volume 47 number 14 | august 2016 volume 51 number 7 | july … · 2019-07-01 · happy birthday!...

Post on 14-Aug-2020






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Volume 47 Number 14 | August 2016 Volume 51 Number 7 | July 2019




HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Jack Ludwig will celebrate his 90th birthday on July 21.


Marilyn & Bill Holgerson will celebrate their 59th wedding anniversary

on July 3.

Ellen & Leland Tinkler will celebrate their 52nd wedding anniversary on

July 7.

Nancy & Aubrey Linville will celebrate their 68th wedding anniversary

on July 13.

Sissy & Roger Morrison will celebrate their 54th wedding anniversary on

July 24.

Ruth & Steve Asher will celebrate their 53rd wedding anniversary on

July 30.

Toni & Dick Renfro will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on

July 31.

SYMPATHY IS EXTENDED to Maralyn Williams and her family. Maralyn’s granddaughter, Erika

Jones, Memphis, Tennessee, died May 29.

to Jo & Shannon Buchanan, Claire Miller & Nate Miller. Jo’s mother,

Middy Risinger, Indianola, Iowa, died June 4.

IT’S A BOY! A son, Sullivan Miller, was born June 2 to Lainey & Daniel Bratt.

Welcoming Sullivan are his two big sisters, Quinlyn & Callihan.

FPC Staff


Rev. Dr. Charlie Smith charless@fpcsalina.org


Rev. Keith Phillips keith@fpcsalina.org


Shelby Dickson

Director of Children’s CE shelby@fpcsalina.org

Children’s CE Assistant

Britton Zuccarelli

Nursery Caregivers

Briana Dundon

Becca Karber


Rev. Keith Phillips


Richard Koshgarian

Director of Music richard@fpcsalina.org

Angie Koshgarian

Organist angie@fpcsalina.org


Melanie Dennis

Office Manager melanie@fpcsalina.org

Beth Cormack

Communications Coordinator beth@fpcsalina.org


Ed Zoch

Head Custodian ed@fpcsalina.org

Tony Griggs

Relief Custodian tony@fpcsalina.org

Do you have information you'd like to have listed in the Personals section of

the newsletter? Contact Beth at beth@fpcsalina.org today!

Led by Christ, Together in

Faith and Love,

We Joyfully Think, Question,

Grow and Serve!

from Pastor Charlie...


In my Pentecost Sunday sermon on June 9th, I quoted Walter Brueggemann as saying that one mandate for preachers is to

constantly de-script and re-script the way we, people of faith, see the world and our place in it. In his book Mandate to

Difference, Brueggemann says that the world gives us a dominant script, a story through which we are to understand our lives.

That dominant script promises to make us safe and happy. Yet it says nothing of God and inevitably leaves us insecure and

unhappy. Brueggemann says the church, as the body of Christ, instead must turn to scripture for our alternative script, a life-

giving script, a script that reminds us that God desires nothing less for all people than new creation and emancipation from all

that binds us.

As part of the sermon, I challenged folks in the pews to engage in some Pentecost, flip-the-script thinking. Inside the worship

bulletins were two Post-It Notes.

On one Post-It, I asked people to answer two question: What is something you see God doing in your neighborhood, in this

community, or this world? Where have you seen scenes from God’s script?

On the second Post-It note I asked people to write some way that you can be God's witness in the world. (Or, following the

sermon theme: How can you be an actor in God’s script?) I asked for some “outside-the-box” thinking. And I instructed that

the answers on those Post-It notes ought to be taken home and placed someplace where they could be seen as a reminder to

think differently in how we each personally participate in God's mission. To think of God’s script. Not the world’s. And not

your own.

The Post-It Notes answering the first question were collected in the offering plates, and gathered together on a bulletin board

that was placed on an easel and has been on display in the hallway. Here are the answers that you wrote:

YMCA, Presbyterian Manor, Our Home

Growth of the Earth

Encouragement at Church and at Johnstown Towers Sharing

God’s Love in Community

Helping People

Feeding School Kids Free Lunches during Summer/Breakfast –


Help Make Awareness and Help Find More Volunteers

God’s Script in This World? RAK or ARK

Way to Be God’s Witness? RAK or ARK

Food Bank. Hugs from Each Other

Music. Sunsets. Sunrises. Random Acts of Kindness

At the Splash Park at Jerry Ivey Park in the Faces of Happy


Music. Drama. Nature.

Circles of the Heartland

Laundry Love.

In Neighborhood: Halfway House for Recovering Women from

Substance Abuse

Downtown Change. People Being Kind to Others

Movements for Equality.


I See God in the Individuals Who Treat Others with Love and

Respect No Matter the Differences (Abilities and Disabilities)

God Provided for My Bible Study. God Moves People to Help

Others in Time of Need

The Creation of Olivia’s Park on Center and 4th Street


Parents Involved with Their Children. Their Kindness and


Be Kind, Generous and Loving to All, Even Animals. Be


Flower growing. Trees Shedding. Beauty All Around.

The Birth of New Babies in Our Congregation to Families So

Deserving of this Blessing


Helpers in Disasters in our Country and Others

In My Flower Bed and Trees and My Neighbors. At Yosemite

Ashby House. Food Bank

Bringing Neighbors Together in Their Yards to Discuss How

Great It Was to be Able to Talk with Each Other after a Long


Family Living Together with Neighbors of Different Nationality

In the Beauty of Nature and in the Voices of Children as They

Enjoy the Out of Doors

In the Joy of Children Playing, Interacting, and Helping Me with

Little Tasks

Speaking Out When There Is Oppression or Hurt – Fear of


Flowers. Sunsets. Friends.

The New Song and Video “The God Who Sees” Has Given Hope

to Many Listeners and Viewers. It Is Inspired.

Giving of Food

Children from Our Church Caring for Younger Kids at VBS.

Delivering Food to the Food Bank. Making Meals for Those in

Need or Who Need Me. Hand-written Cards from People from

Our Church Telling Me They Are Praying for Me

Mother Nature Coming Alive with Glorious Flowers and Birds

Bruce Deppe

By Finding Ways to Solve Problems to Help Bring Hope

Friends Reaching Out to Help Neighbors


Keith’s Korner

I’ve had some rough days recently after

returning from vacation. Leaving my family

back in Virginia is always tough. The travel

itself was particularly taxing this time. A couple

of days after returning, I also spent two days at

the Central Kansas Mental Health Center

participating in the Applied Suicide Intervention

Skills Training (ASIST) program. This was

especially difficult as one of the youth I worked

with for three years in Georgia committed

suicide just four months ago. Though it was difficult, I did not want to delay the training at all. It is too important

with so many folks suffering these days.

Add in the stress of returning to work after two weeks away, I was physically, mentally, and emotionally spent. I

think my body was trying to tell me to slow down by giving me three migraine headaches in a six-day span (I

normally get no more than three migraines in a year).

I am beginning to get back to “normal.” Having a routine is helping. But I believe two other things are helping even

more than that. First, I’ve been able to talk about how I’m feeling with friends and family. As one of my heroes,

Rev. Fred Rogers (AKA “Mr. Rogers”), said, “When we can talk about our feelings, they become less

overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary.” That’s true whether you are six, thirty-six, or ninety-six years old.

I’m grateful for my family and friends who provided a listening ear.

The second thing that has helped lead me towards greater health and wholeness has been my prayer life – and one

particular change I have made in it: considering what name I use for God. As I prepared for bed the Sunday night

after my vacation, I thought about my prayer life and how it was beginning to feel stale. I wanted my prayer life to

be more active.

So I thought about how I begin my prayers. I often say “Lord,” or “Gracious and Loving God,” or “Heavenly

Father,” as those are the ways I have heard God addressed in prayers most of my life. There’s nothing wrong with

any of those names for God. But sometimes, using those names can feel almost formulaic to me, leading to prayers

that can feel detached or impersonal. Prayer should be very personal – it’s a conversation with God.

Things changed when I began using the name “Love” for God.

The first words from the Bible I ever memorized were from 1 John 4:8: “God is Love.” Just in case you forgot them,

the author of 1 John wrote the words again eight verses later in 1 John 4:16: “God is Love.” I remember a small

wood block print that I painted in a Vacation Bible School probably around third grade with that verse. It hung on

my bedroom wall for a long time. So I’ve really known most of my life that I could call God “Love.”

When I addressed God as “Love,” my prayer moved to gratitude because I instantly recognized the presence of

Love during my day. I saw Love in our worship that morning in our children and youth talking about Heartland Day

Camp. I saw Love in the conversations and hugs after worship. I saw Love in the smiling faces at the Ice Cream

Social that evening. And I saw Love in an unexpected call from my best friend, who said he just felt like he really

needed to call me for some reason that day. He was right.

How could I not be grateful for Love showing up in my day? How could I not be filled with Love? So I’m going to

make this a new practice. As I pray each, I’ll be thanking Love for showing up, and I’ll be asking Love to show up

even more in my life, in the lives of my loved ones, and at our church. And I’ll ask Love to work through me to

reach others, too.

May it be so. Amen.


Children’s Christian Education (FBI)

June normally marks the start of summer and the busy season that comes with summertime for our children and

families. Though there are no regularly scheduled children's activities at FPC as there are during the school year, we

do always look forward to our Heartland Day Camp experience.

For the last 5 years, we have partnered with Sunrise to bring to our FPC children, and others in the community, an

unbelievable church camp experience locally. Heartland Traveling Day Camp comes to us fully staffed with well-

trained counselors who bring energy, positivity, the Word of God, and activities such as water games, horseback

riding, arts and crafts, and more!

Our children this year were reminded and reassured that God is always with us, and He always knows our future.

Some of our children were asked what their favorite part of this camp was, and why they felt it was a valuable

experience, some of the responses included (for more responses visit our children's FPC Facebook page)...

Jack Jarvis - " Gaga ball and nine square were my favorite activities. It was good to learn about the

assurance that God is always with you."

Marshall Zuccarelli - “I really liked the counselors. I think it's a valuable experience because I learned

new things about God, like God is dog spelled backwards." .

Molly Zuccarelli - “My favorite part was making s'mores on the last day. It's a valuable experience

because it is really, really fun!"

Next time you see any of the children who attended, ask them to share with you the verse they memorized (Tommy

Payne is a master memorizer and knows every word of the scripture learned!)

I'd also like to send a HUGE shout out to all of our volunteers who helped supply food for the counselors. Thank

you to Britton Zuccarelli, Katie Jarvis, Diana Smith, Martha Rhea, and Penni White. Also, let's all please say a BIG

"thank you" to Cindric White for serving as a junior counselor, and Molly Michaelis for serving as a lead


Thank you to all of you, as well, for your support of our children's program as this would never happen without

EACH of you! What a beautiful experience for all it was!

Sincerely, Shelby Dickson

See more pictures on page 11!

Missing something from Camp? There is a lost and found table

at Sunrise!


FPC Youth Groups

In early June, our FPC youth helped with Project Salina.

Thanks to our volunteers for helping deliver the canned

vegetables gathered by First Presbyterian Church of Salina

during the month of May for Project Salina. Penni and Cora

White, Tricia and Cooper Cobb, Scott and Phyllis Gray,

Britton and Marshall Zuccarelli, Cheri Parr, Shelby Dickson

and Pastor Charlie gathered at the Project Salina warehouse

and sorted through FPC's contribution, as well as helping

with another delivery. Thanks to the generous support of the

congregation, FPC Salina collected the equivalent of 1,816

cans for the annual drive, which benefits the Salvation

Army, Ashby House, DVACK, Salina Rescue Mission and

Salina Emergency Aid Food Bank.

This summer, the FPC youth are participating in the

Presbyterian Youth Triennium conference and a local week

of service and fellowship. As in previous years, you are

invited to support our youth by taking a Mission Envelope

from the bulletin board near the first floor elevator and

south entrance to the sanctuary. You simply decide what

amount you would like to give, take the envelope off the

board that corresponds to that amount (or pick two that add

up to that amount), fill out the information inside and put

that and your donation into the envelope, and place the

envelope into an offering plate during worship. As always,

we are grateful for your support of these vital experiences in

the faith formation of our youth!

Mission Envelope Fundraiser


The Adult Education Committee meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month, 5:30 p.m. in the Hope Room. For more

information, email adulteducation@fpcsalina.org. Everyone is welcome!

Adult Education Opportunities

DIVING DEEPER CLASS CONTINUES... Our Diving Deeper class continues through the summer. Every

Sunday morning, we center ourselves in God’s Word during

worship. Have you ever had questions percolate as you listened to

the scripture, sermon, or songs? Our Diving Deeper class gives you

the opportunity to ask them. We meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00

a.m. in the Hope Room. In this class, we take a look at the

scriptures that will be explored in worship the following Sunday.

You are able to explore the context of the scriptures and to ask

questions about why it’s important today. These questions will help

Pastors Charlie and Keith shape the worship and sermons for the

next Sunday. All you need to bring with you to this class is a Bible

and a mind and heart ready to dive deep into God’s Word. We hope

you will attend!


JULY 7: 2 Kings 5:1-14; Psalm 30; Galatians 6:(1-6) 7-16; Luke 10:1-11, 16-20

JULY 14: Amos 7:7-17; Psalm 82; Colossians 1:1-14; Luke 10:25-37

JULY 21: Amos 8:1-12; Psalm 52; Colossians 1:15-28; Luke 10:38-42

JULY 28: Hosea 1:2-10; Psalm 85; Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19); Luke 11:1-13


You are invited to help make a difference for young children who have a serious illness. On Saturday, July 27th, at

10:00 a.m., we will gather at the Love, Chloe Foundation office at 116 S. Santa Fe. Ave., to learn about the Monkey

in My Chair program, and to help pack monkey kits that will be sent to children facing illnesses.

The Monkey in My Chair program began in Salina and now reaches

throughout the United States and to other countries around the world. We

will be learning more about the program and the Love, Chloe Foundation.

We will also pack monkey kits, which include a stuffed monkey that sits in

a child’s seat at school when they are unable to attend while getting

treatment, a monkey backpack, and resources to help teachers explain to the

child’s classmates what he or she is going through and how they can support

him or her. For more details, please visit monkeyinmychair.org.

This is the Bee the Church Project of the Adult Education Committee, and

all friends of First Presbyterian Church are invited to participate!

If you can participate, please talk to Pastor Keith about registering your volunteer time to help Monkey in My Chair

as they seek to win Disney tickets!


I am disappointed that our plans for an intergenerational mission

trip to Nebraska to help with flood recovery efforts have fallen


When the flooding took place in March, our congregation united to

provide more than 100 cases of water and many other supplies for

the immediate relief efforts. It was very clear that our hearts were

going out to the folks in Nebraska.

There was then a motion to switch our summer youth mission trip

plans (which originally were to go to Denver) to a trip to help with

flood recovery efforts in Nebraska. This motion was approved, and

I began reaching out to contacts to try to get plans in place.

The folks in the Homestead Presbytery of Nebraska were very helpful. Plans were coming together. We had a city,

projects, and lodging beginning to get lined up. I was very excited about our trip, and had reached out to folks in our

congregation who had indicated an interest to help the planning process to get that underway.

Then we learned of several age restrictions for the work we were hoping to do. Youth in high school would be able

to attend, but would not be able to use power tools. Other youth had to be at least in the seventh grade, and would

have to have a parent with them. These restrictions came from both the church that would provide lodging and the

organization we would have been working with.

I fully respect these restrictions. They are in place because of concerns with what would be seen and done during

recovery from a flood. Safety always comes first – physical safety as well as emotional safety.

But this presented me with an issue. We need a summer mission trip for our youth. These are some of the most

valuable experiences in the faith development of our young people – times they are able to learn that faith isn’t all

about words. Our faith is in a God who is alive and is at work in the world: a God who invites us to join in that


After prayerful discernment, I decided to cancel our mission trip to Nebraska and instead focus on providing

opportunities for service and fellowship closer to home. As you know, there are plenty of opportunities for folks of

all ages to partner in God’s work in our church, our community, and in the surrounding areas. I will be crafting a

week of service from July 23-28 to do just that. Most of our service opportunities will be open to folks of all ages. I

will also have youth-specific fun and fellowship opportunities built in, such as a lock-in at the church.

As you likely know, since March there have been major flooding concerns in Kansas, as well. I am reaching out to

folks to find projects that are within an easy drive or can be done in Salina to help those in need.

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please feel free to

contact me: keith@fpcsalina.org or call the church office at 825-0226. I

will be reaching out to folks who have donated to the Nebraska mission

trip or who had expressed a willingness to go on the trip in the near


I invite you all to remain in prayer that the Holy Spirit would direct us to

the places where we are called to partner in God’s work – for this week of

service, and in all times.

Peace, Keith

Nebraska Mission Trip Cancelled …

Week of Local Service Being Planned for July 23-27



Summer MidWeek Manna in July

Join Us for Drinks & Apps for 8 on July 14!

Sign up for drinks, appetizers and fellowship on July 14! These are

small groups of approximately 8 people, who casually gather for

fellowship at church members’ houses from 4-6 p.m. Part of the fun is

the creation of new groups each month. This gives us a chance to meet

new church members! Guests are welcome to bring a small appetizer.

The host will provide the drinks. A sign-up sheet is posted outside the

Sanctuary or you can call the church office to sign up (785-825-0226).

Mark your calendars for the next “Apps for 8” on August 4.

Our Summer Midweek Manna will continue on two

Wednesdays in July: the 3rd and the 17th, both at 5:15 p.m.

On July 3rd, come to the chapel for a contemplative

worship service. We will utilize a historical Christian

practice: the awareness examen. In our worship, we will

reflect on and share about the times we have been most

open to God, ourselves, and others, and the times when we

have been least open. This reflection will cause us to live

grateful lives where we seek and respond to God’s

presence. Then, on July 17th, we'll again meet in the chapel,

and examine how Protestant Reformer Martin Luther

incorporated the familiar words of the Lord's Prayer into a familiar and personal way for us to lift our own petitions

to God. After worship on both Wednesdays, those who are interested in going out to eat together will be invited to

decide on a restaurant. The church will be glad to pay for the meals of those who request it.

We are hosting a morning GATHER event on July 10th at Ad Astra Books

and Coffee House in downtown Salina for parents of children and youth.

Please join us for fellowship, conversation and a great morning coffee pick

-me-up with your FPC family. Start your day off right! Bring a friend! We

will have coloring books and a few activities for young kids!

Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Time: 7:00-9:00 AM

Location: Ad Astra Books and Coffee House, 141 N Santa Fe

Please join us!

Amanda Michaelis and Penni White

GATHER with Us on July 10!


There’s No Place Like Home - unfor tunately You Can’t Go Home Again! This year’s Summer Soul-stice Series highlights the topsy-turvy

world we live in today where old institutions and ways of doing are shaking, if not crumbling, beneath us. So rather than

hunkering down and going to our corners, how might we better understand (if not even welcome) the changes? The series takes a look at this phenomenon and encourages different ways of

seeing as we move forward into this new territory together and responsively, with eyes open. Each segment begins at 12 Noon and is free and open to the public.

Remaining Schedule: July 9: Finding Community Anew – An Emergency Room Doctor and an Addiction Specialist Give Perspectives on the Pain of Change

Sean Herrington, ER and EMS Medical Director, and Shane Hudson, President and CEO of CKF Addiction Treatment, discuss the dynamic nature of a community facing up to and

treating physical and psychological pain. July 23: Finding Community Anew – A Professor Addresses Civic Engagement in an Eroding Political Landscape

Michael Smith, professor of Political Science at Emporia State University, discusses current

gridlock in our state and national government. How did we get here and what do we do about it?

August 6: Finding Community Anew – A Lay Person and Two Pastors Reflect on the Hurt and Grief of Finding Spiritual Home When Religious Institutions Falter

Bev Cole, member of Trinity Methodist Church and author; Rev. Keith Phillips, associate pastor of First Presbyterian Church; and Father Frank Coady, pastor of St. Thomas More

Catholic Church, Manhattan, talk about issues of gender and sexuality that are shaking the foundations of many churches today. How do we rediscover and redefine our spiritual journey within an institutional structure?

Grief & Loss Support Group Begins July 2

Mary Bridges, Chaplain at Salina Presbyterian Manor, will lead a grief study

that will explore 10 essential touchstones for finding hope. The Grief

Support Group will meet the first Tuesday of each month, beginning July 2,

from 2-3 p.m. in the Presbyterian Manor Chapel. It is free admission and

open to the public. Contact Mary at mbridges@pmma.org or 785-825-1366

ext. 1153 with any questions.


1 David Weiner 4 David Dupy Carol Exline Martha Rhea 5 Randy Hardy 6 Flo Van Meter 7 Danny Struble 8 Rachel Norris 9 Jennifer Landes Richard Morrison

10 Gary Denning Aimee Holgerson Beth Lull John Peckham 11 Kim Benson Cindric White 12 Becky Maguffee 13 Jo Buchanan Bill Holgerson Kathleen Putzier 14 Bradley Ethridge Paula Knox Pat Putzier 15 Sam Payne

16 Luke Johnson John Knutson Betsy Scholten 17 John Weckel 18 Grace Holgerson 19 Peggy Bihlmaier Michael Ethridge Donna Fitzgerald Glen Stovall 20 Lou Ann Dunn Hadley Johnston Clark Renfro Monte White Eva Winkler 21 Jack Ludwig Dorothy Spellman

22 Hannah Koshgarian Art Neuberger Mike Prester Logan Shetlar 25 Catherine Denning Abbey Rupe 27 Barkley Edison 28 Aaron Farmer Dillen Lidgett Gage Pierce 29 Paige Enriquez Maria Putzier 30 Kirsten Hanzlicek

Our mission will stay the same – helping families move out of poverty. Thrive will also be starting a new class soon for anyone who would be interested in becoming an ally/mentor. Please contact Rodney, Kimberly or Taya at 785-827-6731 if you are interested!!

ANNOUNCING - Thrive of the Heartland!

Beginning in July, Circles of the Heartland is changing it’s name to Thrive of the Heartland!!


See more pictures and videos on our children’s Facebook page!


See more pictures on our Facebook page!

Sign Up for Sunday Chancel Flowers!

You are invited to sign up, using the form below, as a Sunday Chancel

flower donor for any Sunday this year. Perhaps there is a particular date

that is important to you to honor or memorialize someone. All donors

(whether there is one or ten!) and those memorialized or honored will be

listed in the bulletin on the date desired. The cost is $25.00. Please contact

the office with any questions at office@fpcsalina.org or 785-825-0226.

Please list date desired:___________________________________________

Please list EXACTLY the way you want your name(s) listed as donor:


Given in Memory of



Given in Honor of


Return the form, with your payment of $25.00, to

First Presbyterian Church

308 S. 8th


Salina, KS 67401



Salina, KS 67401

Address Service Requested


REV. DR. CHARLIE SMITH - Lead Pastor/Head of Staff REV. KEITH PHILLIPS - Associate Pastor

Address: 308 S. 8th St. PO Box 585 Salina, KS 67402-0585 Phone: (785) 825-0226 Email: office@fpcsalina.org Website: www.fpcsalina.org

The News (PE 708620) is published monthly by First Presbyterian Church, PO Box 585, Salina, KS 67402-0585. Periodical postage paid at Salina, Kansas.

The August edition of The News will be available July 31st on our website, and around the church. Sunday services are

broadcast each week at 10:00 am on KINA 910 AM or 107.5 FM, or streamed live at: radio.securenetsystems.net/v5/KINA.

If there is something you would like included in the next edition, email beth@fpcsalina.org, by noon on July 24th.


Potluck Dinner, FBI Registration, Games

top related