utnif 2013 cap k (paperless)

Post on 01-Jun-2018






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8/9/2019 UTNIF 2013 Cap K (Paperless)

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Cap K – Starter Pack 

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Cap K – Starter Pack............................................................................................................................. ......11NCs........................................................................................................................................................2

1NC – Cuba Terrorism Aff...................................................................................................................31NC – Policy Affs..............................................................................................................................11

Links......................................................................................................................................................1Link !"t. – Cuba................................................................................................................................2#Link !"t. – Anti$%mperialism.............................................................................................................22Link – &e"ico................................................................................................................................... 23Link – 'ene(uela............................................................................................................................... 2)Link – Latin American !conomy.......................................................................................................2*Link – Sin+le %ssue ,ocus..................................................................................................................2-

%mpacts................................................................................................................................................. .2%mpact – !t/ics.................................................................................................................................. 2%mpact – Nuclear 0ar........................................................................................................................31%mpact – 0ar on Terror......................................................................................................................32%mpact – AT rot/.........................................................................................................................3*

Alt..........................................................................................................................................................34Alt Sol5es – Neolib 67 – Latin America................................................................................. .........3Alt Sol5es – Terrorism Aff.................................................................................................................)#

Ansers to Ansers....................................................................................................................... .......)2AT Perm............................................................................................................................................ )3AT Pra+matism8Nee9 :lueprint........................................................................................................)-AT Totali(in+.................................................................................................................................... )AT Transition 0ars...........................................................................................................................)

Aff Ansers...........................................................................................................................................*#Perm – Terrorism Aff.........................................................................................................................*1Link – AT Cuba.................................................................................................................................*2Link – AT ;eformism :a9................................................................................................................*3%mpact – AT ;oot Cause – Terror Aff...............................................................................................*)

%mpact – AT ;oot Cause – eneral...................................................................................................*-Cap oo9 – !t/ics.............................................................................................................................*Cap oo9 – rot/8!conomy...........................................................................................................*Cap oo9 – 0ar................................................................................................................................-1Cap oo9 – Status 7uo %mpro5in+....................................................................................................-3Alt ,ails – Ce9e t/e Political – Terrorism Aff....................................................................................-)Alt ,ails – Pra+matism Key...............................................................................................................-*Alt ,ails – ;e<ection Not !nou+/......................................................................................................--Alt ,ails – Totalitarianism................................................................................................................. -4Alt ,ails – Totali(in+......................................................................................................................... -Alt ,ails – Transition 0ars................................................................................................................ -Alt – AT Neolib 67..........................................................................................................................4#

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1NC – Cuba Terrorism Aff 

Thesis: Capitalism is the hidden systemic backdrop to the 1AC’s politics !espite their

proclamations of radical resistance" the affirmati#e is tradin$ in the politics of

interpassi#ity" %here all their frenetic ener$y ser#es as an ideolo$ical screen to permit the

lo$ic of capital to march on

&i'ek () =Professor of P/ilosop/y > %nstitute for Sociolo+y? L<ubl<ana @Sla5o<? ;e5olution at t/eatesB? p+ 1-4$142

T/e problem lies in t/e furt/er implicit Dualifications /ic/ can easily be 9iscerne9 by a concrete analysis of t/e concrete situationB? as Lenin /imself oul9 /a5e

 put it. ,i9elity to t/e 9emocratic consensusB means acceptance of t/e present liberal$parliamentary consensus? /ic/ preclu9esany serious Duestionin+ of t/e ay t/is liberal$9emocratic or9er is complicit in t/e p/enomena itofficially con9emns? an9? of course? any serious attempt to ima+ine a 9ifferent sociopolitical or9er. %n s/ort? itmeans say an9 rite /ate5er you like = on con9ition t/at you 9o not actually Duestion or 9isturb t/e pre5ailin+ political consensus. !5eryt/in+ is alloe9? solicite9 e5en? as a critical topic t/e prospect of a+lobal ecolo+ical catastrop/eE 5iolations of /uman ri+/tsE se"ism? /omop/obia? anti$feminismE +roin+ 5iolence not only in

faraay countries? but also in our on me+alopolisesE t/e +ap beteen t/e ,irst an9 t/e T/ir9 0orl9? beteen ric/ an9 poorE t/e s/atterin+ impact of t/e

9i+itali(ation of our 9aily li5es ... to9ay? t/ere is not/in+ easier t/an to +et international? state or corporate fun9s for a multi9isciplinary researc/ pro<ect on /o tofi+/t ne forms of et/nic? reli+ious or se"ist 5iolence. T/e problem is t/at all t/is occurs a+ainst t/e back+roun9 of a fun9amental 

Fenk5erbot a pro/ibition on t/inkin+. To9ayGs liberal$9emocratic /e+emony is sustaine9 by a kin9 of unritten Fenk5erbot similar to t/e infamous

:erufs5erbot Hpro/ibition on employin+ in9i5i9uals it/ ra9ical Left leanin+s in t/e state or+ansI in ermany in t/e late 1-#s = t/e moment e s/o aminimal si+n of en+a+in+ in political pro<ects /ic/ aim seriously to c/allen+e t/e e"istin+ or9er? t/eanser is imme9iately :ene5olent as it is? t/is ill ine5itably en9 in a ne ula+JB T/e i9eolo+ical function of

constant references to t/e olocaust? t/e ula+? an9 more recent T/ir9 0orl9 catastrop/es is t/us to ser5e as t/e support of t/is Fenk5erbot by constantlyremin9in+ us /o t/in+s coul9 /a5e been muc/ orse ust look aroun9 an9 see for yourself /at ill /appen if e follo yourra9ical notionsJB 0/at e encounter /ere is t/e ultimate e"ample of /at Anna Finerstein an9 &ike Neary /a5e calle9 t/e pro<ect of 9isutopia not <ust t/etemporary absence of 6topia? but t/e political celebration of t/e en9 of social 9reamsB.2 An9 t/e 9eman9 for scientific ob<ecti5ityB amounts to <ust anot/er 5ersion of t/e same Fenk5er/ot t/e moment e seriously Duestion t/e e"istin+ liberal consensus? e are accuse9 of aban9onin+ scientific ob<ecti5ity for out9ate9 i9eolo+ical positions. T/is is t/e LeninistB point on /ic/ one cannot an9 s/oul9 not conce9e to9ay? actual free9om of t/ou+/t means free9om to Duestion t/e pre5ailin+ liberal$9emocratic post$i9eolo+icalB consensus = or it means not/in+. T/e ;i+/t to Trut/ T/e perspecti5e of t/e critiDue of i9eolo+y compels us to in5ert 0itt+ensteinGs0/at one cannot speak about? t/ereof one s/oul9 be silentB into 0/at one s/oul9 not speak about? t/ereof one cannot remain silentB. %f you ant to speak about asocial system? you cannot remain silent about its represse9 e"cess. T/e point is not to tell t/e /ole Trut/ but? precisely? to appen9 to t/e HofficialI 0/ole t/e uneasy

supplement /ic/ 9enounces its falsity. As &a" ork/eimer put it back in t/e l3#s %f you 9onGt ant to talk about capitalism? t/en you s/oul9 keep silent about,ascism.B ,ascism is t/e in/erent symptomB Ht/e return of t/e represse9I of capitalism? t/e key to its trut/B? not <ust an e"ternal contin+ent 9e5iation of its normalBlo+ic. An9 t/e same +oes for to9ayGs situation t/ose /o 9o not ant to sub<ect liberal 9emocracy an9 t/e flas of its multiculturalist tolerance to critica l analysis?s/oul9 keep Duiet about t/e ne ;i+/tist 5iolence an9 intolerance. %f e are to lea5e t/e opposition beteen liberal$9emocratic uni5ersalism an9 et/nic8reli+iousfun9amentalism be/in9? t/e first step is to acknole9+e t/e e"istence of liberal fun9amentalism t/e per5erse +ame of makin+ a bi+ fuss /en t/e ri+/ts of a serialkiller or a suspecte9 ar criminal are 5iolate9? /ile i+norin+ massi5e 5iolations of or9inaryB peopleGs ri+/ts. &ore precisely? t/e politically correct stance betrays i ts per5erse economy t/rou+/ its oscillation beteen t/e to e"tremes eit/er fascination it/ t/e 5ictimi(e9 ot/er H/elpless c/il9ren? rape9 omen . . .I? or a focus ont/e problematic ot/er /o? alt/ou+/ criminal? an9 so on? also 9eser5es protection of /is /uman ri+/ts? because to9ay itGs /im? tomorro itGll be usB Han e"cellente"ample is Noam C/omskyGs 9efence of a ,renc/ book a95ocatin+ t/e re5isionist stance on t/e olocaustI. Mn a 9ifferent le5el? a similar ins tance of t/e per5ersity ofPolitical Correctness occurs in Fenmark? /ere people speak ironically of t/e /ite omanGs bur9enB? /er et/ico$political 9uty to /a5e se" it/ immi+rant orkersfrom T/ir9 0orl9 countries = t/is bein+ t/e fina l necessary step in en9in+ t/eir e"clusion. To9ay? in t/e era of /at abermas 9esi+nate9 as 9ie neue

6nubersic/tlic/keit Ht/e ne opacityI? our e5ery9ay e"perience is more mystifyin+ t/an e5er mo9erni(ation +eneratesne obscurantismsE t/e re9uction of free9om is presente9 to us as t/e 9an of ne free9oms. T/e perception t/at e li5e in a society of free c/oices? in /ic/ e /a5e to c/oose e5en our most naturalB features Het/nic or se"ual

i9entityI? is t/e form of appearance of its 5ery opposite of t/e absence of true c/oices . T/e recent tren9 for alternaterealityB films? /ic/ present e"istin+ reality as one of a multitu9e of possible outcomes? is symptomatic of a society in /ic/ c/oices no lon+er really matter? aretri5iali(e9. T/e lesson of t/e time$arp narrati5es is e5en bleaker? since it points toar9s a total closure t/e 5ery attempt to a5oi9 t/e pre9estine9 course of t/in+s notonly lea9s us back to it? but actually constitutes it = from Me9ipus onar9s? e ant to a5oi9 A? an9 it is t/rou+/ our 5ery 9etour t/at A reali(es itself. %n t/esecircumstances? e s/oul9 be especially careful not to confuse t/e ru lin+ i9eolo+y it/ i9eolo+y /ic/ seems to 9ominate. &ore t/an e5er? e s/oul9 bear in min90alter :en<aminGs remin9er t/at it is not enou+/ to ask /o a certain t/eory Hor artI positions itself it/ re+ar9 to social stru++les = e ask /o it actually functionsin t/ese 5ery stru++les. %n se"? t/e t rue /e+emonic attitu9e is not patriarc/al repression? but f ree promiscuityE in art? pro5ocations in t/e style of t/e notoriousSensationB e"/ibitions are t/e norm? t/e e"ample of art fully inte+rate9 into t/e establis/ment. Ayn ;an9 brou+/t t/is lo+ic to its conclusion? supplementin+ it it/ akin9 of e+elian tist? t/at is? reassertin+ t/e official i9eolo+y itself as its on +reatest trans+ression? as in t/e title of one of /er late non$fiction books Capitalism?

T/is 6nknon %9ealB? or in top mana+ers? AmericaGs last en9an+ere9 speciesB. %n9ee9? since t/e normalB functionin+ of capitalismin5ol5es some kin9 of 9isa5oal of t/e basic principle of its functionin+ Hto9ayGs mo9el capitalist issomeone /o? after rut/lessly +eneratin+ profit? t/en +enerously s/ares parts of it? +i5in+ lar+e 9onationsto c/urc/es? 5ictims of et/nic or se"ual abuse? etc.? posin+ as a /umanitarianI? t/e ultimate act of

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trans+ression is to assert t/is principle 9irectly? 9epri5in+ it of its /umanitarian mask . % am t/erefore tempte9 to

re5erse &ar"Gs T/esis 11 t/e first task to9ay is precisely not to succumb to t/e temptation to act? to inter5ene9irectly an9 c/an+e t/in+s H/ic/ t/en ine5itably en9s in a cul$9e$sac of 9ebilitat in+ impossibility 0/at can e 9o a+ainst +lobal capitalOBI? butto Duestion t/e /e+emonic i9eolo+ical co$or9inates. %n s/ort? our /istorical moment is still t/at of A9orno To t/e Duestion 0/at s/oul9

e 9oOB % can most often truly anser only it/ % 9onGt kno.B % can only try to analyse ri+orously /at t/ere is. ere people reproac/ me 0/enyou practise criticism? you are also obli+e9 to say /o one s/oul9 make it better. To my min9? t/is is

incontro5ertibly a bour+eois preiu9ice. &any times in /istory it so /appene9 t/at t/e 5ery orks /ic/ pursue9 purely t/eoretical +oals

transforme9 consciousness? an9 t/ereby also social reality. %f? to9ay? e follo a 9irect call to act? t/is act ill not be performe9 in an empty space = it ill be an act it/in t/e /e+emonic i9eolo+ical coor9inates t/ose /oreally ant to 9o somet/in+ to /elp peopleB +et in5ol5e9 in Hun9oubte9ly /onourableI e"ploits like &e9iecins sans frontieres?

reenpeace? feminist an9 anti$racist campai+ns? /ic/ are all not only tolerate9 but e5en supporte9 by t/e me9ia? e5enif t/ey seemin+ly encroac/ on economic territory Hfor e"ample? 9enouncin+ an9 boycottin+ companies /ic/ 9o not respect ecolo+ical

con9itions? or use c/il9 labourI = t/ey are tolerate9 an9 supporte9 as lon+ as t/ey 9o not +et too close to a certainlimit.- T/is kin9 of acti5ity pro5i9es t/e perfect e"ample of interpassi5ity of 9oin+ t/in+s not in or9er toac/ie5e somet/in+? but to pre5ent somet/in+ from really /appenin+? really c/an+in+.  All t/is frenetic /umanitarian?Politically Correct? etc.? acti5ity fits t/e formula of LetGs +o on c/an+in+ somet/in+ all t/e time so t/at? +lobally? t/in+s ill remain t/e sameJB. %f stan9ar9 Cultural

Stu9ies critici(e capitalism? t/ey 9o so in t/e co9e9 ay t/at e"emplifies ollyoo9 liberal paranoia t/e enemy is t/e systemB? t/e /i99enor+ani(ationB? t/e anti$9emocratic conspiracyB? not simply capitalism an9 state apparatuses. T/e

 problem it/ t/is critical stance is not only t/at it replaces concrete social analysis it/ a stru++le a+ainstabstract paranoiac fantasies? but t/at = in a typical paranoiac +esture = it unnecessarily re9oubles socialreality? as if t/ere ere a secret Mr+ani(ation be/in9 t/e 5isibleB capitalist an9 state or+ans . 0/at e s/oul9accept is t/at t/ere is no nee9 for a secret or+ani(ation$it/in$an$or+ani(ationB. t/e conspiracyB is alrea9y in t/e 5isib leB or+ani(ation as suc/? in t/e capitalistsystem? in t/e ay t/e political space an9 state apparatuses ork. Let us take one of t/e /ottest topics in to9ayGs ra9icalB American aca9emia postcolonial stu9ies.T/e problem of postcolonialism is un9oubte9ly crucialE /oe5er? postcolonial stu9ies ten9 to translate i t into t/e multiculturalist problematic of t/e coloni(e9minoritiesG ri+/t to narrateB t/eir 5ictimi(in+ e"perience? of t/e poer mec/anisms /ic/ repress ot/erness?B so t/at? at t/e en9 of t/e 9ay? e learn t/at t/e root of postcolonial e"ploitation is our intolerance toar9s t/e Mt/er? an9? furt/ermore? t/at t/is intolerance itself is roote9 in our intolerance toar9s t/e Stran+er inMursel5esB? in our inability to confront /at e /a5e represse9 in an9 of oursel5es = t/e politico$economic stru++le is t/us imperceptibly transforme9 into a pseu9opsyc/oanalytic 9rama of t/e sub<ect unable to confront its inner traumas. . . . H0/y pseu9o$psyc/oanalyticO :ecause t/e true lesson of psyc/oanalysis is nott/at t/e e"ternal e5ents /ic/ fascinate an98or 9isturb us are <ust pro<ections of our inner represse9 impulses. T/e unbearable fact of life is t/at t/ere really are9isturbin+ e5ents out t/ere t/ere are ot/er /uman bein+s /o e"perience intense se"ual en<oyment /ile e are /alf$impotentE t/ere are people submitte9 toterrifyin+ torture.. . . A+ain? t/e ultimate trut/ of psyc/oanalysis is not t/at of 9isco5erin+ our true Self? but t/at of t/e traumatic encounter it/ an unbearable ;eal.IT/e true corruption of American aca9emia is not primarily financial? it is not only t/at uni5ersities are able to buy many !uropean critical intellectuals Hmyselfinclu9e9 = up to a pointI? but conceptual notions of !uropeanB critical t/eory are imperceptibly translate9 into t/e beni+n uni5erse of Cultural Stu9ies c/ic. At acertain point? t/is c/ic becomes in9istin+uis/able from t/e famous Citibank commercial in /ic/ scenes of !ast Asian? !uropean? :lack an9 American c/il9ren playin+ is accompanie9 by t/e 5oice$o5er People /o ere once 9i5i9e9 by a continent ... are no unite9 by an economyB = at t/is conclu9in+ /i+/point? of

course? t/e c/il9ren are replace9 by t/e Citibank lo+o. T/e +reat ma<ority of to9ayGs ra9icalB aca9emics silently count on t/elon+$term stability of t/e American capitalist mo9el? it/ a secure tenure9 position as t/eir ultimate professional +oal Ha surprisin+

number of t/em e5en play t/e stock marketI. %f t/ere is one t/in+ t/ey are +enuinely afrai9 of? it is a ra9ical s/atterin+ oft/e Hrelati5elyI safe life$en5ironment of t/e symbolic classesB in 9e5elope9 0estern societies.  T/eir e"cessi5ePolitically Correct (eal /en t/ey are 9ealin+ it/ se"ism? racism? T/ir9 0orl9 seats/ops? an9 so on? is t/us ultimately a 9efence a+ainst t/eir on innermosti9entification? a kin9 of compulsi5e ritual /ose /i99en lo+ic is LetGs talk as muc/ as possible about t/e necessity of a ra9ica l c/an+e? to make sure t/at not/in+ illreally c/an+eJB T/e <ournal Mctober is typical of t/is /en you ask one of t/e e9itors /at t/e title refers to? t/ey /alf$confi9entially in9icate t/at it is? of course? t/atMctober = in t/is ay? you can in9ul+e in <ar+onistic analyses of mo9ern art? it/ t/e secret assurance t/at you are some/o retainin+ a link it/ t/e ra9icalre5olutionary past.. . . 0it/ re+ar9 to t/is ra9ical c/ic? our first +esture toar9s T/ir9 0ay i9eolo+ists an9 practitioners s/oul9 be one of praise at least t/ey play t/eir+ame strai+/t? an9 are /onest in t/eir acceptance of t/e +lobal capitalist co$or9inates = unlike pseu9o$ra9ical aca9emic Leftists /o a9opt an attitu9e of utter 9is9ain

toar9s t/e T/ir9 0ay? /ile t/eir on ra9icalism ultimately amounts to an empty +esture /ic/ obli+es no one to9o anyt/in+ 9efinite. T/ere is? of course? a strict 9istinction to be ma9e /ere beteen aut/entic social en+a+ement on be/alf of e"ploite9 minorities Hfore"ample? or+ani(in+ ille+ally employe9 c/icano fiel9 orkers in CaliforniaI an9 t/e multiculturalist8postcolonial plantations of no$risk? no$fault? knock$off rebellionB

/ic/ prosper in ra9icalB American aca9emia. %f? /oe5er? in contrast to corporate multiculturalismB? e 9efine criticalmulticulturalismB as a strate+y of pointin+ out t/at t/ere are common forces of oppression? common

strate+ies of e"clusion? stereotypin+? an9 sti+mati(in+ of oppresse9 +roups? an9 t/us common enemiesan9 tar+ets of attack?B % 9o not see t/e appropriateness of t/e continuin+ use of t/e termmulticulturalismB? since t/e accent s/ifts /ere to t/e common stru++le. %n its normal accepte9 meanin+?multiculturalism perfectly fits t/e lo+ic of t/e +lobal market.

That’s particularly true for Cuba Small tactical shifts in posture %ill be used by capitalist

imperialists to stron$*arm Cuba into acceptin$ neoliberal $lobali'ation

Nahem? coor9inator of Cuba Soli9arity Ne ork? ’1( @%ke? Mbama an9 Cuba !n9 of an %llusionB? &arc/ 1-t/?/ttp889issi9ent5oice.or+82#1#8#38obama$an9$cuba$en9$of$an$illusion8

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6n9er  t/e ne Mbama A9ministration t/ere as a tactical 9iplomatic s/ift = a necessary retreat in form? moreof a re+roupin+. T/e bellicose r/etoric an9 in$your$face confrontationism of t/e :us/ years ereratc/ete9 9on some/at. Ambassa9ors ere a+ain e"c/an+e9 it/ 'ene(uela an9 :oli5ia. At t/e MAS Summit in Trini9a9? Mbama as

 p/oto+rap/e9 s/akin+ /an9s it/ u+o C/a5e(. Ne5ert/eless? t/e aims of 6S policy ere unc/an+e9. HAn9? in recent mont/s? alon+si9e t/e s/iftto 9irect contention a+ain it/ Cuba? t/ere /as been a rampin+ up of political /ostility? 9emoni(ation? an9 9estabili(ation a+ainst t/e u+oC/a5e( +o5ernment in 'ene(uela. Corporate me9ia outlets suc/ as t/e 0all Street ournal an9 t/e Ne ork Post an9 t/e increasin+ly bellicose

an9 conser5ati5e e9itorial pa+e of t/e 0as/in+ton Post /a5e ec/oe9? albeit more /ars/ly? t/e 6S State Fepartment +o5ernment line paintin+ a picture of 'ene(uela in utter economic an9 social c/aos it/ a repressi5e +o5ernment las/in+ out at 9issent an9 9roppin+ t/e mask of

9emocracy.BI Mn Cuba Mbama Duickly a9<uste9 6S policy on  some secon9ary Duestions – in t/e face of t/e  

mountin+ emisp/eric an9 near$unanimous international opposition to t/e 6S economic? financial? an9 commercial embar+o –

in order to more credibly defend and promote the core policy aim %hich remains the o#erturnin$ of 

the re#olutionary $o#ernment" the destruction of the social relations and con+uests of the

,e#olution" and the restoration of capitalism and -S domination. Mbama fulfille9 /is campai+n promiseto en9 e"istin+ tra5el restrictions for Cuban$AmericansE /as ease9 some/at t/e ability of some Cuban aca9emics? musicians? artists?

an9 scientists to 5isit t/e 6S an9 some similar 6S cate+ories an9 in9i5i9uals to le+ally tra5el to Cuba at t/e in5itation of Cuban society. Also?

t/ere /as been a sli+/t 6S liberali(ation in +rantin+ so$calle9 people to peopleB licenses. Ne5ert/eless? so far? t/eMbama mo5es still are far from takin+ us to /ere t/e policy on e"c/an+es an9 licenses as un9erClinton an9 t/e first se5eral years of t/e eor+e 0. :us/ A9ministration. T/ese anore"ic measures? 9ole9 out it/ an

eye9ropper? are presente9 by Mbama an9 Clinton as bol9 mo5es be++in+ for a Cuban response. T/ey aresayin+ in essence  .e’#e done our bit" no% you must basically commit suicide and end the ,e#olution

in e/chan$e0

And" their %eak criticism of the .ar on Terror stren$thens capitalists by obscurin$ class

di#ision ramin$ imperialism as simply a matter of chan$in$ bad policies leads to

bankrupt coalitions that co*opt true re#olutionary chan$e

2nternational Communist 3ea$ue )((4 @T/e Q0ar on TerrorQ an9 t/e %mperialist 0orl9 Mr9er? 0orkers 'an+uar9 No. 1?2) No5ember 2##-? /ttp88.icl$fi.or+8en+lis/85818terrorism./tml

&ar"ists oppose in9i5i9ual terrorism as a political strate+y? e5en t/at terrorism /ic/ is 9eri5e9  from real? if

mis+ui9e9? anti$racist or anti$imperialist impulses  an9 takes as its tar+et +enuine institutions or a+ents of st ate repression Hmanifestly not t/e case in t/e attack on

t/e 0orl9 Tra9e CenterI. Suc/ in9i5i9ual acts? /oe5er /eroic in particular circumstances? are counterpose9 to t/e proletarian classstru++le an9 t/e consciousness t/e orkin+ class nee9s if it is to stan9 at t/e /ea9 of t/e oppresse9 in t/ere5olutionary o5ert/ro of t/e capitalist imperialist system. As Trotsky rote in /is 111 article? in re+ar9 to t/e left$in+ populist terrorists i nlate tsarist ;ussia %n our eyes? i n9i5i9ual terror is ina9missible precisely because it belittles t/e role of t/e masses in t/eir on consciousness? reconciles t/em to t/eir poerlessness? an9 turnst/eir eyes an9 /opes toar9 a +reat a5en+er an9 liberator /o some 9ay ill come an9 accomplis/ /is missionB Hemp/asis in ori+inalI. Fespite our political opposition to t/e strate+y ofterrorism? t/e %nternational Communist Lea+ue /as consistently 9efen9e9 in9i5i9uals an9 or+ani(ations tar+ete9 for bour+eois state repression for carryin+ out attacks a+ainst t/e class enemy.T/e SL86.S.? for e"ample? /as 9efen9e9 t/e M/io 4? leftist acti5ists /o ere con5icte9 for t/eir role in a ra9ical +roup t/at t ook cre9it for bank e"propriationsB an9 bombin+s i n t/e late 14#san9 G#s a+ainst symbols of 6.S. imperialism? suc/ as military an9 corporate offices. To of t/e M/io 4 remain in pri son Hsee article? pa+e 2I. Likeise? our comra9es of t /e Trotskyist roup ofreece call on t/e orkers mo5ement to 9efen9 t/e No5ember 14 +roup a+ainst t/e reek bour+eois state. 0ar9 C/urc/ill? a ra9ical professor at t/e 6ni5ersity of Colora9o? ar+ue9 in /isSeptember 2##1 essay? Some People Pus/ :ack Mn t/e ustice of ;oostin+ C/ickens?B t/at t/e September 11 attacks ere a response in kin9 to t/e crimes of 6.S. imperialism a+ainst t/e peoples of t/e T/ir9 0orl9. As a conseDuence? /e /as been t/e tar+et of a ri+/t$in+ campai+n to 9ri5e /im an9 ot/er critics of +o5ernment policy off campus. As e /a5e state9? C/urc/ill must be 5i+orously 9efen9e9 a+ainst t/e &cCart/yite itc//unt Hsee an9s Mff 0ar9 C/urc/illJB 0' No. 43? 4 ulyI. C/urc/ill 9enies any meanin+ful 9istinction beteen t/e 0orl9 Tra9e Centeran9 t/e Penta+on in /at /e sees as a counterstrike by oppresse9 an9 t /erefore +oo9 T/ir9 0orl9 peoples a+ainst t/e ba9 peoples of t/e ,irst 0orl9. Accor9in+ to C/urc/ill? all Americans

collecti5ely partake of +uilt for 6.S. imperialismGs crimes insofar as t/ey /a5e not fou+/t to stop t /em. :ut far from bein+ a terrorist sympat/i(er?B as ri+/tists outra+eously conten9 ?C/urc/ill aims to s/ame American imperialism into cleanin+ up its act. An9? as is typical of Ne Left$stylera9icals an9 nationalists t/e orl9 o5er? C/urc/illGs outlook di#ides the %orld into $ood peoples and bad peoples

rather than into opposin$ classes C/urc/ill 9oes not preten9 to be a &ar"ist an9 t/us is at least consistent in 9isre+ar9in+

t/e e"plosi5e class contra9ictions at t/e base of American society. Not so t/e reformist leftists /o co5er it/ emptysocialist p/rases /at are in reality not/in+ but liberal bour+eois politics. o5Gt Policy Puts People in armGs 0ay?B 9eclare9

0orkers 0orl9 H24 September 2##1I folloin+ September 11. T/e military response to terrorism <ust perpetuates t/e cycle ofterrorism an9 counterterrorism?B rote ra9ical$liberal professor oar9 Rinn? uncritically Duote9 in t /e %nternational Socialist Mr+ani(ationGs Socialist

0orker H1) September 2##1I. These $roups promote the illusion that imperialist militarism is a bad policy that

can be eliminated from the capitalist system if sufficient pressure is applied To t/is en9? t/ey seek toform a coalitionB it/ t/e liberal in+ of t/e capitalist class? represente9 by a section of t/e FemocraticParty. Contrary to t/e preac/in+s of t/e reformist fake socialists? t/e capitalist state cannot be iel9e9 byt/e e"ploite9 an9 t/e oppresse9 to ser5e t/eir interests . %n or9er to 9efen9 itself? t/e orkin+ class must mobili(e

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in9epen9ently of all t/e a+encies an9 parties of its class enemy. %n or9er to seep aay t/is rulin+ class an9 open t/e roa9 to a orl9 free ofclass e"ploitation? ar an9 all forms of oppression? t/e orkin+ class must take control of society in its on /an9s t/rou+/ a socialist re5olution t/at breaks up an9 9estroys t/e capitalist state an9establis/es in its place a orkers state base9 on a planne9? collecti5i(e9 economy.

Capitalism causes endless %ar and the creation of death 'ones $lobally" and especially in

3atin America The %orld of peace promised by the affirmati#e is a mask for capitalism’s

continual production of death" dispossession" and #iolence as a condition of its e/istence

5aner6ee? professor at t/e international +ra9uate sc/ool of business at t/e 6ni5ersity of Sout/Australia? )((7 @Sub/abrata? Necrocapitalism? Mr+ani(ation Stu9ies 2## 2 1*)1

Locatin+ imperialism an9 t/e le+acies of colonialism in contemporary forms of capitalism is central to t/e t/eoretical 9e5elopment of necrocapitalism. 'iolence?9ispossession? an9 9eat/ t/at result from  practices of accumulation occur in spaces t/at seem to be immune fromle+al? <uri9ical? an9 political inter5ention? resultin+ in a suspension of so5erei+nty. %n t/e mo9ern era t/e 9emocrati(ation of so5erei+nty is still fun9amentally 9etermine9 by an9+roun9e9 in mec/anisms of 9isciplinary coercion H,oucault 1#I – coercion t/at as more apparent an9 5isible 9urin+ colonial times but is more sop/isticate9 in its operation i n t/e postcolonialera. Frain+ on Carl Sc/mittGs H1*I 9efinition of so5erei+nty as one /o 9eci9es on t/e state of e"ceptionG? A+amben H1 14I ar+ues t/at t/rou+/ t/e state of e"ception? t/e so5erei+ncreates an9 +uarantees t/e situation t/at t/e la nee9s for its on 5ali9it yG. A+amben 9escribes t/e Na(i state? t/e current status of Palestine? an9 l e+al ci5il arsG as e"amples of states ofe"ception in t/e mo9ern era. T/e 6S Na5al Station at uantnamo :ay is per/aps one of t/e latest e"amples of a state of e"ception /ere enemy combatantsG t/at are incarcerate9 t/ere are notle+al sub<ects or prisoners of ar but /a5e become le+ally unnameable an9 unclassifiable bein+s entirely remo5e9 from t/e la an9 from <u9icial o5ersi+/tG HA+amben 2##* )I. 'iolence?torture? an9 9eat/ can occur in t/is space of e"ception it/out political or <uri9ical inter5ention. T/e state of e"ception t/us creates a (one /ere t/e application of la is suspen9e9 but t/e la

remains in force. A+amben H1 24I 9e5elops t/e ancient ;oman le+al notion of /omo sacer or sacre9 man – one /o may be kille9 but not sacrifice9G. %n ancient ;oman la? /omo sacerreferre9 to people /ose 9eat/s ere of no 5alue to t/e +o9s an9 t/us coul9 not be sacrifice9 but coul9 be kille9 it/ impunity because t/eir li5es ere 9eeme9 be of no 5alue to society. omosacer occupie9 a space bot/ outsi9e Han9 /ence i nsi9eI 9i5ine la an9 <uri9ical laE t/ey ere ob<ects of so5erei+n poer but e"clu9e9 from bein+ its sub<ectsE mute bearers of bare li fe 9epri5e9of lan+ua+e an9 t/e political li fe t/at lan+ua+e makes possibleG Hre+ory 2##) -3I. A so5erei+n 9ecision to apply a state of e"ception in5okes a poer to 9eci9e t /e 5alue of life? /ic/ oul9

allo a life to be taken it/out t/e c/ar+e of /omici9e. T/e killin+s of mentally an9 p/ysically /an9icappe9 people 9urin+ t/e Na(i re+ime as <ustifie9 as en9in+ a life 9e5oi9 of 5alueG? a life

unort/y to be li5e9G. So5erei+nty t/us becomes a 9ecision on t/e 5alue of life? a poer to 9eci9e t/e point at /ic/ life ceases to be politicallyrele5antG HA+amben 1 1)2I. So5erei+nty /as alays been a mo5in+ tar+et an9 9espite 0estp/alian notions of t/e in9epen9ence an9 supreme aut/orityG of nation states? t/e <uris9iction of bor9ers /a5e been routinely trans+resse9 as so5erei+nty /as become pro+ressi5ely unbun9le9 from territorialityG H;austiala 2##*I. ,ar from bein+ a fi"e9 political an9 le+al cate+ory? so5erei+ntyas alays a sociolo+ical pra"is full of e"ceptions? fissures an9 fracturesG HS/en/a5 an9 :er9a 2##I. :entonGs H2##2 1#I analysis of le+al politi cs 9urin+ t/e colonial era re5eals /at s/e callst/e <uris9ictional politicsG of conflicts arisin+ from multiple le+al proce9ures an9 aut/orities. uris9ictional flui9ityG an9 le+al <ockeyin+G enable9 t/e creation of a space to +o5ern t/e coloniesin %n9ia an9 Africa /ile e"pan9in+ !uropean claims to so5erei+nty. %n t/e /i storical pra"is of colonialism t/e state o f e"ception in t/e colonies as more t/e rule? resultin+ in multiple an9interrupte9 so5erei+nties t/at ere use9 to +o5ern t/e nati5es. oe5er? in bot/ ,oucaultGs formulation of so5erei+nty an9 t/ e pro9uction of t/e biopolitical bo9y an9 A+ambenGs 9eployment of

/omo sacer an9 states of e"ception? t/e omission of t/e colony is notable. T/e colony? as &bembe H2##3 1)I points out? represente9 a permanent state ofe"ception /ere so5erei+nty became an e"ercise of poer outsi9e t/e la ? /ere peace as more likely to take on t/e face of a arit/out en9 an9 /ere 5iolence coul9 operate in t/e name of ci5ili(ationG. %n fact? as An+/ie H2##*I points out? colonialism an9 imperialism HAn+/ie uses t/ese terms i nterc/an+eablyI

ere constituti5e of !uropean notions of so5erei+nty? international la? an9 9e5elopment. Fiscourses of  ci5ili(ationG an9 9e5elopmentG? for e"ample? create9 an9

sustaine9 t/e binary cate+ories of ci5ili(e9–barbaric an9 9e5elope9–un9er9e5elope9? /ere so5erei+ntyalays remaine9 on t/e si9e of t/e ci5ili(e9G an9 9e5elope9G. Mnce so5erei+nty as establis/e9 alon+ t/e 9imensions of ci5ili(ation an9 9e5elopment?t/e key uni5ersalG problem as /o to create or9er amon+ so5erei+n states b y 9e5elopin+ tec/niDues to normali(e t/e aberrant societyG HAn+/ie 2##* )I. As ussain H2##3I ar+ues? t/e/istorical formation of colonialism re5eals t/e self$+enerati5e epistemic space of t/e 0est in its ability to create t/e rule an9 t/e e"ception. T/us? t/e !uropean notion of so5erei+nty t/at became

t/e basis of international la /as its roots in colonialism an9 ten9s to repro9uce an9 reinforce colonial mo9es of control e5en in t/e present era. 0/ile trans+ressions of so5erei+nty ere commonin t/e colonial era /ere t/e colony marke9 a permanent state of e"ception? t/ere are 9ifferent le5els of so5erei+nties in to9ayGs neoliberal political economy. %n contemporary political economy?states of e"ception? une5en so5erei+nties? an9 +ra9ations of ri+/ts are pro9uce9 an9 maintaine9 by /at Stoler H2##- 12I calls imperial formationsG /ic/ s/e 9escribes as states of becomin+?

rat/er t/an bein+G. %mperial formations in to9ayGs political economy  9o not reflect a stea9y stateG enclose9 by national so5erei+n boun9aries but /a5emore to 9o it/ /o t/e economy an9 polity are or+ani(e9. A politics of 9islocationG c/aracteri(es imperial formations in5ol5in+ systematic recruits an9 transfers of colonial a+ents? nati5e

military? re9istribution of peoples an9 resources? relocations an9 9ispersions? conti+uous an9 o5erseas territoriesG HStoler 2##- 13I. States of e"ception create9 by imperial formations arenot restricte9 to t/e former colonies out t/ereG but inclu9e t/e 0estG. T/e 0estG operates not so muc/ as a particular set of+eo+rap/ical locations? or in9ee9 a specific collection of locationally 9efine9 peoples? but is a 9iscursi5e space forme9 by a netork of economic an9 poer relations H:aner<ee an9 Linstea92##1I. Spaces of imperial e"ception also occur in metropolitan conte"ts – for e"ample? t/e mi+rant bo9ies? t/e ille+alG or un9ocumente9 bo9iesG t/at labor in t/e et/nic encla5esG t/at contain

t/e seats/ops of Ne ork? Lon9on? an9 Paris HMn+ 2##-I. T/e American bran9 of neoliberalism t/at seems to be embrace9 by t/e supranational institutions t/at +o5ern t/e

+lobal economy an9 a9opte9 by se5eral countries in t/e 9e5elopin+ orl9 represents a type of ra9icali(e9 capitalist imperialismG HMn+ 2##- 1I t/at is increasin+ly tie9 to 

military action? often in t/e name of maintainin+ securityG . T/e imperial formations t/at create states of e"ception an9 multi ple so5erei+nties int/e postcolonial era are enable9 an9 sustaine9 by t/e formation of economic states of e"ception create9 by neoliberal policies. T/us? neoliberalism as e"ceptionG pro9uces specific arran+ementsof so5erei+nty an9 citi(ens/ip t/at are enable9 by t/e infiltration of market lo+ic into politicsG /ile constructin+ sub<ecti5ities t/at reflect market citi(ens/ip an9 a reconfi+uration ofrelations/ips beteen +o5ernin+ an9 t/e +o5erne9? poer an9 knole9+e an9 so5erei+nty an9 territorialityG HMn+ 2##- -I. %f t/e sor9 of commerce as most 5isibly acti5e in t/e 9ays ofempire? its acti5ity in t/e postcolonial era continue9 t/e 5iolence in a more co5ert manner? often it/ t/e complicity of t/e political elites in t/e former colonies. Mn+ H2##-I 9e5elops t/e notionof +ra9uate9 so5erei+ntyG to 9escribe /o some countries in Sout/ !ast Asia? notably t/e so$calle9 Asian ti+ersG? embrace9 t/e +lobal market it/ a combination of +o5ernmental political

strate+ies an9 military repression. er researc/ on +lobali(ation in %n9onesia an9 &alaysia s/oe9 t/at t/e interaction beteen states an9 transnational capital resulte9 in a 9ifferential statetreatment of t/e population alrea9y fra+mente9 by race? et/nicity? +en9er? class? an9 reli+ion as ell as a reconfi+uration of poer an9 aut/orit y in t/e /an9s of transnational corporationsoperatin+ in special e"port processin+ (ones. T/e n eoliberal turn in t/ese re+ions follos a 9ifferent tra<ectory /ere t/e interplay of market 5ersus state results in 9ifferin+ le5els of so5erei+nty

some areas of t/e economy /a5e a 5ery stron+ state presence an9 in ot/er areas? markets an9 forei+n capital rule. State so5erei+nty is 9isperse9 because +lobal markets an9capital? it/ t/e collusion of +o5ernments? create states of e"ception /ere coercion? 5iolence? an9 killin+s occur. Staterepression a+ainst rebel populations an9 separatist mo5ements is often influence9 by market forces as Mn+ H2##-I ar+ues? territoriesare cleare9 of rebels Houtlae9 citi(ensGI to make ay for lo++in+ concessions? petroleum pipelines? mines? an9 9ams. T/us? necrocapitalism creates states of e"ceptions /ere 9emocraticri+/ts are confine9 to a political sp/ereG /ile continuin+ forms of 9omination? e"ploitation? an9 5iolence in ot/er 9omains H0oo9 2##3 #I. Accumulation by Feat/ an9 Fispossession 'iolence?9eat/? an9 9ispossession an9 t/eir relations/ip it/ capitalism is not ne in 'olume % ofCapital? &ar" H1-4 2-I rote %f money comes into t/e orl9 it/ a con+enital bloo9 stain on one

c/eek? t/en capital comes drippin$ from head to toe" from e#ery pore" %ith blood and dirt.G !arly capitalist practices ofrecruitin+ labor in5ol5e9 5iolence? often sanctione9 by la. T/e le+islation a+ainst 5a+abon9a+eG? for e"ample? transforme9 peasants /o ere 9ri5en off t/e lan9 into 5a+abon9s to be

/ippe9? bran9e9? torture9 by las +rotesDuely terrible? into t/e 9iscipline necessary for t /e a+e systemG H&ar" 1-4 I. Colonialism a99e9 a racial

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9imension to t/e e"ploitation of labor  – for e"ample? &ar" 9escribes t/e colonial capitalist practices in Africa as e"tirpation? ensla5ement an9 entombment inmines of t/e abori+inal population U an9 t/e turnin+ of Africa into a arren for t/e commercial /untin+ o f black skinsG H&ar" 1-4 1*I. %n /is analysis of 9eat/ metap/ors in &ar"Gs ork? Neocleous H2##3I 9ras parallels beteen capital an9 9eat/? ar+uin+ t/at &ar"Gs critiDue of political economy is ultimately a political economy of t/e 9ea9G. At 5arious points in Capital? &ar"refers to capital as 9ea9 laborG in opposition to li5in+ laborG /ere capitalist rule is t /e in9epen9ent con9itions of labor o 5er t/e orker U t/e rule of t/in+s o5er man? of 9ea9 labor o5er

li5in+G H&ar" 1-4 I. oe5er? rat/er t/an re9uce 9eat/ to 9istinctions beteen labor /et/er in a colonial or a metropolitan conte"t? it is necessary to un9erstan9necrocapitalism as a practice t/at operates t/rou+/ t/e establis/ment of colonial so5erei+nty ? an9 t/e manner in/ic/ t/is so5erei+nty is establis/e9 in t/e current political economy /ere t/e business of 9eat/ can take place t/rou+/ states of e"ception. %n t/e post colonial era t/e imperial prero+ati5e? asC/atter<ee H2##* )*I ar+ues? is t/e poer to 9eclare t/e colonial e"ceptionG. T/us? /ile t/e i nternational communityG a+rees t/at nuclear proliferation s/oul9 be stoppe9? it becomes an

imperial ri+/t for some to 9eci9e t/at /ile %n9ia an9 %srael may be alloe9 to /a5e nuclear eapons? it is unacceptable for Nort/ Korea or %ran to 9o so. The entities in thiscolonial space of e/ception must either be disciplined by #iolence or 8ci#ili'ed by culture’ to become

normali'ed . T/e colonial state of e"ception is also t/e space /ere more profits accrue /et/er it ist/rou+/ t/e e"traction of resources ? t/e use of pri5ati(e9 militias or t/rou+/ contracts for reconstruction. %n t/is sense? it is necessary to rea9 t/e manner in /ic/colonial so5erei+nty operates to create states of e"ception con9uci5e to t/e operation of necrocapitalist practices. &bembe H2##3I e"ten9s ,oucaultGs notion of so5erei+nty as poer t/at pro9ucesan9 re+ulates a biopolitical bo9 y? or t/e poer to make li5e or let 9ieG H,oucault? 14I to 9e5elop /is concept of necropolitical poer t/at in5ol5es t/e sub<u+ation of life to t/e poer of 9eat/.

T/ese forms of necropolitical poer literally create 8death %orlds ? ne an9 uniDue forms of sociale"istence in /ic/ 5ast populations are sub<ecte9 to con9itions of life conferrin+ upon t/em t/e status oft/e li5in+ 9ea9G H&bembe 2##3 )#I. Situatin+ necropolitics in t/e conte"t of economy? &onta+ H2##* 11I ar+ues t/at if necropolitics is intereste9 in t/e pro9uction of 9eat/ orsub<u+atin+ life to t/e poer of 9eat/ t/en it is possible to speak of a necroeconomics – a space of lettin+ 9ie or e"posin+ to 9eat/G. &onta+ e"plores t/e relation of t/e market to life an9 9eat/ in/is rea9in+ of A9am Smit/Gs 0ealt/ of Nations an9 T/eory of &oral SentimentsHSmit/ 1-I. %n &onta+Gs rea9in+ of Smit/? it is t/e 9rea9 of 9eat/? t/e +reat poison to t /e /appiness ... /ic//ile it afflicts an9 mortifies t/e in9i5i9ual? +uar9s an9 protects t/e societyG Hcite9 in &onta+ 2##* 12I. %f social life as 9ri5en solely by unrestraine9 self$interest? t/en t/e fear of punis/ment

or 9eat/ t/rou+/ <uri9ical systems kept t/e pursuit of e"cessi5e self$interest in c/eck? ot/erise people oul9 simply rob? in<ure? an9 kill for material ealt/. T/us? for Smit/ t/euni5ersality of life is contin+ent on t/e particularity of 9eat/? t/e pro9uction of life on t/e pro9uction of9eat/ /ere t/e intersection of t/e political an9 t/e economic makes it necessary to e"ercise t/e ri+/t tokill. T/e market t/en? as a concrete form of t/e uni5ersalG becomes t/e 5ery form of uni5ersality as lifeGan9 reDuires at certain moments to let 9ieG . Mr as &onta+ t/eori(es it? Feat/ establis/es t/e con9itions of lifeE 9eat/ as by an in5isible /an9 restores t/e

market to /at it must be to support life. T/e alloin+ of 9eat/ of t/e particular is necessary to t /e pro9uction of life of t/e uni5ersal. The market  re9uces an9 rationslifeE it not only allos 9eat/? it demands death be allo%ed  by t/e so5erei+n poer? as ell as by t/ose/o suffer it. %n ot/er or9s? it 9eman9s an9 reDuires t/e latter allo t/emsel5es to 9ie. T/us alon+si9e t/e fi+ure of /omo sacer? t/e one /o may be kille9 it/ impunity? is anot/erfi+ure? one /ose 9eat/ is no 9oubt less spectacular t/an t/e first an9 is t/e ob<ect of no memorial or commemoration /e /o it/ impunity may be alloe9 to 9ie? sloly or Duickly? in t/e

name of t/e rationality an9 eDuilibrium of t/e marketG . H&onta+ 2##* 1*I &onta+? t/erefore? t/eori(es a necroeconomics /ere t/e state becomes t/e le+itimate pur5eyor of 5iolence in t/isscenario? t/e state can compel by force t/ose /o refuse to allo t/emsel5es to 9ieG H&onta+ 2##* 1*I. oe5er? &onta+Gs concept of necroeconomics appears to uni5ersali(e con9itions of po5erty t/rou+/ t/e lo+ic of t/e market. &y concern? /oe5er? is t/e creation of 9eat/ orl9s in colonial conte"ts t/rou+/ t/e collusion beteen states an9 corporations. %f states an9 corporationsork in tan9em it/ eac/ ot/er in colonial conte"ts? creatin+ states of e"ception an9 e"ercisin+ necropoer to profit from t/e 9eat/ orl9s t/at t/ey establis/? t/en necroeconomics fails toconsi9er t/e specificities of colonial capitalist practices. % ar+ue t/at necrocapitalism emer+es from t/e intersection of necropolitics an9 necroeconomics? as practices of accumulation inHpostIcolonial conte"ts by specific economic actors – transnational corporations? for e"ample – t/at in5ol5e 9ispossession? 9eat/? torture? suici9e? sla 5ery? 9estruction of li5eli/oo9s? an9 t/e

+eneral mana+ement of 5iolence. %t is a ne form of imperialism? an imperialism t/at /as learne9 to mana+e t/in+s betterG. T/e fun9amental feature ofnecrocapitalism is accumulation by 9ispossession an9 t/e creation of 9eat/ orl9s in colonial conte"ts.

Lan9 pri5ati(ation an9 t/e subseDuent forceful e"pulsion of peasants? con5ersion of public property into pri5ate property? restrictions on public use of common property resources? neocolonial practices of assetappropriation? control o5er natural resources in t/e former colonies? an9 t/e suppression of alternate?in9i+enous forms of consumption an9 pro9uction are some forms of 9ispossession in contemporary political economy Har5ey 2##* 1)*I. %n contemporary forms of accumulation? t/e corporation is a poerful actor an9 in con<unction it/ nation st ates? supranational bo9ies? an9international a+encies contributes to a necrocapitalist pri5ati (ation of so5erei+nty. T/e transformation of !uropean colonialism to a ne imperialism it/out coloniesG also reDuire9 coerci5e poer an9 brute force often it/ t/e collusion of postcolonial political elites in t/e former colonies /ere local states emer+e9 as sites of poer for capitalist accumulation. T/us? rat/er t/an

markin+ t/e 9eat/ of t/e nation stateG? t/e +lobali(ation of markets is 9epen9ent on a system of multiple states /ic/ reDuire9 a ne

9octrine of  e"tra$economic? especially military? coercion. An endless in#isible empire" %hich has no

boundaries" e#en no territory" re+uires %ar %ithout end" an infinite %ar" and a ne% doctrine of %ar

to 6ustify it’ H0oo9 2##3 1-1I. An9 to furt/er clarify t/e relations/ip beteen markets an9 ar? Presi9ent eor+e 0. :us/? in an attempt to a99ress concerns about t/e 9ramatic9ecline in tourism an9 air tra5el in t/e aftermat/ of t/e September 11 attacks? tol9 airline employees t/at one of t/e +reat +oals of t/is ar is to tell t/e tra5elin+ public et on boar9G Hcite9 inre+ory 2##)I. T/us? for t/e American tourist to +et on boar9G to en<oy a /oli9ay? stimulate t/e tourism market? an9 sa5e airline <obs it becomes necessary for some people to 9ie? as /omo sacer?

in a state of e"ception outsi9e national an9 international la. T/e creation of ne spaces of e"ceptions is a eapon for t/e i9eolo+ical arsenal of empire /ere t/e imposition of

an economic relations/ip becomes paramount? usin+ force if reDuire9. T/us? t/e ri+/t to rule is <ustifie9 by t/e ri+/t? in9ee9 t/e

obli+ation? to pro9uce e"c/an+e 5alueG H0oo9 2##3 1*4I. !conomic 9omination /ere markets mana+e muc/ of t/e imperial orke"ten9s t/e poers an9 reac/ of colonial states.  Ne economic 9octrines reDuire ne military 9octrines as ell. 0ar it/out en9 9oes not necessarily

mean en9less fi+/tin+ t/e coerci5e mec/anisms of capital reDuire an en9less possibility of ar. 0ar it/out en9G /as an impressi5e+enealo+y in t/e 0est. 0oo9ro 0ilson rote in 1#4 Since tra9e i+nores national boun9aries an9 t/e manufacturer insists on /a5in+ t/e orl9 as a market? t/e fla+ of /is nation must follo/im? an9 t/e 9oors of t/e nations /ic/ are close9 a+ainst /im must be battere9 9on. Concessions obtaine9 b y financiers must be safe+uar9e9 by ministers of state? e5en if t/e so5erei+nty ofunillin+ nations be outra+e9 i n t/e process. Colonies must be ob taine9 or plante9? in or9er t/at no useful corner of t/e orl9 may be o5erlooke9 U T/e see9 of ar in t/e mo9ern orl9 isin9ustrial an9 commercial ri5alry.G Hcite9 in Kat( 2##-I T/e ne"us beteen economic interests an9 military poer? /ic/ c/aracteri(e9 t/e colonial pro<ect? continues to operate in t/e neimperial formations t/at constitute t/e contemporary neoliberal pro<ect an9 is anot/er enablin+ con9ition of necrocapitalism.  Political so5erei+nty becomes subser5ient to corporate so5erei+ntyan9 economics rat/er t/an politics 9etermines ar  (ones. %n imperial formations? poer is 9eploye9 to repress symptoms of 9espairG? an9 t o establis/ be/a5ioral an9 economic norms in a

system for re+ulatin+ 9isor9erG Ho"e 2##2 1)I. T/e in5ol5ement of 6S multinationals alon+ it/ t/e C%A in fomentin+ military an9 political

coups in Latin America Hnotably 6nite9 ,ruit %nc. in uatemala an9 Colombia an9 %TT in C/ile an9 :ra(ilI is ell 9ocumente9 HFosal 13E ran9in 2##-I.

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&illions of 9ollars ere spent b y t/e 6S +o5ernment to 9estabili(e C/ile in t/e 14#s – on learnin+ t/at C/ile /a9 electe9 a &ar"ist presi9ent in 14#? Ni"on instructe9 t/e C%A to make t/eir

economy screamG in an effort to smas/ Allen9eG Hran9in 2##-I. Corporate strate+ies to ensure safe /a5ensG for t/eir in5estmentinclu9e9 obtainin+ 6S +o5ernment support for 9ictatorial re+imes? 5iolent reprisals usin+ state militaryan9 police to suppress 9issent? an9 bribes an9 kickbacks to political elites. :ecause 5iolence as 9eploye9 in t/ese states of

e"ception? bot/ +o5ernments an9 corporations ere able to kill it/ impunity Colombia in 12? /en t/e military +unne9 9on strikin+6nite9 ,ruit orkers killin+ at least )## HKepner an9 Soot/ill 13*I? an9 t/e 6S$backe9 military coup in uatemala in 1*)? /ere more t/an 2## union lea9ers ere kill e9? are to of t/e more

i9ely publici(e9 cases in5ol5in+ 5iolence an9 multinational capital HC/omsky an9 erman 14I. Pri#ati'ation of the commons throu$h corporate

control of natural resources is another 8s%ord of commerce’ that sub6u$ates li#es and destroysli#elihoods by creatin$ states of e/ception in many 9e5elopin+ re+ions. 2n 3atin America? for e"ample? it is estimate9 t/at more t/an 2###+o5ernment in9ustries ere sol9 off beteen 1* an9 12? many of t/em belo t/eir market 5alue to pri5ate buyers it/ connectionsG to t/e military an9 6S corporate an9 +o5ernmentinterests Hran9in 2##-I. T/e collusion of local states is instrumental in t/e battle o5er natural resources a 14* P/ili ppine +o5ernment a95ertisement place9 in ,ortune ma+a(ine 9eclare9 Toattract companies like yours ... e /a5e felle9 mountains? ra(e9 <un+les? fille9 samps? mo5e9 ri5ers? relocate9 tons U all to make it easier for you an9 your business to 9o business /ereG Hcite9

in Korten 1*I. T/e effects of creatin+ a business frien9ly climateG are often 5iolent? lea9in+ to loss of life an9t/e creation of 9eat/ orl9s . ,or instance? a combination of tra9e liberali(ation in a+riculture Ha+riculture is liberali(e9G in t/e T/ir9 0orl9 an9 protecte9 in t/e ,irstI an9t/e failure of +enetically mo9ifie9 see9s /as been l inke9 to a 2-#V increase in suici9e rates of farmers in %n9ia H&ilmo 2##*I. &ore t/an )## # farmers /a5e committe9 suici9e in t/e sout/ernstate of An9/ra Pra9es/ since t/e imposition of a+ricultural reforms. T/e suici9e rate amon+ farmers is t/e /i+/est in cas/ crop +roin+ re+ions. %n 2##* t/ere ere *2# suici9es by farmers in'i9arb/a? t/e lar+est cotton +roin+ re+ion in %n9ia. Si" <ournalists co5ere9 t/e farmer suici9es storyG in ,ebruary 2##-. T/at same eek *12 <ournalists ere <ostlin+ for space in &umbai fort/e Lakme ,as/ion 0eek /ere mo9els ere e"/ibitin+ t/e ne c/ic cotton 9resses ma9e from cotton +ron by farmers /o ere killin+ t/emsel5es less t/an *# #km aay. ;oy H2##1 )-Iclaims t/at %n9iaGs rural economy /ic/ supports 4## million people? is bein+ +arrote9. ,armers /o pro9uce too muc/ are in 9istress? farmers /o pro9uce too littl e are in 9istress? an9 lan9lessa+ricultural laborers are out of ork as bi+ estates an9 farms lay off t/eir orkers. T/eyGre all flockin+ to alrea9y o5ercro9e9 cities in searc/ of employment.G ;oy H2##1I /as also 9ocumente9t/e 9isplacement of 5illa+ers in lar+e$scale 9am pro<ects in %n9ia. S/e estimates t/at beteen 3# an9 *# mill ion people /a5e lost t/eir tra9iti onal lan9s as a result of 9am pro<ects. A sin+le pro<ect?t/e Sar9ar Saro5ar 9am pro<ect ill 9isplace )##?### tribal peoples once it is complete9. is t/e case in all 9e5elopin+ countries? t/e 9ispossesse9 9o not participate in any of t/e benefits t/e

electricity +enerate9 by t/e 9ams is for use by city 9ellers an9 t/e ater for irri+atin+ lar+e in9ustrial a+riculture farms. Necrocapitalist practices 9eny peopleaccess to resources t/at are essential to t/eir /ealt/ an9 life? 9estroy li5eli/oo9s? an9 9ispossess

communities. T/e pri5ati(ation of ater in  Africa an9 South America is a case in point in almost e5ery case /ere ater as

 pri5ati(e9 t/e poor er se+ments of society en9e9 up payin+ not only /i+/er prices for ater but pai9 it/ t/eir li5es as ell. %n Sout/Africa 9urin+ 2##2–2##3 more t/an 1##?### people ere infecte9 it/ c/olera? lea9in+ to t/ e 9eat/s of 2## people after t/e Sout/ African +o5ernment Hfolloin+ 0orl9 :ankrecommen9ationsGI 9enie9 ater an9 sanitation ser5ices to t/ousan9s of citi(ens in KaRulu$Natal pro5ince /o ere too poor to pay t/eir ater bills H:arlo an9 Clarke 2##2I. 0orl9 :ank

ater policies encoura+e cost reco5eryG /oe5er? t/e problem is t/at corporate costs are reco5ere9 at t/e e"pense of people /o are 9enie9 access to clean ater an9 sanitation. ;acean9 class also 9etermine /o suffers? /o li5es an9 /o 9ies in Sout/ Africa -##?### /ite farmers consume -#V of t /e countryGs ater

supplies for irri+ation /ile 1* million black people /a5e no access to clean ater H:arlo an9 Clarke 2##2I. A similar situation e"ists in t/e maDuila9oras of &e"ico 

/ere clean ater is scarce because it is mainly reser5e9 for use by forei+n$one9 in9ustries  in t/e re+ion. An9/en :oli5iaGs economy as structurally a9<uste9G by t/e 0orl9 :ank ? one of t/e con9itions as to sell off t/e national atercompany? /ic/ t/e :oli5ian +o5ernment 9i9 to :ec/tel. Not lon+ after t/e purc/ase? ater bills rose by 2##V for an alrea9y impo5eris/e9 citi(enry? it/ t/e +o5ernment e5en attemptin+ toc/ar+e citi(ens for collectin+ rainater for personal use. !"ten9e9 protests by t/e people force9 t/e :oli5ian +o5ernment to take o5er t/e ater supply a+ain? lea9in+ :ec/tel to e"it :oli5ia?

albeit it/ a W2* million payout Hran9in 2##-I. Mt/er contemporary cases of accumulation by 9ispossession t/at can be seenas necrocapitalist practices are t/e pri5ati(ation of ar resultin+ from t/e increasin+ use of pri5ati(e9military forces an9 conflicts o5er natural resources beteen transnational corporations an9 in9i+enous

communities in t/e T/ir9 0orl9 ? /ic/ % ill 9iscuss in t/e ne"t section.

The alternati#e is solidarity %ith re#olutionary stru$$le a$ainst capitalism 9otin$ ne$ati#e

is a refusal of the tepid half*measures of the 1AC in fa#or of clearin$ the space for a truly

 6ust and e+uitable society

arcuse? erman P/ilosop/er an9 Professor at Columbia an9 ar5ar9? 1;4; Herbert? member of t/e ,rankfurt Sc/ool? An !ssay onLiberation? p. *$1I X!NF!; &MF%,%!F

%n a sense? t/is is in9ee9 t/e community of interests of t/e Q/a5esQ a+ainst t/e Q/a5e nots?Q of t/e Ml9 a+ainst t/e Ne. T/e QcollaborationistQ policy of t/e So5iet6nion necessitates t/e pursuance of poer politics /ic/ increasin+ly re9uces t/e prospect t/at So5iet society? by 5irtue of its basic institut ions alone Habolition of pri5ate oners/ip an9 control of t/e means of pro9uction planne9 economyI is still capable of makin+ t/e transition to a free society. An9 yet? t/e 5ery 9ynamic ofimperialist e"pansion places t/e So5iet 6nion in t/e ot/er camp oul9 t/e effecti5e resistance in 'ietnam? an9 t/e protection of Cuba be possible it/out So5iet ai9Ooe5er? /ile e re<ect t/e unDualifie9 con5er+ence t/esis? accor9in+ to /ic/ $at least at present $t/e assimilation of interests pre5ails 6PM%l t/e conflict beteen

capitalism an9 So5iet Socialism? e cannot minimi(e t/e essential 9ifference beteen t/e latter an9 t/e ne /istoricalefforts to construct socialism by 9e5elopin+ an9 creatin+ a +enuine soli9arity beteen t/e lea9ers/ip an9t/e liberate9 5ictims of e"ploitation. T/e actual may consi9erably 9e5iate rom t/e i9eal? t/e fact remainst/at? for a /ole +eneration? Qfree9om?Q Qsocialism?Q an9 QliberationQ are inseparable from ,i9el an9 C/ean9 t/e +uerrillas $not because t/eir re5olutionary stru++le coul9 furnis/ t/e mo9el for t/e stru++le in t/emetropoles? but because t/ey /a5e recapture9 t/e trut/ of t/ese i9eas? in t/e 9ay$to$9ay fi+/t of men an9omen for a life as /uman bein+s for a ne life. 0/at kin9 of lifeO 0e are still confronte9 it/ t/e9eman9 to state t/e Qconcrete alternati5e.Q T/e 9eman9 is meanin+less if it asks for a blueprint of t/especific institutions an9 relations/ips /ic/ oul9 be t/ose of t/e ne society t/ey cannot be 9etermine9

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a prioriE t/ey ill 9e5elop? in trial an9 error? as t/e ne society 9e5elops. %f e coul9 form a concreteconcept of t/e alternati5e to9ay? it oul9 not be t/at of an alternati5eE t/e possibilities of t/e ne societyare sufficiently Qabstract?Q i.e.? remo5e9 from an9 incon+ruous it/ t/e establis/e9 uni5erse to 9efy anyattempt to i9entify t/em in terms of t/is uni5erse. oe5er? t/e Duestion cannot be brus/e9 asi9e bysayin+ t/at /at matters to9ay is t/e 9estruction of t/e ol9? of t/e poers t/at be? makin+ ay for t/eemer+ence of t/e ne. Suc/ an anser ne+lects t/e essential fact t/at t/e ol9 is not simply ba9? t/at it

9eli5ers t/e +oo9s? an9 t/at people /a5e a real stake in it. T/ere can be societies /ic/ are muc/ orse –t/ere are suc/ societies to9ay. T/e system of corporate capitalism /as t/e ri+/t to insist t/at t/ose /oork for its replacement <ustify t/eir action. :ut t/e 9eman9 to state t/e concrete alternati5es is <ustifie9for yet anot/er reason. Ne+ati5e t/inkin+ 9ras /ate5er force it may /a5e from its empirical basis t/eactual /uman con9ition in t/e +i5en society? an9 t/e Q+i5enQ possibilities to transcen9 t/is con9ition? toenlar+e t/e realm of free9om. %n t/is sense? ne+ati5e t/inkin+ is by 5irtue of its on internal conceptsQpositi5eQ oriente9 toar9? an9 compre/en9in+ a future /ic/ is Qcontaine9Q in t/e present. An9 in t/iscontainment H/ic/ is an important aspect of t/e +eneral containment policy pursue9 by t/e establis/e9 societiesI? t/e future appears as possible liberation. %t is not t/e only alternati5e t/e a95ent of a lon+ perio9 of Qci5ili(e9Q barbarism? it/or it/out t/e nuclear 9estruction? is eDually containe9 in t/e present. Ne+ati5e t/inkin+? an9 t/e pra"is+ui9e9 by it? is t/e positi5e an9 positin+ effort to pre5ent t/is utter ne+ati5ity. T/e concept of t/e primary? initial

institutions of liberation is familiar enou+/ an9 concrete enou+/ collecti5e oners/ip? collecti5e control an9 plannin+ of t/e

means of pro9uction an9 9istribution. T/is is t/e foun9ation? a necessary but not sufficient con9ition fort/e alternati5e it oul9 make possible t/e usa+e of all a5ailable resources for t/e abolition of po5erty?/ic/ is t/e prereDuisite for t/e turn from Duantity into Duality t/e creation of a reality in accor9anceit/ t/e ne sensiti5ity an9 t/e ne consciousness. T/is +oal implies re<ection of t/ose policies ofreconstruction? no matter /o re5olutionary? /ic/ are boun9 to perpetuate  Hor to intro9uceI t/e pattern of t/eunfree societies an9 t/eir nee9s. Suc/ false policy is per/aps best summe9 up in t/e formula Qto catc/ up it/?an9 to o5ertake t/e pro9ucti5ity le5el of t/e a95ance9 capitalist countries.Q 0/at is ron+ it/ t/isformula is not t/e emp/asis on t/e rapi9 impro5ement of t/e material con9itions but on t/e mo9el +ui9in+t/eir impro5ement. T/e mo9el 9enies t/e alternati5e? t/e Dualitati5e 9ifference. T/e latter is not? an9 cannot be? t/e result

of t/e fastest possible attainment of capitalist pro9ucti5ity? but rat/er t/e 9e5elopment of ne mo9es an9 en9s of pro9uction QneQ not only Han9 per/aps not

at allI it/ respect to tec/nical inno5ations an9 pro9uction relations? but it/ respect to t/e 9ifferent /umannee9s an9 t/e 9ifferent /uman relations/ips in orkin+ for t/e satisfaction of t/ese nee9s . T/ese ne relations/ips

oul9 be t/e result of a Qbiolo+icalQ solidarity in ork an9 purpose? e"pressi5e of a true /armony beteen social an9in9i5i9ual nee9s an9 +oals? beteen reco+ni(e9 necessity an9 free 9e5elopment $t/e e"act opposite of t/ea9ministere9 an9 enforce9 /armony or+ani(e9 in t/e a95ance9 capitalist Han9 socialistOI countries. %t is t/eima+e of t/is soli9arity as elemental? instinctual? creati5e force /ic/ t/e youn+ ra9icals see in Cuba? in t/e+uerrillas? in t/e C/inese cultural re5olution. Soli9arity an9 cooperation not all t/eir forms are liberatin+. ,ascism an9 militarism /a5e 9e5elope9 a 9ea9ly efficientsoli9arity. Socialist soli9arity is autonomy self9etermination be+ins at /ome $an9 t/at is it/ e5ery %? an9 t/e 0e /om t/e % c/ooses. An9 t/is en9 must in9ee9

appear in t/e means to attain it? t/at is to say? in t/e strate+y of t/ose /o? it/in t/e e"istin+ society? ork for t/e ne one. %f t/e socialistrelations/ips of pro9uction are to be a ne ay of life? a ne ,orm of life? t/en t/eir e"istential Dualitymust s/o fort/? anticipate9 an9 9emonstrate9? in t/e fi+/t for t/eir reali(ation. !"ploitation in all itsforms must /a5e 9isappeare9 from t/is fi+/t from t/e ork relations/ips amon+ t/e fi+/ters as ell as from t/eir in9i5i9ual relations/ips.

6n9erstan9in+? ten9erness toar9 eac/ ot/er? t/e instinctual consciousness of t/at /ic/ is e5il? false? t/e/erita+e of oppression? oul9 t/en testify to t/e aut/enticity of t/e rebellion. %n s/ort? t/e economic? political? an9 cultural

features of a classless society must /a5e become t/e basic nee9s of t/ose /o fi+/t for it. T/is in+ression of t/e future into t/e present?

t/is 9ept/ 9imension of t/e rebellion accounts? in t/e last analysis? for t/e incompatibility it/ t/e tra9itional forms of t/e political stru++le.

T/e ne ra9icalism militates a+ainst t/e centrali(e9 bureaucratic communist as ell as a+ainst t/e semi$9emocratic liberal or+ani(ation. T/ere is a stron+ element of spontaneity? e5en anarc/ism? in t/isrebellion? e"pression of t/e ne sensibility? sensiti5ity a+ainst 9omination t/e feelin+? t/e aareness? t/att/e <oy of free9om an9 t/e nee9 to be free must prece9e liberation. T/erefore t/e a5ersion a+ainst preestablis/e9 Lea9ers?

apparatc/iks of all sorts? politicians no matter /o leftist. T/e initiati5e s/ifts to small +roups? i9ely 9iffuse9? it/ a /i+/9e+ree of autonomy? mobility? fle"ibility. To be sure? it/in t/e repressi5e society? an9 a+ainst its ubiDuitous apparatus? spontaneity by itselfcannot possibly be a ra9ical an9 re5olutionary force. %t can become suc/ a force only as t/e result of enli+/tenment? e9ucation? political practice $in t/is sense in9ee9?as a result of or+ani(ation. T/e anarc/ic element is an essential factor in t/e stru++le a+ainst 9omination preser5e9 but 9iscipline9 in t/e preparatory political action? itill be free9 an9 auf+e/oben in t/e +oals of t/e stru++le. ;elease9 for t/e construction of t/e init ial re5olutionary institutions? t/e antirepressi5e sensibility? aller+ic to

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9omination? oul9 militate a+ainst t/e prolon+ation of t/e Q,irst P/ase?Q t/at is? t/e aut/oritarian bureaucratic 9e5elopment of t/e pro9ucti5e forces. T/e ne societycoul9 t/en reac/ relati5ely fast t/e le5el at /ic/ po5erty coul9 be abolis/e9 Ht/is le5el coul9 be consi9erably loer t/an t/at of a95ance9 capitalist pro9ucti5ity?/ic/ is +eare9 to obscene aflluence an9 asteI. T/en t/e 9e5elopment coul9 ten9 toar9 a sensuous culture? tan+ibly contrastin+ it/ t/e +ray$on$+ray culture of t/esocialist societies of !astern !urope. Pro9uction oul9 be re9irecte9 in 9efiance of all t/e rationality of t/e Performance PrincipleE socially necessary labor oul9 be9i5erte9 to t/e construction of an aest/etic rat/er t/an repressi5e en5ironment? to parks an9 +ar9ens rat/er t/an /i+/ays an9 parkin+ lots? to t/e creation of areas ofit/9raal rat/er t/an massi5e fun an9 rela"ation. Suc/ re9istribution of socially necessary labor HtimeI? incompatible it/ any society +o5erne9 by t/e Profit an9Performance Principle? oul9 +ra9ually alter society in all its 9imensions $it oul9 mean t/e ascent of t/e Aest/etic Principle as ,orm of t/e ;eality Principle a

culture of recepti5ity base9 on t/e ac/ie5ements of in9ustria l ci5ili(ation an9 initiatin+ t/e en9 of its self$propellin+ pro9ucti'ity. Not re+ression to a

 pre5ious sta+e of ci5ili(ation? but return to an ima+inary temps perdu in t/e real life of @/umankin9 pro+ress to a sta+e of ci5ili(ation /ere @/uman@s /as learne9 to ask for t/e sake of /om or of /at@s8/e or+ani(es /is@8/er societyE t/e sta+e /ere /e c/ecks an9 per/aps e5en /alts /is incessant stru++le for e"istence on an enlar+e9 scale?sur5eys /at /as been ac/ie5e9 t/rou+/ centuries of misery an9 /ecatombs of 5ictims? an9 9eci9es t/at it is enou+/? an9 t/at it is time to en<oy /at /e /as an9 /at

can be repro9uce9 an9 refine9 it/ a minimum of alienate9 labor not t/e arrest or re9uction of tec/nical pro+ress? but t/eelimination of t/ose of its features /ic/ perpetuate @/uman@ityYs sub<ection to t/e apparatus an9 t/eintensification of t/e stru++le for e"istence  $to ork /ar9er in or9er to +et more of t/e merc/an9ise t/at /as to be sol9. %n ot/er or9s?

electrification in9ee9? an9 all tec/nical 9e5ices /ic/ alle5iate an9 protect life? all t/e mec/ani(ation /ic/ frees/uman ener+y an9 time? all t/e stan9ar9i(ation /ic/ 9oes aay it/ spurious an9 parasitarianQpersonali(e9Q ser5ices rat/er t/an multiplyin+ t/em an9 t/e +a9+ets an9 tokens of e"ploitati5e affiuence. %n terms of t/e latter Han9 only in terms of t/e latterI? t/is oul9 certainly be a re+ression $but free9om from t/e rule of merc/an9ise o5er man is a precon9ition of

free9om. T/e construction of a free society oul9 create ne incenti5es for ork. %n t/e e"ploitati5e societies? t/e so$calle9

ork instinct is mainly t/e Hmore or less effecti5elyI intro<ecte9 necessity to perform pro9ucti5ely in or9er to earn a

li5in+. :ut t/e life instincts t/emsel5es stri5e for t/e unification an9 en/ancement of lifeE innonrepressi5e sublimation t/ey oul9 pro5i9e t/e libi9inal ener+y for ork on t/e 9e5elopment of areality /ic/ no lon+er 9eman9s t/e e"ploitati5e repression of t/e Pleasure Principle. T/e Qincenti5esQoul9 t/en be built into t/e instinctual structure of men. T/eir sensibility oul9 re+ister? as biolo+ical reactions? t/e 9ifference beteen t/e u+ly an9 t/e beautiful? beteen calm an9 noise? ten9erness an9 brutality? intelli+ence an9 stupi9ity? <oy an9 fun? an9 it oul9 correlate t/is 9istinctionit/ t/at beteen free9om an9 ser5itu9e. ,reu9Ys last t/eoretical conception reco+ni(es t/e erotic instincts as ork instincts $ork for t/e creation of a sensuous

en5ironment. T/e social e"pression of t/e liberate9 ork instinct is cooperation? /ic/? +roun9e9 in soli9arity?9irects t/e or+ani(ation of t/e realm of necessity an9 t/e 9e5elopment of t/e realm of free9om. An9 t/ereis an anser to t/e Duestion /ic/ troubles t/e min9s of so many men of +oo9 ill /at are t/e peoplein a free society +oin+ to 9oO T/e anser /ic/? % belie5e? strikes at t/e /eart of t/e matter as +i5en by ayoun+ black +irl. S/e sai9 for t/e first time in our life? e s/all be free to t/ink about /at e are +oin+to 9o. 

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1NC – Policy Affs

<conomic en$a$ement %ith 3atin America is a neoliberal ruse" desi$ned to dra% countries

into the -nited States’ sphere of economic influence in the name of imperialism

=acobs? Political Science Professor at 0est 'ir+inia 6ni5ersity? )((> @amie? QNeoliberalism an9 Neopanamericanism T/e 'ie from Latin America?Q Latin American Politics Z Society )-.) H2##)I 1)$1*2

T/e a95ance of neoliberalism suffers no s/orta+e of critics? bot/ from its supporters /o seek a +reater balance in t/e in terests of Nort/ an9 Sout/? an9 from its

opponents /o see it as lackin+ any real c/oice for 9e5elopin+ states. T/e sprea9 of neoliberalism is 5iee9 by its stron+est critics as part of t/econtinuin+ e"pression of 0estern poer t/rou+/ t/e mec/anisms of +lobali(ation? often 9irectly linke9 to t/e/e+emonic poer of t/e 6nite9 States. ary Pre5ost an9 Carlos Mli5a Campos /a5e assemble9 a collection of articles t/at pus/es t/is 9ebate ina some/at ne 9irection. T/is compilation a99resses t/e Duestion from a 9ifferent perspecti5e? focusin+ not on t/e neoliberal process as +lobali(ation but onneoliberalism as t/e ne +uise of panamericanism? /ic/ emp/asi(es a 9istinctly political o5ertone in t/e 9iscussion. T/e e9ite9 5olume ar+ues t/at

neoliberalism reanimates a system of relations in t/e /emisp/ere t/at reinforces t/e most ne+ati5e aspects of t/e last centuryYs 6.S.$9ominate9 panamericanism. T/e assemble9 aut/ors offer a critical 5ie t/at places neoliberalism sDuarely in t/e realm of 6.S. /e+emonic e"ploitation of interamerican relations . T/is 5olume? furt/ermore? articulates a 9etaile9 5ision of t/e potentia l failuresof t/is approac/ in terms of culture? politics? security? an9 economics for bot/ Nort/ an9 Sout/. Mli5a an9 Pre5ost present a 5ie from Latin America t/at 9iffers from

t/at of ot/er orks t/at emp/asi(e +lobali(ation as a +eneral or +lobal process. T/is 5olume focuses on t/e implementation of free market capitalism in t/e Americasas a continuation of t/e 6.S. /istory of /e+emonic control of t/e /emisp/ere. 0/ile Mli5a an9 Pre5ost an9 t/e ot/er aut/ors feature9 in t/is 5olume point to t/ec/an+es t/at /a5e altere9 +lobal relations since t/e en9 of t/e Col9 0ar=amon+ t/em an altere9 balance of poer? s/iftin+ 6.S. strate+y? an9 e5ol5in+ interamerican

relations= t/ey all 5ie t/e 6.S. forei+n policy of neoliberalism an9 economic inte+ration essentially as ol9 inein ne bottles. As suc/? ol9 enemies HcommunismI are replace9 by ne H9ru+s an9 terrorismI? but t/e fear of Nort/ern9omination of an9 inter5ention in Latin America remains. Specifically? Mli5a an9 Pre5ost i9entify t/e process t/rou+/ /ic/

Qeconomics /a9 taken center sta+e in interamerican affairs.Q T/ey @!n9 Pa+e 1) su++est t/at t/e 0as/in+ton Consensus =9iminis/in+ t/e stateYs role

in t/e economy? pri5ati(in+ to re9uce public 9eficits? an9 s/iftin+ more fully to e"ternal markets= as instea9 a recipe for eakene9+o5ernments susceptible to /emisp/eric 9omination by t/e 6nite9 States H"iI. T/e book is 9i5i9e9 into to main sectionst/at emp/asi(e /emisp/eric an9 re+ional issues? respecti5ely. T/e first section links more effecti5ely to t/e o5erall t/eme of t/e 5olume in its c/apters oninteramerican relations? culture? +o5ernance? tra9e? an9 security. %n t/e first of t/ese c/apters? Mli5a traces t/e e5olution of 6.S. influence in Latin America an9

conclu9es t/at? like t/e &onroe Foctrine an9 &anifest Festiny in t/e past? t/e prospect of /emisp/eric economicinte+ration ill be marke9 by a 9ominant 5ie pri5ile+in+ 6.S. security ? conceptuali(e9 in transnational? /emisp/eric terms?

t/at is  bot/ asymmetrical an9 not truly inte+rate9 amon+ all members. %n t/is conte"t? Mli5a i9entifies t/e free tra9e area of t/e Americas H,TAAI as Qan

economic pro<ect suite9 to a /emisp/eric conte"t t/at is politically fa5orable to t/e 6nite9 StatesQ H2#I. T/e c/apters in t/is section are stron+est /en t/ey focus ont/e political aspects of neoliberalism an9 t/e possible uninten9e9 ne+ati5e conseDuences t/at coul9 arise from t/e neoliberal pro+ram. Carlos Al(u+aray Treto 9ras

on t/e /istory of political p/ilosop/y? trace9 to Polanyi? i9entifyin+ ays t/at social ineDuality /as t/e potential to un9ermine t/estable +o5ernance t/at is so crucial a part of t/e neoliberal plan. e +oes on to point out /o t/is potential for instabilitycoul9 also +enerate a ne perio9 of 6.S. inter5entionism in Latin America. Treto also analy(es /o t/e Qliberal peaceQ coul9 beun9ermine9 by t/e Qri+/t of /umanitarian inter5entionQ in t/e Americas if t/e NATM inter5ention in u+osla5ia ser5e9 as a mo9el for 6.S. in5ol5ement in t/e/emisp/ere. ector Luis Saint$Pierre raises t/e issue of Q9emocratic neoaut/oritarianism?Q responsible for Qrestrictin+ citi(ens/ip to t/e e"ercise of 5otin+? limitin+ its5oice to electoral polls of public opinion? restrainin+ /uman ri+/ts to consumerYs ri+/ts? @an9 s/uttin+ 9on spaces to t/e citi(ensY participationQ H11-I. 0/ile t/esecritiDues are le5ele9 from a structuralist 5iepoint? t/ey often /i+/li+/t concerns e"presse9 from ot/er t/eoretical perspecti5es an9 subfiel9s Hsuc/ as t/e literature on

citi(ens/ip an9 participation in t/e conte"t of economic inte+rationI. T/ese c/apters also emp/asi(e t/e ay inattention to economic? social? an9 politicalcrisis coul9 9ama+e attempts at inte+ration an9 t/e o5erall success of t/e neoliberal para9i+m in t/e Americas. %n

+eneral? t/e section on /emisp/eric issues offers a suspicious 5ie of t/e 6.S. role in promotin+ inte+ration? ar+uin+ t/at in reality? inte+ration offers a9eepenin+ of /istorical asymmetries of poer? t/e potential to create ne <ustifications for /e+emonicinter5ention? an9 t/e furt/er eakenin+ of state so5erei+nty in t/e Sout/. @!n9 Pa+e 1*#

?il e/traction in 3atin America is a particularly #iolent aspect of the neoliberal obsession

%ith control Those deemed e/traneous to the market %ill be disposed of in the name of the

affirmati#e’s oil economy

5aner6ee? professor at t/e international +ra9uate sc/ool of business at t/e 6ni5ersity of Sout/Australia? )((7 @Sub/abrata? Necrocapitalism? Mr+ani(ation Stu9ies 2## 2 1*)1

Per/aps no ot/er commo9ity /as suc/ a lon+ an9 bloo9y /istory in5ol5in+ 9ispossession? colonial conDuest?military coups? ars? corruption? +lobal politics? an9 poer as oil . Since t/e en9 of t/e 1t/ century?oil /as consistently

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 been one of t/e bi++est businesses in t/e orl9 an9 oil companies ere some of t/e first truly multinational corporations of t/ e mo9ern era. %n 2##4? si" oft/e 1* lar+est corporations in t/e ,ortune *## lobal list ere oil companies. Corporate strate+ies of oil companies are ine"tricably linke9 it/ national strate+ies of +o5ernments as ell as

+lobal politics an9 poer. 0atts H1 1I /as 9ocumente9 numerous cases of petro$5iolenceG – 5iolence t/at often accompaniest/e e"traction of oil arisin+ from t/e intersection of en5ironment an9 5iolence bot/ biolo+ical 5iolence perpetrate9 upon t/e biop/ysical orl9? an9 t/e social 5iolence?

criminality an9 9e+eneracy associate9 it/ t/e +enesis of petroealt/ an9 it/ its ecolo+ical 9estructi5enessG. Mil /as been t/e cause of ci5il conflict an9ar in so many re+ions of t/e orl9? it/ on+oin+ conflicts in Ni+eria? !cua9or? Colombia? &yanmar? an9 t/e Caspian basin /ere petroleum /as

 become central to /at t/e A(erbai<ani presi9ent calls arme9 conflict? a++ressi5e separatism an9 nationalismG H0atts 1 1I.Transnational oil companies? +o5ernments? an9 pri5ate security forces are all ke y actors in t/ese (ones of 5iolence an9 t/e communities most affecte9 by t/is 5iolence are force9 to +i5e up t/eirso5erei+nty? autonomy? an9 tra9itions in e"c/an+e for mo9ernity an9 economic 9e5elopment /ic/ continues to elu9e t/em. Mil /as playe9 a ke y role in t/e tra+e9y unfol9in+ in t/e &i99le !astto9ay? from t/e car5in+ up of t/e re+ion into nation states to satisfy t/e nee9s of colonial an9 imperial poers in t/e 1 3#s to t/e so$calle9 ar on terror in %raD an9 else/ere t/at is increasin+lyresemblin+ a permanent state of e"ception. T/e state of e"ception also blurs t/e 9istinction beteen public an9 pri5ate pro5i9ers of security. ,or e"ample? in Ni+eria? pri5ate security firms? in t/eor9s of one oil company 9irector? act as a buffer beteen t/e state security forces an9 t/e oil companiesG HAbra/amsen an9 0illiams 2##*I. T/ere are also si+nificant 9ifferences in laborcon9itions beteen +uar9s? sol9iers? an9 police employe9 by t/e state an9 pri5ate contractors – /ile orkers in bot/ sectors risk in<ury an9 9eat/? t/ose employe9 by t/e latter ten9 to be betterarme9 an9 traine9 as ell as better pai9. %n many countries in Africa? pri5ate military forces /a5e bot/ material an9 symbolic si +nificance – from protection of forei+n assets an9 securit y ofemployees to t/e percei5e9 collusion beteen local +o5ernments an9 multinational corporations. T/e inte+rationG of public forces suc/ as t/e p olice by pri5ate security firms for t/e protection of forei+n capital results in t/e creation of ne states of e"ception /ere 5iolence can be use9 it/ impunity. T/e case of S/ell in Ni+eria is ell 9ocumente9 a sin+le company t/at +enerates 4*Vof t/e Ni+erian +o5ernmentGs re5enues an9 nearly 3*V of t/e countryGs NP. Fespite millions of 9ollars in royalties? local communities most affecte9 by S/ellGs operations continue to suffer 9irele5els of po5erty an9 /a5e seen t/eir tra9itional sources of li5eli/oo9 9isappear H ert( 2##1I. An9 /ile +o5ernment corruption is a ma<or cause of t/e problem? se5eral en5ironmental an9/uman ri+/ts acti5ists /a5e Duestione9 S/ellGs role an9 relations/ip it/ t/e +o5ernment. T/e corporation /as contribute9 to buil9in+ roa9s? sc/ools? /ospitals? an9 poer utilities in t/e Ni+erFelta /ere its main operations are base9. As a S/ell mana+er put i t T/in+s are back to front /ere. T/e +o5ernmentGs in t/e oil business an9 e are in local +o5ernmentG Hert( 2##1 143I.oe5er? 9espite t/e r/etoric of corporate social responsibility? oil companies operatin+ in t/e re+ion fin9 t/at t/e money t/ey contribute to t/e local economy 9oes not benefit local communities.T/e notion of responsibilit yGis also conteste9 /en a local 5illa+e lea9er complainin+ about t/e clinicGs inability to 9eli5er /ealt/ care in t/e 5illa+e as tol9 t/at S/ellGs e"ecuti5es ere not

responsibleG for /is +o5ernmentGs corruption? /e aske9? but is it S/ellGs responsibility to take our resourcesOG H&aas 2##*I. &any in9i+enous communities all o5ert/e orl9 are fi+/tin+ a+ainst economic? social? an9 cultural mar+inali(ation at 9ifferent le5els an9 t/eirstru++les are a+ainst t/eir on +o5ernments? multinational an9 9omestic corporations? international

a+encies? an9 supranational or+ani(ations. T/e primary 5ictims of t/e structural 5iolence ofnecrocapitalist practices are t/e poor of t/e orl9.  As ,armer H2##* *#I points out? not only are t/e poor more likely tosuffer? t/ey are also less likely to /a5e t/eir sufferin+ note9G. T/e Rapatista uprisin+ in t/e C/iapas 9istrict of sout/ern &e"ico is one case/ere t/e sufferin+ of t/e poor recei5e9 orl9i9e me9ia attention. %n9i+enous communities in C/iapas rose up a+ainst t/e &e"ican +o5ernment in an arme9 insurrection an9 temporarily tooko5er t/e re+ional capital of San Cristobal. T/e &e"ican +o5ernment respon9e9 it/ military action an9 after se5eral conflicts offere9 con9itional p ar9on to t/e rebels. Mn 1 anuary 1)Rapatista lea9ers respon9e9 to t/e &e"ican +o5ernmentGs offer of con9itional par9on it/ t /e folloin+ letter? entitle9 0/o must ask for par9on an9 /o can +rant itOG su++estin+ t/at t/e&e"ican +o5ernment ask t/e C/iapans for a par9on instea9? /ic/ t/ey oul9 consi9er 0/y 9o e /a5e to be par9one9O 0/at are e +oin+ to be par9one9 forO Mf not 9yin+ of /un+erO Mf not bein+ silent in our miseryO Mf not /umbly acceptin+ our /istoric role of bein+ t/e 9espise9 an9 t/e outcastO Mf /a5in+ 9emonstrate9 to t/e rest of t/e country an9 to t/e entire orl9 t/at /uman

9i+nity still li5es? e5en amon+ some of t/e orl9Gs poorest peoplesOG H&arcos Z t/e Rapatista Army of National Liberation 1*I %n C/iapas? 1)?*## people 9iee5ery year. 41.-V of t/e in9i+enous population in t/e re+ion suffer from malnutrition HC%!PAC 2##1I. T/e re+ion /as t/e/i+/est infant mortality rate in t/e country? t/e t/ir9 /i+/est maternal mortality rate? an9 t/e /i+/est 9eat/ rate in t/e country. &ost of t/ese 9eat/s are cause9 by curable 9iseases respiratoryinfections? +astroenteritis? parasites? malaria? breakbone fe5er? tuberculosis? con<uncti5itis? t yp/us? c/olera? an9 measles. 0/ile t/ere are 4 /otel rooms for e5ery 1### tourists? t/ere are #.3

/ospital be9s for e5ery 1### C/iapans H,armer 2##*I. A re+ion t/at pro9uces *)V of t/e countryGs /y9roelectric ener+y? 21V ofits oil? an9 )4V of its natural +as also contains t/e countryGs most impo5eris/e9 people /ere 3-.2V oft/e population 9o not /a5e runnin+ ater an9 3*.2V 9o not /a5e electricity HC%!PAC 2##1I. Transnational corporations e"tract ealt/ fromC/iapas by minin+ t/eir lan9? fellin+ t/eir forests? an9 sellin+ a tourist e"perience at t/e e"pense of localcommunities /o /a5e t/e misfortune of in/abitin+G t/e re+ion. Mne of t/e lea9ers of t/e mo5ement? Subcoman9ente &arcos? 9escribe9t/eir stru++le 0/en e rose up a+ainst a national +o5ernment? e foun9 t/at i t 9i9 not e"ist. %n reality e ere up a+ainst financial capital? a+ainst speculation? /ic/ is /at makes 9ecisionsin &e"ico as ell as in ! urope? Asia? Africa? Mceania? Nort/ America? Sout/

 America – e5ery/ere.G HRapatista 1I ,inancial capitalG /ere refers to t/e 0orl9 :ankGs structural a9<ustment pro+ram /ere a 0orl9 :ank loan to

&e"ico as con9itional upon t/e countr y un9ertakin+ lan9 reformsG. :asically t/ese reforms meant t/at a+ricultural lan9 use9 by in9i+enouscommunities in C/iapas as to be re9istribute9 to t/e pri5ate sector  to raise cattle for fast foo9 markets in t/e 6S /ile lockin+ out local

communities from participatin+ in t/e benefits Ht/ere is no &cFonal9Gs in C/iapasI. T/e corporate response to t/e Rapatista rebellion typifiesnecrocapitalist practice in an internal memo t/e C/ase &an/attan :ank? one of t/e ma<or financiers of t/e &e"ican +o5ernment state9 t/e+o5ernment ill nee9 to eliminate t/e Rapatistas to 9emonstrate t/eir effecti5e control of t/e national territory an9 security policyG H&e"ico? Political

6p9ate? C/ase &an/attan :ank? Rapatista 1I. %f communities /a5e to be eliminate9G for economic 9e5elopment to occur?one can only on9er /at corporate social responsibility means in t/is conte"t. 'iolence use9 byaut/oritarian re+imes to suppress 9issent may ell in5ol5e creatin+ a state of e"ception for t/at 5iolence

to be 9eploye9 an9 is easily i9entifiable. T/e 5iolence? 9ispossession? an9 9eat/ t/at often follo t/e imposition of open marketsG? lan9 reformG? an9 free

tra9eG in t/e poorer re+ions of t/e orl9? /oe5er? marks anot/er state of e"ception t/at escapes political scrutiny. To Duote Karl &ar" beteen to ri+/ts? force 9eci9esG. Mften? t/emultinational corporation escapes liability /en it partners it/ repressi5e re+imes t/e +ray area of corporate complicity in 5iolence marks a state of e"ception /ere? 9espite t/e continuin+e"traction of economic benefits t/rou+/ /uman ri+/ts 5iolation? corporate culpability is 9ifficult to pro5e in an international court of la. Transnational corporations appear to operate it/impunity in states of e"ception as far as t/e realm of international la i s concerne9. ,or e"ample? ;amasastry H2##2I /as 9ocumente9 se5eral le+al cases a+ainst multinational corporations?ran+in+ from a le+al claim file9 by t/e ererro community in Namibia a+ainst erman in9ustry seekin+ reparations for t/e ensla5ement an9 9estruction of t/eir tribesG an9 olocaust$relate9cases of sla5e labor to t/e more recent case a+ainst 6nocalGs use of sla5e labor in constructin+ an oil pipeline in &yanmar an9 its complicity it/ t/e brutally repressi5e practices of t/e &yanmar military +o5ernment. !5ery le+al case as 9ismisse9 eit/er on +roun9s of non<usticiabilityG or because t/e statute of limitations /a9 e"pire9E or? as in t/e case of 6nocal? mere knole9+eG t/at

t/e corporationGs business partner H&yanmarGs military +o5ernmentI use9 sla5e labor as insufficient to penali(e t/e corporation H;amasastry 2##2I. Cases /ere incursionof capital /as le9 to eliminationG of people inclu9in+ 9ispossession? 5iolence? 9eat/? an9 9estruction arenumerous corporate profits +enerate9 t/rou+/ sla5ery by 1t/$century American banks /o tra9e9 in sla5es as collateral for

loans HNe ork Times 2##*IE t/e use of sla5e labor by multinational corporations 9urin+ 0orl9 0ar %%  H;amasastry 2##2IE t/e

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 biotec/nolo+ical re9efinition of bare life t/rou+/ t/e uman enome Pro<ect an9 t/e use of +enetic information by +o5ernments an9 corporations HCunnin+/am

an9 S/arper 1-IE intellectual property ri+/ts re+imes on bio9i5ersity conser5ation H:aner<ee 2##3IE increase in suici9erates by farmers in %n9ia as a result of liberali(ationG in a+riculture H&ilmo 2##*IE 9isplacement an9 9ispossession oftribal people because of me+a 9am pro<ects  in t/e T/ir9 0orl9 H;oy 2##1IE t/e rise of 9isaster capitalismG /erecorporations make profits? control resources? an9 res/ape economies of re+ions 9e5astate9 by natural an9 /uman$ma9e 9isasters as as t/e case

9urin+ reconstruction efforts after t/e :o"in+ Fay tsunami? urricane &itc/? urricane Katrina? an9 t/e u<arat eart/Duake of 2##1 HKlein 2##4 E S/arma 2##3IE t/e stru++les

fou+/t by in9i+enous +roups a+ainst minin+ an9 resource corporations H:aner<ee 2###IE an9 t/e clinical trialsG con9ucte9 by transnational p/armaceutical corporations on t/e bo9ies of t/e orl9Gs poorest patients  causin+ 9isfi+urement an9

9eat/ HS/a/? 2##-I. Alon+ it/ t/e 9estruction of economies comes t/e ine5itable reconstruction in5ol5in+ t/e usual coterie of

corporations? construction companies? +o5ernment ai9 a+encies? 6N a+encies? an9 international financial institutions. 0ars an9 natural 9isasters /a5e left

se5eral countries it/ little poer to +o5ern t/eir economies? an9 t/ese re+ions en9 up bein+ 9e facto sub<ects of 0orl9 :ank an9 pri5ate construction companiesG so5erei+nty. All loansto impo5eris/e9 countries come it/ neoliberal strin+s attac/e9 pri5ati(e or 9ie seems to be t/e 9irecti5e  Hor in some cases pri5ati(e an9 9ieI. Natural 9i sasters suc/ as /urricanes? tsunamis? an9 eart/Duakes become enablin+ con9ition s of 9isaster capitalism for e"ample? reconstruction efforts afterurricane &itc/ /it Central America ere contin+ent on t/e sellin+ off of public enterprises an9 facilities like airports? seaports? /i+/ays? telep/one companies? utilities? an9 ater sectors.T/ousan9s of small fis/in+ communities 9e5astate9 by t/e 2##) :o"in+ Fay tsunami /a5e permanently lost t/eir li5eli/oo9 an9 relief efforts are not aime9 at reconstructin+ t/eir li5es but rat/ere"pan9in+ t/e tourist sector an9 in9ustrial fis/eries. Post$tsunami reconstruction an9 rebuil9in+ in5ol5e9 buil9in+ corporate /otels? beac/es? tourist resorts an9 casinos ser5ices by nely pri5ati(e9 airports an9 /i+/ays? o5er t/e bo9ies an9 lost li5eli/oo9s of 9isplace9 peoples HKlein 2##4I. %n9iaGs orst recor9e9 eart/Duake /ic/ s/ook u<arat in 2##1 kille9 2#?### people?in<ure9 /un9re9s of t/ousan9s? left more t/an -##?### people /omeless? an9 9estroye9 or se5erely 9ama+e9 more t/an 1 million /ouses. Ami9st t/e rubble? one of t/e first to arri5e it/ a relief packa+eG as a lar+e partly state$one9 minin+ company /ic/ /a9 been tryin+ for years to obtain access to li+nite minin+ on tra9itional in9i+enous lan9? an9 because of t/e eart/Duake assuccessful in relocatin+G t/e 5illa+ers an9 +ettin+ access to t/eir lan9. T/e 9isplace9 people ere left it/out t/eir tra9itional sources of income an9 minimum a+e? as casual an9en5ironmentally 9an+erous employment in t/e mines or prostitution became t/eir only means of income HS/arma 2##3I.

Capitalism causes endless %ar and the creation of death 'ones $lobally" and especially in3atin America The %orld of peace promised by the affirmati#e is a mask for capitalism’s

continual production of death" dispossession" and #iolence as a condition of its e/istence

5aner6ee? professor at t/e international +ra9uate sc/ool of business at t/e 6ni5ersity of Sout/Australia? )((7 @Sub/abrata? Necrocapitalism? Mr+ani(ation Stu9ies 2## 2 1*)1

Locatin+ imperialism an9 t/e le+acies of colonialism in contemporary forms of capitalism is central to t/e t/eoretical 9e5elopment of necrocapitalism. 'iolence?9ispossession? an9 9eat/ t/at result from  practices of accumulation occur in spaces t/at seem to be immune fromle+al? <uri9ical? an9 political inter5ention? resultin+ in a suspension of so5erei+nty. %n t/e mo9ern era t/e 9emocrati(ation of so5erei+nty is still fun9amentally 9etermine9 by an9+roun9e9 in mec/anisms of 9isciplinary coercion H,oucault 1#I – coercion t/at as more apparent an9 5isible 9urin+ colonial times but is more sop/isticate9 in its operation i n t/e postcolonialera. Frain+ on Carl Sc/mittGs H1*I 9efinition of so5erei+nty as one /o 9eci9es on t/e state of e"ceptionG? A+amben H1 14I ar+ues t/at t/rou+/ t/e state of e"ception? t/e so5erei+ncreates an9 +uarantees t/e situation t/at t/e la nee9s for its on 5ali9it yG. A+amben 9escribes t/e Na(i state? t/e current status of Palestine? an9 l e+al ci5il arsG as e"amples of states ofe"ception in t/e mo9ern era. T/e 6S Na5al Station at uantnamo :ay is per/aps one of t/e latest e"amples of a state of e"ception /ere enemy combatantsG t/at are incarcerate9 t/ere are notle+al sub<ects or prisoners of ar but /a5e become le+ally unnameable an9 unclassifiable bein+s entirely remo5e9 from t/e la an9 from <u9icial o5ersi+/tG HA+amben 2##* )I. 'iolence?torture? an9 9eat/ can occur in t/is space of e"ception it/out political or <uri9ical inter5ention. T/e state of e"ception t/us creates a (one /ere t/e application of la is suspen9e9 but t/e la

remains in force. A+amben H1 24I 9e5elops t/e ancient ;oman le+al notion of /omo sacer or sacre9 man – one /o may be kille9 but not sacrifice9G. %n ancient ;oman la? /omo sacerreferre9 to people /ose 9eat/s ere of no 5alue to t/e +o9s an9 t/us coul9 not be sacrifice9 but coul9 be kille9 it/ impunity because t/eir li5es ere 9eeme9 be of no 5alue to society. omosacer occupie9 a space bot/ outsi9e Han9 /ence i nsi9eI 9i5ine la an9 <uri9ical laE t/ey ere ob<ects of so5erei+n poer but e"clu9e9 from bein+ its sub<ectsE mute bearers of bare li fe 9epri5e9of lan+ua+e an9 t/e political li fe t/at lan+ua+e makes possibleG Hre+ory 2##) -3I. A so5erei+n 9ecision to apply a state of e"ception in5okes a poer to 9eci9e t /e 5alue of life? /ic/ oul9allo a life to be taken it/out t/e c/ar+e of /omici9e. T/e killin+s of mentally an9 p/ysically /an9icappe9 people 9urin+ t/e Na(i re+ime as <ustifie9 as en9in+ a life 9e5oi9 of 5alueG? a life

unort/y to be li5e9G. So5erei+nty t/us becomes a 9ecision on t/e 5alue of life? a poer to 9eci9e t/e point at /ic/ life ceases to be politicallyrele5antG HA+amben 1 1)2I. So5erei+nty /as alays been a mo5in+ tar+et an9 9espite 0estp/alian notions of t/e in9epen9ence an9 supreme aut/orityG of nation states? t/e <uris9iction of bor9ers /a5e been routinely trans+resse9 as so5erei+nty /as become pro+ressi5ely unbun9le9 from territorialityG H;austiala 2##*I. ,ar from bein+ a fi"e9 political an9 le+al cate+ory? so5erei+ntyas alays a sociolo+ical pra"is full of e"ceptions? fissures an9 fracturesG HS/en/a5 an9 :er9a 2##I. :entonGs H2##2 1#I analysis of le+al politi cs 9urin+ t/e colonial era re5eals /at s/e callst/e <uris9ictional politicsG of conflicts arisin+ from multiple le+al proce9ures an9 aut/orities. uris9ictional flui9ityG an9 le+al <ockeyin+G enable9 t/e creation of a space to +o5ern t/e coloniesin %n9ia an9 Africa /ile e"pan9in+ !uropean claims to so5erei+nty. %n t/e /i storical pra"is of colonialism t/e state o f e"ception in t/e colonies as more t/e rule? resultin+ in multiple an9interrupte9 so5erei+nties t/at ere use9 to +o5ern t/e nati5es. oe5er? in bot/ ,oucaultGs formulation of so5erei+nty an9 t/ e pro9uction of t/e biopolitical bo9y an9 A+ambenGs 9eployment of

/omo sacer an9 states of e"ception? t/e omission of t/e colony is notable. T/e colony? as &bembe H2##3 1)I points out? represente9 a permanent state ofe"ception /ere so5erei+nty became an e"ercise of poer outsi9e t/e la ? /ere peace as more likely to take on t/e face of a arit/out en9 an9 /ere 5iolence coul9 operate in t/e name of ci5ili(ationG. %n fact? as An+/ie H2##*I points out? colonialism an9 imperialism HAn+/ie uses t/ese terms i nterc/an+eablyI

ere constituti5e of !uropean notions of so5erei+nty? international la? an9 9e5elopment. Fiscourses of  ci5ili(ationG an9 9e5elopmentG? for e"ample? create9 an9

sustaine9 t/e binary cate+ories of ci5ili(e9–barbaric an9 9e5elope9–un9er9e5elope9? /ere so5erei+ntyalays remaine9 on t/e si9e of t/e ci5ili(e9G an9 9e5elope9G. Mnce so5erei+nty as establis/e9 alon+ t/e 9imensions of ci5ili(ation an9 9e5elopment?t/e key uni5ersalG problem as /o to create or9er amon+ so5erei+n states b y 9e5elopin+ tec/niDues to normali(e t/e aberrant societyG HAn+/ie 2##* )I. As ussain H2##3I ar+ues? t/e/istorical formation of colonialism re5eals t/e self$+enerati5e epistemic space of t/e 0est in its ability to create t/e rule an9 t/e e"ception. T/us? t/e !uropean notion of so5erei+nty t/at becamet/e basis of international la /as its roots in colonialism an9 ten9s to repro9uce an9 reinforce colonial mo9es of control e5en in t/e present era. 0/ile trans+ressions of so5erei+nty ere commonin t/e colonial era /ere t/e colony marke9 a permanent state of e"ception? t/ere are 9ifferent le5els of so5erei+nties in to9ayGs neoliberal political economy. %n contemporary political economy?states of e"ception? une5en so5erei+nties? an9 +ra9ations of ri+/ts are pro9uce9 an9 maintaine9 by /at Stoler H2##- 12I calls imperial formationsG /ic/ s/e 9escribes as states of becomin+?

rat/er t/an bein+G. %mperial formations in to9ayGs political economy  9o not reflect a stea9y stateG enclose9 by national so5erei+n boun9aries but /a5emore to 9o it/ /o t/e economy an9 polity are or+ani(e9. A politics of 9islocationG c/aracteri(es imperial formations in5ol5in+ systematic recruits an9 transfers of colonial a+ents? nati5e

military? re9istribution of peoples an9 resources? relocations an9 9ispersions? conti+uous an9 o5erseas territoriesG HStoler 2##- 13I. States of e"ception create9 by imperial formations arenot restricte9 to t/e former colonies out t/ereG but inclu9e t/e 0estG. T/e 0estG operates not so muc/ as a particular set of+eo+rap/ical locations? or in9ee9 a specific collection of locationally 9efine9 peoples? but is a 9iscursi5e space forme9 by a netork of economic an9 poer relations H:aner<ee an9 Linstea9

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2##1I. Spaces of imperial e"ception also occur in metropolitan conte"ts – for e"ample? t/e mi+rant bo9ies? t/e ille+alG or un9ocumente9 bo9iesG t/at labor in t/e et/nic encla5esG t/at contain

t/e seats/ops of Ne ork? Lon9on? an9 Paris HMn+ 2##-I. T/e American bran9 of neoliberalism t/at seems to be embrace9 by t/e supranational institutions t/at +o5ern t/e

+lobal economy an9 a9opte9 by se5eral countries in t/e 9e5elopin+ orl9 represents a type of ra9icali(e9 capitalist imperialismG HMn+ 2##- 1I t/at is increasin+ly tie9 to 

military action? often in t/e name of maintainin+ securityG . T/e imperial formations t/at create states of e"ception an9 multi ple so5erei+nties int/e postcolonial era are enable9 an9 sustaine9 by t/e formation of economic states of e"ception create9 by neoliberal policies. T/us? neoliberalism as e"ceptionG pro9uces specific arran+ementsof so5erei+nty an9 citi(ens/ip t/at are enable9 by t/e infiltration of market lo+ic into politicsG /ile constructin+ sub<ecti5ities t/at reflect market citi(ens/ip an9 a reconfi+uration ofrelations/ips beteen +o5ernin+ an9 t/e +o5erne9? poer an9 knole9+e an9 so5erei+nty an9 territorialityG HMn+ 2##- -I. %f t/e sor9 of commerce as most 5isibly acti5e in t/e 9ays ofempire? its acti5ity in t/e postcolonial era continue9 t/e 5iolence in a more co5ert manner? often it/ t/e complicity of t/e political elites in t/e former colonies. Mn+ H2##-I 9e5elops t/e notionof +ra9uate9 so5erei+ntyG to 9escribe /o some countries in Sout/ !ast Asia? notably t/e so$calle9 Asian ti+ersG? embrace9 t/e +lobal market it/ a combination of +o5ernmental politicalstrate+ies an9 military repression. er researc/ on +lobali(ation in %n9onesia an9 &alaysia s/oe9 t/at t/e interaction beteen states an9 transnational capital resulte9 in a 9ifferential statetreatment of t/e population alrea9y fra+mente9 by race? et/nicity? +en9er? class? an9 reli+ion as ell as a reconfi+uration of poer an9 aut/orit y in t/e /an9s of transnational corporationsoperatin+ in special e"port processin+ (ones. T/e n eoliberal turn in t/ese re+ions follos a 9ifferent tra<ectory /ere t/e interplay of market 5ersus state results in 9ifferin+ le5els of so5erei+nty

some areas of t/e economy /a5e a 5ery stron+ state presence an9 in ot/er areas? markets an9 forei+n capital rule. State so5erei+nty is 9isperse9 because +lobal markets an9capital? it/ t/e collusion of +o5ernments? create states of e"ception /ere coercion? 5iolence? an9 killin+s occur. Staterepression a+ainst rebel populations an9 separatist mo5ements is often influence9 by market forces as Mn+ H2##-I ar+ues? territoriesare cleare9 of rebels Houtlae9 citi(ensGI to make ay for lo++in+ concessions? petroleum pipelines? mines? an9 9ams. T/us? necrocapitalism creates states of e"ceptions /ere 9emocraticri+/ts are confine9 to a political sp/ereG /ile continuin+ forms of 9omination? e"ploitation? an9 5iolence in ot/er 9omains H0oo9 2##3 #I. Accumulation by Feat/ an9 Fispossession 'iolence?9eat/? an9 9ispossession an9 t/eir relations/ip it/ capitalism is not ne in 'olume % ofCapital? &ar" H1-4 2-I rote %f money comes into t/e orl9 it/ a con+enital bloo9 stain on one

c/eek? t/en capital comes drippin$ from head to toe" from e#ery pore" %ith blood and dirt.G !arly capitalist practices ofrecruitin+ labor in5ol5e9 5iolence? often sanctione9 by la. T/e le+islation a+ainst 5a+abon9a+eG? for e"ample? transforme9 peasants /o ere 9ri5en off t/e lan9 into 5a+abon9s to be

/ippe9? bran9e9? torture9 by las +rotesDuely terrible? into t/e 9iscipline necessary for t /e a+e systemG H&ar" 1-4 I. Colonialism a99e9 a racial9imension to t/e e"ploitation of labor  – for e"ample? &ar" 9escribes t/e colonial capitalist practices in Africa as e"tirpation? ensla5ement an9 entombment inmines of t/e abori+inal population U an9 t/e turnin+ of Africa into a arren for t/e commercial /untin+ o f black skinsG H&ar" 1-4 1*I. %n /is analysis of 9eat/ metap/ors in &ar"Gs ork? Neocleous H2##3I 9ras parallels beteen capital an9 9eat/? ar+uin+ t/at &ar"Gs critiDue of political economy is ultimately a political economy of t/e 9ea9G. At 5arious points in Capital? &ar"refers to capital as 9ea9 laborG in opposition to li5in+ laborG /ere capitalist rule is t /e in9epen9ent con9itions of labor o 5er t/e orker U t/e rule of t/in+s o5er man? of 9ea9 labor o5er

li5in+G H&ar" 1-4 I. oe5er? rat/er t/an re9uce 9eat/ to 9istinctions beteen labor /et/er in a colonial or a metropolitan conte"t? it is necessary to un9erstan9necrocapitalism as a practice t/at operates t/rou+/ t/e establis/ment of colonial so5erei+nty ? an9 t/e manner in/ic/ t/is so5erei+nty is establis/e9 in t/e current political economy /ere t/e business of 9eat/ can take place t/rou+/ states of e"ception. %n t/e post colonial era t/e imperial prero+ati5e? asC/atter<ee H2##* )*I ar+ues? is t/e poer to 9eclare t/e colonial e"ceptionG. T/us? /ile t/e i nternational communityG a+rees t/at nuclear proliferation s/oul9 be stoppe9? it becomes an

imperial ri+/t for some to 9eci9e t/at /ile %n9ia an9 %srael may be alloe9 to /a5e nuclear eapons? it is unacceptable for Nort/ Korea or %ran to 9o so. The entities in this

colonial space of e/ception must either be disciplined by #iolence or 8ci#ili'ed by culture’ to become

normali'ed . T/e colonial state of e"ception is also t/e space /ere more profits accrue /et/er it ist/rou+/ t/e e"traction of resources ? t/e use of pri5ati(e9 militias or t/rou+/ contracts for reconstruction. %n t/is sense? it is necessary to rea9 t/e manner in /ic/colonial so5erei+nty operates to create states of e"ception con9uci5e to t/e operation of necrocapitalist practices. &bembe H2##3I e"ten9s ,oucaultGs notion of so5erei+nty as poer t/at pro9ucesan9 re+ulates a biopolitical bo9 y? or t/e poer to make li5e or let 9ieG H,oucault? 14I to 9e5elop /is concept of necropolitical poer t/at in5ol5es t/e sub<u+ation of life to t/e poer of 9eat/.

T/ese forms of necropolitical poer literally create 8death %orlds ? ne an9 uniDue forms of sociale"istence in /ic/ 5ast populations are sub<ecte9 to con9itions of life conferrin+ upon t/em t/e status oft/e li5in+ 9ea9G H&bembe 2##3 )#I. Situatin+ necropolitics in t/e conte"t of economy? &onta+ H2##* 11I ar+ues t/at if necropolitics is intereste9 in t/e pro9uction of 9eat/ orsub<u+atin+ life to t/e poer of 9eat/ t/en it is possible to speak of a necroeconomics – a space of lettin+ 9ie or e"posin+ to 9eat/G. &onta+ e"plores t/e relation of t/e market to life an9 9eat/ in/is rea9in+ of A9am Smit/Gs 0ealt/ of Nations an9 T/eory of &oral SentimentsHSmit/ 1-I. %n &onta+Gs rea9in+ of Smit/? it is t/e 9rea9 of 9eat/? t/e +reat poison to t /e /appiness ... /ic//ile it afflicts an9 mortifies t/e in9i5i9ual? +uar9s an9 protects t/e societyG Hcite9 in &onta+ 2##* 12I. %f social life as 9ri5en solely by unrestraine9 self$interest? t/en t/e fear of punis/ment

or 9eat/ t/rou+/ <uri9ical systems kept t/e pursuit of e"cessi5e self$interest in c/eck? ot/erise people oul9 simply rob? in<ure? an9 kill for material ealt/. T/us? for Smit/ t/euni5ersality of life is contin+ent on t/e particularity of 9eat/? t/e pro9uction of life on t/e pro9uction of9eat/ /ere t/e intersection of t/e political an9 t/e economic makes it necessary to e"ercise t/e ri+/t tokill. T/e market t/en? as a concrete form of t/e uni5ersalG becomes t/e 5ery form of uni5ersality as lifeGan9 reDuires at certain moments to let 9ieG . Mr as &onta+ t/eori(es it? Feat/ establis/es t/e con9itions of lifeE 9eat/ as by an in5isible /an9 restores t/e

market to /at it must be to support life. T/e alloin+ of 9eat/ of t/e particular is necessary to t /e pro9uction of life of t/e uni5ersal. The market  re9uces an9 rationslifeE it not only allos 9eat/? it demands death be allo%ed  by t/e so5erei+n poer? as ell as by t/ose/o suffer it. %n ot/er or9s? it 9eman9s an9 reDuires t/e latter allo t/emsel5es to 9ie. T/us alon+si9e t/e fi+ure of /omo sacer? t/e one /o may be kille9 it/ impunity? is anot/erfi+ure? one /ose 9eat/ is no 9oubt less spectacular t/an t/e first an9 is t/e ob<ect of no memorial or commemoration /e /o it/ impunity may be alloe9 to 9ie? sloly or Duickly? in t/e

name of t/e rationality an9 eDuilibrium of t/e marketG . H&onta+ 2##* 1*I &onta+? t/erefore? t/eori(es a necroeconomics /ere t/e state becomes t/e le+itimate pur5eyor of 5iolence in t/isscenario? t/e state can compel by force t/ose /o refuse to allo t/emsel5es to 9ieG H&onta+ 2##* 1*I. oe5er? &onta+Gs concept of necroeconomics appears to uni5ersali(e con9itions of po5erty t/rou+/ t/e lo+ic of t/e market. &y concern? /oe5er? is t/e creation of 9eat/ orl9s in colonial conte"ts t/rou+/ t/e collusion beteen states an9 corporations. %f states an9 corporationsork in tan9em it/ eac/ ot/er in colonial conte"ts? creatin+ states of e"ception an9 e"ercisin+ necropoer to profit from t/e 9eat/ orl9s t/at t/ey establis/? t/en necroeconomics fails toconsi9er t/e specificities of colonial capitalist practices. % ar+ue t/at necrocapitalism emer+es from t/e intersection of necropolitics an9 necroeconomics? as practices of accumulation in

HpostIcolonial conte"ts by specific economic actors – transnational corporations? for e"ample – t/at in5ol5e 9ispossession? 9eat/? torture? suici9e? sla 5ery? 9estruction of li5eli/oo9s? an9 t/e+eneral mana+ement of 5iolence. %t is a ne form of imperialism? an imperialism t/at /as learne9 to mana+e t/in+s betterG. T/e fun9amental feature ofnecrocapitalism is accumulation by 9ispossession an9 t/e creation of 9eat/ orl9s in colonial conte"ts.Lan9 pri5ati(ation an9 t/e subseDuent forceful e"pulsion of peasants? con5ersion of public property into pri5ate property? restrictions on public use of common property resources? neocolonial practices of assetappropriation? control o5er natural resources in t/e former colonies? an9 t/e suppression of alternate?in9i+enous forms of consumption an9 pro9uction are some forms of 9ispossession in contemporary political economy Har5ey 2##* 1)*I. %n contemporary forms of accumulation? t/e corporation is a poerful actor an9 in con<unction it/ nation st ates? supranational bo9ies? an9international a+encies contributes to a necrocapitalist pri5ati (ation of so5erei+nty. T/e transformation of !uropean colonialism to a ne imperialism it/out coloniesG also reDuire9 coerci5e poer an9 brute force often it/ t/e collusion of postcolonial political elites in t/e former colonies /ere local states emer+e9 as sites of poer for capitalist accumulation. T/us? rat/er t/an

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markin+ t/e 9eat/ of t/e nation stateG? t/e +lobali(ation of markets is 9epen9ent on a system of multiple states /ic/ reDuire9 a ne

9octrine of  e"tra$economic? especially military? coercion. An endless in#isible empire" %hich has no

boundaries" e#en no territory" re+uires %ar %ithout end" an infinite %ar" and a ne% doctrine of %ar

to 6ustify it’ H0oo9 2##3 1-1I. An9 to furt/er clarify t/e relations/ip beteen markets an9 ar? Presi9ent eor+e 0. :us/? in an attempt to a99ress concerns about t/e 9ramatic9ecline in tourism an9 air tra5el in t/e aftermat/ of t/e September 11 attacks? tol9 airline employees t/at one of t/e +reat +oals of t/is ar is to tell t/e tra5elin+ public et on boar9G Hcite9 inre+ory 2##)I. T/us? for t/e American tourist to +et on boar9G to en<oy a /oli9ay? stimulate t/e tourism market? an9 sa5e airline <obs it becomes necessary for some people to 9ie? as /omo sacer?

in a state of e"ception outsi9e national an9 international la. T/e creation of ne spaces of e"ceptions is a eapon for t/e i9eolo+ical arsenal of empire /ere t/e imposition of

an economic relations/ip becomes paramount? usin+ force if reDuire9. T/us? t/e ri+/t to rule is <ustifie9 by t/e ri+/t? in9ee9 t/e

obli+ation? to pro9uce e"c/an+e 5alueG H0oo9 2##3 1*4I. !conomic 9omination /ere markets mana+e muc/ of t/e imperial orke"ten9s t/e poers an9 reac/ of colonial states.  Ne economic 9octrines reDuire ne military 9octrines as ell. 0ar it/out en9 9oes not necessarily

mean en9less fi+/tin+ t/e coerci5e mec/anisms of capital reDuire an en9less possibility of ar. 0ar it/out en9G /as an impressi5e+enealo+y in t/e 0est. 0oo9ro 0ilson rote in 1#4 Since tra9e i+nores national boun9aries an9 t/e manufacturer insists on /a5in+ t/e orl9 as a market? t/e fla+ of /is nation must follo/im? an9 t/e 9oors of t/e nations /ic/ are close9 a+ainst /im must be battere9 9on. Concessions obtaine9 b y financiers must be safe+uar9e9 by ministers of state? e5en if t/e so5erei+nty ofunillin+ nations be outra+e9 i n t/e process. Colonies must be ob taine9 or plante9? in or9er t/at no useful corner of t/e orl9 may be o5erlooke9 U T/e see9 of ar in t/e mo9ern orl9 isin9ustrial an9 commercial ri5alry.G Hcite9 in Kat( 2##-I T/e ne"us beteen economic interests an9 military poer? /ic/ c/aracteri(e9 t/e colonial pro<ect? continues to operate in t/e neimperial formations t/at constitute t/e contemporary neoliberal pro<ect an9 is anot/er enablin+ con9ition of necrocapitalism.  Political so5erei+nty becomes subser5ient to corporate so5erei+ntyan9 economics rat/er t/an politics 9etermines ar  (ones. %n imperial formations? poer is 9eploye9 to repress symptoms of 9espairG? an9 t o establis/ be/a5ioral an9 economic norms in a

system for re+ulatin+ 9isor9erG Ho"e 2##2 1)I. T/e in5ol5ement of 6S multinationals alon+ it/ t/e C%A in fomentin+ military an9 political

coups in Latin America Hnotably 6nite9 ,ruit %nc. in uatemala an9 Colombia an9 %TT in C/ile an9 :ra(ilI is ell 9ocumente9 HFosal 13E ran9in 2##-I.&illions of 9ollars ere spent b y t/e 6S +o5ernment to 9estabili(e C/ile in t/e 14#s – on learnin+ t/at C/ile /a9 electe9 a &ar"ist presi9ent in 14#? Ni"on instructe9 t/e C%A to make t/eir

economy screamG in an effort to smas/ Allen9eG Hran9in 2##-I. Corporate strate+ies to ensure safe /a5ensG for t/eir in5estmentinclu9e9 obtainin+ 6S +o5ernment support for 9ictatorial re+imes? 5iolent reprisals usin+ state military

an9 police to suppress 9issent? an9 bribes an9 kickbacks to political elites. :ecause 5iolence as 9eploye9 in t/ese states of

e"ception? bot/ +o5ernments an9 corporations ere able to kill it/ impunity Colombia in 12? /en t/e military +unne9 9on strikin+6nite9 ,ruit orkers killin+ at least )## HKepner an9 Soot/ill 13*I? an9 t/e 6S$backe9 military coup in uatemala in 1*)? /ere more t/an 2## union lea9ers ere kill e9? are to of t/e more

i9ely publici(e9 cases in5ol5in+ 5iolence an9 multinational capital HC/omsky an9 erman 14I. Pri#ati'ation of the commons throu$h corporate

control of natural resources is another 8s%ord of commerce’ that sub6u$ates li#es and destroys

li#elihoods by creatin$ states of e/ception in many 9e5elopin+ re+ions. 2n 3atin America? for e"ample? it is estimate9 t/at more t/an 2###+o5ernment in9ustries ere sol9 off beteen 1* an9 12? many of t/em belo t/eir market 5alue to pri5ate buyers it/ connectionsG to t/e military an9 6S corporate an9 +o5ernmentinterests Hran9in 2##-I. T/e collusion of local states is instrumental in t/e battle o5er natural resources a 14* P/ili ppine +o5ernment a95ertisement place9 in ,ortune ma+a(ine 9eclare9 Toattract companies like yours ... e /a5e felle9 mountains? ra(e9 <un+les? fille9 samps? mo5e9 ri5ers? relocate9 tons U all to make it easier for you an9 your business to 9o business /ereG Hcite9

in Korten 1*I. T/e effects of creatin+ a business frien9ly climateG are often 5iolent? lea9in+ to loss of life an9t/e creation of 9eat/ orl9s . ,or instance? a combination of tra9e liberali(ation in a+riculture Ha+riculture is liberali(e9G in t/e T/ir9 0orl9 an9 protecte9 in t/e ,irstI an9t/e failure of +enetically mo9ifie9 see9s /as been l inke9 to a 2-#V increase in suici9e rates of farmers in %n9ia H&ilmo 2##*I. &ore t/an )## # farmers /a5e committe9 suici9e in t/e sout/ernstate of An9/ra Pra9es/ since t/e imposition of a+ricultural reforms. T/e suici9e rate amon+ farmers is t/e /i+/est in cas/ crop +roin+ re+ions. %n 2##* t/ere ere *2# suici9es by farmers in'i9arb/a? t/e lar+est cotton +roin+ re+ion in %n9ia. Si" <ournalists co5ere9 t/e farmer suici9es storyG in ,ebruary 2##-. T/at same eek *12 <ournalists ere <ostlin+ for space in &umbai fort/e Lakme ,as/ion 0eek /ere mo9els ere e"/ibitin+ t/e ne c/ic cotton 9resses ma9e from cotton +ron by farmers /o ere killin+ t/emsel5es less t/an *# #km aay. ;oy H2##1 )-Iclaims t/at %n9iaGs rural economy /ic/ supports 4## million people? is bein+ +arrote9. ,armers /o pro9uce too muc/ are in 9istress? farmers /o pro9uce too littl e are in 9istress? an9 lan9lessa+ricultural laborers are out of ork as bi+ estates an9 farms lay off t/eir orkers. T/eyGre all flockin+ to alrea9y o5ercro9e9 cities in searc/ of employment.G ;oy H2##1I /as also 9ocumente9

t/e 9isplacement of 5illa+ers in lar+e$scale 9am pro<ects in %n9ia. S/e estimates t/at beteen 3# an9 *# mill ion people /a5e lost t/eir tra9iti onal lan9s as a result of 9am pro<ects. A sin+le pro<ect?t/e Sar9ar Saro5ar 9am pro<ect ill 9isplace )##?### tribal peoples once it is complete9. is t/e case in all 9e5elopin+ countries? t/e 9ispossesse9 9o not participate in any of t/e benefits t/e

electricity +enerate9 by t/e 9ams is for use by city 9ellers an9 t/e ater for irri+atin+ lar+e in9ustrial a+riculture farms. Necrocapitalist practices 9eny peopleaccess to resources t/at are essential to t/eir /ealt/ an9 life? 9estroy li5eli/oo9s? an9 9ispossesscommunities. T/e pri5ati(ation of ater in  Africa an9 South America is a case in point in almost e5ery case /ere ater as

 pri5ati(e9 t/e poor er se+ments of society en9e9 up payin+ not only /i+/er prices for ater but pai9 it/ t/eir li5es as ell. %n Sout/Africa 9urin+ 2##2–2##3 more t/an 1##?### people ere infecte9 it/ c/olera? lea9in+ to t/ e 9eat/s of 2## people after t/e Sout/ African +o5ernment Hfolloin+ 0orl9 :ankrecommen9ationsGI 9enie9 ater an9 sanitation ser5ices to t/ousan9s of citi(ens in KaRulu$Natal pro5ince /o ere too poor to pay t/eir ater bills H:arlo an9 Clarke 2##2I. 0orl9 :ank

ater policies encoura+e cost reco5eryG /oe5er? t/e problem is t/at corporate costs are reco5ere9 at t/e e"pense of people /o are 9enie9 access to clean ater an9 sanitation. ;acean9 class also 9etermine /o suffers? /o li5es an9 /o 9ies in Sout/ Africa -##?### /ite farmers consume -#V of t /e countryGs ater

supplies for irri+ation /ile 1* million black people /a5e no access to clean ater H:arlo an9 Clarke 2##2I. A similar situation e"ists in t/e maDuila9oras of &e"ico 

/ere clean ater is scarce because it is mainly reser5e9 for use by forei+n$one9 in9ustries  in t/e re+ion. An9/en :oli5iaGs economy as structurally a9<uste9G by t/e 0orl9 :ank ? one of t/e con9itions as to sell off t/e national atercompany? /ic/ t/e :oli5ian +o5ernment 9i9 to :ec/tel. Not lon+ after t/e purc/ase? ater bills rose by 2##V for an alrea9y impo5eris/e9 citi(enry? it/ t/e +o5ernment e5en attemptin+ to

c/ar+e citi(ens for collectin+ rainater for personal use. !"ten9e9 protests by t/e people force9 t/e :oli5ian +o5ernment to take o5er t/e ater supply a+ain? lea9in+ :ec/tel to e"it :oli5ia?albeit it/ a W2* million payout Hran9in 2##-I. Mt/er contemporary cases of accumulation by 9ispossession t/at can be seenas necrocapitalist practices are t/e pri5ati(ation of ar resultin+ from t/e increasin+ use of pri5ati(e9military forces an9 conflicts o5er natural resources beteen transnational corporations an9 in9i+enouscommunities in t/e T/ir9 0orl9 ? /ic/ % ill 9iscuss in t/e ne"t section. Mutsourcin+ t/e 0ar on TerrorG Corporate 0arriors an9 t/e Pri5ati(e9 &ilitary %n9ustry%mperial poer? military mi+/t? economic interests? an9 capital all con5er+e in t/e so$calle9 ar on terror /ile it may be true t/at t/e oil may not /a5e been t/e sole reason for t/e in5asion of%raD? it is no acci9ent t/at in t/e may/em an9 lootin+ in :a+/9a9 t/at folloe9 t/e first fe 9ays of t/e in5asion? t/e only to buil9in+s +uar9e9 by American troops ere t/e &inistry of t/e%nterior an9 t/e &inistry of Mil. ,los of capital in an9 out of %raD lea5e a trail of 9eat/ an9 9est ruction folloe9 by reconstruction one of se5eral key post$ar 9ecisions /a9 to 9o it/ t/eestablis/ment of Mperation A9am Smit/G in5ol5in+ t/e pri5ati(ation of %raDGs state in9ustries an9 t/e allocation of reconstruction contracts to mainly American an9 :ritis/ corporations Hran9in2##-E re+ory 2##)I. 0/ile t/e entire countr y is 9eclare9 a state of e"ception? colonial carto+rap/ies /a5e re9ran :a+/9a9 into (ones. T/e reen RoneG /ere t/e Coalition Pro5isionalAut/ority is base9 is a state of e"ception it/in a state of e"ception – AmericaGs :a+/9a9G as an interpreter orker in t/e reen Rone 9escribe9 it an inter5ie it/ t/e 0as/in+ton Post %tGslike % ne5er left America. T/ey ser5e peanut butter? lobster an9 ice cream. T/e cell p/ones /a5e a 1) area co9e H0/ite Plains? Ne orkI. T/e tele5ision sets s/o &on9ay Ni+/t ,ootball. T/e people speak !n+lis/G Hcite9 in re+ory 2##) 2)4I. Life an9 9eat/ for people unfortunate enou+/ to li5e outsi9e t/e reen Rone yet +o5erne9 by its operations is 5ery 9ifferent. Colonial

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carto+rap/ies in re(onin+ :a+/9a9 base9 on le5els of security /a5e 9ifferential effects on t/e /uman bo9ies t/at occupy t /ese (ones. T/e ar on terrorG operatin+ in a neoliberal economy /ascreate9 a type of so5erei+nty t/at /as profoun9 implications for t/ose /ose li 5eli/oo9s 9epen9 on t/e ar on t error as ell as t/ose /ose li 5es become constitute9 as bare lifeG in t/e economyof t/e ar on terror. Mutsourcin+ is a ke y strate+y use9 in t/e so$calle9 ar on terror. T/ere are currently o5er 1-#?### American troops in %raD. T/e ne"t /i+/est +roup of sol9iers is /ire9 by pri5ati(e9 military firms HP&,sI an9 number 21?2*# compare9 to *## :ritis/ troops /ic/ is t/e secon9 lar+est national contin+ent HSin+er 2##)I. Pri5ate contractors operate prisons inuantanamo :ay an9 %raD. aliburton? :ec/tel? an9 ot/er ma<or 6S$/ire9 contractors /a5e recei5e9 million 9ollar contracts to pro5i9e security ser5ices an9 ork on reconstruction pro<ects.T/ese contractors in turn brin+ in t/ousan9s of orkers Hoften ille+allyI from t/e P/ilippines? Nepal? Pakistan? %n9ia? an9 Sri Lanka to 9o /at one American super5isor calls +runt <obsG?meanin+ 9irty an9 9an+erous ork t/at American employees are not illin+ to 9o HP/inney 2##*I. un9re9s o f t/ese T/ir9 Country NationalsG HTCNsI /a5e been kille9 an9 /ile t /e Penta+onkeeps an e"act bo9y count of American sol9iers kille9? t/ ey 9o not keep recor9s of TCN 9eat/s o r ci5ilian 9eat/s. 0orkin+ con9itions are also 9escribe9 as bein+ abusi5e? it/ contractors 9oin+t/eir best to minimi(e costs by pro5i9in+ minimal ser5ice TCNs 9o not +et o5ertime or ot/er benefits like American employees? t/ey eat t/eir 5ery basic meals out9oors in 1)# 9e+reetemperatures /ile t/eir American counterparts en<oy culinary 9eli+/ts in air con9itione9 mess /alls alon+ it/ 6S sol9iers. A raciali(e9 international 9i5ision of labor is a profitable strate+y forcorporations in5ol5e9 in outsourcin+ t /e ar on terror an9 reconstruction efforts in %raD. T/e practice of necrocapitalism is embo9ie9 in t/ese bo9ies of t/e li5in+ an9 9ea9 T/ir9 Country

 Nationals by t/eir in5isibility in statistics of bo9y counts or me9ia co5era+e of sol9iers in %raD. T/eir labor profits imperial so5erei+nties yet t/eir 9eat/s are as 9isposable as t/e 9eat/s of %raDici5ilians /o are also e5i9ence of t/e costs of necrocapitalism Hor collateral 9ama+eG in Penta+onspeakI. A raciali(e9 system of countin+ t/e 9ea9 also operates in %raD. At t/e time of ritin+)3 coalition sol9iers /a5e 9ie9 in %raD since t/e in5asion comprisin+ )#44 Americans? 2 Australians? 14- :ritons? 13 :ul+arians? 1 C(ec/? 4 Fanes? 2 Futc/? 2 !stonians? 1 ,i<ian? 2 eor+ians?1 un+arian? 33 %talians? 1 Ka(ak/? 1 Korean? 3 Lat5ians? 22 Poles? 3 ;omanians? * Sal5a9oran? ) Slo5aks? 11 Spaniar9s? 1 Sout/ Korean? 2 T/ai? an9 1 6krainians H.cnn.comI. Numbers of %raDi ci5ilians kille9 as a result of t/e conflict are not as precise 5arious a+encies put t/e total number of ci5ilian 9ea9 beteen 3?*21 an9 1?#) H.iraDbo9ycount.or+I. 0/en eneralTommy ,ranks infamously sai9 0e 9onGt 9o bo9y countsG? /e of course meant t/at t/ey only 9o t/e bo9ies t/at cou nt. ;ecent years /a5e seen an increasin+ tren9 in t /e outsourcin+ of ar an9t/e +lobal rise of t/e p ri5ati(e9 military in9ustry HSin+er 2##)I. Pri5ati(e9 military firms HP&,sI are business corporations t/at offer a 5ariety of military relate9 ser5ices inclu9in+ combatoperations? strate+ic plannin+? asset protection? support? an9 trainin+. P&,s /a5e been acti5e in An+ola? Femocratic ;epublic of Con+o? !t/iopia? Su9an? Al+eria? %5ory Coast? Kenya? 6+an9a?Liberia? Cameroon? Ni+eria? !Duatorial uinea? Con+o$:ra((a5ille? Sene+al? Somalia? Namibia? Sierra Leone? Rambia? Croatia? :osnia? Albania? &ace9onia? Koso5a? ;ussia? A(erbai<an?Armenia? Ka(ak/stan? C/ec/nia? eor+ia? Sau9i Arabia? Kuait? se5eral ot/er ulf states? Papua Ne uinea? t/e P/ilippines? %n9onesia? aiti? Colombia? an9 se5eral Latin American countriesHSin+er 2##)I. 0/ile t/ese re+ions? many of t/em former colonial outposts? mark t/e t/eater of operations for P&,s? t/eir corporate /ea9 offices are? not surprisin+ly? base9 in metropolitancenters of Lon9on? Paris? :erlin? Amster9am? an9 Ne ork. &o9ern nation states /a5e 9ran from t/e pri5ate 5iolence marketG to buil9 t/eir public poer? resultin+ in a pri5ati(ation ofso5erei+nty in territories /ere P&,s operate to9ay HSin+er 2##) 2#I. P&,s one9 an9 operate9 by transnational corporations /a5e t/e ri+/t to take life or let li5e? protectG assets? an9 e5enclaim mineral ri+/ts? as is t/e case in se5eral African states. i5en t/e nature of t/eir business? t/ere is a lack of transparency about t/e actual operations of P&,s. Sin+er H2##)I estimates t/at t/ein9ustry /as an annual re5enue of W1## billion? /ic/ is e"pecte9 to 9ouble by 2#1#. P&,s sell t/eir ser5ices to t/e /i+/est bi99er nation states? ot/er multinational corporations? internationalor+ani(ations? an9 e5en non$+o5ernmental or+ani(ations. T/is can /a5e some ironic conseDuences a P&, can be /ire9 for military combat operations in a particular re+ion to kill t/e enemyGan9 can subseDuently be /ire9 by anot/er bi99er at anot/er time in t/e same re+ion to protectG t/e people t/ey ere en+a+e9 in killin+ earlier. T/is /as /appene9 in An+ola HSin+er? 2##)I. Somein9ustry lobbyists are e5en attemptin+ to pri5ati(e 6N peacekeepin+ systems in5okin+ t/e neoliberal mantra of 9eli5erin+ ser5ices? faster? c/eaper? an9 more efficiently t/an t/e public sector. T/e pri5ati(ation of ar an9 t/e pri5ati(ation of peace are no business 9ecisions +o5ernments an9 corporations ill c/oose eit/er strate+y base9 on profitability an9 efficiency. osep/ eller must/a5e been prescient /en /e rote Catc/ 22? /ere &a<or &ilo &in9erbin9er remarke9 ,rankly? %G9 like to see t/e +o5ernment +et out of ar alto +et/er an9 lea5e t/e /ole feu9 to pri5atein9ustry.G Pri5ate contractors /a5e also been implicate9 in t/e torture of prisoners t/at took place at Abu /raib prison in %raD H&cKel5ey 2##*I. %f t/e state can torture an9 kill because of itsso5erei+n ability to create a state of e"ception status? /at implications arise from t/e sanctione9 5iolence use9 by pri5ate corporationsO % ar+ue t/at a state of e"ception create9 by t/e ar on

terror results in a pri5ati(ation of so5erei+nty? /ic/ is anot/er enablin+ con9ition of necrocapitalism. T/e +lobal or+ani(ation an9 mana+ement of 5iolence blurs t/e 9istinction beteen publican9 pri5ate pro5i9ers of security. T/e state? of course? is a key fun9er of an9 protector of necrocapitalist practices. :ut t /e ar on terror /as been use9 strate+icall y by se5eral 6S multinationalcorporations to obtain +enerous ta" b reaks from t/eir +o5ernment as part of a stimulus packa+eG /ic/ in turn is attemptin+ to restrict t/e le+al a5enues for forei+n citi(ens to sue multinationalcorporations for /uman ri+/ts abuses in 6S courts. T/e inte+rationG of public forces suc/ as t/e police b y pri5ate security firms for t/e protection of forei+n capital results in t/e creation of nestates of e"ception /ere 5iolence can be use9 it/ impunity. Corporations an9 5iolence /a5e a lon+ an9 trouble9 /istory? especially in t/e T/ir9 0orl9. Colonial mo9es of 9e5elopment? /ereresource ric/ but cas/ poor countries e"port t/eir natural resources to in9ustriali(e9 countries? often lea9 to arme9 conflicts beteen +o5ernment sol9iers? mercenaries? arlor9s? separatist+roups? an9 pri5ate interests. Ci5il ars an9 military coups in Africa? Asia? an9 Sout/ America /a5e been finance9 by re5enues from resource e"traction – in An+ola? for e"ample? factionsfi+/tin+ +o5ernment forces use9 re5enues from illicit 9iamon9 traffickin+ to buy eapons /ile t/e +o5ernment use9 t/eir le+al oil re5enues for t/e same purpose HKlare 2##1I. A recent 0orl9:ank stu9y of internal conflicts beteen 1 -# an9 1* foun9 t/at t /e +reatest risk factor for ci5il ar as not et/nic tensions but natural resource pre9ationG or t/e a5ailability of easilylootable resourcesG HCollier 2###I. %n all t/ese bloo9y poer stru++les in5ol5in+ t/e 9eat/s of t/ousan9s of ci5ilians? transnational corporations profite9 from access to resources? c/eap sourcesof labor? sales of eapons? protection of assets? an9 use of pri5ati(e9 military forces. Accumulation by Feat/ an9 Fispossession in t/e !ner+y an9 ;esources %n9ustry

The alternati#e is solidarity %ith re#olutionary stru$$le a$ainst capitalism 9otin$ ne$ati#e

is a refusal of the tepid half*measures of the 1AC in fa#or of clearin$ the space for a truly

 6ust and e+uitable society

arcuse? erman P/ilosop/er an9 Professor at Columbia an9 ar5ar9? 1;4; Herbert? member of t/e ,rankfurt Sc/ool? An !ssay on

Liberation? p. *$1I X!NF!; &MF%,%!F

%n a sense? t/is is in9ee9 t/e community of interests of t/e Q/a5esQ a+ainst t/e Q/a5e nots?Q of t/e Ml9 a+ainst t/e Ne. T/e QcollaborationistQ policy of t/e So5iet6nion necessitates t/e pursuance of poer politics /ic/ increasin+ly re9uces t/e prospect t/at So5iet society? by 5irtue of its basic institut ions alone Habolition of pri5ate oners/ip an9 control of t/e means of pro9uction planne9 economyI is still capable of makin+ t/e transition to a free society. An9 yet? t/e 5ery 9ynamic ofimperialist e"pansion places t/e So5iet 6nion in t/e ot/er camp oul9 t/e effecti5e resistance in 'ietnam? an9 t/e protection of Cuba be possible it/out So5iet ai9Ooe5er? /ile e re<ect t/e unDualifie9 con5er+ence t/esis? accor9in+ to /ic/ $at least at present $t/e assimilation of interests pre5ails 6PM%l t/e conflict beteen

capitalism an9 So5iet Socialism? e cannot minimi(e t/e essential 9ifference beteen t/e latter an9 t/e ne /istoricalefforts to construct socialism by 9e5elopin+ an9 creatin+ a +enuine soli9arity beteen t/e lea9ers/ip an9t/e liberate9 5ictims of e"ploitation. T/e actual may consi9erably 9e5iate rom t/e i9eal? t/e fact remainst/at? for a /ole +eneration? Qfree9om?Q Qsocialism?Q an9 QliberationQ are inseparable from ,i9el an9 C/ean9 t/e +uerrillas $not because t/eir re5olutionary stru++le coul9 furnis/ t/e mo9el for t/e stru++le in t/emetropoles? but because t/ey /a5e recapture9 t/e trut/ of t/ese i9eas? in t/e 9ay$to$9ay fi+/t of men an9omen for a life as /uman bein+s for a ne life. 0/at kin9 of lifeO 0e are still confronte9 it/ t/e

9eman9 to state t/e Qconcrete alternati5e.Q T/e 9eman9 is meanin+less if it asks for a blueprint of t/especific institutions an9 relations/ips /ic/ oul9 be t/ose of t/e ne society t/ey cannot be 9etermine9a prioriE t/ey ill 9e5elop? in trial an9 error? as t/e ne society 9e5elops. %f e coul9 form a concreteconcept of t/e alternati5e to9ay? it oul9 not be t/at of an alternati5eE t/e possibilities of t/e ne societyare sufficiently Qabstract?Q i.e.? remo5e9 from an9 incon+ruous it/ t/e establis/e9 uni5erse to 9efy anyattempt to i9entify t/em in terms of t/is uni5erse. oe5er? t/e Duestion cannot be brus/e9 asi9e bysayin+ t/at /at matters to9ay is t/e 9estruction of t/e ol9? of t/e poers t/at be? makin+ ay for t/eemer+ence of t/e ne. Suc/ an anser ne+lects t/e essential fact t/at t/e ol9 is not simply ba9? t/at it9eli5ers t/e +oo9s? an9 t/at people /a5e a real stake in it. T/ere can be societies /ic/ are muc/ orse –

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t/ere are suc/ societies to9ay. T/e system of corporate capitalism /as t/e ri+/t to insist t/at t/ose /oork for its replacement <ustify t/eir action. :ut t/e 9eman9 to state t/e concrete alternati5es is <ustifie9for yet anot/er reason. Ne+ati5e t/inkin+ 9ras /ate5er force it may /a5e from its empirical basis t/eactual /uman con9ition in t/e +i5en society? an9 t/e Q+i5enQ possibilities to transcen9 t/is con9ition? toenlar+e t/e realm of free9om. %n t/is sense? ne+ati5e t/inkin+ is by 5irtue of its on internal conceptsQpositi5eQ oriente9 toar9? an9 compre/en9in+ a future /ic/ is Qcontaine9Q in t/e present. An9 in t/is

containment H/ic/ is an important aspect of t/e +eneral containment policy pursue9 by t/e establis/e9 societiesI? t/e future appears as possible liberation. %t is not t/e only alternati5e t/e a95ent of a lon+ perio9 of Qci5ili(e9Q barbarism? it/or it/out t/e nuclear 9estruction? is eDually containe9 in t/e present. Ne+ati5e t/inkin+? an9 t/e pra"is+ui9e9 by it? is t/e positi5e an9 positin+ effort to pre5ent t/is utter ne+ati5ity. T/e concept of t/e primary? initial

institutions of liberation is familiar enou+/ an9 concrete enou+/ collecti5e oners/ip? collecti5e control an9 plannin+ of t/emeans of pro9uction an9 9istribution. T/is is t/e foun9ation? a necessary but not sufficient con9ition fort/e alternati5e it oul9 make possible t/e usa+e of all a5ailable resources for t/e abolition of po5erty?/ic/ is t/e prereDuisite for t/e turn from Duantity into Duality t/e creation of a reality in accor9anceit/ t/e ne sensiti5ity an9 t/e ne consciousness. T/is +oal implies re<ection of t/ose policies ofreconstruction? no matter /o re5olutionary? /ic/ are boun9 to perpetuate  Hor to intro9uceI t/e pattern of t/eunfree societies an9 t/eir nee9s. Suc/ false policy is per/aps best summe9 up in t/e formula Qto catc/ up it/?an9 to o5ertake t/e pro9ucti5ity le5el of t/e a95ance9 capitalist countries.Q 0/at is ron+ it/ t/is

formula is not t/e emp/asis on t/e rapi9 impro5ement of t/e material con9itions but on t/e mo9el +ui9in+t/eir impro5ement. T/e mo9el 9enies t/e alternati5e? t/e Dualitati5e 9ifference. T/e latter is not? an9 cannot be? t/e result

of t/e fastest possible attainment of capitalist pro9ucti5ity? but rat/er t/e 9e5elopment of ne mo9es an9 en9s of pro9uction QneQ not only Han9 per/aps not

at allI it/ respect to tec/nical inno5ations an9 pro9uction relations? but it/ respect to t/e 9ifferent /umannee9s an9 t/e 9ifferent /uman relations/ips in orkin+ for t/e satisfaction of t/ese nee9s . T/ese ne relations/ips

oul9 be t/e result of a Qbiolo+icalQ solidarity in ork an9 purpose? e"pressi5e of a true /armony beteen social an9in9i5i9ual nee9s an9 +oals? beteen reco+ni(e9 necessity an9 free 9e5elopment $t/e e"act opposite of t/ea9ministere9 an9 enforce9 /armony or+ani(e9 in t/e a95ance9 capitalist Han9 socialistOI countries. %t is t/eima+e of t/is soli9arity as elemental? instinctual? creati5e force /ic/ t/e youn+ ra9icals see in Cuba? in t/e+uerrillas? in t/e C/inese cultural re5olution. Soli9arity an9 cooperation not all t/eir forms are liberatin+. ,ascism an9 militarism /a5e 9e5elope9 a 9ea9ly efficientsoli9arity. Socialist soli9arity is autonomy self9etermination be+ins at /ome $an9 t/at is it/ e5ery %? an9 t/e 0e /om t/e % c/ooses. An9 t/is en9 must in9ee9

appear in t/e means to attain it? t/at is to say? in t/e strate+y of t/ose /o? it/in t/e e"istin+ society? ork for t/e ne one. %f t/e socialistrelations/ips of pro9uction are to be a ne ay of life? a ne ,orm of life? t/en t/eir e"istential Duality

must s/o fort/? anticipate9 an9 9emonstrate9? in t/e fi+/t for t/eir reali(ation. !"ploitation in all itsforms must /a5e 9isappeare9 from t/is fi+/t from t/e ork relations/ips amon+ t/e fi+/ters as ell as from t/eir in9i5i9ual relations/ips.

6n9erstan9in+? ten9erness toar9 eac/ ot/er? t/e instinctual consciousness of t/at /ic/ is e5il? false? t/e/erita+e of oppression? oul9 t/en testify to t/e aut/enticity of t/e rebellion. %n s/ort? t/e economic? political? an9 cultural

features of a classless society must /a5e become t/e basic nee9s of t/ose /o fi+/t for it. T/is in+ression of t/e future into t/e present?t/is 9ept/ 9imension of t/e rebellion accounts? in t/e last analysis? for t/e incompatibility it/ t/e tra9itional forms of t/e political stru++le.

T/e ne ra9icalism militates a+ainst t/e centrali(e9 bureaucratic communist as ell as a+ainst t/e semi$9emocratic liberal or+ani(ation. T/ere is a stron+ element of spontaneity? e5en anarc/ism? in t/isrebellion? e"pression of t/e ne sensibility? sensiti5ity a+ainst 9omination t/e feelin+? t/e aareness? t/att/e <oy of free9om an9 t/e nee9 to be free must prece9e liberation. T/erefore t/e a5ersion a+ainst preestablis/e9 Lea9ers?

apparatc/iks of all sorts? politicians no matter /o leftist. T/e initiati5e s/ifts to small +roups? i9ely 9iffuse9? it/ a /i+/9e+ree of autonomy? mobility? fle"ibility. To be sure? it/in t/e repressi5e society? an9 a+ainst its ubiDuitous apparatus? spontaneity by itself

cannot possibly be a ra9ical an9 re5olutionary force. %t can become suc/ a force only as t/e result of enli+/tenment? e9ucation? political practice $in t/is sense in9ee9?as a result of or+ani(ation. T/e anarc/ic element is an essential factor in t/e stru++le a+ainst 9omination preser5e9 but 9iscipline9 in t/e preparatory political action? itill be free9 an9 auf+e/oben in t/e +oals of t/e stru++le. ;elease9 for t/e construction of t/e init ial re5olutionary institutions? t/e antirepressi5e sensibility? aller+ic to9omination? oul9 militate a+ainst t/e prolon+ation of t/e Q,irst P/ase?Q t/at is? t/e aut/oritarian bureaucratic 9e5elopment of t/e pro9ucti5e forces. T/e ne societycoul9 t/en reac/ relati5ely fast t/e le5el at /ic/ po5erty coul9 be abolis/e9 Ht/is le5el coul9 be consi9erably loer t/an t/at of a95ance9 capitalist pro9ucti5ity?/ic/ is +eare9 to obscene aflluence an9 asteI. T/en t/e 9e5elopment coul9 ten9 toar9 a sensuous culture? tan+ibly contrastin+ it/ t/e +ray$on$+ray culture of t/esocialist societies of !astern !urope. Pro9uction oul9 be re9irecte9 in 9efiance of all t/e rationality of t/e Performance PrincipleE socially necessary labor oul9 be9i5erte9 to t/e construction of an aest/etic rat/er t/an repressi5e en5ironment? to parks an9 +ar9ens rat/er t/an /i+/ays an9 parkin+ lots? to t/e creation of areas ofit/9raal rat/er t/an massi5e fun an9 rela"ation. Suc/ re9istribution of socially necessary labor HtimeI? incompatible it/ any society +o5erne9 by t/e Profit an9Performance Principle? oul9 +ra9ually alter society in all its 9imensions $it oul9 mean t/e ascent of t/e Aest/etic Principle as ,orm of t/e ;eality Principle a

culture of recepti5ity base9 on t/e ac/ie5ements of in9ustria l ci5ili(ation an9 initiatin+ t/e en9 of its self$propellin+ pro9ucti'ity. Not re+ression to a pre5ious sta+e of ci5ili(ation? but return to an ima+inary temps perdu in t/e real life of @/umankin9

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 pro+ress to a sta+e of ci5ili(ation /ere @/uman@s /as learne9 to ask for t/e sake of /om or of /at@s8/e or+ani(es /is@8/er societyE t/e sta+e /ere /e c/ecks an9 per/aps e5en /alts /is incessant stru++le for e"istence on an enlar+e9 scale?sur5eys /at /as been ac/ie5e9 t/rou+/ centuries of misery an9 /ecatombs of 5ictims? an9 9eci9es t/at it is enou+/? an9 t/at it is time to en<oy /at /e /as an9 /at

can be repro9uce9 an9 refine9 it/ a minimum of alienate9 labor not t/e arrest or re9uction of tec/nical pro+ress? but t/eelimination of t/ose of its features /ic/ perpetuate @/uman@ityYs sub<ection to t/e apparatus an9 t/eintensification of t/e stru++le for e"istence  $to ork /ar9er in or9er to +et more of t/e merc/an9ise t/at /as to be sol9. %n ot/er or9s?

electrification in9ee9? an9 all tec/nical 9e5ices /ic/ alle5iate an9 protect life? all t/e mec/ani(ation /ic/ frees/uman ener+y an9 time? all t/e stan9ar9i(ation /ic/ 9oes aay it/ spurious an9 parasitarianQpersonali(e9Q ser5ices rat/er t/an multiplyin+ t/em an9 t/e +a9+ets an9 tokens of e"ploitati5e affiuence. %n terms of t/e latter Han9 only in terms of t/e latterI? t/is oul9 certainly be a re+ression $but free9om from t/e rule of merc/an9ise o5er man is a precon9ition of

free9om. T/e construction of a free society oul9 create ne incenti5es for ork. %n t/e e"ploitati5e societies? t/e so$calle9

ork instinct is mainly t/e Hmore or less effecti5elyI intro<ecte9 necessity to perform pro9ucti5ely in or9er to earn ali5in+. :ut t/e life instincts t/emsel5es stri5e for t/e unification an9 en/ancement of lifeE innonrepressi5e sublimation t/ey oul9 pro5i9e t/e libi9inal ener+y for ork on t/e 9e5elopment of areality /ic/ no lon+er 9eman9s t/e e"ploitati5e repression of t/e Pleasure Principle. T/e Qincenti5esQoul9 t/en be built into t/e instinctual structure of men. T/eir sensibility oul9 re+ister? as biolo+ical reactions? t/e 9ifference beteen t/e u+ly an9 t/e beautiful? beteen calm an9 noise? ten9erness an9 brutality? intelli+ence an9 stupi9ity? <oy an9 fun? an9 it oul9 correlate t/is 9istinctionit/ t/at beteen free9om an9 ser5itu9e. ,reu9Ys last t/eoretical conception reco+ni(es t/e erotic instincts as ork instincts $ork for t/e creation of a sensuous

en5ironment. T/e social e"pression of t/e liberate9 ork instinct is cooperation? /ic/? +roun9e9 in soli9arity?

9irects t/e or+ani(ation of t/e realm of necessity an9 t/e 9e5elopment of t/e realm of free9om. An9 t/ereis an anser to t/e Duestion /ic/ troubles t/e min9s of so many men of +oo9 ill /at are t/e peoplein a free society +oin+ to 9oO T/e anser /ic/? % belie5e? strikes at t/e /eart of t/e matter as +i5en by ayoun+ black +irl. S/e sai9 for t/e first time in our life? e s/all be free to t/ink about /at e are +oin+to 9o.

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3ink </t – Cuba

The aff’s minor chan$e in Cuban policy simply $reases the %heels of capitalism @alf*

measures that stop short of liftin$ the embar$o empo%er capitalist industries

Chase? /istory 9octoral can9i9ate at N6? )((; @&ic/elle? 9octoral can9i9ate in t/e /istory 9epartmentof Ne ork 6ni5ersity? T/e :i++er Picture of t/e Cuban !mbar+o an9 Tra5el :anB? April 2 t/?/ttp88nacla.or+8nes8bi++er$picture$cuban$embar+o$an9$tra5el$ban

Last eek? on t/e e5e of t/e Summit of t/e Americas /el9 in Trini9a9 an9 Toba+o? Presi9ent :arack Mbama announce9 nemeasures to permit unlimite9 Cuban$American tra5el  an9 remittances to t/e islan9. T/ese rela"ations imme9iately set off

 pre9ictions t/at t/e entire tra5el ban oul9 soon be lifte9. An9 in fact? t/ere are bills in bot/ t/e ouse an9 Senate t/at aim to 9o <ust t/at. T/ee"citement o5er t/ese ne possibilities? /oe5er? s/oul9 be tempere9 it/ a note of caution. Alt/ou+/ t/ere /a5e alays

 been important 5oices raise9 in t/e 6nite9 States o5er t/e in<ustice of t/e embar+o? muc/ of t/e pro+ressi5e mobili(ation effort of recent years/as focuse9 on a complete en9 to t/e tra5el ban? 9eman9in+ t/e ri+/t to tra5el for all? not for some.B T/e campai+n /as +enerate9 support partly

 by castin+ t/e embar+o as a 5iolation of 6.S. citi(ensG free9om to tra5el. :ut as full liberali(ation of tra5el no looms? it is clearer t/ane5er t/at a pro+ressi5e opposition to 6.S. Cuba policy nee9s to focus on en9in+ t/e entire embar+o? an9for t/e ri+/t? bi+$picture reasons T/e embar+o 5iolates Cuban so5erei+nty an9 is patently imperialist. Mt/erise?

t/e momentum for 6.S. Cuba policy reform ill be co*opted  by representati5es of t/e tourism?a+ricultural an9 telecommunication in9ustries. T/e ne rela"ations announce9 by Mbama are? of course? mostly positi5e

an9 elcomeE any measures t/at 9iminis/ t/e 9aily /ar9s/ips en9ure9 by Cubans oul9 be. :ut t/ese c/an+es ill also ensure t/at moneyan9 +oo9s sent to Cuba ill +o t/rou+/ pri5ate /an9s an9 family netorks? rat/er t/an alloin+ t/eCuban state to +ui9e t/e 9istribution of t/ose resources. 0/ile t/e socialist +o5ernment /as a 9eci9e9ly mi"e9 recor9 ono5erturnin+ /istoric ineDualities base9 on race an9 class? e ne5ert/eless kno? base9 on /at /appene9 9urin+ t/e Special Perio9? t/at resourcesfunnele9 t/rou+/ pri5ate c/annels +reatly e"acerbate e"istin+ class an9 especially race tensions. MbamaYs reforms ill play out 9ifferently amon+&iamiYs increasin+ly 9i5erse Cuban community. ;ecently emi+rate9? less e9ucate9? 9arker$skinne9 mi+rants ill likely use t/e reforms to /elpimpro5e t/eir familiesY situation back on t/e islan9? primarily at t/e le5el of e5ery9ay purc/ases like foo9? clot/es? an9 /ome repairs. oe5er?

assistance sent by &iamiYs more establis/e9 an9 affluent Cuban$Americans coul9 /elp t/eir relati5es ont/e islan9 acDuire centrally$locate9 property on t/e black market or proffer t/e substantial bribes t/at /a5e increasin+ly become

necessary to secure small business licenses an9 sometimes e5en to obtain plum <obs in t/e tourist sector. T/us? t/e ne measures illnot benefit all Cubans eDually. T/ey ill raise t/e consumption le5els of t/ose it/ family abroa9 an9? less 9irectly? oft/ose employe9 in t/e ser5ice sector in a5ana an9 ot/er tourist 9estinations. :ut t/e embar+o? /ic/ remains firmly in place t/rou+/ t/e 12Cuban Femocracy Act an9 t/e 1- elms$:urton Act? ill still block t/in+s like t/e importation of ba9ly nee9e9 mo9ern farmin+ eDuipmentan9 key infrastructural impro5ements. ,ully en9in+ t/e tra5el ban is necessary an9 9esirable? but 9oin+ so /ile lea5in+ t/e embar+o in place isone ay t/at 0as/in+ton is tryin+ to scuttle a5anaYs ability to +ui9e its on internal affairs. T/e capitalGs yout/ population is alrea9y

 particularly frustrate9 it/ t/e inaccessibility of certain consumer +oo9s an9 t/e 9ifficulties of recei5in+ permission to tra5el abroa9. Ana5alanc/e of iPo9$totin+ 6.S. sprin+$breakers ill only e"acerbate t/is frustration. A 6.S.$in9uce9 tourist boom also stan9s to increase t/e stea9ystream of mi+ration from places like t/e impo5eris/e9 easternmost pro5ince of Mriente toar9 a5ana. T/ese mi+rants alrea9y face 9ifficultyle+ali(in+ t/eir resi9ency in a5ana an9 are often forcibly 9eporte9 back to t/eir place of ori+in. %n eit/er case? tensions it/ t/eir a5ananei+/bors an9 police coul9 +ro. Anyone /o /as spent time in &iami knos t/at :us/Gs 9raconian restrictions? impose9 9urin+ /is campai+nfor reelection in 2##)? ne5er mana+e9 to fully contain 5isits an9 remittances. Countless small outfits sent money t/rou+/ unofficial c/annels an9

 pai9 mulesB to carry +oo9s to t/e islan9. Cuban$Americans fle t/rou+/ t/ir9 countries to 5isit t/eir relati5es an9 frien9s. Suc/ en9ea5ors ere

costly an9 complicate9? but t/ey ere rarely if e5er prosecute9. T/e embar+o /as ne5er been about fully blockin+ allmo5ement of people an9 +oo9s. %nstea9? it /as sou+/t to 9efine /ic/ c/annels are le+itimate. oo9s

9istribute9 t/rou+/ in9i5i9uals? family? c/urc/? an9 t/e rare /umanitarian assistance effort ere 9eeme9 acceptable. !"c/an+es promote9 by political soli9arity mo5ements or formal bilateral tra9e relations ere off limits. %n ot/er or9s? +i5e Cubansc/arity? not soli9arityE +i5e t/em spora9ic ai9? not tra9e. %t /as been clear to 6.S. aut/orities e5er since t/e early 1-#s t/at economic pressure

alone oul9 not topple t/e Cuban +o5ernment. T/e embar+o /as been more about makin+ a lesson out of Cuba?s/oin+ t/e rest of Latin America t/e kin9s of conseDuences t/at oul9 accompany a socialist re5olution.Fespite 0as/in+tonYs r/etoric about usin+ sanctions as le5era+e to promote 9emocracy? t/e embar+o /as alays /arbore9 a cruel subte"t of

 punis/in+ Cubans for supportin+ ,i9el Castro.

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Specifically" liftin$ the terrorism desi$nation %ould open the flood$ates of -S consumerism

and business interests

Patrick ,yan? T/e ill? April 3#? )(1? ,ormer 6.S. 9iplomat Patrick ;yan Time to 9rop Cuba fromterror list?B /ttp88t/e/ill.com8blo+s8+lobal$affairs8+uest$commentary82--4$former$us$9iplomat$patrick$ryan$ H;yan is a 12$year 5eteran of t/e 6.S. ,orei+n Ser5ice /o pre5iously orke9 on Capitol ill.;ecently /a5in+ returne9 after 1) years aay? /e /as a 9e+ree in %nternational Stu9ies from o/nsopkins an9 is currently consultin+ in F.C. on issues t/at /a5e not/in+ to 9o it/ Cuba? t/e embar+o? or potential business interests t/ereI

%ronically? t/ese members of Con+ress support CubansG ability free9om to tra5el to t/e 6nite9 States but not AmericansG free9om to tra5el to Cuba? an9 use t/e

terrorist <ustification for t/is. %f e truly ant to un9ermine t/e Castro re+ime? t/e best ay oul9 be to en9 t/elistin+? inclu9in+ t/e embar+o an9 tra5el ban? an9 floo9 Cuba it/ American 5isitors? as ell as our pro9ucts an99emocratic i9eas. !n9in+ t/e restrictions oul9 also 9emonstrably /elp t/e Cuban people = a state9 aim of t/ese same politicians. %n comparison? most'ietnamese$Americans = /o also lost a ci5il ar to communists? 1- years after t/e Cubans = lon+ a+o accepte9 reality an9 supporte9 t/e 1) normali(ation ofrelations it/ 'ietnam. T/e 6.S. burie9 t/e /atc/et an9 en+a+e9 a country /ose /uman ri+/ts recor9? like CubaGs = an9 C/inaGs = /as been 9isappointin+? an9it/ /om e ere actually in5ol5e9 in a ar t/at took t/e li5es of more t/an *?### Americans. So /y not CubaO T/e fact t/at members of t/e :asDue separatist+roup !TA /a5e retire9 to t/e islan9 it/ t/e blessin+ of t/e Spanis/ +o5ernment? t/at ,A;C members are resi9in+ in Cuba 9urin+ peace talks /oste9 by a5ana an9supporte9 by t/e Colombian +o5ernment an9 t/at 5arious fu+iti5es from American <ustice = none of /om /a5e been accuse9 of terrorism? by t/e ay = /a5e li5e9in e"ile t/ere since t/e 14#s? are simply not cre9ible ar+uments for maintainin+ t/e 9esi+nation. ,rankly? itGs ell past time t/at 6.S. policymakers /a9 t/e coura+e totell t/e most 5ocal &iami e"iles to acknole9+e reality an9 mo5e on? as many of t/em alrea9y /a5e. ,ortunately? t/e youn+er +eneration of Cubans in &iami isnGt as

obsesse9 it/ t/e islan9 as t/eir forebears = an9 Cubans are no lon+er a ma<ority of t/e Latin American population in Sout/ ,lori9a. Presi9ent Mbama

on ,lori9a tice? an9 is in a uniDue position to remo5e Cuba from t/e list of State Sponsors ofTerrorism an9 pus/ Con+ress to en9 t/e embar+o in /is secon9 term. As Cuba continues its spora9ic offs/ore oil e"plorationit/ forei+n partners? inclu9in+ 6.S. allies? it oul9 seem a95anta+eous for it to be a part of t/e process?in or9er to /elp ensure t/ere ill not be anot/er 9isastrous oil spill in t/e ulf of &e"ico? not to mentiont/e economic benefits it oul9 recei5e from increase9 e"ports to t/e islan9. The only %ay to do so is to

take Cuba off the terrorism list

Cuba %ould be pressured to 6oin financial institutions like the .orld 5ank 

cKenna? Professor of Political Science at t/e 6ni5ersity of Prince !9ar9 %slan9? >*1B$13 @Peter?Cuba lan+uis/es on terrorism list for no +oo9 reasonB? /ttp88t/ec/ronicle/eral9.ca8opinion811233*$cuba$lan+uis/es$on$terror$list$for$no$+oo9$reason

:y keepin+ Cuba on t/at list? it pre5ents 9ual$use military tec/nolo+y = /ic/ coul9 inclu9e a95ance9 me9ical eDuipment = from

reac/in+ t/e islan9. %t also compels 0as/in+ton to oppose 5i+orously any loans to Cuba from internationalfinancial institutions like t/e 0orl9 :ank an9 t/e %nter$American Fe5elopment :ank.

The threshold for a link is lo% – e#en small attempts at normali'in$ relations %ould

drastically strain Cuba’s ability to pro#ide crucial social ser#ices

arrett? Senior ,ello for lobal ealt/ at t/e Council on ,orei+n ;elations? )(1( @Laurie?Castrocare in CrisisB? ,orei+n Affairs uly8Au+ust 2#1#?/ttp88terpconnect.um9.e9u8kmcm8Articles8CastrocareV2#inV2#Crisis.p9f

T/e Castro +o5ernment? mean/ile? is in a seemin+ly untenable position. T/e to +reatest ac/ie5ements of t/e Cuban;e5olution $$ 1## percent literacy an9 Duality uni5ersal /ealt/ care $$ 9epen9 on /u+e streams of+o5ernment spen9in+. %f 0as/in+ton 9oes e5entually start to normali(e relations " plu$$in$ 6ust a fe% holes

in t/e embar+o all oul9 reDuire 5ast a99itional spen9in+ by t/e Cuban +o5ernment. T/e +o5ernmentoul9 /a5e to pay /i+/er salaries to teac/ers? 9octors? nurses? an9 tec/niciansE stren+t/en t/e countryYs9eterioratin+ infrastructureE an9 impro5e orkin+ con9itions for common orkers . To bolster its /ealt/$careinfrastructure an9 create incenti5es for Cuban 9octors to stay in t/e system? Cuba ill /a5e to fin9 e"ternal support from 9onors? suc/ as t/e6nite9 Nations an9 t/e 6.S. A+ency for %nternational Fe5elopment. :ut fe sources ill support a5ana it/ fun9in+ as lon+ as t/e re+imerestricts t/e tra5el of its citi(ens.

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3ink </t – Anti*2mperialism

Their anti*imperialist #eneer pro#ides ideolo$ical support for capitalists The history of -S

policy in 3atin America and else%here demonstrates that %e should be skeptical %hen

imperialist po%ers suddenly profess anti*imperialist stances

Petras? professor of sociolo+y at :in+/amton 6ni5ersity? )(11 @ames? %mperialism an9 t/e Anti$%mperialism of t/e ,oolsB? Fec 3#? /ttp88petras.la/aine.or+8Op[1-

T/e imperial +rass rootsB strate+y combines /umanitarian? 9emocratic an9 anti$imperialist r/etoric an9 pai9 an9

traine9 local NMGs? it/ mass me9ia blit(es to mobili(e 0estern public opinion an9 especially  presti+ious leftist moral criticsB be/in9 t/eir poer +rabs. T/e ConseDuence of %mperial Promote9 Anti$%mperialistB &o5ements 0/o 0ins an9 0/o LosesO T/e/istoric recor9 of imperialist promote9 anti$imperialistB an9 pro$9emocracyB +rass roots mo5ementsBis uniformly ne+ati5e. Let us briefly summari(e t/e results. %n C/ile +rass rootsG truck oners strike le9 to t/e brutal

military 9ictators/ip of Au+usto Pinoc/et an9 nearly to 9eca9es of torture? mur9er? <ailin+ an9 force9 e"ile of /un9re9s of t/ousan9s? t/e

imposition of brutal free market policiesB an9 subor9ination to 6S imperial policies. %n summary t/e 6S multi$national coppercorporations an9 t/e C/ilean oli+arc/y ere t/e bi+ inners an9 t/e mass of t/e orkin+ class an9 urban an9 rural poor t/e bi++est losers. T/e

6S backe9 +rass roots uprisin+sB in !astern !urope a+ainst So5iet 9omination? e"c/an+e9 ;ussian for

6S 9ominationE subor9ination to NATM instea9 of t/e 0arsa PactE t/e massi5e transfer of national public enterprises? banks an9 me9ia to0estern multi$nationals. Pri5ati(ation of national enterprises le9 to unprece9ente9 le5els of 9ouble$9i+it unemployment? skyrocketin+ rents an9t/e +rot/ of pensioner po5erty.T/e crises in9uce9 t/e fli+/t of millions of t/e most e9ucate9 an9 skille9 orkers an9 t/e elimination of free

 public /ealt/? /i+/er e9ucation an9 orker 5acation resorts. T/rou+/out t/e no capitalist !astern !urope an9 6SS; /i+/ly or+ani(e9 criminal+an+s 9e5elope9 lar+e scale prostitution an9 9ru+ rin+sE forei+n an9 local +an+ster entrepeneursG sei(e9 lucrati5e public enterprises an9 forme9 ane class of super$ric/ oli+arc/s !lectoral party politicians? local business people an9 professionals linke9 to 0estern partnersG ere t/e socio$economic inners. Pensioners? orkers? collecti5e farmers? t/e unemploye9 yout/ ere t/e bi+ losers alon+ it/ t/e formerly subsi9i(e9 cultural

artists. &ilitary bases in !astern !urope became t/e empireGs first line of military attack of ;ussia an9 t/e tar+et of any counter$attack. %f emeasure t/e conseDuences of t/e s/ift in imperial poer? it is clear t/at t/e !astern !urope countries /a5e become e5en more subser5ient un9er t/e 6S an9 t/e !6 t/an un9er ;ussia. 0estern in9uce9 financial crises /a5e9e5astate9 t/eir economiesE !astern !uropean troops /a5e ser5e9 in more imperial ars un9er NATM t/an un9er So5iet ruleE t/e cultural me9iaare un9er 0estern commercial control.&ost of all? t/e 9e+ree of imperial control o5er all economic sectors far e"cee9s anyt/in+ t/at e"iste9un9er t/e So5iets. T/e !astern !uropean +rass rootsG mo5ement succee9e9 in 9eepenin+ an9 e"ten9in+ t/e 6S !mpireE t/e a95ocates of peace?

social <ustice? national in9epen9ence? a cultural renaissance an9 social elfare it/ 9emocracy ere t/e bi+ losers. 0estern liberals?

 pro+ressi5es an9 leftists /o fell in lo5e it/ imperialist promote9 anti$imperialismB are also bi+ losers.T/eir support for t/e NATM attack on u+osla5ia le9 to t/e break$up of a multi$national state an9 t/ecreation of /u+e NATM military bases an9 a /ite sla5ers para9ise in Koso5a . T/eir blin9 support for t/eimperial promote9 liberationB of !astern !urope 9e5astate9 t/e elfare state? eliminatin+ t/e pressure on 0esternre+imesG nee9 to compete in pro5i9in+ elfare pro5isions. T/e main beneficiaries of 0estern imperial a95ances 5ia +rass rootsG uprisin+s eret/e multi$national corporations? t/e Penta+on an9 t/e ri+/tin+ free market neo$liberals.As t/e entire political spectrum mo5e9 to t/e ri+/t asector of t/e left an9 pro+ressi5es e5entually <umpe9 on t/e ban9a+on. T/e Left moralists lost cre9ibility an9 support? t/eir peace mo5ements9in9le9? t/eir moral critiDuesB lost resonance. T/e left an9 pro+ressi5es /o tail$en9e9 t/e imperial backe9 +rass roots mo5ementsB? /et/erin t/e name of anti$stalinismB? pro$9emocracyB or anti$imperialismB /a5e ne5er en+a+e9 in any critical reflectionE no effort to analy(e t/e

lon+$term ne+ati5e conseDuences of t/eir positions in terms of t/e losses in social elfare? national in9epen9ence or personal 9i+nity. T/elon+ /istory of imperialist manipulation of anti$imperialistB narrati5es /as foun9 5irulent e"pression int/e present 9ay. T/e Ne Col9 0ar launc/e9 by Mbama a+ainst C/ina an9 ;ussia? t/e /ot ar brein+ int/e ulf o5er %ranGs alle+e9 military t/reat? t/e inter5entionist t/reat a+ainst 'ene(uelaGs 9ru+$netorksB?an9 SyriaGs bloo9bat/B are part an9 parcel of t/e use an9 abuse of anti$imperialismB to prop

up a 9eclinin+ empire. opefully? t/e pro+ressi5e an9 leftist riters an9 scribes ill learn from t/ei9eolo+ical pitfalls of t/e past an9 resist t/e temptation to access t/e mass me9ia by pro5i9in+ apro+ressi5e co5erG to imperial 9ubbe9 rebelsB. %t is time to 9istin+uis/ beteen +enuine anti$imperialism an9 pro$9emocracymo5ements an9 t/ose promote9 by 0as/in+ton? NATM an9 t/e mass me9ia.

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3ink – e/ico

2ncreased economic en$a$ement %ith e/ico empirically %reaks neoliberal de#astation

and ine+uality The e/ican elite ha#e and %ill sell out the #ast ma6ority of the country in

the name of -S interest

,e$il" !"ecuti5e Firector of T/e us Semper lobal Alliance? )((> @\l5aro . 9e ;e+il? T/e Neo$Capitalist Assault in &e"ico Femocracy 5is$]$5is t/e lo+ic of t/e marketB Sustainable Economic

 Development  ,ebruary 2##) /ttp88.<ussemper.or+8;esources8!conomicV2#Fata8;esources8Neo$capAssault&e"ico.p9f  

Structural C/an+e Startin+ it/ &i+uel 9e la &a9ri9? t/e P;% +o5ernments cease to be merely oli+arc/ic? an9 t/ey transform more properly into

a+ents of t/e Consensus to impose an9 consoli9ate 6.S. neoliberalism. T/us? it/ t/e 9irect conni5ance of t/e 9omestic poer elite? t/e neo$capitalist assault is for+e9. T/e bet of t/e political elite an9 its tin? t/e business oli+arc/y?continues to be t/e same to make t/emsel5es suitable to 0as/in+tonGs  ne +eopolitical interests? bankin+ to

 benefit its 5ery pri5ate interests on maintainin+ a centre$perip/ery partners/ip /ere t/ey can continue to milk t/e country. Ne5ert/eless? t/ey are

not <ust partners <ointly e"ploitin+ it/ t/e Nort/ t/e natural an9 /uman resources of t/e country. T/ey are no more properlya+ents in c/ar+e of imposin+ t/e economic structures 9ictate9 by t/e metropolisG institutional in5estors for 

 benefit of t/eir multinationals H&NCsI. T/is is a ne Nort/$Sout/ system? absolutely imperialist? t/at makes use ofresources un9er a +lobally$inte+rate9 system t/at cuts across bor9ers an9 inclu9es an9 mar+inalisesresources an9 in/abitants in t/e entire system? accor9in+ to t/e national economic en5ironments +eneratin+ t/e ma"imumefficiencies? /ic/ in turn translates into t/e +reatest possible s/are/ol9er 5alues. %n t/is system? t/e Nort/$Sout/ bor9ers become blurre9? an9t/e a+ents of t/e neo$capitalist assault are bot/ t/e lea9ers of t/e 4 an9 t/ose in t/e perip/ery. oe5er? t/e a+ents in t/e Sout/? 9ue to t/eircon+enital eakness? are left only it/ t/e option of participatin+ in t/e profits? 9epen9in+ on t/eir capacity to +enerate t/e best efficiencies ininfrastructure? in costs of commo9ities an9 of course in /i+/$yiel9 labour? for its e"tremely lo cost an9 its operati5e 9e"terity at t/e in9ustrial

units of t/e &NCs. T/ose offerin+ t/e best natural resources for e"ploitation? t/e best infrastructure an9 fiscalincenti5es an9 t/e best orkers an9 most fle"ible labour le+islation? ill be t/e best bi99ers to attractforei+n capital. T/ose /o buil9 t/e most sublime Farinian et/os ill be t/e inners. T/e aspirations of true 9e5elopment?of eliminatin+ po5erty? of social <ustice? of so5erei+nty? are absolutely fri5olous an9 strictly remain asr/etoric for 9omestic consumption. T/e real t/in+ is t/e sa5a+e competition of t/e business8political oli+arc/ies of t/e countries oft/e Sout/ to attract capital an9 participate in t/e +lobal system of e"ploitation. Kissin+er sai9 at t/e start of t/e +o5ernment of 'icente ,o" t/at

+lobali(ation /as its risks? per/aps 2#V of t/e &e"ican economy ill be able to participate in t/e internationalsystem of multinationals. :ut t/e rest ill continue to be mar+inalise9 an9 it/ no access to income?employment an9 t/e opportunities of +lobalisation. %n t/is ay? t/e ne role of forei+n a+ent of t/e &e"icanelite becomes e5i9ent. ,iscally? t/e role is strictly as monetary re+ulator it/ /i+/ interest to containinflation? 9epress 9eman9 an9 ser5ice t/e forei+n 9ebt by 9eepenin+ t/e oil 9epen9ency of t/e economy.T/e role of balancin+ supply an9 9eman9 is eliminate9? an9 t/ere is e"clusi5e support for e"port supplyE

 prepon9erantly t/e e"port of labour at misery prices t/rou+/ in$bon9 plants? /ic/ only e"port labour? for its local content is barely 2V. At t/esame time? t/e 9ismantlin+ of t/e 0elfare State an9 of pro+rams a+ainst po5erty is initiate9. :eteen 13 an91? t/e minimum a+e falls )V. &o9erate an9 e"treme po5erty increase 33V an9 23V respecti5ely. T/us? t/e poor become t/e ma<ority for

t/e first time in many 9eca9es. T/e +eneral subsi9ies on foo9 are replace9 by focalise9 ai9? anot/er of t/ecomman9ments of neoliberalism? an9 t/e pro+rams on e"treme rural po5erty are eit/er re9uce9 orcompletely eliminate9. Clear re+ressi5e si+ns emer+e? suc/ as t/e increase in t/e inci9ence of infant mortality 9ue to a5itaminosis. T/e

 proportion of 9eat/ cases 9ue to fetal un9er9e5elopment an9 malnutrition boom in absolute terms. Sc/oolin+ in9ices 9rop for t/e first time in

9eca9es. T/e %N% ineDuality in9e" increases from )4 to *3. 1#

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3ink – 9ene'uela

The affirmati#e is nothin$ but a nostal$ic lon$in$ for the $lory days of -S domination of

9ene'uela and 3atin America" a neoliberal fantasy that %ould de#astate 9ene'uelan

popular classes

Petras? professor of sociolo+y at :in+/amton 6ni5ersity? )(1( @ames? 6.S. 'ene(uelan ;elations%mperialism an9 ;e5olutionB? /ttp88la/aine.or+8petras8b2$im+8petras^us5en.p9f

6n9er 6S /e+emony 'ene(uela as a ma<or player in t/e 6S effort to isolate an9 un9ermine t/e Cuban re5olutionary +o 5ernment. 'ene(uelan client re+imes playe9 a ma<orrole in support of t/e successful 6S le9 effort to e"pel Cuba from t/e MASE in 1-1 an9 brokerin+ a 9eal in t/e early 1#Gs to 9isarm t/e +uerillas in !l Sal5a9or an9 uatemala it/out re+ime

or structural c/an+es in e"c/an+e for le+al status of t/e e"combatants. %n s/ort? 'ene(uelan re+imes playe9 a strate+ic role in policin+ t/e  Central

American$Caribbeanre+ion? a supplier of oil an9 as an important re+ional market for 6S e"ports. ,or 'ene(uelat/e benefits of its relations it/ t/e 6S ere /i+/ly skee9 to t/e upper an9 t/e affluent mi99le classes.  

T/ey ere able to import lu"ury +oo9 s it/ lo tariffs an9 in5est in real estate? especially in sout/ ,lori9a. T/e business an9 bankin+ elite ere able toassociateB in <oint 5entures it/ 6S &NC especially in t/e lucrati5e oil? +as? aluminum an9 refinery sectors . 6Smilitary trainin+ missions an9 <oint military e"ercises pro5i9e9 a seemin+ly reliable force to 9efen9 rulin+ class interests an9 repress popular protests an9 re5olts. T/e benefits for t/e popular

classes? mainly 6S consumer imports? ere far outei+/e9 by t /e losses incurre9 t/rou+/ t/e outflo of income in t/e form of royalties? i nterest? profits an9 rents. !5en more

 pre<u9icial ere t/e 6S promote9 neo$liberal policies /ic/ un9ermine9 t/e social safety net? increase9economic 5ulnerability to market 5olatility an9 le9 to a to 9eca9e lon+ crises culminatin+ in a 9ouble9i+it 9ecline in li5in+ stan9ar9s  H14 – 1I. Toar9 Conceptuali(in+ 6S$'ene(uelan ;elations Se5eral key concepts are central to t/e un9erstan9in+ of 6S$'ene(uelan relations in t/e past an9 present C/a5e( era. T/ese inclu9e t/e notion of /e+emonyG in /ic/ t/e i9eas an9 interests of 0as/in+ton are accepte9 an9 internali(e9 by t/e 'ene(uelanrulin+ an9 +o5ernin+ class. e+emony as ne5er effecti5e t/rou+/out 'ene(uelan class an9 ci5il society. Counter/e+emonicB i9eolo+ies an9 9efinitions of socio$economic interests e"iste9 it/5aryin+ 9e+ree of intensity an9 or+ani(ation t/ rou+/out t/e post 1* re5olutionar y perio9. %n t/e 1-#Gs mass mo5ements? +uerilla or+ani(ations an9 sectors of t/e tra9e unions forme9 part of anationalist an9 socialist counter$/e+emonic bloc. 'ene(uelan$6S relations ere not uniform 9espite substantial continuities o 5er time. Fespite close relations an9 economic 9epen9enceespecially 9urin+ t/e 1-#Gs counter$insur+ency perio9? 'ene(uela as one of t/e ori +inal promoters of MP!C? nationali(e9 t/e oil in9ustr y H14-I? oppose9 t/e 6S backe9 Somo(a re+ime an9

0/ite ouse plans to inter5ene to block a San9inista 5ictory Hin 14I. T/e re+ression from nationalist capitalism to 6S sponsore9 neo$liberalism in t/e late 1#Gs an9 1#Gs reflecte9 a perio9 of ma"imum 6S /e+emony? a p/enomena t/at took place

t/rou+/out Latin America in t/e 1#Gs. T/e election an9 re$election of  Presi9ent C/a5e( be+innin+ in 1 t/rou+/ t/e first 9eca9e of t/e ne century marke9 a9ecline of 6S /e+emony in t/e +o5ernin+ an9 popular classes but not amon+ t/e business elite? tra9e union officials HCT'Ian9 sectors of t/e military an9 public sector elite especially in t/e state oil company HPF'SAI. T/e 9ecline in 6S /e+emony as influence9 b y t/e c/an+e in t/e poer confi+uration +o5ernin+'ene(uela? t/e se5ere economic crises in 2### – 2##2? t/e 9emise an9 o5ert/ro of client re+imes in key Latin American countries an9 t/e rise of ra9ical social mo5ements an9 left centerre+imes. Acceleratin+ t/e loss of presence of t/e 6SG an9 policin+G of Latin America? ere t/e ars in t/e &i99le !ast? %raD? Sout/ Asia HAf+/anistan? PakistanI an9 t/e e"pan9in+ economicrole an9 tra9in+ relations beteen Latin America an9 Asia Hmainly C/inaI. T/e commo9ity boom beteen 2##3 – 2## furt/er ero9e9 6S le5era+e 5ia t/e %&, an9 0: an9 en/ance9 t /ecounter/e+emonic policies of t/e center$left re+imes especially in'ene(uela. A key concept toar9 un9erstan9in+ t/e 9ecline of 6S /e+emony o5er 'ene(uela are pi5otal e5entsB. T/is conceptrefers to ma<or political conflicts /ic/ tri++er a reali+nment of inter$state relations an9 c/an+es t/e correlation of 9o mestic socio$political forces. %n our stu9y Presi9entGs :us/Gs launc/ of t/e0ar on TerrorB folloin+ 8118#1 in5ol5in+ t/e i n5asion of Af+/anistan an9 claims to e"tra territorial ri+/ts to pursue an9 assassinate a95ersaries 9ubbe9 terroristsB as re<ecte9 by Presi9entC/a5e( Hyou canGt fi+/t terror it/ terrorBI. T/ese e5ents tri++ere9 far reac/in+ conseDuences in 6S'ene(uelan relations. ;elate9 to t/e abo5e? our conceptuali(ation of 6S$'ene(uelan relationsemp/asi(es t/e /i+/ 9e+ree of inter$action beteen +lobal policies an9 re+ional conflicts. %n operational terms t/e attempt b y 0as/in+ton to impose uni5ersal8+lobal conformity to its ar onterrorism le9 to a 6S backe9 coup? /ic/ in turn fuele9 C/a5e(G policy of e"tra /emisp/eric ali+nments it/ a95ersaries of t/e 0/ite ouse. istorical s/ifts in +lobal economic poer an9 profoun9 c/an+es in t/e internal make$up of t/e 6S economy /a5e necessitate9 a reconceptuali(ation of t/e principal le5ers of t/e 6S empire. %n t/e past 9ollar 9iplomacy? meanin+ t/e 9ominantrole of 6S in9ustry an9 banks? playe9 a ma<or role in imposin+ 6S /e+emony in Latin America? supplemente9 5ia military inter5entions an9 military coups especially in t/e Caribbean an9Central America. %n recent years financial capital ser5icesB /a5e 9isplace9 6S manufacturin+ as t/e 9ri5in+ force an9 military ars an9 inter5ention /a5e o5ers/a9oe9 economic instruments?

especially it/ t/e sur+e of Asian tra9e a+reements it/ Latin America. 0e reconceptuali(e 6S$'ene(uelan relations in li+/t of a9eclinin+ 6S economic an9 risin+ military empire? as a compensatory mec/anism for sustainin+/e+emony especially as a tool for restorin+ client 9omestic elites to poer. T/e relation beteen past imperial successes in securin+/armonious /e+emonic collaboratin+ rulers in t/e 1#Gs an9 t/e p rofoun9 political c/an+es resultin+ from t/e crises of an9 break9on of neo$liberalism? le9 0as/in+ton to totally misrea9 t/e

ne realities. T/e resultin+ policy failures Hfor e"ample Latin AmericaGs re<ection of t/e ,ree Tra9e A+reement of t/e AmericasI an9 isolation an9 9efeat of 6S policy toar9

'ene(uela? Cuba an9 on9uras reflects /at e conceptuali(e as romantic reactionB? a failure of political realism nostal+ia for t/e imperial +ol9en a+eBof /e+emony an9 pilla+e of t/e1#Gs. T/e repeate9 failure by bot/ t/e :us/ an9 Mbama re+ime to reco+ni(e re+ime c/an+es? i9eolo+ical s/ifts an9 t/e ne9e5elopment mo9els an9 tra9e patterns /as lea9 to min9less t/reats an9 9iplomatic incapacity to 9e5elop any ne bri9+es to t/e centrist re+imes in t/e key countries of Sout/ America? especiallytoar9 &ercosur H:ra(il? Ar+entina? 6ru+uay an9 Para+uayI.

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3ink – 3atin American <conomy

Their promise of economic $ro%th is an abstraction that lea#es the 3atin American poor

behind @istory demonstrates that neoliberal $ro%th has been uniformly disastrous

3e%is? Professor of Spanis/ at t/e 6ni5ersity of %oa? )((D @Tom? also a member of t/e e9itorial boar9of t/e %nternational Socialist ;e5ie? Latin America on fireB? %nternational Socialist ;e5ie %ssue ))? No5ember–Fecember 2##*? /ttp88.isre5ie.or+8issues8))8latinamericafire.s/tml

%n fact? no correlation e"ists un9er neoliberalism beteen economic +rot/ an9 social impro5ement. T/e

opposite is true neoliberalism i9ens t/e +ap beteen ric/ an9 poor. Latin AmericaGs economies +re by *. percent in 2##)? but t/e re+ion remains t/e one it/ t/e most uneDual 9istribution of ealt/ on t/e planet.2 ,orty$four percent of Latin Americans li5e in po5erty?

subsistin+ on less t/an W2 per 9ay.3 ,ifty$ei+/t million people li5e in e"treme po5erty on less t/an W1 per 9ay.C/ronic malnutrition pla+ues 1.) percent of Latin American c/il9ren un9er t/e a+e of fi5e.) !5ery 9ay 2?*##c/il9ren 9ie in Latin America as a result of curable 9iseases=an increase of *## per 9ay in recent years. 6rban unemployment across t/econtinent +re from - to percent beteen 1- an9 1? /ile un9eremployment ent from *# percent to *- percent. :y 2##3?unemployment affecte9 13.- million people. At t/e same time? more t/an se5en million c/il9ren a+e9 ten to fourteen ere e"ploite9 in in9ustrialan9 a+ricultural labor. T/irty million yout/ un9er t/e a+e of ei+/teen 9roppe9 out of sc/ool in or9er to ork to /elp t/eir families. !5en t/e 6.S.State Fepartment calculate9 in 2##) t/at Latin American unemployment a5era+e9 1#.4 percent? it/ un9eremployment si+nificantly /i+/er.B*Accor9in+ to t/e %nternational Labor Mr+ani(ationGs Panorama Laboral 2##)? 1.* million orkers lack employment in t/e +reat urban centers of

t/e re+ion.- Neoliberalism t/ros millions of people out of ork  H9onsi(in+I an9 con9emns millions more tot/e /ellis/ orl9 of insecure <obs an9 seats/op con9itions Hfle"ibili(ation an9 informali(ationI.4 Mutsourcin+ an9

to$tier a+e systems lea9 to t/e s/rinkin+ of lar+e factories as ell as to a eakenin+ of class consciousnessan9 /abits of soli9arity. %n many Latin American countries? t/e orkin+ class as a /ole /as suffere9 an e"perience of fra+mentation. T/e prices pai9 by orkers for  suc/ basic necessities suc/ as ater? +as? an9 electricity /a5e soare9 it/neoliberal pri5ati(ation? t/us e"acerbatin+ t/e impo5eris/in+ effects of loer a+es? <ob insecurity? an9 unemployment. Pri5ati(ation

also /urts orkers by causin+ rampant 9ecay in /ealt/? e9ucation? an9 transportation ser5ices? since pri5ati(ation re9uces statere5enue. A /u+e net outflo of 9ebt payment from Latin American nations to forei+n cre9itors results as+o5ernments borro in or9er to try to keep state ser5ices minimally intact. :eteen 1- an9 2##2? 9ebt transfers

from Latin America an9 t/e Caribbean to forei+n capitalists eDuale9 an astonis/in+ W2#- billion.1# Neoliberalism perpetuates an9

9eepens a 5icious circle of imperialist oppression. %&, an9 0orl9 :ank structural a9<ustment pro+ramsB HSAPsIare base9 to9ay on t/e t/eory of comparati5e a95anta+e?B a 9octrine /ic/ states t/at t/e best ay to increase o5erall elfare is for eac/ to

stick to t/e acti5ity at /ic/ it is best? an9 to tra9e it/ ot/ers orkin+ on t/e same principle. @T/e t/eory is freDuently cite9 as a reason /yLatin American countries s/oul9 stick to e"ports base9 on natural resources an9 c/eap labor.B11 SAPs t/us /a5e t/e effect ofcompellin+ Latin American countries to rely primarily on t/e e"port of ra materials or basic commo9ities

Ha+ricultural +oo9s? natural +as? oil? an9 mineralsI as t/e preferre9 ay to create economic +rot/. T/is means t/at Latin Americancapitalists +enerally sell t/eir pro9ucts on t/e international market it/out /a5in+ a99e9 muc/? if any? 5alue He.+.? t/ey sell unrefine9 oil an9 +as

as oppose9 to refine9 oil an9 +asI. Neoliberal t/eory tells t/em t/at profits from e"portin+ suc/ basic +oo9s aresufficient to /elp Latin America to continue to mo9erni(e.

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3ink – Sin$le 2ssue ocus

The affirmati#e is only attackin$ the symptom of capital dispossession .e must refuse the

call for easy reform and dedicate oursel#es to the real task of anti*capitalist mo#ement


Patrick ,einsborou$h )(( H/as been in5ol5e9 in campai+ns for peace? t/e en5ironment? an9 social <ustice for o5er tenty years. eco$foun9e9 t/e smart&eme strate+y Z trainin+ pro<ect in 2##2 an9 it/ /is collea+ue /as traine9 o5er 3?### or+ani(ers an9 partnere9 it/ o5er1## /i+/ impact or+ani(ations to frame issues? stren+t/en alliances an9 in critical campai+ns. Patrick as pre5iously t/e Mr+ani(in+ Firectorof t/e ;ainforest Action Netork /ere /e mobili(e9 t/ousan9s of people to confront corporations /o 9estroy t/e en5ironment an9 5iolate/uman ri+/ts. PatrickYs ork /as incorporate9 a ran+e of creati5e tactics inclu9in+ bran9 bustin+? cross$cultural alliance buil9in+? marketscampai+nin+ an9 non5iolent 9irect action. F!$CMLMN%R%N T! ;!'ML6T%MNA; %&A%NAT%MN ournal of aest/etics an9 politicsAu+ust 2##3 5olume 1? issue 2 /ttp88.<oaap.or+8189e^coloni(in+8in9e"./tmlI

Mur planet is /ea9in+ into an unprece9ente9 +lobal crisis. T/e blatancy of t/e corporate poer +rab an9 t/e acceleratin+ ecolo+ical

melt9on is e5i9ence t/at e 9o not li5e in an era /ere e can affor9 t/e lu"ury of fi+/tin+ t/e symptoms . As is oftennote9? crisis pro5i9es bot/ 9an+er an9 opportunity. T/e e"tent t/at t/ese to opposin+ Dualities 9efine our era ill be lar+ely base9 on t/e appeal an9 brea9t/ of t/esocial mo5ements /ic/ arise to a99ress t/e crisis. T/is essay is part of my on stru++le to e"plore a politics t/at is commensurate it/ t/e scale of t/e +lobal cri sis.%n part it as inspire9 by a profoun9 strate+y insi+/t % recei5e9 /ile atc/in+ a circlin+ bir9 of prey. T/e raptor seeme9 to spen9 /ours calmly 9riftin+ on t/e bree(es? aitin+ an9 atc/in+? t/en su99enly ma9e a li+/tnin+ Duick 9i5e to sei(e its prey. a9 % only itnesse9 t/e raptorGs final plun+e? % mi+/t not /a5e reali(in+t/at it took /ours of patient sur5eillance for t/e raptor to be in t/e ri+/t place to make a seemin+ly effortless kill. % as struck by /at a clear metap/or t/e raptorGscirclin+ time is for /at our mo5ements nee9 to 9o in or9er to be successful. Social c/an+e is not <ust t/e bir9 of preyGs su99en plun+e=t/e flurry of 9irect

confrontation $ but rat/er t/e /ole process of ci rclin+? atc/in+? an9 preparin+. Analysis is t/e most import tool in t/e social c/an+etoolbo". %t is t/is process of analysis= t/e ork to fin9 t/e points of inter5ention an9 le5era+e in t/esystem e are orkin+ to transform= t/at su++ests /y? /ere an9 /o to use t/e ot/er tools. &any ofus are impatient in our 9esire for c/an+e an9 particularly? t/ose of us from pri5ile+e9 back+roun9s? areoften times unsc/oole9 in t/e realities of lon+$term stru++le. % often recall t/e :u99/ist sayin+ T/e task before us is 5ery ur+ent soe must slo 9on.B T/is essay is my effort as an or+ani(er /o /as been 9eeply in5ol5e9 in a number of recent +lobal <ustice mass actions? to slo 9onB a bit an9e"plore some ne analytical tools. &y /ope is t/at t/is essay ill incite 9eeper con5ersations about strate+ies for buil9in+ mo5ements it/ t/e inclusi5eness?creati5ity an9 9ept/ of 5ision necessary to mo5e toar9s a more <ust an9 sane orl9. To 9o so? letGs be+in by askin+ /y arenGt more +lobal nort/ mo5ements comin+forar9 it/ systemic critiDuesO 0/y 9espite t/e increasin+ly ob5ious nature of t/e crisis? isnGt t/ere more 5isible resistance to t/e corporate take o5er of t/e +lobal political system? economy an9 cultureO T/e anser to t/is Duestion lies in our e"ploration of /o pat/olo+ical 5alues /a5e s/ape9 not only t/e +lobal system but also

our ability to ima+ine true c/an+e. T/e system e are fi+/tin+ is not merely structural itGs also insi9e us? t/rou+/ t/einternali(ation of oppressi5e cultural norms /ic/ 9efine our orl95ie. Mur min9s /a5e been coloni(e9to normali(e 9eeply pat/olo+ical assumptions. T/us often times our on sense of self$9efeatism becomes complicit it/ t/e anest/etic

Dualities of a cynical mass me9ia to make fun9amental social c/an+e unima+inable. As a conseDuence acti5ists freDuently +/ettoi(e t/emsel5es by self$i9entifyin+ t/rou+/ protest an9 failin+ to concei5e of t/emsel5es as buil9in+ mo5ements t/at canactually c/an+e poer relations. All too often e pro<ect our on sense of poerlessness by mistakin+militancy for ra9icalism an9 mobili(ation for mo5ement buil9in+. %t seems /i+/ly unlikely to me t/atcapitalism ill be smas/e9 one i9o at a time. Likeise +ettin+ tens of t/ousan9s of people to take <oint action is not an en9 in itself?rat/er only t/e first step in cataly(in+ 9eeper s/ifts in 0estern culture. Mur re5olutionHsI ill really start rollin+ /en t/e lo+ic of our actions an9 t/e appeal of our9isobe9ience is so clear t/at it can easily replicate an9 sprea9 far beyon9 t/e limitin+ 9efinition of protesterB or acti5istB. To 9o so? our mo5ements for <ustice?ecolo+y an9 9emocracy must 9eepen t/eir messa+e by more effecti5ely articulatin+ t/e 5alues crisis un9erlyin+ t/e corporate system. 0e must lay claim to life$affirmin+? common sense 5alues an9 e"pose one of t/e most blatant re5olutionary trut/s of t/e mo9ern era t/e corporate rule system roote9 in sacrificin+ /uman

9i+nity an9 planetary /ealt/ for elite profit is out of ali+nment it/ an increasin+ number of peopleGs basic 5alues. T/is is t/e 9omain of post$issueacti5ism= t/e reco+nition t/at t/e roots of t/e emer+in+ crisis lie in t/e fun9amental flas of t/e mo9ernor9er an9 t/at our mo5ements for c/an+e nee9 to talk about re$9esi+nin+ t/e /ole +lobal system= no.Post$issue acti5ism is a 9ramatic 9i5er+ence from t/e slo pro+ression of sin+le$issue politics? narroconstituencies an9 ban9$ai9 solutions. Tra9itional sin+le$issue politics? 9espite noble an9 pra+matic +oals? is not <ust a strate+ic an9 +ra9ualist

 pat/ to t/e same +oal of +lobal transformation. ;at/er t/e frameork of issue$base9 stru++le nee9s to affirm t/e e"istin+system in or9er to in concessions an9 t/us in/ibits t/e e5olution of more systemic mo5ements. Toooften e spen9 our time campai+nin+ a+ainst t/e smoke rat/er t/an clearly alertin+ people to t/e fact t/att/eir /ouse is on fire. Post$issue acti5ism is t/e stru++le to a99ress t/e /olistic nature of t/e crisis an9 it9eman9s ne frameorks? ne alliances an9 ne strate+ies . 0e must fin9 ays to articulate t/e connections beteen all t/eissuesB by re5ealin+ t/e pat/olo+ical nature of t/e corporate take o5er. To 9o so e must rise to t/e c/allen+e of +oin+ beyon9 Hrat/er t/an aban9onin+I sin+le$issue politics. 0e /a5e to learn to talk about 5alues? 9eepen our analysis it/out sacrificin+ accessibility an9 9irect more social c/an+e resources into creatin+ politicalspace for a truly transformati5e arena of social c/an+e. To e"plore 9e$coloni(in+ t/e re5olutionary ima+ination? e must reference t/e /istory of coloni(ation. T/eor9 colonialism comes from coloniaB a Latin or9 for rural farmstea9. 0/en t/e armies of t/e ;oman empire conDuere9 t/e peoples of !urope t/ey sei(e9 t/e lan9an9 create9 colonias to control t/e territory. A t/ousan9 years later !urope came to be controlle9 by lea9ers /o ent on to mimic t/is cruelty? an9 force 0esternci5ili(ation HQa 9isease /istorically sprea9 by s/arp sor9sQ1 I upon t/e rest of t/e orl9. Colonialism is not <ust a process of establis/in+ p/ysical control o5er

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territory? it is t/e process of establis/in+ t/e i9eolo+ies an9 t/e i9entities $ colonies in t/e min9 $ t/at perpetuate control. Central to t/is process /as been t/emanufacture of attitu9es of racism? nationalism? patriarc/al man/oo9? an9 t/e 9i5ision of society into economic classes. %f e are to take seriously 9e$coloni(in+ t/ere5olutionary ima+ination t/en e must e"amine /o t/ese attitu9es? s/ape t/e ay e concei5e of social c/an+e. Likeise e must remember t/at analysis iss/ape9 by e"perience an9 t/at t/ose /o suffer 9irectly as tar+ets of t/ese manufacture9 attitu9es of oppression often li5e t/e e"periences /ic/ create clear analysis.

!ffecti5e re5olutions listen. %n facin+ t/e +lobal crisis? t/e most poerful eapon t/at e /a5e is our ima+inations. :ut first e must liberate oursel5esfrom t/e conceptual limitations e place on social c/an+e. As e e"pan9 t/e realm of t/e possible es/ape t/e 9irection of t/e probable. T/is means 9irectly confrontin+ t/e myt/s an9 assumptions t/at make

a better orl9 seem unattainable. To t/at en9 t/is essay en9ea5ors to e"plore some tools to /elp us uns/ackle our ima+inations an9 9eepen t/emomentum of t/e +lobal <ustice mo5ements into a political space to fun9amentally re$9esi+n t/e +lobal system.

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2mpact – <thics

Eou ha#e an ethical obli$ation to re6ect neoliberalism -tilitarian rationality cannot

account for the de$raded life chances of billions because capital makes its #ictims


!aly )((> lyn. Lecturer in %nternational Stu9ies at t/e 6ni5ersity Colle+e Nort/ampton. Con5ersations it/ _i`ek. 1)$1

,or _i`ek it is imperati5e t/at e cut t/rou+/ t/is or9ian knot of postmo9ern protocol an9 reco+ni(e t/at our et/ico$ political responsibility is to confront t/e constituti5e 5iolence of to9ayYs +lobal capitalism an9 its obscenenaturali(ation8anonymi(ation of t/e millions /o are sub<u+ate9 by it t/rou+/out t/e orl9 . A+ainst t/e stan9ar9i(e9

 positions of postmo9ern culture $ it/ all its pieties concernin+ YmulticulturalistY etiDuette $ _i`ek is ar+uin+ for a politics t/at  mi+/t be calle9 Yra9ically incorrectY in t/e sense t/at it  breaksit/ t/ese types of positions an9 focuses  instea9 on t/e 5ery or+ani(in+ principles of to9ayYs social reality t/e principles of +lobal liberal capitalism. T/is reDuires some care an9subtlety. ,or too lon+? &ar"ism /as been be9e5ille9 by an almost fetis/istic economism t/at /as ten9e9 toar9s political morbi9ity. 0it/ t/e likes of ilfer9in+ an9 ramsci? an9 more recentlyLaclau an9 &ouffe? crucial t/eoretical a95ances /a5e been ma9e t/at enable t/e trascen9ence of all forms of economism. %n t/is ne conte"t? /oe5er? _i`ek ar+ues t/at t/e problem t/at no presents itself is almost t/at of t/e opposite fetis/. T/at is to say? t/e pro/ibiti5e an"ieties surroun9in+ t/e taboo of economism can function as a ay of not en+a+in+ it/ t/e economic realityan9 as a ay of implicitly acceptin+ t/e latter as a basic /ori(on of e"istence. %n an ironic ,reu9ian$Lacanian tist? t/e fear of economism can en9 up reinforcin+ a 9e facto economic necessity inrespect of contemporary capitalism Hi.e. t/e initial pro/ibitio n con<ures up t/e 5ery t/in + it fearsI. T/is is not t o en9orse any retro+ra9e return to economism. _i`ekYs point is rat/er t/at inre<ectin+ economism e s/oul9 not lose si+/t of t/e systemic poer of capital in s/apin+ t/e li5es an9 9estinies of /umanity an9 our 5ery sense of t/e possible. %n particular? e s/oul9 noto5erlook &ar"Ys central insi+/t t/at in or9er to create a uni5ersal +lobal system t/e forces of capitalism seek to conceal t/e politico$9iscursi5e 5iolence of its constructiont/rou+/ a kin9 of +entrification of t/at system. 0/at is persistently 9enie9 by neo$liberals suc/ as ;orty H1I an9 ,ukuyama H12I is t/at t/e +entrification of +lobal liberal

capitalism is one /ose Yuni5ersalismY fun9amentally repro9uces an9 9epen9s upon a 9isa5oe9 5iolence

t/at e"clu9es 5ast sectors of t/e orl9Ys population. %n t/is ay? neo$liberal i9eolo+y attempts tonaturali(e capitalism by presentin+ its outcomes of innin+ an9 losin+ as if t/ey ere simply a matter ofc/ance an9 soun9 <u9+ement in a neutral marketplace. Capitalism 9oes in9ee9 create a space for a certain 9i5ersity? at least for t/e central capitalist

re+ions? but it is neit/er neutral nor i9eal an9 its pri ce in terms of social e"clusion is e"orbitant. T/at is to say? t/e /uman cost in terms of in/erent +lobal po5erty an9 9e+ra9e9 Ylife$c/ancesY cannot be calculated  it/in t/e e"istin+ economic rationale an9? in

conseDuence? social e"clusion remains mystifie9 an9 nameless  H5i(. t/e patroni(in+ reference to t/e 9e5elopin+ orl9I. An9 _i`ekYs point is t/at t/ismystification is ma+nifie9 t/rou+/ capitalismYs profoun9 capacity to in+est its on e"cesses an9ne+ati5ityE to re9irect Hor mis9irectI social anta+onisms an9 to absorb t/em it/in a culture of 9ifferentialaffirmation. %nstea9 of :ols/e5ism? t/e ten9ency of to9ay is toar9s a kin9 of political boutiDuism t/at is rea9ily sustaine9 by postmo9ern forms of consumerism an9 lifestyle. A+ainst

t/is _i`ek ar+ues for a ne uni5ersalism /ose primary et/ical 9irecti5e is to confront t/e fact t/at ourforms of social e"istence are foun9e9 on e"clusion on a +lobal scale. 0/ile it is perfectly true t/at uni5ersalism can ne5er become6ni5ersal Hit ill alays reDuire a /e+emonic$particular embo9iment in or9er to /a5e any meanin+I? /at is no 5el about _i`ekYs uni5ersalism is t/at it oul9 not attempt to conceal t/is fact or to

re9uce t/e status of t/e ab<ect Mt/er to t/at of a Y+litc/Y in an ot/erise soun9 matri". T/e response of t/e left to +lobal capitalism cannot be oneof retreat into t/e nation$state or into or+anicist forms of communityG an9 popular i9entities  t/at currently aboun9 in

!urope an9 else/ere. ,or _i`ek it is? rat/er? a Duestion of orkin+ it/ t/e 5ery e"cesses t/at ? in a Lacanian sense? are in capitalism more t/an capitalism. %t is a Duestion?t/erefore? of transcen9in+ t/e pro5incial uni5ersalismG of capitalism. To illustrate t/e point? _i`ek 9ras attention to t/e cate+ory of intellectual propertyG an9 t/e increasin+ly absur9attempts to establis/ restricti5e 9ominion o5er tec/nolo+ical a95ance – +enetic co9es? FNA structures? 9i+ital communications? p/armaceutical breakt/rou+/s? computer pro+rams an9 so on –t/at eit/er affect us all an98or to /ic/ t/ere is a sense of common /uman entitlement. %n9ee9? t/e mo9ern con<uncture of capitalism is more an9 more c/aracteri(e9 by a pro/ibiti5e culture t/e i9esprea9 repression of t/ose forms of researc/ an9 9e5elopment t/at /a5e real emancipatory potential beyon9 e"clusi5e profiteerin+E t/erestriction of information t/at /as 9irect conseDuences for t/e future of /umanityE t/e fun9amental 9enial t/at social eDuality coul9 be sustaine9 by t/e abun9ance+enerate9 by capitalism. Capitalism typically en9ea5ours to constrain t/e 5ery 9imensions of t/e uni5ersal t/at are enable9 by it an9 simultaneously to resist all t/ose 9e5elopments t/at9isclose its specificity$artificially as merely one po ssible mo9e of bein+. T/e left? t/erefore? must seek t o sub5ert t/ese un+o5ernable e"cesses in t/e 9 irection of a political an9 politici (in+uni5ersalismE or /at :alibar oul9 call +alibert. T/is means t/at t/e left s/oul9 9eman9 more +lobali(ation not less. 0/ere neo$liberals speak t/e lan+ua+e of free9om – eit/er in terms ofin9i5i9ual liberty or t/e free mo5ement of +oo9s an9 capital – t/e left s/o ul9 use t/is lan+ua+e to combat to9ayGs racist obsessions it/ economic refu+eesG? immi+rantsG an9 so on? an9 insistt/at free9oms are meanin+less it/out t/e social resources to participate in t/ose free9oms. 0/ere t/ere is talk of uni5ersal ri+/ts? t/e left must affirm a responsibility to t/e uni5ersal? one t/atemp/asi(es real /uman soli9arity an9 9oes not l ose si+/t of t/e ab<ect it/in 9ifferential 9iscourses. ;e5ersin+ t/e ell$knon en5ironmentalistsG slo+an? e must say t/at t/e left /as toin5ol5e itself in t/inkin+ locally an9 actin+ +lobally. T/at is to say? it s/oul9 atten9 to t/e specificity of to9ayGs political i9entities it/in t/e conte"t of t/eir +lobalHcapitalistI con9itions of possibility precisely in or9er to c/allen+e t/ose con9itions . et /ere % oul9 5enture t/at? 9espite clearly state9 9ifferences H:utler et al.? 2###I? t/e pol itical perspecti5e of _i`ek is not necessarily oppose9 to t/at of Laclau an9 &ouffe an9 t/at a combine9 approac/ is fully possible. 0/ile _i`ek is ri+/t to stress t/e susceptibility of to9ayGs alternati5eGforms of /e+emonic en+a+ement to 9era9icali(ation it/in a postmo9ern$p.c. ima+inary – a kin9 of /e+emoni(ation of t/e 5ery terrain Ht/e politico$cultural con9itions of possibilityI t/at pro9uces an9 pre9isposes t/e contemporary lo+ics of /e+emony – it is eDually true to say t/at t/e type of political c/allen+e t/at _i`ek /as in min9 is one t/at can only a95ance t/rou+/ t/e typeof /e+emonic sub5ersion t/at Laclau an9 &ouffe /a5e consistently stresse9 in t/eir ork. T/e 5ery possibil ity of a political uni5ersalism is one t/at 9epen9s on a certain /e+emonic breakin+ out

of t/e e"istin+ con5entions8+rammar of /e+emonic en+a+ement. %t is alon+ t/ese lines t/at _i`ek affirms t/e nee9 for a more ra9ical inter5ention in t/e political ima+ination. T/e mo9ernH&ac/ia5ellianI 5ie of politics is presente9 in terms of a basic tension beteen Hpotentiall yI unlimite9 9eman9s8appetites an9 limite9 resourcesE a 5ie /ic/ is implicit in t/e pre9ominant risk societyG perspecti5e /ere t/e central Halmost abermasianI concern is it/ more an9 better scientific information. T/e political trut/ of to9ayGs orl9? /oe5er? is t/e opposite of t/is 5ie. T/at

is to say? t/e 9eman9s of t/e official left Hespecially t/e 5arious incarnations of t/e T/ir9 0ay leftI ten9 to articulate e"tremely mo9est9eman9s in t/e face of a 5irtually unlimite9 capitalism t/at is more t/an capable of pro5i9in+ e5ery person on t/is planet it/ a ci5ili(e9 stan9ar9 of li5in+. ,or _i`ek? a confrontation it/ t/e obscenities ofabun9ance capitalism also reDuires a transformation of t/e et/ico$political ima+ination. %t is no lon+er aDuestion of 9e5elopin+ et/ical +ui9elines it/in t/e e"istin+ political frameork  Ht/e 5arious institutional an9 corporateet/ical committeesGI but of 9e5elopin+ a politici(ation o f et/icsE an et/ics of t/e ;eal. T/e startin+ point /ere is an insistence on t/e uncon9itional autonomy of t/e sub<ectE of acceptin+ t/at as/uman bein+s e are ultimately responsible for our actions an9 bein+$in$t/e$orl9 up to an9 inclu9in+ t/e constructions of t/e capitalist system itself. ,ar from simple norm$breakin+ or

refinin+8reinforcin+ e"istin+ social protocol? an et/ics of t/e ;eal ten9s to emer+e t/rou+/ norm$breakin+ an9 in fin9in+ ne

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9irections t/at? by 9efinition? in5ol5e traumatic c/an+es i.e. t/e ;eal in +enuine et/ical c/allen+e. An et/ics of t/e ;eal 9oes not simply 9efer to t/e

impossible Hor infinite Mt/ernessI as an unsurpassable /ori(on t/at alrea9y marks e5ery act as a failure? incomplete an9 so on. ;at/er? suc/ an et/ics is one t/at fully accepts contin+ency but

/ic/ is nonet/eless prepare9 to risk t/e impossible in t/e sense of breakin+ out of stan9ar9i(e9 positions. 0e mi+/t say t/at it i s an et/ics /ic/ is not only politically moti5ate9 but /ic/ also 9ras its stren+t/ from t/e political itself. ,or _i`ek an et/ics of t/e ;eal Hor ;eal et/icsI means t/at e cannot rely on any form of symbolic Mt/er t/atoul9 en9orse our HinI9ecisions an9 HinIactions for e"ample? t/e neutralG financial 9ata of t/e stockmarketsE t/e e"pert knole9+e of :eckGs ne mo9ernityG scientists? t/e economic an9military councils of t/e Ne 0orl9 Mr9erE t/e 5arious Hformal an9 informalI tribunals of political correctnessE or any of t/e m ysterious las of o9? nature or t/e market. 0/at _i`ek affirms is a

ra9ical culture of et/ical i9entification for t/e l eft in /ic/ t/e alternati5e forms of militancy must first of all be militant it/ t/emsel5es .

T/at is to say? t/ey must be militant in t/e fun9amental et/ical sense of not relyin+ on any e"ternal8/i+/eraut/ority an9 in t/e 9e 5elopment of a political ima+ination t/at? like _i`ekGs on t/ou+/t? e"/orts us to risk t/eimpossible.

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2mpact – Nuclear .ar

Capitalism results in a ne#er*endin$ %ar on the poor and inter*state competitionFimpact

is nuclear annihilation

Callinicos )((> Ale"? Firector of t/e Centre for !uropean Stu9ies at Kin+Gs Colle+e? T/e ;e5olutionary %9eas of Karl &ar"? 2##) p+.1-$14

Capitalism /as not c/an+e9 its spots. %t is still base9 on t/e e"ploitation of t/e orkin+ class? an9 liable to constant crises. T/e conclusion t/at

&ar" 9re from t/is analysis? t/at t/e orkin+ class must o5ert/ro t/e system an9 replace it it/ a classlesssociety? is e5en more ur+ent no t/an in /is 9ay. ,or t/e military ri5alries /ic/ are t/e form increasin+ly assume9 bycompetition beteen capitals no t/reaten t/e 5ery sur5i5al of t/e planet. As &ar"Gs centenary approac/e9? t/e fires ofar flickere9 across t/e +lobe=in Lebanon? %ran an9 %raD? Kampuc/ea? sout/ern Africa? t/e orn ofAfrica? Af+/anistan an9 t/e Sout/ Atlantic. T/e accumulation of 5ast armouries of nuclear 9estruction byt/e superpoers? missilerattlin+ in t/e Kremlin? talk of limite9G an9 protracte9G nuclear ar in 0as/in+ton=t/ese cast a s/a9oo5er t/e /ole of /umanity. Socialist re5olution is an imperati5e if e are to c/an+e a orl9 in t/e +rip ofeconomic 9epression an9 ar fe5er? a orl9 /ere 3# million rot on 0estern 9ole Dueues an9 ## million+o /un+ry in t/e T/ir9 0orl9. To t/at e"tent? &ar"Gs i9eas are more rele5ant to9ay t/an t/ey ere 1## years a+o. Capitalism /as

ti+/tene9 its +rip of iron on e5ery portion of t/e planet since 13? an9 is rotten$ripe for 9estruction? /et/er at its on /an9st/rou+/ nuclear ar? or at t/e /an9s of t/e orkin+ class. T/e c/oice is beteen orkersG poer or t/e common ruinationof t/e conten9in+ classesG=beteen socialism or barbarism. &any people /o +enuinely is/ to 9o somet/in+ to reme9y t/e present state of t/eorl9 belie5e t/at t/is stress on t/e orkin+ class is muc/ too narro. T/e e"istence of nuclear eapons t/reatens e5eryone? /et/er orkers orcapitalists or /ate5er. S/oul9 not all classes be in5ol5e9 in reme9yin+ a problem /ic/ affects t/em allO 0/at t/is i+nores is t/at /at !9ar9

T/ompson /as calle9 e"terminismG= t/e 5ast an9 competin+ military apparatuses /ic/ control t/e arms race=isan essential part of t/e orkin+ of capitalism to9ay. No sane capitalist 9esires a nuclear ar  Halt/ou+/ some

insane ones /o belie5e t/at suc/ a ar oul9 be t/e prelu9e to t/e Secon9 Comin+ no /ol9 positions of influence in 0as/in+tonI. :utsane or insane? e5ery capitalist is part of an economic system /ic/ is boun9 up it/ military competition beteen nation$states. Mnly a class it/ t/e interest an9 poer to 9o aay it/ capitalism can /alt t/e marc/ to Arma+e99on. &ar"alays concei5e9 of t/e orkin+ class as t/e class /ose on self$emancipation oul9 also be t/e liberation of t/e rest of /umanity. T/esocialist re5olution to /ose cause /e 9e5ote9 /is life can only be? at one an9 t/e same time? t/e emancipation of t/e orkin+ class an9 t/eliberation of all t/e oppresse9 an9 e"ploite9 sections of society. T/ose /o accept t/e trut/ of &ar"Gs 5ies cannot rest content it/ a mereintellectual commitment. T/ere are all too many of t/is sort aroun9? &ar"ists content to li5e off t/e intellectual cre9it of Capital? as Trotsky

9escribe9 t/em. 0e cannot simply obser5e t/e orl9 but must t/ro oursel5es? as &ar" 9i9? into t/e practical task of buil9in+ a re5olutionary party ami9 t/e life an9 stru++les of t/e orkin+ class. T/e p/ilosop/ers /a5e interprete9 t/e orl9?G rote &ar"? t/e point? /oe5er? is toc/an+e it.G %f &ar"ism is correct? t/en e must act on it.

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2mpact – .ar on Terror

The .ar on Terror is only the latest item on the neoliberal a$enda to +uash labor solidarity

3afer 8> @eor+e? political economist an9 is an Associate Professor at t/e 6ni5ersity of Mre+onYs Labor !9ucation an9 ;esearc/ Center?Neoliberalism by ot/er means t/e ar on terrorB at /ome an9 abroa9B? Ne Political Science 'olume 2-? %ssue 3? 2##)

%f t/e ar in %raD is really about somet/in+ ot/er t/an eapons? /at is t/e 9omestic ar on terrorB aboutO At first +lance? t/e ar at /ome appears to be more strai+/tforar9 a+enuine if /ea5y‐/an9e9 effort to pre5ent a repeat of anyt/in+ like t/e attacks of September 11? 2##1. :ut /ere too? t /e a9ministrationYs actions point to moti5es t/at are mi"e9 at best. Mn t/e one/an9? +enuine security measures are often treate9 it/ a surprisin+ 9e+ree of la"ity. 0/istlebloers it/in t/e fe9eral intelli+ence community complain t/at problems i9entifie9 to years a+o/a5e remaine9 unresol5e9. T/e multicolore9 national security alerts /a5e pro9uce9 + reat public 9rama but? as far as t/e pu blic /as been tol9? /a5e ne5er /a9 any relations/ip to ma<or terroristattacks eit/er committe9 or 9eterre9. Critical nee9s suc/ as preparin+ t/e public /ealt/ system to cope it/ potential bioterrorist attacks? or support in+ t/e anti ‐terrorism ork of state an9 local police? /a5e +one unfun9e9 as t/e monies ere 9i5erte9 to ta" cuts.3) At t/e same time? a i9e ran+e of initiati5es apparently unrelate9 to anyt/in+ to 9o it/ terrorism=inclu9in+ t/e ta" cuts?fast trackB aut/ority? an9 9eunioni(ation of fe9eral <obs? /a5e all been a95ance9 as critical components of t/e ar on terror.3* % assume t/at t/e +o5ernment is +enuinely intereste9 in pre5entin+terrorism. Ne5ert/eless? t/ese facts su++est t/at t/e a9ministrationYs a+en9a is more comple"? an9 muc/ more ambitious t/an simply t/at of protectin+ t/e population from future attacks. An9/ile any one of t/ese items may be 5iee9 as an in9i5i9ual case of cronyism or opportunism? t/e broa9er pattern points t o t/e nee9 for a 9eeper t/eory of /at is 9ri5in+ t/e re+imeYs 9omestic

a+en9a. % belie5e t/at t/e 9omestic a+en9a? too? can only  be un9erstoo9 in t/e conte"t of neoliberal +lobali(ation. Mne of t/e a"ioms of+lobali(ation is t/at capital accumulation /as become 9isconnecte9 from t/e nation ‐state. :efore +lobal cityB became t/e mantra of C/amber of Commerce boosters e5ery/ere? it as+eo+rap/er Saskia SassenYs term for t/e locales t/at are /ome to t/e a9ministrati5e /ea9Duarters of far ‐flun+ corporate empires.3- As corporate pro9uction? 9istribution an9 ser5ices /a5e +roninto comple"? orl9i9e netorks? t/ose at t/e top nee9 e5er +reater capacity at central /ea9Duarters in or9er to coor9inate t/ese +lobal empires. A /an9ful of cities /a5e come to ser5e as t /ecentral /ubs of financial? le+al? accountin+? marketin+ an9 telecommunications functions for +lobal capital. T/ese cities are +lobalB because t/eir 9ominant in9ustries participate in an economyt/at is increasin+ly 9isconnecte9 from t/e fortunes of any particular nation. T/e functional collea+ues of Ne ork layers an9 stockbrokers are Lon9on layers an9 brokers. :y contrast? bot//a5e increasin+ly little economic connection to no rmal manufacturin+ an9 ser5ice orkers. T/e latter are stuck in a parallel economy t/at? /ile s/arin+ t/e same p/ysical an9 political space? /asno means of participatin+ in t/e +roin+ fortunes of corporate empires. %t may ne5er /a5e been true t/at /at as +oo9 for & as +oo9 for America? but o5er t/e past 2# years t/e connection

 beteen t/e success of AmericanB companies an9 t/e prosperity of Americans /as +ron t/rea9bare. T/is 9enationali(e9 economy /as pro9uce9

increase9 ineDuality bot/ it/in t/e 6nite9 States an9 aroun9 t/e orl9. :ut it /as also rearran+e9 t/e +eo+rap/y of ineDuality. 0/encapital accumulation as nationally base9? t/e corporate titans of one country battle9 t/ose of anot/er for market 9omination? an9 9e5elope9 nations e"ploite9 t/e un9e5elope9 for ra materialsan9 capti5e customers. %n t/is orl9 or9er? it ma9e sense to t/ink in terms of ric/ countriesB an9 poor countries.B :ecause e in/abit a orl9 t/at is still lar+ely a pro9uct of t/is pre5ious

system? t/ere is still plenty of trut/ to t/ese cate+ories. :ut t/e lo+ic of neoliberal +lobali(ation is clearly pullin+ in a 9ifferent 9irection. T/e corollary to +lobal citiesBmust be somet/in+ like +lobal astelan9s.B %n t/e future? t/e 9istribution of ealt/ an9 po5erty ill not map onto t/e bor9ers of nation‐states. 0/at 9oes all

t/is mean for t/e 6nite9 StatesO Simply put? if e continue to follo t/e lo+ic of capitalist +lobali(ation? t/e fate of most Americans is to become muc/ poorer ? until e balance out at t/e le5el of typical of mi99le‐ an9 orkin+‐class people in t/e rest of t/e orl9? i.e. in t/e t/ir9 orl9. :ecause t/is is a slo process? t/is conclusion mayseem counterintuiti5e. :ut all t/e si+ns are t/ere. M5er t/e past 3# years? real a+es /a5e fallen in #V of American <obs.34 Furin+ t/e same perio9? our /ours of ork /a5e increase9 /ile/ealt/ an9 pension co5era+e an9 public ser5ices o f all manner /a5e s/runk.3 0/ile t/e years from 1)- to 143 sa t/e country +roin + sli+/tly more eDual? t/e past 3# years /a5e brou+/t9ramatic increases in ineDuality? culminatin+ in t/e recent series of <obless reco5eries?B in /ic/ t/e financial markets impro5e /ile employment an9 a+es sta+nate.3 0e are itnessin+ /at

may be t/e first +eneration of Americans c/aracteri(e9 by 9onar9 mobility.)# An9 economists cannot point to any in9ust ry t/at promises to re5erse t/is 9ecline. ,or  t/e :us/ 

a9ministration an9 its corporate backers? t/e Duestion of t/e 9ay is /o to continue a95ancin+ t/e neoliberal a+en9a /ile mana+in+ t/e

 politics of  9ecline for t/e ma<ority. T/e a9ministration clearly /as multiple +oals for t/e ar on terrorB  at /ome.

:ut amon+ t/e central ones is t/e repression of labor an9 t/e pre5ention of potential political alliances

t/at mi+/t c/allen+e t/e prero+ati5es of American capital.%n t/e perio9

imme9iately prece9in+ t/e

:us/ presi9ency? t/e

American labor  mo5ement /a9 en<oye9 a perio9 of success unprece9ente9 in  at least 2* years. After 9eca9es of 9ecline un9er t/e +ui9ance ofa moribun9 lea9ers/ip? t/e ascen9ance of o/n Seeney to presi9ency of t/e A,L ‐C%M brou+/t renee9 5i+or to or+ani(e9 labor. %n t/e secon9 /alf of t/e 1#s? t/e A,L‐C%M arreste9 t/e lon+‐

term 9ecline in national union 9ensit yE in 1 t/e number of union members +re for t/e first time in fi5e years? an9 in 1 union 9ensity /el9 stea9y? rat/er t/an 9eclinin+? for t/e first time in9eca9es.)1 &oreo5er? union campai+ns be+an to capture t/e ima+ination an9 support of millions of Americans /o ere not union members but /o e"perience9 t/e same economic 9istresst/at 9ro5e ot/ers to or+ani(e. T/e campus anti‐seats/op mo5ementE li5in+ a+e mo5ements in /un9re9s of cit ies across t/e countryE an9 t/e 14 6PS strike /i+/li+/tin+ t/e problem of part‐

time <obs all +al5ani(e9 broa9 public backin+ in support of orkers an9 in opposition to bi+ business an9 economic rationali(ation.B Likeise? t/e ne labor mo5ementsuccee9e9 in 9ramatically increasin+ t/e political clout of or+ani(e9 orkers. T/rou+/out t/e course of t/e 1#s? t/e A,L ‐C%Mmobili(e9 +roin+ numbers of union orkers to participate in electoral politics. :y t/e 2##2 elections? /ile or+ani(e9 orkers represente9 only 13 V of t/e labor force? union /ouse/ol9saccounte9 for o5er 2*V of all 5oters.)2 As in orkplace or+ani(in+? t/e labor mo5ementYs political pro+ram succee9e9 in reac/in+ beyon9 its on members to form critical coalitions it/ allie9+roups? most importantly inclu9in+ immi+rant communities. 6n9er t/e Seeney lea9ers/ip? t/e A,L‐C%M re5erse9 its lon+‐term stance opposin+ immi+rant labor as stealin+ American <obs? an9 became t/e most poerful proponent of blanket amnesty for un9ocumente9 orkers. Simultaneously? as ser5ice‐sector unions or+ani(e9 more immi+rant orkers an9 launc/e9 more campai+nsin concert it/ t/ese orkersY c/urc/es an9 community o r+ani(ations? t/e union mo5ement starte9 to be seen as a natural an9 inte+ral part of immi+rant orkersY 9ri5e to make it in America.!mblematic of t/is emer+in+ alliance is t/e coalition of labor unions an9 Latino community or+ani(ations t /at? in a relati5ely s/ort timespan? flippe9 Los An+eles from a be9rock ;epublican to be9rock Femocratic constituency. 0/en ultraconser5ati5e ;epresentati5e :ob Fornan lost /is Mran+e County Con+ressional seat to a Latina oman backe9 by pro+ressi5e unions? t/e c/an+in+of t/e +uar9 as un9eniable. T/e nationYs lar+est state? so recently un9er ;epublican control? /a9 become so soli9ly Femocrat t/at it is no lon+er consi9ere9 in contention for ;epublican presi9ential can9i9ates. :eyon9 t/e impact of California itself? t/e prospect of a Labor–Latino coalition sprea9in+ to ot/er states it/ lar+e ispanic communities pose9 a +ra5e 9an+er for

;epublican an9 corporate strate+ists. ,inally? t/e +lobal <usticeB mo5ement  t/at came to+et/er in t/e Seattle 1 protests a+ainst t/e 0TM

marke9 t/e potential birt/ of a massi5e an9 poerful ne mo5ement c/allen+in+ corporate prero+ati5es. %t is easy to o5erestimate t/eimportance of t/e Seattle protests. T/e fe 9ays of unity 9i9 not un9o t/e many 9ifferences beteen t/e 5arious protest +roups. An9 t/e mont/s folloin+ Seattle ere fille9 it/ /ere 9o e+o from /ereOB 9iscussions t/at ne5er ac/ie5e9 a satisfactory anser. %t is not clear t/at t/e coalition t/at assemble9 in Seattle 9eser5es to be calle9 a mo5ement.B oe5er? e5en as a first step

it/ an uncertain future? t/e import of t/ese protests as potentially eart/ ‐s/akin+. !ssentially? t/e anti‐0TM protests un9i9 fissures t/at /a9fracture9 pro+ressi5e or+ani(ations for at least four 9eca9es. At least since t/e 'ietnam ar? t/e /istory of /ate5er mi+/t be calle9

t/e American leftB /as been primarily c/aracteri(e9 by fra+mentation. %n place of t/e Ml9 LeftYs unity aroun9 class? t/e NeLeft le9 to multiple an9 often conflictin+ a+en9as or+ani(e9 aroun9 5arious forms of i9entity politics.  0/ile

feminist? ci5il ri+/ts an9 labor or+ani(ations mi+/t come to+et/er aroun9 specific political issues ? t/e alliances ere +enerally s/ort‐li5e9 an9superficial. &ost important from an economic point of 5ie? t/e labor mo5ement t/rou+/out t/e 14#s an9 1#s as lar+ely alienate9 from t/e most ener+etic social c/an+e

mo5ements. T/e incre9ible accomplis/ment of Seattle as to for+e a coalition t/at o5ercame t/ese 9ifferences  in

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opposition to a common enemy. ,or union members? Seattle as possible because 2# years of <obs +oin+ o5erseas an9 mana+ement in5okin+ t/e t/reat to relocate as a strate+y for slas/in+ a+es

/a9 ma9e +lobali(ationB a +ut‐le5el rank an9 file issue. T/us t/e process of neoliberalism finally create9 its on antit/esis in a labor mo5ementt/at as rea9y to <oin i t/ yout/? en5ironmentalists an9 immi+rant or+ani(ations in fi+/tin+ t/e poer. ,rom a corporate 5iepoint? t/e 9i5isions t/at for 3# years /a9 so effecti5ely kept t /e

5arious parts of t/e leftB from comin+ to+et/er ere t/reatenin+ to 9issol5e. T/e ar on terrorB aims? in lar+e part? at un9oin+ all of t/esec/allen+es to corporate aut/ority un9oin+ orkersY poer  in t/e orkplaceE pus/in+ back a+ainst laborYs +roin+ political cloutE an9 breakin+ apart t/e labor–community coalitions t/at t/reatene9 to e"ercise too muc/ 9emocratic control o5er capital. T/ear on terrorB is not somet/in+ t/e :us/ a9ministration coul9 /a5e institute9 on its on ere it not for t/e September 2##1 attacks. :ut t/e a9ministrationYs c/oice to respon9 as it /as is base9on an a+en9a t/at pre9ate9 t/e attacks. %t is not a mistake t/at t /e terror of &cCart/yism folloe9 imme9iately after t/e labor mo5ement /a9 ac/ie5e9 its peak of militance in t/e 13#s an9

1)#s. Nor is it a mistake t/at :us/Ys ar at /ome came in response to a 9eca9e of renee9 promise for American orkers. T/e economic a+en9a bein+ enacte9un9er t/e rubric of t/e ar on terrorB is far more profoun9 t/an merely a collection of isolate9opportunities for e"pan9in+ t/e return to capital at t/e e"pense of orkers.  %n t/e eyes of t/e :us/ a9ministration an9 its corporatesponsors? t/e post‐811 perio9 presents a /istoric opportunit y to permanently restructure bot/ orkersY le5era+e in t/e labor market an9 t/e publicYs e"pectations of +o5ernment. 6nsurprisin+ly?

t/e first tar+et of t/e presi9entYs post‐811 labor a+en9a as t/e public sector. T/is is partly because publi c sector orkers areeasier to attack=t/e +o5ernment /as 9irect control o5er t/eir contracts? an9 in /ar9 times it is easy to rally ot/ers a+ainst ima+es of +ree9y ci5il ser5ants li5in+ /i+/ off our /ar9‐earne9 ta"9ollars. :ut public sector orkers are not only an easy tar+etE t/ey are also a strate+ic tar+et. :e+innin+ in t/e 14#s? public employees or+ani(e9 at a pace far abo5e t/at of t/e pri5ate sector.:ecause pri5ate sector labor la is so eak? alloin+ employers to intimi9ate or fire union supporters it/ more or less impunity? it is muc/ more 9ifficult for orkers in t/e pri5ate sector to inreco+nition for t/eir unions. M5er t/e years? t/is imbalance became increasin+ly pronounce9. T/us by t/e year 2##3? nearly )#V of public employees /a9 unions? compare9 it/ less t/an 1#V in

t/e pri5ate sector.)3 ,or t/e :us/ a9ministration? an attack a+ainst public sector unions /it at a key source ofstren+t/ for t/e national labor mo5ement. Festroyin+ t/ese unions oul9 si+nificantly s/rink t/emo5ement as a /ole? an9 9eny si+nificant 9ues money to national efforts at bot/ orkplace an9 political or+ani(in+. :us/Ys attack on public employees as t/reefol9. 0it/int/e fe9eral +o5ernment itself? t/e presi9ent 9eclare9 /un9re9s of t /ousan9s of employees ineli+ible for union representation 9ue to national securityB concerns. Mne of t/e presi9entYs first laborinitiati5es after 811 as to 9eny unioni(ation ri+/ts to ba++a+e screeners at t/e nationYs airports. Accor9in+ to representati5es of t/e nely forme9 Transportation Security A9ministration?

collecti5e bar+ainin+ oul9 be incompatible it/ t/e nationYs safetyB because fi+/tin+ terrorism

9eman9s a fle"ible orkforce t/at @is U not compatible it/ t/e 9uty to bar+ain it/ labor unions .B))

Similarly? in creatin+ t/e ne Fepartment of omelan9 Security? t/e presi9ent insiste9 on +i5in+ incomin+Secretary ;i9+e t/e aut/ority to unilaterally ai5e ci5il ser5ice? anti‐9iscrimination? /istlebloer an9union protections to t/ese 14#?### orkers /o /a9 pre5iously en<oye9 all t/ese ri+/ts /ile performin+ t/e same <obs un9er pre5ious mana+ement.)* T/e a9ministration /asne5er i9entifie9 a sin+le instance /ere union protections /a5e restricte9 national security effecti5eness. Mn t/e contrary? police an9 fire unions aroun9 t/e country routinely inclu9e cont ractclauses t/at ai5e ork rules in emer+ency situations? an9 fe9eral union lea9ers publicly state9 t /eir commitment to /onorin+ similar stan9ar9s.)- &oreo5er? many of t/e lessons e /a5elearne9 about /at ent ron+ in t/e lea9up to 811? an9 /at /as to be impro5e9 in future intelli +ence operations? as ma9e possible only because intelli +ence employees /a9 e"actly t/e typeof /istlebloer protections t/at t/e :us/ a9ministration 9eclare9 incompatible it/ national security. So too? in anuary 2##2? t/e presi9ent issue9 an e"ecuti5e or9er unilaterally re5okin+union representation for orkers in fi5e 9i5isions of t/e ustice Fepartment.

The alt sol#es case but not #ice #ersa – The .ar on Terror is only a secondary contradiction

of capitalist economic interest – it co*opts their inte$rationist strate$y

Gney H Ikcan ’1( HAylin? Fept. of PoliSci > :ilkent 6.? Ankara? an9 ,ulya? T/e reater &i99le !astG as a &o9ernGeopolitical %ma+ination in American ,orei+n PolicyB eopolitics? 'ol. 1*? pp. 2-$2I

Anot/er influential prete"t as t/e ne 6S strate+ic 5ision t/at can be terme9 inte+rationG into a 0estern

an9 American set of 5alues an9 mo9us operan9i. ,ala/ an9 ,lint refer to t/is inte+rati5e poer of prime mo9ernityG. )* Accor9in+ to

t/is 5ie? state an9 inter$state political institutions t/at can support t/e /e+emonic poerYs +lobal pro<ect of an openeconomic space are repacka+e9 as t/e necessary foun9ations for a ay of life t/at /as been 9efine9 as mo9ern an9

t/erefore s/oul9 be ante9 by most states. )- T/ey furt/er ar+ue t/at prime mo9ernity is use9 to construct a prime morality. )4 T/us falterin+ statesB are i9entifie9 as t/ose /ose economic practices? political institutions? an9 ci5il society 9onot meet t/e preferre9 9efinition impose9 by t/e 6SA. Ne"t? suc/ states are eDuate9 it/ terrorism? it/terrorism a+ainst t/e 6SA bein+ portraye9 as a crime a+ainst t/e  basicG moral 5alues of /umanity. ) T/isinte+ration strate+y in turn creates its on set of e"clusions? it/ forms of 5iolence aaitin+ t/ose /oare eit/er unillin+ or unable to be incorporate9. ) Alt/ou+/ +eopolitical actions un9er t/e +uise of orl9 lea9ers/ip pro5i9ematerial benefits for t/e 6nite9 States? t/is self$interest becomes eDuate9 instea9 it/ benefits for t/e /ole orl9. Suc/ benefits are presente9

an9 9efine9 t/rou+/ 5alues. *# ,lint furt/er ar+ues t/at if t/e calculations of ar are traceable back to material interests?

suc/ as access to oil? t/en +o5ernments must usually emp/asise 5alues an9 i9eas in <ustifyin+ t/eirforei+n policy? especially /en it in5ol5es in5a9in+ anot/er country. T/e orl9 lea9er must t/erefore con5ince its international as ell as9omestic au9ience? t/at t/e actions are for t/e benefit of all rat/er t/an its on interests. %n t/is respect? t/e &!% represents a 6S searc/ forallies. ,lint also ar+ues t/at t/e poer of t/e orl9 lea9er rests not on its military stren+t/ alone? but rat/er on a packa+e of inno5ations t/at itclaims ill benefit t/e /ole orl9. T/e central in+re9ients of t/is packa+e are national self$9etermination an9 9emocracy? or t/e rule of la.To+et/er? t/ese inno5ationsB combine to form t/e inte+rati5e poer of t/e orl9 lea9er t/e collection of i9eas? 5alues? an9 institutions 9esi+ne9

to brin+ or9er an9 stability to t/e orl9. ;e+ar9in+ &!%? t/is t/eory of inte+rati5e poer of prime mo9ernityconte"tualise9 t/e positions? ob<ecti5es an9 problems of t/e re+ion. %t also facilitate9 t/e opportunity toestablis/ alliances +uaranteein+ 6S orl9 lea9ers/ip an9 re+ional interests. T/at is /y t/is t/eory constitute9 asoli9 +roun9 for <ustification for t/e 6S e"tra$territorial acti5ities.

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2mpact – AT: ro%th

Turn – Capitalist policies create ine+ualities that 6eopardi'e lon$*term stable $ro%th

Arri$hi 8> @io5anni? Professor of Sociolo+y at o/ns opkins 6ni5ersity? Capitalism? socialism an9 une5en 9e5elopmentB? Mctober 22

As pre5iously note9? t/e lea9in+ institutions of  t/e capitalistic interpretation of t/e orl9 /a5e c/ampione9 t/e 5ie of asi+nificant orl9i9e re9uction of bot/ absolute an9 relati5e 9epri5ation. %n a99ition? t/ey /a5e also c/ampione9 t/e5ie t/at t/is re9uction /as been 9ue to t/e a9option of t/e capitalist$frien9ly policies t/ey /a5e been a95ocatin+ for t/e former T/ir9 an9 Secon9

0orl9s. T/is 5ie flies in t/e face of t/e basic fact t/at? comparati5ely speakin+? t/e t/ree orl9 re+ions t/at /a5ee"perience9 t/e +reatest increase in bot/ absolute an9 relati5e 9epri5ation are also t/e re+ions t/at illy$nilly /a5e been sub<ecte9 more e"tensi5ely or intensi5ely to t/e structural a9<ustment or s/ock t/erapya95ocate9 by t/e institutions in Duestion. %n li+/t of t/is? asks ames albrait/? %s t/is t/e +ol9en a+e of capitalism?reallyO Mr is it somet/in+ closer to a +ol9en a+e of reforme9 socialism in to places HC/ina an9 %n9iaI$alon+si9ean a+e of 9isasters for t/ose /o folloe9 t/e prescriptions fa5ore9 by T/e !conomistO %n trut/? countries t/at folloe9 t/e %&,$0orl9:ank prescriptions to t/e letter$Ar+entina? say? or ;ussia in t/e early 1#s$/a5e seen catastrop/e orse in e5ery ay t/an t/e reat Fepressionof t/e 13#s as for us. Halbrait/ 2##)I %ronically? socialists Hespecially ra9ical socialists in t/e +lobal Nort/I /a5e unittin+ly facilitate9 t/ecapitalistic appropriation of t/e C/inese success in re9ucin+ absolute an9 relati5e 9epri5ation? by ritin+ off economic reforms in t/e P;C as a

strai+/tforar9 transition to capitalism essentially in9istin+uis/able from t/at occurrin+ in t/e former 6SS;. T/e sprea9 of capitalistic

 practices in t/e P;C /as un9oubte9ly been rampant? an9 one of its main effects /as been a rapi9 +rot/of  income ineDuality it/in C/ina$an ineDuality t/at is estimate9 to /a5e become amon+ t/e lar+est in t/e orl9 H;iskin? R/ao an9 Li2##1I. Closely relate9 to t/is ten9ency? only a limite9 number of Hpre9ominantly coastalI pro5inces /a5e contribute9 Han9 benefitte9 fromI t/e

re9uction in +lobal absolute an9 relati5e 9epri5ation. :y restrainin+ t/e +rot/ of t/e 9omestic market? increasin+ ineDuality it/inC/ina repro9uces t/e 9epen9ence of t/e C/inese economic e"pansion on t/e illin+ness an9 capacity of t/e 6nite9 States an9 ot/er

ealt/y countries to absorb e5er increasin+ labor$intensi5e imports. &ore important? it is likely to en+en9er social an9 politicaltensions t/at may <eopar9i(e furt/er +rot/ an9 e5en ipe out /ate5er is left of C/inaYs socialist past Hcf Perry an9 Sel9en2###I.

Capitalism’s economic $ro%th is a ruse – the financial crisis pro#es its fundamentally

unstable and speculati#e

2.A2 87 @Katsu/ito ? Professor of !conomics? 6ni5ersity of Tokyo? lobal ,inancial Crisis S/os %n/erent %nstability of CapitalismB? T/eTokyo ,oun9ation? Mctober 14t/? /ttp88.tokyofoun9ation.or+8en8articles8+lobal$financial$crisis$s/os$in/erent$instability

0/y is capitalism unstableO :ecause it is fun9amentally base9 on speculation. Consi9er carmakers? for e"ample. T/ey buil9 automobiles not for t/emsel5es but in t/e e"pectation t/at ot/ers ill buy t/em to ri9e in. T/ere is an element of speculation in t/is process.&ilton ,rie9man an9 /is folloers in mainstream economics? /oe5er? claim t/at speculation lea9s to stability. T/ose in5estors /o buy /i+/an9 sell lo? t/ey ar+ue? are irrational an9 ill promptly fall by t/e aysi9e. Mnly t/e rational in5estors /o buy lo an9 sell /i+/ ill sur5i5eEt/is ill cause markets to be stable.0/at t/ey assert may apply to an i9yllic market /ere in5estors me9iate beteen pro9ucers an9 consumers.:ut? t/e acti5ity in financial markets? inclu9in+ markets for stocks? bon9s? forei+n currency an9 t/eir 9eri5ati5es? is of entirely 9ifferent nature. %t

is professional in5estors an9 in5estment fun9s t/at 9ominate t/e markets an9 compete it/ eac/ ot/er. T/ey buyan9 sell base9 not on t/eir forecasts of lon+$term 9eman98supply con9itions but on t/eir obser5ations of eac/ ot/erYs

mo5ements an9 rea9in+s of eac/ ot/erYs intentions. 0/en a price is e"pecte9 to rise or fall? it is not irrational to buy or sell more an9

mo5e t/e price furt/er up or 9on? lea9in+ to speculati5e bubbles an9 panics. T/e more fun9amental reason % belie5e t/at capitalism 

as a /ole is speculati5e an9 in/erently unstable is t/at t/e money on /ic/ it is base9 is itself speculati5e.&oney /as ma9e t/e economy muc/ more efficient by makin+ it possible to con9uct transactions it/out t/e trouble of

e"c/an+in+ on a barter basis. :ut money /as no intrinsic 5alue. People are illin+ to /ol9 it only because t/ey e"pect ot/er people to

accept it in e"c/an+e for somet/in+ else? it/ t/e people /o accept it e"pectin+ t/at yet ot/er people ill accept it in turn. To /ol9 money is? inot/er or9s? t/e purest form of speculation? an9 trust in it is base9 on circular? bootstrap lo+ic !5erybo9y uses money as money merely becausee5erybo9y belie5es e5erybo9y else uses it as money. %n t/is li+/t? e can see t/at money /as to faces %t brin+s +reater efficiency? but at t/e

same time it /as t/e potential of causin+ +reat instability. %n a capitalist economy supporte9 by money? it is impossiblefor efficiency an9 stability to coe"ist as claime9 by t/e neoclassical economists. T/is bootstrap lo+ic of money also un9erliest/e present financial crisis. T/e subprime loans t/at set off t/e crisis are e"tremely risky loans to peopleit/ lo cre9itort/iness. :ecause t/e risk of 9efault on suc/ loans is so /i+/? a sin+le subprime loan by itself is unattracti5e as afinancial pro9uct. :ut bun9lin+ many suc/ loans to+et/er an9 securiti(in+ t/em ma9e t/e risks seem 9ilute9? an9 as a result of furt/er bun9lin+

it/ numerous ot/er financial instruments into bi+ packa+es t/at ere t/en 9isperse9 aroun9 t/e +lobe? t/e risks became in5isible

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from t/e surface. As t/e financial pro9ucts create9 in t/is ay ere tra9e9 more an9 more stea9ily amon+ numerous parties? t/ey be+an to be consi9ere9 rea9ily con5ertible to cas/ an9 ot/er safe assets. T/ey came to be seen as bein+ like t/e money in /ic/ people place supreme

trust. ere a+ain e see t/e orkin+s of bootstrap lo+ic !5erybo9y truste9 t/e pro9ucts as safe merely becausee5erybo9y belie5e9 e5erybo9y else truste9 t/em as safe. :ut /en t/e subprime loans /ose risks ere conceale9 t/erein

ent ba9? trust in all financial pro9ucts topple9 like a ro of 9ominoes. T/is is t/e essence of t/e current financial crisis.

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Alt Sol#es – Neolib -J – 3atin America

The 3atin American tide is turnin$ a$ainst neoliberalism – the only +uestion is %hether or

not %e ali$n oursel#es %ith anti*capitalist stru$$le

!ello 5uono? Sociolo+y professor at &an/attan Colle+e? )(11 @;ic/ar9? Latin America an9 t/eCollapsin+ %9eolo+ical Supports of NeoliberalismB? Critical Sociolo+y 34H1I –2*

,ast forar9in+ to 21st century sociolo+ical terminolo+y? t/is in5ol5es 9oin+ public sociolo+yG an9 in Latin America it specifically means ork 9e9icate9to unmaskin+ neoliberal forms of social or+ani(ation before 5arious publics. 0/en successful? t/ese efforts ser5e to i9entify an9ren9er 5isible t/e un9erlyin+ poer relations of neoliberal capitalist practices an9 t/e lar+er arc/itecture of imperial poer. %ts cumulati5e effect is to attack t/e le+itimacy of neoliberal capitalism an9 to un9ermine its i9eolo+ical supports. %n so 9oin+? t/e sense t/at t/e neoliberal

or9er is some/o naturalG or ine5itableG be+ins to collapse. T/is i9eolo+ical stru++le 9oes not take place in a /istorical 5acuum but instea9 emer+es in t/e t/roes of popular resistance. %ntellectual upsur+es like t/e ,rankfurt Sc/ool an9t/e more recent calls for public sociolo+yG arise in particular /istorical moments to confront i9ealo+ical9omination. As anti$systemic momentum buil9s in 21st century Latin America? t/e emp/asis of critical9iscourse ten9s to s/ift? at some risk? toar9s t/eori(in+ aroun9 t/e bases for buil9in+ lar+er social unitiesof resistance. As social mo5ement resistance in Latin America /as 9emonstrate9? t/is can take place at 5arious le5els of t/e local$+lobalG continuum.

;ecallin+ /o t/e Rapatista rebellion inau+urate9 a resur+ence of pro+ressi5e mass mo5ementst/rou+/out t/e re+ion? t/is amounte9 to linkin+ local resistance to a +lobal stru++le a+ainst neoliberalism. %n :oli5ia? similar in9i+enous9eman9s reac/e9 a fe5er pitc/ in 2### it/ t/e 0ater 0arG t/at oppose9 ce9in+ control o5er ater 9istribution to a transnationalcorporation. T/ere? t/e +o5ernment as force9 to back 9on an9 cancel t/e contract in or9er to put an en9 to a 5irtual sie+e of La Pa( or+ani(e9 by acti5ist blocka9es.

T/is successful e"perience /elpe9 pa5e t/e ay to renee9 protests o5er t/e pri5ati(ation of +as s/ortlyafterar9s. T/is time? t/e s/o9on le9 to a mass ouster of Presi9ent Sanc/e( 9e Lo(a9a in 2##3 t/at furt/er +al5ani(e9 t/e :oli5ian peopleGs stru++le a+ainst

neoliberalism. %n <ust a fe s/ort years? t/ree presi9ents in :oli5ia an9 t/ree presi9ents in !cua9or ere ouste9 by poerful political mo5ements in /ic/ in9i+enous or+ani(ations playe9 t/e lea9in+ role? e5entually resultin+ in +o5ernments openly oppose9 toneoliberalism. T/e linka+e beteen specific sectoral or con<unctural stru++les ami9 a i9er re<ection of neoliberal rule in Latin America /as been amply treate9

else/ere HFe la :arra an9 Fello :uono? 2##E arnecker? 2###I. T/e pattern certainly pro5e9 not to be e"clusi5ely t/e pro9uct of in9i+enous mo5ements. %nLatin America? a total of 13 presi9ents in nine countries in t/e perio9 1*– 2##) ere force9 out ofoffice as a result of inter$sectoral oppositional mass mo5ements. T/ese forar9 steps  of unity buil9in+? be it focuse9

aroun9 pan$in9i+enous unification? et/nic soli9arity buil9in+? or ot/er conte"ts of national unity an98or re+ional fe9eralism ? all carrie9 it/ t/em an

i9eolo+ical platform bot/ for reco5erin+ pro+ressi5e currents of resistance from t/e preneoliberal era an9establis/in+ important syner+ies in popular resistance an9 concerte9 anti$neoliberal 9iscourse . %n t/is sense?

social mo5ements ere t/e critical bearers of an i9eolo+ical stru++le t/at bot/ empoere9 t/e re+ion an9 propelle9 t/e popular stru++le toar9s re+ainin+ national an9 re+ional so5erei+nty. T/e political successes of massmo5ements in countries suc/ as :oli5ia? !cua9or? 'ene(uela? :ra(il an9 ot/ers /o /a5e openly c/allen+e9 neoliberal 9o+ma /a5e pro9uce9 a cumulati5e i9eolo+icaleffect t/at brin+ unity buil9in+ at a nat ional le5el to a more re+ional le5el? e5en as +lobal capital tries to suffocate t/e c/allen+e. T/e ,ree Tra9e Area of t/e AmericasH,TAAI initiati5e propose9 by 0as/in+ton illustrates /o it sou+/t to re$e"propriate certain key 9ecision makin+ poers of national states so as to remo5e t/e possibility of future 9irect c/allen+es to neoliberal rule on t/e part of rebellious national states. :ut a concerte9 campai+n of social mobili(ation across t/e /emisp/eresuccee9e9 in beatin+ back t/e ,TAA initiati5e /ile ra9icali(e9 states le9 t/e c/ar+e to pro9uce ne counter$initiati5es suc/ as t/e :oli5arian Alternati5e for t/e

Americas HAL:AI. %n my estimation? t/is outcome illustrates a +eneral i9eolo+ical s/ift of focus in anti$neoliberalsentiments toar9s re+ional$inte+rati5e strate+ies of resistance ? somet/in+ t/at took place 9urin+ t/e 1#s an9 t/e first 9eca9e of

t/e 21st century. %t is a 9ecisi5ely si+nificant 9e5elopment. ;e+ional$inte+rati5e t/inkin+ ten9s to promote consoli9ate9 resistances at 5ar iousle5els? en/ance t/e capacity for social mobili(ation? an9 pro5i9e a basis for reconstitutin+ social bon9s t/at ere effecti5ely suppresse9 by neoliberal fra+mentation.T/e strate+ic element of t/is i9eolo+ical s/ift rests in creatin+ sc/ools of t/ou+/tG 9e9icate9 to re+ional resistance buil9in+. T/is can in5ol5e practical consi9erationof /o to 9eepen t/e popular c/aracter of e"istin+ nat ional an9 re+ional institutions an9 t/eori(in+ about t/e creation of ne forms of popular social or+ani(ation.

Practical problems suc/ as reconstructin+ t/e links beteen social mo5ements an9 political parties are no bein+ pro9ucti5ely tackle9 in t/is 5enue. 'isionary orkon t/e role of re+ional ci5il societies an98or +lobal ci5il society is e"emplary of t/is i9eolo+ical moment. T/e celebration of t/e ,irst 0orl9 Social ,orum H0S,I inPorto Ale+re? :ra(il in 2##1 place9 in e5i9ence a Dualitati5e e"pansion of netorkin+ amon+ pro+ressi5e social mo5ements an9 NMs in Latin America t/at /as since+ron in leaps an9 boun9s. T/e participants be+an to link up it/ peers aroun9 t/e orl9 in a+in+ a common stru++le a+ainst neoliberalism. Portu+uese critical

t/eorist :oa5entura 9e Sousa Santos H2##I ar+ues t/at t/e mo5ement for an alternati5e to neoliberal +lobali(ation as bornit/in t/e stru++le a+ainst neoliberalismGs implementation. T/e ne slo+an of anot/er orl9 is possibleG presi9e9 o5er t/e on+oin+ social mo5ement efforts 9e9icate9 to 5isuali(in+ alternati5es to neoliberal+lobali(ation an9 its /e+emonic i9eolo+y? t/ereby takin+ up t/e c/allen+e of buil9in+ a counter$/e+emonic alternati5e from t/e base HFe Sousa Santos? 2##I. A concerte9 e"amination of t/e popular content embe99e9 in e"istin+? officialGinstitutions of sub$re+ional8re+ional inte+ration can /elp popular forces stake out t/eir on in9epen9ent positions an9 pa5e t/e ay to t/e formulation of popular

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alternati5es for more +enuine institutions of re+ional inte+ration. 0/ere 9oes all of t/is en9 upO T/e re+ional i9eolo+ical tra<ectory /as t/e potential to +ain furt/er traction an9 mo5e furt/er toar9s 9irectly en+a+in+ t/e construction of ne? post$capitalist ima+inaries? analyses? propositions an9 practical structures. %9eolo+ical ork in t/is 5ein is no lon+er utopianin nature since it /as foun9 5ast territories /ere it no informs practice? inclu9in+ in countries suc/ as 'ene(uela an9 :oli5ia /ere anti$neoliberal re+imes are in poer. Mn+oin+ ork in i9entifyin+ t/e role t/at re+ional inte+ration sc/emes can play in social transformation point toar9s a ne 5ision for t/e consoli9ation of

anti$capitalist forms of re+ional cooperation. T/ere is no Duestion t/at t/e initial beacon points for t/is i9eolo+icalmoment became 9ecisi5ely positione9 in Latin America it/ t/e 1* Cuban ;e5olution an9 /a5e beenreinforce9 by a99itional re5olutionary up/ea5als since t/at time?  suc/ as in C/ile 9urin+ t/e ear ly 14#s? Nicara+ua in t/e 1#s?

an9 by 'ene(uela? :oli5ia an9 !cua9or in t/e early years of t/e 21st century. 0/at remains to be seen is /et/er popular forces canmake furt/er breakt/rou+/s in nations of intense counterinsur+ency suc/ as Colombia an9 Peru as ell as in t/ose countries/ere neoliberal institutions /a5e been /ea5ily reinforce9 t/rou+/ /e+emonic free$tra9eG re+imes suc/ as C/ile an9 &e"ico

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Alt Sol#es – Terrorism Aff 

The alternati#e’s materialist method is superior to their emphasis on discourse and

representation in the conte/t of terrorism

=oseph? Professor of Politics an9 %nternational ;elations at t/e 6ni5ersity of Kent? )(11 @onat/an?Terrorism as a social relation it/in capitalism t/eoretical an9 emancipatory implicationsB? CriticalStu9ies on Terrorism? )1? 23$34

0e can start t/is 9iscussion by takin+ anot/er ar+ument from lsse an9 Spencer. T/ey ar+ue t/at if CTS is serious about terrorism bein+ a social construction? t/en t/e terrorist cannot bere+ar9e9 as t/e primary source an9 t/at terrorists are a conseDuence o f 9iscourse? rat/er t/an 5ice 5ersa. T/e stu9y of terrorism s/oul9 t/erefore concern itself it/ t/e 9iscourse in /ic/ t/esocial construction of terrorism takes place an9 /ic/ constitutes particular people as terroristsG Hlsse an9 Spencer 2##? p. *4 -I. Alt/ou+/ t/is critiDue makes some +oo9 points? it is

ultimately 9iscursi5e re9uctionism? reflecte9 in suc/ one$si9e9 statements as terrorism is a social construction?/ence a social fact pro9uce9 in 9iscourseG an9 @terrorism can only be knon t/rou+/ t/e terrorism9iscourseG Hlsse an9 Spencer 2##? p. *42I. T/is is re9uctionist because it su++ests t/at t/e i9ea of terrorism is e"/auste9 by9iscourse? rat/er t/an seein+ 9iscourse as one crucial component in t/e construction of terrorism. :ut for t/e 9iscourse to constructG terrorism?t/ere must be somet/in+ t/at allos for t/is construction to be ort//ile an9 meanin+ful . %t oul9 be ri9iculous? fore"ample? to su++est t/at somet/in+ like t/e ar on terror or t/e Nort/ern %relan9 peace process is all about 9iscursi5e construction an9 not/in+ to 9o it/ material interests or socio$economicrelations. 0/at is important? t/erefore? in t/e stu9y of terrorism – an9? it s/oul9 be emp/asise9? t/e stu9y of t/e ay terrorismG is constructe9 – is t/at e take into account a ran+e of socialrelations inclu9in+ Hbut not e"clusi5elyI 9iscursi5e ones. Alt/ou+/ lsse an9 Spencer claim t/at t/ey are folloin+ t/e ork of ,oucaul9ians in %;? t/e %; ,oucaul9ians are? in t/e main?9iscursi5e i9ealists /o i+nore ,oucaultGs on ar+ument t/at @arc/aeolo+y also re5eals relations beteen 9iscursi5e relations an9 non$9iscursi5e 9omains Hinstitutions? political e5ents?economic practices an9 processesIG H1? p. 1-2I. ence? an a9eDuate account of terrorism /as to see it in relation to a /ole series of social processes? not <ust 9iscursi5e ones. acksonGsar+ument is similarly aske /en /e 9eci9es to 9ip into %; constructi5ism to make a point t/at closely resembles 0en9tGs ar+ument t/at structure s/oul9 be seen in social rat/er t/an material

terms? /ere t/e basis of sociality i s s/are9 knole9+e an9 culture H0en9t 1? p. 2#I. acksonGs ar+ument is t/at terrorism is a social rat/er t/ana brute fact. e says it is somet/in+ constructe9 t/rou+/ speec/ acts an9 constit ute9 t/rou+/ a set of 9iscursi5e practices Hackson 2##? p. 4*I. 0/at bot/ ackson an9 0en9t are 9oin+is 9efinin+ t/e social in opposition to a 5ery cru9e? p/ysicalist notion of t/e material. 0en9tGs ar+ument in effect ar+ues t/at t/e material cannot also be social an9 i+nores t/e ork of &ar"ists

/o ar+ue t/at t/in+s like economic relations of pro9uction? for e"ample? are boun9 up it/ comple" social practices an9 9iscourses. :y sayin+ t/at terrorism is not a brute fact? acksonants to su++est t/at terrorism is not somet/in+ t/at <ust /appens out t/ereG.  Mf course? t/e 5iolent act mi+/t be consi9ere9 outt/ereG? but t/is is only ren9ere9 meanin+ful /en 9iscursi5ely articulate9 as terrorismG. Suc/ a 5ie i s 5ery similar to t/at articulate9 by Laclau an9 &ouffe /en t/ey claim t/at t/ey 9o not9eny t/at ob<ects e"ist? but t/ey re<ect t/e i9ea t/at ob<ects can meanin+fully constitute t/emsel5es outsi9e of 9iscourse HLaclau an9 &ouffe 1*? p. 1#E for a critiDue? see osep/ 2##2? pp. 111– 

113I. T/is t/en <ustifies t/e pre9ominantly 9iscourse$base9 stu9y of terrorism foun9 in CTS . :ut? as our conclusion ill

+o on to ar+ue? terrorism is in part out t/ereG an9 t/at out t/ereG must be at least partly constituti5e or else t/ereoul9 be not/in+ for t/e speec/ acts an9 9iscursi5e practices to construct or constitute. :ut sayin+ t/at terrorism issome/o out t/ereG is not t/e same as sayin+ t/at i t is a brute factG or a p/ysical t/in+G. Terrorism is out t/ereG as a social relation <ust as muc/ as it is socially i n 9iscourseG. Conclusionterrorism as a social relation &ar" rote t/at capital is not a t/in+ but a social relation beteen people H14-? p. 32I. &y su++estion is t/at terrorism is also impossible to un9erstan9 unless esee it in t/ese terms – bot/ as a social relation an9 as embe99e9 it/in a i9er set of social relations. 6nfortunately t/e nature of terrorism – often represente9 t/rou+/ spectacular e5ents – +i5es

it t/is t/in+$like Duality. Likeise? t/e stu9y of terrorism is usually e5ent$9ri5en an9 policy$9ri5en. %n ar+uin+ t/at terrorism is more like a socialrelation? e make terrorism more 9ifficult to pin 9on . :ecause terrorism is not a clearly i9entifiable t/in+G? e imme9iately fin9 oursel5es

in5ol5e9 in 9isputes /en e try to i9entify it. 6nfortunately? t/is /as le9 CTS sc/olars to mo5e too far in a constructi5ist or post$structuralist 9irection an9 say instea9 t/at terrorism is a 9iscursi5e constructionG . Terrorism? t/erefore? is not a brute fact. Nor

is it a social fact if fact means t/in+. %t is not merely a 9iscursi5e construction. Nor is it a social construction if social is 9efine9 in t/e manner use9 by some constructi5ists. Terrorism isa social relation t/at is o5er9etermine9 by bot/ material an9 9iscursi5e practices. An9 its e"istence? as0i+/t points out? s/oul9 be separate9 from t/e beliefs of a+ents because alt/ou+/ t/e concepts an9 beliefs of actors . . . are inte+ral to any un9erstan9in+ of t/at practice? t/ey 9o not e"/aust it.. . . !5ery9ayun9erstan9in+s of terrorism are essential to any social scientific account of terrorism? but t/ey cannot set t/e limits of t/at un9erstan9in+G H2##? p. 1##I. T/is ar+ument applies as muc/ to t/oseon t/e counterterrorism si9e as it 9oes to t/ose 9eeme9 to be t/e terrorists. T/us? terrorism can only be un9erstoo9 by a t/orou+/ un9erstan9in+ of a comple" set of social relations? t/ein5esti+ation of /ic/ reDuires a l ot more t/an <ust lookin+ at beliefs an9 moti5ations? e5en if t/is is linke9 to a more comple" i9ea of 9iscursi5e articulation. Mn rare occasions? t/e CTS sc/olarsreco+nise t/e nee9 for an approac/ t/at is better able to e"amine t/ese social relations t/ere is also a nee9 to e"plore i n muc/ more 9etail t/e political$economic conte"ts of bot/ t/e terrorism

stu9ies fiel9 as a politicall y$embe99e9 9omain of knole9+e? an9 t/e t/eory an9 practice of counterterrorism. %n ot/er or9s? applyin+ /istorical materialistapproac/es an9 takin+ materiality seriously? t/ere is a nee9 for furt/er e"ploration of /o

counterterrorism functions as a form of i9eolo+y – /o it orks to promote certain kin9s of material an9class interests? maintain political /e+emony? an9 sustain 9ominant economic relations/ips. T/is means rootin+ criticalanalyses of t/e t/eory an9 practice of counterterrorism it/in t/eories of class? capitalism? /e+emony? an9 imperialism Hsee errin+? 2##I. Hackson et al. 2##b? p. 22I oe5er? t/e article by!ric errin+ H2##? p. 1I? /ic/ is mentione9 at t/e en9 of t /is Duote? is one of t/e contributions concerne9 it/ e"actly t/e issue t/at CTS makes 5ery little mention of &ar"? &ar"ism or/istorical materialism. errin+ H2##? p. 1– 1I ri+/tly calls for a more en+a+e9 analysis of social relations? notin+ /o t/e use of 9iscourse analysis an9 constructi5ism cannot t/emsel5es perform t/is task +i5en t/at t/ey are met/o9s of analysis rat/er t/an t/eories of orl9 politics. &ore specifically? /e says t/at alt/ou+/ CTS ri+/tly focuses on brin+in+ t/e state back into t/estu9y of terrorism? more is reDuire9? in particular? a class analysis of t/e state an9 terrorism? one t/at is /istorically specific to t/e c/an+in+ 9ynamics of capitalist +lobali(ationG Herrin+ 2##? p.2##I. ;ut/ :lakeleyGs book certainly 9oes t/is by linkin+ state terrorism to t/e control of labour an9 markets in t/e Sout/ H2##? p. 1I. oe5er? t/is is one of t/e fe e"ceptions. %n terms ofreal orl9 social c/an+es? e mi+/t point to suc/ t/in+s as t/e effects of t/e en9 of t/e Col9 0ar an9 t/e collapse of t/e So5iet 6nion on t/e nature of poli tical mo5ements? t/eir or+anisin+ i9ealsor t/e ay in opposition to imperialism +ets e"presse9. 0e mi+/t look at t/e c/an+in+ nature of t/e state an9 t/e rise of ne forms of +o5ernance t/at place +reater emp/asis on responsibleaction. T/e emp/asis on in9i5i9ual responsibility is particularly pre5alent in forms of risk mana+ement an9 insurance. T/e process of un9erritin+ terrorism /as been e"amine9 by Ara9au an95an &unster? /o talk of /o t/is fosters t/e ima+inary of t/e in9efinite continuity of t/e present as capitalist social an9 economic processesG? protectin+ t/e propertie9 sub<ect? an9 9efinin+terrorism in suc/ a ay t/at it instantiates forms of continuity beteen all actions 9eeme9 9estabili(in+ for social an9 economic processesG H2##? p. 2#4I. &ean/ile? t/e /olloin+ out of t/estateG t/rou+/ ne forms of +o5ernance mi+/t be e"amine9 alon+si9e t/e stren+t/enin+ of t/e state in its p oers of obser5ation? classification an9 calculation? t/e remo5al of ci5il liberties in t/ename of anti$terrorism an9 <ustification of states of e"ception. T/ese topics s/oul9 not b e t/e preser5e of t/ose it/ an i nterest in A+ambenE it as after all Poulant(as H1#I /o /a9 t/e

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foresi+/t to note t/e re$emer+ence of t/e stron+ state. T/ese issues are not <ust t/e result of t/e ay elites use t/e terrorismnarrati5e to <ustify sur5eillance? social control? t/e normalisation of security proce9ures or altere9 le+al practices Hackson 2##I. T/ey are more 9eep$roote9 t/an t/is an9 are part of t/e reconfi+uration of t/einstitutional frameork of capitalist societies. T/is lea9s to t/e issue of neo$liberalism. %t orks as a strate+y for+o5ernin+ from a 9istance precisely t/rou+/ 9i5i9in+ up populations? classifyin+ t/em? assessin+ t/eirlabour an9 skills an9 con9emnin+ lar+e sections to li5e bare lifeG in t/e +/ettos an9 slums alt/ou+/ state

terror /elps +uarantee t/at not/in+ ill /in9er t/e e"traction of surplus 5alue an9 accumulation of capital .T/is orks as a 9ual process of coercion an9 le+itimation H:lakeley 2##? pp. 4–I? an9 /ere necessary? force an9 terror ill be use9 to +ain access to markets an9 resources. %n t/is reifie9 an9

alienate9 orl9? terrorism itself emer+es as a reifie9 form of opposition . 0it/ its preference for 9iscourse o5er non$9iscursi5e socialrelations? CTS is keen to emp/asise on /o stu9ies of terrorism often reify social relations? but no/ere9oes it consi9er t/is i9ea of terrorism itself as a reifie9 form of social relations. T/is i9ea is neatly e"presse9 in TrotskyGs small pamp/let 0/y &ar"ists Mppose %n9i5i9ual Terrorism in /ic/ /e rites %n our eyes? in9i5i9ual terror is ina9missible precisely because it belittles t/e role of t/e masses in t/eir onconsciousness? reconciles t/em to t/eir on poerlessness? an9 turns t/eir eyes an9 /op es toar9 a +reat a5en+er an9 liberator /o some9ay ill come an9 accomplis/ /is mission. HTrotsky111I Fespite t/e a+e of t/is Duote? it fits ell it/ a /istorical account of t/e acceptance of terrorism in t/e consciousness of +roups of alienate9 people folloin+ t/e collapse of t/e So5iet

6nion an9 t/e 9iscre9itin+ of t/e socialist pro<ect? as ell as t/e alienatin+ e"perience of li5in+ t/rou+/ t/e ne neoliberal onslau+/t. T/is also s/ifts attention aayfrom CTSG fi"ation it/ t/e 9iscursi5e construction of terrorism . ,or &ar"ist accounts of terrorism not onlye"amine t/e ay suc/ acts are  9escribe9 – t/e 9iscourse naturalises a particular un9erstan9in + of /at terrorism is? namely? a form of ille+itimate non$state

5iolenceG Hackson et al. 2##b? p. 3-I – but also try to e"plain /at t/e acts t/emsel5es are. 0/at Trotsky is 9escribin+ are acts t/at? re+ar9less of t/e

ays t/ey are 9escribe9 by terrorism 9iscourse? are alrea9y? if not ille+itimate? t/en reifie9 e"pressions of comple" social situations. 0e 9o not nee9 to 9econstructterrorist 9iscourse to make t/is point.

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Ans%ers to Ans%ers

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AT: Perm

The permutation’s coalitional strate$y fails – the $oal of class stru$$le is conflict and

anta$onism" not cooperation or assimilation

&2&<K  2#(>? P;M,!SSM; M, SMC%MLM AT T! %NST%T6T! ,M; SMC%MLM ATL6:LANA 6N%'!;S%T? @SLA'M? !T%CAL SMC%AL%S&O NM? TANKSJBTTP88M6;NAL.T!LMSP;!SS.CM&8C%8;!P;%NT82##)8128 143

As to t/e rainbo coalitionB motif? t/e first t/in+ to take not of is t/e fun9amental 9ifference beteenfeminist8anti$racist8anti$se"ist etc. stru++le an9 class stru++le in t/e first case? t/e +oal is to translateanta+onism into 9ifference HpeacefulB coe"istence of se"es? reli+ions? et/nic +roupsI? /ile t/e +oal of t/e class stru++le is precisely t/e opposite? i.e.? to a++ra5ateB class 9ifference into class anta+onism. So /at t/e series race$+en9er$class

obfuscates is t/e 9ifferent lo+ic of t/e political space in t/e case of class /ile t/e anti$racist an9 anti$se"ist stru++le are +ui9e9 byt/e stri5in+ for t/e full reco+nition of t/e ot/er? t/e class stru++le aims at o5ercomin+ an9 sub9uin+?anni/ilatin+ e5en? t/e ot/er – e5en if not a 9irect p/ysical anni/ilation? class stru++le aims at t/eanni/ilation of t/e ot/erGs sociopolitical role an9 function . %n ot/er or9s? /ile it is lo+ical to say t/at anti$racism ants all races to

 be alloe9 to freely assert an9 9eploy t/eir cultural? political an9 economic stri5in+s? it is ob5iously meanin+less to say t/at t/e aim of

t/e proletarian class stru++le is to allo t/e bour+eoisie to fully assert its i9entity an9 stri5in+s. . . . %n one case?

e /a5e a /ori(ontalB lo+ic of t/e reco+nition of 9ifferent i9entities? /ile? in t/e ot/er case? e /a5e t/e lo+ic of t/e stru++le it/ an anta+onist. T/e para9o"/ere is t/at it is t/e populist fun9amentalism /ic/ retains t/is lo+ic of anta+onism? /ile t/e liberal Leftfollos t/e lo+ic of reco+nition of 9ifferences? of 9efusin+B anta+onisms into co$e"istin+ 9ifferences int/eir 5ery form? t/e conser5ati5e$populist +rass$roots campai+ns took o5er t/e ol9 Leftist$ra9ical stanceof t/e popular mobili(ation an9 stru++le a+ainst upper$class e"ploitation. %nsofar as? in t/e present 6S to$parties system?re9 9esi+nates ;epublicans an9 blue Femocrats? an9 insofar as populist fun9amentalists? of course? 5ote ;epublican? t/e ol9 anti$Communist slo+an :etter 9ea9 t/anre9JB no acDuires a ne ironic meanin+ – t/e irony resi9in+ in t/e une"pecte9 continuity of t/e re9B attitu9e f rom t/e ol9 Leftist +rass$root mobili(ation to t/e neC/ristian fun9amentalist +rass$root$mobili(ation....

.e must break from state structuresFthe permutation recreates the failed socialist

e/periments of the )(th century

@ardt and Ne$ri 2#(; @&ic/ael an9 Antonio? Commonealt/ 1$*

%t is no coinci9ence t/at in t/e last 9eca9es of t/e tentiet/ century? /en t/e Q+reat /opeQ of really e"istin+ socialism falls into 9isenc/antment? t/e t/ree +reat

socialist e"periments are all en5elope9 in a common crisis. %n t/e case of t/e So5iet 6nion? /at as its mo9el of 9e5elopmentif not a mira+e of liberation translate9 into t/e lan+ua+e of capitalist 9e5elopmentO %t en5isione9 an e"itfrom economic 9epen9ency t/rou+/ sta+es of 9e5elopment? t/rou+/ t/e akar9 absorption an9transfi+uration of capitalist mo9ernity into t/e r/etoric of socialism. &ar"ism as simplifie9 into an e5olutionary t/eory of

 pro+ress from /ic/ all elements of antimo9ernity are e"clu9e9 as backar9? un9er9e5elope9. T/e So5iet crisis in5ol5e9 all aspects ofsocial 9e5elopment? alon+ it/ t/e 9emocratic status of t/e political structures? t/e rulin+ mec/anisms oft/e bureaucratic elite? an9 t/e +eopolitical situation of So5iet Duasicolonial e"pansion. %n C/ina t/e crisis le9 not to collapse butto an e5olution of t/e system t/at refine9 t/e stron+ly centrali(e9 political mana+ement of 9e5elopmentalon+ t/e lines of t/e capitalist or+ani(ation of labor. T/is can be 9irecte9 t/rou+/ socialist? bureaucratic?an9 centrali(e9 means or in a more socially 9ecentrali(e9 ay? +i5in+ space an9 support to market forcesin t/e frameork of a unifie9 +lobal market t/at offers profits an9 competiti5e a95anta+e from a+e in

eDualities an9 poor labor con9itions. T/e C/inese roa9 to neoliberalism is 9ifferent from t/at of t/e capitalist countries=it/ limite9 pri5ati(ation? continuin+ state control? t/e creation of ne class 9i5isions it/ ne /ierarc/ies beteen urban an9 rural areas? an9 so fort/=but no less effecti5e. %nretrospect? t/e current neoliberal re+ime in C/ina /elps us i9entify more clearly /o poerful t/e 9e5elopmentalist i9eolo+y as all alon+ it/in t/e socialist re+ime.Cuba? finally? /as mana+e9 so far to /ol9 at bay t/e ultimate conseDuences of t/e crisis but only by free(in+ itself in t ime? becomin+ a kin9 of preser5e of socialisti9eolo+y t/at /as lost its ori+inal components. T/e enormous pressure of t/e crisis? t/ou+/? continues to /a5e profoun9 effects. An9 Cuba constantly /as to ar9 offt/e to t/reatenin+ alternati5es t/at seem to prefi+ure its future t/e catastrop/ic en9 of t/e So5iet e"perience or t/e neoliberal e5olution of t/e C/inese. T/is samesocialist i9eolo+y also tra5ele9 for se5eral 9eca9es t/rou+/ t/e so$calle9 un9er9e5elope9 or 9e5elopin+ countries? from %n9ia an9 !ast Asia to Africa an9 LatinAmerica. ere too t/ere as a stron+ continuity beteen t/e capitalist t/eories of 9e5elopment an9 t/e socialist t/eories of 9epen9ency.) T/e pro<ect of mo9ernity

an9 mo9erni(ation became key to t/e control an9 repression of t/e forces of antimo9ernity t/at emer+e9 in t/e re5olutionary stru++les. T/e notions ofQnational 9e5elopmentQ an9 t/e Qstate of t/e entire people?Q /ic/ constantly /el9 out an illusory promisefor t/e future but merely ser5e9 to le+itimate t/e e"istin+ +lobal /ierarc/ies? as one of t/e most

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9ama+in+ re+ur+itations of socialist i9eolo+y. %n t/e name of t/e Qunity of t/e entire people ?Q in fact? ereor+ani(e9 political operations t/at preten9e9 to o5ercome class conflict  H/ile merely suppressin+ itI an9 t/usconfuse9 t/e political meanin+s of ;i+/t an9 Left? alon+ it/ fascist an9 communist . T/is reactionary pro<ect ofmo9ernity Hbe/in9 t/e mask of socialismI emer+es most stron+ly in moments of economic crisis it as part of t/e /orrible e"perience of t/e So5iet 13#s? an9 in

certain respects it is repeate9 a+ain to9ay? not in t/e name of t/e Qunity of t/e entire peopleQ but rat/er in t/e ma9 rus/ of Left an9 ;i+/telecte9 political forces toar9 parliamentary an9 populist Qcentrism?Q to create /at !tienne :alibar calls Qe"tremism of t/e center .Q*#T/e Qmistaken stan9pointQ of t/e t/ree +reat socialist e"periences? to take up ironically an ol9 term of So5iet bureaucrats? is 9ue not so muc/ to t/e fact t/at t/e pro+ressi5ist norms of capitalist 9e5elopment ere internali(e9 in t/e consciousness of t/e rulin+ classes of Qreally e"istin+ socialism?Q but rat/er to t/e fact t/at?

 para9o"ically? t/ese norms ere too eakly internali(e9. Alt/ou+/ t/ese e"periments in socialism faile9? capitalist 9e5elopment in ;ussia an9 C/ina 9i9 not. Afterrelati5ely brief crises t/ose countries returne9 to capitalism muc/ ric/er an9 more poerful t/an t/eyere /en t/ey suppose9ly broke it/ capitalist 9e5elopment. Q;eally e"istin+ socialismQ pro5e9 to be a poerful mac/ine of primiti5e accumulation an9 economic 9e5elopment. Amon+ ot/er inno5ations? in con9itions of un9er9e5elopment it in5ente9 instruments Hlike t/ose of Keynesianism?for instanceI t/at capitalist states a9opte9 only in p/ases o f cyclical crisisE an9 it anticipate9 an9 normali(e9 t/e tools of +o5ernance to rule o5er t/e e"ception t/at Hase ill see in Part )I continue to be use9 in t/e current +lobal or9er. Consi9erin+ t/e e"/austion of +lobal capitalist 9e5elopment to9ay? t/e crises of Qreally e"istin+socialismQ take on an acute contemporary rele5ance. Fe te fabula narratur t/e story is really about you. %t oul9 be ron+ to for+et or minimi(e? /oe5er? /o muc/t/e 5ictorious socialist re5olutions in ;ussia? C/ina? an9 Cuba ai9e9 an9 inspire9 anticapitalist an9 anti$imperialist liberation mo5ements aroun9 t/e orl9. 0e s/oul9 be careful t/at our critiDue of t/em 9oes not simply reinforce t/e 5ul+ar attempts of t/e 9ominant i9eolo+y to cancel t/em from memory. !ac/ of t/ese re5olutionsinitiate9 cycles of stru++les t/at sprea9 t/rou+/out t/e orl9 in a kin9 of 5iral contamination? communicatin+ t/eir /opes an9 9reams to ot/er mo5ements. %t oul9 beuseful? in fact? at t/is point in /istory? to be able to measure realistically t/e e"tent to /ic/ t/e 9efiniti5e crisis of t/e socialist states /in9ere9 or actually ai9e9 t/ecourse of liberation mo5ements. %f e say? in ot/er or9s? t/at t/e Qbrief tentiet/ century?Q /ic/ be+an in 114? came to an en9 beteen :ei<in+ an9 :erlin in 1?t/at 9oes not mean in any ay t/at t/e /ope an9 mo5ement for communism en9e9 t/en but only t/at anot/er century /as be+un. 0e ill e"plore some of t/e ays t/att/e forces of antimo9ernity to9ay act it/in an9 a+ainst t/e processes of capitalist +lobali(ation an9 9isco5er an escape route from t/e ca+e of 9e5elopmentalisti9eolo+y in /ic/ t/e socialist states ere trappe9. %n any case? one fact t/at emer+es clearly from t/is /istory is t/at liberation stru++les can no lon+er be cast in termsof mo9erni(ation an9 sta+es of 9e5elopment. T/e poer of antimo9ernity? /ic/ as unreali(e9 in t/e socialist re5olutions an9 t/e stru++les for national

in9epen9ence? comes to t/e fore a+ain? intact? in our times. C/e ue5ara seems to intui t t/is fact 9urin+ t/e final years of /is life /en /e tries to break aay from t/estructural 9eterminism an9 t/e /istorical linearity of socialist 9octrine? /ic/? /e reco+ni(es? merely repro9uces t/e basic features of capitalist mo9ernity.

QPursuin+ t/e c/imera of reali(in+ socialism it/ t/e /elp of t/e blunt eapons left to us by capitalism?Q /e

rites? lea9s to a 9ea9 en9. QTo construct communism it is necessary to make? simultaneous it/ t/e nematerial foun9ation? a ne /umanity @el /ombre nue5o.Q*1 C/e certainly knos first/an9 t/e constraints of socialis t 9e5elopmentalism. eser5es as presi9ent of t/e national bank an9 minister of in9ustries in t/e years after t/e re5olution. :ut in 1-* /e mysteriously 9isappears from public 5ie an9 lea5esto <oin re5olutionary stru++les first in t/e Con+o an9 t/en in :oli5ia? /ere /e is kille9. Some see t/is 9ecision to lea5e Cuba an9 /is +o5ernment posts as a si+n of a

romanticYs restlessness for a95enture or an unillin+ness to roll up /is slee5es an9 face t/e /ar9 ork of buil9in+ a national economy. 0e interpret itinstea9 as a refusal of t/e bureaucratic an9 economic strait<acket of t/e socialist state? a refusal to obey t/e 9ictates of

9e5elopment i9eolo+y. T/e ne /umanity /e seeks to buil9 communism ill ne5er be foun9 t/ere. is fli+/t to t/e <un+le

is really a 9esperate attempt to re9isco5er t/e forces of antimo9ernity /e kne in t/e liberation stru++le. To9ay it is e5en more clear  t/an in C/eYs time

t/at only mo5ements from belo? only sub<ecti5ities at t/e base of t/e pro9ucti5e an9 political processes/a5e t/e capacity to construct a consciousness of reneal an9 transformation. T/is consciousness no

lon+er 9escen9s from t/e intellectual sectors t/at are or+anic to /at as once calle9 socialist science butrat/er emer+es from t/e orkin+ classes an9 multitu9es t/at autonomously an9 creati5ely proposeantimo9ern an9 anticapitalist /opes an9 9reams .

Ne$ati#ity is key – the perm doesn’t sol#e because pure ne$ation of current political

coordinates is necessary to open ne% forms of resistance

5ruce*No#oa? Lecturer in &e"ican an9 Latino Literature an9 Culture > 6C %r5ine? 2#(D@!roticism? Counterculture? an9 uan arca Ponce.BC; T/e Ne Centennial ;e5ie *.3? 1$33

 %n Mne$Fimensional &an? a less optimistic &arcuse analy(e9 t/e manipulation by a95ance9 in9ustrial societies of communication me9ia an9

concepts of mo9ernity to stifle cultural re5olution? 5oi9in+ any possibility of t/e erotic liberation of t/e masses. %nstea9 of facilitatin+e"pression of creati5e instincts? society create9 an array of ima+inary nee9s an9 9esires? t/e acDuisition of /ic/

 =t/rou+/ participation in t/e rites of consumption=constitute9 a sinister? comple"? an9 /i+/ly 9e5elope9 form of sublimatin+ /uman se"ualener+y. :y makin+ in9i5i9uals feel part of an illusory inte+ration of national life? t/e potentially +reat 5ariety ofmo9es of social e"pression ere funnele9 into a one$9imensional system in /ic/ the capacity to think

and act freely in manners other than those sanctioned by the system e#entually disappeared. :ymonopoli(in+ t/e means of consumption as %ell alternati#e or oppositional forms of e/pression?a95ance9 societies blocke9 9e5elopment of an erotici(e9 society. &arcuse arne9 t/at control mec/anisms e5en

 pro5i9e9 outlets for eroticism t/at c/annele9 its ener+y into merely 9istractin+ an9 a99icti5e consumption. All e"pression of rebellion?inclu9in+ literature an9 t/e arts? oul9 be turne9 into c/ips in t/e +ame of competition an9 economic +ain. T/eefforts to recapture t/e reat ;efusal in t/e lan+ua+e of literature suffer t/e fate of bein+ absorbe9 by

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/at t/ey refute. As mo9ern classics? t/e a5ant$+ar9e an9 t/e beatniks s/are t/e function of entertainin+ it/out en9an+erin+ t/e +oo9conscience of t/e men of +oo9 ill. T/is absorption is <ustifie9 by tec/nical pro+ressE t/e refusal is refute9 by t/e alle5iation of misery in t/ea95ance9 in9ustrial society. T/e liDui9ation of /i+/ culture is a by$pro9uct of t/e conDuest of nature? an9 of t/e pro+ressin+ conDuest of scarcity.

H&arcuse 11? 4#I &arcuseYs anser a reat ;efusal beyon9 /at t/e scan9alous but ineffectual 5an+uar9s/a9 ac/ie5e9? a break /e calle9 a QruptureQ=especially an9 si+nificantly in t/e c/apter QT/e Ne SensibilityQ in An !ssay on

Liberation H1-a? 33–3)? 3-I. T/is rupture si+nale9 t/e %ithdra%al from the system of or$ani'ed social conduct? or in

1-#s parlance? the establishment.Q :orroin+ elements of /is analysis from !ros an9 Ci5ili(ation? &arcuse postulate9 t/at asociety t/at /a9 on t/e basic stru++le for sur5i5al an9 eliminate9 e"cessi5e 9omination an9 repressions/oul9 open itself to t/e 9e5elopment of a ne bein+? an orp/ic$narcissist /o oul9 re<ect utilitarian+oals or social stan9in+ in fa5or of lo5e? pleasure? play? an9 contemplation. T/is erotici(e9 bein+ oul9 be a pro9uctof an essentially ne /uman reality? able to ac/ie5e t/e ultimate Qbreak? t/e turn of Duantity into DualityQ H11? 231I an9 establis/ Qt/e realm of

t/e irrational @t/at becomes t/e /ome of t/e really rational=of t/e i9eas /ic/ may Ypromote t/e art of lifeYQ H2)4I. T/is rupture mustnot fall into t/e trap of oppositional collaborationE rat/er it must counter t/e systemYs capacity forappropriatin+ e5eryt/in+ in its pat/ it/ Qt/e politically impotent form of t/e Yabsolute ne+ationYQ H&arcuse11? 2**I. To support /is claim /ile simultaneously offerin+ an e"ample of suc/ an act of refusal in t/e +uise of surren9erin+ to appropriation?&arcuse cites &aurice :lanc/ot? a riter /ose ork oul9 also become key rea9in+ for counterculture intellectuals in t/eir passa+e to

 postmo9ernity? particularly for arca Ponce. @!n9 Pa+e 4 .hat %e refuse is not %ithout #alue or importance

Precisely because of that" the refusal is necessary There is a reason %hich %e no lon$er accept"

there is an appearance of %isdom %hich horrifies us" there is a plea for a$reement and conciliation

%hich %e %ill no lon$er heed A break has occurred .e ha#e been reduced to that frankness %hichno lon$er tolerates complicity. H:lanc/ot? Duote9 in &arcuse 11? 2*-I

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AT: Pra$matismLNeed 5lueprint

The absence of a practical roadmap is irrele#ant – the real re#olutionary act lies in the

enactment of ne$ati#ity to clear intellectual space for authentic alternati#es

=ohnston? ASS%STANT P;M,!SSM; M, P%LMSMP!;? 2#(B @AF;%AN? %NT!;NAT%MNAL M6;NAL M, R%R!K ST6F%!S? 1.#?PS. 23 $ 2) /ttp88(i(ekstu9ies.or+8in9e".p/p8i<(s8article85ie882)

Per/aps t/e absence of a 9etaile9 practical roa9map in Ri(ekYs political ritin+s isnYt a ma<or s/ortcomin+.

&aybe? at least for t/e time bein+? t/e most important task is simply t/e ne+ati5ity of t/e critical stru++le?t/e effort to cure an intellectual constipation resultin+ from capitalist i9eolo+y an9 t/ereby truly to openup t/e space for ima+inin+ aut/entic alternati5es to t/e pre5ailin+ state of t/e situation . Anot/er 9efinition ofmaterialism offere9 by Ri(ek is t/at it amounts to acceptin+ t/e internal in/erence of /at fantasmatically appears as an e"ternal 9ea9lock or /in9rance124 Hit/

fantasy itself bein+ 9efine9 as t/e fa lse e"ternali(ation of somet/in+ it/in t/e sub<ect? namely? t/e illusory pro<ection of an inner obstacle12I. ,rom t/is perspecti5e?seein+ t/rou+/ i9eolo+ical fantasies by learnin+ /o to t/ink a+ain outsi9e t/e confines of currentrestrictions /as? in an9 of itself? t/e potential to operate as a form of real re5olutionary practice Hrat/er t/anremainin+ <ust an instance of ne+ati5e8critical intellectual reflectionI. 0/y is t/is t/e caseO ;ecallin+ t/e earlier analysis of commo9ity fetis/ism? t/e social efficacy of 

money as t/e uni5ersal me9ium of e"c/an+e Han9 t/e entire political economy +roun9e9 upon itI ultimately relies upon not/in+ more t/an a kin9 of Qma+ic?Q t/at is?t/e belief in moneyYs social efficacy by t/ose usin+ i t in t/e processes of e"c/an+e. Since t/e 5alue of currency is? at bottom? re9ucible to t/e belief t/a t it /as t/e 5alue

attribute9 to it Han9 t/at e5eryone belie5es t/at e5eryone else belie5es t/is as ellI? 9erailin+ capitalism by 9estroyin+ its essentialfinancial substance is? in a certain respect? as easy as 9issol5in+ t/e mere belief in t/is substanceYs poers.T/e Qe"ternalQ obstacle of t/e capitalist system e"ists e"clusi5ely on t/e con9ition t/at sub<ects? /et/erconsciously or unconsciously? QinternallyQ belie5e in it=capitalismYs life$bloo9? money? is simply afetis/istic crystalli(ation of a belief in ot/ersY belief in t/e socio$performati5e force emanatin+ from t/issame material. An9 yet? t/is point of capitalismYs frail 5ulnerability is simultaneously t/e source of its enormous stren+t/ %ts 5ampiric symbiosis it/in9i5i9ual /uman 9esire? an9 t/e fact t/at t/e late$capitalist cynicYs fetis/ism enables t/e 9isa5oal of /is8/er 9e facto belief in capitalism? makes it /i+/ly unlikelyt/at people can be persua9e9 to stop belie5in+ an9 sta rt t/inkin+ Hespecially since? as Ri(ek claims? many of t/ese people are con5ince9 t/at t/ey alrea9y /a5e cease9 belie5in+I. Mr? t/e more 9isDuietin+ possibility to entertain is t/at some people to9ay? e5en if one succee9s in e"posin+ t/em to t/e un9erlyin+ lo+ic of t/eir position?mi+/t respon9 in a manner resemblin+ t/at of t/e u9as$like c/aracter Cyp/er in t/e film T/e &atri" HCyp/er opts to embrace ensla5ement by illusion rat/er t/an cope

it/ t/e 9iscomfort of 9ellin+ in t/e Q9esert oft/e realQI ,ace9 it/ t/e c/oice beteen li5in+ t/e capitalist lie or +rapplin+it/ certain unpleasant trut/s? many in9i5i9uals mi+/t 5ery ell 9eliberately 9eci9e to accept /at t/eykno full ell to be a false pseu9o$reality? a 9ecepti5ely comfortin+ fiction  HQCapitalist commo9ity fetis/ism or t/e trut/O %c/oose fetis/ism.QI.

The alternati#e’s refusal is not a passi#e %ithdra%al but the most positi#e act possible – the

refusal to articulate an alternati#e #ision is the stron$est possible condemnation of the

current order

.ark )(11 &cKen(ie? Assoc Prof of &e9ia an9 Cultural Stu9ies at T/e Ne Sc/ool? &cKen(ie 0ark on Mccupy 0all Street Yo toMccupy an AbstractionYB 'erso :lo+ /ttp88.5ersobooks.com8blo+s842

T/e abstraction t/at is 0all Street also stan9s for somet/in+ else? for an in/uman kin9 of poer ? /ic/ one canima+ine runnin+ beneat/ oneYs feet t/rou+/out t/e financial 9istrict. LetYs call t/is poer t/e 5ectoral. %tYs t/e combination of fiber optic cablesan9 massi5e amounts of computer poer. Some 5ast proportion of t/e money in circulation aroun9 t/e planet is bein+ automatically tra9e9 e5enas you rea9 t/is. !n+ineers are no seriously t/inkin+ about tra9in+ at t/e spee9 of li+/t. 0all Street in t/is abstract sense means our ne robot

o5erlor9s? only t/ey 9i9nYt come from outer space. o can you occupy an abstractionO Per/aps only it/ anot/er abstraction. Mccupy 0allStreet took o5er a more or less public park nestle9 in t/e 9onton lan9scape of toer blocks? not too far from t/e ol9 0orl9 Tra9e Center site?

an9 set up camp. %t is an occupation /ic/? almost uniDuely? 9oes not /a5e 9eman9s. %t /as at its core asu++estion /at if people came to+et/er an9 foun9 a ay to structure a con5ersation /ic/ mi+/t comeup it/ a better ay to run t/e orl9O Coul9 t/ey 9o any orse t/an t/e ay it is run by t/e combine9 efforts of 0all Street as

rentier class an9 0all Street as computeri(e9 5ectors tra9in+ intan+ible assetsO Some commentators /a5e seen t/e mo9esty of t/is reDuest as a

eakness of Mccupy 0all Street. T/ey ant a list of 9eman9s? an9 t/ey are not s/y about proposin+ some . :ut per/aps

t/e best t/in+ about Mccupy 0all Street is its reluctance to make 9eman9s. .hatMs left of pseudo*politics

in the -nited States is full of demands . To re9uce t/e 9ebt? to cut ta"es? to abolis/ re+ulations. Nobo9ye5en bot/ers it/ muc/ <ustification for t/ese any more. %t is <ust sort of assume9 t/at only /at mattersto t/e rentier class matters at all. %ts not t/at t/e rentier class buys politicians in America. 0/y bot/er

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/en you can rent t/em by t/e /ourO %n t/is conte"t? t/e most interestin+ t/in+ about Mccupy 0all Street is its su++estion t/at the

main thin$ thatMs lackin$ is not demands" but process .hat is lackin$ is politics itself . %t may soun9

counter$intuiti5e? but t/ere really is no politics in t/e 6nite9 States. T/ere is e"ploitation? oppression?ineDuality? 5iolence? t/ere are rumors t/at t/ere mi+/t still be a state. :ut t/ere is no politics. T/ere is onlyt/e semblance of politics. %ts mostly <ust professionals rentin+ influence to fa5or t/eir interests. T/e stateis no lon+er e5en capable of ne+otiatin+ t/e common interests of its rulin+ class. Politics from belo is

also simulate9. T/e Tea Party is really <ust a +reat marketin+ campai+n. %tYs a ay of makin+ t/e ol9rentier class 9eman9s seem at least temporarily appealin+. Like fast foo9? it ill seem 9elicious until t/e in9i+estion starts.

%tYs t/e Contract on America? its Compassionate Conser5atism? but it/ ne in+re9ientsJ T/e Tea Party as Duite successful. :utyou canYt fool all of t/e people all of t/e time? an9 no 9oubt t/ereYs a ne marketin+ campai+n aitin+ int/e in+s for /en it runs out of steam. :ut none of t/is is anyt/in+ but t/e semblance of a politics . So t/e+enius of t/e occupation is simply to su++est t/at t/ere coul9 be a politics? one in /ic/ people meet an9 propose an9 ne+otiate. T/is su++estion points to t/e +reat absence at t/e center of American life a /olenation? e5en an empire? it/ no politics.

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AT: Totali'in$

This is 2nterpassi#ity – fi/ation on anti*do$matism conceals an indi#idualistic politics that

fetishi'es difference and remains content %ith endless minor reforms!ean ’11 @o9i? Professor of Political Science at obart an9 0illiam Smit/ Colle+es? 0/at is to be 9oneO H)IB?


1. Lenin QT/e orst sin e commit is  t/at e 9e+ra9e our political an9 or+ani(ational tasks to t/e le5el of t/e imme9iate?

Ypalpable?Y YconcreteY interests of t/e e5ery9ay economic stru++leE yet t/ey sin+in+ to us t/e same refrain Len9 t/e economic stru++le itself a politica l c/aracterJQ

Sometime % fin9 it so stran+e? so pu((lin+? t/at t/e spontaneity? imme9iacy? concreteness? amateurism? an9 emp/asis on t/ee5ery9ay t/at Lenin con9emns as primiti5ism an9 economism is taken so i9ely for +rante9  amon+ so many left acti5ists an9 intellectuals. %st/is uncritical acceptance a reaction to /at many see as t/e mistakes of t/e So5iet perio9O  %s it a more recentresponse to t/e failures an9 compromises of communist parties in ot/er countries H%Ym t/inkin+ mostly of %taly /ereIO %s i t a reaction to t/e ri+i9ity of some

communists in t/e 6S an9 t/e 6K? a reaction by t/ose /o associate t/emsel5es it/ a ne leftO Mr are ot/er e"planations eDually or e5enmore compellin+$$absorption of a 1## years of anti$communism? cooptation by t/e pleasures ofcapitalism? relief t/rou+/ forfeiture of responsibility for t/e terribly /ar9 ork of or+ani(in+O So manystran9s of intellectual i9eolo+y con5er+e donMt speak for another" appreciate differences" celebrate locality

2tMs no %onder that a politics canMt emer$e !o$matism" demands" and or$ani'ation are discounted

in ad#ance % s/oul9 put t/is 9ifferently. T/ere is a politics /ere an in9i5i9ualist politics /ose sole principle is t/at of 

in9i5i9ual free9om? /ere t/is free9om is re9uce9 to particular c/oice an9 9ecision? e5en as it blocksaccess to or+ani(e9 contestation an9 rebuil9in+ of t/e con9itions of c/oice an9 9ecision. Fi9 % c/oose toli5e in a society /ere security is pri5ati(e9? /ere reDuire9 /ome an9 car insurance is sub<ect to a market an9 a set of corporations /ose

interest is in profit an9 not my ell$bein+O Fi9 % c/oose to li5e in a society /ere ealt/ is /el9 in more esteem t/an fairness? creati5ity?

or scientific curiosityO Fi9 % /a5e a c/oice to li5e in a society /ere a collecti5e +oo9 like space e"ploration is subor9inate9 to ta" breaks for  t/e top one percentO 2. ,or Lenin? mass mo5ement an9 Qprofessional re5olutionariesQ are not alternati5e or+ani(ational forms. !ac/ is necessary Suc/orkers? a5era+e people of t/e masses? are capable of 9isplayin+ enormous ener+y an9 self$sacrifice in strikes an9 in street battles it/ t/e police an9 t/e troops? an9are capable Hin fact are alone capableI of 9eterminin+ t/e outcome of our entire mo5ement$$but t/e stru++le a+ainst t/e political police reDuires special DualitiesE i treDuires professional re5olutionaries. Lenin +i5es one reason for t/e nee9 of professional re5olutionaries$$t/e police make e5ery strike an9 e5ery 9emonstration asecret. T/ey pre5ent nes of t/e strikes from sprea9in+. Fo e /a5e t/e same problemO Cuttin+ of %nternet ser5ices in !+ypt su++ests a contemporary 5ersion of t/iskin9 of policin+ role? as 9o t/e attacks on <ournalists an9 t/e 9isruptions of Al a(eeraYs si+nals. et nes from Cairo as +ettin+ out an9 it as circulatin+ in t/ecountry? e5en more? nes of t/e stru++les in multiple cities reinforce9 t/e stru++lesY as 9imensions of one stru++le. No one ill 9eny t/at !+ypt /as been un9er

aut/oritarian rule for 9eca9es. %tYs not surprisin+? t/en? t/at t/ere are resonances it/ ;ussian at t/e be+innin+ of t/e 2#t/ century. T/e situation of t/e

6S? 6K? an9 !urope un9er communicati5e capitalism su++ests a 9ifferent problem. T/e effect of t/e police$$non knole9+e of strikesan9 resistance$$is ac/ie5e9 9ifferently? no 5ia o5er$kill? 9elu+e? 9istraction? an9 obfuscation. Too muc/information becomes too little. Too muc/ analysis an9 commentary 9eflects an9 9isplaces. T/e culture ofme9ia circulates an9 re9irects ener+ies aay from 9irect confrontation. No on9er turnin+ off t/e internetin !+ypt /a9 ener+i(in+ effects$$people /a9 to +et information from eac/ ot/er on t/e streets.

Their e/cessi#e anti*essentialism pre#ents actual opposition to capitalism

:arbara <pstein? Professor of istory at 6C Santa Cru(? 1;7 @%nterpretin+ t/e 0orl9 H0it/out Necessarily C/an+in+ %tIB in Ne Politics/ttp88.pun<.e9u8nepol8issue2)8epstei2)./tm as

QT/e Duestion becomes?Q s/e rites? Q/at to 9o it/ t/e monsterO S/oul9 e refine it? cut it 9on to si(e? ren9er it once more acceptable?unremarkable? in5isibly 5isibleOQ No? s/e ritesE for in 9oin+ so? e mi+/t lose si+/t of its +rotesDueness. Capitalism $$ refine9 an9 re9efine9 $$

oul9 still be capable of Qrele+atin+ noncapitalism to a space of necessary eakness an9 9efeat.Q ibson$ra/am calls for an anti$

essentialist pro<ect of Qsupplantin+ t/e 9iscourse of capitalist /e+emony it/ a plurality an9 /etero+eneityof economic forms.Q Hibi9. pp. $1#I Capitalist pro9uction? t/en? s/oul9 be seen as only one set ofeconomic practices amon+ many $$ not as an inte+ral system encompassin+ an9 subor9inatin+ Qnon$capitalistQ forms suc/ as self$

employment an9 /ouse/ol9 economy? but as somet/in+ on a par it/ t/ese an9 ot/er alternati5e forms. :y t/is account? t/e 6.S.economy is no lon+er capitalist. %nstea9? it is a site of 9i5erse economic practices $$ none it/ more poer to s/ape society t/an any ot/ers. Capitalism /as been brou+/t un9er controlE 9iscursi5ely? at least?it is lar+ely 9e$fan+e9. 0e can c/allen+e capitalism? it seems? by refusin+ to belie5e t/at it /ol9s sayo5er our society. ibson$ra/am ar+ues /er political economy on +roun9s t/at /er commitment to ananti$essentialist perspecti5e reDuires it $$ not t/at it makes reality more intelli+ible.

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AT: Transition .ars

Transition %ars are limited and peaceful and can’t resol#e capital’s internal anta$onisms

s'Oros )((7 %st5n? Prof !meritus in P/ilosop/y an9 Political T/eory > 6 of Susse" T/e C/allen+e an9 :ur9en of istorical Time?31#$311

T/e secon9 blocke9 a5enue is e5en more important. %t concerns t/e remo5al of t/e possibility of sol5in+ t/e systemGs a++ra5atin+ problemst/rou+/ an all$out ar? as it as tice attempte9 in t/e orl9 ars of t/e tentiet/ century. % rote at t/e time of t/e onset of capitalGs structural

crisis? toar9 t/e en9 of t/e 'ietnam ar t/at Ut/e system /as been 9ecapitate9 t/rou+/ t/e remo5al of its ultimatesanction an all$out ar on its real or potential a95ersariesU!"portin+ 5iolence is no lon+er possible ont/e reDuire9 massi5e scale. Attempts at 9oin+ so on a limite9 scale=like t/e 'ietnam 0ar34= not only are nosubstitutes for t/e ol9 mec/anism but e5en accelerate t/e ine5itable internal e"plosions of t/e system. Nor is it possible to +et aay in9efinitely it/ t/e i9eolo+ical mystification /ic/ represente9 t/e internalc/allen+e of socialism t/e only possible solution to t/e present crisis? as an e"ternal confrontation a sub5ersionG 9irecte9 from abroa9

 by a monolit/icG enemy. ,or t/e first time in /istory capitalism is +lobally confronte9 it/ its on problems/ic/ cannot be postpone9G muc/ lon+er? nor can t/ey be in9ee9 transferre9 to t/e military plane inor9er to be e"porte9 in t/e form of an all$out ar.3 % a99e9 in a note to t/e last sentence t/at Mf course suc/ a arcan /appen? but its actual plannin+ an9 acti5e preparation in t/e open cannot function as a 5ital internal

stabili(er .B3 T/is is so e5en if t/e neoconser5ati5e 5ision +uysB of t/e Penta+on=/ose t/eoriesB bor9er on insanity)#=are more t/an

illin+ to t/ink t/e unt/inkable.B :ut e5en suc/ e"treme forms of irrationality cannot un9o t/e far$reac/in+implications of t/is blocke9 a5enue. ,or t/e un9erlyin+ issue is an insoluble contra9iction it/in t/erepro9ucti5e frameork of t/e capital system. A contra9iction manifest? on t/e one /an9? t/rou+/ t/eon+oin+ relentless concentration an9 centrali(ation of capital on a +lobal scale? an9 on t/e ot/er? t/rou+/t/e structurally impose9 inability of t/e capital system to pro9uce t/e reDuire9 political stabili(ation on a+lobal scale. !5en t/e most a++ressi5e military inter5entions of +lobal /e+emonic imperialism =at present

t/ose of t/e 6nite9 States= in 9ifferent parts of t/e planet are boun9 to fail in t/is respect. T/e 9estructi5eness oflimite9 ars? no matter /o many? is 5ery far from bein+ enou+/ for imposin+ e5ery/ere on a lastin+ basis t/e unc/allen+eable rule of a sin+le imperialist /e+emon an9 its +lobal +o5ernmentB=t/e only t/in+ t/at oul9 befitt/e lo+ic of capital. Mnly t/e socialist /e+emonic alternati5e can s/o a ay out of t/is 9estructi5e contra9iction. T/at is? an or+ani(ationally5iable alternati5e t/at fully respects t/e 9ialectical complementarity of t/e national an9 international in our time.

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Aff Ans%ers

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Perm – Terrorism Aff 

The perm sol#es best – class analysis on its o%n is too reductionist Combinin$ both

methods is best able to address the comple/ities of the %ar on terror

@errin$? Professor of %nternational Politics at t/e 6ni5ersity of :ristol ? )((7 @!ric? Critical terrorism stu9ies anacti5ist sc/olar perspecti5eB? Critical Stu9ies on Terrorism?12? 14 = 211

T/ose /o 9oG /istorical materialist analysis +enerally 9o not 9oG security stu9ies. T/is is mainly for political reasons? int/at t/ey see it o5er/elmin+ly as a fiel9 /ic/ ser5es primarily as an inst rument of class 9omination? an9 for intellectual reasons? in t/at t/e concept of securit y is seen as a relati5ely

unsatisfyin+ one for t/eorisin+ about orl9 politics. T/e problem it/ t/is approac/ is t/at stu9ents ne to security stu9ies illeffecti5ely? e5en if unintentionall y an9 9espite :oot/Gs assertion to t/e contrary? be +ui9e9 to t/e conclusion t/at t/ey /a5e little to learnfrom /istorical materialism an9 9o not nee9 to t/ink about class an9 capitalism. Pat/ 9epen9ency – roa9s more an9 less tra5elle9 – ill operate in a poerful ay. ,or e"ample? t/e Approac/es to SecurityG section of t/e first e9ition of t/e Collins Contemporary Security Stu9ies H2##4I te"tbook effecti5ely sets out securitystu9ies as in5ol5in+ c/oices b eteen a tra9itional state$centric realist$liberal framin+? a 9iscursi5e$constructi5ist critical framin+? or one focuse9 t/ematically on peace stu9ies? +en9er?securitisation? or /uman security. &ar"ism is 9iscusse9 briefly in t /e tra9itional approac/es c/apter /ic/ is structure9 aroun9 realism an9 liberalism. T/e lessons for t/e emer+ent fiel9 of

critical terrorism stu9ies are clear. :rin+in+ t/e state back into terrorism stu9ies i s 5aluable? but not enou+/ – /at is reDuire9 is a class analysis of t/e state an9 terrorism? onet/at is /istorically specific to t/e c/an+in+ 9ynamics of capitalist +lobalisation? an9 one /ic/ consi9ers t/e ays t/at terrorism can be a tactic of all si9es in class conflict? rat/er t/an <ust a tactic

of a subor9inate class. Suc/ a perspecti5e oul9 9istin+uis/ it s/arply from mainstream terrorism stu9ies up to no. %t oul9 also pro5i9e it it/ a ay of 9escribin+?

e"plainin+? an9 c/allen+in+ Nort/ern state terrorism? because it oul9 frame it in terms of  t/e e"tent to /ic/ it is functional for s/orin+ up or c/allen+in+

e"ploitati5e relations /ic/ fa5our capital o5er labour. T/e +oo9 nes is t/at t/e ork of sc/olars suc/ as

Stokes H2##*? 2##-I an9 :lakeley H2##4? fort/comin+I is lea9in+ t/e ay? buil9in+ on t/e ork of !9ar9 erman an9 Noam C/omsky? an9 ensurin+ t/atcritical terrorism stu9ies /as a ma<or stran9 /ic/ puts t/e 9iscursi5e an9 i9eolo+ical into t/e conte"t of6S$le9 capitalist +lobalisation an9 associate9 class relations. :rin+in+ class back in be+s t/e Duestion of /at one means by class? of course. T/is is a /u+e Duestion far

 beyon9 t/e scope of t/is article. 0/at can be sai9 /ere is t/at /ile class /as an important economic 9imension? it is not re9ucible toeconomics it/ t/e non$economic separate an9 secon9ary. As M5erbeek H2##)? p. 3I puts it Class is a broa9 an9 inclusi5e concept t/at refers tot/e situation of /uman bein+s in t/e social relations t/rou+/ /ic/ t/ey pro9uce an9 repro9uce t/eir e"istence? an9 by /ic/ t/ey are in turn constitute9 as social bein+s. T/ese social relations ofHre$Ipro9uction are /ierarc/ical an9 e"ploitati5e. T/ey are furt/ermore +uarantee9 by t/e state in t/e era of t/e 9ominance of capitalist social relations? t/ey are +uarantee9 by t/e capitalist state.

A /ole /ost of relate9 issues must be a99resse9? suc/ as /o  many classes t/ere are? /o 9istinct t/ey are? /o mo5ement occurs beteen

t/em? t/e e"tent to /ic/ an9 t/e ays in /ic/ classes are anta+onistic? /o particular social formations are stabilise9 t/rou+/ means suc/ as class

compromises compare9 it/ t/e t/reat or use of coerci5e means suc/ as terrorism ? t/e relations/ips beteen classes an9 elites Hi.e. social an9a+entic concentrations of poer of /ate5er kin9I? /o classes are or+anise9 it/in an9 across states? /o t/ey can be unite9 on some t/in+s an9 9i5i9e9 on ot/ers? an9 /o t/ose 9i5isions may

 be ob<ecti5e or perceptual. T/e class role t/at terrorism plays may be functional or 9ysfunctional an9 9ri5en bycomple" interaction of fractions of classes an9 elites Hsubnational? national? transnationalI? an9 pro+ressi5e or reactionary

opposition. States may tolerate or promote pro+ressi5e 9e5elopments suc/ as a mo5e from 9ictators/ip to liberal 9emocracy. A class analysis oul9 e"pect in +eneral terms t/at t/is illoccur only /en rulin+ class poer i s not t/reatene9 or /ere it simply lacks sufficient poer to pre5ent t/ose 9e5elopments. Consi9eration ill also nee9 to be +i5en to un9erstan9in+ /en an9

/o forces suc/ as nationalism? et/nicity? reli+ion? or sect can be t/e primary 9ynamic s/apin+ resort or non$resort to terrorism. A +uar9 must also be maintaine9a+ainst a ten9ency often associate9 it/ /istorical materialist perspecti5es of un9er5aluin+ liberal9emocracy an9 ot/er often pro+ressi5e aspects of liberalism. :rin+in+ class back in 9oes not mean classre9uctionism terrorism is not all about class. T/e point bein+ ma9e /ere is t/e re<ection of t/e implicit assumption t/at class /as not/in+ to 9o it/ terrorism?inclu9in+ Nort/ern state terrorism? or only plays a role in class rebellion from belo. :y Nort/ern states? % mean in9ustrial an9 post$in9ustrial capitalist ones. T/ey may be liberal 9emocratic oraut/oritarian? alt/ou+/ t/ey are o5er/elmin+ly in t/e former +roup. ence? it is not a +eo+rap/ical cate+ory? as suc/ states can be locate9 in t/e sout/ern /emisp/ere Hsuc/ as AustraliaI. :ySout/ern states? % mean t/ose it/ lo le5els of in9ustrial an9 post$in9ustrial capitalist 9e5elopment. T/e Nort/ is more or less a post$Col9 0ar synonym for 0esternG? t/ou+/ it/ t/e ob 5iousDualification t/at t/ere is no non$capitalist !ast it/ /ic/ it is stru++lin+ for t/e political? military? an9 economic alle+iance of a T/ir9 0orl9. %nstea9? t/e 6nite9 States is tryin+ to balance itson interests? it/ keepin+ t/e ot/er Nort/ern 9emocratic states on boar9 /ile en+a+in+ it/ t/e structural s/ift associate9 it/ C/inaGs increasin+ly +lobal 5ersion of aut/oritarian Nort/erncapitalism. T/e Nort/G an9 t/e lobal Nort/G are freDuently use9 as synonyms Ht/e latter bein+ t/e tren9y 5ersionI t/e problem it/ t/is approac/ is t/at t/e p/rase lobal Nort/G is useful toencapsulate t/e fact t/at it/in Nort/ern states substantial elements of society are part of t/e lobal Sout/? 9efine9 as t/ose /ic/ are mar+inal to a95ance9 capitalism? impo5eris/e9 an9 police9? or <ust i+nore9. T/eir po5erty? /un+er? ill /ealt/? an9 s/ortene9 life spans can be itnesse9 across t/e orl9. !Dually? it/in Sout/ern states t/ere are substantial elements of society/ic/ are part of t/e lobal Nort/? 9efine9 as t/ose /ic/ are 9eeply inte+rate9 into a95ance9 capitalism? ealt/y? an9 on be/alf of /ic/ t/e lobal Sout/ is police9? securitise9? an9 ifnecessary represse9. T/e people of t/e lobal Nort/ an9 lobal Sout/ correspon9 rou+/ly to Fuffiel9Gs H2##4I cate+ories of insure9 an9 uninsure9 or surplus life Hfor an application to post$in5asion %raD? see errin+? fort/comin+I. As suc/? it is abo5e all a class rat/er t/an a +eo+rap/ical 9ist inction? or a 9istinction beteen types of state. 0it/in t/is system? terrorism can be a means

of capital accumulation by 5iolent an9 intimi9atory 9ispossession? opposition to it? or part of a bi9 to take part in it. Ne5ert/eless?

t/e orl9 is structure9 an9stratifie9 aroun9 multiple ineDualities an9 critical terrorism stu9ies nee9s to be attenti5e to /at t/ey arean9 /o t/ey relate to t/e use an9 non$use of terrorism. A particularly important ineDuality /ic/ criticalterrorism stu9ies ou+/t to c/allen+e is t/e operation of t/e cate+ories of ort/y an9 unort/y 5ictims.

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3ink – AT: Cuba

Their link is incorrect – Cuba can be sub6ect to $lobali'ation %ithout succumbin$ to

neoliberalism <#en if industry in#estment increased" anti*neoliberal resistance %ould not

be doomed

Shre#e? !"ecuti5e Articles !9itor at t/e %n9iana ournal of lobal Le+al Stu9ies? )(1) @eat/er? .F. Can9i9ate? 2#12? %n9iana 6ni5ersity&aurer Sc/ool of La? armoni(ation? :ut Not omo+eni(ationT/e Case for Cuban Autonomy in lobali(in+ !conomic ;eformsB? %n9iana ournal of lobal Le+al Stu9ies? 'olume 1? %ssue 1? 0inter 2#12

lobali(ation in to9ayYs orl9 no lon+er reDuires /omo+eni(ationE Cuba 9oes not nee9 to eit/er a9opt aneoliberal or &aoist 5ersion of economics to +lobali(e. %nstea9? it can remain &ar"ist$Leninist /ileenterin+ into t/e +lobal economy. ust as neoliberal policies are not t/e @!n9 Pa+e 3- only concept of +lobali(ation? as seen inC/ina? so too C/inese &aoism is not t/e only alternati5e form of +lobali(ation. T/e fun9amental 9ifferences beteen C/ina an9 Cuba are 5ast= for e"ample? t/e focus of t/e Cuban reform 9iffers from t/at of t/e C/inese?131 t/e 9ecision by Cuban officials to s/un C/inese Qmarket

socialismQ132 in fa5or of limite9 Communist reforms?133 an9 t/e /istories an9 cultures of t/e to countries 9iffer.13) Cuba presents a9ifferent story of +lobali(ation=one of a nation? rat/er t/an makin+ an i9eolo+ical c/an+e it/out re+ar9to outsi9e circumstances? instea9 s/iftin+ policies out of necessity an9 t/e nee9 to sur5i5e in a c/an+e9orl9. &oreo5er? CubaYs story of +lobali(ation is one of a nation attemptin+ to limit ne+ati5e effects of +lobali(ation. Cuba? /ilesymbolically isolate9 for t/e last si"ty years? as not immune from +lobali(ation =t/e countryYs resistance reake9

/a5oc upon t/e economic an9 social +rot/ of t/e nation. %nstea9? Cuba? as a +lobal actor? reconfi+ures itself to retain poer in its ne mo9el of +lobal en+a+ement. An9 yet? CubaYs 9ecision to +ra9ually reform economic policies is not ma9e in isolationE /ile ;adl Castro certainly makes t/e 9ecisions? many of t/ese 9ecisions /a5e alrea9y been ma9e

for Cuba by a +lobali(e9 orl9. 6pon re5ie? Cuba ill retain its i9eolo+ical +oals it/out completely compromisin+or a9/erin+ to t/e ot/er forms of +o5ernance =t/is is /at +lobali(ation means? t/e permeation of e5en t/e most /istoricallyuncompromisin+ country an9 t/e /armoni(ation of certain key i9eas an9 practices embrace9 by t/e rest of t/e orl9. &oreo5er? it s/os t/at

+lobali(ation 9oes not stop it/ market$base9 or neoliberal +o5ernanceE instea9? as Fen+ iaopin+ state9? Q@T/e @market can also ser5esocialism.Q13* Alt/ou+/ Cuba certainly ill stop @!n9 Pa+e 34 s/ort of embracin+ market socialism? it is en+a+in+ economic +lobali(ationas a +lobal actor.13- T/e state can car5e out nic/es for +lobali(ationE /oe5er? t/e Duestion remains /o Cuba an9 ot/er states can limit t/eun9esirable aspects of +lobali(ation=/ere? t/e neoliberal parts=/ile benefittin+ from t/e /armoni(ation of +lobali(ation.

And" remo#in$ Cuba from the list %ould not open it up to enou$h trade to tri$$er the link 5urns? A9<unct Professor of La at t/e eor+eton 6ni5ersity La Center? ’1 @Clif? 6.S. &ay :eConsi9erin+ Froppin+ Cuba from Terrorist Country List? !"port La :lo+? ,eb 21?/ttp88.e"portlablo+.com8arc/i5es8)432

%f you t/ink t/at t/e remo5al of Cuba from t/e list ill permit unlicense9 e"ports of foo9? me9icine an9 a+ricultural

+oo9s to Cuba? t/ink a+ain. Alt/ou+/ section 42#* of t/e Tra9e Sanctions ;eform an9 !"port !n/ancement Act of 2###

HTS;ABI 9oes in9ee9 impose a license reDuirement on s/ipments of t/ese +oo9s to state sponsors of terrorism? italso 9irectly imposes t/at restriction on  TS;A e"ports to Cuba. So a license ill still be reDuire9 e5en ifCuba is remo5e9 from t/e list. Section )# of t/e Arms !"port Control Act pro/ibits +rantin+ licenses fort/e e"port of items on t/e 6nite9 States &unitions List to state supporters of terrorism. So t/ere is at/eoretical possibility? % suppose? t/at if Cuba is remo5e9 from t/e list? t/e arms embar+o a+ainst Cuba mi+/t

also be lifte9. ;i+/t. 0/en pi+s fly. T/en e /a5e Section -H<I of t/e no$9efunct !"port A9ministration Act as alle+e9lye"ten9e9 in force by 5arious e"ecuti5e or9ers. T/at pro5ision reDuires t/at certain licenses for e"ports of +oo9s on t/eCommerce Control List to state sponsors of terrorism be notifie9 to Con+ress. Since licenses for CCLitems are rarely +rante9 in any e5ent for Cuba? an9 seem unlikely to be +rante9 e5en if Cuba is remo5e9from t/e list? t/is 9oesnGt seem to an area in /ic/ CubaGs remo5al oul9 /a5e muc/ impact. %n sum?

remo5al of Cuba from t/e list seems lar+ely symbolic an9 it/ little practical effect. At most? it coul9 presa+e aliberali(ation of t/e embar+o 9on t/e roa9? particularly if t/e current Cuban +o5ernment +nas on t/is bone a little rat/er t/an simply re+ar9in+it it/ 9is9ain.

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3ink – AT: ,eformism 5ad

Their links are a fantasy Actual mo#ements a$ainst neoliberalism re+uire pra$matic issues

to or$ani'e around" not abstract re#olutions

Fa5i9 @ar#ey? Professor of  Ant/ropolo+y at t/e ra9uate Center of t/e City 6ni5ersity of Ne ork?)(1( HT/e !ni+ma of Capital? an9 t/e crises of capitalism 22)$22I

T/e co$re5olutionary t/eory lai9 out earlier oul9 su++est t/at t/ere is no ay t/at an anti $capitalist social or9er can beconstructe9 it/out sei(in+ state poer? ra9ically transformin+ it an9 reorkin+ t/e constitutional an9institutional frameork t/at currently supports pri5ate property? t/e market system an9 en9less capitalaccumulation. %nter$state competition an9 +eoeconomic an9 +eopolitical stru++les o5er e5eryt/in+ from tra9e an9 money to Duestions of/e+emony are also eit/er far too si+nificant to be left to local social mo5ements or cast asi9e as too bi+ to contemplate. o t/e arc/itecture oft/e state$finance ne"us is to be reorke9? alon+ it/ t/e pressin+ Duestion of t/e common measure of 5alue +i5en by money? cannot be i+nore9 int/e Duest to construct alternati5es to capitalist political economy. To i+nore t/e state an9 t/e 9ynamics of t/e inter$state system is t/erefore a

ri9iculous i9ea for any anti$capitalist re5olutionary mo5ement to accept. T/e fourt/ broa9 tren9 is constitute9 by all t/e socialmo5ements t/at are not so muc/ +ui9e9 by any particular political p/ilosop/y or leanin+s but by t/e pra+matic nee9 to resist 9isplacement an9 9ispossession Ht/rou+/ +entrification? in9ustrial 9e5elopment?

9am construction? ater pri5atisation? t/e 9ismantlin+ of social ser5ices an9 public e9ucationalopportunities? or /ate5erI. %n t/is instance t/e focus on 9aily life in t/e city? ton? 5illa+e or /ere5er pro5i9es a material base for political or+anisin+ a+ainst t/e t/reats t/at state policies an9 capitalistinterests in5ariably pose to 5ulnerable populations. A+ain? t/ere is a 5ast array of social mo5ements of t/is sort? some of/ic/ can become ra9icalise9 o5er time as t/ey come to realise more an9 more t/at t/e problems are systemic rat/er t/an particular an9 local.T/e brin+in+$to+et/er of suc/ social mo5ements into alliances on t/e lan9 Hlike t/e lan9less mo5ement in :ra(il or peasants mobilisin+ a+ainstlan9 an9 resource +rabs by capitalist corporations in %n9iaI or in urban conte"ts Ht/e ri+/t to t/e city mo5ements in :ra(il an9 no t/e 6nite9StatesI su++est t/e ay may be open to create broa9er alliances to 9iscuss an9 confront t/e systemic forces t/at un9erpin t/e particularities of

+entrification? 9am construction? pri5atisation or /ate5er. Fri5en by pra+matism rat/er t/an by i9eolo+ical preconceptions? t/ese mo5ements ne5ert/eless can arri5e at systemic un9erstan9in+s out of t/eir one"perience. To t/e 9e+ree t/at many of t/em e"ist in t/e same space? suc/ as it/in t/e metropolis? t/eycan Has suppose9ly /appene9 it/ t/e factory orkers in t/e early sta+es of t/e in9ustrial re5olutionImake common cause an9 be+in to for+e? on t/e basis of t/eir on e"perience? a consciousness of /ocapitalism orks an9 /at it is t/at mi+/t be 9one collecti5ely. T/is is t/e terrain /ere t/e fi+ure of t/e Yor+anic intellectualYlea9er? ma9e so muc/ of in t/e early tentiet/ $century &ar"ist riter Antonio rams9Ys ork? t/e auto9i9act /o comes to un9erstan9 t/e orl9 first /an9 t/rou+/ bitter e"periences? but s/apes /is or /er un9erstan9in+ of capitalism more +enerally? /as a +reat 9eal to say. To listen to t/e peasant lea9ers of t/e &ST in :ra(il or t/e

lea9ers of t/e anticorporate lan9 +rab mo5ement in %n9ia is a pri5ile+e9 e9ucation. %n t/is instance t/e task of t/e e9ucate9 9iscontente9is to ma+nify t/e subaltern 5oice so t/at attention can be pai9 to t/e circumstances of e"ploitation an9repression an9 t/e ansers t/at can be s/ape9 into an anti$capitalist pro+ramme.

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2mpact – AT: ,oot Cause – Terror Aff 

Challen$in$ the politics and ontolo$y of security out%ei$hs anti*capitalism The hostile

relationship to ?therness at the heart of the .ar on Terror cannot be fully e/plained by


5urke? Professor of Politics an9 %nternational ;elations in t/e 6ni5ersity of Ne Sout/ 0ales? )((4@Ant/ony? :eyon9 Security? !t/ics an9 'iolence? pp. 12$13)

True? neo$liberal +lobalisation ten9s to 9econstruct t/e boun9aries of t/e nation$stateG? but not itsontolo+y. Consi9er t/e +enesis of !mpire after t/e Secon9 0orl9 0ar . ;i+i9? fear$soake9 ontolo+ies of Col9 0ar anticommunism?combine9 it/ massi5e military e"pen9itures? le5els of st rate+ic confrontation an9 internal repression? ere central to t /e 5ast mo5ement of 6S? !uropean an9 Asian accumulation from 1*# to

1. A ri+i9 an9 coerci5e 9i5ision beteen 9emocracyG an9 communismG? beteen Self an9 Mt/er? ast/en fe9 into a e+elian 9iscourse of 9e5elopment an9 pro+ress  /ere t/e Mt/er i9eally 9issol5e9 into t/e Same.3) Suc/ ontolo+iescontinue9 in Sout/east Asia beyon9 t/at? t/rou +/ to t/e Cambo9ian settlement an9 t/e fall of Su/arto? /en t/ey ere partially 9ismantle9 t/rou+/ t/e H5ery limite9I liberalisation of %n9onesian politics an9 t/e normalisation of relations it/ 'ietnam H/ic/ 9i9 a9mitte9ly occur in tan9em it/ ne imperialG mo5ements of forei+n capital into t/e socialist markets of 'ietnam an9 C/inaI.

,or a perio9? /ic/ e can 9ate from t/e early 1#s until 11 September 2##1? a +lobal binary confrontation fracture9 into more local an9 re+ional confrontations t/e Persian ulf0ar ? t/e :alkans? C/ec/nya? t/e rst %ntifa9a? ci5il ar in Cambo9ia an9 :urma ? repression of t/e Kur9s an9 Tibetans? !ast Timor an9 Ace/? t/e 1

riots in %n9onesia. Surely t/ese congicts ere proof t/at mo9ern so5erei+nty an9 its 5icious? security$obsesse9

ontolo+y as not passin+. Nor as mo9ern so5erei+nty unrelate9 to t/e continuin+ reliance of capital on st ron+ states for stabilityG? t/e cont rol of labour? an9 t/e security of 

mines an9 oil el9s. No? t/e +reat binary confrontation /as returne9 – beteen free9omG an9 terrorG?  ci5ilisationG an9e5ilG – /ic/ 9ras in i9er an9 i9er sections o f t/e +lobal polity an9 reinforces mo9ern so5erei+nty in t/e orst ay. ar9t an9 Ne+riGs analysis /ere rests? % suspect? on /a5in+ salloe9 t/e9emocratic peaceG t/eory /ole? refracte9 5ia ,ukuyamaGs en9 of /istoryG so5erei+n poerG? t/ey assert? ill no lon+er confront its Mt/er an9 no lon +er face its outsi9e? but rat/er ill pro+ressi5ely e"pan9 its boun9aries to en5elop t/e entire +lobe as its 9omainG.3* 0/ere ,ukuyama 9i5i9e9 t/e orl9 beteen t/e 9e5elope9 post$/istoricalG orl9 H/ere 9emocratic peaceoul9 rei+nI an9 t/e /istoricalG orl9 H/ere ar an9 congict continueI? ar9t an9 Ne+ri 9escribe a orl9 of minor an9 internal congictsG. T/e /istory of imperialist? inter$imperialist an9 anti$imperialist ars is o5erG t/ey sayE t/ere are only ci5il ars? police actions? a proliferation of minor an9 in9enite crises . . . an omni$crisisG.3- T/is ten9s to 9 iminis/ t/e 9estructi5e poer of t/eminor an9 in9efinite crisesG t/ey cite? bot/ in terms of scale? loss of life an9 political importance? an9 it/ t/em t/e t/eoretical tra<ectories t/at are most able to c/allen+e t/em. 0/ile t/ey 9o briegy acknole9+e t/e import of postmo9ernG t/eorisin+ in t/e 9iscipline of %;? t/ey still HmistakenlyI re+ar9 it as trappe9 in a 9eat/$stru++le it/ mo9ern so5erei+nty? 9espite t/eir earliera9mission t/at suc/ sc/olars/ip stri5e@s to c/allen+e t/e so5erei+nty of states by 9econstructin+ t/e boun9aries of t/e rulin+ poers? /i+/li+/tin+ irre+ular an9 uncontrolle9 internationalmo5ements an9 gos? an9 t/us fracturin+ stable unit ies an9 oppositionsG.34 National Feconstruction? Fa5i9 CampbellGs stu9y of t/e interpenetration of so5erei+nty an9 congict in :osnia$er(e+o5ina? for e"ample? starkly illustrates t/e 9an+ers of assumin+ so5erei+ntyGs passa+e or irrele5ance. T/ere /e s/os /o purist 9iscourses of so 5erei+nty an9 territorial i9entity bot/ 9ro5eet/nic cleansin+ an9 cripple9 international responses. %n turn? /is attempts to criticall y ret/ink so5erei+nty an9 9emocracy? 5ia Ferri9ean 9econstruction an9 Le5inasian et/ics? pro5i9e in 5aluabletools for pre5entin+ suc/ a 9isaster from e5er reoccurrin+. To$/un9re9 t/ousan9 9ea9? 6N /umiliation? instability in u+osla5ia an9 t/e Koso5o ar ere t/e le+acies of t/e 5ery 5iolent? an9t/orou+/ly contemporary? perse5erance of so5erei+nty in a crisis t/at as far from minorG.3 T/e t/eoretical 9ouble$mo5ement t/at asserts t/e 9isappearance of mo9ern so5erei+nty from reality?an9 t/e obsolescence of anti$mo9ernist t/ou+/t as a political +ui9epost? /as to effects t/at must be interro+ate9. ,irst? it ima+ines a ne kin9 of political sub<ect? t/e multitu9eG? /ic/ can/opefully mimic an9 sub5ert t/e same 9eterritorialisin+ mo5ement of capital it/out succumbin+ to itE an9? secon9? it enforces t/e ne 9escription of rule? !mpireG? as t/e most pressin+ political task. et e can reasonably ask /et/er t/is sub<ect is so ripe for fruition? or /et/er t/e continue9 operation of mo9ern tec/nolo+ies of so5erei+nty an9 i9entity mi+/t not be in 9an+er

of cripplin+ its emer+enceE likeise e can ask /et/er in or9er to liberate t/e multitu9e e nee9 to continue to critiDue

an9 +/t mo9ern so5erei+nty? to +/t its /ol9 on sub<ecti5ity? its 5iolence? an9 its comple" enablin+ relations/ip it/ +lobal capital. Mnly t/en can e be+in to +rappleit/ t/e irony 0illiam Connolly i9enties t/e more +lobal capital becomes? t/e more a++ressi5e t/e state is it/ respect tociti(en alle+iances an9 actionsG.3 %n s/ort? t/e teleolo+ical metap/or is t/e ron+ one. 0e nee9 instea9 tot/ink in terms of a strate$ic coe/istence  of imperial an9 mo9ern ontolo+y /ose ob<ecti5es are somatic an9 spatial t/e control an9 pro9uction of bo9ies? lan9 an9 space as a necessary Hbut not alays umbilicalI a9<unct to t/e go an9 e"ploitation of capital. Tactical so5erei+nty post$Su/arto %n9onesia Contemporary%n9onesia certainly pro5i9es one of t/e most stark e"amples of t/e ork of !mpire? but it is also an e"ample of t/e contemporary perse5erance of so5erei+nty. Presse9 to open its capital markets9urin+ t/e 1#s? an9 lon + inguence9 by t/e liberal 9e5elopment a95ice of t/e 0orl9 :ank H/ic/ c/aire9 t/e ai9 consortium t/e Consultati5e roup on %n9onesiaI? tens of billions of s/ort $termcapital goo9e9 in 9urin+ t/e 1 #s? muc/ of /ic/ as c/annelle9 into property an9 s/aremarket speculation an9 t/e corrupt business practices of t/e Su/arto family an9 ot/er cronies. Suc/capital account liberalisation? it/ its comple" interrelations/ip it/ currency speculation? corruption an9 political crisis? as a ma<or factor in t/e terrible nancial cras/ of 14–.)# %n t/eake of t/is AsianG crisis? t/e %&, +rossly infrin+e9 t/e so 5erei+nty of t/e %n9onesian state it/ 9etaile9 pro+rammes t/at amount to in9irect control of i ts entire economic policy. 0e coul9 befor+i5en? in t/e face of t/is? for t/inkin+ so5erei+nty as passin+. T/e %&, simultaneously 9eman9e9 an9 utilise9 t/at same so5erei+nty as it force9 t/e %n9onesian state to bail out insol5ent pri5ate banks – assumin+ liability for t/eir ba9 loans? t/e often ort/less piles of assets an9 t/e cripplin+ responsibilities of 9ebt ser5ice. Suc/ 9ebts – incurre9 t/rou+/ %&, bail$outG packa+esan9 t/e issue of bon9s to insol5ent banks – no reac/e9 6SW1*) billion? an9 reDuire9 *1 per cent of t/e national bu9+et in ser5icin+ ami9 force9 re9uctions in subsi9ies an9 spen9in+ on /ealt/an9 e9ucation.)1 T/e bailout also /elpe9 %n9onesiaGs corrupt elite by socialisin+ t/eir bur9en of 9ebt? an9 Duarantinin+ assets in t/e %n9onesian :ank ;estructurin+ Aut/ority H%:;AI /ic/ /assince been t/e sub<ect of an unseemly st ru++le to pre5ent assets bein+ sol9 in t/e /ope t/at t /ey can be s/ifte9 – minus t/e 9ebt t/ey ori+inally secure9 – back to t/eir former oners.)2 Nee9lessto say? t/is /as cause9 enormous /ar9s/ip an9 misery? an9 furt/er 9isenfranc/ise9 an alrea9y mar+inalise9 population. 0e may on9er /et/er so5erei+nty in suc/ conte"ts is less a secureontolo+ical container? or a stable site of poli tical a+ency an9 aut/ority? t/an a strate+ic /an9/ol9 for poer – abro+ate9 /ere? incite9 t/ere? 9eploye9? e5a9e9 an9 rein 5ente9 it/in a stru++le o5er/o can sei(e an9 s/ape its m yria9 a9ministrati5e? economic? cultural? spatial an9 political potentials. ere is a symptom of t/e loss of economic autonomy an9 aut/ority t/at as assume9 toattac/ to so5erei+nty? but also of its continuity as an enablin+ <uri9ical structure for bot/ 9omestic an9 transnational capitalE so5erei+nty as a site of tactical contest not only beteen classes an9social +roups? but beteen corporations an9 sectors of capital itself. T/e imperial so5erei+ntyG e"ercise9 by t/e %&, on be/alf of 0estern banks an9 in5estors 9epen9s on t/e mo9ern so5erei+ntyof states? /ic/ continues to perform a si+nicant c/annellin+? policin+ an9 le+alisin + function bot/ of capital an9 labour. T/is /as been reco+nise9 by sc/olars of international poli ticaleconomyG? /o emp/asise t/e enablin+ role of t/e state in t/e creation of t/at most profoun9 symptom of !mpire? t/e liberalisation of +lobal nance. Susan Stran+e ar+ues t/at markets e"istun9er t/e aut/ority an9 permission of t/e stateG? /ile effrey ,rie9en tellin+ly remin9s us t /at political consent ma9e t/e +lobal nancial i nte+ration of t/e past t/irty years possibleG.)3%n9onesia is also an e"ample of a central para9o" of t/e contemporary crisis of so5erei+nty t/e ay in /ic/ t/e Hoften ilfulI loss of economic autonomy is matc/e9 by an insistence onrepressi5e? territorial ima+es of national inte+rity? security an9 i9entity. As Connolly ar+ues? /ile political mo5ements? economic transactions? en5ironmental 9an+ers? security risks? culturalcommunications? tourist tra5el? an9 9isease transmission i ncreasin+ly acDuire +lobal 9imensions? t/e state retains a ti+/t +rip o5er public 9enitions of 9an+er? security? collecti5e i9enticationan9 9emocratic accountabilityG.)) !5en t/rou+/ its 9emocraticG transition? %n9onesia still plays out a politics of security 9irecte9 a+ainst a 5ariety of t/reatenin+ Mt/ers /o in t/e past /a5etaken myria9 forms t/e C/inese 5ictims of t/e 1 riots? t/e un+ratefulG Cat/olics of !ast Timor? t/e C/ristians of &aluku? t/e 0est Papuans or t/e Ace/nese. 0/ile t/ere /a5e been?a9mitte9ly? lau9able efforts to promote +reater autonomy for some re+ions? t/e /ars/ security approac/G of t/e %n9onesian military HTN%I sti ll perse5eres. T/e TN%Gs sponsors/ip of militia5iolence in !ast Timor le9 to massi5e 9estruction an9 international inter5entionE nearly 1?### ci5ili ans /a5e 9ie9 in Ace/ since 1? an9 t/e military /as e5en been implicate9 in t/e reli +ious5iolence in &aluku.)* T/is ironic situati on as starkly 9emonstrate9 by to e5ents in late 2##1 it/in to eeks t/e %n9onesian parliament passe9 a ne autonom y la for 0est Papua an9 t/ein9i+enous lea9er T/eys !luay as kille9 by t/e %n9onesian special forces comman9? Kopassus. %n Au+ust 2##2? repeatin+ t/e political 9ouble$take of t/e year before? t/e %n9onesian militaryissue9 an ultimatum for t/e Ace/nese resistance mo5ement to accept an autonomy packa+e an9 aban9on in9epen9ence or risk rmerG military action. T/eir 9ea9lineO T/e 4 Fecemberanni5ersary of t/e in5asion of !ast Timor.)- %n9onesia? t/e state t/at /aemorr/a+es its so5erei+nty to t/e +lobal market? simultaneously asserts its national inte+rityG it/ increasin+ /ars/ness.As it 9oes so it performs? more an9 more ab<ectly? its failure to ima+ine a 9ifferent form of politics? a 9ifferent form of coe"istence? a 9i fferent mo9el of i9entity t/an t/at /ic/ must alaysappropriate an9 +rasp t/e ot/erness of t/e unknonG. As Le5inas asks &y bein+$in$t/eorl9 or my place in t/e sunG . . . /a5e t/ese not also been t/e usurpation of spaces belon+in+ to t/e

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ot/er man /o % /a5e alrea9y oppresse9 or star5e9 . . . are t/ey not acts of repulsin+? e"clu9in+? e"ilin+? strippin+? killin+OG)4 T/is? for me? raises an issue of political priority. 0/at is more9an+erous? t/e gui9 +rasp of capital or t/e 5iolent ontolo+y of mo9ernityO Coul9 t/ey not form a common an9 intertine9 9an+erO Neoliberal so5erei+nty security an9 t/e refu+ee T/e coerci5ereassertion of so5erei+nty ami9 its imperial corrosion i s not conne9 to T/ir9 0orl9 national security states recently emer+in+ from 9ictators/ipE it is 5isible? in not unconnecte9 ays? in9e5elope9 states as ell. At t/e be+innin+ of t/e tenty$rst century t/is /as most clearly emer+e9 in t/e tra5ail of t/e asylum seeker. Attitu9es an9 policies toar9s asylum seekers /a5e been/ar9enin+ for o5er a 9eca9e? in :ritain? continental ! urope an9 t/e 6nite9 States. An"ieties o5er t/e inte+rity of p/ysical bor9ers H/en bor9ers to capital /a5e been all but remo5e9I areincreasin+? an9 policy is mo5in+ to matc/ suc/ an"ieties in t/e face of a lon+$stan9in+ bo9y of international la an9 ne re+ional institutions like t/e !uropean Con5ention on uman ;i+/ts.)T/is /as been most pronounce9 in Australia? /ere a neo$lib eral +o5ernment /as been c/ampionin+ economic +lobalisation /ile insti tutin+ e5er more repressi5e policies of man9atory9etention? restrictions to le+al process? an9 military operations to repel boats. AustraliaGs policy became orl9 nes in Au+ust 2##1 it/ t/e crisis o5er t/e Nore+ian s/ip t/e Tampa? /ic/CNN compare9 it/ t/e 'oya+e of t/e Famne9E /oe5er? contro5ersy o5er beatin+s? protests? self$mutilation? suici9e an9 psyc/olo+ical trauma in many 9etention centres /a9 been 9e5elopin+for some time.) At t/e +eneral election in No5ember 2##1? t/e oar9 +o5ernment also 9re on /istorical an9 racial an"ieties about fears of in5asion an9 An+lo$Celtic cultural inte+rity toretain ofce. %ts policies 9re on an9 9e5elope9 t/ose pre5iously 9eploye9 by t/e 6nite9 States a+ainst Cuban an9 aitian refu+ees. ,los of asylum seekers became militarise9 an9 securitise9?

transforme9 into a t/reat not only to t/e state but to t/e security an9 i9entity of t/e /ost societyG.*# T/e 9emonisation of t/e Mt/er ? t/e Stran+er? an9 t/eirincarceration an9 punis/ment for simply bein+ non$citi(ens? is part of t/e +eneral apparatus of +o5ernmentality an9 biopoer  intrinsic to mo9ern so5erei+ntyE but one 9eploye9 no as a ay o f mana+in+ resentful publics an9 controllin+ +lobal gos. %f? as &cKen(ie 0ark ar+ues? mi+ration is +lobalisation from beloG?

its repressi5e securitisation aims to preser5e t/e pri5ile+es of +lobalisation from abo5e.*1 T/e repressi5e reassertion of so5erei+nty a+ainst t/e refu+ee is 

utterly boun9 up it/ t/e 9issolution of so5erei+nty in neo$liberal economic restructurin+? an9 its insistence on permanentmass unemploymentE a perfect ay for neo$liberal +o5ernments to e5a9e responsibilit y for t/e palpable /ar9s/ip an9 insecurit y e"perience9 by t/e losers of +lobalisation at /ome an9 abroa9.T/is is a ilful 9i splacement of t/e permanent an9 irre9ucibleG postmo9ern uncertainty analyse9 by Ry+munt :auman? for /ic/ neo$liberalism bears so muc/ responsibility t/e trouble9conte"t for o/n oar9Gs promises to pro5i9e Australians it/ a sense o f security an9 /omeG? a repressi5e an9 futile panacea for t/e +lobalisation$in9uce9 up/ea5al /e 9eems so necessary.*2

T/is? to me? contra9icts ar9t an9 Ne+riGs insistence t/at t/e transcen9ence of mo9ern so5erei+nty . . . congicts it/ t/e immanence of capitalG? an9 Duestions t/eir tra9itionally

&ar"ian insistence on capitalist poer as t/e ma<or focus for resistance an9 political action. HT/eir insistence on t/e primacy of t/e terrain of pro9uctionG an9 t/e 9e5elopment of post/umanG forms of labour poer is a kin9 of postmo9ern ec/o of t/e statement in t/e Communist &anifesto t/at t/e /istory of

all society up to no is t/e /istory of class stru++lesG.I*3 ;at/er % oul9 insist on t/e /istorical interrelations/ip of mo9ernity? bio$ poer? so5erei+nty an9 capital Has ,oucault su++este9 more t/an onceIE on t/eir interrelations/ip as problems? an9 on mo9ernityGs important status as a uniDue focus for

critical politics. &o9ernity not as a timeG but as a political formation /ic/ brin+s not <ust t/e repression an9 alienation of labour but 9etentioncentres? prisons? 9eat/ camps? et/nic cleansin+? counter$insur+ency? nuclear eapons an9 killin+ at a 9istance.*) % rite /ere from a 9isciplinaryG situation. ,or t/e critical international t/eorist?

so5erei+nty as a political problem occurs not merely t/rou+/ its abro+ation or its passa+e toar9s !mpire? but t/rou+/ t/e persist ence of its central normati5e status in i nternational relations. T/is

is not merely nostal+ia – in strate+y an9 statecraft so5erei+nty remains associate9 it/ in/erently 5iolent ima+es ofsecurity an9 i9entity t/at 9ra constant sustenance from t/e poisonous soil of mo9ern ontolo+y. Suc/ factsun9erlie? for e"ample? im eor+eGs appeal for serious critical regection upon t/e fun9amental p/ilosop/ical p remises of estern mo9ernityG.** ust as neoliberal states collu9e in t/econstruction of !mpire? t/ey continue to insist on t/e ontolo+ical primacy of t/e state an9 its monopol y on t/e le+itimate use of force? a monopolyG /ic/ 5ariously imprisons an9 e"pelsrefu+ees? incarcerates African$Americans? 9ispossesses in9i+enous people an9 runs counter$insur+encyG operations a+ainst t/at most sinister t/reat to t/e nation – t/e mo5ement for secession. Amali+n contemporary force to obbesGs foun9in+ con9itions for t/e sur5i5al of t/e State Concor9? ealt/E Se9ition? SicknessE an9 Ci5ill ar? Feat/G.*- As % /a5e ar+ue9 t/rou+/out t/is book?

in suc/ a conte"t? security ironicall y rests on t/e necessity of t/e insecurity an9 sufferin+ of t/e Mt/er. .arfare" killin$ and conict are often dri#en

less by the imperati#es of capitalism Hpresent t/ou+/ t/ey often areI than by the lo$ic of an ontolo$y that refuses to

coe/ist %ith otherness and seeks an absolute solution to the threat of its e/istence. T/is is as true of t/e oar9+o5ernmentGs 9eterrenceG of asylum seekers t/rou+/ 9etention an9 military e"pulsion? as it i s of t/e more openly 5iolent strate+ y of t/e %sraeli state /en face9 it/ Palestinian 5iolence an9

9eman9s for <ustice. Suc/ ima+es of security el9 to+et/er ontolo+ical necessity? positi5ist epistemolo+y? realistGmorality an9 an instrumental ima+e of tec/nolo+y in t/e /ope of realisin+ t/e mo9ern 9ream of /at Le5inas

calle9 t/e absolute correlation beteen knole9+e an9 bein+G.*4 T/is time /as not passe9? it is not intili+/tE it enables an9 coe"ists it/ !mpire? t/arts its temporal pull? an9 +enerates its on politicalur+ency t/at is bot/ a part of an9 a99itional to t/e necessary ork a+ainst capitalGs +lobal so5erei+nty.

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2mpact – AT: ,oot Cause – eneral

Capitalism is not the root cause of %ar

!andeker? Professor of &ilitary Sociolo+y in t/e Fepartment of 0ar Stu9ies at Kin+Gs Colle+e Lon9on?in 8;)  @C/ristop/er ? T/e Causes of 0ar an9 t/e istory of &o9ern Sociolo+ical T/eory?B !ffects of 0ar on Society? !9ite9 by ior+ioAusen9a? Publis/e9 by t/e Center for %nter9isciplinary ;esearc/ on Social Stress by :oy9ell Z :reer Lt9? p. ))$)-

All t/ese ar+uments presuppose to specious sociolo+ical contentions first t/at capitalism? as t/e most /istorically 9e5elope9

an9 9ynamic form of class e"ploitation? is t/e source of mo9ern militarism? an9  secon9? t/at socialism? preferably on aorl9 scale oul9 in5ol5e t/e abolition of ar. T/e 9eficiencies in t/ese 5ies? an9 in9ee9 of t/ose associate9 it/ t/e in9ustrial society

t/esis 9iscusse9 earlier? can be re5eale9 by 9rain+ on &ac/ia5ellian t/emes /ic/ can t/en be set out more e"plicitly in t/e ne"t section. Fespite t/e factt/at in9ustrial capitalism /as pro9uce9 to orl9 ars? as Aron H1*)I an9 more recently &ic/ael &ann H1)I /a5e ar+ue9? t/ereis no Gspecial relations/ipG beteen capitalism an9 militarism = or t/e ten9ency to ar  = only one of/istorical in9ifference. All t/e pre$9ispositions of capitalist statesG to use arfare calculati5ely as a meansof resol5in+ t/eir 9isputes it/ ot/er states pre9ate t/e formation of capitalism as an economic system. Mfcourse? it coul9 be ar+ue9 t/at capitalism merely c/an+es t/e form of militar ism. T/at is to say? pre$capitalist patterns of militarism ere still e"pressions of classrelations an9 mo9ern capitalism /as <ust increase9 t/e 9estructi5e poer of t/e in9ustrialise9 means of ar a5ailable to t/e state. :ut t/is ar+ument ill not 9o.

Socialist societies in t/eir use of in9ustrialise9 poer s/o t/at t/e tec/nolo+ical potential for ar is

transferable an9 can be repro9uce9 un9er non$capitalist con9itions. ,urt/ermore? t/e military acti5ities ofsocialist states cannot be e"plaine9 in terms of a  @en9 pa+e )) 9efensi5e ar a+ainst capitalism or e5en ana++ressi5e one? as national an9 +eopolitical poer moti5es are ar+uably <ust as si+nificant in t/e9etermination of state be/a5iour. ,urt/ermore? imperial e"pansion not only pre9ates capitalism but it is also 9ifficult to re9uce t/e causes of ars

t/en an9 no to t/e interests of 9ominant economic classes H&ann 1)2*$)-I. &ean/ile? mo9ern attempts to e"plain patterns ofmilitary e"pen9iture in terms of t/e imperati5es of capital accumulation face ma<or 9ifficulties . T/e association beteen economic boom an9 military spen9in+ /as been re5eale9 as an empirical association not an in/erent connectionE in9ee9 t/e e5i9ence from ermany an9apan in9icates t/at lo le5els of military spen9in+ mi+/t ell be associate9 it/ economic performances superior to t/ose of societies /ic/ commit more of t/eir

NP to 9efence e"pen9iture. ,urt/ermore? t/e i9ea t/at ar an9 t/e t/reat of ar are eapons of national myt/olo+yuse9 by 9ominant classes to confuse t/e orkin+ class an9 eaken t/eir natural affinity it/ internationalsocialism faces t/e problem t/at? as in t/e case of !urope in 11)? national ent/usiasms ere suc/ t/at trulyremarkable poers oul9 /a5e to be attribute9 to rulin+ classes in or9er to make sense of t/em /ile inany case alternati5e e"planations are at /an9 Hoar9 14-1#$1*I. T/e problems of economic 9eterminism in &ar"ist social t/eory are

compoun9e9 by to furt/er 9ifficulties. T/e first of t/ese concerns is i ts emp/asis on en9o+enous? unfol9in+ mo9els of social c/an+e. T/e ten9ency is to5ie state be/a5iour in terms of t/e imperati5es of internal class relations it/ arfare bein+ re+ar9e9 ast/e e"ternalisation of t/e contra9ictory nature of t/ose relations. &ar"ism fin9s it 9ifficult to 5ie inter$state relations as c/aracterise9 by structural inter9epen9encies of a politico$strate+ic nature. T/e 9rift of &ar"ismis to re+ar9 t/e state as a class actor not as a +eopolitica l one. T/is failin+ 9eri5es not <ust from t/e internalist bias of &ar"ist social t/eory but also from its failure to pro5i9e a satisfactory account of t/e con9itions un9er /ic/ t/e /uman species /as become 9ifferentiate9 into separate societies an9? more specifically? /y it is t/att/e mo9ern capitalist economic system /as 9e5elope9 in t/e conte"t of a system of competin+ nation$states=a political system e"ten9in+ from t/e core of !urope to

t/e rest of t/e +lobe 9urin+ t/e course of t/e tentiet/ century. As &ic/ael &ann /as su++este9 t/ere is not/in+ in capitalism as aneconomic system /ic/ presupposes or reDuires suc/ a political system alt/ou+/ t/ere is a stron+  @en9 pa+e

)* case in fa5our of t/e 5ie t/at t/e 9e5elopment an9 triump/ of mo9ern capitalism benefite9 from t/econstant poer stru++le amon+st t/e emer+ent nation$states of !uropean ci5ilisation Hall 1-E &ann 1I. %n&ar"ist t/eory? t/e rise of nation$states /as been interprete9 as an early sta+e in t/e political e"pression of t/e uni5ersality of t/e capitalist market? an e"pression/ic/ ill c/an+e it/ t/e 9eman9s of capital accumulation HSemmel 11 1--$43I. A contemporary case in point oul9 be t/e cur rent s/ift to !uropean inte+rationin t/e conte"t of +lobal competition amon+st t/e ma<or capitalist blocs. oe5er? nationalism is not a bour+eois p/enomenon create9 to pro5i9e i9eolo+ical an9 le+al

con9itions fa5ourable for capitalist economic relations. Nor are mo9ern nationalisms? /en suitably 9eco9e9?G ent/usiastic proletarian mo5ements rea9y to take t/esta+e 5acate9 by t/eir less 9istin+uis/e9 0estern comra9es. Nationalism is a far more si+nificant motor of /uman /istory t/an class=a fact /ic/ as reco+nise9 bysome &ar"ists in t/e early tentiet/ century &ussolini as one of t/em HAs/ort/ an9 Fan9eker 1-2$4E Fan9eker 1*3)$-4E re+or 14)1)*$4E Smit/13)4$*#I. T/e inability of &ar"ism to pro5i9e a satisfactory account of nationalism is part of a broa9er failure to e"plain /y GsocietiesG e"ist at all. T/at is to say?in relation to t/e four clusters of mo9ernity 9istin+uis/e9 earlier? it is t/rou+/ t/e con<oinin+ of in9ustrialism? capitalism? bureaucratic sur5eillance an9 t/e statemonopolisation of t/e means of 5iolence t/at mo9ern societies /a5e emer+e9. As Ant/ony i99ens /as su++este9? societies are actually pro9ucts of mo9ernity Han9not one 9imension of mo9ernity? i.e.? class relations it/in capitalismI. %f by society one means a clear ly 9emarcate9 an9 internally ell articulate9 social entity it isonly relati5ely recently t/at lar+e /uman populations /a5e li5e9 un9er suc/ ar ran+ements an9 t/ese /a5e been t/e ac/ie5ements of mo9ern nation$states HFan9eker1#*1E i99ens 1*142I.

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Capitalism is not the root cause of #iolence

Aberdeen? Aut/or Z P/ilant/ropist? 8  H;ic/ar9? 6ncommon Sense? C/. #? p. +oo+leI

A 5ie s/are9 by many mo9ern acti5ists is t/at capitalism? free enterprise? multi$national corporations an9 +lobali(ation are t/e primarycause of t/e current +lobal uman ;i+/ts problem an9 t/at by stri5in+ to c/an+e or eliminate t/ese? t/e root problem of/at ills t/e mo9ern orl9 is bein+ a99resse9. T/is is a rat/er unfortunate an9 /istorically myopic 5ie? reminiscent of early class stru++leB &ar"ists

/o soon resorted to #iolence as a means to ac/ie5e rat/er Duestionable en9s. An9 like t/ese often brutal early &ar"ists? mo9ern anarc/ists /o resort to 5iolence to sol5e t/e problem arealkin+ upsi9e 9on an9 backar9s? a99in + to rat/er t/an correctin+? bot/ t/e imme9iate an9 lon+$term uman ;i+/ts problem. 'iolent re5olution? inclu9in+ our on American re5olution?

 becomes a bree9in+ +roun9 for po5erty? 9isease? star5ation an9 often mass oppression lea9in+ to future 5iolence. Lar+e? publicly tra9e9 corporations are create9 by in9i5i9uals

or +roups of in9i5i9uals? operate9 by in9i5i9uals an9 ma9e up of  in9i5i9ual an98or +roup in5estors. T/ese business enterprises are 9eliberately structure9 to be empoere9 byin9i5i9ual Hor +roupI in5estor +ree9. ,or e"ample? a t/eori(e9 nee9G for offerin+ salaries muc/ /i+/er t/an is necessary to secure competent lea9ers/ip Hoften resultin+ in corrupt an9 entirelyincompetent lea9ers/ipI? loerin+ a+es more t/an is fair an9 eDuitable an9 scalin+ back of often /ar9 fou +/t for benefits? is sol9 to stock/ol9ers as bein+ in t/e best interest of t/e bottom$line

market 5alue an9 t/us? in t/e best economic interests of in9i5i9ual in5estors. Likeise? ma<or political an9 corporate e"ploitation of t/ir9$orl9 nations is roote9 in t/e 

in9i5i9ual an9 <oint +ree9 of  corporate in5estors an9 ot/ers /o stan9 to profit from suc/ e"ploitation. &ore t/an <ust in5estor +ree9? corporations are 9ri5en b y t/e +ree9 of all

t/ose in5ol5e9? inclu9in+ in9i5i9uals outsi9e t/e enterprise itself /o profit in9irectly from it. %f one e"amines t/e course of /uman e5entsB closely? it can correctly be surmise9 t/at t/erootB cause of /umanityGs problems comes from in9i5i9ual /uman +ree9 an9 similar ne+ati5e in9i5i9ual moti5ation. T/e&ar"8!n+les 5ie of /istory bein+ a classB stru++le h 9oes not a99ress t/e root problem an9 is t/us fun9amentally flae9 from a true /istorical perspecti5e Hsee for more 9etailsI. So$calle9classesB of people?unions? corporations an9 political +roups are ma9e up of in9i5i9uals /o support t/e particular +roup or or+ani(ational position base9 on t/eir on in9i5i9ual nee9s? +ree9

an9 9esires an9 t/us? an apparent class stru++leB in reality? is an e"tension of in9i5i9ual moti5ation. Likeise? nations en+a+e in ars of a++ression? not because capitalism or classes of society are at root cause? but because in9i5i9ual members of a society are in9i5i9ually

con5ince9 t/at it is in t/eir  on economic sur5i5al best interest. 0ar? po5erty? star5ation  an9 lack of uman an9 Ci5il ;i+/ts /a5ee"iste9 on our planet since lon+ before t/e rise of mo9ern capitalism? free enterprise an9 multi$national corporation a5arice? t/us t/e root problem ob5iously +oes 9eepert/an t/is. unior :us/ an9 t/e neo$conser5ati5e +enoci9al maniacs of mo9ern$9ay America coul9 not /a5e recently effecti5ely +one to ar a+ainst %raD it/out t/e in9i5i9ual support ofin9i5i9ual troops an9 a certain percenta+e of in9i5i9ual citi(ens it/in t/e 6.S. population? eac/ len9in+ support for t/eir on personal moti5es? /ate5er t/ey in9i5i9ually may /a5e been.0/ile it is true t/at corrupt lea9ers often pro5oke ar? usin+ all manner of reli+ious? social an9 political means to <ust ify? often as not? entirely lu9icrous en9s? 5ery rare in9ee9 is a battle onlyen+a+e9 in by t/ese same unscrupulous miscreants of poer. An9 t/ou+/ a fe iniDuitous elitist poerbrokers may initiate nefarious policies of +lobal +enoci9al oppression? it takes a 5ery +reatmany in9i5i9uals operatin+ from in9i5i9ual personal moti5ations of sur5i5al? 9esire an9 +ree9 t o 9e5elop t/ese policies into a multi$national e"ploiti5e reality. No economic or politicalor+ani(ation an9 no political or social cause e"ists unto itself but rat/er? in9i5i9ual members poer a collecti5e a+en9a. A orkersG strike /as no /ope of succee9in+ if in9i5i9ual orkers 9o not percei5e a personal benefit. An9 similarly? a corporation ill not e"ploit orkers if 9oin+ so is not belie5e9 to be in t/e economic best interest of t/ose /o run t/e corporation an9 /o in turn?must anser Hat least t/eoreticallyI to in9i5i9uals /o collecti5ely t/rou+/ purc/ase or ot/er allotment of s/ares? on t/e corporation. Companies /a5e o ften been knon to appear bene5olent?offerin+ bot/ /i+/er a+es an9 impro5e9 benefits? if 9oin+ so is percei5e9 to be in t/e o5erall economic best interest of t/e imme9iate company an98or lar+er corporate entity. Non$unioni(e9 business enterprises freDuently offer carrotsG of appeasement to orkers in or9er to 9iscoura+e t/em from or+ani(in+ an9 /istorically in t/e 6nite9 States? concessions suc/ as t/e forty$/ourorkeek? minimum a+e? orkers compensation an9 proscribe9 /oli9ays /a5e been +ru9+in+l y capitulate9 to by +ree9y capitalist masters as necessary concessions to a5oi9 profit$cripplin+strikes an9 outri+/t re5olution. %t is important to un9erstan9 t /at so$calle9 orkers ri+/tsG an9 benefits ere not 5olunteere9 by American capitalists or t/eir polit ical stoo+es Hinclu9in+ se5eral6.S. presi9entsI it/out e"treme an9 often 5iolent orker coerci5e persuasion o5er a +reat many years of prolon+e9 stri kes an9 similar orker re5olts. &o9ern supply$si9e A9am Smit/ inspire9economic pipe 9reams of unencumbere9 markets freely mo5in+ toar9 t/e common +oo9 are clearly an9 fun9amentally? base9 on outri+/t lies an9 not 5ery ell$maske9? 9eliberate capitalist9eception Ha+ain? see allo :rot/ers for more information. T/ose /o proclaim t/e tiste9 +ospel of mo9ern supply$si9e economic t/eory are +enerally t/ose /o /a5e a lot to +ain from itsacceptance? bot/ economically an9 politically. Lar+e political an9 ot/er problems are /istorically create9 +ra9ually stemmin+ from ne+ati5e in9i5i9ual lea9in+ to ne+ati5e +roup moti5ation? inturn lea9in+ to ne+ati5e in9i5i9ual an9 +roup action. T/e correct root solution to /umanityGs problems becomes? by /istorical 9efault? c/an+in+ in9i5i9ual ne+ati5e moti5ation toar9s positi5emoti5ation. T/is is not at all a ne t/eory? as it as first state9 o5er to t/ousan9 years a+o by esus? /istorically t/e foun9er of uman an9 Ci5il ;i+/ts an9 not at all? t/e foun9er of C/ristianityor of any ot/er reli+ious mo5ementE 5irtually e5eryt/in+ esus sai9 an9 9i9 +oes 9irectly to /uman moti5ation? is community oriente9? /as little to 9o it/ mo9ern conceptions of reli+ion an9 ist/e antit/esis of mo9ern C/ristianity Hsee ;e5olution for more informationI. Contrary to many current 5ies painte9 of /im? esus as e"tremely political? t/e correct political Han9 ot/erI

solution from true perspecti5e bein+ to center on an9 c/an+e in9i5i9ual moti5ation. T/at is? if e is/ to constructi5ely c/an+e t/e e"tensi5e political an9 soci al problem pla+uin+ our planetto9ay? t/e root cause of ne+ati5e in9i5i9ual /uman moti5ation lea9in+ to ne+ati5e action must be a99resse9 at t/e fun9amental in9i5i9ual le5el. T/is correct poli tical t/eory is seen as successfullyinitiate9 by early folloers of esus? /o practice9 e"treme communism? /a5in+ no la but to lo5e one anot/erB? s/arin+ all t/in+s in common? allottin+ to eac/ accor9in+ t o t/eir nee9 an9+i5in+ t/e e"cess to t/e poor H/ic/ since t/ey ere mostly 5ery poor? as a true sacrificeI. T/is as a ay of life forei+n to t/eir culture? as 5iee9 as a se5ere t/reat to t/e establis/e9reli+ious an9 political or9er an9 t/us? t/ey ere t/ron to t/e lions accor9in+ly. T/e arisin+ e"ten9e9 mo5ement? calle9 T/e 0ayB by t/ose /o <oine9 Hit as not calle9 C/ristianityB by t/em?nor 9i9 t/ese early folloers 5ie t/emsel5es as foun9ers of a reli+ion I? j represents e"treme far$left ra9icalism e5en by mo9ern liberal acti5ist cooperati5e stan9ar9s. %t /as t/us been /istorically9emonstrate9 t/at if people practice t/e uman ;i+/ts foun9ation a"iom set 9on by esus to treat ot/er people as e oursel5es is/ to be treate9? establis/e9 ays of li5in+ ill c/an+e?inclu9in+ non$5iolent elimination of t/e entire i9ea of capitalist oppression base9 on in9i5i9ual +ain an9 pri5ate property oners/ip. %n practicin+ T/e 0ay? economic oppression is 9ealt it/from t/e root cause up an9 t/us? is o5ercome it/ lo5e an9 peaceful unselfis/ collecti5e co$e"istence. %t is important to note t/at claimin+ to be a folloer of esus an9 actually practicin+ T/e

0ayB are to9ay usually to entirely 9ifferent realitiesE t/e mo9ern 21st Century orl9 /as plenty of e"amples of t/e former an9 5irtually no e"amples of t/e latter. Lenin an9 t/e Communist

 party o5ert/re a 5ery oppressi5e capitalist C(arist system. %t 9i9 not take lon+ for one corrupt system to be replace9 byanot/er? /ere e5en it/out capitalism an9 free enterprise to a++ra5ate t/e uman ;i+/ts problem? people of poer  it/in t/e Communist political

structure be+an? similar to t/eir counterparts of capitalistic e"cess in !urope an9 America? e"ploitin+ t/e mass population for t/eir on in9i5i9ual

 benefit? comfort an9 e"cess. T/us t/e root problem is e"pose9 as +oin+ 9eeper t/an simply c/an+in+ an oppressi5e capitalist or

ot/er system. 7uite ob5iously? c/an+in+ a corrupt system 9oes not by itself? c/an+e t/e corrupt people /o in5ente9 an9 supporte9it? neit/er 9oes it c/an+e ne+ati5e in9i5i9ual moti5ation lea9in+ to +roup oppression base9 on irrational 9ispara+ement of ot/ers re+ar9in+ se"? color? intelli+ence or ot/er percei5e9 9ifference

an9 neit/er 9oes it pre5ent aste? la(iness? mur9er? t/eft an9 rape by in9i5i9uals it/in a percei5e9 economic classB.

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Cap ood – <thics

Capitalism is ethicalFpro#ides means to better li#es

Saunders B – fello? Center for %n9epen9ent Stu9ies HPeter? 0/y Capitalism is oo9 for t/e Soul?/ttp88.cis.or+.au8PML%C8summerV2##4$#8saun9ers^summer#4./tmlI

 0/at Cli5e amilton airily 9ismisses as a +rot/ fetis/G /as resulte9 in one /our of ork to9ay 9eli5erin+ tenty$fi5etimes more 5alue t/an it 9i9 in 1*#. T/is /as free9 /u+e c/unks of our time for  leisure? art? sport? learnin+? an9 ot/er

soul$enric/in+G pursuits. Fespite all t/e e"a++erate9 talk of an imbalanceG beteen ork an9 family life? t/e a5era+e Australian to9ayspen9s a muc/ +reater proportion of /is or /er lifetime free of ork t/an t/ey oul9 /a9 t/ey belon+e9 to any pre5ious +eneration in

/istory. T/ere is anot/er sense? too? in /ic/ capitalism /as free9 in9i5i9uals so t/ey can pursue ort//ile li5es ? an9t/at lies in its recor9 of un9erminin+ tyrannies an9 9ictators/ips. As e"amples like Pinoc/etGs C/ile an9 PutinGs ;ussia 5i5i9ly 9emonstrate? a freeeconomy 9oes not +uarantee a 9emocratic polity or a society +o5erne9 by t/e rule of la. :ut as &ilton ,rie9man once pointe9 out? t/ese lattercon9itions are ne5er foun9 in t/e absence of a free economy.H12I istorically? it as capitalism t/at 9eli5ere9 /umanity from t/e soul$9estroyin+G ei+/t of feu9alism. Later? it free9 millions from t/e 9ea9 /an9 of totalitarian socialism. 0/ile capitalism may not be a sufficient

con9ition of /uman free9om? it is almost certainly a necessary one. @continues 0/ere5er populations /a5e a c/ance to mo5e?t/e flo is alays toar9s capitalism? not aay from it. T/e aut/orities ne5er /a9 a problem keepin+ 0estermans out of !ast ermany? Sout/ Koreans out of Nort/ Korea? or Taianese out of Communist C/ina. T/e attraction of li5in+ in a

capitalist society is not <ust t/at t/e economy orks. %t is also t/at if your 5ersion of t/e +oo9 life lea9s you to turn your back on capitalism? you 9onGt /a5e to pick up sticks an9 mo5e aay. %f you 9onGt like capitalism? t/ere is no nee9 to bribe people$

smu++lers to +et you out of t/e country. ou simply buy a plot of lan9? buil9 your mu9$ brick  /ouse? an9 9rop out Hor? likeCli5e? you set up your on t/ink tank an9 sell books ur+in+ ot/ers to 9rop outI.

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Cap ood – ro%thL<conomy

Cap key to $ro%th3ocke ) H!9in A.? FeanYs Professor !meritus of Lea9ers/ip an9 &oti5ation – 6ni5ersity of &arylan9?Anti$lobali(ation T/e LeftYs 'iolent Assault on lobal ProsperityB? Capitalism &a+a(ine? *$1?


T/e a95anta+e of a +lobal economy base9 on  free tra9e an9 capitalism is so ob5ious an9 so enormous t/at it is9ifficult to concei5e of anyone opposin+ it. T/e benefit is base9 on t/e la of comparati5e a95anta+e e5erycountry becomes more prosperous t/e more it in5ests in pro9ucin+ an9 e"portin+ /at it 9oes best Hin terms of Duality? cost? uniDueness? etc.I?an9 importin+ +oo9s an9 ser5ices t/at ot/er countries can pro9uce more efficiently. ,or e"ample? let us say t/at Ni+erian companies can pro9uceT$s/irts for W1 a piece /ereas 6.S. companies can only pro9uce t/em for W* a piece. 6n9er free tra9e? Americans ill buy t/eir T$s/irts from

 Ni+eria. T/is 9i5ision of labor benefits people in bot/ countries. Ni+erians ill /a5e more money to buy foo9? clot/in+ an9 /ousin+. Americansill spen9 less on T$s/irts an9 /a5e more money to buy cell p/ones an9 S6's? an9 t/e in5estment capital formerly spent on T$s/irts ill be putto more pro9ucti5e uses? say in t/e area of tec/nolo+y or 9ru+ researc/. &ultiply t/is by millions of pro9ucts an9 /un9re9s of countries an9 o5ertime t/e benefits run into t/e trillions of 9ollars. o? t/en? 9o e reconcile t/e incre9ible benefits of +lobal capitalism it/ t/e anti$

+lobali(ation mo5ementO T/e protestors make t/ree claims repeate9ly. ,irst? t/ey ar+ue t/at multinational corporations are 

 becomin+ too  poerful an9 t/reaten t/e so5erei+nty of smaller nations. T/is is absur9 on t/e face of it. o5ernments /a5e t/e poer of p/ysical coercion Ht/e +unIE corporations 9o notE t/ey /a5e only t/e 9ollar$$t/ey function t/rou+/ 5oluntary tra9e.

Secon9? anti$+lobalists claim t/at multinational companies e"ploit orkers in poor countries by payin+ loer a+es t/an

t/ey oul9 pay in t/eir /ome countries. 0ell? /at is t/e alternati5eO %t is no a+esJ T/e comparati5e a95anta+e of poorer countriesis precisely t/at t/eir a+es are lo? t/us re9ucin+ t/e costs of pro9uction. %f multinational corporations /a9 to pay t/e same a+es as in t/eir/ome countries? t/ey oul9 not bot/er to in5est in poorer countries at all an9 millions of people oul9 lose t/eir li5eli/oo9s. T/ir9? it is claime9t/at multinational corporations 9estroy t/e en5ironments of smaller? poorer countries. Note t/at if 1t/$century America /a9 been sub<ecte9 to t/een5ironmental le+islation t/at no per5a9es most 0estern countries? e oursel5es oul9 still be a t/ir9$orl9 country. &ost of t/e in9ustries t/atma9e t/e 6nite9 States a orl9 economic poer$$t/e steel? automobile? c/emicals an9 electrical in9ustries$$oul9 ne5er /a5e been able to9e5elop. :y /at ri+/t 9o e 9epri5e poor? 9estitute people in ot/er countries from tryin+ to create prosperity in t/e same ay t/at e 9i9? /ic/

is t/e only ay possibleO All of t/ese ob<ections to +lobal capitalism are <ust rationali(ations. T/e +i5eaay? an9 t/e clue to t/ereal moti5e of to9ayYs left an9 t/eir /an+ers$on? is t/at all t/eir protests are a+ainst$$t/ey are anti$capitalism? anti$free tra9e? anti$usin+ t/een5ironment for manYs benefit$$but t/ey are not for anyt/in+. %n t/e first t/ir9 of t/e 2#t/ century? most leftists ere i9ealists$$t/ey stoo9 for an9fou+/t for an ima+ine9? in9ustriali(e9 utopia$$Communism Hor SocialismI. T/e leftYs 5ision as man as a selfless sla5e of t/e state? an9 t/e state

as t/e omniscient mana+er of t/e economy. oe5er? instea9 of prosperity? /appiness an9 free9om? Communism an9 Socialism

 pro9uce9 not/in+ but po5erty? misery an9 terror  Hitness So5iet ;ussia? Nort/ Korea an9 Cuba? amon+ ot/ersI. T/eir system

/a9 to fail? because it as base9 on a lie. ou cannot create free9om an9 /appiness by 9estroyin+ in9i5i9ual ri+/tsE an9 you cannot create prosperity by ne+atin+ t/e min9 an9 e5a9in+ t/e las of economics. ,urious o5er t/e fact t/at t/eir en5isione9 utopia/as collapse9 in ruins? t/e leftists no seek only 9estruction. T/ey ant to anni/ilate t/e system t/at /as pro9uce9 t/e 5ery prosperity? /appinessan9 free9om t/at t/eir system coul9 not pro9uce. T/at system is capitalism? t/e system of true social <ustice /ere people are free to pro9uce an9

keep /at t/ey earn. T/e fact t/at free tra9e is no becomin+ truly +lobal is one of t/e most importantac/ie5ements in t/e /istory of mankin9. %f? in t/e en9? it ins out o5er statism? $lobal capitalism %ill brin$ about the

$reatest de$ree of prosperity and the $reatest period of peaceful cooperation in %orld history. 0es/oul9 scornfully i+nore t/e ni/ilist protestors$$t/ey /a5e not/in+ positi5e to offer. T/e proper anser to t/eir acts of 5iolence is police poer asa means of protectin+ our la$abi9in+ citi(ens from t/eir 9epre9ations. 0e s/oul9 not only allo +lobal capitalismE e s/oul9 elcome it an9

foster it in e5ery ay possible. %t is time to rep/rase Karl &ar" 0orkers of t/e orl9 unite for  +lobal capitalismE you/a5e not/in+ to lose but your po5erty.

2mpact is e/tinction

&ey ;7 H&ic/ael? !"ecuti5e Firector – !"pansionary %nstitute? Professor of &ana+ement – &ontclairState 6ni5ersity? Sei(in+ t/e ,uture? p. 3)? 3$)#I

oe5er? no outsi9e force +uarantees t/e continue9 pro+ress of t/e /uman species? nor 9oes anyt/in+man9ate t/at t/e /uman species must e5en continue to e"ist . %n fact? /istory is littere9 it/ races an9

ci5ili(ations t/at /a5e 9isappeare9 it/out a trace. So? too? coul9 t/e /uman species. T/ere is no+uarantee t/at t/e /uman species ill sur5i5e e5en if e posit? as many /a5e? a special purpose to t/e speciesG e"istence.

T/erefore? t/e species innately compre/en9s t/at it must en+a+e in purposi5e actions in or9er to maintain its le5el

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of +rot/ an9 pro+ress. umanityGs future is con9itione9 by  /at % call t/e %mperati5e of rot/? a

 principle % ill /ereit/ 9escribe alon+ it/ its se5eral corollaries. T/e %mperati5e of rot/ states t/at in or9er to sur5i5e? any

nation? in9ee9? t/e /uman race? must +ro? bot/ materially an9 intellectually. T/e &acroin9ustrial !rarepresents +rot/ in t/e areas of bot/ tec/nolo+y an9 /uman 9e5elopment? a natural sta+e in t/ee5olution of t/e speciesG continue9 e"tension of its control o5er itself an9 its en5ironment. Alt/ou+/ * billion stron+? ourcontinue9 e"istence 9epen9s on our ability to continue t/e pro+ress e /a5e been makin+ at /i+/er

an9 /i+/er le5els. Systems? /et/er or+ani(ations? societies? or cells? /a5e t/ree basic 9irections in /ic/ to mo5e.T/ey can +ro? 9ecline? or temporarily resi9e in a state of eDuilibrium. T/ese are t/e c/oices. C/oosin+ anyalternati5e to +rot/? for instance? stabili(ation of pro9uction8consumption t/rou+/ (ero$+rot/ policies? coul9 /a5ealarmin+ly pernicious si9e effects? inclu9in+ e/tinction.

@ContinuesUT/e fift/ corollary of t/e %mperati5e of rot/ claims t/at a society can remain in a state of eDuilibrium onlytemporarily. %n reality? a society seemin+ly in a p/ase /ere it neit/er impro5es nor re+resses is actuallyin a transition to eit/er +rot/ or 9ecline. Suc/ perio9s easily se9uce t/eir contemporaries into a falsesense of security? t/at t/eir institutions ill last fore5er ? t/ey /a5e all t/e science t/ey nee9? an9 t/ere are no more

c/allen+es. %n fact? 9urin+ suc/ perio9s some ima+ine t/at t/ey /a5e reac/e9 t/eir +ol9en a+e?B per/aps e5en t/e en9 of /istory.B Furin+suc/ perio9s of suppose9 eDuilibrium? t/e population ceases to prepare itself for ne c/allen+es an9 becomes risk a5erse. %mportantly? t/ey re<ect t/e i9ea t/at +rot/ an9 pro+ress are necessary for t/eir

sur5i5al. T/e si"t/ corollary e5ol5es from t/e fift/. %f t/e system c/ooses not to +ro? it ill 9ecline an9e5entually 9isappear? eit/er because ot/er or+anisms or systems o5ertake it or because it is impossibleto maintain itself e5en at static le5els it/out in some ay 9eterioratin+. T/is is t/e La of Spiralin+ ;e+ression.%t is in9ee9 a curiosity of t/e late$tentiet/$century culture t/at t/is truism /as been i+nore9. %n t/e morass of claims about t/e risks of

tec/nolo+ical +rot/ an9 its impact on t/e ecosystem? t/e mainstream me9ia an9 ort/o9o" aca9emics /a5e 9eci9e9 not toconsi9er /at /arm t/e full pursuance of (ero +rot/ or non +rot/ mi+/t inflict on t/e sociotec/nicalsystem? /ic/ inclu9es our tec/nolo+ical infrastructure? culture? an9 stan9ar9 of li5in+.

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Cap ood – .ar

Capitalism sol#es %ar

art'ke B H!ric? associate professor of political science an9 a member of t/e Salt(man %nstitute of 0ar an9 Peace Stu9ies at Columbia6ni5ersity? T/e Capitalist PeaceB? American ournal of Political Science? 'ol. *1? No. 1? anuary 2##4? Pp. 1--–11I

%f ar is a pro9uct of incompatible interests an9 faile9 or aborti5e bar+ainin+? peace ensues /en states lack9ifferences ort/y of costly conflict? or /en circumstances fa5or successful 9iplomacy. ;ealists an9 ot/ers ar+ue t/at stateinterests are in/erently incompatible? but t/is nee9 be so only if state interests are narroly 9efine9 or /en conDuest promises tan+ible benefits.

Peace can result from at least t/ree attributes of mature capitalist economies. ,irst? t/e /istoric impetus toterritorial e"pansion is tempere9 by t/e risin+ importance of intellectual an9 financial capital? factors t/at are

more e"pe9iently entice9 t/an conDuere9. Lan9 9oes little to increase t/e ort/ of t/e a95ance9 economies /ile resourcecompetition is more c/eaply pursue9 t/rou+/ markets t/an by means of military occupation. At t/e same time?

9e5elopment actually increases t/e ability of states to pro<ect poer  /en incompatible policy ob<ecti5es e"ist.

Fe5elopment affects /o states fi+/t Han9 /at t/ey fi+/t o5erI more t/an t/e o5erall freDuency of arfare. Secon9? substantial o5erlapin t/e forei+n policy +oals of 9e5elope9 nations in t/e post–0orl9 0ar %% perio9 furt/er limits t/e scope an9 scale ofconflict. Lackin+ territorial tensions? consensus about /o to or9er t/e international system /as alloe9 liberal states

to cooperate an9 to accommo9ate minor 9ifferences. 0/et/er t/is affinity amon+ liberal states ill persist in t/e ne"t century is a Duestionopen to 9ebate. ,inally? t/e rise of +lobal capital markets creates a ne mec/anism for competition an9

communication for states t/at mi+/t ot/erise be force9 to fi+/t. Separately? t/ese processes influence patterns of arfare int/e mo9ern orl9. To+et/er? t/ey e"plain t/e absence of ar amon+ states in t/e 9e5elope9 orl9 an9 accountfor t/e 9ya9ic obser5ation of t/e 9emocratic peace.

!ata pro#es cap stops %ar

@e$re et al )((; HG5ar9 e+re? Professor of Political Science >6ni5ersity of Mslo? ? o/n ;. Mneal? Professor of Political Science >T/e 6ni5ersity of Alabama? :ruce ;ussett? Professor of Political Science > ale 6ni5ersityI Au+ust 2*? 2## Tra9e Foes Promote Peace NeSimultaneous !stimates of t/e ;eciprocal !ffects of Tra9e an9 ConflictB /ttp88.yale$uni5ersity.com8leitner8resources89ocs8M;une#.p9f 

Liberals e"pect economically important tra9e to re9uce conflict because interstate 5iolence a95ersely affects commerce? prospecti5ely or contemporaneously. Kes/k?;eu5eny? Z Pollins H2##)I an9 Kim Z ;ousseau H2##*I report on t/e basis of  simultaneous analyses of t/ese reciprocal relations t/at conflict impe9es tra9e but tra9e

9oes not 9eter conflict. 6sin+ refine9 measures of +eo+rap/ic pro"imity an9 si(e =t/e key elements in t/e +ra5ity mo9el ofinternational interactions=reestablis/es support for t/e liberal peace? /oe5er. 0it/out careful specification? tra9e becomes a pro"y for  t/ese

fun9amental e"o+enous factors? /ic/ are  also important influences on 9ya9ic conflict. KP;s an9 K;s results are

spurious. Lar+e? pro"imate states fi+/t more an9 tra9e more. Mur re$analyses s/o t/at? as liberals oul9 e"pect? commerce re9uces t/erisk of interstate conflict /en pro"imity an9 si(e are properly mo9ele9  in bot/ t/e conflict an9 tra9e eDuations. 0e pro5i9e9 ne simultaneous estimates of liberal t/eory usin+ Mneal Z ;ussetts H2##*I 9ata an9 conflict eDuation an9 a tra9e

mo9el 9eri5e9 from Lon+ H2##I. T/ese tests confirm t/e pacific benefit of tra9e. Tra9e re9uces t/e likeli/oo9 of afatal militari(e9 9ispute? 1*#–2### in our most compre/ensi5e analysis? as it 9oes in t/e years 1)$4  

/en a99itional measures of tra9ers e"pectations of 9omestic an9 interstate conflict are incorporate9 HLon+? 2##I an9 in t/e perio9 1*$2###. T/is stron+support for liberal t/eory is consistent it/ Kims H1I early simultaneous estimates? Mneal? ;ussett Z :erbaums H2##3I ran+er$style causality tests? an9 recent

researc/ by ;obst? Polac/ek Z C/an+ H2##4I. ;eu5eny Z Kan+ H1I an9 ;eu5eny H2##1I report mi"e9 results. %t is particularly encoura+in+ t/at? /ensimultaneously estimate9? t/e coefficient of tra9e in t/e conflict eDuation is lar+er in absolute 5alue t/ant/e correspon9in+ 5alue in a simple probit analysis. T/us? t/e 9o(ens of publis/e9 articles t/at /a5e a99resse9 t/e

en9o+eneity of tra9e by controllin+ for t/e years of peace = as 5irtually all /a5e 9one since 1 = /a5e noto5erstate9 t/e benefit of inter9epen9ence. A9mitte9ly? our instrumental 5ariables are not optimal. %n some cases? for e"ample? in 5iolation oft/e i9entification rule? t/e creation or en9 of a PTA may be a casus belli. &ore importantly? neit/er of our instruments e"plains a lar+e amount of 5ariance. T/us?future researc/ s/oul9 be 9irecte9 to i9entifyin+ better instruments. Mur confi9ence in t/e commercial peace 9oes not 9epen9 entirely on t/e empirical e5i9ence?/oe5erE it also rests on t/e lo+ic of liberal t/eory. Mur ne simultaneous estimates=as ell as our re$analyses of KP; an9 K;=in9icate t/at fatal 9isputes re9ucetra9e. !5en it/ e"tensi5e controls for on$+oin+ 9omestic conflict? militari(e9 9isputes it/ t/ir9 parties? an9 e"pert estimates of t/e risks of suc/ 5iolence? interstateconflict /as an a95erse contemporaneous effect on bilateral tra9e. T/is is /ar9 ly surprisin+ HAn9erton Z Carter? 2##1E ;eu5eny? 2##1E Li Z Sacko? 2##2E Mneal?;ussett Z :erbaum? 2##3E lick Z Taylor? 2##*E Kastner? 2##4E Lon+? 2##E ,in9lay Z M;ourke? 2##4E cf. :arbieri Z Le5y? 1E :lomber+ Z ess? 2##-E an9

0ar9 Z off? 2##4I. %f conflict 9i9 not impe9e tra9e? economic a+ents oul9 be in9ifferent to risk an9 t/e ma"imi(ation of profit. :ecause conflict iscostly? tra9e s/oul9 re9uce interstate 5iolence. Mt/erise? national lea9ers oul9 be insensiti5e to

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economic loss an9 t/e preferences of poerful 9omestic actors. 0/et/er pai9 prospecti5ely or contemporaneously? t/eeconomic cost of conflict s/oul9 re9uce t/e likeli/oo9 of military conflict? ceteris paribus ? if national lea9ers arerational.

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Cap ood – Status Juo 2mpro#in$

The status +uo is structurally impro#in$

%n9ur oklany 1(? policy analyst for t/e Fepartment of t/e %nterior – p/9 from &S6? Population? Consumption? Carbon !missions? an9uman 0ell$:ein+ in t/e A+e of %n9ustriali(ation HPart %%% = a5e i+/er 6S Population? Consumption? an9 Neer Tec/nolo+ies ;e9uce9

0ell$:ein+OIB? April 2)? /ttp88.masterresource.or+82#1#8#)8population$consumption$carbon$emissions$an9$/uman$ell$bein+$in$t/e$a+e$of$in9ustriali(ation$part$iii$/a5e$/i+/er$us$population$consumption$an9$neer$tec/nolo+ies$re9uce9$ell$bein+8more$1)

%n my pre5ious post % s/oe9 t/at? notit/stan9in+ t/e Neo$&alt/usian orl95ie? /uman ell$bein+ /asa95ance9 +lobally since t/e start of in9ustriali(ation more t/an to centuries a+o? 9espite massi5e increases in population? consumption? affluence? an9 carbon 9io"i9e emissions. %n t/is post? % ill focus on lon+$term tren9s in t/e6.S. for t/ese an9 ot/er in9icators. ,i+ure 1 s/os t/at 9espite se5eral$fol9 increases in t/e use of metals an9 synt/etic or+anic c/emicals? an9

emissions of CM2 stoke9 by increasin+ populations an9 affluence? life e"pectancy? t/e sin+le best measure of /uman ell$ bein+? increase9 from 1## to 2##- for t/e 6S. ,i+ure 1 reiterates t/is point it/ respect to materials use. T/ese fi+ures in9icate

t/at since 1##? 6.S. population /as Dua9ruple9? affluence /as septuple9? t/eir pro9uct HFPI /as increase9 3#$fol9? synt/etic or+anic c/emical use /as increase9 *$fol9? metals use 1)$fol9? material use 2*$fol9? an9CM2 emissions $fol9. et life e"pectancy a95ance9 from )4 to 4 years . ,i+ure 2 s/os t/at 9urin+ t/e same perio9? 1##–2##-? emissions of air pollution? represente9 by sulfur 9io"i9e? a"e9 an9 ane9. ,oo9 an9 ater +ot

safer ? as in9icate9 by t/e 5irtual elimination of 9eat/s from +astrointestinal H%I 9iseases beteen 1## an9 14#. Croplan9? a measure of

/abitat con5erte9 to /uman uses = t/e sin+le most important pressure on species? ecosystems? an9 bio9i5ersity = as more or less

unc/an+e9 from 11# onar9 9espite t/e increase in foo9 9eman9 . ,or t/e most part? life e"pectancy +re more or less

stea9ily for t/e 6.S.? e"cept for a brief plun+e at t/e en9 of t/e ,irst 0orl9 0ar accentuate9 by t/e 11$2# Spanis/ flu epi9emic. As in t/erest of t/e orl9? to9ayGs 6.S. population not only li5es lon+er? it is also /ealt/ier . T/e 9isability rate for seniors

9ecline9 2 percent beteen 12 an9 2##)82##* an9? 9espite Duantum impro5ements in 9ia+nostic tools? ma<or 9iseases He.+.? cancer? an9

/eart an9 respiratory 9iseasesI no occur –11 years later t/an a century a+o . Consistent it/ t/is? 9ata for Ne ork Cityin9icate t/at = 9espite a population increase from #?### in 1## to 3.) million in 1## an9 .# million in 2### an9 any associate9 increases ineconomic pro9uct? an9 c/emical? fossil fuel an9 material use t/at? no 9oubt? occurre9 =cru9e mortality rates /a5e 9ecline9 more or less stea9ilysince t/e 1-#s Ha+ain e"cept for t/e flu epi9emicI. ,i+ures 3 an9 ) s/o? once a+ain? t/at /ate5er /ealt/$relate9 problems accompanie9economic 9e5elopment? tec/nolo+ical c/an+e? material? c/emical an9 fossil fuel consumption? an9 population +rot/? t/ey ere o5er/elme9 byt/e /ealt/$relate9 benefits associate9 it/ in9ustriali(ation an9 mo9ern economic +rot/. T/is 9oes not mean t/at fossil fuel? c/emical an9

material consumption /a5e (ero impact? but it means t/at o5erall benefits /a5e marke9ly outei+/e9 costs. T/e

re9uctions in rates of 9eat/s an9 9iseases since at least 1## in t/e 6S? 9espite increase9 population?ener+y? an9 material an9 c/emical use? belie t/e Neo$&alt/usian orl95ie. T/e impro5ements in t/e/uman con9ition can be ascribe9 to broa9 9issemination Ht/rou+/ e9ucation? public /ealt/ systems? tra9e an9 commerceI of numerous ne an9 impro5e9 tec/nolo+ies in a+riculture? /ealt/ an9 me9icine supplemente9 t/rou+/5arious in+enious a95ances in communications? information tec/nolo+y an9 ot/er ener+y poere9tec/nolo+ies Hsee /ere for a99itional 9etailsI. T/e continual increase in life e"pectancy accompanie9 by t/e 9ecline in 9isease 9urin+ t/is

 perio9 Has s/on by ,i+ure 2I in9icates t/at t/e ne tec/nolo+ies re9uce9 risks by a +reater amount t/an any risks t/att/ey may /a5e create9 or e"acerbate9 9ue to pollutants associate9 it/ +reater consumption of materials?c/emicals an9 ener+y? An9 t/is is one reason /y t/e Neo$&alt/usian 5ision comes up s/ort. %t 9ells ont/e increases in risk t/at ne tec/nolo+ies may create or a++ra5ate but o5erlooks t/e lar+er = an9usually more certain = risks t/at t/ey oul9 also eliminate or re9uce. %n ot/er or9s? it focuses on t/e pi"els? but misses t/e lar+er picture? 9espite pretensions to a /olistic orl95ie.

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Alt ails – Cede the Political – Terrorism Aff 

No alternati#e sol#ency – challen$in$ the construction of terrorism re+uires the creati#e

use of policy*rele#ant mechanisms 5lanket condemnations fail

=ackson et al.? professors of %nternational Politics at Aberystyt/ 6ni5ersity? )((B @;ic/ar9? T/eCase for a Critical Terrorism Stu9iesB? paper 9eli5ere9 for 2##4 Annual &eetin+ of t/e American PoliticalScience Association? Au+ust 3# – September 2?/ttp88ca9air.aber.ac.uk89space8bitstream8/an9le821-#81)*8APSA$2##4$Paper$final2.p9fOseDuence[1

%f emancipation is central to t/e critical pro<ect? e oul9 ar+ue t/at CTS cannot remain policy$irrele5ant it/out belyin+ itsemancipatory commitment. %t /as to mo5e beyon9 critiDue an9 9econstruction to reconstruction an9 policy$rele5ance.*3 T/e c/allen+e of CTS is to en+a+e policy$makers – as ell as terrorists an9 t/eir communities –‟

an9 ork toar9s t/e reali(ation of ne para9i+ms? ne practices an9 t/e transformation of political structures. T/at? after

all? is t/e ori+inal meanin+ of t/e notion of immanent critiDue . Stri5in+ to be policy$rele5ant 9oes not‟

mean t/at one /as to accept t/e 5ali9ity of t/e term terrorism or stop in5esti+atin+ t/e political interests‟

 be/in9 it. Nor 9oes it mean t/at all researc/ must /a5e policy$rele5ance or t/at one /as to limit one s researc/ to /at‟

is rele5ant for t/e state? since t/e critical turn implies a mo5e beyon9 state$centric perspecti5es. !n9$users coul9? an9 s/oul9?

inclu9e bot/ state an9 non$state actors? as lon+ as t/e +oal is to combat bot/ t/e use of political terror byactors an9 t/e political structures t/at encoura+e its use. oe5er? en+a+in+ policy$makers raises t/e t/orny issue of co$option. Mne of t/e fears

of critical sc/olars is t/at by en+a+in+ it/ policy$makers? eit/er t/ey or t/eir researc/ become co$opte9? /et/er t/rou+/ +o5ernments HabIusin+in9epen9ent researc/ fin9in+s for t/eir on en9s? alloin+ one s researc/ to be o5erly s/ape9 by t/e a+en9as of ma<or +rant$aar9in+ bo9ies? or‟

 by +ra9ually comin+ to uncritically a9opt t/e perspecti5es an9 5alues of policy$makers. A more intractable problem is t/e one /i+/li+/te9 by;en++er t/at t/e 9eman9 t/at t/eory must /a5e a pra"ial 9imension itself runs t/e risk of collapsin+ critical t/eory back into tra9itional t/eory

 by makin+ it 9epen9ent on instrumental conceptions of rationality .*) A relate9 problem is t/at by becomin+ embe99e9 in e"istin+ poer‟

structures? one risks repro9ucin+ e"istin+ knole9+e structures or ina95ertently contributin+ to counter$terrorism policy t/at uncritically reifiest/e status Duo. Suc/ 9ilemmas /a5e to be confronte9 an9 9ebate9E non$en+a+ement is not an option. !n+a+ement is facilitate9 by t/e fact t/at ascounterterrorism pro<ects floun9er? a95isors to policy$makers are increasin+ly ea+er for a95ice? e5en /en it is critical . ,or ob5ious reasons?‟

embe99e9 terrorism sc/olars an9 tra9itional t/ink$tanks /a5e en<oye9 a muc/ closer relations/ip it/ policy$makers? alloin+ t/em bot/ more‟

institutionali(e9 an9 more 9irect access. T/is is partly structural? since critical stu9ies /a5e been seen as in/erently a95ersarial toar9s e"istin+

 poer structures. Critical sc/olars /a5e also at times unnecessarily burne9 bri9+es by issuin+ blanketcon9emnations of all t/in+s associate9 it/ t/e state? /ilst failin+ to en+a+e it/ t/e public safety

obli+ations of t/e aut/orities? an9 t/e c/allen+es terrorism poses to suc/ safety. Critical sc/olars cannotin9ul+e in t/e unilateral 9emoni(in+ of all state actors? at t/e same time as ar+uin+ a+ainst t/ecompre/ensi5e 9emoni(in+ of all terrorists .‟ Simply because a piece of researc/ ori+inates it/in ;ANF 9oes not

automatically in5ali9ate itE con5ersely? a stu9y emanatin+ from a critical sc/olar is not in/erently superior. ust as ,re9 alli9aycritiDue9 t/ose /o pri5ile+e9 5oices from t/e Sout/ as some/o more aut/entic? critical sc/olars‟

must +uar9 a+ainst eit/er pri5ile+in+ terrorist 5oices or uncritically 9ismissin+ state or state$relate9‟


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Alt ails – Pra$matism Key

The alternati#e’s demand for political purity only helps capitalism <#en if they %in some

risk of a link" %e ha#e to be$in %ith the %orld %e ha#e" not the one %e %ish %e had

5ryant 1) =professor of p/ilosop/y at Collin Colle+e HLe5i? 0eGll Ne5er Fo :etter T/an a Politician Climate C/an+e an9 Purity? *811812?/ttp88lar5alsub<ects.or9press.com82#128#*8118ell$ne5er$9o$better$t/an$a$politician$climate$c/an+e$an9$purity8I 

oe5er ? pointin+ t/is out an9 9eri9in+ market base9 solutions 9oesnGt +et us 5ery far . %n fact? such a response to

proposed market*based solutions is do%nri$ht dan$erous and irresponsible. T/e fact of t/e matter is t/at

1I e currently li5e in a market base9 orl9? 2I t/ere is not? in t/e foreseeable future an alternati5e system on t/e/ori(on? an9 3I? abo5e all? %e need to do somethin$ no%. 0e canGt affor9 to re<ect inter5entions simplybecause they don’t meet our ideal conceptions of /o t/in+s s/oul9 be.  0e /a5e to ork it/ t/eorl9 t/at is /ere? not t/e one t/at e oul9 like to be /ere. An9 /ere itGs crucial to note t/at pointin+ t/is out 9oesnot entail t/at e s/oul9nGt ork for pro9ucin+ t/at ot/er orl9. %t <ust means t/at e /a5e to +rappleit/ t/e orl9 t/at is actually t/ere before us.  %t pains me to rite t/is post because % remember? it/ +reat bitterness? t/e9iatribes /ar9core Mbama supporters le5ele9 a+ainst le+itimate leftist criticisms on t/e +roun9s t/at t/ese critics ere completely unrealistici9ealists /o? in t/eir 9eman9 for purityB? ere askin+ for ponies an9 unicornsB. T/is re<oin9er alays seeme9 to i+nore t/at or9s /a5e poer 

an9 t/at

Mbama? t/rou+/ /is profoun9 poer of r/etoric? /a9? at least

t/e poer to s/ift public 9ebates an9frames? openin+ a pat/ to makin+ ne forms of policy an9 ne priorities possible. T/e tra+e9y as t/at/e 9i9nGt use t/at poer? t/ou+/ /e /as +otten better.  % 9o not is/ to 9enounce ot/ers an9 9ismiss t/eir claims on t/ese sorts of

+roun9s. As a &ar"ist anarc/ists? % 9o belie5e t/at e s/oul9 fi+/t for  t/e creation of an alternati5e /omini9 ecolo+y orsocial orl9. % t/ink t/at t/e call to commit an9 fi+/t? to put alternati5es on t/e table? /as been one of t/e most poerful contributions of

t/inkers like Ri(ek an9 :a9iou. %f e 9onGt commit an9 fi+/t for alternati5es t/ose alternati5es ill ne5er appear in t/e orl9. Nonet/eless?e still /a5e to +rapple it/ t/e orl9 e fin9 oursel5es in. An9 it is /ere? in my encounters it/ some&ilitant &ar"ists? t/at % sometimes fin9 it 9ifficult to a5oi9 t/e conclusion t/at t/ey are unintentionallyai9in+an9 abettin+ t/e 5ery t/in+s t/ey claim to be fi+/tin+. %n t/eir refusal to become impure? to ork it/situations or assembla+es as e fin9 t/em? to sully t/eir /an9s? t/ey en9 up reproducin$ the #ery system

they %ish to topple an9 c/an+e. Narcissistically t/ey +et to sit t/ere? smu+ in t/eir superiority an9 purity?/ile e5eryt/in+ continues as it 9i9 before because t/eyG5e refuse9 to become politicians or en$a$e in t/e9ifficult concrete ork of assemblin+ /uman an9 non/uman actors to ren9er anot/er orl9 possible. As a

conseDuence? t/ey occupy t/e position of e+elGs beautiful soul t/at 9enounces t/e /orrors of t/e orl9? celebrate t/e beauty of t/eir soul? /ile dependin$ on those horrors of t/e orl9 to sustain their o%n position.   Toen+a+e in politics is to en+a+e in netorks or ecolo+ies of relations beteen /umans an9 non/umans. To en+a+e in ecolo+ies is to 9escen9 intonetorks of causal relations an9 fee9back loops t/at you cannot completely master an9 t/at ill mo9ify your on commitments an9 actions. :utt/ereGs no ot/er ay? t/ereGs no ay aroun9 t/is? an9 e 9o nee9 to act no.

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Alt ails – ,e6ection Not <nou$h

3ack of specific action means the alt %ill fail

=ones 11 =Men? &asters at M"for9? name9 one of t/e Faily Tele+rap/Ys YTop 1## &ost %nfluentialPeople on t/e LeftY for 2#11? aut/or of QC/a5s T/e Femoni(ation of t/e 0orkin+ ClassQ? T/e%n9epen9ent? 6K? QMen ones Protest it/out politics ill c/an+e not/in+Q? 2#11?.in9epen9ent.co.uk8opinion8commentators8oen$<ones$protest$it/out$politics$ill$c/an+e$not/in+$2343-12./tmlTo9ay? as protesters in nearly a t/ousan9 cities across t/e orl9 follo t/e e"ample set by  t/e Mccupy 0all

Street protests? itYs ort/ pon9erin+ /at /appene9 to t/e anti$+lobalisation mo5ement. %ts acti5ists 9i9 not lack  passion or 9etermination. :ut t/ey 9i9 lack a coherent alternati#e to t/e neo$liberal pro<ect.  0it/ noclear political 9irection? the mo#ement %as easily s%ept a%ay by t/e <in+oism an9 turmoil t/atfolloe9 811? <ust to mont/s after enoa. FonYt +et me ron+ t/e Mccupy mo5ement is a +limmer of sanity ami9 to9ayYs economic ma9ness. :y 9escen9in+ o n t/e 0estYsfinancial epicentres? it remin9s us of /o a crisis cause9 by t/e banks Ha sentence t/at nee9s to be repeate9 until i t becomes a clic/I /as been cynically transforme9 into a crisis of publicspen9in+. T/e foun9in+ statement of Mccupy Lon9on puts it succinctly Q0e refuse to pay for t/e banksY crisis.Q T/e Mccupiers 9irect t/eir fire at t/e top 1 per cent? an9 ri+/tl y so – as 6S billionaire 0arren :uffett confesse9 QT/ereYs class arfare? all ri+/t? but itYs my class? t/e ric/ class? t/atYs makin+ ar? an9 eYre innin+.Q T/e Mccupy mo5ement /as pro5oke9 fury fromsenior 6S ;epublicans suc/ as Presi9ential conten9er erman Cain /o – pre9ictably – labelle9 it Qanti$AmericanQ. T/eyYre ri+/t to be orrie9 t/ose campin+ outsi9e banks t/reaten to

refocus attention on t/e real 5illains? an9 to act as a catalyst for i9er 9issent. :ut a co/erent alternati5e to t/e totterin+ +lobal economicor9er remains? it seems? as distant as e#er  Neo$liberalism cras/es aroun9? /alf$9ea9? it/ no$one toa9minister t/e killer blo.  T/ereYs alays a presumption t/at a crisis of capitalism is +oo9 nes for t/e left. et in t/e reat Fepression? fascism consume9 muc/ o f!urope. T/e economic crisis of t/e 14#s 9i9 lea9 to a resur+ence of ra9icalism on bot/ left an9 ri+/t. :ut? spear/ea9e9 by T/atc/erism an9 ;ea+anism? t/e Ne ;i+/t 9efiniti5ely crus/e9

its opposition in t/e 1#s.T/is time roun9? t/ere 9 oesnMt e#en seem to be an alternati#e for the ri$ht to defeat.

T/atYs not t/e fault of t/e protesters. %n trut/? t/e left /as ne5er reco5ere9 from bein+ 5irtually smothered out of e/istence.

%t as t/e 5ictim of a perfect storm t/e rise of t/e Ne ;i+/tE neo$liberal +lobalisationE an9 t/e repeate9

9efeats suffere9 by t/e tra9e union mo5ement. :ut? abo5e all? it as t/e aftermat/ of t/e collapse of Communism t/at 9i9 for t/e left. As 6Sneo$conser5ati5e &i9+e Fecter triump/antly put it Q%tYs time to say 0eY5e on. oo9bye .Q ,rom t/e :ritis/ Labour

Party to t/e African National Con+ress? left$in+ mo5ements across t/e orl9 /urtle9 to t/e ri+/t in an almost sync/ronise9 fas/ion. %t as as t/ou+/ t/e left in+of t/e +lobal political spectrum /a9 been slice9 off. T/atYs /y? alt/ou+/ e li5e in an a+e of re5olt?t/ere remains no left to $i#e it direction and purpose

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Alt ails – Totalitarianism

ar/ism has historically led to $enocide

effrey T. Kuhner? assistant national e9itor? T/e 0as/in+ton Times No5ember 3#? )(( 

T/e 2#t/ century ill be remembere9 as t/e bloo9iest century in /istory. A ma<or reason as t/e 114 establis/ment by 'la9imir Lenin an9 /is:ols/e5iks of a &ar"ist re+ime in ;ussia. T/e So5iet 6nion as t/e epicenter of a communist empire t/at? until its 9isinte+ration in 11? sprea99octrines of economic collecti5ism an9 class stru++le to almost e5ery part of t/e +lobe. ,rom !astern !urope to Africa to Latin America to Asia?/un9re9s of millions suffere9 t/e brutality of &ar"ist$Leninist 9ictators/ips. No? if some in 0as/in+ton /a5e t/eir ay? t/e memories of t/ecountless 5ictims of communism ill be remembere9. Le9 by its coura+eous presi9ent? ay Kat(en? t/e 'ictims of Communism &emorial,oun9ation @.5ictimsofcommunism.or+ is seekin+ to erect a monument in F.C. 9e9icate9 to t/ose /o peris/e9 un9er &ar"ismYsmur9erous rei+n. T/eir +oal is to /a5e t/e &emorial &onument built by Mctober of ne"t year. A monument is 9esperately nee9e9 because? sa9ly?

communismYs crimes risk bein+ for+otten. LeninYs pro<ect resulte9 not only in unprece9ente9 economic an9ecolo+ical 9estruction? but more importantly the $reatest system of mass murder e#er in#ented &ore t/an1## million in9i5i9uals ere kille9 at t/e /an9s of communist re+imes. et many .estern academics

continue to 9eny or do%nplay t/e full e"tent of communist atrocities. %t is common on many campuses in t/e 6nite9States to /ear t/at &ar"ism$Leninism? unlike its totalitarian tin? fascism? as a bene5olent i9eolo+y t/at sou+/t to impose uni5ersal peace an9

social <ustice $ t/at it as a +oo9 i9ea +one ba9. Not/in+ coul9 be furt/er from t/e trut/.  ,rom its inception? communism sou+/tto for+e a ne or9er base9 on $enocide and mass murder. Lenin set t/e prece9ent? folloe9 by subseDuent

&ar"ist re+imes? t/at to establis/ a re5olutionary proletarian state? entire cate+ories of /umans nee9e9 to besystematically ipe9 out t/e bour+eoisie? kulaks? counterre5olutionaries an9 intellectuals /o refuse9 to follot/e :ols/e5ik line. T/e totalitarian essence of LeninYs 5ision as t/at it sou+/t to erect t/e perfect society by imposin+ one$party rule an9

smas/in+ all 9issent an9 opposition.  ;ecent /istory /as been littere9 it/ LeninYs e5il offsprin+ $ osef Stalin? &ao Tse$

tun+? osip :ro( Tito? o C/i &in/? Pol Pot? Nicolae Ceausescu? ,i9el Castro. T/e atrocities committe9 by t/ese 9ictatorsnee9 to be remembere9 not only to /onor t/e 9ea9 but because t/ey re5eal t/e seminal lesson of t/e past century-topianism leads to totalitarianismE t/e roa9 to 6topia +oes t/rou+/ ol+ot/a.  T/e millions slau+/tere9 bycommunist re+imes ere not acci9ental bypro9ucts of mis+ui9e9 policies? but central to the ar/ist pro6ect.

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Alt ails – Totali'in$

Total re6ection of capitalism fra$ments resistance – the perm sol#es best

.K. ibson*raham? feminist economist? ;4? !n9 of Capitalism

Mne of our +oals as &ar"ists /as been to pro9uce a knole9+e of capitalism. et as t/at /ic/ is knon?B Capitalism /as become t/eintimate enemy. 0e /a5e uncloake9 t/e i9eolo+ically$clot/e9? obscure monster? but e /a5e installe9 anake9 an9 5isible monster in its place. %n return for our labors of creation? t/e monster /as robbe9 us ofall force. 0e /ear – an9 fin9 it easy to belie5e – t/at t/e left is in 9isarray. Part of /at pro9uces t/e 9isarray of t/e left is t/e 5ision of /at

t/e left is arraye9 a+ainst. 0/en capitalism is represente9 as a unifie9 system coe"tensi5e it/ t/e nation ore5en t/e orl9? /en it is portraye9 as cro9in+ out all ot/er economic forms? /en it is alloe9 to9efine entire societies? it becomes somet/in+ t/at can only be 9efeate9 an9 replace9 by a mass collecti5emo5ement Hor by a process of systemic 9issolution t/at suc/ a mo5ement mi+/t assistI. T/e re5olutionary task of replacin+capitalism no seems outmo9e9 an9 unrealistic? yet e 9o not seem to /a5e an alternati5e conception ofclass transformation to take its place. T/e ol9 political economic systemsB an9 structuresB t/at call fort/ a 5ision of re5olution assystemic replacement still seem to be 9ominant in t/e &ar"ist political ima+ination. T/e Ne 0orl9 Mr9er is often represente9 as politicalfra+mentation foun9e9 upon economic unification. %n t/is 5ision t/e economy appears as t/e last stron+/ol9 of unity an9 sin+ularity in a orl9of 9i5ersity an9 plurality. :ut /y canGt t/e economy be fra+mente9 tooO %f e t/eori(e9 it as fra+mente9 in t/e 6nite9 States? e coul9 bein+to see a /u+e state sector Hincorporatin+ a 5ariety of forms of appropriation of surplus laborI? a 5ery lar+e sector of self$employe9 an9 family$

 base9 pro9ucers Hmost noncapitalistI? a /u+e /ouse/ol9 sector Ha+ain? Duite 5arious in terms of forms of e"ploitation? it/ some /ouse/ol9smo5in+ toar9s communal or collecti5e appropriation an9 ot/ers operatin+ in a tra9itional mo9e in /ic/ one a9ult appropriates surplus labor

from anot/erI. None of t/ese t/in+s is easy to see. %f capitalism takes up t/e a5ailable social space? t/ereGs no room foranyt/in+ else. %f capitalism cannot coe"ist? t/ereGs no possibility of anyt/in+ else. %f capitalism functionsas a unity? it cannot be partially or locally replace9. &y intent is to /elp create t/e 9iscursi5e conceptionun9er /ic/ socialist or ot/er noncapitalist construction becomes realisticB present acti5ity rat/er t/an alu9icrous or utopian +oal. To ac/ie5e t/is % must smas/ Capitalism an9 see it in a t/ousan9 pieces. % mustmake its unity a fantasy? 5isible as a 9enial of 9i5ersity an9 c/an+e.

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Alt ails – Transition .ars

And" capitalist elites %ill resist" causin$ $lobal %ar

@arris? Atlanta 0riter? in 8) @Lee? Policy ;e5ie? Fecember? p3H13I T/e intellectual ori+ins of America$:as/in+

T/is is t/e immiseri(ation t/esis of &ar". An9 it is central to re5olutionary &ar"ism? since if capitalism pro9uces no i9esprea9misery? t/en it also pro9uces no fatal internal contra9iction %f e5eryone is +ettin+ better off t/rou+/capitalism? /o ill 9ream of stru++lin+ to o5ert/ro itO Mnly +enuine misery on t/e part of t/e orkersoul9 be sufficient to o5erturn t/e /ole apparatus of t/e capitalist state? simply because? as &ar"insiste9? t/e capitalist class coul9 not be realistically e"pecte9 to relinDuis/ control of t/e state apparatusan9? it/ it? t/e monopoly of force.  %n t/is? &ar" as absolutely correct. No capitalist society /as e5erillin+ly liDui9ate9 itself? an9 it is utopian to t/ink t/at any e5er ill. T/erefore? in or9er to ac/ie5e t/e+oal of socialism? not/in+ s/ort of a complete re5olution oul9 9oE an9 t/is means? in point of fact? a full$fle9+e9 ci5il ar not <ust it/in one society? but across t/e +lobe.

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Alt – AT: Neolib -J

Neoliberalism is not declinin$ in 3atin America – 2t’s flourishin$

Petras? professor of sociolo+y at :in+/amton 6ni5ersity? )(1( @ames? Latin America ;oa9s to 21stCentury Capitalist Fe5elopment? /ttp88.la/aine.or+8petras8b2$im+8petras^roa9s.p9f

M5er t/e better part of t/e present 9eca9e? Latin American stock markets /a5e boome9. M5erseas in5estors /a5e reape9 an9 repatriate9

 billions in 9i5i9en9s? profits an9 interest payments. &ulti$national corporations /a5e pile9 into minin+? a+ro$businessan9 relate9 sectors? unimpe9e9 an9 it/ 5irtually no 9eman9s by local re+ions for tec/nolo+icaltransfersG an9 en5ironmental constraints. Latin American re+imes? /a5e accumulate9 unprece9ente9 forei+n currency reser5es to

ensure t/at forei+n in5estors /a5e unlimite9 access to /ar9 currencies to remit profits. T/e 9eca9e /as itnesse9 unprece9ente9 political an9 social 9emobili(ation of ra9ical social mo5ements. ;e+imes /a5e pro5i9e9 political an9social protection for forei+n an9 national in5estors as ell as lon+ term +uarantees of pri5ate propertyri+/ts. Nary a sin+le re+ime in t/e re+ion? it/ t/e uniDue e"ception of 'ene(uela? /as re5erte9 t/e lar+e scale pri5ati(ations of strate+ic

economic sectors implemente9 by pre5ious neo$liberal re+imes in t/e 1#Gs. %n fact t/e concentration an9 centrali(ation offertile lan9s /as continue9 it/ no pretense of lan9 or income re9istribution on t/e policy a+en9a. 0/ile

 bankers? an9 in5estors? o5erseas an9 nationals? celebrate t/e economic boom an9 more importantly e"press t/eir positi5e appreciation by

in5estin+ billions in t/e re+ion? leftist pun9its claim to fin9 a resur+ent leftB an9 rite of one or anot/er 5ersion of 21st century socialism. %n particular many prominent an9 i9ely publis/e9 !uro$American pro+ressi5es an9 leftists intellectuals an9 pun9its /a5e ba9ly ser5e9 t/eir

folloers an9 rea9ers. Commentaries base9 on <et flyo5ers pro5i9e +loin+ reports of Latin AmericaGs marc/ tot/e left an9 national in9epen9ence. Suc/ accounts lack any empirical? /istorical? analytical or statisticalfoun9ation. 0riters as 9i5erse as C/omsky? TariD Ali? 0allerstein? /o /a5e ne5er con9ucte9 any fiel9 researc/ belo t/e ;io ran9e at anytime or for t/at matter consulte9 ma<or in5estors reapin+ billions in to9ayGs Latin America /a5e become instant e"perts on t/e social an9 politicalnature of t/e re+imes? t/e state of t/e social mo5ements an9 current economic policies. %t seems as if Latin America is fair +ame for any an9 all0estern leftist riters /o can ec/o t/e political r/etoric of t/e incumbent re+imes. No 9oubt t/is secures an occasional official in5ite but it/ar9ly ser5es to clarify t/e most strikin+ socio$economic features of t/e current crop of re+imes in Latin America an9 t/eir s/arply 9efine99e5elopment strate+ies. A ealt/ of 9ata base9 on e"tensi5e fiel9 inter5ies? statistical stu9ies publis/e9 by international 9e5elopment a+encies?reports by economic consultancies an9 business an9 in5estment /ouses? as ell as 9iscussions it/ in9epen9ent social mo5ement lea9ers

 pro5i9es ample 9ocumentation to ar+ue t/at Latin America /as taken multiple roa9s to 21st century capitalism? not socialism or anyt/in+ akin toit. %n fact one of t/e +reat success stories celebrate9 by t/e business press? is t/e mar+inali(ation of socialist politics? t/e +eneral acceptance of+lobali(ationB by t/e lea9ers of t/e political class Hfrom t/e center$left ri+/tar9I an9 t/e 9e$ra9icali(ation of t/e intellectual8aca9emic elite /oa+e battle a+ainst neo$liberal p/antoms /ile pro5i9in+ populist le+itimi(ation for t/e politicians of 21st century U capitalism. Tenty$,irstCentury Capitalism Continuities an9 C/an+es %n5estors? speculators? multinational corporations an9 tra9in+ companies from Asia? !urope? Nort/America an9 t/e &i99le !ast /a5e? in recent years foun9 5irtue an9 5alue in t/e economic 9e5elopment policies pursue9 by recent LatinAmerican lea9ers. %n particular? t/ey applau9 t/e ne foun9 political stability an9 economic opportunities for lon+ term? /i+/ rates of profits. %nfact Latin America is looke9 at as an outlet for profitable in5estments surpassin+ t/ose foun9 in t/e unstable an9 5olatile markets of t/e 6S an9

!6. Tenty$first century capitalism H21CI as e kno its operations in Latin America o5erlaps in some of its ma<or features

it/ t/e multiple 5ariants of 2#t/ century capitalism. 21C /as embrace9 t/e open marketB policies of t/e late 2#t/century neoliberal mo9elE it /as? promote9 a+ro$mineral e"ports an9 importation of finis/e9 +oo9s similar to t/e early 2#t/ century colonial 9i5ision of labor. %t /as borroe9 from t/e nationalist 9e5elopmentalstrate+y? policies of state inter5ention to ameliorate po5erty? bailout banks? promote e"porters an9 forei+nin5estors. As in most late an9 laterG 9e5elopin+ capitalist countries? t/e state plays an important role in me9iatin+ beteen a+ro$mineral e"porters an9 in9ustrial capitalists Hnational an9 forei+nI in some of t/e lar+er countries like :ra(ilan9 Ar+entina. 6nlike earlier 5ersions of liberal an9 neo$liberal capitalists /ic/? in t/e first instance 9issol5e9 pre$capitalist constraints oncapital flos an9 later labor an9 elfare 9eman9s constrainin+ capitalist e"ploitation? current /etero9o" liberal Hor post$neoliberalBI re+imesattempt to /arness an9 co$opt labor an9 t/e poor to t/e ne e"port strate+y. %n part? 21st capitalism? can pursue free marketB an9 elfare8po5erty

 policiesbecause of t/e fa5orable orl9 market con<uncture of /i+/ commo9ity prices an9 e"pan9in+ markets in Asia. %ncrease9 acti5ityby t/e state in re+ulatin+ capital flos an9 pickin+ inners an9 losersB promotin+ a+ro business o5er

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