u.s. history exam

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Homecourt Publishers Greenville, SC

U.S. History & Constitution (Sample EOC Practice Questions)

During the 17th century, which of the following individuals would most likely live in a Southern Colony? a. a Fur Trader b. a Puritan c. a Plantation Owner

_______ 1

d. a Quaker

In Colonial America, which of the following factors was most important in the increase of the African population in the Southern Colonies? a. freedom of religion b. conflicts with the Natives c. a shortage of labor

_______ 2

d. thriving urban centers

Indicator - USHC - 1.1

The explorers shown on the above map arrived to the New World by crossing the Atlantic Ocean from Europe to America. When the European explorers arrived to the New World, they encountered a number of Native Americans. These Natives most likely arrived to the continent in what way? a. by crossing the Bering Straight from Asia to America b. by crossing the Atlantic Ocean from Africa to America c. by crossing the Pacific Ocean from the Far East to America

_______ 3

d. There are no theories explaining how the Natives arrived in America

How did the explorers of the late 15th century (shown on the above map) find funding for their expeditions to the New World? a. by recruiting religious exiles such as the Puritans to escape

to the New World b. by appealing to powerful European monarchies such as

Spain, Portugal, & England c. by engaging in the slave trade in West Africa as they

traveled to the New World

_______ 4

d. by convincing entrepreneurs to invest in New World crops like cotton and tobacco

Indicator - USHC - 1.1

The first paragraph of the Mayflower Compact (shown above) reveals that the settlers arriving to the New World believe which of the following? a. that they are going to return to Europe in a short amount of time b. that they are going to allow religious freedom within the new colony c. that they are acting on behalf of their European Monarchs

_______ 5

d. that they are severing ties with their European homelands

Which of the following best describes the Mayflower Compact? a. a contract among the settlers establishing certain rules for the colony b. a narrative describing the circumstances that the settlers are facing c. a declaration announcing that the settlers are severing all ties with Europe

_______ 6

d. a deed claiming that an area of land belongs to the newly arrived settlers

Indicator - USHC - 2.1

During the 18th and early 19th centuries, the law in America required a person who discovered a runaway slave to do which of the following? a. the law did not address the issue of runaway slaves b. return the slave to his “owner” just like any other personal property c. the slave was considered to be a colonial citizen

_______ 7

d. have the slave arrested in an

Unlike a slave, and indentured servant gained his freedom after a certain amount of time. This freedom was granted after the indentured servant did which of the following? a. purchased an African slave to replace him as a laborer b. learned enough about a certain trade to open his own shop c. paid off his debt for his passage to the New World

_______ 8

d. became a legal adult at the age of eighteen

Indicator - USHC - 2.1

The men in the above painting were all a part of which group as they created the Declaration of Independence? a. Sons of Liberty b. Continental Congress c. Virginia House of Burgesses

_______ 9

d. Parliament

The men who signed the Declaration of Independence all agreed on which of the following topics? a. the importance of declaring war on England b. the dangers in establishing a monarchial system like those

used in Europe c. the benefits of “Checks and Balances” in the federal


_______ 10

d. the need to sever ties between the colonial and English governments

Indicator - USHC - 2.2

The Southern Campaign of the American Revolution took place from 1780 to 1781, and began with which of the following events? a. the American victory at the Battle of Yorktown b. the clash between Patriots and Loyalists at the Battle of

Kings Mountain c. the British victory at the Battle of Camden

_______ 11

d. the British capture of Charleston

The Battle of Lexington and Concord and the Battle of Bunker Hill were fought in the very early part of the war. The location of these battles resulted from the rising tensions in which area of the colonies prior to the American Revolution? a. the highly populated city of Boston b. the most recently settled areas of the colonies c. the leading agricultural centers

_______ 12

d. the most densely populated area of Native Americans

Indicator - USHC - 2.3

Shown above are the first three articles of the Articles of Confederation. Used to outline the first federal government of the United States, the Articles of Confederation were adopted during what time period? a. soon after the colonies declared their independence from Britain b. following the American victory in the American Revolution c. soon after the first permanent colony in America was established

_______ 13

d. following the ratification of the United States Constitution

Article II of the Articles of Confederation briefly highlights what weakness of the first government of the United States? a. there were only individual state governments and no federal government b. the individual states competed against one another instead of working together c. the federal government had very little control over the state governments

_______ 14

d. there were too many individual states to be included under one federal government

Indicator - USHC - 2.3

The man in the above cartoon obviously feels that the federal government needs to be financially strong in order to be effective. Which of the following individuals would have been the leading supporter of this opinion? a. Alexander Hamilton b. Patrick Henry c. James Madison

_______ 15

d. Thomas Jefferson

The above cartoon points out how useless a federal government is if does not have the ability to raise money through taxes. This was a major weakness of which of the following? a. English Monarchy b. United States Constitution c. Capitalist Economy

_______ 16

d. Articles of Confederation

Indicator - USHC - 2.3

In the above painting, the man standing in front of the room is George Washington. What role is Washington serving during this scene? a. Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army b. President of the Constitutional Convention c. President of the United States

_______ 17

d. Spokesman for the Virginia delegates

On September 17, 1787, the delegates to the Philadelphia Convention completed the Constitution of the United States. However, the document did not officially become the foundation for the federal government until which of the following took place? a. the national capital was moved from Philadelphia to

Washington, D.C. b. the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution c. the appropriate number of states ratified the Constitution

_______ 18

d. the electoral college chose George Washington as the first president

Indicator - USHC - 2.4

The above passage is the first of many essays known as the “Federalist Papers”. When were these essays written? a. prior to the drafting of the United States Constitution b. immediately following the creation of the Bill of Rights c. immediately following the ratification of the Articles of Confederation

_______ 19

d. prior to the ratification of the United States Constitution

While drafting the first of many “Federalist Papers,” Alexander Hamilton wrote, “You are called upon to deliberate on a new Constitution for the United States.” Who was Hamilton addressing as “You”? a. the delegates to the Constitutional Convention b. the American public c. veterans of the American Revolution

_______ 20

d. political leaders in the federal government

Indicator - USHC - 2.4

The cartoon symbolizes the “Bill of Rights” being added to the “Constitution”. Which of the following best describes the purpose of adding the Bill of Rights to the Constitution? a. to minimize the differences between the individual states b. to prevent the general public from abusing its freedom c. to centralize power into one federal government

_______ 21

d. to limit the power of the federal government

The above cartoon shows the “Bill of Rights” being added to the jar labeled “Constitution”. These new features were actually which of the following? a. criticisms of the Constitution b. the original draft of the Constitution c. amendments to the Constitution

_______ 22

d. deleted items from the Constitution

Indicator - USHC - 2.5

Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution states that “the President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States.” By giving the President this power, the Constitution is fulfilling which of the following purposes outlined in the preamble? a. insure domestic tranquility b. promote the general welfare c. establish justice

_______ 23

d. provide for the common defense

Shown above is the preamble to the Constitution of the United States. Considering its purpose, the term “preamble” can best be defined as which of the following? a. a summary b. an introduction c. a critique

_______ 24

d. an outline

Indicator - USHC - 2.5

In honor of their roles in framing the American government, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton are both pictured on the money commonly used in the United States. During the 19th century, which of the following best describes the relationship between these two men? a. they worked together to establish the Democratic-Republican Party b. they were political rivals who both served as President of the United States c. they worked together to establish the Federalist Party

_______ 25

d. they were political rivals who helped establish two opposing political parties

The portrait of Alexander Hamilton is featured on the front of the ten dollar bill. Pictured on the back of the currency is a building that honors Hamilton’s service as a secretary under George Washington from 1789 to 1795. Judging from Hamilton’s service, what building is featured on the back of the ten dollar bill? a. the Smithsonian Museum b. the Pentagon c. the U.S. Treasury Building

_______ 26

d. the Supreme Court Building

Indicator - USHC - 2.6

Which of the following describes the views of Alexander Hamilton in reference to the table above? a. he supported Political Party A b. he did not believe that any political parties should exist c. he supported Political Party B

_______ 27

d. he supported whichever political party the President belonged to

Based on the above table, Political Party B is describing which of the following political parties of the early 19th century? a. Jacksonian Democrat Party b. Democratic-Republican Party c. Federalist Party

_______ 28

d. Whig Party

Indicator - USHC - 2.6

The arrow under the Judicial Party shows nine Supreme Court Justices. For what term do these justices hold their jobs? a. for a maximum of ten years after they are sworn-in b. for as long as the general public continues to vote them into the position c. for as long as the President that nominated them stays in office

_______ 29

d. for a lifelong term until they resign, die, or are impeached

In what way does the Legislative Branch and Executive Branch determine which Supreme Court Justices serve under the Judicial Branch? a. the Executive Branch appoints the Justices, and the Legislative Branch

can confirm, reject, or remove them b. the Legislative Branch appoints the Justices, but the Executive Branch

can remove them from the position c. the Executive and Legislative Branches can each appoint the Justices,

and they can both remove the Justices

_______ 30

d. the Executive and Legislative Branches have no control over which Supreme Court Justices serve under the Judicial Branch

Indicator - USHC - 2.7

The cartoon above is referring to the concept of judicial review. Which of the following best describes why critics of the early 1800s argued that judicial review was unconstitutional? a. it greatly weakened the influence of the Supreme Court b. it decreased the power of the federal government c. it disrupted the balance of power between different

branches of government

_______ 31

d. it created tension between the different houses of Congress

The above cartoon is referring to the concept of judicial review, which was introduced into the United States legal system by which of the following? a. the Marbury vs. Madison Supreme Court decision b. the establishment of an electoral college c. the Alien and Sedition Acts

_______ 32

d. the Bill of Rights

Indicator - USHC - 2.7

With the exception of present-day Florida, what is true about the land belonging to the United States in 1783? a. The U.S. controlled only the land that made up the thirteen original colonies. b. The U.S. was still under the control of the British Empire. c. The U.S. spanned from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.

_______ 33

d. The U.S. consisted of the land east of the Mississippi River.

The slogan “Fifty-four Forty or fight!” became popular during the presidency of James K. Polk. The sentiment led to the United States taking control of which territory? a. Louisiana Territory b. Mexican Cession c. Territory of Texas

_______ 34

d. Oregon Country

Indicator - USHC - 3.1

The “Trail of Tears” painting shows Native Americans on a forced march during the 1830s. The Native Americans pictured above were most likely members of which tribe? a. Seminole b. Cherokee c. Tuscarora

_______ 35

d. Sioux

The “Trail of Tears” painting above shows Native Americans being forced to move from their homelands and relocate in other parts of the country. Which of the following give the main reason why the government decided to support the removal of Native Americans? a. the steady increase in Native American populations b. the increase in violence between Native Americans and white settlers c. the rising value of land in areas east of the Mississippi

_______ 36

d. the development of more suitable living conditions in the West

Indicator - USHC - 3.1

Drawn in 1912, the political cartoon above is referring to the Monroe Doctrine’s influence in Latin America. When the Doctrine was first proposed in 1823, it had what immediate impact? a. it gave rise to the Abolitionist Movement b. it launched the sentiment of Manifest Destiny c. it helped integrate Native Americans into white society

_______ 37

d. it increased American imperialism on other continents

The cartoon above is referring to the Monroe Doctrine (1823). Which of the following describes the scene that is illustrated in the political cartoon? a. Uncle Sam is trying to use his hat to hide undiscovered parts of the American

continent so that they will not be discovered by other world leaders. b. Uncle Sam is afraid to enter into certain American countries to recover his hat

because he is worried he will anger other world leaders. c. Uncle Sam is using his hat to claim unsettled parts of America, and is asking

other world leaders to join him in colonizing the area.

_______ 38

d. Uncle Sam is using his hat to mark his territory in America and to tell other world leaders to keep away.

Indicator - USHC - 3.2

In 1848, the Mexican-American War ended with the United States gaining a portion of land known as the “Mexican Cession” (see map above). In this context, what is the best definition for the word “cession”? a. traded land b. populated land c. unclaimed land

_______ 39

d. surrendered land

The map above shows that, by 1853, the United States spanned from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Which of the following individuals would be most pleased by this development? a. a supporter of European Imperialism b. a supporter of Manifest Destiny c. a critic of the Monroe Doctrine

_______ 40

d. a critic of the Indian Removal Act

Indicator - USHC - 3.2

During the early 1800s, which of the following individuals would most likely work closely with those living near Drawing B? a. a prospector b. an immigrant laborer c. an engineer

_______ 41

d. a slave auctioneer

In the early 19th century, what is the most likely reason why a man might move from a location near Drawing B to one that is near Drawing A? a. to find more job opportunities b. to find lower property costs c. to make use of slave labor

_______ 42

d. to escape the “Big City”

Indicator - USHC - 3.3

Which of the following is a common trend that can be found in selected occupations of the Western Frontier that are listed above? a. they depend on “luck” rather than skill and experience b. they do not rely on the infrastructure of an urban area c. they did not exist as profitable occupations prior to the 19th century

_______ 43

d. they must be monitored with strict government regulation

In the Western Frontier, a rancher would be most concerned about which of the following issues? a. establishment of property rights b. over-regulation by the federal government c. diminishing supply of valuable ore

_______ 44

d. rising land costs in urban areas

Indicator - USHC - 3.3

Abolitionist newspapers like the ones shown above were most widely circulated during what time period? a. The Antebellum Era b. The Reconstruction Era c. The Progressive Era

_______ 45

d. The Conservative Era

Three of the four newspapers shown above were published in New York. How did the majority of the population feel about slavery in this area of the country? a. most people were against slavery b. most people supported slavery, but did not own slaves c. most people were slave owners

_______ 46

d. most people thought slavery should be a private issue

Indicator - USHC - 4.1

Based on the narrative, the title of the movie, "Gone with the Wind," is making a reference to what? a. the disappearance of the lifestyle of the Old South b. the sudden change from peace time to war time in the Old South c. the massive population shifts from agricultural areas (in the South)

to industrial areas (in the North)

_______ 47

d. the devastation of natural disasters in the Old South during the late 1800s

Based on the narrative above, the movie "Gone with the Wind" began by portraying the American South during what time period? a. during the Reconstruction Era b. immediately prior to the Civil War c. while it was still a British colony

_______ 48

d. during the Great Depression

Indicator - USHC - 4.1 / 4.2

In the above diary, a man stands up and says, "…no more vain regrets." Considering the time period, what did he feel that the people in the room might regret? a. not taking action against the federal government for infringing upon

their rights b. not taking action to end the spread of slavery through the Southern

states c. not taking action to try to stop the rising tensions from turning into a

violent Civil War

_______ 49

d. not taking action to help Abraham Lincoln get elected, even though he was unpopular in certain areas

Judging from their reactions, the people in the above diary were probably strong supporters of which of the following prior to the Civil War? a. the Abolitionist Movement b. President Abraham Lincoln c. the movement towards secession

_______ 50

d. the Republican Party

Indicator - USHC - 4.2

In late 1860, South Carolina became the first state to secede from the United States. The decision of South Carolinians to take this action can best be described as what? a. a decision made in a desperate attempt to avoid a violent Civil War b. a decision made by a few radicals, but criticized by the vast majority c. a decision that was made on the spur of the moment

_______ 51

d. a decision that was reached after more than a decade of debating

Why is the Battle of Gettysburg (1863) described above as a "turning point in the war"? a. because it was the first battle fought between Union General Ulysses S. Grant

and Confederate General Robert E. Lee b. because it turned the Civil War into a moral crusade against slavery c. because it shifted the momentum from the Confederacy to the Union

_______ 52

d. because it turned the Civil War into a "Total War" involving civilians and soldiers

Indicator - USHC - 4.3

Which of the following is clearly shown by the picture above? a. the widespread poverty and poor living conditions in the South at the start of

the Civil War b. the Union Army's destruction of the South during the final years of the Civil

War c. the abandonment of major cities by young men leaving to fight in the Civil


_______ 53

d. the inability of the Confederate Army to get needed supplies to the troops

As the above picture shows, the city of Richmond was burnt to the ground by Confederate soldiers in April 1865. Why would Confederate soldiers want to burn the city? a. the soldiers believed that the city was an important headquarters for the

Union Army b. the soldiers did not want the approaching Union Army to gain control of the

city c. the soldiers were rebelling against the rule of the Confederate government

_______ 54

d. the soldiers were hoping to end the war more quickly

Indicator - USHC - 4.4

Which of the following individuals would be most pleased to read the above headline in an 1865 newspaper? a. a plantation owner b. a veteran of the Confederate Army c. a Southern Democrat

_______ 55

d. a carpetbagger

The headline above is announcing the passing of the 13th amendment. Which of the following was most responsible for making this milestone possible? a. the gradual switch from agriculture to industry in the South b. the Union victory over the Confederacy in the Civil War c. the end of racial tensions in the South at the start of the

Reconstruction Era

_______ 56

d. the African American population surpassing the white population in the South

Indicator - USHC - 4.4

Which of the following individuals would most likely be a keynote speaker at the Freedman's Convention advertised above? a. a Republican Congressman b. a Southern-Democrat Senator c. a Confederate Veteran

_______ 57

d. a Ku Klux Klan member

The above notice is addressed to African Americans and states "We are living in an important era in the history of the world" (start of the 2nd paragraph). What era is this article referring to? a. An era where African Americans have full voting rights

following the ratification of the 15th amendment. b. An era without slavery following the ratification of the 13th

amendment. c. An era where the rights of African Americans are no longer

limited by Jim Crow Laws.

_______ 58

d. An era where African Americans can fight against slavery by joining the Union Army during the Civil War.

Indicator - USHC - 4.4 / 4.5

The KKK (Ku Klux Klan) was infamous for lynching African Americans during Reconstruction. However, the victims in the above cartoon are white "carpetbaggers". Why would the KKK attack these white citizens? a. because the carpetbaggers were a more popular group than the KKK in the South b. because the carpetbaggers were known for lynching KKK members c. because the carpetbaggers supported the voting rights of African Americans

_______ 59

d. because the carpetbaggers wanted former African slaves to become sharecroppers

Which of the following clues in the above cartoon suggests that the victims were carpetbaggers? a. the letters "KKK" written on the donkey b. the ropes hanging from the tree c. the fact that the cartoon appeared in an Alabama newspaper in 1868

_______ 60

d. the suitcase labeled "Ohio"

Indicator - USHC - 4.5

Shown above are early sketches of the telephone and the incandescent light bulb during the late 19th century. The invention of these items suggests which of the following developments of the time period? a. increasing production costs due to mechanization b. increasing availability of consumer goods c. rising cost of living for the general public

_______ 61

d. declining urbanization as a result of higher agricultural yields

A number of new inventions (such as the telephone and light bulb shown above) were developed in the late 19th century. Because of this time period's similarity with an earlier era, it is often known as what? a. The Second Age of Discovery b. The Second Industrial Revolution c. The Second Scientific Revolution

_______ 62

d. The Second Enlightenment

Indicator - USHC - 5.1

Above is a certificate given to an investor in the Standard Oil Trust. In the earlier 1900s, the organization was faced with a number of antitrust lawsuits. These lawsuits were making what claim about Standard Oil? a. that it was producing low-quality oil b. that it was not making enough profit for its shareholders c. that it was competing unfairly with rival companies

_______ 63

d. that it was hiring immigrants instead of American workers

Printed above is copy of the certificate given to investors who bought shares of John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Trust. What was the primary concern of these shareholders? a. that the value of the company increased b. that the company continued to hire more employees c. that the company did not change the price of oil

_______ 64

d. that the company did not become a monopoly

Indicator - USHC - 5.1

In the mid-1800s, cities and towns in which area of the country were experiencing the highest rate of population growth compared to a century earlier? a. cities and towns along the Atlantic coast b. cities and towns along the Pacific coast c. cities and towns in the Rocky Mountains

_______ 65

d. cities and towns around the Gulf of Mexico

As the population of the United States grew during the 19th century, the majority of the large cities were located on the coast or along a river. Which of the following describes the main reason for the location of these cities? a. natural protection b. easy access c. mild climate

_______ 66

d. abundant ore deposits

Indicator - USHC - 5.2

In the above cartoon from 1894, President Grover Cleveland is being forced to push a chariot and Congressman William Wilson is being run over because the two men wanted to drastically decrease taxes on imported goods. What kind of bill did these two politicians propose? a. a low-tariff bill b. an protectionist bill c. a closed-border bill

_______ 67

d. a high-tariff bill

The above cartoon refers to politicians of the late 19th century trying to reform the McKinley Tariff Act, which was designed to reduce foreign trade. How did the bill attempt to do this? a. by increasing taxes on imported goods b. by offering subsidies to companies that produced domestic products c. by offering subsidies to those who purchased domestic products

_______ 68

d. by decreasing taxes on imported goods

Indicator - USHC - 5.2

Crop rotation (shown above) and other innovative techniques became common in the late 19th century because farmers began to view agriculture from what perspective? a. a scientific perspective b. an environmentalist perspective c. a non-profit perspective

_______ 69

d. a traditional perspective

The diagram above shows a common method that farmers of the late 19th used to increase crop yields. What is the diagram showing? a. crop rotation b. irrigation control c. mechanized farming

_______ 70

d. multi-seasonal crops

In the late 1800s, a person living in rural setting shown by Drawing B would most likely be a supporter of what? a. Reconstruction policies b. high tariffs c. the rise of "Big Business"

_______ 71

d. the Populist Movement

Indicator - USHC - 5.3

Shown above is a typical factory worker of the late 19th century. Similar to most other factory workers of the time, it is most likely that he would live in which part of the country? a. the southwest United States b. the northwest United States c. the northeast United States

_______ 72

d. the southeast United States

During the late 19th century, a factory worker like the one above would most likely become a member of which of the following groups? a. the Ku Klux Klan b. a Trade Union c. the House of Representatives

_______ 73

d. the Populist Party

Indicator - USHC - 5.4

Shown above is a headline for the Pullman Strike, the largest strike of the 19th century. After two months, President Grover Cleveland sent military troops to Chicago into end the Pullman Strike. What reason did President Cleveland give for taking this action? a. the workers were taking advantage of the opportunities given to them by the

management of the company b. the railroad strike was preventing the entire country from running smoothly c. the success of the strikers might tempt other industrial workers to go on strike

_______ 74

d. the strikers were acting on their own behalf without the organization of a union

Shown above is a headline for the Pullman Strike, the largest strike of the 19th century. If a typical striker were asked when he would return to work, he would most likely give which of the following answers? a. "When management makes necessary changes" b. "When employees start unionizing" c. "When the shareholders start making profits"

_______ 75

d. "When the company produces safer products"

Indicator - USHC - 5.4

The above headline announces the "Biggest Office Building" and declares that "it will be twenty stories high and cost four millions". From this description, which of the following can be concluded? a. high-rise office buildings in urban areas have greatly

increased in size and cost since the early 1900s b. high-rise office buildings were common in the early 1900s,

but are no longer practical today c. high-rise office buildings can currently be built much taller

for less cost than they could in the early 1900s

_______ 76

d. high-rise office buildings are no longer limited to cities, but are currently very common in rural areas

The above headline is a product of what development during the late 19th and early 20th centuries? a. increasing globalization b. increasing immigration c. increasing urbanization

_______ 77

d. increasing mechanization

Indicator - USHC - 5.5

While the above chart shows changes in population, it can also be used to support which of the following developments? a. the increase in the standard of living for the American public b. the shift from isolationist to interventionist policies c. the shift from an agricultural to an industrial economy

_______ 78

d. the increase in population and decrease in renewable resources

Based on the chart, which of the following changes took place from the year 1900 to the year 2000? a. the number of people living outside of large cities decreased b. the majority of the population in the United States shifted from rural living

to urban living c. the majority of the population in the United States shifted from urban

living to rural living

_______ 79

d. the number of people living inside of large cities decreased

Indicator - USHC - 5.5

The second line of "The New Colossus" poem says, "Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." This line suggests which of the following? a. Many immigrants came to the United States to find economic opportunities. b. Many immigrants came to the United States because it was an affordable

journey. c. Many immigrants came to the United States to be with people of similar


_______ 80

d. Many immigrants came to the United States to escape oppressive governments.

As the poem "The New Colossus" suggests, the Statue of Liberty became a symbol of the "open-door" immigration policies of the United States during the 19th and early 20th centuries. However, before coming onto the mainland, an immigrant had to do which of the following? a. verify that he had a job available in America b. take a short class describing the history and culture of the United States c. pass a quick physical and mental examination at the Ellis Island checkpoint

_______ 81

d. pass a language test to prove that he could speak English

Indicator - USHC - 5.6

Which of the following describes one of the largest benefits resulting from increase in foreign citizens between 1830 and 1930? a. an increase in industrial labor b. a rise of cultural unity c. a decrease in social tensions

_______ 82

d. an fall in the need for mechanized farming

The table above shows population statistics in the United States from 1830 to 1930. Which of the following statements would most likely be a logical conclusion during that time period? a. The percentage of foreign-born citizens was lower in rural

areas than it was in highly urban areas. b. The rise in foreign-born citizens resulted in a decrease in

the number of U.S.-born citizens. c. The average standard of living decreased as the

percentage of foreign-born citizens increased.

_______ 83

d. The rate of population increased more it did in rural areas than in urban areas.

Indicator - USHC - 5.6

During his speaking tours, Booker T. Washington explained that the best way to end racial tensions was for African Americans to raise their standard of living across the country. What did he think was the most likely way for this to happen? a. for white citizens and African Americans to integrate their schools

and neighborhoods b. for African Americans to work to improve their individual lives c. for white citizens to offer assistance to poorer African Americans

_______ 84

d. for African Americans to establish their own communities and elect their own leaders

The above notice is advertising a speaking tour by Booker T. Washington in the in the early 1900s. During his tour, Booker T. Washington was probably trying to connect with which group of people? a. White people who believe that African Americans are not willing to

adjust to the democracy in the United States b. White people who are willing to provide African Americans with

jobs on the farm and in the factory c. African Americans who realize that social equality is impossible as

long as there are racial tensions between blacks and whites

_______ 85

d. African Americans willing to make honest efforts to improve their standard of living regardless of their current situations

Indicator - USHC - 5.7

Based on the above quote, what was the primary goal of Jane Addams? a. to protect the social structure of society and prevent any

changes in the standard of living b. to redistribute society's wealth from the rich to the poor c. to combine the efforts of the rich and poor to raise the standard

of living across society

_______ 86

d. to establish a clear "class structure" that defines the rich and poor within society

The quotation by Jane Addams is reflective of what period in American history? a. the Progressive Era b. the Reconstruction Era c. the "Roaring Twenties"

_______ 87

d. the Populist Movement

Indicator - USHC - 5.7

The table above is showing reasons why the United States might do which of the following? a. oppose the expansion of European powers b. extend its control into other parts of the world c. refuse to interact with foreign powers

_______ 88

d. adopt an open-door immigration policy

In 1903, the United States took control of a small area in Central America in order to build the Panama Canal. The reasoning for this type of intervention is best described by which category in the above table? a. MILITARY-->National Security b. POLITICAL-->Helping Allies c. ECONOMIC-->Securing Trade Routes

_______ 89

d. SOCIAL-->Duty

Indicator - USHC - 6.1

Rudyard Kipling's poem, "White Man's Burden," is reflective of Social Darwinism for which of the following reasons? a. it suggests that people from one area of the world can help people

from another area b. it accuses the wealthiest people of the world of interfering in the

lives of weaker people c. it portrays one group of people as inferior to another group

_______ 90

d. it encourages imperialist nations to be cruel to the natives in colonized nations

On the subject of imperialism, which of the following best describes Rudyard Kipling's view of the "White Man's Burden"? a. the responsibility of settling in undesirable and primitive nations b. the responsibility of helping inferior natives in controlled areas c. the responsibility of helping uneducated natives establish their

own governments

_______ 91

d. the responsibility of protecting natives in foreign lands from imperialistic nations

Indicator - USHC - 6.1

The political cartoon shown above is making a statement about the United States following which historic event? a. the Spanish-American War b. the opening of the Panama Canal c. World War I

_______ 92

d. the "Scramble for Africa"

The 1898 political cartoon shown above is saying which of the following is "10,000 miles from tip to tip"? a. the trading limits of the United States b. the imperialist empire of the United States c. the geographical borders of the continental United States

_______ 93

d. the military deployment of the United States

Indicator - USHC - 6.2

Headlines like the one above helped rally people in the United States to support the Spanish-American War. These outrageous headlines were a typical feature of which of the following? a. Editorialism b. Yellow Journalism c. Muckraking

_______ 94

d. Investigative Reporting

Upon reading headlines like the one above, the majority of the American public had which of the following opinions regarding the sinking of the battleship "Maine"? a. "Now the United States has a reason to attack the cruel

Spanish imperialists in Cuba." b. "The United States Navy is now weaker because it has lost

its newest and most advanced battleship." c. "The United States must make peace with the Spanish

imperialists before the violence increases."

_______ 95

d. "The United States no longer has a way to defend itself against a Spanish attack on the American mainland."

Indicator - USHC - 6.2

In the early 1900s, the United States adopted an "isolationist" form of diplomacy. This can best be summed up by which of the following? a. increased foreign trade and foreign negotiations b. a reduction in the size of the federal government c. limited interaction with other nations

_______ 96

d. aggressive colonization on other colonies

Which of the following quotes best summarizes the diplomatic policies of President Woodrow Wilson? a. “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” b. “It's better to lead by example than to interfere with others.” c. “Don’t underestimate the power of a dollar.”

_______ 97

d. “Speak softly and carry a big stick.”

President Theodore Roosevelt's views on which of the following are demonstrated in the above cartoon? a. educational reform b. foreign policy c. big business

_______ 98

d. immigration

The above cartoon shows a popular form of foreign policy in the United States during the early 1900s known as “Big Stick Diplomacy.” In order for this policy to be effective, other nations had to what? a. be a military ally of the United States b. have representation in the United States government c. respect the strength of the United States

_______ 99

d. owe a debt to the United States

Indicator - USHC - 6.3

The end of the poem says that Germany "hadn't a chance." Which of the following nations suffered the most casualties in their efforts to stop the German Army? a. France and Russia b. Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire c. Switzerland and Norway

_______ 100

d. Britain and the United States

The poem above reflected the views of many Americans during World War I. According to the poem, the war was largely the result of what? a. the inability of France to defend itself b. the ambitiousness of Germany to expand its Empire c. the refusal of the allied nations to recognize the German Empire

_______ 101

d. Kaiser Wilhelm's desire to become ruler of Germany

Indicator - USHC - 6.4

President Woodrow Wilson's support of the League of Nations was an effort to take which of the following to an international level? a. Imperialism b. Progressivism c. Isolationism

_______ 102

d. Environmentalism

Formed after World War I, the goal and structure of the League of Nations can best be compared to what modern organization? a. International Monetary Fund (IMF) b. United Nations (UN) c. Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

_______ 103

d. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Indicator - USHC - 6.4

Which of the following best explains why automobile dealers advertised more in the 1920s than they ever had before? a. there was a surplus supply of automobiles b. there was a shortage of automobiles c. there was a large number of automobile manufacturers

_______ 104

d. there was a larger number of automobile consumers

Prior to the 1920s, few automobiles were sold in the rural areas of the United States. Aside from the high cost, which of these is the most likely reason why the automobile was not practical in rural areas at the time? a. there was a lack of infrastructure (paved roads, gas stations, etc.) b. travel was heavily regulated by the government c. the people had strong traditional values and rejected change

_______ 105

d. faster transportation wasn't important in the agrarian economy

Indicator - USHC - 7.1

Improvements in mass production and distribution during the 1920s made it possible for the developers of the products listed above to do which of the following? a. protect their ideas b. avoid competition c. increase prices

_______ 106

d. make a profit

During the 1920s, many people were spending their money on items such as aerosol spray, pre-sliced bread, and electric shavers. These purchases suggest which of the following about the decade? a. people had more disposable income b. consumer prices were extremely low c. the economy was stagnant

_______ 107

d. businesses were heavily regulated by the government

Indicator - USHC - 7.1

Throughout the 20th century, "Variety" magazine (shown above) reported on the latest developments in movies, music, and theater. Which of the following is chiefly responsible for the booming entertainment industry during the 1920s? a. the thriving economic conditions in America b. new innovations in music and movies c. the rising political power of Hollywood

_______ 108

d. attempted censorship by the government

In the bottom center of the page above, there is a small headline that says "Geo. O'Brien may be 1st 'Talker' ". What does this mean? a. He is going to be the first actor to make the transition from silent films to sound

films. b. He is going to act in a movie using only gestures instead of words. c. He is going to spoil the plot of his movie by speaking to reporters before its


_______ 109

d. He is going to break the traditional belief that all movies are musicals by adding dialogue.

Indicator - USHC - 7.2

As a successful author of the 1930s, Zora Neale Hurston is associated with the Harlem Renaissance because her works focused on which of the following topics? a. African American folklore b. an African American utopian society c. the role of African Americans in the future of the United States

_______ 110

d. complete segregation of African Americans and the white population

Zora Neale Hurston (shown above) was a central figure of the Harlem Renaissance, which is best defined by which of the following? a. a federally funded program designed to raise the standard of living for

African Americans b. a flourishing of culture within African American communities c. a rise of industrial innovation prompted by African American entrepreneurs

_______ 111

d. a rebellion by the African American community against traditional "white" values

Indicator - USHC - 7.2

The picture above shows Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti handcuffed together during there sensational trial in the 1920s. Which of the following viewpoints would most likely be expressed by a person hoping for a "guilty" verdict in the Sacco and Vanzetti trial? a. "Immigrants are dangerous to the security of the United States." b. "The problems of poor Americans are caused by 'Big Business' and

greedy capitalists." c. "Government officials abuse their power by infringing on the rights of the

American people."

_______ 112

d. "The Constitution of the United States cannot be threatened by outside forces."

The first "Red Scare" in America ended during the early 1920s. At that time, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti (shown above handcuffed together) were accused of murder. Considering the time period, what characteristic of the two men made their ensuing trial so controversial? a. they were Italian-born b. they were union workers c. they were anarchists

_______ 113

d. they were pacifists

Indicator - USHC - 7.3

When the above cartoon was drawn, women could not vote in federal elections. In order for women to be guaranteed the right to vote, which of the following had to occur? a. the Constitution had to be rewritten b. the Constitution had to be interpreted by the Supreme Court c. the Constitution had to be amended

_______ 114

d. the Constitution had to be overturned by popular vote

Drawn in 1916, the man in the above cartoon obviously believes which of the following would be best concerning voting rights in America? a. universal suffrage b. private ballots c. limited suffrage

_______ 115

d. poll taxes

Indicator - USHC - 7.3

According to the above cartoon, which of the following groups suffered the most during the Great Depression? a. government workers b. academic workers c. hourly workers

_______ 116

d. business owners

Which of the following best describes what the artist was trying to accomplish by drawing the above cartoon? a. he wanted to lift the morale of the American people during

the Great Depression b. he wanted to highlight the economic problems of the Great

Depression c. he wanted to encourage "Big Business" to take action

during the Great Depression

_______ 117

d. he wanted to criticize the typical American worker for prolonging the Great Depression

Indicator - USHC - 7.4

In the above speech, Franklin Roosevelt is announcing his "New Deal". During the presidential campaign, Roosevelt's New Deal was often criticized for what reason? a. it increased the power of the federal government b. it offered tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans c. it decreased the number of jobs for unskilled workers

_______ 118

d. it relied on private businesses to create new jobs

As Franklin Roosevelt accepted his nomination as the 1932 Democratic presidential candidate, he stated, "This is more than a political campaign; it is a call to arms." What was he saying that the American people were fighting against? a. the rise of the NAZI party in Germany b. the Great Depression c. Big Business

_______ 119

d. the New Deal

Indicator - USHC - 7.4

Shown above is a recruitment poster for the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Great Depression. Formed under the New Deal, the CCC can best be described as what? a. an international peacekeeping program b. a work relief program c. a budget reduction program

_______ 120

d. an industrial support program

Which of the following correctly identifies when the Civilian Conservation Corps was created? a. soon after Franklin Roosevelt was inaugurated as president b. soon after the crash of the New York Stock Exchange c. soon after Franklin Roosevelt gave his final "fireside chat"

_______ 121

d. soon after the launch of the Second New Deal

Indicator - USHC - 7.5

On the day that the above headline appeared (December 8, 1941), President Franklin Roosevelt delivered which of the following famous quotations? a. "There is nothing to fear but fear itself…" b. "I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal…" c. "A date which live in infamy…"

_______ 122

d. "More than an end to war, we want an end to the beginnings of all war…"

Which of the following is true about the United States in the days prior to the above headline, which is announcing the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941)? a. The United States was not at war with Germany nor Japan. b. The United States was at war with Germany, but not Japan. c. The United States was at war with both Germany and Japan.

_______ 123

d. The United States was at war with Japan, but not Germany.

Indicator - USHC - 8.1

The timeline above shows that in a period of two decades, powerful European countries were taken over by men such as Lenin, Mussolini, and Hitler. Which of the following best explains how Russia, Italy, and Germany came under the control of such ruthless leaders? a. the leaders were placed into power by the Allied forces following World War I b. the leaders seized power even though the majority of the people did not

support them c. the leaders took advantage of the instability in the countries and of the people's

need for someone to be in charge

_______ 124

d. the leaders started out as fair and just, but changed tactics once they got into power

Following the Munich Conference (September 29, 1938), British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain returned to England and made the comment, "I believe that it is peace for our time." Which of the following best describes Chamberlain's outlook on Germany following the agreement? a. he was preparing Britain to launch a secret attack on Germany b. he overestimated the danger of Adolph Hitler c. he was fooled by Adolph Hitler's empty promises

_______ 125

d. he did not respect the power of the German army

Indicator - USHC - 8.1

Which of the following describes the D-Day operation outlined by the above map? a. a "hold-the-ground" defensive b. a carefully designed withdrawal c. a spur-of-the-moment retaliation

_______ 126

d. a strategically planned offensive

The gray lines on the above map show the movement of Allied troops into Normandy on D-Day. Which of the following explains why it was so important for the troops to make a successful landing at Normandy? a. it gave the Allied troops a foothold in Europe b. it prevented the Axis troops from expanding the war beyond Europe c. it kept the Axis troops fighting on the ground so that they couldn't take

advantage of their superior air force and navy

_______ 127

d. it secured the Allied retreat from German attacks in Britain

Indicator - USHC - 8.2

At the Yalta Conference, it was decided that Germany would be split into four occupied zones. Three of the zones would be controlled by Allied nations represented at the conference (United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union), and the fourth zone would be controlled by which country? a. Sweden b. Mexico c. France

_______ 128

d. Belgium

At the Yalta Conference, the Allied leaders agreed that the war in Europe would end only if which of the following took place? a. Germany elected a Democratic leader b. Germany and Japan ended their alliance c. Germany agreed to an unconditional surrender

_______ 129

d. Adolph Hitler resigned as the leader of the Nazi party

Indicator - USHC - 8.2

The poster above and the character of the "Rosie the Riveter" were both designed to address which of the following? a. foreign relation problems during World War II b. military recruitment problems during World War II c. domestic economic problems during World War II

_______ 130

d. military intelligence during World War II

The "Rosie the Riveter" campaign (shown above) helped recruit thousands of women into the workforce during World War II. It also gave a tremendous boost to which movement following the war? a. progressive movement b. unionized labor movement c. feminist movement

_______ 131

d. women's suffrage movement

Indicator - USHC - 8.3

Which of the following gives the most common cost of War Savings Stamps (advertised on the poster above) sold during World War I? a. around $100.00 b. over $1,000.00 c. the stamps were free

_______ 132

d. less than $1.00

During World War II, what was the intended goal of the poster shown above? a. to raise money for the war effort b. to recruit women into the workforce c. to bring a faster end to the war

_______ 133

d. to recruit women into the military

Indicator - USHC - 8.3

As tensions started to rise in the late 1930s, many Jewish men moved their families in order to escape the coming Holocaust. Which of the following moves would provide the most safety for a Jewish family of the time? a. from Western Europe to Eastern Europe b. from Eastern Europe to the United Kingdom c. from the United Kingdom to Russia

_______ 134

d. from Scandinavia to Central Europe

As millions of Jewish people were being murdered during the Holocaust, only a few were able to find safety in the United States. Why was this the case? a. There were plenty of safe havens for Jews to go to in parts of Europe

controlled by Axis forces. b. The Jews in Europe were not aware that they were in any danger after

Hitler came to power in Germany. c. The United States refused to let refugees from the Holocaust into the

country while the war was being fought.

_______ 135

d. It was very difficult and expensive for a civilian to travel from war-torn Europe to the United States during World War II.

Indicator - USHC - 8.4

World War II cost the United States millions of lives and billions of dollars. However, the United States continued to spend money through the Marshall Plan after the war. The central theme of this plan was what? a. reimbursement b. retaliation c. retribution

_______ 136

d. rebuilding

Following World War II, the Soviet Union wanted Germany to pay to repair the country because the Germans had started the war and were guilty of a number of war crimes. However, the Marshall Plan took an opposite approach, placing the burden of cost on the United States. Which statement explains the logic in doing this? a. "The United States owes a debt to Europe because no fighting took place in

America." b. "Getting things back to normal is more important than holding a grudge." c. "It is better to make the guilty pay over a long period of time than all at once."

_______ 137

d. "The United States has an opportunity to shape Europe in a way that better suits the American people."

Indicator - USHC - 8.4

A company that produces tanks during World War II must find a way to utilize their technology for post-war production. If that company becomes successful selling rock blasting or demolition supplies, it most likely took advantage of what innovation from the war-time tank? a. the quick-fire munitions b. the internal engine c. the heavily-armored frame

_______ 138

d. the track-and-wheel system

Following World War II, private companies that produced weapons such as tanks used the technology for a peaceful means (i.e. all-terrain vehicles, tractors, etc.). What was the main motivation for companies to do this? a. they were required by the government to find a peaceful alternative for all

weapons b. they wanted to be considered for future defense contracts by the

government c. they wanted to earn a profit from resources and efforts that had been

focused on the war

_______ 139

d. they wanted to distance themselves from any work that had been performed during the war

Indicator - USHC - 8.5

During war time, factories in the United States had to come up with faster ways to produce tanks, guns, airplanes, and other supplies for the military. These techniques helped improve production even after the war. Which of the above categories explains this type of innovation? a. Industrial b. Communications and Intelligence c. Weaponry

_______ 140

d. Logistical Support

In order for the innovations made during World War II to be profitable after the war, they must do which of the following? a. be approved by the United States government for peacetime production b. be inexpensive for private companies to manufacture c. remain in a surplus supply following the war

_______ 141

d. fit the needs of consumers during peacetime

Indicator - USHC - 8.5

In the short-run, an increasing amount of "shopaholics" has what impact on the American economy? a. it can stimulate the economy b. it can stagnate the economy c. it can lead to diminished demand

_______ 142

d. it can lead to surplus supply

The woman in the above cartoon is obviously a "victim" of which of the following developments in post-war United States? a. the secularization of society b. the emergence of a consumer culture c. the acceptance of women into the workforce

_______ 143

d. the expansion of suburbanization

Indicator - USHC - 9.1

Which of the following gives the best definition for the term "Suburb"? a. a residential area located in an area that is primarily used for business or

manufacturing b. a residential district located with a densely populated city c. a residential area located in a scarcely populated rural area

_______ 144

d. a residential district located on the outskirts of a densely populated city

A typical man or woman leaving a house in the suburbs to go to work would most likely make which of the following statements? a. "I'd better get going if I want to walk downtown and catch the subway." b. "I'd better get going if I want to beat rush-hour traffic heading into the city."c. "I'd better get going if I want to catch a taxi before everyone else in the city

wakes up."

_______ 145

d. "I'd better get going if I want to start plowing the fields before sunrise."

Indicator - USHC - 9.1

In the quotation above, Dwight Eisenhower is comparing the post-war world to a row of dominoes. In his analogy, the dominoes represent vulnerable countries throughout the world. What is he saying will knock them down? a. nuclear weapons b. the communist Soviet Union c. the Vietcong

_______ 146

d. Cuban rebels

In order to keep countries from being "knocked down" like a row of dominoes, the United States adopted what policy during the second half of the 20th century? a. the Great Society b. Isolationism c. McCarthyism

_______ 147

d. Containment

Which of the following best describes the Bay of Pigs operation that took place in Cuba in April 1961? a. a victory for those who supported the containment policy in the fight against

communism b. an embarrassment to the United States and the Kennedy administration c. an embarrassment to the communist government of the Soviet Union

_______ 148

d. a victory for Cuban exiles in the United States hoping to return to their native country

Robert F. Kennedy (brother of John F. Kennedy) wrote a memoir entitled "Thirteen Days." The memoir centered around the nation of Cuba and a tense two-week period in October 1962. What is the topic of "Thirteen Days"? a. the Cuban Missile Crisis b. the Bay of Pigs invasion c. the embargo of Cuba

_______ 149

d. Fidel Castro's rise to power in the Cuban Revolution

Indicator - USHC - 9.2

The Tet Offensive was a major offensive by the North Vietnamese Army and Vietcong forces during the Vietnam War. Which of the following correctly identifies American involvement in the war when the Tet Offensive took place? a. the United States had not yet sent over a significant number of troops to Vietnam b. the United States had the highest number of troops serving in Vietnam at the time c. the United States had no troops in Vietnam, but sent troops in after the attack

_______ 150

d. the United States was in the process of withdrawing troops, and only a few remained in the country

The vast withdrawal of troops from Vietnam during the early 1970s can be largely attributed to which of the following? a. the training of the South Vietnamese Army to successfully defend itself b. the surrender of the North Vietnamese Army c. the need of the military to focus on violent conflicts in other parts of the world

_______ 151

d. the American public's distaste for the war

Indicator - USHC - 9.3

Which of the following gives the best definition for the "Hippie Movement" that is being highlighted on the cover of Time Magazine in 1967? a. a group of aspiring musicians and artists whose work primarily

focused on the turmoil of the Vietnam War b. a youth movement that consisted of the majority of young Americans

who were eligible to be drafted to fight in the Vietnam War c. a religious group focused on ending the Vietnam War because it

conflicted with their pacifist beliefs

_______ 152

d. a counterculture that defined itself by breaking from the norms of society and protesting the Vietnam War

In many cases, soldiers like the one on the left were a part of the "Hippie Movement" only a few months before they joined the military. Which of the following explains the most likely scenario for this sudden transition? a. a "Hippie," like all men between the ages of 18 and 28, was required

to serve in the Army during the Vietnam War b. a "Hippie" might be randomly drafted into the military and have a legal

obligation to serve c. a "Hippie" might feel that he had a moral obligation to serve in the


_______ 153

d. a "Hippie" might feel that the South Vietnamese people had to be defended from the more powerful North Vietnamese Army

Indicator - USHC - 9.3

In the second half of the 20th century, how did the existence of the United Nations change the way that the United States dealt with international issues such as China and the Middle East? a. the United States had to coordinate its foreign policy with other nations in

order to gain support from the United Nations b. the United States had to allow the United Nations to supervise all of its

foreign policy efforts c. the United States had to recognize the leadership of the United Nations over

its own president

_______ 154

d. the United States had to employ the foreign policy practices of the United Nations

Like the domestic policies of Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, the international policies of the United Nations can most closely be associated with what early 20th century concept? a. Lassez faire b. Conservatism c. Progressivism

_______ 155

d. Isolationism

Indicator - USHC - 9.4

Which of the following correctly identifies the most effective way that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) helps protect the environment? a. by recognizing and awarding people and institutions who

excel in their environmental practices b. by regulating environmental practices and enforcing those

regulations c. by outlining curriculums to insure that proper environmental

practices are taught at academic institutions

_______ 156

d. by offering subsidies and financial assistance to help people and institutions improve their environmental practices

Shown above is the Mission Statement for the Environmental Protection Agency. The creation of this organization was a cornerstone for which of the following? a. Gerald Ford's "Conservative" domestic policies b. Lyndon B. Johnson's "Great Society" domestic policy c. Richard Nixon's "Centrist" domestic policy

_______ 157

d. John F. Kennedy's "New Frontier" domestic policy

Indicator - USHC - 9.4

The map above shows the United States prior to the Brown vs. Board of Education Supreme Court case. Which of the following is true about the states east of the Mississippi River? a. most northern states prohibited segregation, but most southern states enforced it b. the majority of the states had no legislation dealing with segregation c. the majority of the states enforced segregation or at least made it optional

_______ 158

d. most northern states supported segregation, but most southern states prohibited it

According to the map above, the states where a high percentage of the population were African Americans held what position on segregation prior to 1954? a. they prohibited segregation b. they required segregation c. they had no legislation dealing with segregation

_______ 159

d. they let the African American population decide on the issue of segregation

Indicator - USHC - 9.5

Organized by Martin Luther King, Jr., the 1963 March on Washington can best be described as what? a. union strike b. civil disobedience c. economic boycott

_______ 160

d. peaceful protest

The rally at which the above signs appeared was organized to end which era in American history? a. Populist Era b. Jim Crow Era c. Harlem Renaissance

_______ 161

d. Universal Suffrage Movement

Indicator - USHC - 9.5

A map showing the deployment of the United States military around the world (shown above) can be used as a good indicator to tell which of the following? a. the regions of the world where the United States has the strongest allies b. the regions of the world where the most populated nations are found c. the regions of the world where the United States has foreign policy concerns

_______ 162

d. the regions of the world where nations have the largest and most powerful militaries

The map above shows the deployment of the United States military during the early 21st century. If the map was drawn in the late 1900s, there would probably be more American troops deployed in what areas of the world? a. the Far East b. the Middle East c. Africa

_______ 163

d. Europe

Indicator - USHC - 10.1

The above pictures show the destruction of the Twin Towers on September 11th. Which of the following describes the changes in America's foreign policy immediately following that event? a. The United States immediately pulled all of its military troops out of nations

that support terrorism. b. The United States immediately took an isolationist approach to foreign

policy. c. The United States immediately turned its military forces over to the United


_______ 164

d. The United States immediately shifted its foreign policy efforts to the Middle East.

The pictures above are a daunting example of what problem currently facing the United States? a. the dangers of new technology b. the rise of global terrorism c. the paranoia created by mass media

_______ 165

d. the vulnerability of the global economy

Indicator - USHC - 10.1

The above cartoon shows that it takes a 21st-century businessman "about five minutes" to conduct international business. If the same man was trying to conduct international business at the start of the 20th century, why might he have a harder time? a. the restrictions on overseas trade were much higher b. the disposable income of consumers was much lower c. the ease and speed of global communication was not as great

_______ 166

d. the competition among foreign countries was much higher

The man in the above cartoon is obviously an international businessman. However, if the merchandise he is selling is produced and sold in the United States, then he is contributing to which of the following? a. the National Debt b. the Federal Budget c. the Gross Domestic Product

_______ 167

d. the National Deficit

Indicator - USHC - 10.2

By looking at the above graph, it is logical that which of the following occurred in 1982? a. a major tax cut for businesses b. a "boom" in computer technology c. a sudden rise in the Gross Domestic Product

_______ 168

d. an economic recession

Which of the following best describes the state of the economy a decade after the end of World War II (in 1955) compared with the economy a decade prior to the end of the war (in 1935)? a. the unemployment rate was the same, but most workers

shifted from agriculture to industry b. the economy was stronger all around with a significantly

lower percentage of unemployed workers c. the unemployment rate was the same, but most workers

shifted from industry to agriculture

_______ 169

d. the economy was weaker all around with a significantly higher percentage of unemployed workers

Indicator - USHC - 10.2

Answer Key For "U.S. History & Constitution" 1. c

2. c

3. a

4. b

5. c

6. a

7. b

8. c

9. b

10. d

11. d

12. a

13. a

14. c

15. a

16. d

17. b

18. c

19. d

20. a

21. d

22. c

23. d

24. b

25. d

26. c

27. a

28. b

29. d

30. a

31. c

32. a

33. d

34. d

35. b

36. c

37. b

38. d

39. d

40. b

41. d

42. a

43. b

44. a

45. a

46. a

47. a

48. b

49. a

50. c

51. d

52. c

53. b

54. b

55. d

56. b

57. a

58. b

59. c

60. d

61. b

62. b

63. c

64. a

65. b

66. b

67. a

68. a

69. a

70. a

71. d

72. c

73. b

74. b

75. a

76. a

77. c

78. c

79. b

80. d

81. c

82. a

83. a

84. b

85. d

86. c

87. a

88. b

89. c

90. c

91. b

92. a

93. b

94. b

95. a

96. c

97. b

98. b

99. c

100. a

101. b

102. b

103. b

104. d

105. a

106. d

107. a

108. a

109. a

110. a

111. b

112. a

113. c

114. c

115. c

116. c

117. b

118. a

119. b

120. b

121. a

122. c

123. a

124. c

125. c

126. d

127. a

128. c

129. c

130. c

131. c

132. d

133. a

134. b

135. d

136. d

137. b

138. a

139. c

140. a

141. d

142. a

143. b

144. d

145. b

146. b

147. d

148. b

149. a

150. b

151. d

152. d

153. b

154. a

155. c

156. b

157. c

158. a

159. b

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169. b

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