vol 4 october —december 2015 - preventionweb.net · the universities at bandung city, indonesia...

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2015 Vol 4 October—December

Preview of RDI-AuthorAID Workshop on How to Write Competitive Proposal at Widyatama University, 23rd-24th of November 2015

O n November, 21st-25th 2015, RDI conducted two workshops. The first workshop was held on November, 21st-22nd 2015 through the support from AuthorAID program under INASP.

The universities at Bandung City, Indonesia had the chance to gather and share their experience on writing proposal for research grants. The participants were from four leading universities in Bandung, which are University of Padjajaran, University of Parahyangan, Indonesia University of Education (UPI) and Widyatama University. This work-shop was a collaboration between Dr. Saut Sagala as the main facilita-tor (Institute of Technology Bandung) and RDI. RDI also hosted a guest lecture, Dr. Mercy Rampengan from State University of Manado. As for the venue, University of Widyatama kindly provided the facility of the workshop. This workshop served not only the knowledge of proposal writing but also the network needed to do so. In this workshop, collab-orations between the participants as well as their respective universi-ties were encouraged and implored. We are thoroughly thankful for INASP and AuthorAID for making this opportunity possible for the researchers in Bandung, Indonesia. Further information about this RDI-AuthorAID workshop can be seen in http://www.rdi.or.id/workshops/proposaltraining2015/ .

The second workshop was held by a collaboration between RDI and Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI). RDI hosted two-day intensive workshop on resilience studies in Indonesia. This workshop feature several reknown speakers from Auckland University, University of Gadjah Mada, ITB, Indonesian Institute of Science, RDI, and State University of Manado. Besides the speakers, the workshop is also enriched by participants coming in from University of Padjajaran, Indonesia University of Education, etc. The setting of this workshop was made by dividing morning sessions as presentations of the speakers while afternoon sessions for brainstorming, discussions and debates. Chaired by Dr. Herryal Anwar and Dr. Saut Sagala, this workshop presented key issues on promoting community resilience, such as the role of studies related to vulnerability, capacity and spatial planning to enable community resilience. Some key case studies presented during this workshop included discussion related to Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015, Mt. Merapi volcanic eruption and Jakarta Flood, Semarang City in resilient city context, approach to resilience by several metropolitan cities, water resilience issues, etc. Further information and workshop materials can be downloaded in http://www.rdi.or.id/workshops/resilienceworkshop2015/


Title : Rethinking Resilience, Culture and Disasters: Poli-tics and the Promise of Qualitative Research

In general, in this lecture Dr. Gavin explained about the new view of resil-ience. Nowadays resilience is not just mean as tough or survive. Moreo-ver, resilience means to bounce back. For an instance, if an area affected by flooding: be resilient does not mean they can survive, but has to be fully unaffected in the future. This lecture was held at Faculty of Political Science, University of Parahyangan.

Title : Future of Coal Energy Market in the Context of Indonesia Energy Policy

In this guest lecture, which was held at Indonesian University of Education (UPI), Mr. Endang, as an experienced businessman in the field of coal explained about the conditions, challenges, and future of coal in Indonesia in front of about 100 of management major students.. He also explained the various issues, rules, policy, and also tips and tricks to start a business in the field of coal.

July - August

Resilience Development Initiative (RDI) and University of Parahyangan (Unpar) agreed to have five year mutual

partnership among these two research and academic institutions. This partnership was formalized through five year memorandum of understanding and memorandum of agreement between RDI Director (represented by Senior Research Fellow) and Unpar Rector. On the day of this formal agreement, both institutions expect to advance and share their resources, expertise, knowledge and research collaboration. On the same day, a guest lecture of Dr. Gavin Sullivan through RDI network was carried out in University of Parahyangan .

Ms. Elisabeth Rianawati, the director of RDI, was privi-leged to share an RDI research on community recovery in a

4th Psychological Intervention after Disaster (PIAD) workshop with title in Taipei. The event was fully sponsored by International Council for Science (ICSU). The highlight of the event was meeting with a re-nowned researcher in disaster field, Prof. Douglas Paton from Charles Darwin University, New Zealand, who is also one of RDI’s senior fellow. Through this meeting, several collaborations are confirmed, including editing a book on DRR in Indonesia with Dr. Saut Sagala. The workshop was also featuring Prof. Thomas Cook (Northwestern University), Dr. Abigail Gerwitz (University of Minnesota) and Dr. Sarb Johal (Massey University), who are prominent researchers in their respective fields.

Lecture from Dr. Gavin Sulivan of Coventry University at University of Parahyangan, November 13th 2015

The participants of PIAD Workshop in Taipei, November 2015

MoU signing of University between RDI and University of Parahyangan


November 2015, RDI was excited to welcome Dr. Gavin Sullivan from Coventry University. In this visit, Dr. Sullivan graciously gave a lecture on “Rethinking resilience, culture and disasters: politics and the promise of qualita-tive research” at University of Parahyangan (Unpar). This lecture was accepted enthusiastically by almost 100 participants who were mostly students from Unpar.

In the late November 2015, RDI was honored to welcome one of the top disaster researchers, Dr. J.C. Gaillard from University of Auckland, New Zea-land. Through several meetings with Dr. Gaillard, RDI has benefited tremen-dously through scientific discussion and potential collaborations for the future works. RDI was truly thankful for the friendly yet enriching encounters with Dr. Gaillard.

Another heartening collaboration was extended by Dr. Mercy Ramp-

engan from State University of Manado. He became a guest facilitator in a RDI

workshop on proposal writing. He brought fresh perspectives and enlightening

information that he gained from decades of being practitioners on field. Dr.

Rampengan implicitly revealed his ultimate secret of being a sustainable re-

searcher and practitioner, which was to be passionate in one’s research.

Every month, RDI publishes one publication, and here are the summary of RDI publications in 2015:

January “Assessing Household Risk Mitigation to Flooding in Low-land Area of Palembang” by Wahyu Lubis

February “Disaster Preparedness of Star Hotels To Coastal Hazards: Case Study Of Sanur, Bali” by Saut Salgala

March “Enhancing Community Awareness towards Potential Earthquake of Lembang Fault in comparison to Kathmandu Valley” by Adzani Ameridyani

April “Disaster Impacts and Children Welfare in West Java Prov-ince, Indonesia” by Elisabeth Rianawati

May “Review of Community Based Wildfire Management in In-donesia” by Elisabeth Rianawati

June “Do Disasters Create Opportunities for Change towards Sustainability? Initial evidence from Aceh, Indonesia” by Katja Brundiers

July “Energy Resilient Village Potential In Boyolali, Indonesia” by Saut Sagala

August “Analysing the economic benefits of rural biogas adoption in Selo Sub-District, Boyolali, Indonesia” by Zakaria Tazi

September “Strengthening Community Resilience from Spatial Plan Perspective” by Saut Sagala

October “Tourist Brand Loyalty Based Consumer Typology: a case study of Hot Spring Resort in Cipanas, Garut District, West Java” by M Ihsan

November “Brand Image Analysis in Hotel Brand Management in Hot Spring Resort in Cipanas, Garut District” by Fery Irawan

December “The Brand Image of Bandung as an Art Deco City: case study of Asia Afrika and Braga Area” by Rizky Reza

These working paper can be downloaded in:


Dr. JC Gaillard and Dr. Mercy Rampengan visited RDI Office after the RDI-LIPI workshop

Gavin Sullivan, Ph.D visited RDi office berfore giving a lecture at Unpar


We would gladly welcome our new reseacher: Umar Al Faruq

from Institute of Technology Bandung as a Data and Information Co-Manager

and also our new fellows: Sarah Najmilah and Yasmina Wulandari

from Institute of Technology Bandung

RDI would like to announce and con-gratulate RDI researcher, Ms. Adzani Ameridyani and RDI fellow, Ms. Sarah Najmilah who recently have been awarded for LPDP scholarship to con-tinue their master degree in 2016.

We would proudly congratulate our members that have successfully published their papers:

Sagala, S., Lubis, W., Ameridyani, A., Prambudhia, Y “Urban Energy Resilience & Low Carbon Development in Metropolitan Indonesia” - Urban and Regional Development Institute

Sagala, S., Anwar, H., Lubis, W. and Yamin, D. “Strengthening Community Resilience from Spa-tial Plan Perspective” - LIPI

Lubis, W., Sagala, S., Wimbardana, R. and Argo, T. “From Preparedness to Resilience: Assessing Household Risk Mitigation to Flooding in Low-land Area of Palembang” - LIPI

Rianawati, E., Sagala, S. and Pratama, A. “The Disaster Impacts on Children Welfare in West Java Province, Indonesia” - LIPI

Ameridyani, A. and Sagala, S. “Enhancing Community Awareness towards Po-tential Earthquake of Lembang Fault: Lessons Learned from Kathmandu Valley Earthquake” - LIPI

Hnyine,Z., Sagala, S., Yamin, D and Lubis, W. “What do farmers gain from biogas adoption? Economic Assessment of Rural Biogas Implemen-tation in Boyolali District” - Journal of Forum Geografi

Two interns completed their activites in RDI by the end of October 2015. Ferry and Ihsan, both Indonesia University of Education (UPI) Graduates on business management applied their knowledge on brand image and brand loyalty to the case studies of Tourism Activities in Cipanas, Garut. Their activities are under FBM (Finance and Business Management) research cluster. They produced two working papers entitled: “Tourist Brand Loyalty Based Consumer Typology: a case study of Hot Spring Resort in Cipanas, Garut District, West Java” and “ Brand Image Analysis in Hotel Brand Management in Hot Spring Resort in Cipanas, Garut District”.

Ferry and Ihsan also participated in RDI field survey to Semarang and joined in some RDI lectures. Ferry and Ihsan show good sense of humor while they were at RDI. As a token of friendship, they presented hand drawing carricaturs of RDI researchers. RDI wishes best of luck to them in pursuing their careers.

Rizky Ramadhan, another RDI intern, completed his internship term at RDI, 31st of December 2015. Rizky joined RDI on 1st September 2015 focusing on a study entitled: “Tourism Branding of Bandung as an Art Deco City”. This topic fits in under RDI research cluster TCH (Tourism and Cultural Heritage) and also in line with his academic background in Indonesia University of Education (UPI) on tourism management. Therefore on this internship Rizky also benefitted from inputs by Ms. Ayu Krishna, TCH Cluster Chair. On his internship Rizky was supervised by Wahyu Lubis, RDI Program Manager. On the farewell party, Rizky notes that “working in RDI is really a great experience allowing him to taste a life as a researcher”. He concludes by promoting RDI internship opportunities to those who are interested on learning to be a researcher.

During 2015, RDI received 9 interns from 4 different universities, and seen their capabillities increased as a researcher. And now, we are looking for highly motivated interns who are eager to get some research experiences. In 2016, we open internships on topics related to:

(1) Disaster Economics; (2) Culture and Disaster; (3) Children and Climate Change; (4) Biogas Adoption; and (5) Energy Security

Intern at Resilience Development Initiative will be exposed to many prominent research studies ranging from national to international scale. For more information, please visit http://www.rdi.or.id/how-to-join-us/internship/

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