viktoria keding, director

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Namibian Climate Change Education: NaDEET Centre: “Practicing what we teach” & It’s Time to Work : A “Green” TVET Career Guide. Viktoria Keding, Director. Samuel Fern á ndez Diekert, Education Consultant. NaDEET Centre’s Philosophy. Formal learning 8 hrs. Sleeping 8 hrs. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Viktoria Keding, Director

Namibian Climate Change Education:

NaDEET Centre: “Practicing what we teach”


It’s Time to Work: A “Green” TVET Career Guide

Samuel Fernández Diekert, Education Consultant

“We practice what we teach”

Sleeping8 hrs

Formal learning

8 hrs

Informal learning8 hrs

Informal learning: learning from the Centre’s facilities while doing everyday activities such as cooking, cleaning, bathing and

throwing away rubbish

Formal learning: learning during structured activities

NaDEET Centre’s Philosophy




0 0500 grams

0,5 kg

17 hrs x 4 clouds x 250g

= 17 kg

Annual Average CO2 from cooking at NaDEET Centre = 55 kg

vs. Annual Average CO2 from cooking on an open fire = 586 kg

Learning Applying Evaluating

Integrating climate change education through daily living activities

UNESCO & NaDEET “Greening TVET”UNESCO Windhoek Office Focus on strengthening knowledge and skills in

responding to challenges of SD and CCE in Southern Africa

Focus on strengthening capacities for evidence-based policies for TVET and promoting skills development for the world of work (TVET)

Objectives:• TVET curricula reviewed for enhancing

responsiveness to socio-economic changes in the respective countries

• Revised selected national education programmes, TTIs curricula and assessments to integrate ESD, CCE and ED for DP and DRR

TVET and economic sustainability (economic literacy; sustainable production/consumption; small enterprise management)

TVET and environmental sustainability (eco-efficiency; 5 Rs; attitudes and values; critical thinking and practical skills)

TVET and social sustainabilty (gender; inclusion; workplace relations; teamwork; employer/emploee relations)


• UNESCO Windhoek Office putting particular emphasis i.e. on reforming and greening TVET programmes in the sub-region – Development of a tool to support TVET institutions

to unpack the concept “Greening TVET”• Step 1: NaDEET undertaking production and

publication of a booklet under the title of “It’s Time to Work”, as part of their “It’s Time to…” series (previous publications include “It’s Time to Identify” and “It’s Time to Solar Cook”)

UNESCO-NaDEET collaboration

Official inauguration (2003) Travel of schools (2004-2005) through ASPNet “Bush Telegraph” (2009-2011) UNESCO/UNEP YouthXChange ESD success story – UNESCO event Rio+20 National networks (RCE Khomas/Erongo; NEEN)

It’s Time to Work: A Green TVET Career Guide

Electrical Repair and Installation-Renewable energy-High and low voltage deliveryTourism and Hospitality-Chef-Waiter/Waitress/Bartender-Tour guideAdministration-Front Desk officer-Clerk-Accounting officerBeauty Therapy-Hairdresser/Barber-Make-up artist-Massage therapistAutomotive-Auto mechanicInformation Technology (IT)-Hardware Technician-IT Server administrationConstruction-Bricklaying and plastering-Plumbing-Welding-CarpentryMaritime-Deck Officer-InspectorHealth and Safety-Safety and Environmental Officer-Health Inspector


What are the opportunities in the formal TVET sector to practice ESD?

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