we made it!

Post on 12-Dec-2021






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Friday 17th July 2020

Issue 469

St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School High St. Evesham Worcs WR11 4EJ Tel: 01386 446748 Head Teacher: Miss J C Smith BA PGCE


Parish Priest: Father Christopher Draycott 01386 442468


Loving and Caring God,

As I come to the end of my time at Primary School,

I reflect on the years since I began school.

Some of the building blocks of my life have happened here

without my even knowing it: reading and writing,

skills that will grow and that I will use throughout my life.

If I look back on my first days at school,

everybody else in the school seemed very big.

Now, I am at the top of the school and I don’t feel quite so big!

But I am getting ready now to move on,

to new challenges, to a new sense of belonging, to a new iden-


As I do so, help me always to remember a phrase that can ac-

company me now and in the future: Do this in Memory of Me!

Help me, Lord, to remember and not to forget:

that as a child of your family, at any age, I can pray and ask for

your guidance;

that as a follower of yours, I can make a difference in the world

by speaking the truth;

that as a member of the human family, I can act responsibly

and lead others to do the same.

Bless all those who have been part of my journey so far:

my family

my friends

my teachers and all of the staff at my school.

Keep me in your care, Lord, throughout the summer. Keep me


May every day of my life be an opportunity to give back to you

the gratitude I have for the gift of life you have given me.


We made it!

Well done everyone for reaching the end of the term; it has

been an incredibly challenging time for all, but also filled with

many inspirational moments, not least seeing so many children

engage with learning that has been so very different from

anything they have experienced before and seeing our amazing

staff take on a very different way of teaching!

I would like to thank all of you for supporting us in our

teaching and to those of you who kept me amply supplied with

photographs and stories for our newsletter!

Thank you to the staff, who have once again risen to the

occasion and gone the extra mile to ensure our children could

continue with their learning and maintain some contact with

their classmates—albeit electronic!

Please make sure you have a break over the summer—we all

deserve one! We will see you again on Wednesday 2nd

September, God willing.

Keep safe x

Our Year Six ‘bubbles’ each had a pizza and ice cream lunch , as part of their final

week. On Thursday evening we had a

’zoom’ Leavers’ Farewell, which was


Goodbye to our Year Five and Six leavers—we will miss you all!

Goodbye to our departing staff members too,

although we fully plan to bring you all back so that we can

say a proper St. Mary’s Goodbye soon


To my current Year One class— we made it! Although our year to-

gether in the classroom was cut short, we had lots of fun being Vic-

torians, exploring animals at All Things Wild and learning fun facts

through singing lots of songs! During lockdown, you have made me

a very proud teacher and when looking through your photos, your

creativity and success put a big smile on my face. Parents, a big well

done and thank you to you too! You have supported your children

extremely well and we couldn’t have done it without your support.

My new Year One class—I cannot wait to meet you all properly in September. It has been wonderful to hear all about you and to see your cheerful faces at our virtual meeting. I am very excited to be your new teacher and I know that we are going to have a fantastic year as you continue your school journey in Year One! See you in September, Miss Payne

Thank you for all your hard work, I know

the last few months have been a challenge

but take time this summer break to

reflect on all that you have achieved and

all the good times you have had. I will

look forward to welcoming you back in

September in your new classes, when you

can tell me about all the fun you have had

during the summer holidays. Continue to

practise what you have learnt in school

this year and stay safe! Mrs Dobrowolska

Dear Reception Class, I am so happy to have been

your teacher in your first year at ‘big school’. Wav-

ing you up to Year One is harder this year as all your

fun and learning in our classroom was interrupted

by something that no-one could have expected.

I am really proud of each and every one of you. You

took on the challenge of learning at home. You all

did this differently but the most important thing is

that you did it and for that, you should all give your-

selves a great BIG P-A-T on the B-A-CK!

I have many special memories of you all, the singing

and dancing, your wonderful creations, the stories

you told and your fabulous efforts to do your best at

everything. Every day I would leave school with a

great big smile on my face because you were kind to

each other and loved sharing your ideas and what

you had learnt.

My wish for you and your families now, is that you

have a most wonderful summer holiday full of fun

and laughter. I look forward to seeing you all again

in September and hearing about all the exciting

things that you have done. I know that you are all

going to be absolute superstars for Miss Payne!

One last thing that I want you to remember are the words of our class Saint, Teresa, who said that eve-rything we do, we must do with love and kindness. So please remember to make it your job every day to fill your homes with love and kindness, just as you have done at school. Mrs Clark

Thank you for being a wonderful class to teach, Year 2. This year has been a very strange school year but I got to know you all very well before lockdown. You are a fabulous class to teach and I would like to wish you lots of luck as you move forward to Year 3. I hope you and your families all have a very happy and safe summer holiday break.

To all the children in Year 1, I hope you have a

wonderful summer holiday break. I am looking

forward to teaching you in September. Have lots of

fun and keep safe. Mrs Howard

During the past year, I have had the

pleasure to work with so many of you throughout the school in

different classes and as part of the School Choir. I would

particularly like to thank Year 5, Year 2 and the Choir for their

hard work and enthusiasm. You have been a joy to teach and

sing with! I hope that those members of the choir who are leaving

will continue to use their talents in their new schools. Maybe,

you’ll finally get to sing some Billie Eilish! I really hope that

when we are able to continue, lots of you choose to join the choir

and carry on with our singing tradition next year.

Have a fun and safe summer!

Mrs Morgans

Dear Year 6

The Year 6 teachers can’t quite believe we have arrived at the point where we are

saying goodbye to you. It has been a very different year for you, where you may feel

sad that you have missed out on some of the traditional things we normally do in

Year 6. However, you need to remember all the special things you have done during

your time at St Mary’s. There are so many ‘magic moments’ for you to recall from

trips to Cadbury’s World, holding a Honey Bear or going on an adventure in Year 5

to Alton Castle. You have had teachers who care for you and friends that are there

for you always. These are the memories that will stay with you forever and will al-

ways keep St. Mary’s in your heart.

All of you will be given a photograph album with pictures of the special times you

have had inside. Please treasure these as they will bring a smile to your face if you

are feeling sad and remind you of the fantastic time you had at St. Mary’s.

It has been a completely different year, but one we will never forget and in that way

you are unique. We wish you all the very best for September and can’t wait to hear

how you are all getting along in your new schools.

Keep safe and well.

Mrs Middleditch, Mrs Robinson, Mrs MacDonald and Mrs Rose

It has been wonderful being the Year

Four teacher again this year. The class

have been fantastic, have worked so

hard and have been a pleasure to teach.

I wish them all the best of luck next

year in Year 5. I am also very excited to

welcome my new Year 4 class in Sep-

tember for another year of fun and


Miss Harris

To my lovely Year 5 and your families,

Thank you for all of your effort and support this year.

We know this year has been dominated by the lockdown but let us not forget the fantastic times we have had in Year 5. Obviously, Alton Castle and the time we spent away together will be in our memories. Everyone behaved brilliantly and thoroughly enjoyed the experience, even the sprinkling of snow when we arrived added to the magic.

We have had many laughs and you have produced some great quality work. This has continued during lockdown, it has been lovely to see your photos.

We wish you luck for next year, wherever you may be, don’t forget us and come back to show us how tall you have got!

Best Wishes

Mrs Bayliss and Mrs Murphy

Dear Year 3 This is just a quick note to say thank you for being such a lovely class this year. I have thor-oughly enjoyed getting to know all of you and your parents. Although we didn’t have the full year together, we have had a lot of fun and worked really hard. I really enjoyed our trip to Bishop’s Wood together, building shelters and throwing spears - even if some of them were thrown a little too close to me . I also really enjoyed watching many of you get involved with dressing each other up as Egyptian Mummies. In English, we read some lovely stories to-gether and you completed some excellent writing. I hope you enjoyed the albeit short school year we had together and I would like to wish all of you the best as you move on into Year 4, where I know you are all going to do even better. Have a lovely summer and come back safe. Mr McCumisky


The Wednesday Word—whole school Messages from the school office and from the Headteacher Messages from the Class Teachers

See you all on Wednesday 2nd September, God willing x

Wednesday Word: ‘Growing’


After watching the BBC terrific scientific lesson on plastic, Year 5 were challenged to turn waste plastic into items to


Even though we are encouraged to recycle items in the UK, around the world rubbish can be a way to make

money. In Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, waste is a big issue. Private companies collect waste from homes but

not everyone can afford to pay for the service. Those who can’t have the option of taking their waste to selected

areas within the city or leaving it out on the streets.

Informal street collection and waste areas provide opportunities for up to 15,000 people, including children, to

make a living from waste.

Here are some of the amazing ideas that Year 5 came up with and would be sure to sell:

Izabella’s useful—and in-

use pencil container Olivia’s beautifully

decorated plant pot

Nikola made a very cute

‘piggy bank’ (above) and

so did Maja (above left)

Kamila made a pencil hold-

er out of an old plastic milk


Bella made a plant

pot, as well as a

mini camping



Vesper made a bee bath—

great for the environment

is more ways than one!

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