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Post on 23-Dec-2016






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ALDANA, Mario Kuri, b.1932 Mexico Four Bacabs, 1959 16 min. $450 With Spanish narration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

AMAYA, Efrain, b. 1959 Venezuela Angelica, 2015 7 min. $500 4(2pic) 4(2EH) 4(Eb, bscl) 4(Cbsn) 4 4 4 1 T P(6) Hp AMAYA, Efrain Suite of Latin Dances, , 2012 9 min. $500 4(2pic) 3(EH) 4(Eb, bscl) 3(Cbsn) 2 4(2crnt) 4 1 T P(5) hp pf AMAYA, Efrain Wuarairo Repano, 2009 15 min. $500 For solo A clarinet and wind orchestra 2(alt) 2(EH) 1(bscl) 2 4 2 3 1 T P(2) hp pf Note from Robert Boudreau: An outstanding, virtuosic concerto for clarinet - Kudos to Efrain!


*AMRAM, David, b.1930 USA Concerto for Horn and Wind Orchestra,1967 12 min. $600

Horn solo, 4(picc), 4(EH), 4(Bcl), 4(Cbsn), 4, 4, 4, 1, T, P, Hp, Pf

Remark from Robert Boudreau: David Amram was the principal horn with the National Symphony for a

number of years. This is an amazing work for horn and wind orchestra, with a great deal of jazz

influence. Following the premiere performance in Pittsburgh, Leonard Bernstein programmed this work

with the New York Philharmonic.

AMRAM, David King Lear Variations, 1966 15 min. $500

4(2picc), 4(EH), 4(2Bcl), 4(Cbsn), 6, 4,4,1, T, P(4), Pf


*ANGEL, Amparo, b. 1950 Colombia Adagio for English Horn and Wind Orchestra,2007 16min. $500 EH solo, 2(pic) 2 4(Eb)(Bcl) 2 4 2 3 1 T P Gloc Cymb Remark from Robert Boudreau: Beautifully written – an outstanding work for the English horn.


*ARUTIUNIAN, Alexander 1920-2012 Armenia Rhapsody for Solo Trumpet and Winds,1990 10 min. $500

Trumpet solo, 4(picc), 2, 3(Eb), 2,4,4,4,1, T, P(5) Remark from Robert Boudreau: A classic

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *ATEHORTUA, Blas, b. 1933 Colombia Chorale and Ostinato Fantastico - 8 min. $500 4(2pic)4(3EH)4(Bcl,Cbcl)3(Cbsn) 4,4,4,1 T(2)P(2) Remark from Robert Boudreau: It is all in the title – “fantastico”!

ATEHORTUA, Blas Concerto for Bass Trombone and Wind Orchestra 15min $500 Bass tbn solo, 3(pic, alt) 2(EH) 3(Bcl) 3(Cbsn) 4 4 3 1 T P(4) Hp Remark from Robert Boudreau: I know no better concerto for bass trombone.

ATEHORTUA, Blas Concerto for Oboe and Wind Orchestra,1980 15 min. $500

Ob.solo 3(pic,alto)3(EH)3(Eb,Bcl)3(Cbsn) 4,4,4,1 T P(4) Hp, Cel

*ATEHORTUA, Blas Concerto for Two Marimbas,2006 10 min. $500 3(pic) 3(EH) 4 (2Bcl)3(Cbsn) 4,3,3,1 T P(3) Hp Remark from Robert Boudreau: A masterpiece for marimba players!

ATEHORTUA, Blas Fantasia Concertante, Op. 103, 1984 12 min. $500 Piano solo, 4(pic,alto)3(EH)4(Eb, Bcl)3(Cbsn) 4331, T,P(4) Hp,Cel


*AURIC, Georges, 1899-1983 France Divertimento, 1966 8 min. $500 4(pic, alto) 4(2EH) 5(Eb, 2Bcl) 5(2Cbsn) 4,4,4,1 T, P, Hp, Pf, Cel

Remark from Robert Boudreau: I had the honor of visiting with Auric when he was director of L’Opera in

Paris. The AWSO Editions is so fortunate to have a work by such a master, who represents a unique time

in the history of French music. As you perform this elegant work, you will be walking down the Champs

Elyssee into the Place de la Concorde.


*BADINGS, Henk, 1907-1987 Holland Armageddon 14 min. $600 Soprano solo, 4(Eb,bass) 4(ob d’amore, EH, heckelphone) 4(Bcl, 2Cbcl) 4(2Cbsn) 6661, T(3) P(2), Pf, Cel, Tape Remark from Robert Boudreau: Nothing will come close to this work, with its electronic sounds.

BADINGS, Henk Concerto for Bassoon and Contrabassoon 12 min. $600 Bassoon & contrabassoon solos, 5(pic, alto) 2 3(Bscl) 3331 T P(2)

*BADINGS, Henk Concerto for Flute, 1963 12 min. $600 Flute solo, 3 3(EH) 3 (Bscl) 3(Cbsn) 4431 T P(3) Pf Remark from Robert Boudreau: Here is an example of a real genius as a composer who has already been forgotten, but certainly has created several remarkable works for the AWSO. The flute concerto was to receive its premiere performance by the renowned French flutist Jean-Pierre Rampal. As we began to rehearse this work, I noticed that Rampal was leaving out many of the notes in his solo part. We had a discussion, and Rampal’s remark was that “there are just too many notes.” He would not admit that the piece was beyond his technical ability. However, it turned out that the AWSO’s principal flutist, Levina Boehl ( and indeed many future soloists) was able to play the part as written. I know of no concerto for flute that is more beautiful than this one.

*BADINGS, Henk Concerto for Harp, 1967 21 min. $600 Hp solo, 4(Eb, alto, bass) 4 (ob d’amor, EH, heckelphone) 4(basset, Bcl, Cbcl) 4(2Cbsn) 4441, T, P(4), Cel Remark from Robert Boudreau: Dedicated to one of the world’s most exciting harpists, Phia Berghout. This work reflects her greatness.

BADINGS, Henk Greensleeves, 1970 7 min. $400 2(bass) 3(EH)3(Bcl) 3(Cbsn) 4 4 3 1 T P(4) Hp, Cel

BADINGS, Henk Symphony in C for Wind Orchestra, 1967 14 min. $500 5(picc, alto) 3(EH) 4(Bcl) 4(Cbsn) 4441, T(2) P(3) pf, cel Remark from Robert Boudreau: Henk captured the essence of the wind orchestra in this work.


BEFFA, Karol b. 1973, France Burning Bright, 2012 $500 3(pic) 3(EH) 3(Bcl) 3(Cbsn) 4 3 3 1 T P(3) Hp Pf Remark from Robert Boudreau: Enjoy the challenges of a sophisticated work with many jazz influences, one to be enjoyed by musicians, conductor and audience as well.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BENNETT, Robert Russell, 1894-1981 USA CHRISTMAS OVERTURE , 1981 5 MIN $400 3333 4442 T, P(1)

*BENNETT, Robert Russell Concerto Grosso 16 min. $600

For Woodwind Quintet and Wind Orchestra - 4 movements Soli Fl, Ob, Cl, Bsn, Hrn 3(pic) 3(EH) 3(Eb, Bcl, Cbcl) 3(Cbsn) 5 6(2cornet, flugel) 6 1 T P Cb Remark from Robert Boudreau: Russell was one of my greatest supporters, and this concerto grosso has become a favorite standard of many of us.

BENNETT, Robert Russell Fanfare for the AWSO 3 min. $350

For Brass and Percussion 0000 5552 T P(1)

BENNETT, Robert Russell Three Humoresques 9 min. $400

I: T P(4) 2hp Pf

II: 8(2picc,3alt) 6(3EH) 6(3Bcl) 6(3Cbsn)

III: 0000 6661 P(1)

BENNETT, Robert Russell Twain and the River 8 min. $500 with Narration compiled by Hal Holbrook Narrator, 4(pic, alto) 3(EH) 4(Bcl 2Cbcl) 4(2Cbsn) 4 4 4 1 T P Hp Pf Cel Banjo (ad lib) Remark from Robert Boudreau: I met Hal Holbrook at the Algonquin Hotel in NYC; this was the during the time of the McCarthy hearings. Hal had been blacklisted (as well as Pete Seeger and many other wonderful artists)and was practically starving. I remember there was a beautiful buffet there in the lobby of the hotel, and he spent most of the time eating. But he did produce a remarkable and evocative narration of Twain’s time as a riverboat captain.


BERNSTEIN, Elmer 1922-2004, USA A Pennsylvania Overture $450 4 4 6(2Bcl) 4 4 4 4 2 T P(4) Hp Pf Cel


BOERTZ, Daniel b. 1943 Sweden Concerto for Bassoon and Wind Instruments 13 m. $500 3(pic, alto) 3(EH) 4(Eb 2Bcl) 3(Cbsn) 4 4 4 2 T P(4) Hp Cel

Remark from Robert Boudreau: How was I ever so fortunate to have as soloist for the premiere performance of this work the great Swedish soloist Hans Samuelsson. Really a work for a master bassoonist.


*BOLCOM, William b. 1938 USA Liberty Enlightening the World,1986 6 min. $500 4(pic) 4(EH) 4(BCL) 4(Cbsn) 5 5 5 1 P(6)


*BOZZA, Eugene 1905-1991 France Children’s Overture, 1964 6 min. $500 3(pic) 3(EH) 3(bscl) 4(2cbsn) 4 4 3 1 T P(5) hp pf

Note from Robert Boudreau: No better work for a children’s concert, or for adults as well – singing along with all the wonderful French children’s songs incorporated in this work.


*BRACEGIRDLE, Lee b. 1952 USA Threnos for Solo Horn and Wind Orchestra,2007 8min $500 Solo Horn 4(picc, alt) 3(EH) 3(Bscl) 3(Cbsn) 4 3 2 1 T 3 Hp Pf/Cel

*BRANT, Henry 1913-2008 USA An American Requiem, 1975 - 18 min. $600 For symphonic woodwind, brasses and percussion in widely separated groups, plus organ, church bells and soprano solo

4 4(2EH) 4(2Bcl) 4(2Cbsn) 4 4 4 2 T PO(4) Org (Sopr solo ad lib)

Note from Robert Boudreau: Henry came to my home; we went into the barn, where there was some old copper tubing. He began arranging the different lengths, strung them up and began hitting them, saying “This is exactly the sound I want!” He not only captured the essence of a wind orchestra, he went far beyond. Of the 500+ works, his may be the most important masterpiece in the AWS Editions. I find it sad that prominent artists and educators, when confronted with the name Henry Brant, are unaware of this unique genius. Once he organized a concert in Holland on four different canal boats, each playing its own music, and creating such a cacophony when they met at an intersection of the extensive canal system. The Chicago Symphony commissioned Brant to do a work for its Centennial celebration, and he composed a piece for90 trombones and a Native American drummer! (They could never find the drummer because he spent his time riding up and down the elevator in his hotel…) Many flute players may know Brant’s work for thirteen flutes, “Angels and Devils.”


*BROUWER, Leo b. 1939 Cuba Cancion de Gesta, 1980 - 26 min. $600 A one-movement tour de force for the whole group, with special focus on (membrane) percussion

4(pic) 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 P(6) Hp Pf/elec. Org

Note from Robert Boudreau: A package arrived from Cuba in 1980 – inside, a full score for wind orchestra, with a note saying, “This is my gift to you for what you have given to my brothers and sisters.” An explanation: Ever since my meetings with Villa Lobos, I have had a penchant for developing more concrete relationships with my fellow musicians in the Americas. In -79 I had traveled extensively in Latin America and Central America. I had auditioned a wonderful horn player in Bogota, actually the principal with the National Symphony. When he told me that his only teacher had been a drunken clarinetist, I asked if he would have an interest in studying with Rainer D’Intinnis, who had been a colleague at Juilliard and was then principal with the New York Philharmonic. He was excited about the idea. From that conversation developed the concept of bringing 12 “Caribbean Scholars “ - young musicians from Costa Rica, Colombia, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Haiti, Jamaica, Honduras, Puerto Rico, who came to Pittsburgh and studied at Pitt, Carnegie-Mellon and Duquesne Universities, while the AWSO housed, fed and provided winter clothing for them. Out of that program came Pedro Dias, principal English horn with the Met, Fernando Meza, percussion faculty at the University of Minnesota, and Rolando Morales-Matos, on the faculty of Curtis Institute. These were the “brothers and sisters” whom Leo Brouwer indicated. The thematic material of this epic voyage of “the boat loaded with future” is based on Handel’s Water Music; dramatic use of percussion reappears again and again.


CASTEREDE, Jacques 1926-2014 France Aria for English Horn and Winds,1977 $400 3(alt,bass) 3(Bcl, Cbcl) 3(2Cbsn) 4 3 3 1

*CASTEREDE, Jacques Divertissement D’Ete, 1965 $500 5(pic 2alt) 3(EH) 4(2Bcl) 4(2Cbsn) 4,4,4,1 T P(5) Hp Pf Remark from Robert Boudreau: Certainly one of Casterede’s most well-designed and accessible audience-pleasers. Three very French movements

CASTEREDE, Jacques Hymn, 1974 12 min. $500

for SATB, Narrator, Brass, Percussion and Organ, based on poems from Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself”

Narrator 0000 5561 T P(3) Org Choir(SATB) Note from Robert Boudreau: An excellent opportunity to join the wind and choral programs

CASTEREDE, Jacques Jusqu’a Mon Dernier Souffle, 1986 $500 With narration in French and English, poems by Victor Hugo & Paul Eluard composed for the 100th anniversary of the Statue of Liberty, 1986 4(alt) 4(EH) 4(Bcl, cbscl) 0 6,6,6 2 P(6) Cb

CASTEREDE, Jacques Music for a Tale of Edgar Allen Poe 18 min. $500 Narrator 4(3pic) 3(EH) 6(Eb Bcl Cbcl) 4(Cbsn) 4 4 4 1 T P Cel Pf Hp Cb Remark from Robert Boudreau: Casterede was a master at focusing on a text. This is the first work he did for the AWSO.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHOU, Wen-Chung, b. 1923 China Metaphors (Four Seasons) – 17 min. $500 6(2pic) 6(2EH) 6(2Eb 2Bcl) 6(2Cbsn) 6461 T P(5) 2Hp Pf


*CRESTON, Paul 1906-1985 USA Square Dance ’76 - 5 min. $450 4(pic) 4 4(Eb) 4 5 5 5 1 T P(5)

Note from Robert Boudreau: During the 1976 Bicentennial Tour, Agnes DeMille choreographed this

jubilant work for a dance troupe that traveled with the tour – a great way of combining a schools’ dance

program with the instrumental one


*DRAKE, James b. 1935 USA Down by the Riverside 7min $350 5(pic)222(Cbs) 4 4 4 1 Dst Xyl Boat Whistle(Dixie Grp: Cl, Tpt, Tbn,Pf) Remark from Robert Boudreau: James was one of my horn students at Duquesne University – an outstanding orchestrator who has contributed so much to the lighter repertoire of the AWSO.

DRAKE, James Up a Lazy River 6min. $350

3(pic) 2 4(Bcl, Cbscl) 4 4 4 6 1 T P(2) SynB Kbd

DUBRA, Rihards b. 1964 Latvia Adagio Appassionato $500 4(pic) 4(EH) 4(Bscl) 4(Cbsn) 6 6 6 1 T P(5) Hp Remark from Robert Boudreau: Maestro Dubra captures the essence of the wind orchestra; a work of beauty, filled with lush sonorities that envelops not only the conductor and musicians, but also the audience ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELLINGTON, Duke 1899-1974 USA Mood Indigo 4min. $350

Orchestrated by Hale Smith 3 3 3 1 4 3 3 1


ESENVALDS, Eriks, b. 1977 Latvia Spring Rain $500 Settings of poems by Sara Teasdale, Barbara Baker, with soprano solo Sop. Solo 2(pic) 2(EH) 3(Bscl) 2(Cbsn) 4 3 3 1 T P(4) Hp Clsta An excellent setting for solo soprano with winds.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *EUROPE, James Reese 1881-1919 USA Castle House Rag 5 min. $350

Orchestrated by Hale Smith 4(2alt) 2 2 2 4 1(solo) 4 1 3 Pf


*FISER, Lubos 1935-1999 Czech Republic Report, 1971 8min. $500 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 1 P(6) Pf Remark from Robert Boudreau: We visited Prague when the Russians were still occupying Czechoslovakia. Lubos invited us to his home, and told us that any commissions he would receive the Russians would take; so we sent his commission to his account in Holland. He asked us for a favor – to take a set of his father’s architectural drawings (which had been sent to a firm in Vienna) with us and mail them back, as the Russian authorities wanted to hold his father in ransom for them. I had placed the plans on top of our luggage so that the border guards would not think we were trying to hide something. The Russian guard wanted extra money for us to leave; I refused. Finally, after a half-hour delay, he shouted “Go!” This work shows through music Fiser’s view of the “Prague Spring,” when the Russians marched back in force to put down unrest. The opening call in the trumpet is a dramatic call to action on behalf of freedom.


FRANCAIX, Jean 1912-1997 France Ode a la Liberte,1986 - 10 min. $500 4 4 4 4(2Cbsn) 5 5 5 2 P(5) Cel Hp Remark from Robert Boudreau: Francaix was with us on board Point Counterpoint II for the premiere of his work and the Centennial celebration of the Statue of Liberty.


*FRANKE, Bernd b. 1959 Germany Three Marches for C.I.,2002 14 min. $600 For solo trumpet, solo bassoon & wind orchestra

Solo tpt, solo bsn 3(pic) 3(EH) 3(Eb) 3(Cbsn) 4 3 3 1 T(2)P(6)

Note from Robert Boudreau: This unusual work opens with three snare drummers with different

tonalities spread across the stage, moving sounds from one end of the stage to the other. The solo

trumpet and bassoon present a wonderful counterpoint to the rest of the wind orchestra.


GALINDO, Blas 1910-1993 Mexico Concerto for Flute & Wind Orchestra,1980 15 min. $500 Fl solo 3(pic,alt,bass)3 4(Bcl 2Cbcl in Eb and Bb) 4(2Cbsn) 4 4 4 1 T P Hp Cel(ad lib) Note: Galindo and his son came to Pittsburgh for the first performance of this challenging concerto.

GALINDO, Blas Concerto for Guitar & Wind Orchestra,1988 $500 Guitar solo, 4(2pic) 4(2EH) 4(2Bcl) 4(2Cbsn) 4,3,3,1 T P(5)


*GINASTERA, Alberto 1916-1983 Argentina Doce Preludios Americanos,1993 $600

Orchestrated by Blas Atehortua (originally written for piano)

4(pic, alt) 4(EH) 5(Eb, bcl, Cbcl) 4(Cbsn) 4 4 4 1 T P(4) Hp Pf/cel

Note from Robert Boudreau: Inasmuch as Blas Atehortua worked closely with Ginastera, his orchestration of this work that was originally written for piano is outstanding, and displays what a wind orchestra is really about.


GUARNIERI, Camargo 1907-1993 Brazil Homenagem a Villa-Lobos, 1966 8.5 min $500 5(pic, alt) 4(EH) 4(Bcl) 4(Cbsn) 4 3 4 1 T P Hp Pf Cel

Note from Robert Boudreau: One of my favorites, beautifully conceived. This is truly a composer who has been overlooked.


*HANDEL, George Frederic, 1685-1759 Music for the Royal Fireworks 23 min $400 0303(Cbsn) 3 3 0 0 T P Cb

*HANDEL, George Frederic Water Music 18 min. $400

3(alto) 3(EH) 0 5(Cbsn) 2 3 0 0 T

Note from Robert Boudreau: I personally visited the British Museum in London, where I studied Handel’s original manuscripts for both these works. I only made small changes – using contrabassoon instead of the serpent, and doubling the oboe parts with flutes. I was amazed to see how many different instrumentations he had for any particular work. Besides being a remarkable composer, Handel was truly a great entrepreneur, creating new venues and occasions for memorable performances.

HOVHANESS, Alan 1911-2000 USA Return and Rebuild the Desolate Places,1966 11 min $450

Trp solo 3 3(EH) 3(Bcl) 3(Cbsn) 4 2 3 1 T P(2) Remark from Robert Boudreau: Alan came to every premiere performance in Pittsburgh. A very unique and sensitive individual, who wrote music from his heart. The story as I understand it: He was a very prolific writer, and apparently on a trip by ship to Europe, he threw all his works to date overboard, vowing to start over again and do much better. This work contains a hauntingly beautiful solo for trumpet, which certainly could be illustrative of what is happening in our world today.

HOVHANESS, Alan Requiem and Resurrection, 1969 15 min $450 0 0 0 0 4 2 3 1 T P(3) Note from Robert Boudreau: A remarkable work for brass choir. Having performed and worked with Robert King (Music for Brass), I know that Bob would have been filled with delight for this work. Where has the brass choir gone?

*HOVHANESS, Alan Symphony No. 4 , 1958 18 min. $600 3 3(EH) 3(Bcl) 3(Cbsn) 4 2 4 1 T P(4) Hp This work has had numerous performances, been recorded by AWSO and Eastman School of Music. Beautiful choral and fugal kind of writing for horns, trombones and trumpets; an exquisite contrabassoon part; 2nd movement opens with marimba solo evoking Indian music; the true senza misura as only Hovhaness conceived it. One of the top ten works in AWS Editions. HOVHANESS, Alan Symphony No. 7 “Nanga Parvat” ,1959 14 min. $450 3 3(EH) 2 2 4 2 3 1 P(4) Hp Note from R. Boudreau: Nanga Parvat is a Kashmir mountain, serene majestic, forever frozen in treeless snow. This 3-mvt. work evokes its ferocity in storm and grandeur at sunset, with an isorhythmic march in between suggesting wild street marches in Indian villages.


KLEINSINGER, George 1914-1982 USA Symphony of Winds 14 min $500 Narrator, 3(pic) 3(EH) 3(Bcl) 2(Cbsn) 4 3 3 1 T P Cb

Remark from Robert Boudreau: A great program piece for children’s concerts, introducing all the instruments of the wind symphony with a charming narration. The first performance had David Amram

as an innovative and hilarious narrator. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KRIGUL, Ulo b. 1978 Estonia Dances with the Winds $500 3(pic) 3(EH) 4(Eb, bscl) 3(Cbsn) 4 4 4 1 P(6) Pf Remark from Robert Boudreau: A hard-driving work with contrasting rhythms in each of the sections, in combat mode, with a long, meditative conclusion. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*LANG, Philip 1911-1986 USA American Tribute $500 4(pic) 4 4 4 5 5 5 1 T P(3) hp pf LANG, Philip Revival, 1973 $500 For wind orchestra and optional chorus 4(pic) 4(EH) 4(Bcl) 4 4 4 4 1 T P(4) hp pf LANG, Philip Stephen Foster Suite 10 min. $500 4(pic) 4(EH) 4(Bcl) 4 4 4 4 1 T P(4) hp pf/clst Remark from Robert Boudeau: Robert Russell Bennett told the story of how he was doing a show, and there were so many last-minute changes being made, that he needed help, and brought in the young orchestrator Philip Lang; and that was the beginning of Lang’s long career on Broadway.


*LARSSON-GOTHE, Mats b. 1965 Sweden Valley Music,2003 $500 Concerto for two timpani and Wind Orchestra in 3 movements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOPATNIKOFF, Nikolai 1903-1976 Russia Concerto for Wind Orchestra 19 min. $500 3(pic) 3(EH) 4(Eb, Bcl) 3(Cbsn) 4 4 3 1 T P Hp

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *LOUDOVA, Ivana, b. 1941 Czech Republic Chorale, 1971 - 11 min. $600 4(4pic) 4 4(Bcl) 4 4 4 4 1 P(6) Org

Remark from Robert Boudreau: An outstanding one-movement work – challenging and very rewarding, as all of Loudova’s works are. LOUDOVA, Ivana Concerto for Organ, Percussion and Wind Orchestra,1975 12 min $600 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 1 P(6) Cel Org

LOUDOVA, Ivana Hymnos, 1973 10 min. $600 3(pic) 3 3 3(Cbs) 6 3 3 1 P(3)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *MAYUZUMI, Toshiro,1929-1997 Japan Concerto for Percussion, 1966 8 min. $500 T(2) P(4) Soli 6(2pic) 6(2EH) 6(Eb Bcl) 6(2Cbsn) 6 6 6 1 Hp

Remark from Robert Boudreau: Toshiro captured the wonder of percussion playing in this concerto. A

real audience-pleaser.

MAYUZUMI, Toshiro Fireworks 9 min. $500 6(2pic) 6(2EH) 6(2Bcl) 6(2Cbsn) 6 6 6 1 P(5) Hp, Pf, Cel

MAYUZUMI, Toshiro Music with Sculpture 5 min. $500 8(2pic, 3 alt) 6(3EH) 7(Eb, 3Bcl) 6(3Cbsn) 6 6 6 1 T P(5) Hp, Cel, Cb Note from Robert Boudeau: This work was a collaboration between Toshiro and the sculptor Yasuhide Kobashi, who, perched on scaffolding, maneuvered the parts of his kinetic sculpture as the orchestra performed Mayuzumi’s work. This performance can be seen and heard in the film “Music on the River,” an early PBS production directed by Nathan Kroll.

MAYUZUMI, Toshiro Texture 11 min. $500 6(2pic) 6(2EH) 6(2Bcl) 6(2Cbsn) 6 6 6 1 T P(4) Hp, Pf, Cel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*McPHEE, Colin 1901-1966 Canada Concerto for Wind Orchestra, 1960 13 min. $500 4(pic) 3 3 3(Cbsn) 4 3 3 1 T P(3) Hp Pf Cb Note from Robert Boudreau: One of the “top twenty” – oh, how I wish I had commissioned more works

from Colin McPhee! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*MITCHELL, Lyndol 1923-1963 USA Battle Hymn of the Republic 6 min. $500 3(pic) 2 4(Bscl) 2 4 3 3 1 T P(4) Cb MITCHELL, Lyndol When Johnny Comes Marching Home 8 min. $500 With chorus

3(pic) 2 3(Bscl) 2 4 3 3 1 T P(3) Pf Chorus(SATB) Note from Robert Boudreau: Mitchell was an outstanding orchestrator, on the faculty at Eastman, and dying much too young. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *MIYOSHI, Akira 1933-2013 Japan West Wind, 2003 $600

Concerto for Timpani and Wind Orchestra Timp. Solo 4(2pic) 4 4(Bcl) 4(Cbsn) 4 4 4 1 5 Hp Pf

Note from Robert Boudreau: One of the finest works for timpani solo and wind orchestra --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MORGAN, David USA The Art of Seven 12 min. $500 4(2alt) 3(EH) 4(2Bscl) 3 3 3 3 1 P(3) Pf *MORGAN, David USA Reflections and Meditations,2007 12 min. $500 For solo clarinet and wind orchestra 4(alt) 4(2EH) 4(2Bscl) 4(Cbsn) 6 4 4 1 T P(5) Hp Pf Note from Robert Boudreau: A beautifully evocative tribute written in memory of Robert Fitzer, AWSO alumnus and clarinet professor at Youngstown State University, who died an untimely death from cancer.


NELSON, Oliver 1932-1975 USA Fugue and Bossa, 1978 8 min $500 4(2pic) 4(2EH) 4(2Bcl) 4(2Cbsn) 5 5 5 1 T P(5) Org or Pf

Note from Robert Boudreau: Oliver was introduced to me by Dizzy Gillespie – a great encore piece


NICKEL, Christopher Tyler, b. Canada Horizon $500 3(pic) 4(2EH) 6(Eb, Bscl, Cbscl) 2(2Cbsn) 6 6 6 1 T P(5) Hp, Pf NICKEL, Christopher Tempest $500 Solo guitar and solo viola 3(pic) 4(2EH) 4(Bscl) 2 4 4 3 1 T(2) P(3) Hp, Pf ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OLCZAK, Krzysztof b.1956 Poland Concerto for Accordion and Wind Orchestra,1990 9mn. $500 Accordion solo; 4(pic) 4 4 4 5 5 6 2 T P(5) Note from Robert Boudreau: A unique and virtuosic work for accordion solo and winds. Olczak himself performed the solo with the AWSO in Oslo, Norway in 1990.


ORREGO-SALAS, Juan b.1919 Chile Psalms, Op. 53 , 1964 19 min.

$500 5(pic) 5(EH) 5(Bcl) 5(Cbsn) 6441 T P(4) Hp Cb Narrator


*PENDERECKI, Krzysztof, b. 1933 Pittsburgh Concerto, 1968 9 min. $600 4(2pic,Eb,alto,bass) 4(ob’d’amore,EH,heckelphone) 4(Bcl,2Cbcl) 5(2cbsn) 5 5 5 0 T(3) P(6) Pf Harmonium

Note from Robert Boudreau: A one-movement work that features families of the wind section, commissioned from Penderecki at 30 years of age, just at the beginning of a distinguished career.


*PETROV, Andrei 1930-2006 Russia Concerto for Trumpet,1990 8 min. $500

4(2pic) 4(EH) 4(Eb, Bcl) 4(Cbsn) 5 4 5 2 T P(5) Hp

*PETROV, Andrei Five Russian Songs,1997 12 min. $600 4(picc, alt) 4(EH) 4(Eb,Bscl, Cbscl) 4(2Cbsn) 5 5 5 1 T P(5) *PETROV, Andrei Russian Capriccio,1989 10 min. $600 4(pic)4(EH)4(Eb, Bscl) 4(Cbsn) 5 5 5 2 T P(5) Hp(2) Pf Note from Robert Boudreau: Any of these Petrov works add a particular glow to your programming. I met Maestro Petrov for the first time when we were planning our Leningrad performance, and his Russian Capriccio was premiered there in 1989. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PNIEWSKI, Zbigniew. Poland Suite for Brass Quartet & Wind Orchestra,1990 12 min. $600 Three movements: 1-Joy! 2-Oberek 3-Ragtime

Solo Quartet: 2Tpt Hrn Tbn 4 4(EH) 4 4(2Cbsn) 4 4 4 1 T P(2) Syn Note from Robert Boudreau: If you have a brass quartet that you would like to feature with wind orchestra, this is the work!

PUIG-HATEM, Carlos b. 1968 Cuba Ochumare, 2015 $500

4(pic) 4(EH) 4(Eb, Bscl) 4(Cbsn) 4 4 4 1 T P(5) Hp Pf


*RODRIGO, Joaquin 1901-1999 Spain Adagio, 1966 7 min. $500 3(pic) 3 3 2 4 3 3 1 T P(2)

Note from Robert Boudreau: In 1966 I visited with Maestro Rodrigo in his apartment in Madrid; I had not realized before that that Rodrigo was blind, and that in actuality all his scores were notated by his wife. This is one of the most performed works in the AWSO repertoire.


*RUDIN, Rolf b. 1961 Germany Storm, 2007 $600 4(pic, alt) 4(EH) 4(Bcl) 4(Cbsn) 4 4 4 1 T P(5) Hp Pf Note from Robert Boudreau: This powerfully evocative work was first performed in Louisiana and Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina. Rolf Rudin stated, “I think of horrendous storms and natural catastrophes such as Hurricane Katrina as being Nature’s answer to the misuse of our environment by careless human beings. So this work is about the storm and its destructive aftermath for people…The final chorale represents a human response of hope and encouragement not to give up in finding an answer for the future.”


SANTOS, Enrique b.1931 Mexico Concertino para Arpa & Orquesta de Alientos 7min. $500 Solo harp, 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 1 T P(2) SANTOS, Enrique Concerto for Harpsichord and Winds $500 Harpsichord solo, 3(pic) 2 2 2 4 3 3 1 T P(3) *SANTOS, Enrique Pieza di Concierto,1984 20 min. $500

Guitar Solo 3(pic) 2 2 2 4 3 3 1 T P

Remark from Robert Boudreau: Simply done, but the result is outstandingly successful.


SAPIEYEVSKI, Jerzy Morpheus, 1974 8 min. $500 4(pic) 4 4 3(Cbsn) 5 5 5 1 T P(3) Hp

Remark from Robert Boudreau: A hauntingly beautiful evocation of Morpheus, the child of sleep, entering the world of men. The characteristic sound and rhythm give the impression of journey to a strange land.

SAPIEYEVSKI, Jerzy Concerto for Trumpet and Wind Orchestra “Mercury”,1977 12 min. $500 Tpt solo 3(pic) 3(EH) 3(Bcl) 3(Cbsn) 4 3 3 1 T P(3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SCHIFRIN, Lalo, b. 1932, Argentina Concerto for Trumpet, Percussion and Wind

Orchestra,1967 18min $600 Trp solo 3(picc,alto) 3(EH) 4 (Eb, Bcl) 3(Cbsn) 5 5 5 1 T, P(5), Hp, Pf

Remark from Robert Boudreau: This work was commissioned on the recommendation of Dizzy Gillespie –

one of the best concertos I know for trumpet


*SMITH, Hale, 1925-2009 USA Abide with Me, 1993 4 min. $200 2 2 4(2Bcl) 4)Cbsn) 2 1 4 0 glock

SMITH, Hale Recitative and Aria for English Horn & Winds,1995 10min. $500 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 P(3) Note from Robert Boudreau: Hale was a remarkable musician, having played piano with Dizzy Gillespie. This work captures the beauty of the instrument and gives the soloist a lovely freedom, especially in the cadenza. It is a work and a composer that I am sure you will come to enjoy, as I have.

SMITH, Hale Riverain, 1993 8 min. $500 4 4(2EH) 4(2Bcl) 4 4 5 5 1 P(5) hp pf Note from Robert Boudreau: A special challenge for percussion, as well as for the other musicians..


SURINACH, Carlos 1915-1997 Spain Paeans and Dances of Heathen Iberia,1960 14min. $600 6(2pic)6(2EH)6(Eb, Bcl) 6(2Cbsn) 6 6 6 1 T P(3), Hp, Cb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TCHEREPNIN, Ivan, 1943-1998 USA Concerto for Oboe and Wind Orchestra,1981 14min. 600 Ob solo 3(pic, alto) 3(Ob d’amor, heck) 4(Bcl, Cbcl) 3, 5 5 5 1 P(4) Hp

Note from Robert Boudreau: Ivan came from a long line of composers, going back to St. Petersburg, Russia, where his grandfather taught Prokofiev. He is another major composer who has not been acknowledged sufficiently. This virtuoso piece is an exciting work and should have many performances. It is one of the works that we will be scheduling for the AWSO’s 60th anniversary.

*TCHEREPNIN, Ivan Concerto for Two Continents, 1989 8 min $600 For Synthesizer and Wind Orchestra 4(pic) 4(EH) 4(Bcl, Cbcl) 4(Cbsn) 4 3 4 1 T P(5) Hp Remark from Robert Boudreau: This work was premiered during the AWOS’s 1989 appearance in Finland, with Ivan Tcherepnin as synthesizer soloist. *TCHEREPNIN, Ivan Constitution, 1987 10 min. $500 Narrator; 4(pic) 4(EH) 4(Eb, Bcl) 4(Cbsn) 4 4 4 1 T P(3) Hp If you have an occasion to be performing for a patriotic holiday, this is a spectacular work combining historical quotations from the convention that developed the U. S. Constitution and slides created by our partner J.C. Penney for the bicentennial celebration of the constitution.

TCHEREPNIN, Ivan Triple Concertino, 1997 12 min. $500 For Solo English Horn, Contrabass Clarinet, Trombone & Wind Orchestra ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *TCHEREPNIN, Sergei Voices of the Wind, 2006 9 min. $500 4(pic, alt, bs) 4(EH, ob d’amore, Heckelfn) 4(Bcl, cbscl) 4(Cbsn) 5 5 5 1 T P(5) hp, pf Remark from Robert Boudreau: Sergei is in the 4th generation of Tcherepnin composers, going back to his great grandfather who taught Prokofiev in St. Petersburg. You will fall in love with this work, as all of us have done.


*TUUR, Erkki-Sven b.1959 Estonia In Memory of Clear Water, 1990 9 min. $500 4(alt) 4(EH) 4(2Bcl) 4(2Cbsn) 5 5 6 2 T P(5) Pf Remark from Robert Boudreau: A powerful one-movement work – the title refers to the now-polluted Baltic Sea, which was once “clear water.”


VALERA, Roberto b. 1934 Cuba Movimiento Concertante,1987 9min. $500 for guitar solo and wind orchestra

guitar solo, 3(pic, alto) 3(EH, heck) 3(Bcl Cbcl) 4(2Cbsn) 0 0 0 0 T, vibr


VELAZQUEZ, Leonardo 1936-2004 Mexico Cuauhtemoc, 1961 20min. $500 Narration in Spanish

Narrator, 3(pic) 3(EH) 4(Eb, Bcl) 3(Cbsn) 6 4 4 1 T P(3)

Note from Robert Boudreau: I met with Leonardo Velazquez in Mexico in 1959, upon the

recommendation of Heitor Villa Lobos. In 1961 Leonardo toured the Thames River in London with the

AWSO and me, where this work told of a young Aztec chief who rebelled against the Spanish.


*VILLA-LOBOS, Heitor 1887-1959 Brazil Concerto Grosso, 1959 15 min $600 for Woodwind Quartet and Wind Orchestra Fl, ob, cl, bsn soli; 4(pic) 4(EH) 6(Bcl, Cbcl) 4(Cbsn) 6,4,6.1 T P(4) Hp, Cel, Cb

VILLA-LOBOS, Heitor Fantasia in the Form of a Choros, 1958 15 min. $600

8 (2pic) 8(2EH) 10(Eb,alt, Bcl, Cbcl) 8(2Cbsn) 6 6(2C, flugel) 6 1 T P(4) Hp Pf ad lib, Cb

Remark from Robert Boudreau: I met Villa Lobos in 1956 at the Essex House in New York. Both of us

spoke bad French, and he said to me “I no write for band!” He preferred the winds and brass of the

symphony orchestra, and that is how the AWSO was conceived. He attended the premiere performance

of the Fantasia in Pittsburgh in 1958. The following year, when we performed the Concerto Grosso, he

had already passed away.


*WADA, Kaoru b. 1962 Japan Three Fragments Concertante, 2006 11 min $600 Concerto for timpani with traditional Japanese Instruments in 3 movements 3(3pic) 3(EH) 3(Bcl) 3(Cbsn) 4 4 3 1 T P(2, 3Japanese) Hp WADA, Kaoru Triptych Mange, 2015 $600 Concerto Grosso for Flute Family, Harp and Wind Orchestra Concerto group – pic, fl, alt, bass, Hp; 4(EH) 4(Bscl) 4(Cbsn) 6 4 6 1 P(5) Remark from Robert Boudreau: Each of these works combines with genius the percussion instruments of the western world with traditional Japanese instruments. Spectacular crowd-pleasers! Triptych Mange is remarkably written for the concerto grosso, which includes the entire flute family and harp.


*ZUK, Patrick b. 1968 Ireland Scherzo, 1989 7 min. $600 4(pic) 4(obd’am, EH) 4(Eb, Bscl) 4(Cbsn) 4 4 3 1 T P(5) hp pf

Remark from Robert Boudreau: We premiered this work in Ireland in 1989, when Patrick Zuk was a mere

20 years old. A lively and energetic opener.


ATEHORTUA, Blas Music for Robert Boudreau, 2014 $200 Brass sextet, timpani, marimba & percussion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BADINGS, Henk Chaconne $250 For solo trumpet and electronic tape --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BACH, Johann Sebastian Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring $200 Orchestrated by Jerzy Sapieyevski 2, 3( EH), 0, 2 0,2,2,0 organ

DUBRA, Rihards Divertimento No. 4, 2014 $250 Pic, Fl, Cl, Bsn, Hrn, Tpt, Tbn, Tba, Perc, Hrp --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GABRIELI, Giovanni Canzoni Noni Toni A 12 9 min. $200 Ed. R. A. Boudreau 3 Brass choirs: 6 tpt, 6 tbn (or hrn, Tba) Note from Robert Boudreau: While a student at Boston University, I had the privilege of performing with the Boston Brass Quartet, with Robert King (of King Editions’ Music for Brass) playing euphonium. He was exceptional in bringing new knowledge to me about the subtlety and finesse of brass choir and brass quartet performance. In performing in King’s brass choir, I learned that some of the greatest music ever written came from the 16th and 17th century Italy.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAYDN, Josef Divertimento no. 1 $100 Chorale St. Antony 2 ob, 3 bsn, Cbsn, 2 Hrn in Bb ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

JOHNSON, J. J. 1924-2001 USA Diversions, 1968 9min. $200 Six Trombones, Harp, Celeste, Percussion, Rhythm Section

LARSSON-GOTHE, Mats Clockworks 11 min. $250 Brass Quintet, 2 Pianos and Timpani This is such an exciting, good work, and so musical – an absolute pleasure for an excellent brass quintet.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORGAN, DAVID Colors of Your Dreams, 2014 $250 Fl, Altfl, Ob, EH, Cl, Bcl, Bsn, Cbsn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *ROREM, Ned b. 1923 USA Sinfonia, 1957 $250 For 15 Wind Instruments and Optional Percussion In 4 Movements 3(pic) 3(EH) 4(Eb, Bcl) 3(Cbsn) 2 0, 0, 0 T P(5) Pf/Cel Note from Robert Boudreau: Rorem received the commission for this work when he returned from his studies in Paris with Nadia Boulanger. I do remember the reaction of some of my board members in 1957, who felt that the work was too contemporary. Upon hearing the work again fifteen years later, they enjoyed it very much. An excellent, lively work with challenges for all the musicians. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

SAPIEYEVSKI, Jerzy b.1945 Poland Games 7 min. $250 Concerto for Percussion Soloist and Brass P Soloist 0 0 0 0 4 3 4 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIVALDI, Antonio 1678-1741 Concerto for Piccolo and Winds 10 min. $200

Orchestrated by Blas Atehortua) 3(alt, bs) 3(EH, hkfn) 0 3(Cbsn) 1 1 0 0

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