unit 1 lesson 4 babylonia israel and assyria jeopardy

Post on 09-Jan-2017






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Babylonia Israel Assyria

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Babylonia, Israel, and Assyria

A written collection of laws


What major discoveries did the Chaldeans make?

Astronomy followed movements of the planets, made maps of stars,

and learned to create an accurate calendar

The main reason that we have information about the early history

of Israel

The Israelites wrote it down in the Hebrew Bible

What did Assyrian’s use to help control their

empire and why was it so useful?

Roads- to help soldiers get around more easily and it would increase

the empire’s wealth by trading

The Assyrians had an advantage over other ancient nations due what advances?

-iron weapons- tunnels

- battering rams- horse-drawn chariots for battle- an expertise with the bow and


A special agreement


The study of the stars and planets


Although Hammurabi’s code of laws was very harsh, what was one

positive aspect of it?

It protected the weak from the powerful

Since there were many cities within Hammaurabi’s empire, how did Hammurabi’s code affect the


Daily Double

All of the cities in the empire had to live under the same laws.

Why did Moses have to lead the Israelites out of Egypt?

Egyptians had enslaved them

The belief in only one god


What was the most important document that came out of the covenant made between god

and Moses?

A set of laws- the Torah included the 10 commandments

How did the Jews spread their beliefs and ideas to others?

They copied the Hebrew Bible into Greek

Name at least one similarity and two differences between the early

nation of Israel and Babylonia

Israelites and Babylonians both had written codes of law. Both were created because of


Israel- Israelites believed that god made a covenant, or agreement with Moses. They also

believed in monotheism which is the belief in one god.

Babylon- Babylonians had Hammurabi’s Code of Laws which was a written collection of 282 laws that were very harsh. They believed in

more than one god.

What did the Assyrians do when they conquered the northern

kingdom of Israel, which was later reverted by Cyrus the Great?

Scattered many Israelites across their empire.

Cyrus the Great allowed the Jews who had been prisoners in Babylon

to return to their homeland

What about Hammurabi made him so different from rulers before him?

He established a system of laws in his empire and he wrote down all of those laws so that everyone could

read them.

What was positive about the Code of Hammurabi?

It protected the weaker people form the more powerful people

and even the king had to abide by the


How did the Hammurabi and his rules affect people, especially

criminals, in Babylon?

Criminal behavior decreased because people feared

Hammurabi’s consequences

If the Chaldeans were so successful in taking over

Mesopotamia, why was the empire struggling after a short while?

The Chaldeans built beautiful building projects that were very

expensive which caused people to starve because there was not

enough food.

Why did the Assyrian empire eventually fall if the Assyrian kings

were able to build such a strong and successful empire at the


The people being ruled hated the Assyrian kings and rebelled.

How was the religion of the Israelites different from other

beliefs in Mesopotamia?

The Israelites were monothestists and believe in only one god.

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