understanding your esl students

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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  • Presented by: Carinne KarlickGopu KironKevin Jones

  • It is important to understand the terminology and acronyms associated with ESL. Many of these terms are misused or improperly used interchangeably. ESL-English as a Second LanguageELL-English Language LearnerL1- First LanguageL2-Second Language or Target LanguageLEP- Limited English ProficiencyNEP- Non-English ProficientNES- Non English SpeakingNNS- Non-Native SpeakerSLA- Second Language Acquisition

  • Realia- props or other physical items which are used to increase the realism of role plays. Ex: menus, contracts, forms, pictures, tickets, schedules, souvenirs, advertisements and articles costumes.Affective Filter- is an imaginary wall that is placed between a learner and language input. If the filter is on, the learner is blocking out input. The filter turns on when anxiety is high, self-esteem is low, or motivation is low. Therefore, low anxiety classes are better for language acquisition. Interlanguage- is the language a learner uses before mastering the L2. Interlanguage may contain features of the L1 and the L2. Culture- is a collection of the beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, habits and customs of a group of people. It is highly recommended that teachers research their students cultures.

  • BICS- Basic Interpersonal Communication SkillsLanguage skills in social situations usually developed between 6 months and 2 years after arrival in the U.S. CALP- Cognitive Academic Language ProficiencyFormal academic learning involving listening, speaking, reading and writing. Proficiency takes on average 5 to 7 years!Teachers must understand that good social English (BICS) does not indicate academic proficiency in the language (CALP).

  • WIDA stands for World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment. Your ELLs will be assessed in a number of ways. The WIDA website offers teachers resources such as:The CAN DO descriptors which are used by teachers to differentiate instruction for ELLs. They can also be used to plan lessons or observe students' progress.The English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards

  • ACCESS for ELLs: is the WIDA Consortium's secure, No Child Left Behind-compliant, assessment of English language proficiency.W-APT: is WIDA's original placement test used to identify and place students in program support.Alternate ACCESS for ELLs: is an impartial English language proficiency assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities. WIDA MODEL: is a kit used to assess of English language proficiency that can be used as a benchmark assessment once or twice during the school year to student monitor growth.

  • These are suggestionsit is imperative that you understand your students levels and refer to the CANDO descriptors to guide you. Do not use true and false questions.Do limit multiple choice options to 2 or 3.Do not as questions such as: Which of these is NOT and example of..?Do not give All of the Above None of the Above Both A and B etc. as multiple choice options.Do provide pictures, allow students to point, and/or read aloud test questions and choices. Do give extended time.Do consider culture when teaching and assessing.Do use grade level appropriate materials.

  • Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964Prohibits discrimination on basis of race, color, or national originDepartment of Education expanded this through May 25, 1970 Memorandumwhere inability to speak and understand the English language excludes national-origin-minority group children from effective participation in the educational program offered by a school district, the district must take affirmative steps to rectify the language deficiency in order to open the instructional program to the students.

  • Details about the Memorandum:Students should not be deprived of a strong educational experience because of a poor command of the English language.Special education is not an appropriate setting for minority students who struggle with English.The primary goal of ESL programs is to transition the student to learning in English

  • Have a district policy for identifying students as potential ELLsHave a process for gauging the level of ESL support a student needsHave ESL experts in the district who can develop effective programsHave the necessary staff, materials, and facilities required for effective programs.Have a plan to transition students out of the program as skills improveHave a review process for improving the ESL program periodically

  • Co-TeachingSituation when general education and special education teachers work together to instruct students of all levels of abilityOften found to be associated with other educational models like:InclusionClassrooms featuring both general education and special education studentsDifferentiated InstructionTeachers creating lesson plans that are tailored to each students ability level

  • These models are adapted from a presentation

    by L. Feligno and D. StathopoulosThere are many different ways that a general education teacher and a special education teacher can work together

    One Teaching/One ObservingOne Teaching/One CirculatingStation/Center TeachingParallel Teaching/Split ClassLarge Group/Small Group Pull OutTeam Teaching

  • Station/Center TeachingStudents would rotate from one station to another, so that each instructor manages one group of studentsParallel Teaching/Split ClassThe model where general education students are taught by the general education teacher,

    while ESL students are taught by the ESLteacher in the same class.Both teachers collaborate to

    provide the same lesson plan.

  • Large Group/Small Group Pull OutThe second instructor would work with a small group of students who are having trouble understanding a given topic. This saves valuable time in the classroom.Team TeachingWhen both teachers teach a class together. It is important that both instructors have similar

    teaching styles.Helps to balance strengths and weaknesses

  • Social and Instructional language

    English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting

  • Language of Language ArtsEnglish language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social Studies

  • Standard of Mathematics

    English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Mathematics

  • Language of ScienceEnglish language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science

  • Language of Social StudiesEnglish language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social Studies.

  • Association of Mexican American Educators(AMAE)

    advises state/local boards and legislators, administrators and faculty

    The National Association for Bilingual Education

    representing both English language learners and bilingual education professionals.

    National Association for Multicultural Education

    variety of resources, multicultural education research and policy information.

    National Capital Language Resource Center

    offers online lesson plans and publications.

  • National Council for Teachers of English

    forum for the profession

    Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).

    ensuring quality education for English language learners.

    American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators of Foreign Language Programs (AAUSC)

    for language program coordinators.

    American Classical League (ACL).

    information and links of interest to teachers and students of Latin and Greek.

  • For more information about terminologyPHP Directory. (2009). ESL glossary and acronyms. Retrieved from: http://thelanguagedirectory.com/articles/esl-glossary-and-acronyms-4.htmlWikipedia. (2012). Glossary of language education terms. Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_language-teaching_terms_and_ideasFor more information about legal responsibilitiesDeveloping programs for english language learners: Legal background. (2005, March 16). Retrieved from http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/ell/legal.html What legal obligations do schools have to english language learners. (2006). Retrieved from http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/faqs/view/6

  • For more information about co-teaching:Feligno, L., & Stathopoulos, D. (n.d.). Collaborative co-teaching concepts. Retrieved from http://www-pub.naz.edu:9000/~include/pdfs/poster/Collaborative Co-Teaching Models.pdf

    For more information about assessmentWIDA Consortium. (2011). Assessment. Retrieved from: http://www.wida.us/index.aspx

  • For more information about professional organizations:Levine, Marty. (2002). Retrieved from: http://www.csun.edu/~hcedu013/eslprof.htmlLiteracyworks. Retrieved from http://literacynet.org/esl/organizations.htmlTESOL. (2011). Retrieved from: http://www.tesol.org/Weta. (2011). Colorin colorado. Retrieved from: http://www.colorincolorado.org/web_resources/by_type_of_organization/professional_organizations/

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