wards and honors - missouri state university · 2016-07-14 · gambetta g, zvyagin a, cindric p,...

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Laszlo G. Kovacs Department of Biology, Missouri State University



Post-Doctoral Research Associate University of Chicago, Department of Medicine

Post-Doctoral Research Associate University of Missouri, Department of Plant Pathology

Doctoral Studies University of Missouri-Columbia

Undergraduate Studies University of Agricultural Sciences, Giidiillo, Hungary


1995- 1997

. 1993- 1995


1981 -1986

Professor 2009 -Present Missouri State University, Department of Biology

Professor 2007 - 2009 Missouri State University, Department of Agriculture

Co-Director 2006 - 2009 Center for Grapevine Biotechnology, Missouri State University

Assistant and Associate Research Professor 1997 -2007 Southwest Missouri State University, Department of Fruit Science

Graduate Research Assistant 1988 - 1992 University of Missouri, Department of Plant Pathology


CNAS Award from the Students for Faculty Excellence CNAS -Missouri State University

Membership- Interdisciplinary Plant Group University of Missouri-Columbia

Adjunct Professor- Doctoral Faculty Status Plant Science Unit, University of Missouri-Columbia

Outstanding Thesis Advisor Award Graduate College, Southwest Missouri State University,

Excellence in Research Award CNAS - Southwest Missouri State University






Curriculum Vitae Laszlo Kovacs


1. Li, C., A. Erwin, D. Pap, C. Coleman, A.D. Higgins, E. Kiss, P. Kozma, D.W. Ramming and L.G. Kovacs (2013). Selection for Runl-Renl Dihybrid Grapevines Using Microsatellite Markers. American Journal of Enology Viticulture. 64:152-155.

2. Di Gaspero G, Copetti D, Coleman C, Castellarin SD, Eibach R, Kozma P, Lacombe T, Gambetta G, Zvyagin A, Cindric P, Kovacs L, Morgante M, Testolin R (2012). Selective sweep at the Rpv3 locus during grapevine breeding for downy mildew resistance. Theor Appl Genet. 124(2):277-86.

3. Ali, M.B., Susanne Howard, Shangwu Chen, Yechun Wang, Oliver Yu, Laszlo G Kovacs and W. Qiu (2011). Berry skin development in Norton grape: Distinct patterns of transcriptional regulation and flavonoid biosynthesis. BMC Plant Biology. 7:9.

4. Marsh, E., S. Alvarez, L. Hicks, W.B. Brabazuk, W. Qiu, L. Kovacs and D. Schatchman (2010). Changes in protein abundance during powdery mildew infection of leaf tissues of Cabernet Sauvignon grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Proteomics 10:2057-2064.

5. Katula-Debreceni, D., A.K. Lencses, A. Szoke, A. Veres, S. Hoffmann, P. Kozma, L.G. Kovacs, L. Heszky, and E. Kiss. (2010). Marker-assisted selection for two dominant powdery mildew-resistance genes introgressed into a hybrid grape population. Scientia Horticulturae 126:448-453.

6. Coleman, C., D. Copetti, G.,Cipriani, S. Hoffmann, P. Kozma, L.G. Kovacs, M. Michele Morgante, R. Testolin, and G. Di Gaspero. (2009). The powdery mildew resistance gene RENJ in two Central Asian grapevines co-segregates with an NBS-LRR gene cluster in two Central Asian Grapes BMC Genetics 10:89

7. Fekete, C., R.W, Fung, Z. Szabo, W. Qiu, L. Chang, D.P. Schachtman, and L.G. Kovacs. (2009). Up-regulated transcripts in a compatible powdery mildew-grapevine interaction. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 47:732-738.

8. Zhang, J., H. Ma, S. Chen, S., M. Ji, A. Perl, L.G. Kovacs, and S. Chen. (2009). Stress response proteins' differential expression in embryogenic and non-embryogenic callus of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon- a proteomic approach. Plant Science 177:103-113.

9. Olah, R., A. Zok, A. Pedryc, S. Howard and L.G. Kovacs. (2009). Somatic embryogenesi~ in a broad spectrum of grapevine genotypes. Scientia Horticulturae, 120: 134-137.

10. Galbacs, Z., S. Molnar, G. Halasz, S. Hoffmann, E. Kiss, P. Kozma, L.G. Kovacs, A. Veres, Z. Galli, A Szoke, and L. Heszky. (2009). Identification of grapevine cultivars using DNA barcodes. Vitis 48:17-24.

II. Winterhagen, P., W. Qiu, S. Howard, and L.G. Kovacs. (2008). Transcriptional up-regulation of grapevine MLO genes in response to powdery mildew infection. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 59:159-168.

12. Hoffmann, S., G. Di Gaspero, L.G. Kovacs, S. Howard, E. Kiss, Z. Galbacs, and R. Testolin. (2008). Resistance to Erysiphe necator in the grapevine 'Kishmish vatkana' is controlled by a single locus through restriction of hypha! growth. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 116:427-438.

13. Fung, R.W.M., M. Gonzalo, C. Fekete, L.G. Kovacs, E. Marsh, L. Mcintyre, D.P. Schachtman, and W. Qiu. (2008). Powdery mildew induces defense-oriented restructuring of the transcriptome in a susceptible but not in a resistant grapevine. Plant Physiology 146:236-249.

14. Fung, R.W.M., W. Qiu, Y. Su, D.P. Schachtman, K. Huppert, C. Fekete and L.G. Kovacs. (2007). Gene expression variation in grapevine species Vitis vinifera L. and Vitis aestivalis Michx. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 54:1541-1553.

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Curriculum Vitae Laszlo Kovacs


I. Novak, E., Oh'th R., Pedryc A., HowardS., Kovacs G. L. (2010): Embriogen kultfuak indftasa szolo portokokon. Kertgazdasag. 42(2): 77-80. (In Hungarian)

2. Novak, E., Zok, A., Kovacs L.G., Wintehragen P. Olah R., (2011). Transformacios kiserletek szolo lisztharmat rezisztencia kialakitasara. Novenyvedelmi Napok. 15: 15-17. Corvinus University, Budpaest (in Hungarian).


I. Pap. D, Peccaux, A., Klein, L. Miller, A., Kovacs LG (2013) Genetic Structure of the Rock Grape Populations on the Ozark Plateau. Davis, California, July 10-12, 2013.

2. Pap, D. (2013) Exploring the Genetic Structure of Rock Grape Populations in Missouri. Grape Genetics Symposium. Missouri Botanical Graden, St. Louis, June 1, 2013

3. Coleman, C., Pap, D., Gao, F., Erwin, A. et al. Analysis of the genetic locus containing the Ren1 gene for resistance to grapevine powdery mildew. MU-Columbia Life Science Week. April15, 2013

4. Kovacs L.G. Li, C., Erwin, A., Pap, D., Coleman C. (2012). Selection for Runl-Renl Dihybrid Grapevines Using Microsatel!ite Markers. Grape and Wine Research Symposium. University of Missouri-Columbia. December 7, 2012.

5. Pap, D. Coleman, C., Kovacs, L.G., Miller A., Peccoux, A. Exploring Rock Grapes i(l the Missouri Ozarks using the Genotyping-by-Sequencing Technology. MU-Columbia Life Science Week. April23, 2012.

6. Li, C., Erwin, A., Pap, D., Coleman, C., eta!. Selection of Runl-Renl dihybrid grapevines using microsatellite markers. MU-Columbia Life Science Week. April23, 2012.

7. Erwin, A., Syed, M., Glasson, J., and Pilinszky, K., Harnessing Genetic Resources from Wild Grapes in Missouri. MU-Columbia Life Science Week. April, 2011.

8. Cucurachi, M., B. Hubbard, L.G. Kovacs, M. Busconi, C. Fogher, R. Olah, P. Winterhagen, A Perl, D.A. Sinclair, and L. Bavaresco. (2010). Preliminary observations on the role of sirtuin genes in grapevine physiology. lOth International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics. Geneva, New York, August 1-5, 2010

9. Mohammad BAli, Susarme Howard, Shangwu Chen, Laszlo G Kovacs and Wenping Qiu. (2010). Berry skin development in Norton grape exhibits distinct expression patterns of genes in defense and flavonoid pathways and unique profiles of flavonoid compounds. 1oth International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics. Geneva, New York, August 1-5, 2010

10. Katula-Debreceni, D., A.K. Lencses, A. Szoke, A. Veres, P. Kozma, L.G. Kovacs, L. Heszky, and E. Kiss. (2010). Screening grape hybrid families with molecular markers linked to resistance genes. 1oth International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics. Geneva, New York, August l-5, 2010.

11. Coleman, C., G. Di Gaspero, S. Hoffmarm, P. Kozma, L.G. Kovacs, M. Morgante, R. Testolin (2009). Powdery Mildew Resistance In Vitis vinifera From Central Asia. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. San Diego, CA, January 10-14, 2009.

12. Ali, M.B., S. Howard, S. Chen, L.G. Kovacs, and W. Qiu. Profiles ofMyb transcription factors, structural genes, and anthocyanins revealed a unique pattern of flavonoid biosynthesis in the berry skin of Vitis aestivalis 'Norton'. NSF Grapevine Research Coordination Network Conference. Tahoe City, California, May 15 -17.

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Curriculum Vitae Laszlo Kovacs

13. Coleman, C., G. Di Gaspero, S. Hoffmann, P. Kozma, L.G. Kovacs, M. Morgante, R. Testolin (2009). Powdery Mildew Resistance In Vitis vinifera From Central Asia. NSF Grapevine Research Coordination Network Conference. Tahoe City, California, May 15 -17.

14. Kovacs, L.G. (2009) Powdery Mildew Resistance Cosegregates with Different NS-LRR Gene Clusters in American and Asian Grapevines. University Missouri-Columbia Plant Sciences Division Seminar Series. September 30, 2009.

15. Winterhagen, P., Z. Toth, A. Higgins, Z. Szabo, E. Kiss, N. Li, S. Howard, Y. SU, W. Qiu, and L.G. Kovacs. (2008). Powdery mildew- and salicylic acid-induced gene regulation in a susceptible grapevine. Eighth International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and · Biotechnology. Adelaide, Australia, November 23-28, 2008.

16. Winterhagen, P., C. Dennis, S. Howard, W. Qiu, and L.G. Kovacs. (2008). Identification and characterization of MLO-like genes in the grapevine Vitis vinifera 'Cabernet Sauvignon'. International Animal and Plant Genome Conference, San Diego, California, January, 2008.

17. Szab6, Z. , G. Gyulai, L.G. Kovacs, Z. Toth, R. Lagler, A. Bittsanszky, L. Kocsis, and L. Heszky. (2007). Ancient DNA Analysis and Morphology of Grape Seeds from Antiquity and the Middle Ages Excavated in Hungary. Abstract P40020 Plant Biology and Botany 2007 Joint Congress, Chicago. July 7-11, 2007.

18. Szab6, Z., P. Winterhagen, N. Li, L.G. Kovacs and W. Qiu. (2007). Powdery mildew­induced changes in salicylic acid levels and related gene expression in grapevine. Abstract P54007. Plant Biology and Botany Joint Congress, Chicago. July 7-11,2007.

19. Gyulai, F., G. Gyulai, R. Lagler, Z. Toth, Z. Szabo, L.G. Kovacs, and L. Heszky. (2007). Morphological and Molecular Analysis of Ancient Grapes (Vitis vinifera) Excavated in Hungary. 14'h International Working Group for Paleoethnobotany. Krakow, Poland. June 17-23,2007.


I. Erwin, A. (2010). Genetic mapping ofREN1: a powdery mildew resistance gene present in two Central Asian grapevines. CNAS Undergraduate Research Day. April, 2010.

2. Toth, Z. Aanlysis of the Promoter of a Grapevine NAC gene in transgenic Arabidopsis. MSU Interdisciplinary Forum, April, 2011.

3. Erwin, A. An investigation of o the role of sirtuin proteins in plants CNAS Undergraduate Research Day. April, 2012.

4. Li, C. Selection of Runl-Renl dihybrid grapevines using microsatellite markers. MSU Interdisciplanry Forum. April23, 2012.

5. Whitehead, D., An investigation of the role of sirtuin proteins in plants CNAS Undergraduate Research Day. April, 2013.

6. Pap, D. (2013) Exploring the Genetic Structure of Rock Grape Populations in Missouri. (Interdisciplinary Forum), April, 2013.


1. Kovacs, L.G. Wait, A., Wanekaya, A. CNTs in Plants. Missouri State University Faculty Research Grant to the CNT Life Cycle Working Group. $15,000 for 2013.

2. Kovacs, L.G. Grape hunting meets gene hunting: Exploring the genetic resources in Missouri's rock grape population. MSU Faculty Research Grant, $5,800 for the 2012-13 academic year.

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Curriculum Vitae Laszlo Kovacs

3. Gassmann, W. Qiu, L.G. Kovacs, and D. Schachtman, and P. Durham. Vitis Gene Discovery Program. Agency: USDA-CSREES. Received $420,111.0ctober 2008- September 2009.

4. Kovacs, L.G., W. Qiu, R.N. Biagioni, P. Durham, D. Schachtman and 0. Yu: Grape Polyphenols: Potential for New Commercial Products and Enhanced Plant Health. Agency: Missouri Life Science Research Board Trust Fund. Received: $895,000.January 2008 to December 2009.


1. Mapping the powdery mildew resistance locus REN 1 in Vi tis vinifera. Courtney Coleman, M.S. in Natural and Applied Sciences. 2009.

2. Transcriptional analysis of the promoter of powdery mildew-inducible grape gene. Zsofia Toth, MS in Plant science. 2011

3. Selection for Runl-Renl dihybrid grapevines using microsatellite markers. Chen Li, M.S. in Biology. Current.

4. Exploring genetic Resources in Rock Grapes in the Missouri Ozarks. Daniel Pap. MS in Plant Science. 2011- Present. Positional Cloning and Characterization of the RENl Locus which provides Resistance to powdery mildew. Courtney Coleman, Ph.D. in Plant Science (MU-Columbia), 2010- Present


Amanda Herbster, Matthew Knepper, Tracey Wharton, Juleah Marquee, Clayton Dennis, Jesse Day, Alexander Linan, Justin Conover, Husham M. Syed, Alexandra Erwin, Jos Glasson, McKenzie Keller, Sarah Schoen, Dresden Whitehead, Alyssa Higgins,


1. Reviewer of proposal for granting agencies: a. USDA -Viticulture Consortium-East b. NSF - Gene Regulatory Mechanism c. NSF - Plant Genome Program, d. USDA- National Institute of Food and Agriculture e. Hungarian Academy of Sciences National Research Fund

2. Reviewer of papers for scientific journals: a. Theoretical and Applied Genetics b. Proteomics c. Plant Science d. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture e. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry f. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

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Curriculum Vitae Laszlo Kovacs


• Hermann Jaeger, Ozark Grape Hunter: Saving European Vineyards in the 19'h Century, Discovery Center of Springfield, April 2011

• The History of Grapevine Research in Missouri, The Discovery Center of Springfield, April2011

• Missouri's Grapevine Genetic Resources, Missouri Native Plant Society April2012. • Exploring Missouri's Grape Genetic Resources in 19th Century and Today, Neosho,

Missouri, April 2012 • Missouri's Grapevine Genetic Resources, Missouri Master Naturalists, May 2012 • Missouri's Grapevine Genetic Resources, Friends ofthe Garden- Nathanael Greene

Park, June 2012 • Exploring Missouri's Grape Genetic Resources in 19th Century and Today, Neosho,

Missouri, April 2013.

COURSES TAUGHT- (2007-2013)

1. Traditional Lecture and Lecture/Lab Courses • BIO 235 Principles of Genetics • BIO 121 General Biology I • BIO 540/640 Application of Molecular Markers

2. Specialty Course and Independent Study Courses • FRS 630-3 Advanced Topics in Plant Science: Innate Innnunity in Plants • FRS 630-5 Advanced Topics in Plant Science: Secondary Metabolism in Plants • BIO 730 Advanced Topics in Biology: Sirtuins and Gene Regulation

3. Regular Guest Lectures in • PP 9540- Genetics of Plant-Microbe Interactions (MU-Columbia) • AGH 483- Diseases of Economic Plants • YIN 213- Midwest Vineyard Management

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Matrix Template for Tenure and Promotion of Tenure-Track Faculty at the Biology Department

Criterion Documentation Location of


An absolute minimum of Reprints or preprints of all peer-reviewed publications CV- Page 2 two (for tenure and/or resulting from research conducted during the period of Suppl. 1-12 promotion to Associate evaluation: Professor) or three (for 1. Li, C., A. Erwin, D. Pap, C. Coleman, A.D. promotion to Full Higgins, E. Kiss, P. Kozma, D.W. Ramming and Professor) peer-reviewed L.G. Kovacs (2013). American Journal of Enology publications from Viticulture. 64:152-155. research conducted 2. Ali, M.B., Susanne Howard, Shangwu Chen, during the period of Yechun Wang, Oliver Yu, Laszlo G Kovacs and W. evaluation. Qiu (2011). BMC Plant Biology. 7:9.

3. Di Gaspero G, Copetti D, Coleman C, Castellarin SD, Eibach R, Kozma P, Lacombe T, Gambetta G, Zvyagin A, Cindric P, Kovacs L, Morgante M, Testolin R (2011). Theor Appl Genet. 124(2):277-86.

4. Marsh, E., S. Alvarez, L. Hicks, W.B. Brabazuk, W. Qiu, L. Kovacs and D. Schatchman (2010). Proteomics 10:2057-2064.

5. Katula-Debreceni, D., A.K. Lencses, A. Szoke, A. Veres, S. Hoffmann, P. Kozma, L.G. Kovacs, L. Heszky, and E. Kiss. (20 1 0). Scientia Horticulturae 126:448-453.

6. Coleman, C., D. Copetti, G.,Cipriani, S. Hoffmann, P. Kozma, L.G. Kovacs, M. Michele Morgante, R. Testolin, and G. Di Gaspero. (2009). BMC Genetics 10:89

7. Fekete, C., R.W, Fung, Z. Szabo, W. Qiu, L. Chang, D.P. Schachtman, and L.G. Kovacs. (2009) .. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 47:732-738.

8. Zhang, J., H. Ma, S. Chen, S., M. Ji, A. Perl, L.G. Kovacs, and S. Chen. (2009). Plant Science 177:103-113.

9. Olah, R., A. Zok, A. Pedryc, S. Howard and L.G. Kovacs. (2009). Scientia Horticulturae, 120: 134-137.

10. Galbacs, Z., S. Molnar, G. Halasz, S. Hoffmann, E. Kiss, P. Kozma, L.G. Kovacs, A. Veres, Z. Galli, A Szoke, and L. Heszky. (2009). Vitis 48:17-24.

11. Winterhagen, P., W. Qiu, S. Howard, and L.G. Kovacs. (2008). American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 59:159-168.

12. Hoffmann, S., G. Di Gaspero, L.G. Kovacs, S. Howard, E. Kiss, Z. Galbacs, and R. Testolin.


(2008). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 116:427-438. CV -Page 2

13. Fung, R.W.M., M. Gonzalo, C. Fekete, Suppl. 13-14 L.G. Kovacs, E. Marsh, L. Mcintyre, D.P. Schachtman, and W. Qiu. (2008). Plant Physiology 146:236-249.

14. Fung, R.W.M., W. Qiu, Y. Su, D.P. Schachtman, K. Huppert, C. Fekete and L.G. Kovacs. (2007). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 54:1541-1553.

These minimum numbers For each journal in which a publication appeared, N/A of publications will not identifY the readership (local, regional, national, be sufficient to earn international) and impact factor tenure or promotion if the Journal Readership Impact publications are of low Factor impact to the applicant's Plant Physiolo?Y International 7.084 field of research. Theoretical and International 4.055 Evidence of impact Applied Genetics should be pro.vided for all American Journal of International 1.826 publications.

Enology and Viticulture Vitis International 0.859 Scientia International 1.396 Horticulturae Plant Science International 2.997 Plant Physiology and International 2.960 Biochemistry BMC Genetics International 2.808 Proteomics International 4.302 BMC Plant Biolo?Y International 4.354 Genetic Resources International 1.593 and Crop Evolution Copies of peer reviews N/A Other evidence of impact (itemize) 1) Grapevine germplasm collected by my lab has been

requested by grape geneticists around the US and also internationally. I recently received requests from:

• The USDA Grape Germplasm Repository • University of California-Davis

• University ofUdine, Italy 2) I have been invited by colleagues to join large CV- Page4

research proposals that deal with grapevine biology

• USDA-NIFA proposal by Gassmann and Kovacs


(2011 and 2013)

• NSF-AISL proposal by Ascencion, Miller, Kovacs (2013)

• NSF- by Miller, Londo, and Kovacs (20 13)

• NSF- Missouri EPSCoR R-II by Kovacs, Miller and Beck (2013)

3) As a result of my expertise in grapevine biology, I CV- Page 1 was invited to join the Plant Science Faculty and the prestigious Interdisciplinary Plant Group at the University of Missouri • Adjunct Professor at the Plant Science Division,

University of Missouri-Columbia- since 2009

• Member of the Interdisciplinary Plant Group, University of Missouri-Columbia- since 2010

Peer-reviewed Description of the total effort contributed by the CV -Page2 publications must, applicant to each publication. The specific role of the Suppl. I - 7 collectively, represent a applicant in multi -authored studies must be described substantial creative effort in detail. by the applicant. 1. Li eta!., 2013: 50% of total contribution,

corresponding author. Conceived and designed the experiments and supervised the entire project. Performed data analysis and wrote the first draft ofthe manuscript. Trained and supervised students in techniques of phenotyping, microsatellite-based genotyping, and fragment analysis.

2. Ali et a!. 2011: 25% contribution. Coordinated the grant proposal that raised funds to support the work. Conceived the entire study and designed the experiments. Collected all samples in the field, design and coordinated microarray analysis.

3. Di Gaspero et al., 2011: 5% contribution. Sample collection and editing of manuscript.

4. Marsh eta!., 20 I 0: I 0% contribution. Experimental design, generating and providing biological material for the study, writing and editing of manuscript.

5. Katula"Debreceni eta!., 2010: 5% contribution. Data analysis, writing of the manuscript.

6. Coleman eta!., 2009: 5% contribution. Phenotyping the segregating population, editing the manuscript.

7. Fekete eta!., 2009: 50% of total contribution, corresponding author. Conceived and designed the experiments and supervised the entire


project. Design and overall coordination of the CV -Page2 entire project. Data analysis, interpretation and Suppl. 8 - 14 manuscript writing, manuscript revision.

8. Zhang eta!., 2009: 10% contribution. Data interpretation, writing and editing and revising the manuscript.

9. Olah eta!., 2009: 50% of total contribution, corresponding author. Conceived and designed the experiments and supervised the entire project. Performed data analysis and interpretation, wrote the manuscript.

10. Galbacs eta!. 2009: 10% oftotal contribution. Data analysis, manuscript writing and editing.

11. Winterhagen eta!., 2008: 50% contribution, corresponding author. Conceived and designed the experiments and supervised the entire project. Performed data analysis and interpretation, prepared figures and edited manuscript.

12. Hoffmann et al2008: 35% contribution. Design and histological characterization of the plant-pathogen interaction, data analysis, writing and editing of the manuscript.

13. Fung eta!., 2008: 25% contribution. Design of the overall experiment, design of the microarray study, generation of the biological material, data interpretation and manuscript writing.

14. Fung eta!., 2007: 65% contribution. Design of the overall experiment, design of the microarray study, data interpretation and manuscript writing.

Copies of proposals for grants that supported the CV -Page 4 published research. (Proposals awarded are typed in bold an listed in CV)

• Kovacs, L.G., W. Qiu, R.N. Biagioni, P . Durham, D. Schachtrnan and 0. Yu: Grape Polyphenols: Potential for New Commercial Products and Enhanced Plant Health. Submitted to the Missouri Life Science Research Board Trust Fund in 2008.

• Gassmann, W., Qiu, W., Kovacs, L.G. and Schachtman, D. Vitis Gene Discovery Program. Submitted to USDA-CSREES.

• Kaps, M., Kovacs, L.G., Pszczolkowski M. No-Spray and Minimal Snrav Approaches to Pest


Control in Norton Grape. Submitted to USDA CV -Page4 Viticulture Consortium-East in 2009.

• Gassmann, W., Schoelz, Kovacs, L.G. Qiu, W . The Vitis Gene Discovery Program. 2009. Submitted to USDA-CREES in 2009.

• Gassmann, W. and Kovacs, L.G. Cloning and Functional Analysis ofREN1, a Unique Vitis vinifera Resistance Gene Against Powdery Mildew. Submitted to USDA- Agriculture and Food Research Initiative in 2011.

• Hwang, C., Miller, A., Peccoux, A., Kovacs, L.G. Grapevine Knowledge Database (GrapeKB): Preservation, phenotyping, Genetics, and Genomics of the Missouri Vi tis species. Submitted to NSF Missouri EPSCoR R-I Program in 2012.

• Ascencion, C. Miller, A., Kovacs, L.G . Collaborating today, cultivating tomorrow: Bringing together citizens, scientists, and growers to conserve crop variation for the future of our food. Submitted to NSF- Advancing Informal STEM Learning in 2013

• Gassmann, W. and Kovacs, L.G. Cloning and Functional Analysis of RENJ, a Unique Vitis vinifera Resistance Gene Against Powdery Mildew. Submitted to USDA-Agriculture and Food Research Initiative in 2013

• Miller, A., Londo, J., Kovacs, L.G. Getting to the roots of adaptation: population genomics, comparative transcriptomics, and root physiology in native grapes. Submitted to the NSF Environmental Biology Program, Evolutionary Processes Cluster.

• Kovacs, L.G. Miller, A. Beck, J. Grapevine Genetic Reources. Submitted to the NSF Missouri EPSCoR R-II Track-2 Program in 2013

Internal proposals supporting research:

• Kaps, M. Kovacs, L.G. Qiu, W., Avery, J., CV -Page 4

Arbindra, R. Importation of new varieties international grape breeding programs to enhance the Missouri Grape and Wine Industry. Submitted to Missouri State University futures


Program in 2008 CV -Page 4 • Kovacs. L.G. Grape Hunting Meets Gene

Hunting: Exploring the Genetic Resources in Missouri's Rock Grape Population. Missouri State University Faculty Research Grant, 2012.

• Kovacs, L.G. Wait, A. Carbon Nanotubes in Plants. Missouri State University Faculty Research Grant to the CNT Life Cycle working group. 2013 .

students & parents

• Judges grad. student presentations at Graduate Forum

Copies or summaries of student evaluations N/A

Semest. Course Contact Hours Fa09 BIO 235-A Principles of Genetics 2.7

BIO 235-1 Principles of Genetics Lab 2.6


Sp 10 BIO 235-A Principles of Genetics 1.8 BIO 121-A General Biology I 2.5

Fa 10 BIO 235-A Principles of Genetics 2.6 BIO 235-1 Principles of Genetics Lab 2.2 BIO 121-A General Biology I 2.3

Sp 11 BIO 235A Principles of Genetics 2.1 BIO 235-1&3 Principles of Genetics 2.2 Lab

Fa 11 BIO 235A Principles of Genetics 1.8 BIO 235-1 Principles of Genetics Lab 1.6 BI0540/640 Appl. ofMolec. Markers 1.2

Sp 12 BIO 235A- Principles of Genetics 1.5 BIO 235-1&3 Principles of Genetics 1.4 Lab 1.4

Fa 12 BIO 235A- Principles of Genetics 1.7 BIO 235-1&3 Principles of Genetics 1.4 Lab 1.6

Sp 13 BIO 235A- Principles of Genetics 1.8 BIO 235-1&3 Principles of Genetics 1.4 Lab 1.4

List all other indicators of teaching effectiveness from N/A Appendix 2 that are applicable

Clear evidence for at least Outstanding performance as a classroom teacher: Suppl. 17 one of the following exceptional modes or • CNAS Award from the Students for facu1ty


qualities of teaching. See Excellence. This award was the result of section 11.4 for examples nomination and vote by Biology majors for my of supporting evidence. teaching of the Principles of Genetics (BIO 235)


Supervision of successful and substantial research by undergraduate and/or graduate students

Presentations by graduate students at scientific CV Pages 3&4 conferences:

1. Pap. D, Peccaux, A., Klein, L. Miller, A., Kovacs LG (2013) Genetic Structure of the Rock Grape Populations on the Ozark Plateau. Davis, California, July 10-12,2013 ..

2. Pap, D. (20 13) Exploring the Genetic Structure of Rock Grape Populations in Missouri. Grape .Genetics Symposium. Missouri Botanical Graden, St. Louis, June I, 2013

3. Coleman, C., Pap, D., Gao, F., Erwin, A. eta!. Analysis of the genetic locus containing the Renl gene for resistance to grapevine powdery mildew. MU-Columbia Life Science Week. Aprill5, 2013.

4. Pap, D. Coleman, C., Kovacs, L.G., Miller A., Peccoux, A. Exploring Rock Grapes in the Missouri Ozarks using the Genotyping-by-Sequencing Technology. MU-Columbia Life Science Week. April23, 2012.

5. Li, C., Erwin, A., Pap, D., Coleman, C., et a!. Selection of Runl-Renl dihybrid grapevines using microsatellite markers. MU-Columbia Life Science Week. April23, 2012.

6. Coleman, C., G. Di Gaspero, S. Hoffmann, P. Kozma, L.G. Kovacs, M. Morgante, R. Testolin (2009). Powdery Mildew Resistance In Vitis vinifera From Central Asia. NSF Grapevine Research Coordination Network Conference. Tahoe City, California, May 15 -17.

Presentations by undergraduate students at scientific CV Pages 3&4


7. Erwin, A., Syed, M., Glasson, J., and Pilinszky, K., Harnessing Genetic Resources from Wild Grapes in Missouri. MU-Columbia Life Science Week. April, 2011.


Student presentations at MSU graduate and CV Pages 3&4 undergraduate research forums:

1. Erwin, A. (2010). Genetic mapping ofREN1: a powdery mildew resistance gene present in two Central Asian grapevines. CNAS Undergraduate Research Day. April, 2010.

2. Toth, Z. Aanlysis of the Promoter of a Grapevine NAC gene in transgenic Arabidopsis. MSU Interdisciplinary Forum, April, 2011.

3. Erwin, A. An investigation of o the role of sirtuin proteins in plants CNAS Undergraduate Research Day. April, 2012.

4. Li, C. Selection of Runl-Renl dihybrid grapevines using microsatellite markers. MSU Interdisciplanry Forum. April23, 2012.

5. Whitehead, D., An investigation of the role of sirtuin proteins in plants CNAS Undergraduate Research Day. April, 2013.

6. Pap, D. (2013) Exploring the Genetic Structure of Rock Grape Populations in Missouri. (Interdisciplinary Forum), April, 2013.

Completion of basic job Noteworthy work in student advisement: N/A requirements in service Graduate and undergraduate who worked under my

supervision are successful in their career:

Graduate Students:

• Courtney Coleman: Doctoral program in Plant Science at MU -Columbia, Life Science Fellowship

• Chen Li: Technician at Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis,

• Daniel Pap: Doctoral program at Dept. of Viticulture and Enology, University of California , Davis

• Zsofia Toth: Doctoral program, Department of Genetics and Plant biotechnology Szent Istvan University, Hungary

Undergraduate Students (those that I know of):

• Alexandra Erwin, Doctoral Program, Department of Genetics, University of Kansas, Lawrence

• Alyssa Higgins, Medical School, University of



• Husham Syed, Medical school, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine in Bradenton, FL

• Dresden Whitehead, research assistant, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Alabama-Birmingham

• Jos Glasson, MS in Plant Science Program, School of Agriculture, Missouri State university

Internal or external grants to support innovative NIA teaching Course activities that connect course content to broader NIA social issues or problems, including service learning components:

• Broader ethical and social aspects of modern genetics (genetic testing, privacy, social policy in the genomic age, genetic engineering of plants, animals, and microbes) are incorporated in BIO 235 throughout the semester.

• Specialty courses, such as Plant Genetic Resources in Missouri (BIO 197-5) focus mostly on the conservation of local natural flora as a prerequisite for sustainable crop production .


Significant involvement of students in experiential NIA learning:

• BIO 235: The laboratory section for this course consists of a mini research project in which students detect, PCR-amplity, clone, sequence, and annotate a fragment of a bacterial gene. Students write a research paper at the end ofthe semester.

• BI0540/640: The laboratory section for this course consists of a research project in which students attempt to map genes determining phenotypic traits in plant using a genome-wide association study (GWAS), the most advanced mapping technology available today. Students write a research paper at the end of the semester.

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