volume 20, issue 8 august 2018 a word from pastor jack… · volume 20, issue 8 august 2018 the...

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Volume 20, Issue 8 AUGUST 2018

THE MESSENGER of Quaker Gap Baptist Church - King, NC



Social media gives you a unique opportunity to see into the lives of people you surely would have lost track of in the past. I find it interesting to see what is going on in the lives of some 30-something year old men and women who I remember as teenagers when I was their youth pastor. It seems like not that long ago I was driving them on youth retreats and leading them in Bible studies and fun activities. Now they have children of their own and are looking for opportunities to raise their children in youth groups like the one they enjoyed as teens. It does my heart some good to see that young people who were a pain in the neck and I never thought would mature are now productive members of society. It does my heart even more good to see them walking with the Lord. I can agree with the Apostle John who wrote… “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” (3 John 1:4 NIV) It is easy to forget in the everyday battle of ministry that the little things we do can have a great impact on a life.

This is the time of the year when we complete our Nominating Committee Report. I want you to know that the ministries you undertake at Quaker Gap make a difference in the lives of people. Whether you serve as a volunteer in the children’s ministry, as a nursery worker, a Sunday School teacher, or a mem-

ber of a committee—your efforts make a differ-ence. The Lord has gifted you, and wants to use your gifts inside and outside the church. Please consider how you might fill the gap by volunteer-ing for a ministry here at the Gap. You might be surprised twenty years from now how your influ-ence impacts the life of another—all because you decided to serve God by using your gift in church ministry. We can’t do what we do as a church without you, and sharing the gospel with others is one of the only pursuits in life that will extend in-to eternal impact. So why not join one of our min-istry teams. Fill the gap and see what God can do. Call someone on our nominating committee and find your place in what God is doing at Quaker Gap. (Members of the Nominating Committee are: Clint Hartgrove, Ellen McKinney, Annette Smith, and Jill Snyder.)

Quaker Gap Baptist Church Financial Summary

January 1, 2018 through June 30, 2018

General Fund Actual Budget Variance Church Offering $ 125,505 $ 149,186 $ (23,681) Specific Purpose Funds* $ 33,749 — Total Receipts $ 159,254

Expenses* $ 176,017 $ 149,186 $ 26,831

Expenses Over Receipts $ (16,763)

Account Balance as of June 30, 2018 Checking / MM / CD

General Fund $ 85,474 Building Fund $ 68,594

Cemetery Fund $ 21,363

FH/Renovation Expenses 2016 & 2017 $ 946,153 2018 Renovation Expenses $ 3,413 2018 Furnishings/Landscaping $ 3,198

Total 2016-2018 FH/Renovation Expenses $ 952,764

*Includes $9,502 received for pew cushions (1/3 has been paid)


1 Ashleigh Parker 2 Sharon Gordon 3 Jacob Todd 6 Joshua Todd 7 Rich Henry 8 Josh Marsh 9 Mark Gentry Cora Mitchell (4 yrs. old) 11 Kathy Ford Ken Self Sara Snyder Hopkins 12 Robert Worrell 13 Jamie Pruitt Holly White 14 Lilli Gosselin (4 yrs. old) Jake Little 15 Elaine Calloway Jenny Little 16 Patsy Hall 17 James Byrd 18 Justin Combs Debbie King 20 David Burge Nan Carroll John Clark Will Moore 21 Brenna Crosser Merideth Van Meter 22 Cole Dodson C. J. Gentry Michelle Woody 23 Sarah Allan Hannah Delcamp Connor McKinney Spencer McKinney 24 Jonathan Martin Emily Snow 25 Kasey Barnette Jeff Carroll 27 Ryan Martin 28 Steven Southern Christine White 29 Glenda Hutchens 30 Karen Hill Steve Lawson David Lee Rose 31 Tiffany Griswold

Sermon Series: Random Wisdom

*Observing The Lord’s Supper

Aug. 5 Youth Sunday with Daniel Parker

Aug. 12 “Humblebrag” Proverbs 27:2

Aug. 19 “Under the Influence” Proverbs 23:29-35

Aug. 26 “Lending to the Lord” Proverbs 19:17

Sept. 2* “Conscience Care” Proverbs 28:1

Help Needed

Our church is sponsoring a Red Cross Blood Drive on Saturday, Sep-tember 8th, from 10-2:30, and we need volunteers to be here to help with regis-tration and refreshments. We also need volunteers to provide a few home-made desserts and finger sandwiches to serve those who are giving blood that day. If you can assist with this need, please sign up on the sheets in the en-trance hall of the sanctuary or in the entrance of the educational wing. All help will be very much appreciated! If you have questions, please contact John or Tiffany Hanes or April Ragan.


James' Lagniappe (lan-yap, n. a little something extra)

“When I send clouds over the earth, the rainbow will appear in the clouds, and I will remember my covenant with you and with all living creatures. Never again will the floodwaters destroy all life.” (Genesis 9:14, 15)

I saw two rainbows today. The first stretched across the sky just north of Pilot Mountain as we drove home from Mt. Airy. It stretched for miles as we traveled south on 74. The second one was a little bit closer. It was raining, but just enough sun was filtering through to create this miracle that literally captured our house underneath it. It was wide and bright and I could see both ends as it stretched from one side of the sky to the other. Both were as beau-tiful as a Hallmark card and reminders of God’s cov-enant to never destroy the earth again with flood waters.

Those rainbows got me to thinking, and according to Dictionary.com, a covenant is “the condi-tional promise made to humanity by God, as revealed in Scripture.” Conditional means that God will do a thing if the people will also do a thing. Man was created with a purpose: to worship and fellow-ship with a Holy God who loves us and desires to have fellowship with us. But, man was given free will to make choices. And God knew that man had a problem with making good ones. Keep in mind that there were two floods in Genesis. “The LORD observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil” Genesis 6:5. The earth was flooded with evil and the only one remaining who remembered God was Noah. God knew that man would choose evil again. Genesis 8:20 states “I will never again curse the ground be-cause of the human race, even though everything they think or imagine is bent toward evil from child-hood.” Yet, God made a covenant with us anyway. Why would He do that? God. Loves. Us.

God loves us, despite our evil nature and tendencies. However, God is Holy and our sin blocks us from having fellowship with Him. We can’t fix the sin, or do anything in our own power to restore that fellowship. So, God made another way, a way of salvation that would restore our relationship with Him. “For Jesus is the one referred to in the Scriptures, where it says, ‘The stone that you build-ers rejected has now become the cornerstone.’ There is salvation in no one else! God has given no oth-er name under heaven by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:11, 12 But, there also has to be repentance. Repent means “to change one’s mind,” or “a change of action.” Paul wrote “I preached that all must repent of their sins and turn to God—and prove they have changed by the good things they do.” (Acts 26:20) Repentance, then, is changing from rejecting God to faith in God through Jesus Christ. So, what about that rainbow? Think about it like a Hallmark card. The front of the card is the introduction, or something to catch your attention and on the inside, is the heart of the message. The rainbow is the front of the Hallmark card where God is trying to get our attention. The heart of the message is the gift of our salvation, Jesus Christ. So, when you see the next rainbow, think about it as a card sent just to you from God. Simply put, God loves us. He loves us so much that “He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

Soli Deo gloria, (Glory to God alone)



You are the salt of

the earth. Matthew 5:13 Salt Box

Our Quaker Gap SaltTeens

Cuban Hospitality

As many of you know we have recently returned from a trip to Cuba, a trip in which 17 members of our church went down to help the local church of Cuba. However as I sit here and write this article, I realize that we went down to serve them, but in reality they served us. While we were in Cuba, we learned that the average Cuban on-ly makes $15 a month and that they are barely scraping by day to day. However, while we were there they fed us the best of the best, they gave up their own furniture so that we would have places to eat and sleep, and they even let us in on their church traditions. See what we learned is you don’t have to have a whole bunch of money to bless people, but what you have to have is a love for Christ that is so contagious that no matter what the situation you find yourself in, you are willing to love people like Christ loved the church. Willing to give the shirt off your back, the dining room table from your dining room, or even the last few dollars in your wallet to make sure that your brothers and sisters in Christ are taken care of. This week the Cuban church showed the North American church what it is to be a Jesus freak. And my hope and prayer is that those who went on this trip will never forget what we learned, experi-enced, and were challenged to be. Let us take what we’ve learned and share it with our church in hopes that we too may become as con-tagious in our neighborhood as the Cuban church is in Cuba. Serving Him,

Daniel Parker

Upcoming Events

August 21st 6-8:00 PM:

Tour of Pools - We will

have our last Tour of Pools

this month. Tour of pools

is a fun time where we

gather as a youth group to

hang out at different pools

of our church body. It is a

FREE event, open to all 7th

-12th grade youth. These

are from 6-8:00 PM. The

location will be announced

in our Sunday bulletin.

If you have questions about

our Youth Ministry, please call Youth

Minister, Daniel Parker,

at (336) 575-0272.


Infants & Ones

08/05 M/M Ken Self 08/12 M/M David Weavil 08/19 Beth & Cailee James Sarah Rice 08/26 M/M Doug Rose 09/02 Mary Moser Dennis Ruff

Wee Worship (Twos, Threes & Fours)

08/05 Sarah Allen Reba Mankins 08/12 Michelle Sells Shirley Samuels 08/19 M/M Jeremy Borders 08/26 M/M David Lee 09/02 M/M Zane McKinney


Preschool Bible Lessons

08/01 Joyce Proctor 08/08 M/M Chuck Moser 08/15 Natalie Borders 08/22 Kathy & Laken Ford 08/29 Melinda Gibson 09/05 Joyce Proctor

Nursery Contact

Ashleigh Parker will be the nursery

c o n t a c t p e r s o n through August. If

you have nursery questions or scheduling issues that you cannot work out, please contact Ashleigh at 336-972-8550.

08/05 OPEN (Youth Sunday) 08/12 Frances Brown 08/19 Jill Syder 08/26 M/M Rodney Proctor 09/02 M/M Paul Pugh

Deacon of the Week

08/05 Cory Snow Terry Bowman 08/12 Jim Walton Max Snow 08/19 Mark Smith Lloyd Allan 08/26 Mike Gordon Clint Hartgrove 09/02 Larry Lancaster Scott Hinson

Sanctuary Ushers / Greeters

08/05 Tiffany Griswold David Lee 08/12 Jeri Darida Larry Mankins 08/19 Shawn de Lestard Zane McKinney 08/26 Randy Coulter Dennis Ruff 09/02 Sharon Coulter Mike Gordon

Entryway Greeters FH=Fellowship Hall Side

EW=Educational Wing Side

08/05 Larry Mankins (FH) Shawn de Lestard EW) 08/12 April Lancaster (FH) Mike Gordon (EW) 08/19 Mark Holt (FH) Amy Byrd (EW) 08/26 John Henry Boles (FH) Jim Walton (EW) 09/02 Shirley Samuels (FH) Clint Hartgrove (EW)

Wednesday Supper Class Sponsors

No Wednesday Suppers This Month


Quaker Gap Baptist Church Activities

Deadline for August Messenger


12:00 NOON Deadline for Bulletin


9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship Service Children’s Church

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11


13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25


27 28 29 30 31

9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship Service

Deadline for Sept. Newsletter


7:00 PM Adult Bible Study Worship Team Practice GapKids PreK Bible Lessons 7-8:30 PM Youth Bible Study 8:00 PM Worship Band Practice

7:00 PM Adult Bible Study Worship Team Practice GapKids PreK Bible Lessons 7-8:30 PM Youth Bible Study 8:00 PM Worship Band Practice

9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship Service

9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship Service

7:00 PM Adult Bible Study Worship Team Practice GapKids PreK Bible Lessons 7-8:30 PM Youth Bible Study 8:00 PM Worship Band Practice

1:00 PM ACTS Watermelon Feast at Moratock Park, Danbury

9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship Service

12:00 NOON Bulletin Deadline

10:45 AM Friendly Club Out to Eat

7:00 PM Deacons’ Meeting

7:00 PM Adult Bible Study Worship Team Practice GapKids PreK Bible Lessons 7-8:30 PM Youth Bible Study 8:00 PM Worship Band Practice

7:00 PM Adult Bible Study Worship Team Practice GapKids PreK Bible Lessons 7-8:30 PM Youth Bible Study 8:00 PM Worship Band Practice

Operation Christmas Child August Collection:

School Supplies

6-8:00 PM Youth Tour of Pools

12:00 NOON Bulletin Deadline

12:00 NOON Bulletin Deadline

12:00 NOON Bulletin Deadline

12:00 NOON Bulletin Deadline


From the Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee would like to thank you for your service and dedication in supporting the ministries of Quaker Gap Baptist Church over the past year. Our church depends on each of us using our gifts and talents to the fullest every day and in support of Quaker Gap Baptist Church. As we are approach-

ing another church year beginning Sep-tember 2nd, we are asking for you to prayerfully consider your commitments. You may want to remain in your current position or add or transition to something different as God leads you. A few copies of the current Nominating Committee Re-port and a committee description list is available on the front pews. As you pray for God’s direction in how you can use your talents and gifts for His kingdom, please send your commitment decisions to a member of the Nominating Committee by Tuesday, August 14th. If you have any questions regarding any of these opportu-nities to use your spiritual gifts, please contact us at any time. We look forward to continue to serve Him together.

Committee Members Phone E-mail Address

Clint Hartgrove 336-414-3901 clinthartgrove@gmail.com Ellen McKinney 336-416-7108 ellenmckinney1976@gmail.com Annette Smith 336-408-3749 majrsmith@roadrunner.com Jill Snyder 336-408-7671 jill-t@rocketmail.com

Quaker Gap Baptist Church 2265 Flat Shoals Road King, NC 27021 (336) 994-2117 Email: QuakerGapBaptist@embarqmail.com Visit Us on the Web: www.quakergap.info

THE MESSENGER Volume 20, Issue 8 AUGUST 2018

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