we are all going to die! it’s a fact of life. one of · we are all going to die! it’s a fact of...

Post on 30-May-2020






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We are all going to die! It’s a fact of life. One of these days, like our departed family and friends, we will die also. It’s a morbid thought but never the less it is true. What do you think that those who survive you will write as your epitaph? What will your obituary say? What words will be used in the eulogy to sum up your life? Today we read about Saul’s death. His epitaph in 5 words appear in 1 Samuel 26:21. Saul said, “I have played the fool.”

4 Saul said to his armor-bearer, “Draw your sword and run me through, or these uncircumcised fellows will come and run me through and abuse me.”

But his armor-bearer was terrified and would not do it; so Saul took his own sword and fell on it.

8 The next day, when the Philistines came to strip the dead, they found Saul and his three sons fallen on Mount Gilboa. 9 They cut off his head and stripped off his armor, and they sent messengers throughout the land of the Philistines to proclaim the news in the temple of their idols and among their people. 10 They put his armor in the temple of the Ashtoreths and fastened his body to the wall of Beth Shan.

all have an appointment with

death. . .it is not if

but when

need not fear death. We have on

eternal home

prepared for us as

Christian believes.

need to live wisely in obedience to

God. . .making our

lives count every


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