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NewsletterVol. 46 No. 1 Winter 2015



Crop Focus: Quinoa

SOAR Award Winners

New QA in NCR

Pest Management Solutions for Specialty Crops and Minor Uses

Transitions in WSR & NER

At both the 2007 and 2012Global Minor Use Summits, oneconsistent theme was the needfor data and information sharingthat is critical in addressingmany minor use issues.Generating data is costly, whiledata-sharing promotesoptimization of scarce resourcesneeded for data generation.Shared information aboutpriority “minor use data gaps”can facilitate partnerships fordata generation and reduceoverall costs to partners and alsostrengthen understanding andtrust among stakeholders andbetween trading partners.

The Second Global Minor UseSummit participantsrecommended the establishmentof a Global Minor Use Data

Sharing Subcommittee to createa database to better understanddata needs and to promote datasharing. In 2014, the GlobalMinor Use Data SharingSubcommittee launched a surveyto begin populating a database.The Subcommittee is also takingthe lead to address the GlobalMinor Use Summit’srecommendation for aface-to-face workshop wherepeople could share theircountries’ data gap needs.

Plans for a 2015 Global MinorUse Priority Setting Workshopare proceeding and the venuefor the workshop is Chicago,Illinois on September 20-22,2015. It will dovetail with theIR-4 Food Use (23-24) andBiopesticide Workshops (24-25)which will follow. Anticipatedattendees will includeinternational crop experts,growers, regulators, andchemical industry represen-tatives. The charge of the groupwill be to build on a globalneeds database and to selectpilot projects for shared datageneration or data sharing. Thegroup will be asked to consider

lower risk products and/orbiologically based products toaddress their needs and in theprocess address potential tradeissues before they arise.

For more information pleasecontact Dr. Daniel Kunkel atkunkel@aesop.rutgers.edu. The Workshop will be chaired byDr. Jerry Baron, IR-4 ExecutiveDirector and Mr. Craig Hunter,Ontario Fruit & VegetableGrowers Association. TheGlobal Minor Use Data Sharingand Global Minor Use Steeringcommittees organizing thismeeting consist of over 50members from 20 countries andorganizations.

Global Minor Use PrioritySetting Workshop — Information provided by Dan Kunkel, IR-4 Associate Director

SolviNix® LC, is Registered

In Memoriam: John D.Nalewaja, Norman GlazeFireQencher for FireBlight

Ornamental Diseases10 Year Survey Results

pg 2Vol 46 No 1

Dear Friends

Happy New Year and welcome to 2015. It is hard to believe that weare half way through this decade. I traditionally spend a significantamount of time during January and February attending commodityassociation and scientific meetings as well as completing AnnualReports. This year is no different. This year we are pleased to notethat we already know the funding level for 2015. In December,Congress approved funding for IR-4 at fiscal year 2014 levels. This isthe earliest they have approved an appropriation bill in recent years.USDA has already released the Request for Applications and we arehopeful that 2015 resources will be received before July. Kudos to ourfriends at NIFA for some process improvements that will help get theneeded funds into the hands of our researchers much sooner thanprior years.

Every five years the Directors of the State Agricultural ExperimentStations (SAES) assess IR-4 and decide if they will continue theirinvestment. The assessment is a multiyear process which includesdevelopment of an updated strategic plan, drafting of a reauthor-ization proposal, a formal review of the proposal by stakeholders andthe Directors that hopefully results in continued support. We are deepinto the process with a reauthorization decision due by October. Themonies and support provided by the SAES Directors are criticallyimportant to IR-4 and its ability to provide deliverables to farmers andfood processors who depend on IR-4 services. If you have anopportunity to visit with your state’s SAES Director or senior staff, besure to tell them how important IR-4 is for specialty crop growers.

There are many transitions happening at IR-4. Diane Infante, the go-toperson with data and information, has retired and will be missed. InSeptember we hired Susan Bierbrunner, to take on many of Diane’stasks. Diane and Susan were able to work together for nearly fourmonths and Susan has rapidly mastered many of the position’sresponsibilities.

The other big change is Cornell University deciding they will notsubmit a 2015 USDA grant application to coordinate/manage regionalIR-4 operations. Regional operations will be co-managed by personnelfrom Rutgers University and University of Maryland. Marylee Ross,IR-4 Field Research Director (FRD) at University of Maryland’s LowerEastern Shore Research and Education Center will become the IR-4Northeast Regional Field Coordinator and will manage all technicalresearch operations in the region. IR-4 Headquarters will handle theRegion’s fiscal and administrative business. Northeast Region QualityAssurance responsibilities will be integrated into IR-4 Headquarters.Marylee will also continue as FRD with a reduced number of fieldtrials. This transition from Cornell to Rutgers/University of Marylandpartnership is expected to occur approximately July 1. Until then, allNortheast Region operations remain the responsibility of the IR-4team at Cornell University/ NYSAES-Geneva, NY.

All the best, Jerry

Executive Director Notes Quin-Whaaat?— by Bill Barney, IR-4 Senior Coordinator and Martha Lamont,Quinoa Consultant

continued on pg 12

Quinoa (keen wah) is a nutritiousand potential new high value crop inthe US. Development of new vari-eties suitable for US climaticconditions and sufficient pest con-trol products may be necessary forquinoa to reach its full potential.

Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoaWilld.) is a pseudocereal in theChenopodiaceae family. Quinoa willbe proposed for inclusion in the re-vised Cereal Grains crop group 15.A gynomonoecious plant (both fe-male and hermaphrodite flowers onthe same plant), quinoa has an erectstem that may be branched or unbranched with alternate leaves.Planting to seed maturation variesfrom five to seven months depend-ing on variety and the environment.The small, flat circular shaped seedvaries in color from black, brown,red, gray, yellow, orange to purple.Quinoa has a high level of resist-ance to frost, drought, hail, wind,salinity and pests. Most quinoa isgrown in Peru and Bolivia on the al-tiplano (high plain), a vast cold,windswept and barren 14,000 footAndean plateau. More recently,quinoa crops have been successfullyadapted to the coastal plains ofPeru. Archeological evidence indi-cates that quinoa was important inthe diet of the Inca civilization, withcultivation in Peru originating some3,000 years ago. Quinoa, reveredby the Incas as sacred, was consid-ered as chisiya mama or “mothergrain”.

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In 2011, IR-4 Headquarters cre-ated the IR-4 SOAR award torecognize those who promote andsupport IR-4 through their Service,Outreach, Altruism and Research.Meg McGrath and Joe DeFrancesco are the winners of the2014 IR-4 SOAR award.

Meg McGrath has actively partici-pated in IR-4 efficacy trials for over15 years. Meg’s nomination in-cluded comments from her peerson her expert knowledge of plantdisease and on her work onbiopesticides to manage these dis-eases. Meg provides consistentrepresentation for growers in theNortheast region at the IR-4 FoodUse Workshop and participates inconference calls to discuss stake-holder priorities. She hasconducted numerous IR-4 biopesti-cide research trials. The data andresults generated through these tri-als are sought out by growers andresearch and extension colleagues

throughout the U.S. Meg wasnominated for her outreach effortsthat included presenting her re-search results to growers andprofessional groups in NJ, RI, PAand NY. Examples of her altruisminclude giving her time to promoteagriculture and its support struc-ture outside of normal workinghours, helping Master Gardenersand giving presentations at week-end farm events. A person whosupported Meg’s nominationstated, “She is a true champion ofthe IR-4 Project, and regularly ex-plains IR-4’s mission and goals inpresentations to stakeholders sothey understand how the programis working to support the develop-ment and registration of productsthat help to expand their pest man-agement toolbox.” Meg trulydemonstrates all the attributes thatmake her worthy of the being rec-ognized for the IR-4 SOAR Award.Congratulations Meg.

The second SOAR Award goes toJoe DeFrancesco. Some of Joe’slist of service to IR-4 and the Pa-cific Northwest (PNW) growersincludes: serving as State Liaisonfor Oregon, participating in theGlobal Capacity DevelopmentResidue Data Generation Project,working with commodity groups inOregon and the PNW to developPest Management Strategic Plans,and informing several Oregoncommissions of pesticide registra-tion and pest management issuesthat may affect production of theircrops. Joe is a consistent vocalsupporter of IR-4 with growers,

lawmakers and university adminis-tration, highlighting thecontributions that IR-4 makes toregional agriculture. Joe was instrumental in convincing his university’s college of agriculturehow important it was to maintainfinancial support of the NWREC IR-4 Field Research Center. Joealso gives many presentations toPNW growers describing the mis-sion and vision of IR-4. Joe’saltruism is exampled by his becom-ing certified as an “English as aSecond Language” teacher and hisvolunteering to teach migrant farmworkers in Woodburn, OR. For 25years, Joe has conducted IR-4 research where he consistently produces stellar and timely datathat is relevant to the needs ofPNW growers. He is currently evaluating sprayer technologies tobetter understand how spray coverage may affect persistence ofpesticide residues and potentialMRL violation in exported products. Congratulations Joe.

IR-4 is proud to present the SOARAward to these deserving candidates.

Personalities in the NewsIR-4 SOAR Award Winners

Spotlight on Orn. Hort.

Over the last decade, the IR-4 Or-namental Horticulture Program hasconducted a survey of growers, ex-tension personnel and people alliedwith the “Green Industry”. Whilethe survey is not perfect, it hasgiven a snapshot of the majorpests, pathogens, and weeds withwhich growers battle. The intent isto find the holes in the manage-ment tool box – those issues wherecontrol options are limited or non-existent – so that we can addressproblems where our limited re-sources would have the mostregulatory impact. This update fo-cuses on diseases along with beinga call for participation in the2014/2015 survey.

In general, the types of pathogensimpacting ornamental horticulturecrops have been relatively consis-tent (Table 1). Water molds

Phytophthora & Pythium(oomycetes), crown & root rots(non-oomycete), powdery mildews,bacterial diseases, and leaf spots &anthracnose have been in the top 7in every survey. There are a coupleof interesting trends. First, the Phytophthora & Pythium categoryinitially was ranked higher than allthe others year in and year out.Starting with the 2010/2011 survey, this category dropped inranking. This change may be due toseveral new products being regis-tered allowing for rotationstrategies among the new chemicalclasses to manage resistance devel-opment. IR-4 contributed to anumber of these new products including Insignia (pyraclostrobin),Fenstop (fenamidone), Segway (cyazofamid), Stature SC (dimetho-morph), Adorn 4F (fluopicolide),Micora (mandipropamid), Root-

Shield Plus WP (Trichodermaharzianum T-22 + Trichodermavirens G-41), Taegro (Bacillus sub-tilis var amyloliquifaciens strainFZB24) and Orvego (ametoctradin+ dimethomorph). Another inter-esting trend is that bacterialdisease management is becomingmore of a concern. IR-4 hasscreened a number of potentialbactericides over the years (Figure1), but the best performing prod-ucts still are the copper-basedcompounds.

Since 2005 (Figure 1), IR-4 hassponsored research on the topseven disease categories alongwith studying management of rustsand Botrytis. Much of the effortshave been examining oomycetes.These pathogens cause root rots,foliar blights and downy mildews.Active ingredients for Phytoph-

A Decade: What has Changed and whathas Stayed the Same for Diseases?Second of three retrospectives on the IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Survey.— by Cristi Palmer, IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Manager

Table 1. Ranks of the disease categories from the annual and biennial grower and extension surveys from 2005 through 2013.

continued on next pg

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thora and Pythium diseases havebeen screened every year since2004 either as national or regionalpriorities. Downy mildew diseaseswere studied in 2007 – 2009 andthen again in 2013 – 2014 withthe advent of Impatiens downymildew. Starting in 2009, IR-4started examining tools for thenon-oomycete crown and rootrots, most notably, issues causedby Fusarium sp. And, in 2010,Botrytis efficacy became a regionalproject followed in 2013 by be-

coming a national project to iden-tify new tools to augment resistancemanagement programs.

Throughout the years, IR-4 datahave contributed to label develop-ment. In addition to the productsalready mentioned, IR-4 has aidedin the registration of Cease (Bacillussubtilis strain QST 713), Compass(trifloxystrobin), Endorse (polyoxinD), Aliette WDG (fosetyl Al), Sub-due MAXX (mefenoxam), Disarm480SC (fluoxastrobin), Pageant

Figure 1 Annual timing for national and regional research priorities

38WG (boscalid + pyraclostrobin),Verando O (polyoxin D), Palladium(cyprodinil + fludioxanil), RegaliaO5 (Extract of Reynoutria sachali-nensis), Strike Plus (triadimefon +trifloxystrobin), and Trinity (triti-conazole).

To maintain our success, we needinput on research priorities. Whatshould we be studying? What dis-eases cannot be managed with thecurrent set of tools? Only you cantell us. Take about 10 minutes andparticipate in the survey today. Findthe survey at ir4.rutgers.edu.

The IR-4 North Central Region ispleased to announce Ms. Lisa B.Latham is the new quality assur-ance auditor who started onOctober 1, 2014. Lisa is native toKentucky and got her B.S. in Biol-ogy from University of Kentucky.Before joining IR-4, she has overtwenty years of experience in thebiopharmaceutical industry, encompassing analytical methoddevelopment, lab data and infor-mation systems, and complianceroles in cGMP regulated environ-

ment. She worked at GlaxoSmithK-line Research and Development inPennsylvania, then briefly at Emer-gent BioDefense Operations inLansing, MI when her family was relocated to MSU.

Lisa succeeds the position of Mr.Brian R. Bowman who departed IR4in June 2014 to pursue his per-sonal interests. We greatlyappreciate Brian’s contributions toIR-4 and wish him the best in what-ever he chooses to do!

NCR Welcomes New QA Auditor

Lisa’s direct phone number is517-336-4607 and email addressis lathaml2@msu.edu. Please joinus to welcome Lisa!

New Hire in NER


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The Western Region is experienc-ing field researcher changes at bothNew Mexico State University andUniversity of California, Davis.Maury Craig is headed off into thesunset after twenty-eight years atNew Mexico State and Don Stew-art is moving full time to work withthe Ag Economics crop researcharm of UC Davis.

Maury Craig came to NMSU in1985 after completing his MS de-gree at the University of Missouri.Maury’s MS degree focused onblack flies and their biology in as-sociation with horses. Thisbackground led to his work as aSenior Lab Coordinator in med-ical/veterinary entomology atNMSU.

Maury’s familiarity and experiencewith GLP research protocols forFDA studies led to his cross overfrom animals to plants in 2002.Anyone who’s interacted or workedwith Maury knows he managed tokeep perspective and especially hissense of humor throughout his IR4

tenure. Maury particularly wantedeveryone to know he has purchasedhis requisite Hawaiian print shirts,plaid shorts and knee high blacksocks.

Rumor has it Maury is now sport-ing his new duds and wanderingthe hills of New Mexico. Before hegets to his retirement wish list he’sassisting with finishing field datanotebooks and training his IR4 re-placement. Once Maury’s donewith his wrap up operation in NewMexico (including a few delayedhome projects) he has Ecuador andAlaska high on his travel agenda.

Cary Hamilton comes to NMSUfrom New Mexico Department ofAg where he worked on pesticideregistrations so he has familiaritywith EPA rules and regs from a dif-ferent perspective. Cary willassume Maury’s roles of both fieldresearch director and state liaisonrepresentative.

Our thanks to Maury for his consis-tent and high quality field work andhis support for New Mexico growers as the State Liaison Repre-sentative for New Mexico.

Welcome Cary; we look forward toa long and fruitful (as well as veg-

etable) participation in the IR-4program.

Don Stewart came to the IR-4 UCDavis Field Research Center as aresearch associate working withTom Lanini. Don’s experience withCalifornia specialty crops also in-cluded his student projects growingbeans and sunflowers at ChicoState. At UC Davis Don alsoworked with the Regional CerealGrains Project.

During his years as the Field Re-search Director at UC Davis Doncompleted studies on such diversecrops as barley, wild rice, endive,figs, pomegranates, kiwis, almonds,radishes and recently sesame.Among Don’s challenging trialwork was his contribution to themosquito helicopter applicationstudies. Don is now working withKaren Klonsky at UC Davis devel-oping Crop Cost and ReturnStudies for the Agricultural Eco-nomics department. Our bestwishes to Don as he pursues hiscareer along a new path.

At UC Davis, the IR-4 field re-search responsibilities will beshared by two new IR4 researchers,Seth Watkins and Guy Kyser. BothSeth and Guy work with the weedscience group at UC Davis. Seth

Transitions out West

— by Stephen Flanagan. WSRAssistant Regional Field Coordinator

Transitionsin the NERDr. Brian Nault has agreed to take on theresponsibilities of State LiaisonRepresentative for New York. Brian is aProfessor in the Department of Entomologyat Cornell University’s NYS AgriculturalExperiment Station in Geneva, NY. Hisresearch focuses broadly on vegetableentomology and landscape ecology. Hecontinues to study the ecology andmanagement of insects that attack vegetable crops as well as those thattransmit viruses to these crops, especially onion thrips in onion. Brianalso investigates the ecological services that native and managed beesprovide for vegetable crop production, such as bee pollination incucurbits. Based on information generated from his basic ecologicalresearch, he develops and refines innovative pest management andcrop production strategies that benefit growers and other stakeholders.Brian replaces William Harvey Reissig, an applied entomologist whoworked on apple pest management. Although Harvey retired fromEntomology last spring, he will continue to administer the PesticideManagement Education Program (PMEP), which manages thecommonly used Pesticide Product, Ingredient and ManufacturerSystem (PIMS) databases. Harvey served as the New York StateLiaison for several years and will be missed. Thank you for yourservice Harvey and Brian.

Robert Wick, from the University ofMassachusetts, Amherst hasaccepted the State LiaisonRepresentative responsibilities forMassachusetts. Rob is plantpathologist in the Department ofPlant, Soil and Insect Sciencesworking with diseases in floricultureand vegetable crops, as well as plant parasitic nematodes in turf grass.His current research focus on late blight in potatoes, downy mildew inbasil and Phytophthora blight in cucurbits, all important problems inthe northeast and elsewhere. He also supervises the UMass DiagnosticLab and runs the Nematode Assay Lab. Rob and his students havecontributed efficacy and crop safety data data to IR-4 in both theBiopesticides & Organic Support and Ornamental Horticultureprograms, including studies to screen products for the control ofFusarium wilt in sweet basil, Pythium aphanidermatum in geranium andorganic management of basil downy mildew. He replaces NicholasBrazee, a forest pathologist and ecologist at UMass, anothercontributor to IR-4 as SLR and ornamental tree and shrub researcher.Thank you both for your contributions to the program Nick and Rob.

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has been conducting GLP-IR4 stud-ies this last year. Guy Kyser hasworked for over 20 years as a StaffResearcher and recently as a Spe-cialist in pasture management andinvasive weeds. He has published anumber of useful weed managementdocuments for managing invasivespecies such as medusahead andsmutgrass.

Brad Hanson (Extension Weed Spe-cialist) is heading up the Davis IR4Field Research Center and coordi-nates the specialty crop researchefforts. Seth and Guy both have ex-tensive experience running efficacytrials which will continue to be anintegral part of the Davis effort.

The IR4 Western Region is pleasedto welcome Cary, Seth and Guy totheir new roles in filling the researchneeds of Western specialty cropgrowers.

eNewsletterWe launched our first eNewsletterwith our last edition. We willcontinue publishing print and digitalversions throughout the year.

Please let us know which versionyou wish to receive or if you wantboth. Contact Sherri Novack atnovack@aesop.rutgers.edu or732.932.9575 x 4632.

— by Edith Lurvey. NERRegional Field Coordinator


pg 8Vol 46 No 1

Feature SolviNix® LC: A Plant V— by Raghavan “Charu” Charudattan, Ph.D. and Ernest Hiebert, Ph.Florida-Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and President & C

On December 11, 2014, ahistoric milestone was setwhen the U.S.

Environmental Protection Agencygranted FIFRA Section 3registration for a bioherbicidecontaining a plant virus as theactive ingredient. The registrationmarked the first time a plant viruswas registered as an herbicideactive ingredient anywhere in theworld.

The long process of registration,which began in 2005, was finallysuccessful thanks to the guidanceand able navigation of theregistration effort by Dr. MichaelBraverman, Manager, IR-4Biopesticide and Organic SupportProgram. Collaboration of severalUF-IFAS research and extensionfaculty, staff, and students as well asthe support and encouragementfrom the Florida Cattlemen’sAssociation, the Tropical SodaApple Taskforce, and the FloridaDepartment of Agriculture andConsumer Services-Division ofPlant Industry were also key to oursuccess.

The bioherbicide, with the tradenamed SolviNix® LC, is labeled foruse as a post-emergent foliarherbicide to control Solanumviarum (tropical soda apple), aSouth American plant that hasbecome invasive in pastures andconservation areas in thesoutheastern United States.

Tropical soda apple is a NoxiousWeed in the United States and aClass 2 Regionally Prohibited Weedacross New South Wales, Australia.It is as well an invasive orproblematic weed in several othercountries, including Brazil where itis native. Besides pastures andconservation areas, it is reported toaffect crops in some countries.

The active ingredient of SolviNix®LC is a strain of Tobacco mildgreen mosaic virus (TMGMV).Known for nearly 70 years,TMGMV is a pathogen of tobaccos(Nicotiana spp.), peppers(Capsicum spp.), and about 20other species in the Solanaceae. Itwas first described as a mild strainof Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) andlater named variously as Greentomato atypical mosaic virus,Para-tobacco mosaic virus,Tobacco mosaic virus-SouthCarolina mild mottling strain,Tomato atypical mosaic greenmottling strain, Tobacco mosaicvirus strain U2, and Tobaccomosaic virus strain U5. It is nowclassified as a distinct Tobamovirusspecies, Tobacco mild greenmosaic tobamovirus, with twonaturally occurring strains, U2 andU5. An isolate of the U2 strain isused as the active ingredient inSolviNix® LC.

TMGMV is believed to occurworldwide in tropical andsubtropical regions whereNicotiana glauca (tree tobacco), anatural host to this virus, isdistributed. Normally,TMGMV is foundinfrequently in N.glauca and somecultivars of tobacco andpepper but is notknown to cause seriouseconomic losses.Typically, it causes amild, green, systemicmosaic symptom insusceptible hosts but intropical soda apple itelicits a lethalhypersensitive responseexpressed as systemicnecrosis and plantdeath. Just oneapplication of the virus(e.g., as high-pressurefoliar spray) to a fewphysiologically activeleaves on a plant issufficient to infect andkill the entire plant, including theroot system. SolviNix® LC hasperformed consistently in field trialsyielding > 85% weed kill in about3-6 weeks following ahigh-pressure foliar application. Sofar, no natural resistance toTMGMV U2 has been foundamong tropical soda apple plants inthe United States. Also, severaltropical soda apple accessions fromNew South Wales, Australia, havebeen found to be equallysusceptible as the Florida plants tothe virus.

The discovery thatTMGMV-mediated lethal

Tropical soda apple fruit. Left: Partially mature,green fruit (this picture is from Bugwood, U. Ga.collection). Right: Fully mature, yellow fruit.

Left: Thorny leaves of tropical soda apple plant. Right: Flowers.

Tropical soda apple infestation in

Reaction of TSA to SolviNix® LSolviNix® LC treated plant on d

Virus Based Bioherbicide.D., Emeritus Professors, Plant Pathology Department, University of

CEO and Vice-President, respectively, BioProdex, Inc., Gainesville, FL

pg 9Vol 46 No 1


hypersensitive response could beused as a novel method of weedcontrol was made in 1999 in Dr.Charudattan’s biological control ofweeds program at the University of

Florida-Institute of Food andAgricultural Sciences (UF-IFAS).The project was subsequentlymoved forward and industriallydeveloped by BioProdex, Inc., theSolviNix® LC registrant. Withfunding from USDA-NationalInstitute of Food andAgriculture-Small BusinessInnovation Research(USDA-NIFA-SBIR) Phase I and IIgrants, the company developed ascalable industrial process to massproduce the virus and formulate itinto a commercial product, andassembled a registration datapackage.

Registration of SolviNix® LCexemplifies an effectivecollaboration in research andtechnology transfer involving aland-grant university (UF-IFAS),USDA-NIFA-SBIR, IR-4, and aprivate enterprise (BioProdex,Inc.).

It can be reasoned that the time ittook to register SolviNix® LC, wasnearly 10 years from ourpre-registration consultation withthe EPA in 2005, is due to the factthat this was the first proposal toregister a virus as a bioherbicideagent. With no prior example todraw from, much effort went intodata gathering, particularlynontarget plant host range, fieldefficacy, and label parameter data.In the end, it is the uniqueness ofthe tropical soda apple-TMGMVU2 system coupled with severalwell-known features of the virusthat assured that the virus can beused safety as a bioherbicide.

First and foremost, TMGMV U2kills the tropical soda apple plantquickly, completely, andconsistently, which is a rare featureamong plant viruses. Typically,plant response to virus infection isexpressed as immunity (no visibleplant response), resistance(necrotic local lesions in infectedleaves only), or susceptibility(systemic mosaic, foliar mottling,plant stunting, and otherdebilitating yet nonlethalsymptoms). Relatively rarely, as inthe TMGMV U2-tropical sodaapple system, the resistanceresponse is expressed as lethal,hypersensitive, systemic necrosis.

Since infected tropical soda appleplants are completely killed, noinfected but still living plants areleft in the field to serve as a virusreservoir. Moreover, as the virus ismechanically transmitted and hasno known, confirmed, vectorcapable of disseminating it, it canbe used in targeted applicationswithout the risk of secondaryspread.

Despite its worldwide occurrence,TMGMV is genetically stable, asevidenced by the low frequency ofemergence of new strains innature. Furthermore, in natureTMGMV has a restricted hostrange compared to the moderatelybroad host range reported fromartificial manual inoculations in thelaboratory/greenhouse.

Unlike fungal foliar bioherbicidesthat require optimum moisture andhumidity for performance, the virusinfectivity and disease developmentare not constrained bymicroclimatic conditions.Consequently, field application ofSolviNix® LC is generallyunencumbered by the weather.

Finally, from the literature itseemed possible to mass producethe virus on an industrial scale tomeet the market needs. We havenow confirmed this through ourproduction process. Themanufactured virus end-product,when stored properly, is stable formany years, which makes theindustrial production cost-effectiveand expedient. So, in retrospect,TMGMV U2 is an ideal viral agentfor development as a bioherbicide.

n a pasture (left) and a conservation area

C treatment. Left to right: An untreated TSA plant and adays 13, 23, and 33 after treatment.

New Product Corner

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Kasugamycin Bactericide – ArystaLifeScience North America)

Introduction: Unconditional registration for the new active ingredient (AI) kasugamycin wasgranted by the EPA in September2014 for use in pome fruit (appleand pear). This new AI registrationprovides growers with the first newbactericide in many years. It provides a new, effective way tohelp growers manage fire blight, including streptomycin-resistantstrains, as it targets a different siteof action from other bactericides.The unique AI kasugamycin makesit an effective preventative diseasemanagement tool for fruit growers,who have a limited number of control options for fire blight. TheAI has been classified by the Fungi-cide Resistance Action Committee(FRAC) as a Group 24 fungicide.

Other global registrations:Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, Japan, Korea, Mexico,Romania, Vietnam

US trade name/formulation: Kasumin® 2L (contains 0.168 lbAI/gal of product)

US labeled crops*: pome fruit(apple and pear)

Kasumin® 2L labeled bactericidepest spectrum: fire blight (Erwiniaamylovora)

Other IR-4 residue projects (PR#)

pending EPA decision: 2007 –pepper, field and GH (09802),tomato, field and GH (09797),walnut (09772)

IR-4 residue projects (PR#) inprogress: 2009 - cherry (10230);2015 – almond (11461), olive(11137), peach (09888)


Introduction: Following a global review, registration for the new active ingredient (AI) fluensulfonewas granted by the EPA in Septem-ber 2014 for various food uses.This new AI registration providesgrowers with the first new chemicalnematicide to be developed inmore than 20 years. It is a highlyeffective, broad-spectrum, non-fumigant nematicide (highlyspecific to plant-parasitic nema-todes) that provides lower-risk(favorable toxicological and eco-toxicological profiles) chemicalcontrol of nematodes than methylbromide and other restricted-usesoil fumigants. Belonging to theheterocyclic fluoroalkenyl sulfoneclass of chemistry, fluensulfone hasa novel mode of action, character-ized by killing nematodes uponcontact, causing irreversible ne-maticidal activity. Fluensulfoneeliminates complex fumigantprocesses such as Fumigant Man-agement Plans, 24-hour fieldmonitoring and restricted buffer

This new section of the IR-4 Newsletter called ‘New Product Corner’ wassuggested by grower stakeholders as a way for IR-4 to help inform specialtycrop growers about new pest management tools recently registered by EPA.This is for informational purposes only as IR-4 does not endorse a particularproduct or registrant.

*See labels for specific use patternsand other general directions foruse.

zones – it has a 0-hour re-entry in-terval (REI), “CAUTION” signalword and requires minimal protec-tive equipment (PPE).

Other global registrations: Theprocess for MRLs has been initiatedfor the export of produce. CODEXtolerances are scheduled for June2015. ADAMA expects to obtainfurther registrations in more coun-tries and crops.

US trade name/formulation: forfood uses - NIMITZ™ 480 EC Ne-maticide (4 lb gallon, 40% AI byweight)

US labeled crops*: food uses onNIMITZ™ label - cucurbit vegeta-bles in Crop Group 9, includingcucumber, melon (cantaloupe, wa-termelon, honeydew), squash andother cucurbit vegetables; fruitingvegetables in Crop Group 8-10, in-cluding tomato, okra, eggplant,peppers (bell, non-bell) and otherfruiting vegetables

NIMITZ™ labeled nematode pestspectrum: root-knot (Meloidogynespp.) and lesion (Pratylenchus spp.)nematodes

Ongoing IR-4 residue projects(PR#): 2012 – carrot (10907),potato (10904 – will cover sweetpotato [10905] and yam [11127]);2013 – sugar beet (10908)

Other IR-4 database requests:caneberry (11428), kiwifruit(11509), strawberry (10906 –ADAMA objective)

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In Memoriam

The IR-4 Newsletter Vol 46 No.1 Winter 2015

The IR-4 Newsletter is published quar-terly for distribution to cooperators in ourpartner State/Federal/Industry researchunits, State and Federal officials, com-modity groups, and private citizens.Material from the IR-4 Newsletter may bereproduced with credit to the publication.Major funding for IR-4 is provided byUSDA-NIFA and USDA-ARS in coopera-tion with the State AgriculturalExperiment Stations. New Jersey Agricul-tural Experiment Station PublicationNo.P-27200-14-03, supported by state,US Hatch Act, and other USDA funds.

Editor: Sherrilynn NovackIR-4 Public Relations and CommunicationManager, 732.932.9575 x 4632, novack@aesop.rutgers.edu

Newsletter Committee:Northeast Regional Field Coordinator,Edith Lurvey, 315.787.2308.

North Central Regional Director, John Wise, 517.432.2668.

Western Regional Assistant Field Coordinator, Stephen Flanagan,541.688.3155.

Southern Regional Field Coordinator,Michelle Samuel-Foo, 352-294-3991Southern Region Program Assistant/QA Robin Federline 352-294-3983.

Commodity Liaison Committee member,Mike Bledsoe, 407-493-3933 of VillageFarms.

IR-4 HQ, 732.932.9575Assistant Director, Van Starner x 4621

Ornamental Horticulture Manager, andTechnical Copy EditorCristi Palmer x 4629

Technical Coordinator/Entomology, Ken Samoil x 4614

Research Analyst, Kathryn Homa x 4604

Public Health Pesticides Manager, andTechnical Copy Editor, Karl Malamud-Roam x 4628

In Memoriam John D. Nalewaja

Dr. John D. Nalewaja of Fargo, NDand Osakis, MN, 84, passed awaypeacefully on November 11, 2014in San Tan Valley, AZ. Dr. Nalewajawas IR-4’s first State Liaison Repre-sentative (SLR) from North Dakota.He served as SLR until his retire-ment in 1998.

John Dennis Nalewaja was born October 7, 1930 to Anthony andHattie on a farm near Browerville,MN. After high school, he gradu-ated in Vocational Agriculture fromthe University of Minnesota, servedin the US Army, taught Ag educa-tion at Boyd, MN and obtained aDoctor of Philosophy in Agronomyfrom the University of Minnesota.He married Donna Lou Speer December 26, 1959. They movedto Fargo in 1962 and raised fourchildren-Stephen, Susan, Gregoryand Anne. Dr. Nalewaja taughtclasses and conducted research inWeed Science at North DakotaState University until he retired.

Dr. Nalewaja was major advisor to24 Ph.D. and 34 Masters of Science students, major supervisorfor 30 visiting scientists from various countries (mainly Poland)and post doctorate research associ-ates. He served as President and in

other offices for various regionaland national Weed Science

Societies. He was chairman and editor for American Standard Testing Method Symposium onPesticide Formulations and Applications Systems and was amember of the National PesticideImpact Assessment Program. Dr. Nalewaja discovered and developed methylated seed oil(MSO) as an adjuvant for herbicides now commonly usedthroughout the world. Also, he de-termined the chemical basis of saltantagonism of certain herbicides(like Roundup) and how to over-come the antagonism of manyherbicides that helped many weedscientists focus in this new area ofsurfactants and adjuvants.

He received several awards includ-ing an Honorary Doctorate fromPoznan Agriculture University inPoland, the Fargo MoorheadChamber of Commerce Distinguished NDSU ProfessorAward, Honorary Member NorthCentral Weed Science Society, Fellow of the Weed Science Society of America for OutstandingTeacher and Outstanding Re-searcher.

After retirement, Dr. Nalewajaserved as Emeritus Professor atNDSU, continued to reviewresearch papers and gave presenta-tions on weed control.

Dr. Nalewaja will be missed.

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Crop Focus

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Quinoa is a highly nutritiousgluten-free food with higher proteincontent than most cereals and abetter balance of amino acids thatis similar to casein, the protein ofmilk. Quinoa is rich in lysine, a limiting essential amino acid inmost cereals. Calcium, magnesiumand potassium are also found inquinoa in sufficient quantities for abalanced human diet. However,quinoa also contains saponins (detergent-like properties) whichcan give a bitter taste to quinoaproducts. Saponin content rangesfrom high to low (sweet quinoa va-rieties). Traditionally saponins havebeen removed by washing beforecooking and recently by abrasivemechanical dehulling. Quinoa canbe processed into flour, flakes,breakfast cereals, bread, cookies,cakes, porridge, beer, soups, fer-mented drinks, vegetable milk,pasta, livestock feed, colorants andindustrial uses. Leaves and sproutscan also be eaten raw or cooked.

The United Nations declared 2013as the “International Year ofQuinoa” in recognition of the ancestral practices of the Andeanpeople and its role in promotingfood security and eradication ofhunger, malnutrition and poverty.Based on FAO data, the major

producing Andean countries include Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador.Farms vary in size from small grow-ers to large organic producers.Production (tons) increased 57% inPeru and 92% in Bolivia from 2000to 2012. Peruvian quinoa exportshave increased from $15 millionUSD in 2010 to $83 million in2013. In 2014, conventionalquinoa prices at farm gate rangedfrom $4000 and $4500 perMT(metric ton) while organicquinoa was $5,200 per MT. Thereis also production of quinoa inBrazil, Chile, Colombia, Argentina,India, Canada (Saskatchewan andOntario) and Europe. While cli-matic conditions and pests arebarriers to production in manyareas of the US, there is smallacreage of quinoa production inColorado, Washington, Oregon,Idaho and Montana.

Important pests encountered in theAndes include downy mildew (Per-onospora variabilis Göum)Rhizoctonia damping off, Fusariumwilt, leaf spot, seed rot and brownstalk rot. Andean insect pests in-clude quinoa moths (Eurysaccamelanocampta (Meyrick) and E.quinoae Povolný), armyworms,leafminers, cutworms, aphids, cu-cumber beetles, thrips and variousHemipteran species. Production ofquinoa has been promoted by thePeruvian government in the drycoastal plains for water and soilconservation purposes. Quinoa re-quires only 30 percent of the waterneeded by rice and avoids saliniza-tion of soil. Quinoa grown in thecoast also has higher yields (5 MTper hectare) than quinoa grown inthe altiplano (1.2 MT per hectare).

Small Farmin Huacho,near Lima,Peru with

grain readyfor threshing

The expansion of production tocoastal regions has resulted in newpests not observed in the cold alti-plano region, increasing theurgency of having pest manage-ment tools available to growers.

Major insect pests in Canada in-clude stem borers, tarnished plantbugs, flea beetles and aphids. Dis-eases of concern are downymildew, Ascochyta leaf spot anddamping off (Pythium). Weeds ingeneral also need control materials.

The main pest problems in the USare weeds, including the closely related and similar in appearance,common lamb’s-quarter(Chenopodium album L.). Thisweed is more aggressive thanquinoa and can adversely impactthe growth of quinoa early in theseason and also contaminate seedlots. Downy mildew has been reported in Oregon and in experi-mental plots of quinoa in Centreand Lancaster counties of Pennsyl-vania. Insectpests reportedin the US in-cludecucumber bee-tles, Lygusbugs, flea bee-tles and leaf hoppers. In Peruregistered products for the controlof downy mildew include numerousfungicides including metalaxyl, fluopicolide, mancozeb, cymoxanil, propamocarb, dimetho-morph, chlorothalonil, Bacillussubtilis, extract of Reynoutria sachalinensisand Trichoderma species. Insecti-cides registered in Peru include

continuedfrom pg 2Quinoa

continued on pg 15

Downy mildew ofquinoa

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In MemoriamNorman GlazeDr. Norman Glaze, former weed scientist with the USDA-ARS, died November 18, 2014 in Macon, Georgia. 

Norman Glaze was a contributor to ornamentals in the ARS minor use pesticidesprogram from 1979 to 1993 and completed 774 trials during this period at the Nematodes, Weeds and Crops Research Unit at Tifton, GA. He was a long-time supporter of the IR-4 program. 

Norm was born in the DC area and graduated from Hyattsville HighSchool in MD. While attending the University of Maryland he workedunder Dr. Borthwick of the ARS Photo Lab at ARS in Beltsville, MD during the late 50s. He was noted as an exceptional reviewer of scientific manuscripts. He also coached a number of athletic sports.

One colleague, Carroll Johnson, remembers this about Norm. “Normanwas a long-time member of the Tifton Exchange Club, serving in numer-ous capacities. He was a volunteer poll-worker in Tifton and in thatcapacity he worked many hours before and after every election. For manyyears, Norman officiated at high school football games. He had a veryunique way of communicating with friends at Christmas. Instead of mailingChristmas cards, Norman had custom ball-point pens made with Christmas greetings printed on each pen and he would deliver the pensthroughout the Christmas season. Norman was a Dodge automobile enthusiast, which included a mint 1966 Dodge Charger. He made theDodge Charger ‘fashionable’ long-before the Dukes of Hazzard. (Samecar, different paint scheme!) Norman had an assortment of brass beltbuckles. One was simply ‘Norm’. Years ago at the Southern Weed ScienceSociety conference, a group of us were waiting in the lobby and somebodyasked Norman if the ‘Norm’ belt buckle was an abbreviation for ‘Abnor-mal’. Of course, he replied.

Norman loved ‘good’ cigars; that is he chewed on good cigars, but in the30 year period I knew him, I never saw him smoke one. Caretakers of thebreak room were constantly irritated by Norman. He had a barrel-sizedcoffee mug that would basically drain a 10-cup coffee pot. Norman was adedicated member of the First Presbyterian Church of Tifton. In his capac-ity, Norman served as Treasurer for many years, Elder, and generouslysupported the church in ways that few knew.”

Dr. Glaze will be missed.

CropGroupingUpdateThe proposed rule for Phase IVof the Crop Grouping Projectpublished on November 14,2014. This rule proposes torevise the crop groupregulations in 40 CFR 180.41by revising the existing leafyvegetable (except brassica) andbrassica vegetable crop groupsand by establishing new cropgroups for: stalk, stem, and leafpetiole; tropical fruit, ediblepeel; and tropical fruit, inediblepeel. The proposed rule alsomakes minor editorial changesto commodities and subgroups,revises 40 CFR § 180.40(f),and revises commoditydefinitions in 40 CFR §180.1(g).

40 CFR § 180.40(f) of theCrop Group Regulations wasfirst promulgated in 1983. Thissection addresses theinteraction of crop grouptolerances with processed foodtolerances and meat, milk, andegg tolerances. Based on are-examination of §180.40(f),EPA has concluded that severalchanges are needed. Therefore,EPA is proposing to revise §180.40(f) to more clearlyenunciate the three principlesoriginally included in theprovision and to update theseprovisions in line with currentpractice.

In Memoriam

Information Exchange

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Fire blight is commonly consid-ered the most devastatingbacterial disease of apple andpear trees; it causes over $100million in produce losses annuallyin the United States (Norelli et al,2003). Fire blight has been onthe rise due to increased treedensity in orchards and an in-creased market for very

susceptible apple varieties, suchas Gala, Fuji, Braeburn, Ginger-gold, and Jonagold. Thecausative agent, the bacteriumErwinia amylovora, entersthrough blossoms or other le-sions and spreads to flowers,shoots, and wood, making themappear as if they have beenburned. Antibiotics and heavymetals have been the standardtreatment for over fifty years,but the emergence of resistantstrains and an organic markethave spurned advances in alter-native treatment options -particularly in the wake of the

2014 ban on antibiotic treat-ment for organics.Bacteriophages, viruses that in-fect bacteria, have proveneffective in the treatment ofmany agricultural diseases andare the active ingredient in“FireQuencher”, a new ap-proach in the treatment of fireblight.

As the most abun-dant of living entitieson the planet, bacte-riophages naturallyregulate the levels oftheir bacterial hosts.The word “phage”means “to devour”in Greek and mostbacteriophages arehighly specific fortheir bacterial host.A phage will bind

specifically to the bacterial cell,take over the cell, and producebetween 10 and 100 newphages that can then attackother bacterial cells. This naturalexpansion of phages can rapidlydecrease the number of bacteriaand, control the disease. Thesequalities of a natural, specific,self-amplifying and biodegrad-able therapy make phages a safe,organic treatment. The potentialuse of phages as an anti-bacterial

FireQuencher: A Phage-based Treatment for Fire blight— by Julianne H. Grose, Donald P. Breakwell and Sandra H. Burnett

An apple tree limb showing scaring from a fireblight infection that invaded through the blossom.

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phenthoate and Bacillus thuringien-sis products. In the U.S. there areno registered products for directapplication on quinoa with the soleexception of the herbicideglyphosate.

In addition to a lack of pesticideregistrations in the US, the otherchallenges for growing quinoa areenvironmental conditions. Quinoarequires short daylengths and cooltemperatures for good growth.Cultivated quinoa has been knownto flower and produce seed at ele-vations between 7,000 and10,000 feet in Colorado. Quinoais tolerant of light frosts and is notaffected by even cooler tempera-tures down to 20 °F after the grainhas reached the soft dough stage.Temperatures which exceed 95 °F

cause plant dormancy or pollensterility.

The increasing popularity of quinoahas not been without controversy.An article in the J. Agron. CropSci. (Jacobsen, S.-E., 2011) fo-cused on Bolivia and the impact ofboom-like consumer demand forquinoa around the world. With theprice increase of quinoa triplingfrom 1999 to 2008, 90% ofquinoa produced in Bolivia is nowexported. Jacobsen reported nega-tive effects on the environmentincluding degradation of soil fertil-ity, displacement of llamaproduction and increased erosion.Due to the high value of quinoa,Jacobsen indicated that farmerspreferred to sell quinoa and boughtless nutritious food for consump-tion. This was disputed by Winkelet al. (2012) in the same journal

citing yield data that did not sup-port the negative environmentaleffects of increased quinoa produc-tion and also disputed the decreasein home consumption of quinoa.Several press articles (TheGuardian, NPR, AP, and NY Times)also presented stories about thenegative effects of buying quinoa inthat poorer people in Bolivia couldno longer afford to eat a nourishingstaple food because of high prices.However the impact of higherquinoa prices is complex and con-flicted by sovereignty and foodsecurity issues. Bolivia and Peruhave recently incorporated quinoainto school breakfast and newmothers’ subsidies and growers inthese countries have become eco-nomically successful, yet still setaside quinoa for personal use.

was first envisioned when dis-covered by Felix d’Herelle in1917, just prior to the discov-ery of antibiotics. Severalcommercialized phage treat-ments for bacterial diseaseswere released in the 1940’s byEli Lilly and Company, but massproduction of antibiotics in

1945 quickly overshadowedphage therapy in the US. Withthe current issues of antibioticresistance, phage therapy is nowof great interest in the US andacross the globe. There are nowmany phage-based therapies forboth human and agricultural dis-eases available and more arebeing developed including Fire-Quencher.

A milestone for phage productdevelopment is that Fire-Quencher was included inUSDA-funded trials for fireblight treatment during spring2014. In these trials at Washing-ton State University,FireQuencher showed promis-ing efficacy (see table). As aproduct in early development,FireQuencher has been further

A transmission electron micrograph(TEM) of bacteriophages that infect Erw-nia amylovora. This phage was isolatedfrom an apple orchard in Salem, Utah.

optimized throughout the year inthe laboratory, improving infec-tivity and stability. Expanded fieldtests are scheduled for spring2015 and will include the im-proved phage cocktail. Othercombination approaches withphages, antibiotics and heavymetals will also be tested. Theseimprovements should increasethe performance of Fire-Quencher in field trials.FireQuencher will be available asa room-temperature stable liquidthat can be diluted in water forspray application on orchards.

Norelli, J. L., A. L. Jones, and H. S. Ald-winckle. (2003) Fire Blight Management inthe Twenty-First Century: Using New Tech-nologies that Enhance Host Resistance inApple. Plant Disease 87 (7): 756-765.

Quinoa continuedfrom pg 12

Information Exchange

IR-4 Headquarters, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey500 College Road EastSuite 201 WPrinceton, NJ 08540




Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey •University of California •Cornell University•University of Florida •Michigan State University

Major funding for IR-4 is provided by Special Research Grants andHatch Act Funds from USDA-NIFA , in cooperation with the StateAgricultural Experiment Stations, and USDA-ARS.

Tolerance SuccessesUnited States Department of AgricultureNational Institute of Food and Agriculture

Federal Register: May 7, 2014Fenoxaprop-ethylTrade Name: PumaCrop: Grass hay PR#: 06220

Federal Register: Aug 6, 2014BifenazateTrade Name: Acramite Crops: Herb subgroup 19A (exceptchervil and chive), Pome fruitgroup 11-10, Fruiting vegetablegroup 8-10, Timothy forage andhay, PR#: 08846, 11060, 11061,09037, 09773

Federal Register: Aug 29, 2014Kasugamycin Trade Name: Kasumin Crops: Pome fruit group 11-10PR#: 09973

Federal Register: Sep 3, 2014Saflufenacil Trade Name: Treevix Crop: Olive PR#: 10787

Federal Register: Sep 12, 2014Sulfentrazone Trade Name:Spartan Crop: Apple PR#: 07770

Federal Register: Sep 24, 2014Fluensulfone (tolerances supportedby registrant’s data after receivingA priorities at the IR-4 Food UseWorkshop)Trade Names: Nimitz Crops: Fruiting vegetable group8-10, Cucurbit vegetable group 9PR#: 10459, 10460, 10461,10462, 10463, 10599

Federal Register: Oct 22, 2014Metrafenone Trade Name: Vivando Crops: Peach subgroup 12-12B,Apricot, Cherry subgroup 12-12A,Cucurbit vegetable group 9, Hops,Small vine-climbing fruit (exceptfuzzy kiwifruit) subgroup 13-07F,Fruiting vegetable group 8-10PR#: 10369, 10370, 10466,

The trade names listed below are provided as a means to identify the chemical for which atolerance has been established. A trade name listed here may not be the name of the prod-uct on which the new food use(s) will be registered. Only labeled products may be used on afood crop. Be sure to obtain current information about usage regulations and examine a cur-rent product label before applying any chemical.

May - December 2014

10477, 10478, 10479, 11252,11253

Federal Register: Oct 29, 2014Paraquat Trade Name: Gramoxone Crops: Tuberous and cormvegetable subgroup 1CPR#: 10583(None in June, July, November, orDecember)

Correction from Spring issueFederal Register: Feb 07, 2014ChlorantraniliproleTrade Names: Coragen, AltacorCrops: Green onion subgroup3-07B, Papaya, Passionfruit, Spicesubgroup 19B, Stone fruit group12-12 (except cherry, chickasawplum, and damson plum)PR#: A10204, B10204, 11200

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