water page nutrition page air page sunlight-play page protection page react to what's around me...

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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water page

Nutrition page

Air page

Sunlight-play page

Protection page

React to what's around me page

What am I good at page

nutritionGood food is: pumpkin pineapple watermelon rockmelon apple sausage cheese yogurt

Bad food is: Chocolate lollies, fizzy drinks!, cake .

Dairy products

Fish: meat




A healthy person can drink about 3 gallons of water a day that is 48 cups of water wow.

Chicken manure cleans up polluted water. 70 -75 % of earth is covered in water

The weight a person loses directly after intense physical activity is weight from water not fat.

Of all the water on the earth, humans can used only about three tenths of a percent of this water. Such usable water is found in groundwater aquifers, rivers, and freshwater lakes.

The United States uses about 346,000 million gallons of fresh water every day

You get your water from the top of the tow tray cabinet.


You breathe in and out anywhere from 15 to 25 times per minute without even thinking about it. When you exercise, your breathing rate goes up -- again, without you thinking about it. You breathe so regularly that it is easy to take your lungs for granted. You can't even stop yourself from breathing if you try!

Sunlight play

I like to play cricket, skateboard play in my friends pool. On the trampoline

protectionName Role

Mum Always supports me no matter what happens. She’s always there for me,

Dad Is a funny, caring person. I’m glad he chose me when I was a baby.

Matthew He’s very caring he’s the best brother .loves ps2 and he shares stuff lot’s

Ryan He helps me at getting ready for Halloween and he’s lots of fun I like going in his pool

nana She loves talking about god she is a caring happy person I’m glad she’s my nana because I like god 2.

Tony He’s funny and I love having visits because he loves cricket and I do 2 we argue about who loves it the most ha ha ha

React to what’s around me

U should not talk back move away and if they follow u tell and after u tell don’t smile at them that’s mean.

What am I good At?

It's a smart that makes your brain work so it gets stuff right.

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