vocabulary lesson 6 word list

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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Vocabulary Lesson 6

Copy word, definition and part of speech.

Arrogance: (n) overbearing pride; a lack of regard for others. Docile: (adj) gentle, easy to manage; obedient. Frivolous: (adj) silly; unimportant. Kindle: (v) to ignite; to arouse or excite; to set on fire. Seethe: (v) to boil; to bubble and foam; to be excited or disturbed.

Copy word, definition and part of speech.

Sinister: (adj) threatening trouble or bad luck; evil; disastrous.

Smug: (adj) overly satisfied with one's own goodness or achievements; self-satisfied.

Spurn: (v) to turn down; to reject with scorn and contempt. Unscrupulous: (adj) dishonest; having no principles of right

and wrong. Yearn: (v) to long for or desire.

Greek and Latin Roots – Lesson 6

soph wise philosopher, sophisticated

syn, sym together symphony, synthesize

techn art, skill technical, technology, technique

tele at a distance telescope, telephone, telecommute

the, them, thet to place, put epithet, antithesis, theme

thea, theatr to see, view theater, theatrical, amphitheater

theo God theology, theocracy, theocentric

therm heat thermometer, thermonuclear, thermal

topo place topography, topology

top related