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Holes Visual Vocabulary

Chapters 1-10

Warden 1 . (n.) Principal prison officer

Stifling 1 . (adj.) too hot

2. (adj.)Repressive-not allowing full expression

Convicted 1 . (v.) Declaring someone guilty

2. (v. ) arrive at a guilty verdict

Descendants 1 . (n.) somebody or something related to ancestors-a person, animal, or plant, related to one that lived in the past

Gypsy 1 . (n.) a member of a traveling people with dark skin and hair who speak Romany and traditionally live by seasonal work, itinerant trade, and fortune-telling. Gypsies are now found mostly in Europe, parts of North Africa, and North America, but are believed to have originated in South Asia.

Perseverance 1 . (n.) determined continuation with something-steady and continued action or belief over a long period and especially despite difficulties or setbacks

Perseverance (n)

Persevere (v.)

Discourage 1 . (v.) tend to stop something

2. Try to deter somebody

3. Try to make somebody less optimistic

Testified 1 . (v.) make a declaration under oath

2. (v.) prove or demonstrate something

Auctioned 1 . (v.) selling something with bidding

2. (v.) bidding

Unearthed 1 . (v.) to dig something up

Wasteland 1 . (n.) a desolate land, an area that is barren or not used.

Preposterous 1 . (adj.) outrageous or absurd, going against what is thought to be sensible

Grimaced 1 . (v.) a facial expression where someone contorts their face in pain or disgust

Chapters 11-20

Evaporates (v.) change liquid to vapor, gas, usually by heating to below its boiling point

Synonyms: Vanish, fade, disappear, vaporize

Antonyms: solidifies

Intensity 1. (n.) the strength, power,

force, or concentration of something

2. (n.) a passionate and serious attitude or quality

Synonyms: strength, concentration, power, force, passion

Antonyms: moderation


1. (v.) To be inquisitive, ask questions

2. (v.) to open using leverage


1. interfered, meddled, snooped, inquired

2. Wrenched, forced


1. ignore, neglect

2. close, “leave alone”

Appropriate 1. (adj.) Fitting or suitable for the occasion or circumstance

Synonyms: suitable, fitting, apt, proper, right

Antonyms: inappropriate

Curiosity 1. (n.) the desire to know something

Synonyms: inquisitiveness, interest, nosiness, prying

Antonyms: apathy

Precious 1. Worth a great deal of money or much loved

Synonyms: valuable, costly, prized, expensive, dear, exquisite

Antonyms: worthless

Engraved 1. (v.) to carve or etched into a hard material with a design or lettering for decoration or printing

Synonyms: etched, scratched, inscribed, scored, decorated

Penetrating 1. (adj.) Strong enough to enter or spread through something

Synonyms: powerful, sharp Piercing

Antonyms: blunt, nice, weak

Condemned 1. (v.) to give someone a

legal sentence

2. (v.) to consider someone guilty

Synonyms: convicted, fated, destined, predestined

Writhed 1. (v.) to make violent twisting and rolling movements with the body as a result of severe pain

Synonyms: squirm, wriggle, twist, struggle. thrash

Antonyms: straighten, “be still”

Agony 1. (n.) great pain or


2. (n.) intense emotion

Synonyms: pain, torture, suffering, distress, misery, woe, torment

Antonyms: ecstasy

Chapters 21-30

Refuge 1. a sheltered or protected state safe from something threatening, harmful, or unpleasant

• Syn: Sanctuary, shelter, protection, asylum, haven

• Non-examples: a dangerous situation


1. to flow out forcefully, or force something out in a stream

2. to utter something in an angry, forceful, or relentless way

• Syn: eject, erupt, gush

Grotesque 1. misshapen,

especially in a strange or disturbing way

2. seeming strange or ludicrous through being out of place or unexpected

• Syn: absurd, bizarre, eerie, preposterous, ludicrous, monsterous

• Ant: common, familiar, sensible, normal, ordinary

Ointments 1. a smooth greasy substance used on the skin to soothe soreness or itchiness, help wounds heal, or make the skin softer

• Syn: Balm, lotion, dressing

Remedy 1.a means of putting

something right or getting rid of something undesirable

2.medicine a medication or treatment that cures a disease or disorder or relieves its symptoms

• Syn: antidote, countermeasure, medicine

• Ant: Damage, harm, hurt

Concoctions 1. (n.) a new and unusual mixture, especially a drink or dish created by mixing together ingredients

Syn: Brew, mixture, combination

Vile 1.(adj.) causing disgust

or abhorrence

2.extremely unpleasant to experience

• Syn: repugnant, appalling, contemptible, horrid, nasty

• Ant: agreeable, attractive, pleasant, comforting

Rummaging 1.(v.) to make a rapid

search for or through something by carelessly moving and disarranging things find something by searching

3.Syn: Comb, forage, scour

4.Ant: Arrange, neaten, order

Delirious 1. irrational as a

temporary result of a physical condition such as fever, poisoning, or brain injury.

2.extremely excited or emotional

• Syn: crazed, insane, mad, maniacal, unhinged

• Ant: balanced, rational, reasonable


1. lacking physical or mental strength or health

• Syn: ailing, decrepit, fragile

• Ant: able, capable, healthy

Chapter 31-40

Systematic 1. (adj.) carried out in

a methodical and organized manner

2. (adj.) Well organized

• Syn: methodical, orderly, efficient

• Ant: unsystematic, chaotic, disorderly

Mirage 1. (n.) an optical

illusion of a sheet of water appearing in the desert or on a hot road, caused by light being distorted by alternate layers of hot and cool air

• Syn: fantasy, hallucination, illusion

• Ant: certain, fact, reality

Ventilation 1.(n.) the movement or

circulation of fresh air extremely excited or emotional

2.(n.) the means of supplying fresh air to an enclosed space, e.g. an opening or equipment installed in a building

• Syn: airing, freshening

Frail 1.(adj.) in a physically

weakened state and vulnerable to injury

2.(adj.) made of weak or delicate materials and easy to break or damage

• Syn: decrepit, fragile, feeble

• Ant: healthy, firm, hearty

Protruding 1.(adj.) to stick out

from the surroundings, or make something do this

• Syn: bulge, poke, extend

• Ant: concave, shrink, contract

Increments addition to or

increase in the amount or size of something, especially one of a series of small, often regular or planned increases

• Syn: rise, increase

• Ant: decrease, decline, deduction

Foothold 1.(n.) a secure

starting position from which further advances can be made

2.(n.) a place or thing that will support the foot of a climber, especially a crack, hollow, or ledge in a rock face

• Syn: footing, niche, perch

Fugitive 1.(n.) somebody who

flees, or runs away

2.(n.) something that is difficult to catch

• Syn: elusive, wanted, criminal

• Ant: confronting

Vacancies 1.(n.) an office,

position, or tenancy that is unfilled or unoccupied

• Syn: gap, vacuum, void

• Ant: fullness

Accelerated 1.(v.) to move

increasingly quickly, or cause something to do this

2.(v.) to happen or develop faster, or cause something to do this

• Syn: increased

• Ant: decrease, slowed

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