make a note of what you are reading/ how much you have read in your Reading Record books.

● Use TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed daily for at least 20 minutes – use your login card to access these every day. We will be updating the assignment on Spelling Shed every Monday so that you can practise different spellings each week. If you want some further challenge with your times tables, here is a link to a self-generating torture square website. At school, we set it to ‘Type 10 by 10’ and ‘Difficulty 2’. Have you managed to beat your accuracy or your speed? http://www.maths-starters.co.uk/tables_torture.html

● Choose words from the Y5 spelling list (found in your Reading Record Books) to practise each day (aim for 5 words per week).

Weekly There is one main activity for English, maths, science and project. Deciding when you do these activities will be dependent on your family’s situations and routines. You and your grown-ups can decide when is the best time to do your home learning so that it fits in around your family life. The challenges are there if you would like to spend more time on any of this week’s topics. Again this week, there are some extra learning links for maths if you’d like to spend more time on this subject.There is no need to print the sheets – you can complete the activity or record your answers on some paper and take a photo to send to your teacher, or type it on a word document. Please continue to send in your work to your class teacher, via the Purple mash email.

English Last week, we read some of ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. In the section we read, The Iron Man was portrayed in a negative light; robbing the farmers and destroying their machinery. We saw how Hogarth, his dad and the farmers seemed scared of the giant.This week, we are moving on in the story. The Iron Man goes on to cause devastation in every farm in the region; his hunger for iron and steel mean the farmer’s machinery is destroyed and eaten by the gigantic metal robot. The furious farmers make a trap and catch The Iron Man. However, after weeks of being buried, the giant manages to free himself from the deep pit. This is where we rejoin the story.1. Read pages 62 – 74.

When reading the text, focus on how the author has portrayed the Iron Man at this point in the story. As the reader, do you feel differently about the giant? Has Hogarth’s opinion of the Iron Man changed? How do you know? How have the atmosphere and tone of the story changed?

2. Rewrite a section of this part of the story as a first person narrative, writing from Hogarth’s perspective. How would you change your word choices to show that the atmosphere and tone have changed in this week’s section of the story? How can your writing convey the change in mood? What might you write to show how Hogarth feels differently now about The Iron Man? Remember to keep your writing in a narrative style (story telling), rather than a diary style.

English ChallengeWhat words or phrases has the author used that have caused the reader to feel differently about The Iron Man at this point in the story?

MathsOur new unit of learning is angles. 1. Watch the following videos:

An in depth look at the vocabulary associated with angles and introduction to reflex angles – watch until 1:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JSk0DC5q4gA video on the types of angles covered in Year 5 – watch until 0:44https://corbettmaths.com/2012/08/10/types-of-angle/

2. Print and sort the ‘Angle Cards’ into their different angle types – acute, right angle, obtuse, straight angle and reflex. If you don’t have a printer, you could just write the angle card numbers under the correct headings or you could draw them out by hand. Find the cards at the bottom of this document. You could use the cards to play snap!

3. Complete the ‘Week 6’s Maths Activity Sheet’ and then mark it using the ‘Week 6’s Maths Activity ANSWER Sheet’ both at the bottom of this document.

Maths Challenges:1. ‘Estimating Angles’ - https://nrich.maths.org/1235

How many points will you score? Can you beat your score? 2. ‘Investigation Angles’. Watch the video until the end and solve the problems set out in the video -

https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/maths-ks2-investigating-angles/zk87t393. Can you find examples of the different angle types around your home/ garden? Be creative!

Ask your adults if you can take some photos. Here are some that we’ve found…

Extra Learning Links (if you still want more!): 5-a-day (aim for silver) https://corbettmathsprimary.com/5-a-day/ Maths games on all of the KS2 topics http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/math.htm Maths games http://www.iseemaths.com/maths-games/ A multi-level KS2 maths game designed to cover all of the maths areas


Science We have learnt so much about animals: how to classify them, their lifecycles and how they reproduce. Have you thought about how plants reproduce?


1. Watch this video up to 3mins 15, making notes to be able to answer the questions that follow.

Do plants have a life cycle? What is the male part of the flower? What is the female part of the flower? What is the process called that enables a plant to make a seed? Why does a plant need to make a seed? Where are the seeds made? Do all plants need two parent plants to reproduce? What attracts an insect to a flower? Why is it so important that insects visit flowers?

2. Draw the life cycle of a flowering plant. Can you choose one that we might find in our local environment or in your garden?

3. What can you say is the main difference between how animals reproduce and how plants reproduce?

Science ChallengeA fern does not have a flower. Can you find out how it reproduces? These websites might be useful:https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/fern/353122https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zgssgk7/articles/zyv3jty  



ProjectWe are well into our Summer Term project called ‘What On Earth?’ This week we are following the journey of the 3rd and final plastic bottle to a recycling plant and asking: ‘What On Earth Do We Recycle?’

1. Watch these videos to learn how plastic is recycled and make notes on the following: What bottles can be recycled? What can plastic bottles be recycled into?

https://www.plasticsmakeitpossible.com/plastics-recycling/what-happens-to-recycled-plastics/the-recycling-journey-of-a-plastic-beverage-bottle/ - How are plastics recycled?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dO6A44co9A - Plastic bottles – How are they recycled?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K5UbVwAfec (stopping at 4min 37) – How does plastic recycling work? Inside a Ribena Factory2. Make 2 lists:

In one list, bullet-point all the benefits of recycling plastic bottles. In the other list, bullet-point what you think might stop people from recycling plastic bottles.

3. Find out what can be made from recycled plastic. Were you surprised at what you discovered?Think of how you might present your findings in a visual way: You might draw the items or list them in a diagram. You could cut out some pictures of items made from recycled plastic. You might have some items made from recycled plastic in your house. You could photograph and label them.

Project ChallengeWhat else can we recycle? Which do you think is most important material to recycle? Why?

Angle Cards

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12

13 14 15

16 17 18

Angles – Week 6’s Maths Activity Sheet

1. If I know that 14 turn = right angle = 90°, what else do I know?

a)18 turn = ___°

b)24 or

12 turn = ___°

c)34 turn = ___°

d)44 or 1 whole turn = ___°

2. Estimate the size of each angle of the biscuits. Label each as acute, obtuse or reflex. a) b) c) d) e)

3. Estimate these angles and then order them from smallest to largest. Use your answers from Q1 to help you.

4. Use the correct symbol ( < > = ) to complete these statements. Use your answers from Q1 to help you.

a) 135° 12 turn

b)34 turn 270°

c)38 turn 270°

5. Sam says, "My turn will be a reflex angle if I turn from north-east to west clockwise." Is he correct? Explain your reasoning. Use the picture of a compass above to help you if you need it.

6. True or false? A 34 turn is greater than

58 of a turn. Prove it.

7. Follow the instructions to work out the code to unlock the jar.

Imagine you are facing 0. Make a 34 turn anticlockwise.

Then turn 38 clockwise.

Next, turn 90° anticlockwise.

Finally, turn 58 clockwise.

How many other ways can you write the instructions to give the same code?Angles – Week 6’s Maths ANSWER Sheet

1. a) 18 turn = 45°

b)24 or

12 turn = 180°

c)34 turn = 270°

d)44 or 1 whole turn = 360°

2. a) acute – 5 - 15° b) reflex - 270° c) acute – 80 - 88° d) obtuse – 90 - 100° e) reflex – 185 - 195°

3. From smallest to biggest:

90° 100 – 110° 135° 145 - 155°


a) 135° < 12 turn

b)34 turn = 270°

c)38 turn > < 270°

5. Yes Sam is correct because this turn is 225° which is in-between 180 - 360° making it a reflex angle.

6. True. A 34 turn is 270° and

58 of a turn is 225°. You could also compare the fractions:

34 =

68 which is bigger than

58 .

7. The code to unlock the jar is: 2530.There are multiple instructions possible.

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